
Most faithful student of the night

by EPP

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
That’s awkward

Blaze followed Derpy into her house, she lived in regular sized wooden house, it didn’t look much different from others, except it had two broken windows. Derpy opened front doors and they walked in, it wasn’t anything special on the inside either, few pictures of Derpy, her parents and sister on the walls. Big couch in the middle of living room, next to it there’s a small table with one chair, Blaze assumed it was where she ate her meals.

She asked him to sit on the couch while she will go look for some bandages, while waiting for clumsy mare Blaze made a peek inside her kitchen which was connected to living room without any doors between them.

If you don’t count those burnt furniture in the kitchen, it looks rather normal.

Blaze chuckled a little.

Boy this mare really doesn’t have any luck, I feel little sorry for her.

By the time he stopped examining her kitchen, Derpy came back with a set of bandages and some hydrogen peroxide. She sat on couch near him and started applying peroxide to his bruises, each time she poured some on the bruise he would hiss from pain and she would immediately apologize.

After Derpy finished doing the decontamination of most of his wounds, she started putting bandage on some bigger ones.

“Thanks but you really don’t have to do this.”

“Oh no, it’s my fault you ended like that and that’s the least I can do to help you, now sit still.”

He did as she said, while she was focused on bandages, he was staring at her, examining her thoroughly.

Wow, I didn’t realize earlier but she’s really pretty, this amazing blond, I would say almost golden mane, her beautiful muzzle, and those eyes…

Blaze quickly got lost in her crossed eyes, he didn’t know what was so addictive about them, but he simply couldn’t look away, he almost felt like he could stare into her soul.

“Aaaand done, ok Blaze, it’s all right now, how are you..”

She stopped for a few seconds when she realized he was staring right into her eyes, she returned the stare, looking into his teal eyes, as they both were lost in each other gaze.

“…feeling.” Derpy said so quietly it was almost a whisper, they just sat there staring into each other eyes, it was like that for few minutes but it felt like hours.

Derpy have finally realized what was happening, her heartbeat was getting faster as she felt her cheeks getting warmer.

“B-Blaze what are you doing.”

Blaze was still in his dreamy state and so without thinking he answered the truth.

“Staring into your eyes.”

This only made Derpy blush harder as she started to look everywhere in the room, only to avert his gaze.

“W-Why? T-They are not anything special I-I mean, they are like the sign of my clumsiness, I hate those eyes.”

Her last statement brought him back on earth, and now with a little anger and disappointment he said.

“You hate your eyes? How could you, you have most beautiful eyes I ever saw, besides there’s nothing weird about your eyes, they just seem to don’t agree in which direction you want to look, on the other hoofs my eyes are different.”

“What do you mean? You have two beautiful teal eyes, what are you talking about?”

Derpy blushed a little when she realized she called his eyes beautiful, but he didn’t seem to notice that or he simply didn’t care, Blaze sighed and said.

“Listen Derpy, I’m going to show you something that until now, on my own will, I only showed to princesses.”

Her ears perked up and she tensed her posture, as if showing him that he can trust her on this one. He didn’t know why he wanted to show her this, he just met her and it was a rather painful meeting as well. But for some reason he trusted her, maybe because of her clumsiness, or that she was so friendly towards him, he didn’t know why, but he wanted to share his secret with her.

Blaze’s horn glowed in dark-blue light for a few moments and then he opened his still teal left eye.

“I don’t get it, it’s still normal.”

Blaze nodded and then he slowly opened his right eye, Derpy’s jaw hang open at the sight, his right eye was yellow, of course dichromatic eyes weren’t something that you meet every day but it wasn’t as surprising and weird as his pupil which was cat-like.

Step 1 jaw opened wide, check.

Now just like any other pony who saw it before I learned this how to hide under illusion

Step 2. Call me a freak

Step 3 –Optional- punch me in the muzzle

Step 4 Run away.

Blaze awaited for her reaction, somewhere deep in his heart he was hoping that she won’t act like everypony else, however his mind was rather quickly shutting those hopes away.

“Your right eye, it’s really..”

Creepy? Scary? Disgusting? I was once even called a Nightmare Moon offspring, this one was rather funny though.

“..interesting, and kind of cool, I never saw a pony with such pupil, only some animals and dragons.”

Blaze was completely stunned, his heart was now screaming with happiness, wide smile formed on his muzzle, it was first time anypony else than Princesses would compliment his eye.

He suddenly jumped towards her throwing his front legs on her neck and pulling her into a hug.

It caught Derpy completely off-guard as her cheeks shined with bright red.

“W-W-What is it Blaze?”

“Nothing, it’s just, I’m so happy you crushed into me, we met less then hour ago, but I already can tell your are going to be my best friend.”

His comment made Derpy happy, but at the same time saddened her a little, she didn’t understand why, then he did something she was completely unprepared for.

Blaze leaned forward and kissed Derpy on the cheek.

What happened next wasn’t expected by neither of them.


Derpys wings unfolded themselves, making her blush even stronger than before. Even Blaze was blushing now, he couldn’t think about their situation anything else then.

Well, this is awkward.

Next Chapter: Chapter 5 Estimated time remaining: 51 Minutes
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