
My New Life with Ponies!?

by DJSkywalker

Chapter 37: Changes

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The train rolled along the barren countryside for hours on end, its passengers within not caring about the scenery at all. Within in these fast-moving walls, two alicorns were wrapped in each other’s wings, not caring about the rest of the world so long as they had each other. Across from the loving couple, sat a young dragon content at just watching over his two older siblings while the five other ponies within had stationed themselves all throughout the train car, save for the one known as Shining Armor who was currently retrieving food for everypony from the dining car. The car had been silent ever since leaving Dodge Junction nearly an hour previous. After a three day trek through the harsh Bad Lands, all any of them wanted was some rest and peace.


That is, until the little dragon broke it. “It’s gonna be so great having you back, bro.”


The blue alicorn grinned while looking at his little brother-in-law. “It will be great just to be back, Spike. Hope I haven’t missed much.” The alicorn next to him cringed a little, but it was enough for him to notice. DJ sighed and sagged in his seat. “Oh great, what’d I miss?”


Twilight looked at him nervously. “Um, well, there’s a certain little pegasus filly who happened to get her cutie mark after her family vacation.” DJ’s eyes widened.


“WHAT?! Scootaloo got her cutie mark?! AND I MISSED IT?!”


“Not exactly, dear.” DJ motioned for her to continue. “Scootaloo has been waiting for you to come back so she can have her cute-ceañera. She didn’t want to have it without you.”


DJ leaned back in his seat and smiled happily. “Yeah, bro, and it’s an awesome mark. She got—“ Spike was interrupted by a blue hoof suddenly coming up to his mouth. Spike looked up to see DJ staring at him with a panicked expression.


“No spoilers! If Scootaloo is holding off her party until I get there, then I can at the very least wait to find out what her mark is until she shows it to me herself.”


Twilight looked at him with surprise, but quickly turned to one’s of adoration. “I know she’ll she appreciate that,” she told him. “Now on to something a little more pressing.” Twilight took on a darker look and glared at DJ. “So, tell me, DJ, why there is a ton of Earth electronics and media hidden in my library? Hmm?”


DJ blanched. “You went in my shed?! What were you doing in my shed?”


“That’s not the issue here! What is all of it for? I want the honest truth.”


DJ sighed and backed down. “Alright. First off, not a single bit of it is stolen; I paid well over retail for that stuff. Second, after television took off, I was hoping to start bleeding a bit of my old world’s media into Ponywood so I could let the rest of Equestria enjoy. There were going to be conditions, such as movie ratings, intense editing, and possible entire reshoots. I wasn’t, and still am not, sure on how I can get the video games out on the market. Oh well, I’ll come up with that when it becomes important.”


Twilight studied him with narrowed eyes and pursed lips. After a moment she relaxed. “Alright. I believe you, honey. You’re off the hook, Spike.”


“Traitor!” DJ yelled immediately.


Spike threw up his claws defensively. “Woah! Woah! I didn’t do it on purpose! She followed me out to the shed when I went to do some maintenance on the brace blades. She gave me no choice, but to tell her the truth!”


“Fine,” DJ huffed. “I didn’t miss anything else did I?” Twilight and Spike thought on that for a moment.


“Well, Scootaloo’s flying skills have really improved since she got her cutie mark and Nyx’s grades have soared, but other than that? Not really.”


DJ wiped his brow. “Whew! Good, didn’t want to miss out anything terribly important.” It was at that moment that Shining Armor returned, carrying several plates of food with him.


“Who’s ready for dinner?” he asked happily.


“I am!” DJ responded like a child, getting a giggle out of his wife. Shining set plates in front of each of them, each having their own meal. Spike had plate of hay fries with a side of emeralds, Twilight’s was two hay burgers, and DJ was content with tall stack of pancakes. As Shining stepped away to bring the others their food, the threesome dug into their food with fervor. DJ scarfed his down faster than ever, being done in almost an instant. He laid back in his seat, hoof on his full stomach, and content with the feeling. “Oh how I have missed real food.”


“Then I guess Spike and I will need to make you a homemade meal when we get back,” Twilight said flashing him a smile. DJ smiled back.


“That would be lovely.” He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. “You’re too good to me.”


Twilight blushed and chuckled. “And don’t you forget it.”




Scootaloo and Nyx anxiously waited on the train platform, eager to greet their returning family. Along with them stood a good portion of Ponyville’s population. When news reached everypony that DJ would be returning home today, Pinkie got to work on a welcome back party immediately. The two fillies were dancing where they stood, their anxiety getting the best of them. Keeping an eye on the two fillies, Applejack stared down the track, trying to catch a glimpse of the incoming train. Still nothing, even after the fifth look. She shook her head upon her big brother, Big Macintosh, looking at her with his own worried look. The two shared a sad look, and looked over the crowd. They could see the other crusaders standing nearby, giving the two young fillies their space. Nearby, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy were also trying to get a glimpse, Rainbow flying high. AJ could see her narrow her eyes and then her face brightened with a smile.


“HEY! Everypony! I can see the train! I can see the train!” Dash announced happily. Ever face brightened with smiles as they all eagerly looked down the track. Just as Rainbow said, a large colorful shape was moving down the track and break-neck speeds. Only one train was scheduled for the day, one in bound from Dodge Junction, so it had to be the one DJ and the others would be on.


Another five minutes of painful waiting more and the train pulled to a stop in front of the platform. Everypony leaned forward as the car doors opened. Out of one, four guard ponies, two of which were crystal ponies, strode off and stood in formation just outside the door. Next came Prince Shining Armor himself, followed by a familiar purple dragon, and their own Princess Twilight. Nyx and Scootaloo ran over and embraced their mother lovingly.


“Hi girls!” Twilight greeted her daughters, giving them a wing hug in return.


“Hi mom,” Nyx said back. “Is daddy on the train?” she asked, trying to look over her mother’s shoulder.


“Yeah, mom, is dad back?” Scootaloo asked for herself.


Twilight sighed and looked them in the eyes. “I’m sorry girls, but your father is not on the train.”


“What?!” they both exclaimed. Nyx and Scootaloo’s eyes began to water, both feeling heartbroken.


“B-but why not?” Scoots managed through her tears.


“Because your father is a moron,” Twilight said as if it were obvious. Both stopped crying and looked their mother, highly confused.


“T-then where is he?” asked Nyx.


“He’ll be down in a minute,” responded Twilight who was looking up. Scootaloo and Nyx followed their mother’s gaze and smiled at seeing what they were seeing. High above, a blue alicorn was streaking through the sky, just glad to be flying free. “Your father has been cooped up in a cave for two months and he wanted to get rid of the claustrophobia.”


After a few more loops in the air, DJ came rushing back to the ground and settled near the edge of the platform, smiling brighter than ever. “’Sup everypony?” he said with goofy grin. “Show of hooves, who missed me?” DJ never got his answer as he was suddenly sent flying off the platform by two weights hitting him in the gut.


“DADDY!!” cried the weights as he hit the ground below.


Twilight and Spike rushed over to the edge. “DJ? Are you alright?” she called down to him.


“Finland!” he responded from underneath his daughters.


“Yeah, he’s good,” Spike said.


Down below, the two fillies were nuzzling and hugging DJ to death, letting out all of their worries for their dearly loved father. “We missed you so much dad,” Nyx said as her tears soaked his jacket. Hers and Scootaloo’s tears were so intense that if one looked in his pocket right now, they would see five Discords swinging around lampposts as they sang ‘Singing in the Rain’. DJ hugged them both tight, keeping them close to his chest.


“Sorry for worry you, girls. I promise I’ll try to stay out of trouble.”


“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, dad,” Scootaloo said. She looked up from her father’s chest, expecting to see his caring eyes staring back, but instead his eyes were closed tight. “Uh, why aren’t you looking at us dad?” Nyx stopped her crying and looked up herself, now wanting an answer too.


DJ simply smirked. “Well, I heard a certain little filly got her cutie mark while I was gone. So, I am not going to look until she gives me permission. If she waited this long for her party, it’s the very least that she has to be the one to show me her mark.”


Scootaloo was dumbstruck. She turned to look at Twilight who nodded at her. “He even shut Spike up so he wouldn’t tell him what it looks like.” Scoots could feel fresh tears building in her eyes as she looked back to her father and then smiled brightly. She got up and off of him and stood a few feet away.


“Okay, dad,” she announced with pride. “Check out my awesome cutie mark!” DJ opened his eyes and they beheld his daughter’s new mark. A big white shooting star, with a purple trail, and surrounded by three other stars. He smiled proudly at his daughter and motioned her closer for another hug which she took gratefully. “What do you think?”


DJ chuckled. “It’s definitely you. And may I say, it’s Rainbow Dash-level awesome!”


Scootaloo smiled. “Thanks dad! And guess what! My flying has gotten better, Rainbow has been teaching me!


“Ehem,” Nyx coughed looking pointedly at her sister.


“Oh, Nyx has gotten better, too,” Scoots added sheepishly.


“Glad to hear it!” DJ announced and then looked back to the platform where there was a huge crowd of ponies staring down at him with happy and, some, tear-filled expressions. “Thank you all for coming out today to see little ol’ me everypony, but I’m sorry to say that I can’t stay.”


The crowd ‘aw’ed and slumped, while his friends and family looked at him confused and angry. “What do ya mean ya ain’t stayin’?” asked Big Mac, looking a little worried about his brother leaving again.


“I have to go to Canterlot. I made a promise that I intend to keep. So, with that said, who wants to come with me and see me tell a bunch of nobles off?” His response was so unexpected that the others were left speechless for a second, before they broke out into laughter, confusing DJ. “I don’t remember saying anything that funny.”


Applejack calmed down the most and replied to him, wiping away a tear. “It’s not that, sugar cube. It’s just that we’re glad you’re back and that you really are you.”


“Oh, well why didn’t you say so? Still, who wants to come watch me go at it with nobles? It’s gonna be fu~~n,” he sang out.


“Fun you say?” asked Pinkie. “I’m in!”


“Y’ain’t goin’ anywhere without me an’ Mac!” AJ insisted.


“Sounds awesome! Count me in!” Rainbow announced.


“I’d like to come,” Fluttershy said, well, shyly.


“That sounds quite uncouth of you, DJ, but if my Spikey’s going, then I should as well,” Rarity answered.


“Heck yeah I’m going!” Spike responded. “This is going to be fun.”


“Can we come dad?” asked Scootaloo for herself and her sister.


“Ask your mother,” DJ responded instantly, causing Twilight to roll her eyes.


“You girls can come,” she responded, getting smiles from the two fillies. “And I’m going too.”


After that was all decided, DJ, the Mane Six, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike, Shining Armor, Big Macintosh, Lyra, Bon Bon, Ditzy, and Time Turner were on a train heading for Canterlot. “Means a lot to me that you all came along,” DJ said thanking everypony.


“No problem, my good friend,” Turner responded. “Apologies that I couldn’t have been much help.”


DJ waved him off. “Don’t worry about it Doc. You got your own problems to deal with, plus everything turned out fine.”


“So, why are we going to Canterlot, anyway?” asked Rainbow Dash.


“I made a deal for my freedom,” DJ said with a sigh. They all looked intensely curious. “I agreed to help the changelings and in return for my freedom, I would negotiate a peace treaty between their hive and Equestria.” Everypony was stunned into silence.


“So,” started Lyra, breaking the silence, “you are helping the same creatures that imprisoned you?”


“No,” DJ said with a shake of his head. “Chrysalis imprisoned me and we don’t have to worry about her anymore. I mean the revolution that I assisted in overthrowing her. Queen Insectum and I have worked out a treaty and I am going to present it to my mother and the ruling council. They need our help otherwise the changelings are going to die out! I have to do this; I promised Scout I would.”


“Who is Scout?” asked Nyx. DJ sighed and then told them all what had occurred during his imprisonment under Queen Chrysalis. From the experiments to the revolution and the loss of his good friend. A few of the mares had tears falling from their eyes after the story and the stallions looked sullen.


“I fear that we may have misjudged the changelings,” Rarity said after wiping her tears, though was still leaning onto Spike for support.


“Those poor creatures,” Fluttershy muttered. “Thank you for helping them, DJ.”


DJ smiled somberly and looked out towards Canterlot. “You can thank me after the job is done.”




It was just another ordinary day for Princess Celestia and Luna. It was the one of the few times a month when both of their presences were required: when the High Council convened to discuss current, past, and future laws. Both princesses had final say in each so they both needed to be present so nothing got past them. The downside is that it was incredibly boring, though it was helping Celestia deal with her depression. With both of her children in danger at the moment, it was all that occupied her mind. She couldn’t keep herself from worry about their safety, even if she and Berry were having trouble at the moment.


DJ was another matter altogether. Unlike Pixel, DJ’s disappearance was broadcast for the entire country to see and some ponies were asking for retaliation against the changelings. Celestia knew she couldn’t do such without a formal declaration of war, which was the last thing she wanted at the moment. She could only hope that her son was safe and would be home soon thanks to the rescue party. The nobles were now fighting again. What they were fighting about, honestly, she could have cared less. Probably another land grab… again. Oh how she wished something exciting would happen today.


Allow the universe to provide!


Suddenly and without warning, the large double doors that led to the council room burst open. Standing there was a deep blue alicorn with a confident smirk, backed by several ponies. Celestia felt the need to cry upon seeing that pony standing there. Her son had come back home!


“Looks who’s back riches!” he proclaimed loudly. The nobles were stunned, not only at the rudeness of this intruder, but also the intruder being the missing prince himself.


“Prince DJ,” greeted Luna standing tall with a happy glint in her eyes. “It is good to see that you are unharmed. What brings you to Canterlot?”


“I gots a proposition for yous!” he declared. He produced a rolled up letter from his saddle bags and floated it over to Luna who took it and read the letter over. As she read, Luna’s face paled. After finishing the letter, Luna looked up at DJ with astonishment.


“You cannot be serious, nephew! Peace with the changelings?!” That one phrase was enough to cause the nobles to riot, each declaring the craziness of such a declaration. That riots soon turned to accusations. Some yelled that he was a traitor, others claimed he was a changeling in disguise, while others declared that it was because he was once a monster himself. Celestia tried to ignore these as she read through the letter herself. She, too, wasn’t very keen on the idea of allying her ponies with the changelings, but if her son was the one coming forward, he should at least be heard out. Celestia looked up from the letter and saw DJ had on a look of being unamused by the nobles bickering. She smiled and covered her eyes, nudging Luna to do the same. A second later, DJ took in a deep breath, and used the Royal Canterlot Voice.


SHUT THE TARTARUS UP YOU SQUABBLING PACK OF ROYAL SNOBS!!!!” DJ looked around, seeing that his outburst did indeed shut them up. He smiled both outwardly and inwardly. “Now then-, NO! Shut up!” he shouted at a noble who tried to speak up. “Before any of you speak again, you are going to hear me out and then we can squabble. Now, I understand that some of you would be upset by this development, but what you are unaware of is the change of leadership. As of two days ago, Queen Chrysalis has been dethroned and replaced by the new queen, Queen Insectum. Insectum and I have made a deal for peace between us, Equestria, and the new United Hives of Amare-ica. All they ask is to be allowed to travel into Equestria unimpeded. I can assure you that the previous incidents with the changelings were all because of the Chrysalis. She is the one who imprisoned me and it was Insectum who freed me. Any questions?”


Several nobles shouted out their concerns, but one voice alone silence them all: the voice of the solar princess. “Why are you advocating for peace, my son?” Celestia asked of him.


DJ looked at her with eyes full of emotions: anger, sadness, grief, but most of all determination. When he spoke, DJ poured all of his feelings into his voice, letting it wash over his mother. “Because I promised a friend, a friend who died for his country to be freed.” There was silence. Out of all of the replies Celestia expected from her adopted son, that was not one of them. She felt physically affected by his statement, her emotions being overwhelmed. DJ stepped towards her and Luna slowly. “Please, mother, just give them a chance. That is all I ask and I promise that you will not regret this. The changelings are not how we believe them to be. They are a caring kind, one that risk life and limb for those they care for. Please, let there be peace!”


Celestia stayed quiet for a few moments, pondering the situation. Out of nowhere, another voice spoke out, a noble’s voice. “I believe that we should give my cousin a chance!” All eyes turned towards the source, a white coated pony with a long blonde mane, a pony named Blueblood. DJ’s eyes threatened to pop out his head, the same going for Rarity. “DJ Sparkle has always been an honest one, and we should be able to trust his word.” As Blueblood sat back down, he bowed slightly to DJ, only enough for him to notice.


With the shock passes, Celestia looked to her nephew with pride. Berry has done wonders for that stallion, she thought to herself. She turned back towards DJ and spoke with a voice of authority. “I, too, believe that we should give the changelings a chance for peace. I, Princess Celestia, agree to a peace between Equestria and the United Hives of Amare-ica. What say you, sister?”


Luna nodded as well. “I, Princess Luna, also agree to peace between our two nations.” She then turned to DJ and smiled.


DJ looked to both of them with grateful smiles. “Thank you so much for this.” With that he turned to leave, his company doing the same. The he stopped, turning just his head back to the nobles, still smiling. “Oh, and the changeling queen and ambassadors will be here tomorrow. Try not to shoot them down. See ya!” He took off running, leaving the entire council, princesses included, completely flabbergasted. Celestia began to shake a little, more than aggravated at her son’s actions, but then she stopped and leaned back into her chair with a sigh. She looked out towards where DJ had been standing and smiled, knowing that her son was finally home.



*****One Year Later*****


It has been slightly over a year since that day and life in Equestria has not been the same since. When the changeling peace group arrived, Celestia and Luna had greeted each of them as welcome guests, Queen Insectum greeting them in kind. After a lovely dinner and some small talk, the history making peace between Equestria and the UHA was made. Ever since, changelings were now a common sight around Equestria, usually as traders and tourists. Changeling sap, as they call it, had turned out to have special medical properties and many changelings were in the business of selling it, though it’s most common use was in spa treatments. Other products included changelings pods (used for psychiatric treatment) and webbing (which had many construction uses). What had surprised DJ is that Sting had been promoted to the head of the changeling guard and even used his first paycheck to pay for a vacation house in Ponyville so he could visit whenever he wanted. DJ was glad that his friend would be around more often.


Another surprise is that very little craziness happened over the year. No monsters, no big hijinks, no nothing! For once, DJ could just be a family stallion and be there for his family. Scootaloo had been focusing on her new special talent as of late: daredevil stunts! Her act kept getting crazier and crazier, from flying at high speeds down a busy street, to jumping gorges on her scooter. Whenever she wasn’t risking her life, Scootaloo was busy participating in any and every sport she could find. Baseball, basketball, hoofball, she did everything and excelled!


Nyx, however, had dived into her studies. Her magic had been improving steadily over the years and now Nyx was focused on learning all she could on magical theory. DJ even found several brochures and an application to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns in her room. Nyx told her family that she had been wanting to go to her mother’s school for a while, but didn’t feel powerful enough to apply. She still didn’t feel up to apply, but would still put her all into her studies to prepare.


Spike kept himself in top form, keeping up with DJ in sparring. Other than that Spike just kept up with his library job as well as his new part-time position over at Carousel Boutique. His excuse was that he needed the extra bits, but everypony knew it was so he could spend more time with his marefriend, Rarity. Speaking of marefriends, Big Macintosh and Fluttershy had made a major leap in their relationship. Almost nine months ago, Big Mac proposed to Flutters and she said yes! They had set the wedding in about three months from now. Applejack was still her same old self, though Rainbow was supposedly in a relationship with an unknown suitor. She would never admit anything, not even dropping hints. Pinkie was in the same boat as Applejack, staying committed to her job, but it came in handy for the wedding a couple months back. Who’s wedding? Lyra and Bon Bon’s of course! Came as a surprise to most, but everypony were happy for them.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders were busy over the year as well. Both Dinky and Apple Bloom finally achieved their cutie marks! Dinky’s was a trio of white stars that signified her destiny in magic and Apple Bloom’s was a red apple with a hammer in front. Dinky achieved hers after she and Nyx pulled of a complicated magical display at the annual talent show. Apple Bloom realized her talent after a small fire destroyed a fair portion of the family barn. When nopony was looking, she snuck over at completely repaired the burned portions, making it look as if the fire never happen.


The past year has not been without its excitement, though. Twilight and DJ had delved into magical research, returning to her constant study habits. Of course, DJ had begged for them to resume teleportation training, but after over a month of failed attempts they finally put the project to rest and ended DJ’s dreams of teleporting. They went over many different subjects ranging from combat spells to illusion and many others that DJ still couldn’t wrap his head around.


That is where we find the loving couple today: in the middle of a magical test.


“You did remember to re-check all the formulas, right?” DJ asked as he set up the runes on the floor.


“Double and triple checked, honey,” Twilight said as she checked over the runes. “This long distance travel spell should work perfectly! I am… eighty-nine percent sure.”


“Only eighty-nine?” DJ asked with a raised eyebrow. “You sure we should still be trying this?”


“Don’t worry about it; this will be perfectly safe. What could possibly go wrong?”


“WE ARE CANCELING THIS EXPERIMENT RIGHT NOW!!” DJ exclaimed. “You just chanced fate and I ain’t messing with that!”


Twilight deadpanned and rolled her eyes. “Don’t be so superstitious. Now come on, stand in the circle.”


DJ moved into the center of the rune circle. “I feel like a guinea pig. This is gonna kill me, I just know it.”


“Shut up and stand still.” DJ did as commanded. “Okay, now I am going to be sending you to Canterlot Castle. Thanks to your modifications on that badge of yours,” she said while holding up the omnitrix badge, “we should be able to communicate so we can confirm the success. Remember, there is no counter to this, so ask your mother if she can send you back as soon as possible. Oh and say ‘hi’ for me and the girls.”


DJ nodded. “No prob. Plus, I need to ask her about Berry. I haven’t heard from her since the Changeling Revolution. I really worried about her.”


“I know you are, dear, but she is a grown mare. She has the right to make her own decisions.”


“I know, but I wish we at least we knew where she was. Okay, let’s get this started.”


“Alright.” Twilight stepped back a little and began to power up her horn.


“See you in a little while, Twi!” DJ called out. A second later, Twilight fired the spell and DJ was gone in a flash of light. Twilight collapsed to the floor from the massive burst of power. Slowly, she picked herself and noticed that the runes were completely gone. Twilight smiled giddily and moved over to the communication device and tapped the center, sending out the connection signal. After a minute, the green light faded and a copy of Omni’s voice said, “Unable to connect to user.”


“Well, that’s not right,” Twilight said with a hint of worry. They had checked three times that this would work. “Oh well, have to do it the old fashioned way. Spike!” she called to the upper level.


“Yeah Twi?” he called down.


“Could you write a letter to Celestia and ask her if DJ arrived in Canterlot alright?”


“Give me a minute.” Twilight sat there for a good minute and then heard Spike ignite a letter. She then made her way out of the basement, badge in hand. Another few moments passed in silence until another letter was burped out of the dragon’s gullet. Spike unrolled the letter and was visibly worried. “Uh, Twilight? Celestia said that DJ never arrived in Canterlot as planned. Should we be worried?”


Twilight wasn’t exactly sure, but she did know that nothing good was going to come of this.




DJ groaned as he stood up from his laying down position. It was slow going, but he did finally make his way to a standing position. He looked around and smiled at the familiar white walls of Canterlot Castle. “Well, what do you know? The spell worked! Sweet!” He started moving forward, admiring the architecture along the way. DJ started to hum to himself as he trotted through the castle halls, not a single pony in sight. Not that strange, Celestia has always kept a small staff.


DJ saw a turn up ahead that would take him right to the throne room. He smiled and sped up, getting to the guarded doors within a minute. The guards eyes him warily, which was strange considering most of the guards at least tolerated his presence. “Gentlecolts,” he said tipping his imaginary hat and made his way into the throne room, but was stopped as the guards crossed their spears. “Um, excuse me, I would like to see the Princesses.”


“The princesses are currently meeting with the Elements of Harmony. No entrance!” one of them answered curtly.


What the hell does that mean? The Elements are still in the Tree and Twilight and the girls are still in Ponyville. What is going on? “I would suggest you allow me through. I need to speak with Celestia and Luna.”


Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are not to be interrupted!” the guard reinforced his partner.


DJ sighed. “I really didn’t want to do this.” DJ lit his horn with magic and fired two quick blasts of ice magic, freezing the two ponies solid. DJ tapped the ice to make sure it was solid. “You should melt out in an hour or so. Just be patient and next time, be nicer to your guests.” With that DJ strolled to the door. “Hey Celestia! Luna!” he yelled as he entered the room. “You might want to update your guards out there, they didn’t seem to recognize me.”


The two princesses looked at DJ in surprise, though it was Celestia who spoke. “And exactly who are you?”


That caused DJ to stop and look at his surroundings. Standing in front of the two princesses were his six friends staring at him with surprise and confusion, but with several differences. One being that Twilight was a unicorn and not an alicorn, disturbing DJ slightly. The more disturbing fact, however, was the tall blonde human sitting next to Applejack, incredibly close to her in fact.


“Do y’all know this pony?” asked the human to the surrounding ponies.


“Not in all of mah days, Apple Ryder,” Applejack answered with a shake of her head. The others answered similarly, not helping DJ’s mood. Then it hit him. The guards not recognizing him, Celestia and his friends not knowing who he was, and the presence of a human he never seen before? That could only mean one thing…


“Buck my life!!”

Next Chapter: The Things I Do for Love Estimated time remaining: 19 Minutes
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