
The Flareverse - What if's, Could have's and Should never have been's... but we did them anyway.

by Ausbrony

Chapter 4: A very Flarey Nightmare Night

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A Very Flarey Nightmare Night

“Seriously, Twilight?” Flare deadpanned. Do I really have to wear this?”

The large unicorn’s body was covered by a thick, starry-patterned cloak, and a huge pointed hat sat upon his head. The numerous bells that lined the outfit jingled and jangled whenever he moved.

But more important was the majestic, snow-white beard that adorned his face. It wasn’t a fake beard either. Real, full-bodied curls hung down from his face.

He waved a hoof in front of his marefriend’s face a few times as she simply stared at her hunky stallion. A small line of drool began oozing down her lip as a hungry look filled her eyes.

'Oh, by the sun, the things I’m going to do to him later… Wait; why is his mouth moving? Ooh, he’s talking…'

Flare sighed and simply gave up. Spike’s bedroom door opened, and he emerged dramatically, wearing some sort of superhero costume. Probably a character from one of his comic books. It consisted of a white singlet top and denim jeans, his scales were dyed a lime green colour.

“Hey, Spike, looking cool there!” Flare said, deciding that ignoring Twilight for now might be best.

“Pfft, you too, Grandpa Flare!” he guffawed. “How long did it take Twilight to convince you to wear that?”

Flare’s mind wandered to her ‘persuasion’ methods… “Not too long,” he smiled. “So, gonna be Rarity’s little hero tonight?”

“A-actually… I’m gonna be hanging out with the Crusaders and some of the other colts and fillies tonight.” Spike replied, his face was a light red colour.

'So Sweetie Belle or that Silver Spoon filly then?'Flare smiled. The little drake had been spending a lot of time with her lately. “Well, I hope you have fun.”

Spike nodded, and as he walked past Twilight, he poked her in the flank with a sharp claw, causing her to yelp loudly and snapping her out of her daydream.

“Huh? Wah! What!?”

“See ya later!” Spike called out, dashing out the front door. Twilight wiped the drool from her mouth and grinned sheepishly.

“Such great parental figures you two are,” A curt tone said as Dream Catcher walked out from her room. “Honestly, can’t you keep your wings down for one night?” she said to Twilight, whose wings were sticking straight up.

“I was just stretching,” Twilight hastily responded. “And where’s your costume? I thought the bunny one looked adorable~”

“You’re kidding... you’re kidding right?” Dreamy deadpanned so hard it could have caused a pan extinction. “I don’t do cute!”

“I thought it was pretty adorable,” Flare said. “Why don’t you just wear your Crusader cloak then? You’re gonna be hanging out with them right?”

Dream Catcher sighed and nodded, “Fine, But I’ll stick with you two until then.” She ducked back into her room and emerged a moment later, the crimson cloak adorning her back.

“Well, shall we get going, Flare, Dreamy?” Twilight’s outfit was something inspired by Flare’s world. She wore a wide-brimmed purple steeple hat and a matching flowing dress. Three smooth red stones hung around her neck, completing the Mismagius outfit. Flare thought she looked really cute.

“Yeah, the others should be waiting by now.” He held the door for her and offered a polite bow as she left the library and they headed out into Ponyville.


Like every other Nightmare Night, the small town of Ponyville went all out in decorating. Everypony was costume, and hordes of foals were running about, giggling madly.

Almost immediately after exiting the library, Twilight and Flare were assaulted by Pinkie Pie, who had dressed up as an Alligator, while Gummy was perched on her head in a little Pinkie Pie outfit.

“HEYA!” Pinkie cheered, causing Flare and Dream Catcher to jump as she popped out of a bush. “Wow, cool outfits.”

“Can you guess what we are?” Twilight said, giving a little twirl.

“Uh, Flarey is totally Starswirl the Bearded and you’re…. Uh…. Trixie?”

“No, wait! How come you got Flare’s right?” she questioned. “You know what, never mind. I don’t care this time.” She looked at Pinkie’s costume, “And you’re… Gummy?”

“Yepper deppers!” Pinkie cheered. “I am Gummy and Gummy is me!”

Flare grinned, it was pretty adorable. “So where’s everypony else?”

“Dashie and Rarity are already at the party, and Flutters and Discord will be coming later. I dunno where AJ is.” Pinkie giggled. “Okay, time is candy, and my candy bag is empty!” She yelled before charging off into the night to rob the innocent citizens of Ponyville of their delicious sweet treats.

“Well, that was something,” Flare said. “She really lives for nights like these, huh?”

“Yeah, Pinkie will be Pinkie, after all. Now shall we hit the town?”


Twilight and Flare eventually caught up with Spike and the three decided on a little Trick or Treating before the party. Spike was riding on Flare’s back, his candy bucket already half full by the time they found him.

“Howdy y’all!” Applejack called out. Her and Big Macintosh were wearing outfits that Flare didn’t recognise.

“Bonnie and Clydesdale?” Twilight asked, earning a nod from the cowpony.

“Eeyup, you like?”

“Very fitting,” Twilight laughed. “And where’s Apple Bloom? I figured you’d be trick or treating with her.”

“She’s hanging out with the other Crusaders,” AJ replied. “Ah think they plan to raid the town as a group.”

“That doesn’t bode well,” Flare shuddered. Lucy had been spending a lot of time with the Crusaders lately, he was rather scared now...

Those fears were confirmed when Lucy raced past, wearing a small helmet with horns on it and a suit of armour.

“All shall relinquish the candy to Us!” Lucy hollered, the legion of foals behind her all cheered. “FOR THE HORDE!”

“For the horde!” the foals echoed as they ran to the next house, one belonging to Ditzy. She was passing out candy filled muffins... what? They were good!

“Amateurs,” Dream Catcher sighed. “I shall have to instruct them on how a proper raid is conducted.”

“Try and keep the story PG,” Flare said tersely. “We don’t want this Nightmare Night to be anypony’s last.”

“I make no promises,” Dreamy replied, running after the others.

The clocktower eventually chimed and it was time for the Nightmare Party. Town Hall was the center of the festivities tonight, with a massive party for the entire town. Princess Luna and Princess Celestia were even supposed to make an appearance.

An irritated-looking Garchomp stood out front, lacking any sort of costume. (Though most would agree that she looked scary enough anyway). Once she saw Twilight and Flare approach, a small smile appeared on her face.

“‘Bout time you two Lovebirds got here,” she said. Uh, Flare… what’s with the goofy-looking beard?”

“He’s so hot~” Twilight drooled again, blatantly ogling Flare as the stallion shook his head and laughed.

“Yeah, well, what about you? I almost didn’t recognise you with that scary out—Oh, wait, that’s what you always look like~”

“Oh, har har,” Sapphira snarled playfully. “Lucy and Velvet are already inside. Now c’mon.”


The inside was packed; most of Ponyville must have been there. Flare waved to Ditzy, Sparkler, Dinky, and many more of his Ponyville friends. Rarity’s outfit was really something: she was dressed as Princess Luna!

“Ah, good evening friends!” She greeted them; even her voice was spot on. “Art thou having fun?”

“Yeah, Luna, tons of fun,” Flare giggled. “Nice outfit, by the way. You even sound like her.”

“Well, naturally, darling,” Rarity said, with her own voice this time. “A lady must always have a hidden talent or two.”

“Hey guys!” Rainbow Dash flew down from the ceiling, wearing a surprisingly realistic Daring Do outfit.

“Rainbow… did you get that from Miss Yearling?” Twilight asked, but Rainbow just shrugged, looking at a light gold Pegasus sitting on one of the indoor clouds. She wore a Wonderbolt’s outfit, brushing a piece of ash-coloured mane from her eyes.

“Mmmaayybee?” Rainbow giggled. “You look… cool?” she said unconvincingly as she eyed Flare.

“Yeah, yeah.” Flare waved a hoof. “I think your friend is waiting, Raindork.”

The prismatic Pegasus just poked out her tongue and flew back to where Daring was waiting.

“So, he’s the stallion you told me about?” Daring asked her friend. “Well, I gotta admit, he’s pretty cute. So is his marefriend.”

“Yeah, I know.” Rainbow replied, sighing. “Let’s not go there… how are you and Mr. A doing?”

“The usual,” Daring replied. “I like to play hard to get, and he plays along. We’ve been talking about moving in together though.”

“Cool. I hope it works out for you.” Rainbow really did wish her the best, she just wished she could be so lucky in love.

The doors burst open as Fluttershy walked in, wearing what appeared to be an outfit that made her look like a plushie version of herself. There was an apologetic look on her face as a tall figure strode ahead of her. He stood tall amongst the ponies, and only two actually recognised what he was.

“A human?” Flare said, genuinely surprised. “What the heck is a human doing here?”

“That’s a human?” Twilight said, the excitement in her voice not hidden very well. “But why is he with Fluttershy?”

“Ah, hello friends!” he said jovially. “Isn’t tonight simply magical?”

Wait, Flare knew that voice. “Discord?” he asked dubiously. “Is that you?”

“Hmm, usually,” he replied, drinking from the punch bowl with an absurdly long silly straw. “But tonight, just call me J.”

“Ookay?” Flare just shook his head. “You make about as much sense as Pinkie Pie.”

“What fun is there in making sense?” Both Pinkie and Discord said together.

“That’s creepy,” Flare muttered.

Mayor Mare was wearing some ridiculous clown outfit, which Spike was complaining about. And Zecora… Wow, Zecora was something else. She looked really cute with a long mane like that.

“Thank you for coming, everypony! And welcome to Ponyville’s Nightmare Night celebration!” Mayor Mare announced. “And I’d also like to announce that it’s our resident Pokemon’s very first Nightmare Night ever, So let’s make it a good one, everypony!”

“It’s also mine,” Discord called out from the back of the room, but no-one listened.

Everypony cheered as Flare blushed. Being the centre of attention wasn’t really his goal tonight.

“And our second announcement,” the mayor continued, “is that Princess Celestia was able to make it tonight!” Even more cheering followed as the curtains were drawn, to reveal nothing.

There was a chorus of gasps as the Mayor began to panic. This was like the Summer Sun Celebration all over again. A malevolent cackling filled the air as a plume of purple smoke rose from the balcony and Nightmare Moon appeared.

“No way,” Twilight whispered. What’s going on?”

Flare had to admit, he was a tad concerned at first, until he noticed something. He smirked and walked up to the Lunar Goddess, grinning broadly.

“You dare approach us!?” Nightmare Moon yelled, though Flare didn’t look too fazed.

“Having fun, Celestia?” he asked. The dark mare paused as her mane waved in front of her face, revealing her rainbow-coloured mane.

“Ehehheh, I guess I missed one little detail,” Celestia blushed. “I think I still managed to scare a few ponies though.”

She looked over his shoulder to see that nopony was even looking at her. They were all paying attention to Luna, who had walked in the front door with three of her thestral guards like a civilised pony. She had decided to wear her ‘Athena’ outfit, the character she liked to roleplay as in Oubliettes and Ogres.

“Aw…” Celestia pouted.

“It’s alright, I think you may have scared a foal or two,” Flare smiled, patting the mare on the back. “I thought you were a little scary.”

“Well, this is her specialty, I suppose.” Celestia said as Luna chased several laughing foals. “It’s good to see her so happy again.”

Soon the music started, and various couples made their way to the dance floor. Flare and Twilight stood close together, stealing small kisses from each other while they danced.

Spike and Sweetie Belle danced awkwardly, with Sweetie on her hind hooves. Silver Spoon and Button Mash tried to dance, but Button was a terrible dancer. He made a mental note to practise on DDR later...

Partners were switched, and Flare danced with Rainbow, Sparkler and even Luna. Twilight, on the other hoof, just danced with Celestia the whole time.

The lights suddenly went out, causing several ponies to shriek. A glowing green mist filled the room.

“Such little foals, all ripe for the picking~” The haunting, buzzing voice filled the room, several ponies already shaking. “Spending your day eating all that candy? It’ll just make you all the sweeter when we. Eat...YOU!I”

Queen Chrysalis flashed into existence, two Changelings standing next to her, snarling at the group of shrieking ponies.

“Oh, nice work Tia!” Flare grinned, but that grin faltered when he saw that Celestia looked just as worried as everyone else. “Uh, this is your doing?... Right?”

“No,” Celestia replied.

“Oh... crap.” Flare said. And from the looks of it, it wasn’t Luna either. “So... what are the odds that it’s the real Chrysalis?”

Twilight and the others surrounded the Changeling Queen. “You won’t escape this time Chrysalis!”

“Hah! Such bravado,” Chrysalis taunted. “But I’m afraid you won’t lay a hoof on me... want to know why?”

Twilight backed up as Chrysalis approached her, lowering her head to whisper in the Alicorn’s ear. A small grin appeared on the Changeling’s face.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake~”

“Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” Twilight responded without thinking, before putting a hoof to her mouth. “Wait a minute...”

The illusion spell dropped to reveal Princess Cadence. “Well, she got to impersonate me, so I figured that turnabout was fair play.”

“And how do we know you're the real Cadence?” Rainbow Dash retorted.

“Why would a Changeling Queen come to Ponyville for Nightmare Night?” Cadence replied. “The Crystal Empire doesn’t celebrate the holiday and I wanted to could catch up with my sister.” She nuzzled Twilight and smiled.

“W-well uh,” The Mayor was rather shaken over the Princess of Love’s little surprise. “Let’s have one last dance and then it’s time to give Nightmare Moon our tribute.”

“Tribute?” Flare said and looked at Dreamy, who simply shrugged. She wasn’t gonna complain about getting free stuff though. She would be quite disappointed later when she found out what it really meant.

The last dance was one Flare shared with Cadence this time, and it would have been nice if the mare had not been asking about his relationship with Twilight the whole time. Thankfully, the unicorn in question stepped in about halfway through to finish off the night with her stallion.

After the party wrapped up, and everypony had dropped their candy off at the statue of Nightmare Moon—Dreamy wasn’t sure if she should be impressed she had a statue, or upset it was getting more candy than her—they headed home for the evening.

Spike and Dream Catcher fell asleep relatively quickly, and Flare and Twilight had shed their outfits. The fireplace crackled gently, filling the library with a warm glow as the pair snuggled.

“Tonight was pretty fun,” Twilight sighed, nuzzling his side and sighing contently. The stallion nodded and returned the gesture, adding a light kiss on her cheek.

“Yep, I never would have thought Halloween was so fun here.”

Twilight blinked and looked at him. “Halloween?”

“Yeah, it’s a holiday back on Earth where humans…” he paused at looked at his marefriend, who had gotten a quill and some paper, an eager look in her eyes. “I’m not getting any Twilight Time tonight huh?”

“So, holiday?” she asked and he chuckled. Oh well, she was cute like this as well.

The moon shone brightly in the sky as Princess Cadence and her two Guards reached the border of Ponyville. Tonight had been a lot better than she thought, admittedly? She had actually had fun.

And even better? Her main reason for showing up had gone much better than expected. She had acquired enough food for her subjects to last a good long while.

“So... Shall we go home?” Her voice changed as she dropped her disguise, resuming her true form as the Queen of the Changelings. “We have some hungry Changelings to feed after all.”

Her two Guards nodded, their bags full of candy and other food as well. The two Changelings gathered around their Queen as she powered up her magic.

“Sweet Hallows Eve,” Chrysalis whispered to the night sky as she teleported away.

“Until next time~”

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