
Grey and Yellow

by PressStart

Chapter 1: chapter 1: pinkie promise

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It was just another day in ponyville, except for the three fillies that was heading into the Everfree Forest. One of them was a earth pony that had a red mane and a yellow coat. The next one was a unicorn with a lavender and pink mane and a white coat. The last was a pegasus which had a purple mane and a orange coat. All three of them didn't even have their own cutie marks. As they entered the forest all three of them simultaneously yelled "CUTIE MARK ADVENTURE SEEKERS." Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo was at it again with another ridiculous try to get their cutie marks. As they continued into the forest, Scootaloo noticed a pegasus stallion was sleeping in a tree. Which is weird cause pegasi usually sleep in clouds. She decided to climb up and see why he was up there, using her wings to help her climb. Applebloom finally noticed that Scootaloo wasn't next to her, so she turned around and said "what are ya doing?" Scootaloo finally got to where the sleeping pegasus was and fluttered onto his stomach, that apparently woke up the pegasus. When he opened up his eyes, he saw Scootaloo close to his face. Which startled him, making him fall out of the tree, and flat on the ground. By the time Scootaloo finally hovered to the ground, the pegasus groaned in pain. The girls walked up to the pegasus to get a closer look. He had a grizzly brown mane and a light grey coat. His cutie mark looked of a wolf howling. It took at least five to six minutes before he got up.

"Heh, sorry about that dude" Scootaloo said with a half smile.

"Where did you three fillies come from?" He said still recovering from the fall.

"We came from ponyville just yonder" Applebloom said pointing from where they just came, "you got a name mister?" He paused and then said calmly " Wolf Grey, but I go by Grey." Before Grey could say another word Applebloom quickly burst out "I'm Applebloom, this is Sweetie Bell, that one over there is Scootaloo, and we are the cutie mark crusaders. We are on a search for our cutie marks." The three of them smiled very big on the subject, which made Grey quickly burst out laughing.

"Hey, it ain't funny." Applebloom said upset. All three fillies had there ears down. Grey finally calmed down, but still was giggly "Sorry, but I'm not laughing that it is funny. I'm laughing cause it's cute." After hearing that their ears perked back up and the simultaneously yelled "REALLY!"

"Yeah, really." He said still giggling at the matter. Sweetie Bell couldn't wait any longer, and blurted out "Why were you sleeping in a tree when normally pegasi sleep in clouds? I really need to know!" Grey instantly stopped laughing, surprised that the subject was brought up. Sweetie Bell blushed realizing what she just did and looked away.

"It is... a personal matter. Lets just say that I'm hiding from somepony and if I am found then my life will be like a prison again." He answered rubbing his hoof on the back of his head. Sweetie Bell's ears perked back up to the fact that he was even willing to give an answer, she decided to ask another question "What does your cutie mark mean?"

"I can tame or calm Raging animals or dragons."

"Where are you from?"

"Canterlot. How many questions are you going to ask?"

"Just the ones on top of my head." The two stared at each other for a moment then they laughed out loud confusing the other two.

"I like you three, can you promise to not tell anypony about me. I don't want to get found." He said with a serious look in his eyes.

"If you tell me who you're hidding from." Sweetie Bell said all smiley.

"Gem Dress, now can you promise..." Sweetie Bell didn't even let Grey finish, for now she was squealing.

"You mean the high society, noble blooded unicorn that lives in canterlot!" Sweetie Bell squealed.

"The very same, wait what?" He couldn't believe that he just met somepony that knows Gem Dress.

"She comes to buy dresses at my older sister's boutique once every season. You didn't steal anything from her did you?" Sweetie Bell said curiously.

"Of course not, she's my fiance." He quickly put both of his hoofs over his mouth. The one thing he tried to not say, slipped out anyway. The girls mouths gaped open the the fact that they are talking to noble blood. Considering that noble blood only marries noble blood. Grey flopped on his back and sighed loudly. Damn, he thought, damn it all. He sat back up seeing that they still had there mouths gaping open.

"Yep, I'm noble blood. I'm not proud of it though." Grey sigh heavily at the thought, "Can you still promise to not tell anypony." They stared at each other for a moment like they had a silent conversation and Grey wasn't apart of it. Finally they all faced Grey and Applebloom said "We'll give ya a pinkie promise instead." Then they simultaneously smiled big. Grey rose one eye brow and said "Pinkie promise? What's that?" All of the girls were know surprised by the fact that Grey even asked the question, which made him feel nervous at the sudden reaction.

"Ya mean ya never heard of a pinkie promise?" Applebloom said stepping closer to Grey. He just smiled nervously and replied "First time hearing about it actually. What is it?"

"You never break a pinkie promise or pinkie pie won't let you hear the end of it." Scootaloo said firmly, "she has a weird ability to tell who made a pinkie promise without even needing to be around when it's made."

"Pinkie pie?" He said raising a eye brow. Sweetie Bell just smiled and cheerfully said "She's they number one party pony." Grey had only one way to respond to that, so he sighed and said "Okay." As soon as he said that all three of them said "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Grey just laughed at the phrase, then said "Interesting, we should hang out some time. Except not today, it's getting late. Better head home before somepony starts worrying about you." They then said goodbye for the day and left Grey to himself.

"Those three are to lively... ... ...time to sleep." He flew up to the tree branch he was previously sleeping on and fell asleep.

Author's Notes:

This chapter didn't have much in it obviously, but the chapter still fulfilled its purpose. The chapter was to explain Wolf Grey as a new character to the mlp universe. The story will get more interesting so if you have ideas about the story, don't hesitate to tell me. I look forward to any ideas that might make the story exciting. I plan to have fluttershy appear in the next chapter. I'll have chapter 2 up as soon as possible. Thank you
Oh and Gem Dress will appear later so look forward to that.

Next Chapter: chapter 2: injured Estimated time remaining: 17 Minutes
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