
My New Life with Ponies!?

by DJSkywalker

Chapter 4: The Consequences

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The Consequences

Once again, DJ felt himself flying, only this time it was backwards. He didn’t even remember taking off. There was a bright flash of purple light and next thing he knew he’s flying back first into a bookcase. Why is it always me back?! He crumpled to the floor, books and wood collapsing around him. His head was spinning, back was burning, and all around it was a lot of pain. His vision began to clear and he noticed the one who had sent him sprawling approaching him, her muzzle engulfed in anger.

DJ knew that this was probably going to happen, so he sighed and closed his eyes. “Go ahead Twilight,” he said. “Let it all out. I deserve every last bit of it for putting you through what I did.”

“DJ,” Twilight began, “you are the most insufferable, stupid, reckless, annoying, messed up being that I have ever met!” When she let him have, she let him have it! DJ braced himself for another impact, but instead felt a strange sensation on his lips. He didn’t even need to open his eyes. DJ knew instinctively that Twilight was kissing him, and was giving her all. He returned the kiss in full, both moaning in pleasure from the contact. When they broke apart, they looked into each other’s eyes and Twilight spoke again. “And I never want you to leave me again.”

A bright flash of magic appeared in front of him revealing a small case that had been teleported out of Twilight’s bedroom. DJ gasped at it. “The ring!” He looked away from it and into Twilight’s loving eyes. “You kept it?”

Twilight nodded in confirmation. “Yes, I did. Now, wasn’t there something you were going to ask me after estrus was over?” she said with a seductive tone. DJ couldn’t believe what he was hearing, she actually wanted him to go through with it. He was afraid that she was just doing this to humor him, but he didn’t care. Twilight was giving him the perfect opportunity and he wasn’t going to waste it. So he bent his two left knees, kneeling before her.

“Twilight, we have been through so much together over these past 11 months. You were always there for me, no matter what. You have given me so much and I practically threw that all away in a second. I’m so sorry I put you through that Twi, I just felt so weak after you broke my heart. I just wanted the pain to stop and I saw only one way. I wasn’t thinking and I feel awful. I just don’t want you to suffer because of me. So if you would be willing to give me another chance, I promise with all of my heart and soul that I will never leave you again. I love you so much Twilight that I don’t want to lose you either; I need you in my life Twi. So, Princess Twilight Sparkle,” he opened the ring case before her, allowing her to see it. “Will you marry this reckless moron of a stallion?” His eyes and voice were full of hope.

Twilight’s eyes began to tear up once again, only this time they were tears of pure joy and happiness. She spoke with a lovely whisper, “yes.” DJ’s head perked up at her, a smile beginning to form. Twilight restated her answer again, with more force. “Yes, DJ. I will marry you!” DJ’s eyes beamed with happiness. He made a hoof-pump and whisper-shouted a ‘yes’ to himself. They pushed together, confirming their mutual love in a deep, passionate kiss, once again causing blissful moans of pleasure.

When they finally pulled apart, they simply stared into each other’s eyes, smiles on both of their muzzles. “Ahem,” came a voice from behind Twilight. Both of them turned to see the other ponies in the room. Some were smiling at what they had just seen, while others were giving them blank stares. Once again, DJ let out a sigh.

“Alright, let the verbal and physical bashing commence.” He pushed himself away from Twilight and stuck his forelegs out to his sides, preparing himself for the punishment of a life time. “Well? What are you waiting for?”

“We ain’t gonna beat you up DJ,” said Applejack. “We just want to know why. Why did you go and leave us like that?!” DJ saw tears beginning to form in her eyes again. He hung his head and spoke to everypony present.

“I don’t know AJ. It’s just that when Twilight said those things, it felt like my heart was crumbling. It was like my worst fears were coming to life before my eyes and I couldn’t take it. It felt as if everything in my life had lost its meaning; that there was no point to me living if I couldn’t be with Twilight.” He turned his head to her, but continued to address the group. “She is my everything. My reason for life. Without her, I don’t know what I’d do. To me she is the definition of perfection and when I lost her, I lost everything that gave life meaning.”

He turned back to them. “I am so sorry for putting all of you through this. Honest, the last thing I ever wanted to do was to hurt any of you. You all mean so much to me and it hurt me so much to see all of you in pain.” Once again he hung his head. “I don’t know if you can ever forgive me, but I hope that we can all still be friends.” Pinkie Pie was the first to approach him. When she was close enough, she wrapped her hooves around him in a big hug.

“Of course we’re still friends, silly,” she said. “Just don’t ever do this again.” She let go of him and backed a way, her mane going poofy and her smile returning. The others around the table nodded in agreement.

“Thanks everypony. It means a lot to me to know I still have you guys with me.”

Celestia then spoke up, a question that was on all of their minds. “It is good to have you back, DJ. But, I must ask, how did you get back and why are you a pony?”

DJ smiled. “Let’s just say that Death and I have a new understanding of each other.”

“So you did meet Death?”

“Heh. Met and threatened!” he announced proudly. Celestia and Luna’s faces showed shock. DJ went and retold them all about what happened after he died and what he did to get back to them. When he finished, Twilight embraced him from behind and gave him an affectionate kiss on the cheek. “Aw, thanks Twi. And now you know I would go through hell and back just to get to you. Heh. This has been one hectic day, hasn’t it? Hey, by the way, where’s Nyx? I never saw her through the viewing portal, so does she even know?”

Big Macintosh looked at his brother uncomfortably. “Yeah, she knows. When we were heading into town, she looked in the cart when I wasn’t looking. Nyx definitely saw you and then ran off. We haven’t seen her since. We don’t know where she is. Sorry.”

DJ thought on that for a moment, one place coming to mind. “I think I know where she is. Don’t worry everypony, I’ll go and get her. It’ll be faster if I go alone, anyways.”

“What do you mean, DJ? You are only a unicorn, why do you think you’d be faster?” asked Twilight.

“Heh, oops. Skipped that part, didn’t I?” He then spread his wings wide, causing all of them to gape and stare in awe. “I ain’t no unicorn, my love. I’m an alicorn! See ya!” He took flight and headed towards the Everfree forest, specifically his training clearing. He had brought Nyx there a while back and she loved playing there. It was their private spot where they could play together in private. Nyx would practice her magic and DJ would work on his special powers. It was their place.

DJ saw her from the air and landed not too far from her. Nyx was too busy staring into the river at the edge of the clearing to ever notice him. DJ switched back to his British accent as he approached her. “What’s this, then? A young filly all alone in the forest, crying into a river. Why do I feel like this should be a bad pun?” He laughed to himself a little.

Nyx spoke, her voice was filled with sadness. “Please go away mister. I just want to be alone.”

“Now, now, none of that. Tell me little one, what has made you so sad.”

She sniffled as she tried to form the words. “My…my daddy died.”

“How dreadful! I am so sorry, little one.”

“Well, he wasn’t really my dad, but he cared for me like one so that’s how I thought of him. He was the first daddy I ever had and I miss him. He wasn’t even with us very long and now he’s gone. I just want him to come back.” Nyx began to cry as she spoke. DJ couldn’t do this to her, so he pulled the filly close to him and draped a wing over her. She never even registered that he was an alicorn. He reverted back to his voice.

“I am so sorry Nyx.” She instantly recognized the voice. She looked him right in the eyes, her growing wide. “I never wanted to hurt you, kiddo. I was selfish and stupid. Can you forgive your dumb old dad, Nyx?”

Nyx simply stared at him for a moment, before a great, big smile appeared on her face. She jumped forward, wrapping her hooves around his neck. “DADDY!!!” she yelled. “You’re okay! You came back! Please don’t leave me again, Daddy. Never leave.” Her sobs began anew as she hugged him. DJ returned the hug with interest. He stroked her back, promising that he would never leave her. She cried into his shoulder for several minutes before calming down.

“Let’s go back home, Nyx.” He felt her nod into his chest. DJ hefted his daughter on to his back and trotted off towards the town. Nyx clung to his back the whole way. “You know, Nyx?” she looked up at him.  “Your mother and I will be getting married soon. What do you think about me adopting you? Then I can be your real dad, according to the law anyway.” He looked back at her, her jaw had dropped but was smiling. She reached forward and hugged his neck again. Yeah, she’s okay with it.

They arrived at the library no long after. “Hey everypony,” DJ said as they walked in. “Told you I would find her.” Nyx climbed off his back and walked over to her mother.

“Mom, are you and DJ really getting married?” she asked. Twilight nodded with a happy smile. Nyx bounced around in happiness. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! DJ’s really gonna be my daddy! We’re gonna be a real family!” Twilight and DJ chuckled at her antics, Spike walking over to them and placing a claw on DJ’s side. The little filly jumped over to her parents and hugged both of them around the neck.  DJ scooped up Spike and the four of them enjoyed a family hug.

Then Princess Celestia spoke again. “It is always good to be surrounded by friends,” she remarked. DJ released his new family and slid back so that he could see everypony and his face was distorted in anger.

“NO! We are NOT friends. Nopony in this room are my friends!” he shouted. The others stared at him in disbelief, unable to understand his actions. But they didn’t have time to be upset as DJ immediately changed his tone, his face softening into one of compassion. “You all mean so much more to me than that. As far as I’m concerned, everypony here, in this room, is family.” They were stunned. He saw all of them, not as friends as they thought, but as one big family. He got smiles all around. He walked over to Pixel Berry and hugged her. “And I’m sorry I hurt my family so much. Can you ever forgive me?” Everypony then gathered around them and ended in a great big hug. Berry was the one who answered his question.

“Of course we can, DJ. You went through a lot just for us.” DJ sighed from her answer. “But you realize that I’m still gonna beat the crap out of you later, right?” His eyes opened wide and he smiled and chuckled a little.

“Yeah, should have seen that coming. Heh, heh.” The all shared a good laugh and eventually broke the hug. “So, what now?” he asked.

Cheerilee spoke up. “We should probably let the town know that you are still alive. I kind of visited the Mayor before I went and got the others. I asked her to set up a funeral for you. She has a remembrance party set up for tonight.”

“WHAT?! The Mayor set up a party without me?! That’s just not right!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

They looked at her in exasperation and then turned to DJ. He had a sly grin on his muzzle. “DJ? What are you thinking?” asked Twilight.

“I’m thinking that I am going to screw with whole town tonight! Come Pinkie! We got a party to crash!” The two of them suddenly bounced off, Berry following wanting in on this. Twilight let out a sigh and smiled, knowing that her love really had returned.

Later that night, Mayor Mare was up on the stage in the middle of town. What Cheerilee had told was surprising to say the least. It was the last thing she ever thought would come through that door today. She wasn’t overly familiar with the human, but she knew that many in town knew him quite well and this was the least she could do for him.

She addressed the entire town, who were all in attendance. The mayor had announced DJ’s death earlier that day and many had come to pay their respects. “Greetings, ponies of Ponyville. We have gathered here tonight in remembrance of DJ, our dear human friend. While the details behind his death have yet to be shared, he will be truly missed. And now, I ask you to join me in a moment of silence in his honor.” All was quiet and heads were bowed low, so much that nopony noticed a certain pink pony hop on stage.

“Ladies and gentlecolts!” Pinkie yelled to the crowd. Their heads all snapped up in surprise at the sudden sound. “Sorry to interrupt, but there has been a new development in DJ’s death. Please direct your attention to center stage. He comes from another world, he took the heart of a princess, and now he has conquered death itself! Please put your hooves together for…DJ, the king of rock and roll!” The ponies didn’t even have time to be shocked as the music began immediately.

Staff edit:  Copyrighted lyrics removed

When DJ was finished he looked to the crowd a big smile on his face. “Hey, everypony! Look whose back! That’s right; it’s really me and I’m a pony! Permanently. Just look how many of you showed up just to remember little ol’ me. Ya’ll warm my heart, ya do! Thanks for coming everypony, but enough with the doom and gloom! Let’s party!” Pinkie and Berry suddenly appeared, each holding party cannons and fired! Streamers and other party supplies went flying and everypony cheered. DJ smiled as Twilight walked on stage and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed and kissed her back on the lips. Everything was as it should be.

But how long will it last?

Next Chapter: Back in Business Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 60 Minutes
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