Yes, a LoHAV fic and yes, that is a black and red alicorn OC. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
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This is meant to be a (mostly) comedic take on the subject of a person ending up in Equestria as a red and black alicorn. Please read at least chapter one before down-voting into oblivion. Edited by DarkParable and Xanathar, so go check their stuff out.

I got this comment from Xanathar while being literately sick with a fever:

Don't worry. Looks like you are just a niche author.

Your writing is too confusing and smart for connoisseurs of red and black alicorns, but too esoteric and rough for high-brow crowd. For example, you still don't fixed seven improper uses of then in the second chapter of Rare Source. Every orthodox grammar nazi closed tab after second improper use. :derpytongue2:

Probably you never will be a popular author. Deal with it. I'll fain take you anytime than 99.9% of shit featured on the main page.

Then I thought: Challenge accepted! Muhahahahahahahahah!

The idea of this fic just kinda flowed from there. (The slip-up has been corrected, by the way.)

Onward towards this train-wreck of a idea that amused me while sick!

Don't expect frequent updates or this making sense. Tags updated as I write. For the League of Humans Acting Villainous

Pic made using Generalzoi's Pony Creator while laughing uncontrollably. Link in the pics source.

On Hiatus

27,059 words: Estimated 1 Hour, 49 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

4 Chapters:

  1. Chapter One - Yes, I Went There [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Mar 16th, 2014
  2. Chapter Two V3.2 - A Totally Normal Day For the Goddess of Darkness [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] May 13th, 2016
  3. Bonus Chapter One - Chapter Two Failed Try One [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Sep 30th, 2014
  4. Bonus Chapter Two - Chapter Two Failed Try Two [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Oct 1st, 2014
Published Mar 15th, 2014
Last Update Oct 1st, 2014


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