
I Am Anonymous

by nanayoung
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
Anon is many things. A traveler, a servant, a king, a scribe, a mechanic, a musician, a soldier, a god. The list goes on and on. But right now, Anon is a man on vacation. What might happen if the ponies meet this wonderfully chaotic being?
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Vacation. Who said that I needed a vacation? Sure things were getting a bit stressful, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

You tried to blow up a McDonalds because they didn't put cheese on your burger.

Hey that is totally justified! I asked for a double cheese burger with extra cheese. No one was even in the restaurant during the time I ordered so the cashier lady obviously stiffed me on purpose.

You attacked an ambassador because you though he was a French spy.

Oh come on, you saw the guy. He was acting all suspicious and stuff. Plus, he had a goatee. Everyone knows that wearing a goatee makes you evil.

You blew up Ann's car because you thought there was a killer sleeper monkey hiding in the backseat with an ax.

Well... okay admittingly, that was a bit ridiculous...

You ate a bunch of cockroaches because you thought they were high in fiber.

Oh come on---

You attacked one of your assistants because you thought his brain was made up of the rotted corpses of your enemies who built a spaceship and were trying to kill you by talking.

...alright, I admit I was a bit stressed out.

A bit?

Okay, a lot. But did I really need to vacation here?

It's a peaceful place.

It's full of magical talking ponies for God's sake.

Look, just relax, for all you know, you might actually like it here. Besides, we won't have to worry about anything bad happening. It's a peaceful planet, with little to no trouble.

That was just what I was afraid of.

Oh be quiet Anon.


1,723 words: Estimated 7 Minutes to read: [Cache]

2 Chapters:

  1. First Impression [Cache] Mar 14th, 2014
  2. Reflections [Cache] Mar 15th, 2014
Published Mar 15th, 2014


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