
Equestria's Warriors of Light and Dark

by Wildcard25

Chapter 17: Ponies and Snakes Working Together

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Last time, Twilight Sparkle and her friends traveled to the White Tail Woods in hopes of acquiring the third Crystal Fang. Upon arriving they got it away from the Serpentine generals only for them to run into a golem that attacked them, resulting in them falling underground into the golem's cavern. With no known way out, and golems just about everywhere, the ponies and the snakes forged a truce to work together until they escaped.

After making their truce, Twilight, her friends, the boys, Zyphon, Spike, and the Serpentine generals were wandering down a tunnel with Twilight and Rarity using their horns to shed some light, "It sure is spooky down here." Fluttershy trembled, as they wandered.

"No kidding." Spike agreed feeling scared as well.

When they came to a fork in the tunnel up ahead, Dustin halted them and crept to the end of the tunnel. He peeked around both sides seeing no sign of the golems, "All clear." He whispered as they approached and looked down both paths.

"Now which direction do we go?" Applejack asked.

Skales looked down the left path and answered, "Let's try there."

"What makes you so sure?" Rainbow asked him skeptically.

"You know a better path?" Skales asked, as the two glared at each other.

"Rainbow Dash!" Wild scolded his cousin.

"Skales, stand down!" Pythor ordered as the two stood down.

"We won't get anywhere if we get into squabbles," Dustin reminded them, "All right we'll go down the left path." They went down the path continuing on.

They continued walking down in silence so not to attract unwanted attention from the golems, and out of awkwardness for not sure what to say to each other. Suddenly feeling tired of all the silence, Rainbow Dash spoke up, "So tell us Pythor, exactly what led to you and the other generals to rise up against King Sombra?" the ponies looked at her feeling surprised she asked the question while they themselves were curious as well.

"You know I'm curious about that myself." Alistair added wanting to know just as much as the ponies did.

Pythor and the generals, feeling surprised that somepony actually asked them something like that made them sigh, as Pythor answered, "Well when we think about it, it's been our goal ever since we took these forms." Pythor began, as he flashed back to their years under Sombra's rule.

"Sombra used his magic and gave us these new forms as well as our enhanced serpent like abilities," Pythor began, "He showed us his trust by granting each of us the title of general over smaller snakes who would eventually become our armies. For years we served as Sombra's guards, making sure none of his pony servants would step out of line. The job for us was very pleasing. As the years progressed Sombra had gotten too cocky and self absorbed with himself and his position as king. When we tried voicing our own opinions to him in certain matters, he'd only brush us off claiming all we needed was to focus on our jobs. Eventually we realized we outnumbered him with our armies and that we shouldn't have to serve a pony. So one day when Sombra was alone in his chamber, the five of us attempted to overthrow him. We thought we had the upper hoof, but his magic was by far too strong for us at the time. He defeated us and threatened to make servants out of us as well, but instead we fled the empire, taking our armies with us."

Skales decided to voice up, "We were homeless, lost, unwanted. But then our travels took us to the Kingdom of Canterlot. We tried to take it as our own in hopes of one day we'd get even with Sombra. That dream was shattered thanks to your Princesses who used those elements of harmony to banish us all into those cursed tombs."

"During our travels we discovered that Sombra planned on giving us the Orochi Sword as a gift to make us more powerful," Pythor continued, "But when we rebelled against him he separated it into the four Crystal Fangs and scattered them throughout the land. For over a thousand years we've been planning this and we've come this close."

Their flashback ended, as Wildcard spoke, "What an amusing tale."

"You should write a book about it." Twilight admitted.

"Not a bad idea," Pythor admitted it, "Perhaps I'll have it written once we've taken over Equestria." He snickered.

"Watch it, Pythor! We got our eyes on you." Rainbow warned him.

"And I got mine on you!" Skales replied looking ready to hypnotize them, only for Pythor to hold his arm down and shake his head at him, making the Hypnobrai general stop.

"Look there's light up ahead!" Fangtom called, as they looked at the end of the tunnel seeing he was right.

"We're out!" Rarity squealed, as they all ran to the end of the tunnel.

Upon reaching the end they saw they weren't outside, but rather were in a bigger part of the cavern that looked bright enough for them to not need their magic light, "Oh man." Rainbow groaned.

"Now where do we start looking?" Acidicus asked.

"Might as well keep going forward." Dustin suggested as they did so.

As they continued on, Zyphon looked around, "These really are beautiful caves." He marveled.

"Quite so." Pythor agreed.

Suddenly Pinkie stopped, "What's with her?" Skales asked the ponies.

"Pinkie, are you ok?" Muse asked.

"Guys, I'm getting a doozy!" She answered.

"A what?" Fangtom asked.

"She means something frightening is about to come." Twilight explained.

"You don't honestly expect us to believe she can make these predictions?" Skales asked skeptically, until they heard growling sounds. They looked behind them seeing a golem charging for them making Rarity and Fluttershy shriek.

"We should run!" Dustin called as they did so.

"Where'd that one come from?" Wild called to the others.

"Well this place is filled with them." Alistair reminded him.

"It's getting closer!" Skalidor called, as he slunk along side Acidicus and Pinkie Pie.

"Shadow gun!" Alistair fired his attack at the golems face distorting it for a bit, but kept chasing them.

"Bigger problem!" Dustin called as they looked up ahead seeing a cliff.

They all skidded to a halt, but Skalidor didn't skid fast enough and almost fell off the cliff, only for Rainbow Dash out of instinct to grab his claw and pull him back up, "Did I just save you?" Rainbow asked the general, who looked just as surprised.

Suddenly the golem stomped over to them cornering them off, "Oh no we're trapped." Spike gasped.

"We'll have to fly to the other side." Twilight motioned to Rainbow, Fluttershy, Wild Zyphon, Dustin, and Alistair.

"There's no way we can carry all of you at the same time, while avoiding him." Zyphon warned her.

Dustin looked around and behind him smirked, "Wait a minute, guys. I got an idea. Somepony make the golem charge us!"

"What?!" the ponies gasped.

"Dustin, what're you crazy?!" Rainbow called.

"Trust me on this. Now one of you make it come charging!" Dustin ordered.

Pinkie normally being the one good at drawing attention was about to do something, but to hers and the others surprise, Skalidor beat her to it by putting his claws on both sides of his head and waved them at the golem, "Neh-neh-neh! Your mother wears high healed shoes!"

"Oh, well I never!" Rarity taking offense on such an insult to be used. She was cut off as the golem growled and charged the group just like Dustin wanted.

"To the sides!" Dustin called, as each of them jumped to either side. The golem was tricked into charging right off the cliff and fall into the chasm far below.

They all looked down into the chasm, until they heard a thud, "Ooh. That'll leave a mark!" Pythor chuckled and the rest couldn't help but laugh.

"That was actually good thinking, boy." Fangtom complimented Dustin.

"Why thank you, and good work, Skalidor. You sure brought him charging." Dustin complimented the Constrictai general.

"But did you have to make a mockery about high heels?" Rarity asked still taking his joke as an actual offense.

"I went with the first thing that came to me." Skalidor shrugged his shoulders, while Rarity rolled her eyes.

"From this point on we're gonna have to be extra careful." Twilight suggested.

"Right. If that one golem could find us, more probably will." Dustin added.

"We need to find us an exit and fast." Applejack put in.

"Wait a minute I'm picking up activity on the other side of this gorge." Zyphon spoke up, while looking across the cliff.

"What kind of activity?" Dustin asked.

"I'm picking up the signatures of more golems." The robot continued.

"How much more?" Fluttershy asked in worry.

"About ten." He answered.

"Ten golems on the other side?" Alistair asked.

"Holy moley that's a lot of golems." Pinkie added.

"Might I suggest we avoid crossing paths with them?" Rarity suggested.

"I agree with Rarity." Spike quickly replied.

"Problem. I don't see any other ways to go." Dustin said looking around seeing no other tunnels.

"So we have no choice?" Muse asked.

"It appears that way." Zyphon sighed.

"Well I guess we better hurry. Come on everypony." Twilight said, while using her magic on Rarity, Muse, Pinkie, and Applejack flying them across the gorge, while Spike rode on her back.

Zyphon turned and held Pythor and Skales under both his arms, "Beg your pardon, generals."

"Hey put me down you hunk of scrap!" Skales struggled, until Pythor called.

"Skales, quit struggling or he'll drop you!" Skales realizing that stopped moving.

"Thank you. Now hang on tight, and don't look down." Zyphon warned them, as he flew the two generals over the gorge.

Dustin took hold of Fangtom's claw and flew him over, while Alistair flew Skalidor over the gorge. When they were on the other side Twilight used her magic to levitate Acidicus over to join them, "Well come on we better hurry." Domino cawed as they continued on.

They went through a tunnel and peeked out the end of it seeing ten golems busy constructing new tunnels, "Oh great." Wild grumbled.

"There's no way we can take them all on." Muse gasped.

"Wait. That tunnel up ahead. I'm picking up sunlight rays outside." Zyphon gasped.

"So that's our way out?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes." The robot answered.

"Well what're we waiting for? Let's go!" Rainbow called, as she got ready to fly off, only for Applejack to grab her tail and pull her back.

"Whoa there sugarcube, now we ain't gonna go an rush out there in front of all them golems." The earth pony replied.

"Applejack's right. We gotta go around them." Twilight added.

"Look there." Spike whispered, as they saw a clear path surrounded by stuff they could use for cover.

"Perfect. Ok we need to move quietly." Twilight instructed, as they started moving.

The ponies were still terrified that they might get caught, but pressed on making sure not to expose their location to the golems. Soon they reached a huge boulder that was the halfway point to the exit, "All right we're almost there. Stay together now, and not a sound." Dustin whispered.

As Pinkie crept along with the others, some of the gravel from the ground got into her nose and she could feel a sneeze coming on. Suddenly she let out a loud sneeze making the group go wide-eye. The golems hearing that looked in the direction they were in. The group was smiling sheepishly as they ducked behind the boulder, "Maybe they didn't see us." Skalidor whispered to them.

Unfortunately for them, the boulder they were hiding behind was lifted up by a golem who discovered their hiding place, "Yeah I'm going with they did see us." Dustin replied.

The golems started growling at the intruders, "Everypony spread out!" Twilight shouted, as they all did so with Fluttershy panicking and looking for cover.

One golem tried to grab Rainbow Dash, but the Pegasus was flying all around it like a fly, confusing it. Fangtom and Alistair were running from one before jumping into opposite directions making the golem going after Alistair, "Oh why're you going after me?!" the dark warrior complained.

Dustin saw one was about to attack Pinkie and Rarity, so he aimed his finger at it concentrating his spirit energy, "Spirit gun!" he blasted it's head diverting his attention from the two ponies and was coming after him.

Skales, Pythor, and Applejack were galloping/slinking away from one golem, only to get swatted aside by another and landed near Twilight and Dustin, "How do we stop these things?!" Skales asked Twilight desperately.

"Golems may be strong, but they're not too smart." Twilight explained as Dustin continued.

"Then let's go batshit crazy on these rock heads! Are ya with me, Alistair?" Dustin formed his spirit saber.

Alistair hearing his idea smirked and formed his shadow buster, "All the way, partner." The two stood side by side and let out a war cry before charging at the golems swatting their weapons at their legs. The golems reached down to try and grab them, but the boys flew off and were darting around the rock creatures from all sides swatting their weapons at them.

"Don't leave me out of this!" Zyphon called, as he took it to the air and activated his blasters, taking shots at three of the golems.

"Ah think those boys have gone nuts." Applejack said in shock.

"Actually I admire the way they work." Pythor admitted.

"What now, Pythor?" Skales asked as the other generals looked to him who looked at the boys fighting, and the ponies before smirking and raised his staff and aimed it in the direction of the golems.

"Serpentine and ponies, go!" he ordered. With that the ponies and the serpentine generals took off joining the boys and Zyphon in fighting the golems.

Skales was slinking around one golem drawing its attention, unaware of Rainbow Dash and Wildcard coming up from behind it. They tackled it in the back of its head making it fall forward, while Skales dodged the falling rock creature. The Hypnobrai general looked up at the Pegasi and nodded. Pythor was slinking away from one but looked ahead seeing another was coming at him front up front. He smirked and stood his ground, "Come and get me boys!" the two golems dove at Pythor, only for the Anacondrai general to go invisible and flee, resulting in the two golems skull bashing each other.

Twilight was flying around with, Dustin, Alistair, and Zyphon, while using her magic to project blasts against a golem, followed up by Dustin powering up his fist and launched it backwards, "Shotgun!" his blast nailed the golem in the face, and was so powerful its head fell off and landed near Spike and Fluttershy who shrieked seeing that the head still growled while being detached from its body.

"Follow me big guys!" Muse called to three golems who were chasing her. She was leading them to Skalidor and Pinkie Pie, who were on opposite sides and hiding behind two big boulders.

Skalidor was holding one end of a rope, while Pinkie held the other half in her mouth, "On my signal, Pinkie!" Skalidor called as Pinkie said 'Right' with her mouth full. Muse ran past them and the Constrictai general shouted, "Now!" they pulled the rope out turning it into tripwire.

The first golem ended up tripping over the rope followed by the other two with a crash, "Yippee!" Pinkie cheered.

Domino was flying around one golem and started leading it away, "NOW! Now, Applejack! Now!" he cawed. Applejack was on top of a ledge, and bucked a boulder that fell down landing on top of the golems head. The boulder broke into pieces while the golem fell on its back unconsciously.

"Yee-haw!" Applejack called, as Domino flew up to her and she high hoofed his wing.

Rarity was using her own magic to blast a golem, but the creature was still stomping for her, "Get back you brute!" Rarity ordered it.

Spike who was on top of a higher level in the cave saw this and frowned, "Nopony touches my Rarity." He picked up a rock and threw it down as it hit the golem in the head. The rock creature looked up seeing Spike laughing at it for getting hit by his rock. The golem angrily smashed its fist against the wall causing the platform Spike was on to crumble.

Spike screamed as he tried to head to higher ground but ended up falling, "Spikey!" Rarity cried, as she watched her little admirer was falling right for the golem.

Spike closed his eyes awaiting the golem to grab him until, "Tally ho!" Fangtom swung in while holding onto a rope that was connected to the wall and snatched the drake out of thin air before the golem could grab him.

Spike looked up seeing Fangtom holding onto his arm, "Fangtom!" he gasped.

"Close call… wasn't it?" the two heads asked as they landed on the ground safe.

Fluttershy was flying up while holding onto Acidicus' tail, "Is this right?" the pegasus asked.

"Perfect, now spin me," Acidicus ordered as she did so, "Taste Venomari venom, boys!" he called as he spat into the faces of the golems confusing their vision.

The golems ended up crashing into each other and they fell to the ground groaning. Twilight, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Zyphon, and the boys landed on the ground and looked around with the rest seeing they won. They started cheering in excitement and dancing around with some of the ponies dancing with the Serpentine generals.

They suddenly realized what they were doing and ceased their celebrating, "Come on we gotta get to the exit." So they hurried to the exit, but because Twilight was in such a hurry up ahead she tripped.

"Oh, Twilight." Spike sighed at how clumsy she was.

"Here Princess, let me help you." Pythor helped her to her hooves.

"Oh thank you, Pythor." Twilight thanked him.

"Don't mention it." He smiled, as they continued on through the tunnel.

They went through it as Skalidor spoke, "I see light!"

So they followed the light and found themselves back in the woods, "Now to make sure those guys don't come out." Twilight used her magic to blast the opening of the cave plugging it up.

"We made it out!" Fluttershy cheered with Pinkie.

"Good. Now that we're safe, why don't we get back to business?" Rainbow asked, only for Dustin to interrupt her.

"No Rainbow, we did what we needed. They helped us, and the noble thing to do is to let them go." He motioned to the generals.

"What? Let them go?!" the rainbow maned pegasus cried.

"Are ya crazy?" Applejack asked.

"No girls he's right. They helped us get out, so it's only right we let them go, for now." Twilight answered, while the ponies sighed at hers and Dustin's nobility.

The fiver Serpentine generals stood together opposite of the girls and bowed their heads to the group, "Thank you." They said together.

"Your welcome." Pinkie replied as the five slinked away, with Skalidor burrowing into a part of the ground as the other four followed him.

"I still can't believe you let them go like that?" Rarity asked them.

"Well look at it this way girls, at least we still got the…" Twilight began, as she looked into her sack, but her eyes widened, "Oh no."

"Twi?" Applejack asked.

"What is it, Twilight?" Muse asked.

"He took the crystal fang! PYTHOR TOOK THE CRYSTAL FANG!" she shouted.

"WHAT?!" they cried.

"How did he get it?" Spike asked, until Twilight realized he must've snatched it from her sack when he helped her to her hooves.

"Why that yellow bellied snake in the grass!" Applejack huffed.

"I don't believe this!" Rainbow grumbled.

"After all that hard work we put in just to keep it safe." Wild added.

"We should've just captured them." Alistair grumbled.

"I admit sometimes being noble can backfire on you." Dustin grumbled regretting letting the generals go.

"Well we know one thing we can write to Princess Celestia in a friendship report..." Zyphon began as they all announced together.

"NEVER TRUST A SNAKE!" the group looked at each other, before they burst into laughter about how stereo they were when they announced it together.

Next Chapter: The General's Unite Estimated time remaining: 49 Minutes
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