
Princess Twilight Sparkle and her curious love life

by Idsertian

Chapter 3: Honest Surprise

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Honest Surprise

It had been two weeks since Twilight's near confession to Applejack, and she had been feeling surprisingly chipper ever since. Usually the aftermath of Hearts and Hooves day left her feeling depressed and more than a little fraught, but this year Twilight's mood had lifted considerably. Perhaps venting some of her feelings had helped more than she thought it would, no matter how few of them she'd actually revealed.

As she trotted happily down the streets of Ponyville, saddlebags bouncing gently against her wings, the alicorn reflected on how even the day seemed a little bit brighter than usual; Celestia's sun beaming down just enough warmth to ward off the mid-spring chill. Other ponies could be seen on the streets around her, the odd one here and there still wearing a scarf, but most were happy to wander without a care.

Having grown up in Canterlot, Twilight was similarly without attire. The constant winds made the mountain city particularly bitter during winter, but down here on the plains, Twilight found she only needed to rely on her coat's natural thickness to ward off the cold during the early part of the year.

After a few minutes trotting, she found herself outside her destination; Carousel Boutique, the simultaneous residence and workplace of her dress-making friend, Rarity. As she approached, however, she could hear voices drifting out of the open door.

“... as if it actually mattered. Some ponies have a nasty habit of pokin' their noses where they don't belong, if you ask me.”

Applejack? What was she doing here? It wasn't unheard of, but it was unusual to find her in the unicorn's shop.

“Oh Applejack, I agree, but I didn't take any offence. It was an innocent enough inquiry, after all.”

Twilight stepped through the door of the shop into the airy showroom at the front. She sensed the tingle of magic as she passed inside, the flow of power directed into the bell above the door. It rang, causing one of the occupants inside to look up from what she was doing.

“Twilight, darling! What a pleasant surprise! How are you?”

For anypony who saw her for the first time, Rarity was a feast for the eyes. Her white fur was conditioned to an almost dazzling shine, her purple mane and tail were perfectly coiffed at all times and the hint of mascara the unicorn wore, as well as giving her lashes some impressive volume, made her rhinestone-coloured eyes all but shine out of her face. It was enough to make most ponies stop in their tracks.

Twilight, however, had seen her friend more times than she could count, so the unicorn’s fabulous appearance was nothing out of the ordinary.

“Hey, Rarity,” she replied. “I’m good, thanks. Didn’t expect to see you here, though, Applejack.” Cocking an eyebrow at the farmer, she felt a small measure of disappointment at the fact she had her mane tied back again. Both ponies were sat at the small, round display stage off to the side of the showroom.

“I normally wouldn’t be, ‘cept those dang fieldmice’ve been chewing at my grain sacks again,” she held up one of the offending articles, a hole clearly visible in the bottom. “And since I can’t sew for nothin’, I asked Rarity to fix ‘em.”

“And I’m happy to oblige!” The unicorn beamed at both of them, her horn glowing blue. Twilight then noticed the sacks between her two friends, another one under the hooves of Rarity, needle and thread hovering in a blue aura.

“Yeah, even though ya won’t let me pay ya for it,” came the reply through gritted teeth.

“Nonsense, Applejack! I won’t accept even a sliver of a bit for helping out a friend.”

Applejack made a frustrated noise while Twilight stifled a giggle with a hoof. The fashionista’s generosity was well meaning, but occasionally grated with some of her friends.

At least, Twilight hoped it was Rarity’s generosity that was preying on Applejack’s mood, and not that she’d figured out Twilight’s “problem”. Twilight felt herself begin to sweat as she noticed Applejack glance at her before looking away again, a wrinkle on her muzzle. Was that… disgust?

Twilight discovered an entirely new sensation as her heart sank. Panic gripped her chest in a vice, forcing her breath out in short bursts.

Perhaps telling Applejack something was wrong hadn’t been the right thing to do after all. Now she’d gone and lost herself the farmer’s friendship and it was all her own stupid fault! Her eyes widened as another thought occurred to her. Not just Applejack, but her other friends too! All because she didn’t have the resolve to keep her secret! Because-

Applejack picked up another sack, scowling at the hole in the bottom of it.

Oh. Right.

‘You idiot, Twilight,’ she cursed herself. ‘Don’t be silly, of course she hasn’t figured you out.’ And it wouldn’t matter if she had; hadn’t Applejack herself said she’d be there to listen just a couple of weeks ago?

“Besides,” continued Rarity, focussing on the coarse sack once more and unknowingly snapping Twilight out of her brief, and neurotic, reverie. “Despite the, er, practical nature of these sacks, a simple task such as merely sewing something back together is a refreshing change of pace every once in a while.”

“Hmph, whatever you say, Rarity.” Applejack looked back at Twilight. “Anyway, Twi, what’re you here for?”

“Well, I-” Twilight was cut short by a sudden cry from Rarity.

“Oh dear me, of course! Where are my manners? Twilight, I do apologise, was there something you needed?”

“Actually, yes, but I can come back later if you’re busy-”

“Nonononononono! Of course not! Just tell me what you need, and I’ll get on it as soon as I can.”

“Well,” the alicorn started again. “It’s about this…” Her horn glowed, opening her saddlebags and pulling out a folded square of magenta fabric, a white bow attached to the middle. A brief flick of magic, and the square opened out to reveal Twilight’s coronation dress. Rarity blinked rapidly, apparently confused.

“Your coronation dress? What’s the matter with it?”

“Oh, nothing. But I have to attend a formal function at Canterlot in a few months, and I might need this. I was wondering if you could, you know, make it a little more practical? Maybe remove the trailing hem and some of the bows? I need something formal, but not as showy as thi-” Once again, Twilight was suddenly cut off mid-sentence, this time by a flash of blue and a white unicorn suddenly nose-to-nose with her.

“Twilight! Are you insane?!” Rarity’s face was a mix of incredulousness, concern and fashion-based horror. The young princess fell back onto her haunches in surprise. “This is your coronation dress! I cannot alter this any more than I could alter one of Hoity Toity's works! To do so would be a travesty to both fashion and Equestrian history alike!” The unicorn took a deep breath, calming herself. “I will, however, make you a copy with the changes you want. I can at least do that for you.”

Utterly nonplussed by Rarity's outburst, Twilight simply passed the dress to her friend, the magical aura shifting from deep pink to blue. “Uh, yeah, ok. A copy. I guess that could work. Er, that is, if it's not too much trouble?” she added, smiling lop-sidedly.

“Think nothing of it, darling,” Rarity replied, offering a smile of her own. The unicorn quickly turned towards the back of the shop. “Just give me a few minutes to hang this up on one of my dress forms upstairs, I wouldn’t want it to get rumpled at all.”

“I don't get it,” Applejack suddenly piped up. Twilight looked over at her. She'd been quiet throughout Rarity's sudden outburst. “It's just a dress.”

Out the corner of her eye, Twilight saw Rarity freeze on the first couple of steps leading up to her workshop. After a few seconds, she spoke, her tone sharp.

“I'll just pretend I didn't hear you call this a mere “dress”, Applejack.” With that, she disappeared up the curved staircase at the back of the shop, nose in the air.

As she watched her friend vanish up the stairs, Twilight looked back to Applejack, sitting quietly at the display podium. The farmer shook her head in bemusement.

“I don’t think I’ll ever understand that one,” she said, though amusement played in her tone. She gestured for Twilight to sit next to her, who did so. Outwardly, she was calm as ever, but her stomach felt like it was doing loops, as it invariably did whenever she was alone with Applejack.

“How’re you feelin’?” asked the farmer quietly as she sat down. “I ain’t had much chance to see ya the past couple’a weeks.”

“Actually, I’m feeling a lot better,” replied Twilight, giving the stairs a nervous glance. “I guess simply telling somepony I wasn’t happy was enough to help a bit. I’m normally pretty depressed this soon after Hearts and Hooves day.”

“Really? Ya always seem so happy.”

“Yeah, well I’ve gotten pretty good at hiding it over the years.”

“Twi, if’n I had any inklin’ you were so upset before, I’da… I dunno, done somethin’ ta help.”

Twilight risked a quick nuzzle to the earth pony’s neck.

Grass and cider.

The thought flashed through her mind and was gone as quickly as it had formed. This time, however, the scent that met her nose was simply that of hay. Perhaps from Applejack’s bed, or from working in the barn.

“I know, don’t worry,” said the princess, pulling back and smiling. “I’ve been dealing with my f-, er, problem for a long time now, I’m used to it. But the other night was really nice, so thank you.”

“Well, yer welcome. My offer stands, by the way, if you ever feel the need ta talk, just come find me.”

Twilight nodded her thanks. In order to avoid another awkward silence, she decided to change topics.

“So what were you and Rarity talking about?”

“Huh? Oh, nothin’ really. She was just tellin’ me about this one customer who’d asked after her, ah, inclination,” Applejack straightened up for a second, making air quotes with her hooves. “If ya know what I mean.”

Twilight’s attention was suddenly riveted on Applejack.

“Of all the nerve, askin’ somepony they don’t even know that kinda question! What business is it of theirs?” The farmer scowled slightly.

“Yeah,” she responded, giggling nervously. “Terrible, right?” This topic was way too close to home.

“It's just bad manners. I know I ain't exactly one ta talk, but ya just don't ask somepony somethin' like that outta the blue. What does it matter if Rarity's straight or not anyway? Ain't exactly a big deal.”

Twilight blinked several times, rapidly. The sentiment took a moment to register with her, but when it did, she felt as if she had been hit by a train. Not a big deal? Wha-

“I mean, look at this magazine Rarity gets from Canterlot,” Applejack continued on, oblivious to her friend's floored mental state. She dragged the publication over to her side of the podium with a hoof. “'Spitfire and Lily Thread spotted openly kissing in chic Canterlot district; scandal ahoof!' How in the hay is that scandalous?”

Twilight could barely hear the earth pony. She'd said it wasn't a big deal. Not a big deal. Not a big deal? How could it not be a big deal?! It had to be! There was no way Applejack meant what she just said! She was obviously covering for something, her own personal feelings, maybe, or… or something! Anything!

“What?” she said so quietly, her companion didn't hear her.

“Good on 'em, I say, whatever makes them hap- Twilight? What's the matter? You don't look so hot.”

The alicorn's breathing was coming fast in short, sharp breaths. Her chest felt tight and the shop was spinning around her. It wasn't possible. It wasn't possible! No way. This was some sort of cruel trick, or a nightmare. Perhaps they'd never defeated Discord, and this was her personal hell she was seeing right now. No way had she just spent years of her life keeping a secret from at least one friend she hadn't needed to.

Even as she thought those words, she knew they weren't true. This was real. All of it. Applejack had just said she didn't care about somepony's proclivities. It didn’t… she couldn’t… she needed space, time to think.

“Twilight?” she heard her friend ask again, worry evident in her voice. The earth pony stood up and took a step forward, reaching out a hoof to her friend.

“I… gotta go!” she replied. Twilight saw and felt the world bend around her as the teleportation spell took hold. Rarity’s shop warped around her, shelves of thread reels, fabric rolls and needles morphing into bookshelves and desks.


The spell’s excess energy discharged harmlessly away from her, a purple bubble of magic disappearing as soon as it arrived. Twilight sat in the middle of the library, wings extended and panting for breath as her horn dimmed.

She was such an idiot! Idiot! Idiot, idiot, idiot! How could she not have anticipated this?! No matter how much she learned about friendship, she was always in the dark; one step behind everyone else! She should have known Applejack was the kind of pony who wouldn’t care about another’s preferences, she was her friend!

But why? Why didn’t she care about it? More to the point, why hadn’t Twilight noticed it before? How had it slipped by her all this time? Had she been so wrapped up in her own self-concern, her own insecurity, that she’d simply missed it? Or, worse yet, wilfully ignored it?

Calming her breathing and closing her wings, she tried to think of any other times Applejack might have hinted at this inclusive attitude of hers, but her mind came up blank. The same result greeted similar mental inquiries about her other friends. Nothing frustrated Twilight more than not knowing something, and this was no exception. What made it worse was the possibility that it was her own fault that she didn’t know.

She smacked the floor with a hoof and stood up, anger suddenly surging through her, wings jutting straight up once more. She started pacing, each hoof-fall making a distinct “clonk” on the wooden floor.

A hex upon Canterlot! That wretched city, with its gilded looks and bright lights, rotten to the core with ponies that would deny another their happiness! This was all their fault! It was because of them she was like this! Because of them she’d been hiding her true self! Because of them she’d not… not trusted her friends. Her friends who… who didn’t… wouldn’t…

A sob escaped the princess, making her realise she’d been crying since she’d stood up. Twilight’s rump hit the floor heavily, her wings sagging but remaining open. Tears rolled freely down her cheeks and hung briefly on her chin before plunging to the ground below.

“Goddess…” she whispered to the empty library through her hitching breaths. “I’ve been such a fool.”

“Twilight Sparkle! I’ve seen more’n my fair share’a fools in my life, but you definitely do not belong with ‘em.”

Twilight looked around at Applejack, who stood in the doorway to the library, leg outstretched to hold the door open. She stepped inside, gently kicking the door shut.

“Thought ya might have zapped yerself here.”

“Applejack, I… I don’t deserve to be around you right now.” The distraught alicorn closed her eyes and dropped her head down to the floor, fresh tears spilling down her face.

“And why in Equestria d’ya think that?”

Twilight sniffed before looking up at her secret love, who had moved around to sit in front of her. She looked into the green eyes staring back at her, the light of life dancing high and merry behind them, concern for her friend the only expression shaping them. But on top of that, and perhaps most importantly to Twilight, despite the suddenness of the revelation; Applejack placed no importance on romantic preference. Perhaps… perhaps it was time to stop hiding. If Applejack wasn’t bothered by it, then she was somepony that Twilight could confide in.

And just like that, all her fears and worries evaporated, leaving her feeling oddly serene. It didn’t matter that Applejack might not feel the same way about her, all that mattered now was setting this right in her heart.

Twilight took a deep breath and brushed her eyes dry with a hoof.

“Because,” she started, squaring her shoulders and tucking her wings back to her sides, where they twitched nervously. “I’ve… I’ve not been entirely honest with you. Any of you, really.”

“Whaddya mean? Wait a second, this has got somethin’ to do with a couple’a weeks ago, don’t it?”

Twilight simply nodded.

“Twi, sugarcube, I meant it when I said ya’ll could talk to me.”

Another nod was all she gave the farmer by way of reply. After a few moments, she spoke up again.

“Applejack, there’s… something I’ve been keeping secret from all of you, ever since we all met. I had good reason for not telling any of you, but now…”

The princess trailed off as she looked at her friend. She was going to do this. She had no excuse now.

“Now?” Applejack prodded. Something snapped inside Twilight’s head and the floodgates opened.

“Now I know, I mean I’m pretty sure, I don’t need to hide it any more and I was so scared you guys would find out and in Canterlot it’s frowned upon so much there I couldn’t tell anyone but now I thinkIcanfinallytalktoyouandohgodesspleasetellmeyoumeantwhatyousaidatRarity’splace!”

Twilight grabbed Applejack by the shoulders, her expression desperate and imploring at the same time. The latter pony put a reassuring hoof on the alicorn’s chest.

“Whoa, slow down there girl! Take it easy and try ta say one thing at a time.” Once again, Twilight found herself looking at the smile that somehow conveyed both amusement and concern. She took a deep breath before starting again.

“Did you mean what you said at Rarity’s?” she asked.

“Twi, ya’ll know I don’t say things I don’t mean, but uh… which thing in particular?”

“The thing you said about ponies’ preferences.”

“What? That I don’t care either way? But what’s that… oh.” Twilight saw realisation dawn in her friend’s eyes as the penny dropped. Applejack looked her straight in the eye, a strange new look on her face, as if actually seeing her for the first time.

“Oh… Mah… Gosh.” Twilight winced, looking away. Here it came, against all evidence to the contrary, Applejack was going to denounce her right then and ther-

“Twilight, are you sayin’ yer… But why’d ya keep it a secret?”

Or maybe not. She felt that part of her mind that had kept her secret all these years slip away, like a thief in the night, its prize her entire life spent in misery.

“I-I was afraid,” she admitted. “I didn’t know how any of you would react if I said anything and I didn’t want to lose any of you as friends.” She looked back at her new-found confidant.

“But Twilight, who cares if yer gay? That’s who you are and it ain’t nothin’ to do with nopony else. If somepony can’t handle that, then let ‘em rot in their foolishness. Besides, ain’t none of us gonna abandon you ‘cus you like other mares.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yup. Trust me on that.”


“Ain’t no buts, missy, we’re all yer friends and ain’t none of us gonna care whether you like stallions, mares or both. Now,” Applejack finally lifted her hoof from Twilight’s chest and gently removed her friend’s hooves from her shoulders. “Why don’t ya get comfortable an’ tell me why you’ve got yerself so worked up over all this?”

And so, Twilight did. She explained the attitudes of her hometown that caused her to hide in the first place, how she thought that those attitudes would carry over to other places, how she felt trapped and unable to trust even those closest to her.

“And now, I feel like such an idiot when one of my closest friends doesn’t even spare a second thought about details like this. I could have said something and not had to go through all of this for so long, but I let my fear get the best of me.”

Applejack looked thoughtful for a moment, absorbing the new info. Twilight just sat where she was, looking miserable.

“Twilight,” the farmer started, looking serious. “I can’t begin to imagine what it’s been like for you, hidin’ this long. If I had any idea what ya’ll were goin’ through, I’d’ve been there for you, no questions asked.”

“I know,” Twilight responded, looking down at the floor. “I just hope you can forgive me for not trusting you guys.”

She felt a hoof at her chin, pushing her face up, forcing her eyes to meet with Applejack’s once again.

“No, don’t you ever think like that, sugarcube. There ain’t nothin’ ta forgive ya for. You were scared, and I can’t rightly say I wouldn’t be if I was in your position, neither.”

Twilight smiled, happiness suffusing the space recently vacated by her life-long secret. Here, finally, was a pony she could be honest with, one she would never have to worry about the opinion of and, if Applejack was right, the same could be said of her other friends as well. An overwhelming urge to hug the pony in front of her came over the princess, an urge she acted upon with incredible vigour.

“Oof!” Applejack uttered a surprised cry as she was pulled into Twilight’s grip. The princess wrapped her hooves behind the farmer’s shoulders tightly, squeezing her into the hug. Her wings did the same, folding around the other pony and coming together just below her hooves.

“Thank you, AJ,” she said, finally releasing her friend enough to look at her face. Tears of joy formed in her eyes, rolling unheeded down her cheeks. “I really mean it. I’ve felt trapped for so long and been so terrified of being found out, I’ve forgotten what it feels like to not have to worry.” She laughed softly at the feeling of freedom suddenly soaring through her, unable to remember the last time she felt this happy. The feeling was indescribable, beyond even Twilight’s incredible capacity for words. There was only one way she could convey this feeling.

“Well gee, Twilight, yer welcome I guess, but ya should’a s-”

Twilight leaned forward, cutting off whatever it was her friend was trying to say. Her eyes closed as her lips met those of the other mare, gently pressing the soft flesh together. She stayed there for a moment, simply savouring the feeling of the act, forgetting everything else in the world for what felt like hours, though it was little more than a few seconds. She broke the kiss, pulling back and looking at her friend, feeling a sudden heat in her face as the reality of what she’d just done registered.

Applejack, for her part, simply sat looking stunned for a moment. The farmer’s mouth was open, forming a small “o” of surprise, her wide eyes finishing the expression. Her hat sat askance on top of her head, where Twilight’s horn had pushed it back.

“Well, uh… Wow.” she said, reaching up absentmindedly to re-seat her wayward headgear. “Didn’t expect that when I got up this mornin’. Guess that answers my next couple’a questions.” Her gaze wasn’t quite on Twilight, focussing on something just past her shoulder, giving Applejack a troubled look.

The young princess immediately began to regret acting on the sudden impulse. Sure, Applejack didn’t mind her being a filly-fooler, but that didn’t mean she was one herself.

“I’m sorry!” Twilight began apologising, panic setting in. “I didn’t think and you probably don’t like that but I just felt so happy and couldn’t think of the words to say it and so I just did tha-”

A hoof, specifically an orange one, jammed itself against her mouth. It’s owner was looking at her intensely, the amused smile back on her face once again.

“Whoa there, sugarcube. Don’t go gettin’ yerself all het up over that, it was just a little peck on the lips. ‘Sides,” Applejack continued, a hint of mischief entering her smile. “I don’t recall sayin’ I didn’t like it.”

Twilight’s heart skipped a beat and seemingly teleported straight into her throat. Surely this went against all possible mathematical and theoretical odds?! She pushed Applejack’s hoof out of her mouth.

“Are you saying…?” she asked, nearly whispering and not daring to finish the sentence.

“That I’m a filly-fooler too? Yup.”

For the second time that day, Equestria’s newest princess was floored. How could she have missed so much about one of her closest friends? Did she lack some sort of ability that other ponies had? Was she just socially inept? She didn’t know, but she did know that she felt like a bad friend at that moment.

“Hey, you frettin’ again, Twilight?” she heard Applejack ask. She realised her expression looked as stunned as she felt. Twilight hung her head slightly, but didn’t take her eyes off Applejack.

“Yeah, a little,” she replied. “How could I miss these sorts of things, AJ? I’m supposed to be your friend and all this has just completely sailed over my head until now.” Applejack moved to sit next to her.

“Aw, don’t worry about it, sugarcube. I don’t exactly go around dancing on everypony’s rooftops shoutin’ it out.” Twilight giggled at the thought of her friend doing just that.

“I guess not, but I still feel bad for not noticing.” Applejack leaned into her shoulder briefly, almost nuzzling her.

“Don’t. You ain’t got nothin’ to be feelin’ bad about. You’ve been nothin’ but a good friend since I met you, Twilight.” Applejack reached out and gently pulled Twilight’s head around to look at her. The earth pony then grasped the princess’ hooves in her own. “And judgin’ by what you just did, you ain’t exactly content to leave it there, are ya?”

Twilight blushed again and she wanted to drag her eyes away from Applejack’s, but something inside her kept them locked where they were and spurred her on.

“I… n-no,” she managed to stammer out. “AJ, I… I’m in love with you. I think I have been ever since I met you. I’m sorry if that sounds weird.” Her friend just smiled and leaned up, pecking her on the cheek.

“Not to me, Twi,” the other mare replied. Her smile faded suddenly, replaced by a look of concern. “I like you too and I think things could work out between us, but…”

Twilight’s heart froze in mid-leap as her friend trailed off. Had she said something wrong?

“But what?” she asked, fear making her voice anxious.

“I ain’t long out of another relationship, is all. It… didn’t end so great. You mind if’n we take things slow? I don’t wanna end up hurtin’ you too bad if things don’t turn out fer the best. And, well, I don’t wanna get hurt again, either.”

Relief washed over Twilight, then, dousing the flames of horrible thoughts dancing in her head. Something small in the back of her mind tried to get her attention. Hadn’t she seen Applejack behaving oddly around somepony else? It was lost, however, amidst the clarion call in her mind: Applejack wanted to be her marefriend! Not anybody else’s, hers!

Every fibre of Twilight’s being wanted to jump and yell for joy, but she somehow managed to keep herself under control. Instead, she reversed the position of her hooves, making her the one doing the gripping.

“That’s absolutely fine,” she replied, grinning from ear to ear. “This is all new to me anyway, so it’s probably best we don’t jump in the deep end straight away.”

“Yeah,” chuckled Applejack. “Don’t worry, I ain’t gonna go any faster’n you want to.”

Twilight didn’t reply, instead kissing Applejack’s cheek. “I know you won’t, and neither will I.”

She nuzzled in close, pressing their cheeks together as her new marefriend slid closer to her, bringing their sides into contact. Twilight nearly gasped as she heard and felt Applejack “hmm” her appreciation of the gesture. It resonated from the farm pony’s chest, through Twilight’s wing and into her own torso. Reflexively, no, instinctively, she stretched her wing over Applejack’s back and gently squeezed her closer.

The two of them remained like that for a short while, simply enjoying each other’s company in the warm silence of the library. Eventually though, Applejack pulled away from Twilight and stood up.

“Alright, well I guess I’d better head on back to Rarity’s. She’s probably wonderin’ where we both went.”

Twilight nearly smacked her forehead with a hoof. She’d forgotten Rarity in the midst of her emotions. And her dress.

“Yeah, I bet the two of us disappearing like that doesn’t look at all suspicious,” she replied, sarcasm evident in her voice. The two mares giggled.

“Seriously though,” continued Twilight. “Could we keep this quiet for a bit? I mean, just between you and me? I know what you said, but I just don’t feel ready to tell anypony else yet.”

“Sure thing, Twilight. But just so ya know, it’s pretty normal to be a little nervous and maybe even embarrassed when you first get together with somepony.”

Twilight smiled and nodded. “Thanks.”

“Yer welcome.” Applejack kissed Twilight’s cheek, sending a warm thrill up the princess’ spine. Twilight took a moment to bask in the sensation, barely aware of her surroundings as Applejack said her goodbyes. Her brain gave a polite mental cough, reminding her of business unattended. She stood up, slightly unsteady on her hooves, before rushing out the door after the orange mare.

“Oh wait, Applejack! I’ll come with you,” she said, matching pace with her. “Rarity still has to note down my changes for the new dress. And, uh…”

She heard Applejack smirk, and turned to see a knowing smile on her face.

“And…?” Applejack asked, the smile practically wrapping itself around the single utterance.

“And, well…” Twilight lowered her voice to a barely audible level, the sound of their hooves as they walked hiding her words from any eavesdroppers. “We didn’t, er, that is, I forgot to ask if you… you know, wanted to go out sometime? That is how these things work, right? Two ponies go out on a date together?”

Applejack’s laugh was hearty, but full of warmth. She stopped for a moment, collecting herself. Turning to Twilight, she reached out a hoof to her shoulder and, with apparent great effort, managed to keep her mirth under control as she spoke.

“Twilight, don’t get me wrong, but a couple weeks ago, we got drunk and ended up sleepin’ in the same bed. Now that we’ve agreed to give the two’ve us a shot, why wouldn’t I want ta go out with you?”

“Applejack!” Twilight cried out, shocked at her friends candidness and at how loud her voice seemed out in the street. She lowered her own to an almost conspiratorial hiss. “Stop making it sound like we, you know… Besides, that was your idea and we were still just friends then, not exactly what anypony would call a date.”

“Hmm,” replied the farmer, rubbing her chin with a hoof. “True enough, I suppose. Alright, how about tomorrow night?”

Twilight perked up, all pretense to secrecy forgotten in an instant.

“Really?! You mean it?!” The question was practically shouted out, leaving Twilight’s lips with all the eagerness of a young filly who’d just been told she could have the one thing she always wanted. Her hooves took on a mind of their own, dancing excitedly on the spot. Applejack simply chuckled.

“Of course. Like I said, why wouldn’t I?”

Twilight threw her hooves around Applejack’s neck, hugging her and whooping for joy. She stopped suddenly, remembering her surroundings. Dropping back to her hooves, she looked around guiltily for anypony who might’ve seen. There was no-one.

“Thank you, AJ,” she said, once she’d ascertained their privacy. She smiled at her newfound love, finally wondering just how she’d gone from waking up that morning single, to being barely halfway through the afternoon and planning a date with the mare of her dreams. Before she could contemplate too long, however, Applejack caught her attention.

“Don’t mention it, Twi.” She started off again in the direction of Carousel Boutique. “Now come on, I seem to recall that you’ve got a dress ta order.”

Twilight followed. She did have a dress to order. But she also had something more than that. She finally had her. For better or worse, however long or short a time they were together, she had Applejack. The very thought made her feel content and safe. Safer even, than when she used to curl up beside her mother during a midnight storm, or when Princess Celestia would supervise her testing of a new and difficult spell.

While she hadn’t figured out how she was going to tell the rest of her friends, or her family, or how she was going to deal with the Canterlot elite’s attitude, she did know one thing: Life was finally getting better, and the future was looking up. Applejack was right, she shouldn’t concern herself with what others thought, what mattered was that she was happy.

Still, as she walked, that little voice that had kept her hiding all these years piped up again, voicing slightly different concerns. What if she messed up and ended up pushing Applejack away? What if the two of them didn’t last? What about AJ’s ex? Who was she? Would she try to get back together with her? What if, what if, what if…

No, no more. She couldn’t afford to keep putting herself in cycles of worrying like this. She couldn’t control or predict every little thing, and if she tried, she was just going to end up ten times as worse as she had been on Hearts and Hooves day. All that she could do was meet any challenge as it came, as best she could, and enjoy her time with Applejack. If she kept that in mind, absolutely nothing could go wrong.

What Twilight was forgetting to consider, however, was that life is rarely, if ever, that simple.


Next Chapter: Princess Twilight Dreams - Safety and Warmth Estimated time remaining: 29 Minutes
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