
The Hive

by Slice141

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The Beginning

(163 years ago)

I walk on, with over 10,000 other poor souls here for money, fame, or the thrill of battle. I was here for the money like most of us here. I look up to see the tall Griffon commander that hired us as he led us to the front lines of the battle. It was between them as well as Zebra and the one foe they were fighting.

These things that could cleave anypony in half and showed no mercy to us at all. Those that did survive refused to go back into battle or were taken off the field since they couldn't fight very well with just a leg or half a wing, or they would die of their wounds or just took their own life to keep from going back into battle.

As we marched I saw the catapults firing into the line as we continued to march. We first spotted the casualties as they limped by or were carried by others on stretcher. I saw the mutilated bodies of pony and griffin alike. Limbs and guts everywhere, blood ran like rivers down the hill making it slippery as we marched.

I could see the griffons fighting the enemy in the air and losing badly, before long the enemy would be on us. I passed one of the bugs that was surrounded by the dead bodies of griffon warriors and pony mercs 12 in total lay dead at its feet before it was slain from arrows and sword stabs as well as magic beams from the unicorns.

It was about nine feet tall, four legged with razor sharp points at the ends of its feet and a mouth about two yards long that was almost knife like that it could bisect anypony in half with no effort.

I came from a small village in Unicornia,an orphan with no name, I never got my cutie mark nor did I care it was just a fancy spot on your butt anyway so it didn't really matter to me. My parents lost to starvation in the old country during the fighting between the tribes. I alone survived.

I came to a stop at the front lines as the commander started to shout some things to us as a roar from the ponies beside me cheered. Idiots, all of them Ive seen this show more than enough times. Get them excited and have them charge the lines in hope of breaking through.

I was a part of this stupid charge many times, the first loosing all my friends. We thought that it was some big payday.We were young and thought we would have it easy. Go in stomp on some bugs and get rich. Oh how we were wrong, the first charge was a slaughter.

Nopony but me survived as I cowered under the body of one of my dead friends soaked in his blood as I watched those that were to wounded to escape dragged away by smaller roach like bugs back to the caves they came from. Through out the entire campaign they never left their borders. They never invaded the other lands no matter how much of us they butchered or captured.

"CHARGE!!!!" The Griffon commander yelled as horns blew to signal the charge. I slowly trotted down the slippery slope as others charged full speed to their death.

It was then I saw it, giant beetle like bugs bust out of the ground before spewing acid like fluids out its mouth onto our forces. I watched as ponies young and old were melted to nothing but a pile of matter on the ground. Nothing stopped them as the slaughter began.

Over the rocks that separated their home from the griffons swarms of bugs climbed over and slaughtered the mass of ponies. There were no words that could describe the horror of the thousands of ponies dying left and right as their own artillery fired on them in a vain attempt to keep the bugs away. I stood there in awe as I watched the battle. No matter how many soldiers they sent it would all be the same in the end. A slaughter.

I smiled as I waited for my death to come, I knew that they would come for me. I was tired but I wouldnt go down without a fight. Over the years I had found their weakness on the battlefield as far as the soldiers went. As long as I could stay alive to get inside their guard I could get that kill. I waited as I felt the ground shake as they came to me.

I side stepped the first one using my magic I speared the bug in its eye socket as deep as I could. I felt it jerk and it sag before I pulled my weapon out ducking a slash from another and an attempt to bite me in half.

I slid under its mouth as it over extended its reach and I plunged my sword through the bottom of its jaw and into its brain as I rolled out from under it before it could crush me.

As I regained my footing I felt a slash go down my left hind leg cutting deep before I turned into the open maw of the bug ready to cut me in half with its straight pincer like jaw before I thrust my sword down its throat making it gag and spit its yellow blood on me.

As it fell another took its place ready to avenge its brother swinging its sharp side mandibles to spear me or cut me in half. I caught one of them as one of the other bugs tried to jump me from the rear.

I jumped away as it slashed at me before I was stabbed in my right foreleg making me grit my teeth in pain as they formed a circle around me and the one before squared off.

It shot off at me trying to bite me in half but I rolled away hitting the ground hard on my shoulder getting a hiss out of me. I got up again only to block its mandibles again as it beared down on me ready to take my head before I ducked just as it closed its mouth snapping my sword in half like a twig.

I looked at my sword and sighed as the bug slowly walked up to me raising its mandibles ready to strike down on me. Just as it struck I leaned back and used the last of my magic to pick up the broken sword piece and the other half before I buried them into its eye sockets as deep as I could. I heard it shriek before whimpering and finally falling to the ground with a thud. I looked up to see the circle closing in on me.


I looked up to see another bug. It was at least twice as big as the others around it as it came down the small hill that it was standing on. It had plates running along its back with four large legs before it stopped in front of me.

"Enough of this killing. I want it to stop I never wanted this. All I wanted was peace to live in unity. Why do you continue to fight for no reason?" It asked as I assumed it was female.

"They fight to be rid of you." I said as she looked at me as I sighed.

"They believe you to be invaders of these lands."

"But we have lived here for eons dating back to before Discord was stopped. How are we the invaders?" She asked as I shrugged.

"I don't know."I said as she sighed before looking at me closely.

"What do you fight for?" I stared at her for a moment to think of how to answer that.

" I have nothing to fight for. I don't have a purpose." I said as I looked down before slumping to the ground breathing hard. I heard her walk up to me and lift my head up by my chin as she looked at me dead in the eyes.

"Would you like a purpose?"

I nodded weakly as I saw her smile at me, it made me feel warm like a motherly smile.

"Then help me stop this war." She said as I felt her lift me onto her head. I settled onto her neck as two large wings shot out of her back under some armored plating and we took flight back to the hive.

I looked down at the being as we flew through the air.

"So what are you and do you have a name?" I asked yelling so she could hear me.

"My name is Thrall, princess Thrall. We are changelings. What are you and what's your name?" She asked as I smiled.

"Well I'm a pony more specific a unicorn and I don't have a name." I said as she looked back at me before we landed as she let out a sigh and looked at me.

"Do you want me to name you? I don't think it would be proper to keep calling you pony." She said as I shrugged.


"Hmmmm how about-"

(Present time 163 years later)


I jumped as I looked up at my queen as she huffed.

"At least try to look like you're paying attention when I'm talking to you. Now I have a special mission for you." She said as I sat down and gave her my attention.

"Ok Thrall I'm listening."

"Good now you have heard of a land called Equestria right?"She asked as I nodded at her making her smile.

"Good, now I want you as my ambassador to go there and get a trading treaty with them since they are across the sea and from what I heard from some of the others they are a very wealthy nation, though weak in military power. I want to trade goods and other things with them and have already sent word to their ruler Princess Celestia and she is expecting you." She said as she walked down the stairs of her throne and stopped in front of me.

"Also her niece just got married so be sure to congratulate her and her husband if you see them or its brought up in conversation." She said as I sighed.

"Thrall I know this I've done well so far in the past 160 years I've served you." I said as she sighed.

"I know but still. Anyway as far as the locals go they're very friendly to strangers, a little overly cautious but good folks all around." She said a I smiled.

"Good this should be easy to get some info on their land as well and all that." I said as she nodded.

"Indeed now about your security detail." She said as I groaned.

"Come on Thrall you can't keep sending me with a battalion of our warriors for every little thing. I swear I get hurt a little bit and you're ready to go to war." I said as she growled.

"Hey thats not true and it wasn't a battalion it was just a company of our elites. And I have a right to be worried since after the time we opened trade with the Minotaurs you came back looking like you got into a fight with a school yard bully. I can't help it if I see you as one of my own. You have my blood running through your veins and I want you to be safe." She said as she cupped my face with her claws as I groaned.

"For the last time it was just me and a few of my new friends getting to rough." I said as she sighed.

"Be that as it may I still want some kind of escort." She said while I grumbled.

"No I don't need one, you said it yourself that the people were friendly. I don't need a escort."

"Yes you do I don't want you getting hurt."

"Im not gonna get hurt Im a big changeling now."

"Yes you will I just know it. I have a feeling in my gut."

"NO! I don't need anyling to escort me."

"Yes you do"

"No I dont"










"I said no you dont and thats final as your queen!" She said as she stuck her nose in the air as I smiled.

"Ok I don't need an escort by your order my queen." I said as he ran out the throne room and to ports as her eyes popped open.

"Damnit Krill!"

"Oh let him go your highness the boy will be fine." A voice said as she turned and smiled as she looked at her first griffon friend.

"I know I need to let him spread his wings and fly but I just worry so much for him. What if something happens to him on this mission. I just have a feeling that he's going to get hurt." She said as the griffon came out of the shadows behind the throne.

He was graying in his feathers and just looked tired and run down. But she could still see that spark in his eyes that she saw 56 years ago when she first met him.

"He will be fine your highness. If you worry too much you will start to go gray." He said as she laughed.

"I suppose so my friend but I'm his mother of course I will worry about him." She said as he nodded.

"Of course my queen." He said as she sighed.

"Would you like to come and have dinner with me old friend? I wish to know how your family is doing." She said as the spark in his eyes grew brighter as he smiled up at her.

"I would love to my lady." He said as he walked on her right side as the two caught up on lost time. She looked back at where Krill left and sighed.

'Please be safe my little changeling' She thought as she walked into the hallways with her friend.

"If it makes you feel any better I can send a letter to one of the residents there to check in on him." He said as she sighed.

"Please do. I just can't shake this feeling that somethings going to happen to him.

(With Krill)

As I ran down the hallway towards my room I looked back to make sure that she wasn't after me. For such a big changeling she could catch you with no problems.

As I started to look back I ran into what felt like a wall making me fall right on my butt. I looked up to see General Tharx looking at me with a sigh as he used his mandible to help me up.

"Krill what did you do this time to upset our queen?" He said with a sigh as I gave a sheepish grin.

"You know uncle Thrax just because I'm running through the halls with a panicked look on my face doesn't mean I've upset the queen." I said as he laughed.

"Oh then why are you running with a panicked look on your face?"

"Um well... Ok I just didn't want mother to waste her time worrying about me over nothing." I said as he sighed.

"My boy your mother will always worry about you, you know that. You're the only one of your kind in the entire empire. You're a very special changeling to all of us." He said as I sighed.

"I know but I still believe that she is just being overprotective is all. I know she wishes for me to stay by her side for all time if she had it her way but I must go on my own sooner or later." I said as he nodded.

"I know my boy but she loves you so much I think it would kill her if something happened to you. Now I must take my leave and attend to some things on our northern borders. Something about diamond dogs harassing the locals. Ill see you when you return. Just please be careful ok, if not for yourself do it for your mother ok." He said as I nodded.

"I will uncle take care of the empire while I'm gone ok." I said as he nodded with a smile.

"Always, now be off with you. You have a ship to catch." He said as he walked away.

I sighed as I walked through the halls towards the ship yards. As I walked I saw one of the servants holding a bag with what I would usually use on a mission. My pistol and sword as well as my dagger.

"Thank you my dear please take these home and get the children something nice Zikira." I said as I gave her some gold coins making her smile.

"Many thanks Lord Krill." She said as I smiled.

"Its nothing Zikira just tell the little ones uncle Krill said hi." I said as she smiled and nodded.

"Of course my Lord the children are always happy to see you visit." She said as I stopped and gave her a hug that was eagerly returned.

"Tell them I will bring them something nice when I come back ok. Do you need anything or would like anything while Im away?" I asked as she smiled.

"Any exotic herbs and the like you might come across." She said as I nodded.

"Will do, I will see you and the family when I get back." I said as we shared one last hug.

"Be safe."


As I used my magic to put my gear on. My pistol as well as pellets and gunpowder I put in the holster that went across my chest. I put my sword on my side and last my dagger under my wing. I looked at Zikira and waved and went to the docks.


I saw the ship I was taking and sighed. It was a war galleon. Ever since before the war ended and the discovery of gunpowder was made it has been used for building weapons to kill one another.

After the end of the war it was used for the rifles and pistols like I was carrying for personal defence or for hunting. It was used in the hive to help clear rubble and build tunnels faster or help save anyling trapped in a cave in.

I stood there and sighed before I felt a hoof on my shoulder. I looked back and smiled as I saw a good friend.

"Ah General Monduloo! How are you my friend?" I asked as the old zebra smiled at me.

"My friend Ive been good. You still look the same after the last 40 years. I'm just getting older and fixing to enjoy my retirement and spend time with my grandchildren." He said as I smiled and nod.

"Ah it'll be any day now yes? Well I hope when I do start to show my age I don't get all gray and achy like you." I said as he snorted.

"I hope when you start to show your age your white headed and have a creaky shell." he said as we laughed.

"Well it was good to see you old friend but I must leave for my new mission." I said as he nodded.

"Of course I wont keep you. If you would like I can send a letter ahead to one of our locals that live there and ask if she would offer you a room and board." He asked as I nodded.

"Please do. Let them know that they don't have to, its all up to them if they want to room me for the night. I can always get a hotel to rest my head."

"Ill get on it then, have a safe trip my friend and come back with some nice gifts." He said as he trotted away as I shook my head and smiled.

I looked up at the massive Galleon and smiled even if she was being overprotective she just wanted me safe. As I walked up the plank I met the captain of the ship as he was barking orders to everyling.

"Shape up everyling! Ready for sail!" I heard him as I smiled.

"Good day captain."

"Ah Ambassador Krill pleasure to have you aboard the Destiny sir. I'm Admiral Nex." He stated as I gave his mandible a shake.

"Pleasure is mine sir I've heard of your promotion after that nasty business with pirates off the coast so congratulations and very well done." I said as he gave a eye smile.

"Thank you sir hopefully this trip will be eventless and if nature give it to us smooth sailing from here till we make port." He said as I nodded.

"Very good then, are we almost ready to sail?"

"Almost my lord just a few more things to tie down and what not before we cast off. Your room is down in the hull under where my cabin is." He said as I nodded.

"Of course I believe my things are already down there?"

"Of course sir they were brought in earlier today."

"Very good then. Well I'll go set my things down and be along to join you and the crew once we cast off."

"Very well sir, see you top side in a moment then. Once we cast off it should be about 3 months before we reach port in Equestria. Well be standing by till your business is complete before we head back to home port." He said as I nodded.

"Very well lets hope the sea gives us smooth sails till we come back." I said as he nodded.

"Aye sir."

With that I trotted down into the hull and to my cabin passing changelings, zebra and griffons alike each giving a nod to me or smile.

As I came into my cabin I smiled at what mother must have sent with Zikira. Beside the basic needs she even sent my favorite glass of wine and hard liquor. My smile grew as I saw a note attached to the wine.

[My son please be sure to give the crew my best and share some of the liquor with them. I made sure to stock at least 4 barrels full of it in your room so you could surprise the crew when you made port. Just don't show up drunk at the meeting with the princesses.

With love,


P.S. Be safe son and have a little fun while you're there. Try to find a nice girl while you're there as well . You need to get laid my boy you've been working too hard.]

I laughed out loud as I read the note making a few of the crew smile and look at me strange before one of the griffon sailors walked up to me.

"Good news sir?" He asked as I turned to him with a smile.

"Oh yes my friend lets just say the queen has a surprise for you chaps once we make port." I said as I saw him get a toothy grin.

"Aye sir! Well lets get this voyage over to see what the queen has in mind." He said as I nodded.



I heard the call as I smiled and head back on to the top deck. I saw the captain up by the wheel of the ship. I trotted up to him and stood by his side as we left port. I felt a sense of freedom as we left and headed out to open sea.

I watched as Griffons soared in the sky with the few pegasus and some of my kin here and there doing their daily tasks. I sighed in content as I watched and stretched my own wings.

"Restless already sir?"

I looked back and smiled at the captain before looking back up into the sky.

"Just a little I suppose. I'm ready to start my mission." I said as he nodded and stretched his own wings.

"I know how you feel my lord. Ill feel much better once me make it to open sea and be under way." He said as he steered to port and then straighten headed for the open sea.

"Well we'll be there in no time my lord if the wind stay behind us and the seas stay calm." He said as I nodded.

"Lets hope so captain I don't wish to keep the princesses waiting." I said as he nodded.

"Aye sir."

As we made our way out of to port I looked back at the beautiful city in my eyes. The hive was carved out of stone reaching high into the sky. I could see the castle in the center of the massive city where I came from hours earlier.

I smiled as I turned back to the open sea. To bad mother couldn't be here it was a beautiful day for sailing.

"Steady as she goes, once we make it all the way out of port drop sails and full speed to Equestria." He yelled out to the crew as they scrambled to get everything ready.

"And so it begins."

(3 months and 2 days later Equestria)

A griffon was racing through the sky as she dodged ponies left and right. She growled as she did a corkscrew between two pegasus making them yelp in surprise.

"Hey watch it!"

She rolled her eyes as she beat her wings faster and faster as she zoomed through the sky headed for the port of Stable Side coming from Canterlot. She couldn't believe she was so late even after her grandfather sent her a letter telling her about it. She had to find him or theres no telling what these ponies would do to him if they saw him.

With that in mind she flapped her wings faster desperate to get to port. As she shot over Ponyville she got the attention of a certain rainbow colored mare.

'What's Gilda doing here?' She thought as she took off after the speeding Griffon.

"What's got Gilda in such a hurry?" She thought before she saw where she was going and took a shortcut through Everfree Forest to catch her.

As Gilda banked left she spotted her target. He was trotting down the dirt road admiring the sights of all things. She sighed as she dived and went to stop him.

Krill was walking down the road with a smile as he looked at the beautiful land he was in. It was so full of life.

As he trotted he heard a screech from the sky and looked up to see a griffon diving down to him. He used his magic to take hold of his pistol should the griffon be a bandit.

As the griffon neared he saw it was female and it was slowing down as it came in front of him flapping her wings before setting on the ground. She was panting hard as she looked at him and held up a claw to tell him to let her catch her breath.

He waited until her breathing got more even before he spoke.

"Are you alright madom?" He said as she took a deep breath before looking at him.

"Lord Krill you can not be out in the open like this! You need to change into a pony right now." She said as she walked up to him with a panicked look.

"My dear what's the problem? Ive been here for two days so far and noling has tried to harm me." He said as she looked around.

"My lord please you need to trust me on this I will tell you everything when you change. I just need you to take a pony form now before-

She was cut off as she heard a sickening crack and twigs breaking making them both look to see a rainbow colored mare come crashing through the forest before hitting the ground hard and making a trench before coming to a stop in front of them.


"Dear mother! Gilda I need you to go get help while I tend to her wounds! You can tell me whatever it is that you needed to tell me later, right now this pony needs help." He said as she nodded and looked at her old friend and winced. Her right wing was broken as well as her back hind leg and she had a nasty bump on her head.

"Ok Ill go get help, Ill be back as fast as I can." She said as she shot into the sky and headed for Ponyville general hospital.

As Krill watched her leave he turned his attention back to the mare on the ground. She was breathing but she was in a lot of pain. He walked over to her as she looked up at him.

"Help me please."

"Dont worry my dear Im here to help you. Someling has gone to get help as we speak. Now we have to do something about those limbs of yours and that knot on your head. Now this is going to hurt a lot but it needs to be done." He said as she nodded while he picked up a thick stick.

"Bite down on this dear." He said as she took it in her mouth and bit down as she felt his magic circle around the two limbs.

"Read on 3. 1." Crack!

He realigned the limbs as he heard the muffled scream of the mare as tears started to come down her face and snout.

"I truly am sorry miss but it had to be done. Now lets get that swelling down on that bump shall we." He said as he wiped her tears and gathered his magic. He pointed his horn at her and shot a beam of green magic into the knot. She was still whimpering as he watched the large knot go down.

He sighed as she stopped whimpering but still had tears in her eyes as he wiped them away and gave her a smile as she looked up at him.

"Now now no need for tears dear you're going to be fine and in the air before you know it." He said as her eyes went wide and she passed out. He checked her pulse to make sure she was ok before plopping down and waiting for the griffon to arrive with help.

As he waited he saw a group of mares come out of the forest and stopped as they looked at the scene. He smiled as he looked at the mare.

"See dear I told you help was on the way." He told the sleeping girl as she whimpered in pain making him frown.

"Im so sorry I forgot to help you with some of the pain. Now don't move around too much or you might hurt yourself." He said as he pointed his horn at the mares wing and leg as he let his magic take hold of them and started to numb the limb. He saw the pained expression on her face go away as she sighed. He smiled at her before looking up only to take a hard buck to the face from a orange mare.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO DASH YOU DAMNED BUG!" She yelled as he hit the ground hard making him groan in pain as he held his face.

"Dont bother talking to it AJ its just another drone from the queens hive. They don't talk they just do what she wants no matter who they hurt." A purple mare said to the others as they circled around him.

"Hm I believe the only good bug a squashed bug. So disgusting!" A white mare said as he felt another hoof crash down on him and felt the hit actually crack his shell. He gasped in pain as another blow hit his face.

"We don't like your kind here! Go back to the hole you crawled out of!" The orange one yelled as another blow smashed down on him.

Rage took him as blow after blow rained down on him as two others joined in the purple and a pink one. His eye flew open as he let loose control of his power for a split second blowing the mares off him and into the other two, the white one and a yellow one.

"HOW DARE YOU! YOU BARBARIANS!" Krill yelled as he pulled his flintlock out of its holder and pointed it at the orange one as he backed away towards the forest before his hind leg bumped the downed mare he was helping.



As the mares sat there in shock of what just happend. They looked at each other confused before they saw to their shock yet again Gilda land in front of them in a panic as she looked around for something and when her eyes fell on them narrowed into slits.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" She screeched as the yellow pony squeaked while the others shivered in fear a little from the rage in her eyes.

"We saved Dash from a changeling thats what we did!" AJ said as she came to the front of the group as Gilda's eyes widened and looked ready to faint.

"DO YOU IDIOTS HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DONE! DO YOU JUST GO AROUND JUST ATTACKING ANYONE YOU SEE THATS NOT A PONY?!" She yelled as she jogged in place in full panic mode now as she search the area around where Dash was and saw the purple blood on the ground that led into the forest.

"OH SWEET KING PLEASE HELP ME OUT HERE! OOOOH PLEASE LET HIM BE OK!" She said as she was about to take off into the forest before she felt her tail caught in a hold. She looked back to see that it was the purple one holding her with her magic.

"Twilight Sparkle you better let go of me right now! Lord Krill needs me!" She said panicking again as the other mares walked up to her while they saw Nurse Redheart and Coldheart run over to Dash and begin helping her.

"Gilda what's going on?" Twilight asked as Gilda struggled to get free.

"LET GO OF ME RIGHT NOW YOU STUPID PONY! LORD KRILL IS HURT BECAUSE OF YOU IDIOTS AND IS IN THE EVERFREE! I HAVE TO GET TO HIM BEFORE SOMETHING ELSE DOES!" She screamed but Twilight held on to the struggling griffon as her magic fully surrounded her and pulled her to the ground.

"Gilda calm down why do you care for that changeling anyway? I was shocked that it could speak and the powerful spell it used to escape. But what's gotten you so mad?" She said as the griffon stopped struggling and looked at Twilight dead in the eye with pure rage.


"Applejack what just happened?"

"Im not sure sugarcube but ah dont like it one bit."

"Me neither." The white one said

"Me neither neither." The pink one said as she bounced over to her friends as they turned and headed over to Rainbow Dash.

As they got to them they saw Fluttershy helping load Dash onto a stretcher as a carriage came up and she was loaded into the side of it.

Nurse Coldheart remained behind as the others took Dash to the hospital. She looked at the approaching mares and sighed.

"Nurse is she ok?" The yellow one asked as she looked at her with a straight face.

"Your friend was lucky to be alive. Judging by the trench she made it looks like your friend took a nasty spill as she came through the forest. Whoever was here to help her saved her life and knew a thing or two about broken limbs and to at least put them back together to begin the mending process and so a professional could wrap it." She said in a dull tone as she looked at the other mares who had shocked looks on their faces.

"All in all from what I scanned she had a broken wing, leg and a bad concussion." She said as the yellow one looked faint.

"Thank you Nurse Coldheart." She said as she gave a small smile.

"Its what I do best Ms.Fluttershy." She said as she trotted off towards town with the other girls following before they heard a small explosion go off in the forrest. They looked at each other before Twilight spoke up.

"Im going to go check it out you girls go on ahead."

"Ohh no sugarcube yall aint goin in there alone, ah'm comin with you." Applejack said as she walked beside her.

"Well you two can go after the sound, I on the other hoof would like to see how dear Dash is doing. Come alone Fluttershy it time to go." She said as she started to walk towards town followed by the the yellow one who looked back to the pink one.

"Pinkie are you coming?" She asked as the pink pony she looked back at her friends.

"Im right behind you. Ill catch up with you girls later once I know Dash is ok, see you later girls." She said as she walked with her other friends as Twilight looked at her friend and nodded.

"Well here we go."

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