
The Conversion Bureau: The White Wall

by Bendy

Chapter 1: The White Wall

Deep in a underground bunker, littered with the mangled corpses of Ponies filled with bullet holes, a Human was held in mid air by a shinning yellow aura of magic. He was dressed in a orange hazmat suit.

Below him was Princess Celestia glaring angrily at the Human she held above her.

"It's over Human." the Human said nothing. "Do you have any last words?"

"Fuck you bitch!" he shouted.

"Surely, you have something better to say as the last Human?"

"It is pointless for me to say anything, for no one but you will remember it. Now, just kill me already."

"As you wish."

Her horn glowed brightly, followed by the Human's body being consumed by fire. She took one last look at the pile of ashes that was left of the Human and then turned around and walked away.

Elsewhere in Canterlot fireworks filled the sky, in the streets Ponies cheered and celebrated the demise of Humanity. However, in a small narrow window of Canterlot castle there was a purple Alicorn staring out the window. Tears fell down her cheeks knowing exactly what they were celebrating over.

Suddenly the ground shook violently, in response Ponies began screaming in panic. However, their screams were soon drowned out by the sheer noise of an explosion of blinding light that went off outside the city. Which was so loud it shattered the ear drums of almost everyone in the city. The Ponies looked on in terror as a massive white expanding sphere of nothing slowly made it's way towards Canterlot. The sphere was simply white and everything it touched was wiped away from existence.

On Earth the same strange anomaly had appeared in the North Pole. It too had slowly expanded and wiped everything way from existence.

Back on Equus Princess Celestia had appeared in a blinding flash of light before the white wall of death. She wasted no time to blast the sphere with powerful spells, but it only caused the sphere to expand slightly faster.

She turned to look at Canterlot castle and sighed. With no time to lose she flew off into the air toward Canterlot.

The sounds of dripping water and the squeaking of rats could be heard in the dungeons below Canterlot. The Alicorn Twilight Sparkle in her dark, damp cell had a small smile on her face as she watched out the window the white sphere slowly advance it's way toward Canterlot.

Behind the clip clop of hooves could be heard approaching.

"Twilight... began a gentle soft voice.

Twilight turned around with a nasty grin on her face.

"The irony is delicious isn't it? Princess Celestia, aka reaper of souls." Celestia simply stared at her in shock. "So Ponykind had destroyed the Human world with our wall of death, and now the same thing happens to us."

"You must help me! We can stop it!" she shouted.

"Hah, no! Let it happen, we deserve it."

"How could you say something like that?!" she shouted angrily.

"I have lost faith in my entire species. I'm glad this is happening! I hope you can finally see the irony of the situation."

"But this is different than Humanity!" she protested.

"How is it different? She then said sarcastically. "Oh, right! Silly me! How could I have forgotten?! We're the best species, so that gives us the right to wipe out a lesser species from existence."

"So, that's it then. You won't help?"

"No, I won't help you. Let the world burn."

Celestia stared down at the floor with tears falling down her face.

"Has Humanity really made you lose all faith in your own species?" she said in a low voice.

"No, you did!" she shouted glaring daggers at her. "What made me lose all faith in my kind was when you continued to wipe out the Human species, even as they were literally on their knees begging for mercy."


"What's even worse you enslaved the minds of your own people and made them take delight in committing horrible atrocities on the Humans."

"Atrocities? We were saving them!"

"You are truly an idiot if you think turning Humans into stupid obedient smiling Pony slaves counts as saving them."

"Then what would you have done?!"

"Hmm, let me think. Maybe not get involved with the affairs of other universes? I mean really, was it any of our business to visit Earth?"

"But we had to save them!"

"Okay, if I had to save them. I would still have the barrier on Earth just as a precaution, but I would never expand it."


"Because I would not want to become a world eating monster like you, you fat bitch!" she shouted.

"OK.... So what would you do?"

"Many good things to help Humanity, apart from 'saving them' in your way. At any rate this conversation is pointless."

"One last question Twilight."

"I'm listening."

"Why do you think this is happening?"

"My guess is that the Humans had created us with that wondrous imagination of theirs."

"So, the Humans were our Gods?"

"Yes. And without our Gods, we do not exist either."

The white sphere outside suddenly accelerated in speed, within minutes the world was consumed by the sphere, followed shortly by the entire universe fading away into plain white nothingness.

The universe in which the Humans lived also has suffered the same fate.

But even now it was not the end, for in other places across the vastness of the Multiverse, Humans and Ponies were together in peace.

The End

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