
For Ponies the Bell Tolls

by Tired Old Man

Chapter 2: 2- The Start of the Game

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2 - The Start of the Game

“Awesome, Slick! I knew you would do it! After all, it is your only chance to get your life back.”

I decided to refrain from speaking and kept quiet, waiting for him to continue. Maybe the silent treatment would get him to hurry things along.

“Now, I suppose you want to know what this game is, right? It’s very simple. All you need to do is figure out which pony you are in that nice little town over there!”

Shock set in as I realized there were likely hundreds of ponies living in that town. How could he possibly expect me to figure out which one I am out of all of them?!

I voiced my concerns. “What? But there has to be hundreds of ponies in there! This is impossible!”

“Not impossible, but highly improbable. Still, I don’t like those odds either, so I’m going to be a bit fairer with you. You are one of six possible ponies. These six, in fact.”

I could feel an immense pressure building within my mind as the steeple owner forced an image into my head that I could not remove.

It was a view of the inside of the bell tower at the steeple I just left. In front of me were six ponies, and I immediately recognized them as my friends...at least, I think they were.

Some looked like me but with a mane and tail. Others bore wings, and two had...HORNS! That was the name of the object that’s used for magic!

However, as soon as the images of these six ponies registered in my head, the intense pressure vanished, and the steeple owner spoke once again.

“That enough of a hint for you, Slick? You need to figure out which of these six ponies you were...well, which one is actually me, anyway. I’m not going to make it easy for you, either. I’ve already got your personality down pat.”

“Then how am I supposed to figure out which one I am?” I asked.

“That’s your problem Slick, not mine! This is my game, and I get to make the rules for it...speaking of which, I’m not quite done telling you all the rules yet.

“While you’re in town, you will not be recognized by any of your friends. You’ll probably be seen as a new pony that’s passing through. You can tell them your identity’s stolen, but you can’t prove how or say who did it. None of the citizens will believe you, and they will think that you’re making outlandish claims.

“And no, they won’t recognize you as the shadowy steeple pony you are now. If they did, they might get violent and fight you, and I’m not that big on fights as soon in the game as this. I DO want to fight you though, but I want to give you some time before that happens. Oh, this is going to be so much fun!

“Now, it’s time to discuss the prize. If you successfully figure out who you are and call me out on it, I will admit my defeat. I’ll meet with you outside of town to reverse the curse I have set upon you. You’ll get your body back, and both of us return to normal.”

Elation flooded my body with an unnatural warmth at the mere thought of getting my identity back, but he wasn’t finished yet.

“But if you fail by calling out the wrong pony, I will know. At that point, you lose and I get to keep your identity. Forever.”

Whatever happiness I had garnered within me fled, leaving me with a hollow and empty feeling after processing his words. I only have one chance to figure out who I am, and if I fail…

“No! I can’t fail! I HAVE to win, it’s the only way!”

“Anyway, these are the rules, Slick. I may change them later, but for now they’re fine. So, are you ready to play?”

There was no hesitation in my response. “I’m ready.”

I could almost imagine the wicked smile he was making with my face, even though I still couldn’t see him. “Then let’s play.”

What little pressure I felt from his gaze vanished at last. I took in a deep breath of the evening air, enjoying the cold, tingling feeling as it entered my lungs.

For a moment, I felt free and liberated. The night was still young, and I trotted toward the town with a newly restored vigor.

My cheerful-looking demeanor did little to mar the internal conflict I beared upon accepting his challenge. Doubt lingered, and the chance for failure was high as I only had a one-in-six shot at guessing correctly.

However, he never stated I had to make my guess immediately, which means he wants me to take my time. He wants me to drag this game out as long as possible so he can have the most fun living MY life, as whoever I am.

Well, if he wants a long game, he’s going to be sorely disappointed. I’m going to play this game of his as quickly as I can. The sooner I figure out who I am, the less time he has to get to know my friends, and the less time he’ll have to be me. I don’t know how I’m going to do this, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is I have to do it, no matter the cost.


“Hee hee, she has no idea what she’s in for.”

I stepped out from behind one of the many trees making up the edge of the woods, watching as she made her way into the town.

I’ll admit, it was a bit difficult getting used to moving around on four legs. I was used to always moving around on two, even though I didn’t really move around much while I relaxed in my Creepy Steeple.

Yes, relaxed in a Creepy Steeple. No, I’m not joking. I had everything I needed set up in the bell tower: A fridge, rocking chair, small table, television, a bathtub with a stand-up shower head and a shower curtain! Don’t ask me about how running water gets up there, though. That took me weeks to set up, and even now I still don’t know how it works.

Anyway, you’ve probably figured out who I am by now, Slick. If so, I tip my hat to you. If not, it doesn’t matter. In any case, no one here can know my real name. That’s the true way to break the curse I cast.

I know what you’re thinking. “Why didn’t you tell the pony that?”

Well, I did say that I may change the rules later, right? That’ll just be one more rule I add to the game. I’ll get around to telling her that at some point; maybe when she gets close to figuring out who she is.

However, I’ve no reason to tell her this at present time. She’s already got a lot to worry about. I don’t want to make her task seem completely impossible, you know. I want her to think she still has some small chance of winning. That’s what will make this game really fun for me to play with her.

Still, I gave her a pretty good hint that cut down a lot of work for her. Isn’t that just kind of me? Isn’t that such a wonderful display of generosity? I’ll admit that I haven’t been entirely honest with her, but I did it just so I could get a good laugh or two out of it.

I still need a little bit of time to get used to her body, though. But once I do, I should be able to act out her life as if nothing had gone wrong. You know, prove my loyalty, and kindle her precious friendships and all.

There is one thing I need to ensure, however. I need to make sure that nobody enters my steeple again. I’m glad they didn’t find my Parrot...or the box with the other thing I stole to make sure my name can never be uttered.

That reminds me, I bet that bird’s starting to get hungry. He’s a crazy chatterbox when he isn’t fed. I better head off to go feed him, so it looks like I’m going to have to cut this conversation short.

But I’ve kinda grown to like you, Slick. You’re a real quiet listener, and I like that. So, I will leave you with another hint that the little pony didn’t get. Are you ready? Here’s your hint:

If you were a good listener, you would have picked up on it already.

What, you expected something a little more meaningful? I can’t spoil everything this quickly! That would ruin all the fun I’m having with you and her!

Now then, I really should get going. See you later, Slick!

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