
Most faithful student of the night

by EPP

Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
It all starts here

Blaze was following Apple Bloom towards the farm, he used magic to check if he didn’t lost any money princess gave him, to his relief none of his bits went lost from his saddlebags when Derpy crushed into him, he chuckled a little and looked forward, they finally reached their destination, in front of huge red house was standing an old looking mare waving towards them with a smile.

“Hey Apple Bloom, Ah though you will beh coming back later on.” She said while yellow filly happily trotted towards her.

“Cause that’s what Ah was planning, but then this mister asked me to show him how to get here.” She said while pointing towards Blaze who now was awkwardly smiling.

“Hi.” He simply said.

Granny Smith walked towards him, she stopped few inches from him and leaned close in with one of her eyes closed and other one was scanning him thoroughly.

He backed away a little with confusion.

“Erm? Something’s wrong?”

“What did ya come here for boy?”

Blaze gulped and almost shaking said.

“I-I was sent to Ponyville by the order of Princess Luna to study the principle of friendship, and while I’m staying here Princess Celestia suggested that I should stay at your farm, I-I’ll pay of course.”

Granny Smith leaned back, her stoic almost intimidating expression softened and she put a huge smile on her muzzle.

“Well howdy there, Ah’ll be happy to have ya stay here, we Apples will never reject a guest, especially if he’s paying.”

Blaze sighed with relief, with a corner of his eye he saw that throughout his whole conversation with Granny Smith Apple Bloom was chuckling.

“So how much for a room? Currently I have 500 bits to spend, is it enough?”

Granny’s smith expression changed to that of a confussion.

“Mah dear, of course that’s enough, for 500 bits ya can stay here for at least a month.”

Blaze frowned a little.

A month? Like hell I’ll stay here for a month, well but Princess Luna said to spend all 500 bits on my accommodation.

Blaze sighed and gave Granny Smith his pouch with bits, she took them and passed them to Apple Bloom telling her to put them in the closet.

“Erm Mrs. Smith?”

“Yes dear?” Old mare turned around facing him again.

“Aren’t you going to count them?”

Granny Smith put on a puzzled expression and asked him.

“What ya didn’t put all 500 bits in there?”

“Well I did, but are you just going to believe me without checking it?”

“Of course my dear, why shouldn’t I believe you?” She smiled after she finished and turned around trotting into the house while motioning him to follow her.

Blaze was stunned, back in the Canterlot he never saw somepony trusting somepony he didn’t know, no, those ponies back in the capital would never be able to give such trust to each other.

It actually scared him a little, he lived in this atmosphere of distrust since he was born, it was until Princess Luna took him in as her student, but she was only pony that he ever truly trusted, at least until now, for some reason he felt he could trust the certain clumsy mare, he didn’t understand why he was giving her his trust after meeting her few hours ago, but he was happy about it.

Blaze shook his head and walked inside, follow Granny Smith he trotted through the big living room which was connected to kitchen, then upstairs, they stepped into long hallway with many doors, Granny started to explain him which doors are for what.

“This is a toilet, but ya’ll be using the toilet downstairs, this one is for the ladies.”

Blaze’s ears perked up and he asked.

“Ladies? There are mares living here? From what Princess told me it was just you and your grandson.”

Granny Smith turned around once again wearing her expression of confusion.

“What da ya mean? Ah’m sure she wouldn’t forget about Applejack and Apple Bloom, Oh well Ah bet she thought she told ya, that happens.”

Blaze nodded, he didn’t really care about that fact, but one thing surprised him.

“Wait Apple Bloom is your grandchild?”

Granny Smith smiled and nodded

Huh, how come I didn’t realize that when she asked her to take the money and hide it inside? Well whatever.

“And this youngling, is your room.” Granny Smith said while opening a door to the rather big room, it had one 2-ponies sized bed, big wardrobe near the wall, and clock on the wall.

Blaze smiled, he liked it that way, simple yet comfortable.

“Since ya are the guest here, Ah guess you won’t be waking up as early as we do, is there anything else we can help with?”

“No thank you kindly, I guess I’ll rest a little.” Granny Smith smiled and closed the door.

Blaze turned towards his bed, he dropped his saddlebags on the floor and jumped on it.

I don’t know if it’s because of this amazing fresh air or what, but I really could enjoy a small nap.

He closed his eyes and almost immediately drifted away into the land of dreams, land that he knew very well, he opened his eyes, he was back in the canterlot castle.

All righty then, I wonder if I can still do this, I didn’t practice this for quite some time.

Blaze focused, his horn glowed and he ripped a small hole in the air which was slowly expanding, after few moments it finally was big enough for him to walk inside, he stopped his magic and slowly crossed the hole in his dream entering this special place only he and Princess Luna were capable of reaching, even Princess Celestia wasn’t permitted to enter it.

The dream realm.

He walked through it, sure it was only evening but still many ponies out there were sleeping and dreaming, some of them were napping happily laying down on the grass, others were night workers which were sleeping during the day, some of them were also tired.

Blaze smiled, it made him happy that no matter what will happen ponies will always have this one thing that will make them happy, dreams.

And to be the guard of this reality alongside his Teacher, it made him proud, he kept on trotting forward looking for eventual nightmares. And he finally found one, he walked towards it and used his magic to go inside.

He opened his eyes and he stood somewhere, it was rather a weird sensation, like he wasn’t standing on the ground anymore.

Blaze’s eyes went wide and he looked down, sure enough he wasn’t standing on the ground, he was in the clouds, he looked around, it wasn’t just some small cloud, it was Cloudsdale.

Ok so who’s nightmare is this?

Blaze horn glowed again, before him appeared a small dot of blue light and after few moments it flew off.

Blaze trotted after it going through the streets of Cloudsdale, it was sure quite empty with nopony anywhere to be found here, but it was just a dream after all.

Blaze pitied those ponies who had nightmares during evening naps, those were probably the worst kind, he loved napping and knew how much of a pain in the plot it can be to have a nightmares during it.

Blue dot crossed another corner and finally stopped, Blaze ran just behind it and he also stopped.

“You shouldn’t have been born freak.”

“Yeah all you can do is break stuff!”

“Go kill yourself you retard!”

Blaze couldn’t possible expect this, he saw small filly surrounded by other small ponies which were bullying her.

This filly was Derpy.

Next Chapter: Chapter 7 Estimated time remaining: 42 Minutes
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