
Most faithful student of the night

by EPP

Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
Wub on!

Blaze walked towards loud building, he smiled when he saw familiar line forming all the way from club entrance up to where he was standing, at least 40 ponies were waiting for enter.

He sighed, nothing he could do about it, he stood still waiting for his turn, he used to fool bodyguards back in Canterlot by changing into their bosses, he couldn’t do it here yet sadly, he didn’t know how boss of this place looked like.

So he stood there, patiently waiting as line was slowly mowing onwards, some ponies were bumping their heads to the beat, to his surprise there were 3 ponies that started dancing outside. Someponies were talking, since he didn’t have anypony to talk to he simply listened to others.

Some mares were talking about how their weekend ended, there was also a pair which was trying dirty talk with each other especially the mare, Blaze ignored that, he quickly got bored by those meaningless conversation and just listened to the beat coming from the club.

As he was getting closer it was starting to agonize him, he almost couldn’t stop himself from dancing. Through his whole life he had only two real friends, but even so he loved to go nightclubs, it was always same routine.

Enjoy music and dance a little.

Join a group of either friendly ponies or group of ponies that are already too drunk to reject any guest in their group.

Hang out with them, have some fun.

Go back home.

He liked it, because of this he met many, many ponies in his life, but he hardly remembered any of them, except for Princess Luna, and his best friend he met in the club one night.

Blaze was totally excited when he finally got to the head of the line, few more minutes and he would go inside, then his moment finally came.

“How many bits for the enter?” Blaze asked already searching for bits with his magic.

“30 bits sir.”

“That’s actually quite expensive.”

“You don’t have to go inside if you don’t want to.”

Blaze sighed and used his magic to pass bits to the bodyguard, who put them into small metal box already full of bits, he then motioned for Blaze to enter and he did so.

When he walked inside wave of bass covered his body making his cells shiver, he loved this sensation, he looked around, floor was full everypony was dancing either, with a partner or even in a group. It was quite early but club was full already, that was to be expected since this was the only club in Ponyville.

Blaze quickly noticed that most of those Mares and Colts were quite young, some of them weren’t probably even in adult age, he shrugged it off and walked towards bar, when he got close DJ dropped another beat and wave of wubs engulfed Blaze.

He didn’t know who was the DJ here yet, but he was doing a fine job.

Blaze leaned closer to the bartender, brown coated stallion with blond mane and goatee.

“Hey, can I have “Lunas Night” please?” It was one of Blazes favorites. Probably because it was named after his teacher, but that wasn’t the only reason, it was very strong drink, but proper mixing of ingredients managed to completely hide it.

He paid 6 bits and nodded his thanks not wanting to shout again, he loved going to nightclubs but hated to get his throat hoarse.

He turned around to examine his surroundings while drinking, in the center of the club was floor full of dancing ponies bouncing their bodies to the rhythm of the bass, around the floor was a circle of couches where tired ponies could rest, also there were few couples making out on them.

Blaze turned left, DJ’s platform was right there next to the bar, on top of it he saw white mare with blue mane, she was wearing a pair of shades. She was an unicorn.

Blaze smiled and drank the rest of his drink, as expected alcohol soon started to take its toll on him, he was a rather strong drinker, but his pace of drinking and strength of “Lunas Night” summed up were making him feel dizzy, and he liked that.

He ordered another one and bottomed it out quickly, deciding that it’s enough for now he left bar and went to the dance floor, he started dancing wildly, he never learnt how to dance he always improvised, like most of the ponies.

When he was dancing something caught his eye, pony on the DJ platform changed, now it was a stallion, which meant that white mare either finished her shift or had a break.

Blaze smirked, he pushed his way out of the crowd and went towards new DJ, when he was just under the platform he shouted towards him.


He seemed to hear blaze as he leaned down and shouted in response.


“I ASKED WHERE IS THIS WHITE MARE FROM BEFORE.” Blaze shivered as another drop of bass sent a wave of wubs towards him.


Blaze frowned a little and nodded his thanks, that was one of the options although he hoped that she was taking a break.

‘Oh well I’ll talk to her another day, or perhaps should I say night.’ Blaze chuckled a little and went to the bar, he ordered another “Lunas night” and decided to drink it outside, he wanted to get some fresh air.

Since entrance bodyguard didn’t quite like him for some reasons, or at least it seemed so, Blaze decided to walk outside with the backdoor, using his art of illusions to get there unseen.

He walked outside and released his spell, he took few sips of his drink when he heard something, it was voice of mare, then a stallion voice.

He shrugged it off at first but then quickly realized that this wasn’t normal talking, they there both shouting.

Deciding that he should check that just in case he walked towards the source of those voices and he saw them, three stallions surrounding a white mare, his eyes went wide when he realized it was the DJ from before.

How did this guy call her? Oh right Vinyl.

“Buck off.” Mare growled with anger towards smiling stallions, all three of them were quite drunk yet not completely wasted yet.

“Oh my lady, harsh words, good I like it harsh.”

“I said buck off, before I will rip you guys to pieces.”

All of them laughed, they were probably right though, two of them were Earth ponies and third one was unicorn, all three of them were huge, she didn’t stood a chance.

“Why are you saying no to us while you are lifting your tail for every stallion in town you slut.” He said now with angry expression, Vinyl curled a little her muzzle slowly showing signs of fear.

“That’s not true!”

“Oh really? Please everypony knows that you are a whore, about how you give special service if paid for, sorry slut but we ain’t got bits on us.” He said as his friends laughed, few tears rolled down on Vinyl’s cheeks, Blaze couldn’t take it anymore, he drank what was left of his drink and put the glass away, he walked towards them while using his magic, art of illusion, magic made to fool other ponies senses.

“Ok guys, I’m going to take the front while you two…” He stopped when he saw somepony approaching them.

“Who the buck dares to…” He stopped again, from the shadows of the alley they were all in emerged fully equipped Royal guard, and he was huge, at least twice bigger than any of them.

“What is going on here?”

Now it was their time to shiver in fear as Blaze Royal Guard played out his role.


“N-n-nothing sir we were just having fun in the club and, and…”

“And you tried to rape this mare?” Blaze said while looking towards still shivering Vinyl, her eyes were still covered by her shades but he could tell she was scared.

“N-no of course not we just…”

Blaze stomped his hoofs, it wasn’t anything spectacular for him but his foes saw huge legs of enormous royal guard slam to the floor living crack in it.

They nodded and quickly dashed away leaving only a trail of dust behind them, Blaze walked towards Vinyl who was slowly calming herself down and lent her a hoof.

“T-Thanks” She said lifting herself up with his help.

“No problem, I couldn’t leave you like that could I? Ohh by the way these were amazing beats you put on back in the club.” Blaze smiled and Vinyl gave him a quizzical expression.

“You were in on my shift? I don’t think I would forget huge guy like you dancing around in that armor.”

Blaze hoof palmed startling her a little, his horn glowed and he released his illusion showing himself to Vinyl.

She stared agape at him, he loved that moment of surprise when he showed somepony his illusions for first time.

“Y-You, what the hay was that?”

“An Illusion.”

“That was, wow I never saw somepony using this magic before, I heard about it though. By the way name's Vinyl Scratch”

"Midnight Blaze."

Blaze laughed a little, he didn’t know if it was the alcohol making him this bold or not but after few moments of silence he asked.

“Hey you finished your shift right? So maybe you wanna hang out? Night is still young and I would love to have a mare this beautiful to accompany me.”

She blushed a little.

“I was thinking about going home, but after what happened here I don’t think I’ll be able to go to sleep anyway, so sure let’s go.” Blaze nodded and they walked away from the alley.

“So where do you wanna go?” She asked.

“I don’t know, I got here today so I don’t know this place too well, are there any interesting bars where you can drink in silence?”

She chuckled a little.

“What, what is it?” He asked curious.

“Nothing, you just said that you loved music I played, but now you already want to go somewhere silent.”

“Cause in loud place I won’t be able to talk with you too much, and I want to know you better.” Blaze didn’t know what was he doing, was it the alcohol? He didn’t think so, he used to drink more in Canterlot but her never tried to

Tried to what?

Was he flirting with her? Or was he just honest with himself and was trying to befriend her? And if he was then why? Was it because Princess Luna ordered him to? Or perhaps was this because of this place friendly atmosphere? He got caught up in his thoughts and almost didn’t notice her talking.

“There is one place, follow me.” She smiled and motioned him to follow her, after some walking around they finally made it, bar was called “Smooth&Drinks” as they walked in Blaze quickly understood why was it called so, smooth jazz playing in the background.

Vinyl and Blaze took a seat on the couch next to each other, waiter came and took their orders, Vinyl took some whisky with cola while Blaze happily ordered yet another “Lunas night” this was his fourth, with the pace of his drinking he assumed that he will be done at 6th.

“So you liked my beats huh? Thanks, that’s always nice to hear.” She said with a bit of shyness in her voice, Blaze nodded and took a sip of his beloved drink.

“So you said you just got here?”

“Yeah, It’s a long story.”

“We have time.” She said while drinking her whisky.

“Sure but can you do something for me?”

“Yeah sure what is it?”

“Can you remove your shades?”

She was surprised a bit by his request but shrugged it off and nodded with a smile and used her magic to remove them.

Blaze gulped and stared into her eyes.

“D-dude what is it? Do I have something on my muzzle?”

“No it’s just that your eyes are amazing, they make you look even more stunning, you shouldn’t hide them behind those shades too much you know.”

His comment caught her off guard and she blushed hard, hoping he won’t notice she drank rest of her whisky hoping to calm down and waving at waitress to request another one.

“S-s-so what’s your story?” She said smiling nervously, he leaned back in his couch and sighed, it was then that she examined him more carefully, and she liked what she saw, he was her type, he was neither too big nor too small, he was quite muscular for unicorn, he didn’t have big muscles, but those he had were very well developed. She also liked his black and white mane, there was something about it that made her shiver.

“So I’ll try to make this as short as possible..” He started his summarized story of how he got under Lunas wings, and events that led to why he is there right now.

It took him few minutes to finish and he managed to drink what was left of his 4th drink and ordered 5th one, while Vinyl who was quicker managed to drink another 3 glasses of whisky, which made her quite dizzy.

“Wow, that’s amazing dude, High hoof.” She raised her hoof and after few moments of processing her words he raised his hoof towards her bumping it in mid-air.

They sat on the couch talking about different things like music, alcohols they even once got to the subject of politics, occasionally flirting with each other, and then it happened.

Blaze got too caught up in their conversation and didn’t realized he drank his 7th drink tonight. Before he knew his vision blurred, he couldn’t make out anymore words, as if through fog he saw himself and Vinyl walking somewhere together before his vision went dark.

Blaze woke up next morning, he quickly realized the throbbing pain in his head swearing at himself for drinking too much and promising to never do so again.

Yeah right.

His throat was completely hoarse, probably from hangover as he looked around and quickly noticed something that made him flinch.

This wasn’t Apple’s family bedroom.

He felt something moving on his side and take a look, he went pale when he saw Vinyl still sleeping in the bed next to him.

“Oh bucking hell.”

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