
My New Life with Ponies!?

by DJSkywalker

Chapter 26: Back Off!

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Back Off!

Two Days Until Portal Closes

DJ awoke from a peaceful slumber this day. With slightly closed eyes, he took in his surroundings, awaiting the memories of the previous day to come crawling back into place. The room he was in was quite dark, due to the closed shades, but he could still make out the dresser and television in in the room. Lying next to him, snuggling into his chest, was his dear wife Twilight. Even when she sleeps, she’s the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. This thought brought a small smile to his face. He looked over across the room, seeing his two daughters sleeping blissfully in the other bed. DJ could also just make out Spike’s form sprawled out on the floor between the beds.

After explaining their plans for the next couple of days, the Sparkles decided to find a place to stay for the nights. With minimal funds, they had settled on a decent motel a few blocks away from Canterlot High School. DJ was down four hundred bucks, but they had some place to sleep for the next three nights. With that settled, they had joined up again with the girls for dinner at a nearby restaurant. They had taken their seats and DJ was bombarded with questions. The big one was how he and Twilight had teenage daughters.

DJ explained it that Nyx and Scootaloo were actually adopted and were ten and eleven, not fourteen. Something about this world had changed them to match the others, this bringing up that Twilight had de-aged. Instead of being twenty-one, Twilight was sixteen once again, the same thing that had happened last time she had come. She just never really noticed before. DJ flipped through his wallet, finding a driver’s license surprisingly, to discover that he was also nineteen again. He groaned out loud, complaining on how he was supposed to get a drink now. Spike also came to the sudden realization and sulked. The both of them really enjoyed their booze. When you find the ones that taste right, and that there were no adverse effects, you get into it really quick. After a decent meal, and some explaining about meat products (Hello bacon!), the Sparkle family had retreated to their motel room for the night.

Jumping back to the present, DJ slowly eased himself out of Twilight’s grasp and took a quick shower. With that out of the way, DJ got himself dressed and decided to take a walk. Slipping out of the room, careful not to wake anyone, DJ stepped up to the banister of the walkway and looked out at the town. The sun was only just rising, but where ever it shined, the surface reflecting with an amazing gleam, especially in the snow. This morning was blistering cold, but DJ couldn’t feel it, not one bit. He smiled that his cold resistance was permanent now; one less thing to worry about.

A beautiful morning, indeed. DJ groaned inwardly. Whenever he wanted something was the only time Malice ever started conversation. The demon was certainly annoying at times.

What do you want, Malice? Sure their relationship had improved after the whole ‘Sombra’ thing, but that didn’t mean they were friends. More like they bothered tolerating each other now; partners was how they saw it.

Can’t I enjoy a peaceful morning? DJ’s blanched look was a sufficient enough answer. You sensed it yesterday, right? There was a strange presence while we were at the bakery that disappeared rather suddenly.

Yeah, I felt it. Didn’t think too much of it though.

I felt hostility emanating from it. There was something off about the presence, too. It didn’t feel, complete. Like something was missing from it.

Well, hopefully it amounts to nothing. I know Celestia wants us to keep our eyes peered for any disturbances, but I really just want to have a quiet vacation with my family.

We all want what we can’t have, kid. With our luck, something’s gonna go terribly wrong before we leave.

Trust me, I know. A guy can dream can’t he?

Just watch your back. Something is stirring here and it’s not good. With that, Malice retreated back into the deep portions of DJ’s mind to do, um, whatever it is Malice does in his free time. DJ simply stared out as the sun continued to rise. He heard the door behind him open, causing him to look back. Twilight was standing there, fully dressed herself.

“What are you doing out here, honey?” Twilight asked, still a little sleepy. “Aren’t you cold?”

“Cold doesn’t affect me anymore, dear. Not even here. I’m just enjoying the sunrise.”

“Oh, okay. Well, the girls and Spike are just finishing up getting ready. Do we have enough for some breakfast?”

“Between the two of us, we had a total of around eleven hundred bucks. With nearly four hundred and fifty used up yesterday, I’m pretty sure we got enough to keep us all fed the next couple of days. I think I saw an IHOP just down the street. Man, what I wouldn’t give to have one of those back in Equestria.” DJ stared off into space for a moment, a small thing of drool escaping his lips.

“What’s an IHOP?” asked a glass-like voice from behind Twilight. It was Nyx, she and Scoots really not looking like they wanted to be awake. Spike looked even worse, looming behind them with an irritable look on his face.

“It stands for the International House of Pancakes, kiddo,” DJ explained. “It’s a franchise restaurant that serves breakfast twenty-four seven. As the name implies, they specialize in pancakes of different kinds.” Scootaloo, Nyx, Twilight, and a more-awake Spike were staring at him in awe.

“They really serve breakfast all day?” asked Scootaloo who started to drool a little. Probably of dreaming of all that delicious food.

“Oh yeah, you should see the days where they serve unlimited pancakes. Now that is a special service.”

“Unlimited pancakes!?” Spike was drooling a river. “You mean if you run out…”

“The waitress comes back and gives you more until you tell them no. So worth it.” That was enough explanation as his family practically dragged him to this IHOP, him smiling smugly the whole way. They arrived and were seated quickly, all five ordering the unlimited pancake special. Down went another fifty bucks, too. Everyone devoured the first course easy enough, though Twilight stopped after her second helping. Scootaloo lasted until the fourth, Nyx quit during the fifth, and Spike kept up until his seventh serving. DJ didn’t quit until his tenth, basking in the amazing taste. DJ paid the bill, leaving a decent tip for the server and they exited the restaurant with full stomachs.

As they walked down the street, they notice Canterlot High, bustling with students getting ready to start the school days. Ah memories. Buck them all to Tartarus! They notice six certain girls near the entrance and rush over to meet them. “Hey girls!” Twilight greets.

“Well hey there Twi!” Applejack says back. “It sure is a cold one today. Sorry for y’all coming to a frozen town for a vacation.”

“It’s cold out? Hadn’t noticed,” DJ responds with a dumb grin.

“Huh? Are you numb or just dumb?” asked a smiling, yet confused Pinkie.

“Nah, see my specialty back home is ice magic. Started when I first showed up in Equestria because I felt just fine during the winter. Now it prevents me from feeling cold at all, though now I wonder if I can still get frost bite. Maybe worth a research project later?” DJ starts rubbing his chin in thought of all the different possibilities that his ice magic could allow. The girls just stare at him, glance at each other knowingly, and then back to Twilight.

“I think I see what you saw in him now, pony princess,” Rainbow Dash says with a smirk. Twilight blushes and rubs her arm, embarrassed.

“Maybe I should start working on an absolute zero spell,” DJ thinks out loud, though it was mumbled. The girls just ignore him and start chatting with one another. Spike just hangs back and watches a few skateboarders doing tricks further down the steps. Nyx and Scootaloo started building a snow man in the front of the school, though it seemed to be turning more into a snow pony than anything else.

“Twilight!” a voice nearby calls out. Twilight and her six friends turn to the voice, but DJ is still stuck forming ideas for his magic. The voice belonged to none other than Flash Sentry. Flash hurries up the steps to meet his crush, Twilight starting to worry. “Twilight, I know you said no to coffee, but would you be up to maybe getting some lunch? I just want to catch up, no strings attached.”

“Flash,” Twilight started with a consoling voice, “it is good to see you, please believe me when I say that. But, you and I cannot be a thing. I already have someone that I love dearly and he means a great deal to me. Please understand, I hope that we can still be good friends.”

Flash wasn’t quite sure how to take this. Twilight had been on his mind since the Fall Formal only for her to come back now saying she was already taken. It pained him, and infuriated him. “Well, where is this special someone?” Flash asked, masking his anger with curiosity.

“Hmm?” DJ asked, somehow knowing now to step in to the conversation. He looked over and saw the human Flash Sentry, a small flicker of anger burning deep inside. Keep calm, and stay reasonable. You owe that much at least to Twilight. DJ approached the two and stuck out his hand in greeting to the younger man. “Nice to meet you, the name’s DJ. I’m Twilight’s husband.” DJ really wanted to smirk at that, but decided to play it cool and kind.

“Husband?!” Flash nearly yells as he yanks his hand back. “What? H-how?”

“Time is different in Equestria. A few months here is a few years there,” Twilight explains, while still trying to comfort Flash.

Flash couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The girl of his dreams was married to some, well he looked cool, but his voice just screamed moron. Twilight deserved better than him. Twilight deserved Flash, and no one else. The anger and jealousy deep in his heart was ignited and burning bright.

“What makes you think you’re good enough for Twilight, huh!?” Flash suddenly yells at them. Twilight and DJ are both startled by the guy’s sudden outburst. Sunset rushes over to Flash and the girls surround the couple protectively.

“Please Flash!” Sunset pleaded. “Please calm down. You’re not thinking straight. You. Need. To Calm. Down!”

“I will not calm down! This, this bastard,” this caused a sharp gasp from some of the girls, “took Twilight from me. Well, I’m not gonna let her go without a fight.”

Okay, now DJ was ticked. He originally did not want to get angry with Flash, but he just hit a sore spot. He brought Twilight into this. “Hey!” DJ yelled at Flash, his voice a little deeper, enough to surprise the girls. “Don’t you dare talk about Twilight like that! She is not some prize to be won, she is a loving girl who I would give my life for. She has a wonderful family, two amazing brothers, two loving daughters, and me! So look man, just back off!”

Twilight was proud of DJ for standing up for her like that, but was also fearful that the two of them would start fighting, especially when they got in each other’s faces. “Flash! DJ! Please both of you just stop this!”

They ignored her and focused on one another. “What makes you so special, huh? Take away the fact that you’re a pony, and what does that leave you?”

“Genius. Billionaire. Playboy. Philanthropist,” DJ answered with a wicked smile. “What are you? An artifact of Twilight’s past. A rock star wannabe with dreams that will probably amount to nothing. The popular kid? That stuff is over once high school is done. What greatness have you accomplished? Sure, you got to dance with a princess from another world. Well, guess what? That princess is my wife and the mother of my children. I am a hero of Equestria who killed an evil tyrant king single handedly. You. Are. Nothing.”

Flash just got angrier and angrier as DJ kept poking holes in him, metaphorically. I am the only one for Twilight! This jerk is standing in the way of our love. He needs to move or be destroyed, Flash thought madly. “I challenge you!! A battle of the bands between the two of us! You question me being a rock star so now I am going to show you up! Winner gets Twilight!”

“I am NOT betting my wife! She is not some prize to be won!” DJ yelled at Flash in anger.

“Scared you’re gonna lose? If you are so sure of your love then prove it!”

DJ didn’t want to, but Flash needed to be put in his place. “It. Is. On, mother bucker!! After your classes are over, school boy, in the gym. We both get two songs; two chances to win. The audience decides the winner. This will be a good chance to show you not to mess with your betters as well as drum up some excitement for the real Battle of the Bands on Friday. Which I will be the closing act for.”

Flash just ground his teeth. “Deal. You better be there or you forfeit all rights to her!” Flash stomped off angrily, leaving a stunned crowd. Twilight was aghast. Not just at Flash’s actions, but at her husband’s as well.

“What were you thinking DJ?! Are you even crazier than I thought?!”

“I was not going to just stand here and let him try and control you. I hate people like that and I will be damned to the nine hells for all eternity before I let anyone treat you like some object. I know what I am doing Twilight. I won’t lose.”

“That’s not what I am afraid of DJ,” Twilight muttered to herself. The girls took this chance to comfort her, while Spike, Nyx, and Scootaloo spoke with DJ.

“Are you alright, sugar cube?” asked a concerned Applejack.

“Yeah, just a little frazzled. I’m scared, that’s all.”

“Scared? Of what, darling?” Rarity questioned.

“I’m afraid that DJ will get too angry and Malice will come out,” Twilight answered honestly.

“Who is Malice?” asked Sunset.

“Malice is DJ’s inner demon. He had an encounter with the god of chaos, Discord, that went terribly wrong, creating another persona inside my husband. Malice is not someone you want to mess with.”

“Well, DJ seems pretty cool, especially after standing up to Flash,” Rainbow admired. “I doubt this Malice is that bad.”

“Wanna bet?” Twilight dared.

“Is he really scary?” asked the ever quiet Fluttershy.

“Malice is one of the most frightening things I have ever seen. Where DJ represents harmony, Malice is pure chaos. He is a demon in most every sense of the word. He is bloodthirsty, murderous, and is not afraid of spilling innocent blood if it will give him some sick thrill. Malice also looks down anything that isn’t human. He is my husband’s direct opposite. Even his sarcastic wit is used to cause pain, instead of humor. Well, it’s humorous to that sick, twisted freak.”

Fluttershy eeped at Malice’s description. “Is there any way to tell if DJ turns into Malice?”

“It usually requires one of DJ’s discord potions, but I was never too sure that Malice was sincere when he said that he would never try to take over DJ’s body. You can tell the difference because Malice’s body is completely grey and black. Also his manic grin that screams psychopath and those eyes.” Twilight shuddered at the memories.

“What eyes?” asked Pinkie.

“It’s DJ’s own brand of rage shifting.”

“He has a different rage shift?” asked a curious Sunset Shimmer. She was Celestia’s student for a reason after all.

“Mm hmm. DJ’s rage shift even scares his mother, Princess Celestia. It—“

“Wait, wait. He is Celestia’s son?”

“Yes, I guess we skipped that part. Anyway-- I will answer your questions on that later Sunset! Anyway, when DJ gets mad his eyes change from hazel to a pure black. They show absolutely nothing. No emotion; no fear, no hate, no love, no anything. Just voids, as we call them. Voids where everything just falls into the eternal abyss. You would think eyes of hatred would be more frightening, but no, no these eyes are the ones to be afraid of. Nothingness is one of the cruelest fates.” The girls all agreed on that and would help Twilight keep an eye out for signs that DJ was transforming.

Meanwhile, DJ was trying to calm himself down after his altercation. “Damn, I think I was channeling Malice there for a minute.”

I did absolutely nothing. Honest! That was all you dude.

Great, thanks for making me feel better.

That’s what I’m here for.

“And there goes that idea,” DJ mumbled out. Thankfully, his kids and brother didn’t hear him.

“That was so awesome, dad!” Scoots said with a massive smile. “The way you stood up to that guy for hitting on mom? So amazing!”

“It wasn’t amazing Scoots!” Nyx said. “Daddy could get in big trouble with this little bet. That meanie could take mom away!”

“You gotta have faith in your old man, girls,” Spike said helpfully. “I believe in him, so should you.”

DJ smiled gratefully at the dragon turned human. “When we get home, remind me that I owe you a nice big emerald.”

“Make it a sapphire and you got a deal.” They shook hands on it, making it legit. Twilight and the girls came up from behind them.

“So what are you gonna do now, DJ?” asked a peeved Twilight. DJ let out a big sigh and started heading for the school.

“Now? I need to get the gym set up. And to find a certain wub-loving girl.” He headed inside, everyone else following suit.

A good distance away, the figure watched with interest. Perfect, the being thought deviously. Simply perfect, my influence is already starting to spread. Soon, soon my children will thrive as they should. Now to take my place among them. A burst of flame, and the figure was gone.

Deep within DJ’s mindscape, Malice turned around at the feeling in his gut. There’s that presence again. It disappeared as soon as it shows up. And it’s still hostile. DJ may need to focus on his life, but this frees me up to keep searching for whatever that thing is. Malice had a grin grow quite nicely on his face. Things are about to get interesting again. Maybe this time, I get to be the one to put the bad guy in the grave. He let out a maniacal laugh and began to exert his powers to search for the mysterious being.

Next Chapter: Flash vs. DJ Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 22 Minutes
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