
Music and Glimmer: Keep your eyes wide open

by DJ Fluttershy yay


Keep your eyes wide open Clare.

    We are about to be launched into battle. Me, Sunny Day, Spike, My 16 year old son Brony, My 12 year old daughter Clare, and Fluttershy's Father.

Rules for battle:

1.if you run away they target you first.

2.don't die.

We are shooting fire balls at the changelings. Luna turned us into humans. I kill the changelings with no mercy. My main target is doctor changeling. He killed Fluttershy.  Armies of changelings start barreling at us. Clare ran away. "CLARE!" I yelled. The changelings shot her.

"Please sing to me." Clare said.

"Keep your eyes wide open.

If you close them you lose your

loved ones.

Keep your eyes wide open.

This world is so mean.

When you escape.

It pulls you back in.

I sung softly. She wont close your eyes.

"I love you Mommy." Clare said.

"I love you too."  I said. She stopped breathing.

"MY LITTLE SISTER." Brony yelled. "I LOVE YOU." He yelled. He ran to the changelings and stabbed 5 of the changelings with his spear. The rest of the changelings ran away from him. "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR KILLING MY LITTLE SISTER!" He yelled.

"Calm down Brony." I whispered.

"Yes mom." He said. It started storming really badly.

"Run to the tent!" Sunny Day yelled. We all ran to the tent so we wouldn't have to stay in the rain. Brony dragged Clare's body to the tent. He decorated her body in flowers.

"You okay honey?" I asked.

"Yes, It's just that she was too young." He paused. "Too kind." He paused again. "You tried to save her." He paused one last time. "Your a good mom." He finished.

"Thanks." I said. Spike fell asleep. "Goodnight Spike." I said.




"RUN MOM!" Brony yelled. He kept trying to stab changelings with is spear. I looked at him like he was crazy. "RUN! NOW!" He yelled. I bolted as fast as I can. I ran into Clare.

"CLARE!" I yelled. Clare Hissed at me and became a changeling. I shot the changeling through the heart and it died. I Kept running to Canterlot. I'm weak, tired, hungry, and dehydrated. I stopped running and fainted. I woke up in a hospital in Canterlot.

"You have failed your mission." Luna said.

"I have?" I asked.

"You shall lose your childeren." Luna said.

"NO!" I yelled. "LET ME KEEP MY CHILDREN!" I yelled.

I woke up and realized it was just a dream.

we are losing

  In the 6 days we've been killing changelings we've found out they hate Brony. They target him every time. I saved his life by shooting most of the changelings that attack him. My gun is out of ammo so i'm using a bow i have 82 arrows left I also use throwing knifes. Our food is almost out. Fluttershy's Dad and Clare are dead, leaving me, Spike, Brony, and Sunny Day to fight off the changelings. We have one large bottle of water left. We are waiting for Luna to send us one package filled with food, weapons, ammo, or even large bottles of water.

   We have one large water bottle, spike's sword, Brony's spear, My bow, 82 arrows, 30 throwing knifes, some fire wood , Sunny Day's berries she picked, half of a bird, and a piece of pork. We are trying to eat little so we will have food later on. But tomorrow Luna might send us something so we will finish the food that we have. We split all of the food into thirds. Everyone gets one third of each. We also finish the water. Finally we fall asleep.

   I wake up Early In the morning. Still no package It will come soon hopefully. I fell back asleep. BOOM! A fire ball was dropped on us. It scared us. "Run to the lake!" Brony yelled.  We are all on fire but we are on our way to the lake. We jump in the lake one by one. I saw basket filled with bread. There is a chicken right by the basket. I see three large bottles of water. Right by that was a blue berry bush. Next I see a box. I walk out of the lake and open it. Inside it is a new bow made from iron. The arrows were made of iron too.

"Take a look at these supplies!" I yelled. My friends took a look at the supplies. We picked them up and ran away.

Keep your eyes wide open then close them.

We ate some of the food they have given us. We are near changeling town. I will get revenge on them soon. I am happy that I got a better bow then the other wooden one I had. "Hey, I have a plan." Sunny day said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Okay so we set that tree house on fire then You and I will walk to the changeling town. We will only take the throwing knifes. Brony and Spike will take the Bow and arrows. Then I will leave you In changeling town so I can kill the Changelings near the tree house. Spike and Brony will guard the tree house. You aren't coming back Glimmer." Sunny day planned.

"Why?!" I yelled.

"Its the plan Glimmer." Sunny day said.

Spike kissed me on the lips for ten seconds and said. "Bye and I will always love you Glimmer."

"Bye, I will always love you too." I said then returned an even longer kiss.

"Lets go." Sunny day said. Me and Sunny day walked off.

"Come on we are almost there." Sunny day complained. "We're here." Sunny day said. Then she punched me on my head,  pushed me down then stabbed me in my back.

"Oww!" I yelled.

"Stay here." She whispered then bolted off into the woods.

"Glimmer!" Spike yelled.

"Spike." I whispered than walked of into the city not knowing where I was going. I hear screaming coming from the woods. "SPIKE!" I yelled then fell down. A helicopter picked me up and I looked down and saw panicking changelings everywhere. This is it I am dead.


  Queen Crysallis sat down right beside me and said. "I am your mother."

"What?" I asked.

"You are my baby. We all have been waiting for you." Queen Crysallis said. We hugged each other.

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