
Spartans Never Die...

by Ruby Rose

Chapter 1: (1) Dark the Beast Descends From Shadows

(1) Dark the Beast Descends From Shadows

Darkness... Darkness surrounded me, it was pushing me, pulling at me and grabbing at me. I knew what was happening to me, and I also did not know.

For one, I knew that I was dead. A few Elites stabbing and shooting at you does that to a person. But I did not know, where in the hell- no, I knew where I was, but WHY is the question. I was in Purgatory. Why? I should burn in Hell, for all the lives I claimed.

Or, if going by some kind of sick logic, in Heaven for saving just as much.

My movement was limited, it was like swimming through some kind of goo. It took me three times as long to touch my face, or my helmet, which I didn't know why it was here. I threw it off me back on Reach, maybe God or whatever deity made me go here gave it to me?

No sense in thinking over it now, as I know the answer.

It was pitch black, I thought I could see through the goo, and I was right, I fired up the lights in my helmet, and lo and behold, I saw...

...nothing. Just an endless sea of goo. I looked up (?), down (?), right (?), left (?), nothing, just the goo. Except for one place, I could see some light. It was getting bigger and brighter.

I started swimming to it, in hope of getting out of this place, as I was almost in the light, I started hearing voices...

"Twi, are you sure this is safe? Like, one hundred precent and everything." I heard a tomboyish voice, I wondered what was going on, and what kind of a name is 'Twi'?

Hearing fluent English, I sped up, getting closer and closer, almost in the light.

"I am more than a hundred precent sure, Rainbow Dash, I'm about twenty precent more sure." I heard a voice of the typical scientist, slash nerd.

"You little egghead, I'll get you for this!" replied the other one.

"Watch with the little, I'm taller than you now!" teased the second voice.

"It's almost done, shield your eyes!"

I was almost in the light, just a little, tiny bit, one last push, and... I'm in!

I suddenly felt a strong pull from the light, and I fell out of the goo, now completely free. I also heard a few gasps.

"T-Twi? I-I th-think you just summoned an a-alien!" the tomboyish voice, again, this time stuttering, afraid of... me? Wait wait wait, hold on a second, alien? So those are english-speaking beings that aren't human...?

Wait, I had the Cortana AI in me quite a long time, did she give me new abilities?

Too bad they needed her. Could be useful.

I opened my eyes and stood up.

Before me were...

...ponies? Six colorful ponies, two with wings, one with horn, one with both and two with nothing.

The two with neither, one was orange with a blonde ponytail and a picture of three apples on her... flank. Definitely flank.

The other one was pink. Pink. Pure absolute pink. But those big, blue eyes... On her flank were three balloons.

One of the winged ones had a cyan coat, and hair as if she took a bath in a liquid rainbow. Her eyes were a shade of magneta, staring at me, full of fear and curiosity. The other was butter colored, had pink, flowing hair and a picture of a bunch of butterflies. What's with those tatoos? The rainbow had a cloud and a lighting bolt colored like a rainbow.

Then, there was the unicorn. She was pure white with a stylish, purple mane. She kinda looked like the type of a person that would wrap you around her hoof. Unintentionally at that; she bore three diamonds on her flank. And for the grand finale. The one with both that had a lizard hiding behind her. She was purple, with a darker shade of purple for her hair. She had a bunch of stars, a few bigger, most smaller on her flank.

As I got up to my full height, they all backed up, the butter one going so far to bump into a wall. It would be fun if those were grunts. Elites, even better. If those were Brutes I'd be in heaven. But no, adorable little ponies with big, cute eyes.

Now, this is probably a race that doesn't have space flight, coming from the fear of the word alien. I had to act proffesionally. Imagine how big of a promotion I'd get if those ponies would join the war on our side! A little hyped, I straightened up, startling them, before adressing them.

"Hello? May I speak with your leader?" I said, trying to sound like a person who you could trust.

It came out more like a crazy pedophile's rant before trying to give a kid a candy. When'd I get so awkward? Last I remember I was good at making friends...

That was twenty six years ago... Now I'm feeling bad. Great.

They still are terrified, as I looked over all of them, well, a creature three times taller than others is pretty terrifying.

I see a typical reaction of a civilian to a Hunter. Tough sons of bitches...

Then the purple pony shot at me with some kind of a laser, I didn't expect those creatures to attack, if only I were much more careful... With my enhanced reflexes I could've avoided it.

I saw a blinding white light, and I appeared in a dark forest, deep in some bushes...

...next to a creature about the size of a Chopper, a Brute vehicle. It had a yellow coat, wings on it's back, the overall body of a lion, and a scorpion's stinger, and it was looking hungrily at me.

There also were two other of those weird creatures. One was black, and the other a color of cream.

Time for little fun...

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