
Game of Chaos

by Riter


Meeting the Icarus

Chapter 1

Meeting the Icarus

It was very loud in Cloudsdale’s colosseum where young stallion with orange coat and spiky red haired stood on the podium located in the middle of huge amphitheater. Countless cheers were heard all directed towards newest sky champion, winner of this year’s Cloudsdale’s Sky Olympics Games most prestigious event that any pegasus, young or old, stalion or mare could have won. Everypony was amazed by this year’s champion who completely dominated each and every competition, starting with slalom between storm clouds and ending with great race in which contestants had to fly to Equestria’s great capital Canterlot and then back to Cloudsdale. Pride was beaming from young stallion when Princess Celestia and Luna approached him in order to reward him with gold medal. It looked glorious, made of pure gold shining in the light provided from Celestia’s sun, with engraved Pegasus form and a writing which said: “Equestria’s most skillful flyer”. Orange coated hero stood there few inches from medal, Princess Celestia leaned her head in order to put in on his neck when he suddenly heard a voice from a crowd calling his name.


He ignored it first, focusing entirely on his reward


Voice became louder but he still pretended not to hear anything


It was then that Icarus felt his head hit against a floor, wandering who had guts to wake him from such amazing dream, he slowly lift up his head then rest of his body and stood on all hoofs on floor in his little bedroom.

“Icarus, we know that you’re in there, either you will come here or we will go inside”

Voices came from outside the house, Icarus looked out from the window and saw 2 stallions, one with green coat and long blue mane he was a rather lager earth pony, second one had entirely black coat with curled red mane, he was a pegasus.

He didn’t know either of them so decided to politely ask about their identities

“Who the hell do you think you are to wake me up so early in the bucking morning?”

Well, maybe not completely polite.

Earth pony spoke

“We come with message from mr. Buffalo, today’s the day to pay your longs kid.”

‘Shit, I completely forgot about that’ Icarus thought to himself

“Well let’s theoretically say that I don’t have his bits at the moment, what happens then?”

“Then there are two options, either we will beat you till you will start to spit bits, or we can take you to mr. Buffalo”

“After considering pros and cons of both options I think I will choose the latter one.”

After saying this they gave him few minutes to prepare himself for leaving. Icarus took a morning shower, not sure if u can call it a MORNING shower when it’s almost an afternoon. After cleaning himself up he took a slice of bread from his fridge and left his small apartment with 2 thugs.

Three of them then made a long way through big city of Manehattan. Although Icarus always preferred to live in smaller towns, even villages, he couldn’t appreciate how amazing the city looked. Everywhere u looked there was a shop with amazing neon banner or other kind of flashing decoration. Yes it was definitely good looking in the daytime and almost breathtaking at night, especially from the sky.

After walking through city for almost 40 minutes, Icarus started to feel bored and tired, but what would you expect from someone who’s favourite hobby was napping, just next to eating. Unlike most pegasi Icarus wasn’t the big fan of racing, actually he liked it but totally disliked training. As lazy as he was, winning a Sky Olympic Games was still one of his dream, but just one of them.

Finally after a long silent walk, they arrived at their destination, huge white villa of mr. Buffalo. Even though Icarus was there before it still made him impressed with how huge and luxurious it was. In front of villa spread huge garden with many different flowers and plants all well kept by gardener. In the middle of it stood a fountain with Princess Celestia standing on all fours with her head held high and water spreading from her horn. In the front it had many windows and single pair of doors right between two statues of dragons with torches in their mouths. But truly amazing and worth the praise was the inside of huge wealthy house, walls were filled with expensive looking paintings, on left and right side stood 2 lanes of columns and in front of main door raised long stairs which led to the upper floor and this was only a room that played a role of vestibule. What irritated Icarus was the fact that just like outside, whole villa was painted white. Although it didn’t really looked bad he just preferred more living colors, and honestly he would probably paint walls in rainbows, he really loved looking at those, actually watching rainbows was his 3rd favourite thing right after eating and napping.

“Sooo where now?”

Icarus asked two stallions who forced him to come here, and even though he tried to break the silence with some, more or less offensive jokes on the way here they would stay silent all the time.

“We are going to take you to boss’s office and better for you if u won’t steal anything on the way there”

“Now that’s rude, I am lazy but I am definitely not a thief”

Icarus quickly listed his comeback lines waiting for the reply he didn’t get. Little irritated by this he followed to stallions upstairs and into the long hall, they stopped at last doors and knocked twice.

“Boss we brought him here”

After 10 seconds of silence low voice responded from inside the room.

“Let him in.”

“Get inside or we will help you with it”

“That’s exactly what your mothers said last night” After realizing what he just said, Icarus quickly opened door and slummed them right into 2 angry faces.

Bufallo’s office wasn’t anything special, it was a rather small room compared to rest of his villa, it had few bookshelves a small table with aquarium in which Icarus spotted small gold fish and in the center of room stood huge desk at which currently sat owner of this gorgeous house.

“I am glad to see you here dear Icarus” Buffalo said in extremely low voice

Icarus saw in his life many earth ponies but this one was one of the biggest if not the biggest earth pony he saw in his entire, rather short, life.

Buffalo looked extremely intimidating, he was much higher than Icarus with his massive muscles clearly stretching his tight tuxedo, but most fearsome was his face with huge scar on his forehead which was clearly visible on his black coat, and his silver mane which covered one of his eyes.

“It’s always nice to meet old friends” Icarus said perfectly hiding fear in his voice

“Icarus, we both know that u don’t have any friends, if u had them u already betrayed them in order to survive”

Icarus wanted to say something in defense but he knew he was right

“But that’s exactly what I like about you, that’s also the reason I ordered my pawns to bring you here instead of beating you to a pulp”

“Thanks, I guess?”

After few seconds of silence Icarus decided to speak again.

“Sooo, I currently don’t have much bits at hand as you probably already know but you know, maybe there’s a job I can do for you to pay for my debts?”

“I am truly glad u mentioned that, yes indeed there is something you can do for me” After he said that he opened one of closets in his desk and took out  a flyer and handed it to Icarus.

After studying it carefully Icarus understood what was Buffalo’s plan

Title of the flyer said:

Royal Race of Spring”

Before he was able to say anything Buffalo stood up on his hooves, now even more intimidating and said

“The deal is quite simple, this is a charity race organized by princesses themselves, because of that there will be many skilled racers, there are even rumors that some of low ranks wonderbolts will take part in this.”

Icarus was dumbfounded for a moment, why in the world would someone like Bufallo want to win a charity race? From what he knew about him he was heartless bastard who only cared about his own business, he decided to simply listen to rest of the story.

“You are probably wondering what interest may I have in a charity race”

‘Damn he’s good’ Thought Icarus

“Well here's a catch, few other powerful businessmen decided to play a little game taking advantage of the opportunity. We agreed to make a bet, each of us have hired a pegasus that will partake in the race, the winner takes it all, do you understand what I want you to do now?”

Icarus finally understanding his intentions simply nodded

“Good now then do you have any questions?”

“Actually yes quite a few, first you said something about wonderbolts taking part in it, is it true? And if it is when which wonderbolts are participating?”

“Like I said before, these are only rumors and if they are true, than 3 newest members of wonderbolts will take part in the competition.”

“All right then if they are only freshman then there’s nothing to fear, see you at the race”

Now it was Buffalo’s time to be dumbfounded, he knew of orange stallion lazy personality and just wanted to have some fun scaring him and seeing him beg for some other job, he even made up these rumors about wonderbolts.

“You are quite confident my litlle orange flying friend, why is that?”

“Nothing much really, I just want to make sure though, do you promise that if I’ll take first place u will forget about all of my debts?”

After a brief moment of silence mafia boss spoke with his low voice yet again

“Of course, unlike some pegasus with red mane I always keep my promises”

“Glad to hear that, see you later then”

Leaving the boss this a little surprised by Icarus attitude, young stallion left his office and quickly run away from his villa, before his 2 subordinates would like to have a word with him about their mothers.

While on his way home Icarus thought about anything but race, his mind was mostly settled on things like

‘Should I take a nap? Or maybe eat something, wait I know, I’ll eat something then I’ll have a nap. BRILIANT’

He did as he said, days were passing and after 6 days from his visit in Buffalo’s villa everypony was warming up for charity race that would take a place in Manehattan air zone. Everypony, expect one orange stallion with red mane.

Buffalo was thinking about the way Icarus reacted to his deal. In the beginning he only wanted to have some fun watching orange pegasus loose, forever becoming his pawn, but now he actually started to think he might win, Icarus reaction shocked him to the point where he decided to instead of betting 100 bits, he will place 1000 bits on his contestant. However the time for race draw near and he could see all participants warming up and preparing, all except the one he betted 1000 bits on. Icarus was nowhere to be seen, but what made him worry the most is the fact that rumor he made up came to be true as some of other bosses actually hired newly appointed wonderbolts members. He was close to exploding in anger when his ears caught a weak sound of yawning and he perfectly knew there was only one pony who could be yawning in such place, in such time.

“For all Luna’s stars in the sky where the buck have you been?!”

He shouted with his powerful voice almost making Icarus fall over.

“All other participants are already warming up, while you look like you just got out of the bucking bed!” He continued shouting with same power

“You are damn right I just got out of bed, seriously who the hell thought to organize a race so early in the morning?”

IT’S BUCKING TWELVE O’CLOCK!” He shouted his voice this time so powerful it was almost like princess Luna royal caps lock voice making nearly ponies jump in fear and mother’s covering their foals ears.

“Hey don’t worry I promised I would win so I will win”

Buffalo frowned at that statement and soon after that Icarus corrected himself

“Well fine I usually don’t keep my promises but I will keep this one ok? My own life depends on it”

Buffalo was slightly calmed by this statement, he knew him for long enough to know that he will do anything to live his lazy and peaceful life, even if it takes betraying his friends.

“All right then, take your rump to the starting line cause the race will start in few minutes”

Icarus nodded and left, Buffalo proceeded then to walk to his other partners in this particular game, as he came close all faced him and greeted him, after that he joined the conversation.

“Sho thell me mr. Bfhuallo” Said the elderly unicorn with white coat and grey mane, its color was probably due to old age, he was wearing a white tuxedo matching his coat.

“This pharticipant of yhours ishn’t lhooking qhuite fhast now does he?”

After few laughs from rest of them Buffalo frowned but decided to stay quiet, he himself didn’t believe that Icarus actually have chance at winning, not only was he lazy, but he didn’t even care to came here before to warm up showing on last minute. The worst fact being the wonderbolts, who even as newbies in wonderbolts ranks, still had to be better than normal pegasi. But he already placed the bet so he couldn’t do anything but just hopelessly watch the race.

After few minutes of conversation on different topics everyone silenced as royal adviser representing Princes Celestia herself raised his megaphone with magic and started his speech.

Greetings mares and gentlecolts, today we are here to watch those brave pegasi race through air, for today’s race Manehattan weather patrol prepared many clouds in form of obstacles for our participants in order to make things more interesting, this race will be test for both agility and speed. I will now explain the rules, everypony will fly alone, after all participants finishing the one who will finish race with best time will be the winner”

‘That’s interesting form of race I would say’ Thought Icarus

Race will be executed this way because we want to minimalize possible injuries from our participants, after all it’s a charity race”

‘I guess that makes sense, wait that will mean that this whole race will take much longer cause we won’t fly all at once, which means I will have less time for napping’ After a brief pause Icarus continued his course of thought ‘Wait a moment, today new Daring Do book will be released, Celestia damn it, they will probably be sold by the end of the day, please tell me I am one of first participants’

Fate is a funny thing, they say that u will act good then good things will happen to you and vice versa, it would seem that this particular saying was right

Now you will fly in order of numbers you were given after registering, we will of course start with 1 we have 57 participants, so last one flying shall be the one with number 57”

Icarus looked on his flank to see a number that made him startle other participants:



Welcome back

Chapter 2

Welcome back

After long time of watching other participants take they parts, which wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t for a fact that it was charity race, so between each flight they would sell some things famous ponies donated. Also after each 10 flights there would be a break for audience to have some fun in amusement park the city authorities prepared for this occasion. Icarus asked royal adviser, as by now he learned his name was Sunbath, if he could leave during the break to buy a book, but he said that as long as he didn’t participate it was forbidden to leave, in order to prevent participants taking some kind of steroids, because due to Equestria’s privacy law’s a test for presence of such substances was allowed to be done only once during each race, they would usually do it right before each pegasus was taking his part in competition, but this time they checked them all at once in order to not waste any time.

Without any other choice Icarus had to wait for his turn and he was waiting long. Race officially started at 12:30 and even though worst time by now was 3:32 while best one was 1:06 it was already 18:23, due to all the breaks and charity auctions. But it was finally his turn. Icarus hoping to buy his precious Daring Do book stood on the starting line on cloud and waited for referee’s signal.

Below him Buffalo, aswell as rest of his companions watched in silence as orange stallion took his place on starting line

“Sheems that todhays whorst thime ish abhout to be beathen what do you think gentlecolts?”

Said the same old unicorn receiving the same dose of laughter from his companions, also it turned out that one of the newest wonderbolts members who currently hold first place with time 1:06 was hired by him. Buffalo didn’t reply just silently watched as his hopes for winning were fading away each second.

“Tho be honest I dhon’t even whanna lhook at it, phoor Buffalo kid will lhoose 1000 bits, hoho, how abhout getting something to dhrink gentlecolts?”

Everpony even including buffalo who sighed in resignation left the place at went to nearest restaurant. They came back later after last charity auction to hear the already known results.

Sunbath once again took his magephone with his magic and exclaimed

Thank you everypony for taking part in this charity event, together we have accumulated 16 013 bits which will be spend to help homeless ponies in Manehatten”

Crowd reacted with cheers and applauses, after it calmed down royal advisor continued

However this is still a race and we now have to announce the winners!”

After another wave of cheers and applauses Sunbath carried on

Third place with time 1:23 Dashing Wave!”

Crowd now was cheering greatly at young stallion who flyed up to podium on third place

Second place with astonishing time 1:06, Blazing Woodpecker!”

Crowd cheered even louder as another member of wonderbolts flew up to stage with small frown on her face

And first place with excellent time of 0:57 Icarus!”

Crowd have gone completely mad at that moment, while Buffalo and his companions stood in their old place completely dumbfounded.

After sometime crowd calmed itself only to realise that the one who they cheered so hard just few seconds ago was nowhere to be found.

Sunbath repeated his name few time, after couple of minutes he said

It seems our champion was so tired he went back home already, but fear not we will make sure to send him his trophy one way or another, now race and auctions might have ended but for next few hours amusement park will still be opened so enjoy yourselves and thank you for participating in this great event everypony!”

Crowd cheered last time before ponies started to either go home or as Sunbath advised, to amusement park. By now Buffalo recovered from his state only to find his companions still dumbfounded at the adviser annoucement

“Well my old friends, I guess its payment time”


‘Oh for the love of Celestia why this bucking event didn’t end five minutes ago?’

Icarus was immersed in his thoughts on his way home, sadly he arrived just five minutes after someone bought last copy of “Adventure of Emerald Dragon”, which he couldn’t wait to read. What completely downed him was the fact that next copies won’t arrive until next month.

‘Well at least im a free pony again, without those damned debts on my back, yes im a free pony….

Who doesn’t have any bits in his pockets’

With huge sigh Icarus started to think about some job he will have to take now that he used all his bits from loan. If there’s something he hated more than training, then it would be working.

On his way home Icarus already rejected most of the possible works for him, stating that each and everyone of them was simply too boring or too tiresome, sometimes both. Mentally exhausted he finally arrived at the door of his rented apartment, it wasn’t anything special but It had a comfortable bed and a fridge, he didn’t really need anything else. All this thinking about jobs and other things made him hungry, well he actually was always hungry but such intense thinking made him even more hungry than before.

He made his way into small kitchen to prepare himself something to eat, he opened the fridge and suddenly heard piercing low voice.

“That was a great race my little pony, I am truly impressed”

He immediately turned back almost hitting fridge door with his head and what he saw completely froze him in place.

Before him was standing a pony, a stallion to be accurate but he wasn’t like anypony he saw in his life. He was tall, almost 2 heads above the orange stallion, hid coat was dark-blue, he had a crimson red mane which looked more like a floating liquid than a mane and finally, he’s irises were in all colors of rainbow, looking in them was calming and intimidating at the same time, his horn didn’t look like any other horn he saw either, it looked more like a claw rising from his forehead it was also longer than usual.

“I was observing you for quite some time now and I have to say you fit the role I want to offer you. Today’s race made me completely certain that you will be perfect for it. I have to say I have seen normal pegasi with a wingspan of a alicorn and they all were extremely fast thanks to that, but unlike others with such gift you are alsto extremely agile, ponies with talent like yours are not born everyday, if it wouldn’t be for your laziness u could have been the best by now.”  Said the dark-blue unicorn with his piercing evil-sounding voice.

“Thanks I guess.”

Icarus replied before turning tilting his head to the side to look at the unicorn’s cutie mark, although he couldn’t see it, he saw something else, and yet again his body was completely paralyzed, when he realized that pony standing in front of him wasn’t a unicorn, from what he knew there is only one type of pony that have both wings and a horn. What was standing before him was an alicorn.

“Well then, I would love to make my visit last longer but I have places to be so I’ll get to the point”

Icarus still completely frozen just simply nodded his head

“You see my dear Icarus, you have talents features that I need in order to fulfill my project, so today I came here to ask for your services.”

Orange pegasus finally freed himself from paws of fear and replied

“That’s very nice and everything but, what’s in there for me?”

Icarus saw a cocky grin rising on alicorn’s muzzle, slightly worried by its presence

“That’s a very good question, what I am offering you is the world in which you will be able to live your life without any worries, you will be able to sleep and nap all the time without worrying about bits or any other things.”

“That sounds really nice and all, but how are you going to do that?”

This time alicorn started to laugh with his evil-sounding voice, it was truly intimidating experience for young pegasus.

“That’s very silly question, after I’ll take over the role of emperor of Equestria from our cute princesses I’ll make sure that nopony will bother your way of living.”

Icarus was dumbfounded yet again, after a brief pause he decided to speak again

“Have you gone completely mad? You want to overthrow Princess Celestia and Princess Luna? Who the bucking hell even are you?”

“Icarus I was observing you for long time now and if there’s something I know I won’t give you is trust, my little betraying friend”

Pegasus felt offended, he wanted to say something but he realized alicorn was right, throughout his whole life he would betray his friend revealing their secrets or leaving them alone when they needed help in order to live his happy lazy life. But it never really disturbed him, his conscience was always clear, even after being a traitor through his whole life.

“But that’s the main reason I need you Icarus, you alongside your future companions will become my main weapon and protection against Equestria most powerful weapon that once imprisoned me, but this time I will be prepared”

‘Equestria most powerful weapon? Does he mean elements of harmony? From what I heard they are some kind of necklaces who are used by 6 mares and they are so powerful they defeated Discord himself.


How does he expect me to stop something like that?’

“I have to say that such offer sounds really good, and I’ll think about it, I can also understand why u won’t tell me who you are, but if you want me to join you then at least you have to tell me what am I supposed to do in your plan?”

Yet again on alicorn’s mouth appeared a small cocky grin.

“I am so glad we came to agreement Icarus, I’ll be glad to explain you your first mission in my great scheme.”

Icarus was slightly annoyed by his new boss narcissism but he decided to play along. He couldn’t explain it, suddenly a weird intimidating alicorn appears in his apartment and offers him a role in taking over Equestria, he should think this guy went mad, but for some reason he trusted his words, he really started to think that serving this guy will let him live in the world he always dreamed about, full of napping and eating.

And maybe some rainbows.

And few Daring Do books.




Yes that would be perfect.

Dark-blue alicorn started to talk again

“As I was saying your first mission should be easy and harmless, but it will take a long time to accomplish, what I want you to do is to travel to a certain village and earn complete trust of 6 particulars mares.”

Icarus started to finally understand why would someone with ambitions to overthrow Princesses would need his help, if there was something he was good at, it was earning trust, not to mention he was always ready to loose it, anytime it was needed.

“After they shall honor you with their trust I’ll explain rest of your mission, but I am quite certain that by the time it will happen u will already understand what I want you to use their trust for.”

Icarus thought for a while his mind racing between pros and cons of this situation, finally deciding to take a risk and give it a shot.

“I’ll be honored to serve you in this great plan, my lord” Icarus stated as formal as he was able to.

“Tell me the name of this village and I shall go there immediately, however there is small problem with money which is required for most journeys.”

“You shouldn’t worry about such trivial things my little pony, like I said I’ll let you live in the world where you won’t have to worry about such things after everything will be finished, as for now I shall grant you with enough bits to cover traveling costs”

Jackpot’ Though Icarus

“However I shall only cover traveling costs, you will have to work for yourself while you will be working on the mission”

Celestia damn it.’

“Very well my lord, I shall go forth on my mission” Said Icarus barely holding his laughter from speaking like this.

“What’s the name of the village?”

Cocky grin once again spread through his muzzle, Icarus started to think that’s some kind of habit.

“It’s very peaceful and friendly village called Ponyville.”

Icarus flinched at that name, and alicorn knew very well why.

“That’s right, the very same village where your younger sister lives in right now, I am quite sure you know where it’s located.”

Icarus simply nodded still dumbfounded, thinking that he will never have to go back to this place.

“Very well then I shall take my leave as I have important things to do in order to achieve victory, next time I’ll see you I hope that you will already have the trust of your targets.”

His horn started to beam in red and he suddenly disappeared, in the place he once stood there were six pictures of ponies, mares to be accurate. Icarus guessed that these are his “targets”, he took them all up and studied them very carefully, after laying on his bed, burying his muzzle in his pillow and slowly drifting off to the sweet land of dreams.


Like every other day Ponyville and its inhabitants were greeted by Celestia’s warm and shining sun. Just like usual someponies were getting up, some were going to sleep till late afternoon and some were already awaken. However not everypony was able to feel pleasure of resting at night, for some time few Ponyville villagers were haunted by nightmares, unable to sleep. It wouldn’t be anything strange, however with each night more and more ponies were starting to have those nightmares. Still almost everyone decided not to worry about something that they can’t control. Almost

Twilight was trotting through streets of Ponyville thinking about their town newest problem.

This can’t be just some coincidence, so many ponies having nightmares at the same time? I wonder if Princess Luna will know something about this.’

As she walked she saw some ponies struggling to even walk straight, they had dark circles around their eyes, they were looking like they are about to fall asleep.

Also the fact that everyone who started having those nightmares have them till this day? And everyday another ponies are starting to have them.’

Deep in her thoughts Twilight completely zoned out and bumped into somepony.

“What in tarnation, oh it’s you Twilight you should have your eyes watching where are you walking sugarcube.”

“Sorry Applejack, I kinda got lost in my thoughts.”

“Are you still thinking about all those nightmares?”

Twilight looked down on the road and nodded slightly

“Sugarcube, you should stop worrying about this. Ah’ll tell ya something, if you are really so worried, then you should talk to Princess Luna.”

Twilight smiled while being surprised that her friend thought about the same thing as she did.

“Actually that’s great idea, you know what? I will send her letter later when Spike will come back to library after he will finish crusading with girls.”

“Glad to hear that sugarcube.” Applejack responded smiling widely.

“So what are you doing here AJ?”

“Ah was going to Fluttershy, she invited me for some tea, Ah am not big fan of it, but her tea is special.”

Twilight couldn’t argue with that, it was true that Fluttershy made the best tea.

“Mind if I come along? I am afraid that if I’ll be alone I will again think about those nightmares.”

“Sure thing, let’s go.”

As Twilight and Applejack left marketplace orange stallion walked by the place they were standing at just a minute ago.

I can’t remember where this house was, gosh so much have changed since I left this place, also why in the name of Celestia this pink mare screamed at me when she saw me, I am not really intimidating. I think.’

After a brief pause to look at surrounding building young pegasus with red spiky mane started to walk again.


Meanwhile somewhere above the Ponyville two pegasi were racing and one of them was evidently winning. After flying past finishing-line made of clouds first pegasus who was a cyan mare with rainbow colored mane started to celebrate her victory.

“Ohh yeah, who’s awesome? I’m awesome, that’s right.”

Suddenly the other pegasus flyed up to her, he had black coat and mohawk like mane.

“You were just lucky Rainbow.”

“Thunderlane dude, you wouldn’t win against me even if I would fly with only one wing.” Suddenly Rainbow Dash pulled out a pair of sunglasses from behind her back and slowly put them on her eyes.

“Deal with it.”

Thunderlane was about to reply but got stopped by three other pegasi, two mares and a small colt who flew up to them.

“If you are so confident Rainbow than maybe you should take on someone of your league.” Said one of the mares who had grayish coat and spiky mane

“Anytime Cloudchaser.” Said Dash with a smirk on her muzzle

“Hey what was that all about?” Thunderlane responded with sign of anger in his voice

“Nothing much I was just saying that you are slower than Rainbow’s Turtle.” Said Cloudchaser

“It’s tortoise.” Dash quickly corrected her

“Yeah whatever.”

“Guys calm down, we were supposed to meet up to have some fun time together.” Said the other mare, she also had grayish coat slightly lighter, her mane unlike the other mare was combed.

“Flitter is right, also big bro you totally don’t have any chance against Rainbow Dash.” Said the small colt with gray coat and black mane

“Even you Rumble?” Thunderlane replied

“Well sorry guys but I must head to train station, my older brother should arrive anytime now”

Everyone got surprised at Dash’s comment.

“You have an older brother?” They all asked at the same time, startling Rainbow a little.

“Yeah I haven’t seen him in many years now, so I guess I will catch you guys later.”

Before they could responded Rainbow flew away towards train station.


Some would say that three little fillies and a baby dragon having fun together, can’t possibly end up in life-threating situation.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

“Seriously who’s idea was it to try being “cutie mark crusaders bungee jumpers?” Shouted spike while limply floating over rocks, he had a belt around his waist which was connected to bungee rope.

“Sorry about that Spike.” Three of them shouted at the same time

“Also why am I the only one who jumped? It’s not like I can possibly get a cutie mark anyway.” Purple dragon replied with anger in his voice.

“You know what, we will talk after you will get me back up there, can you please hurry up with this?.”

Three fillies concerned about Spike started to pull the bungee rope, Spike slowly getting closer and closer back to the cliff.

“You know what girls, I start to think that this wasn’t our best idea.” Said Sweetie Bell

“Well you don’t say.” Spike replied his voice still holding a small tune of anger

“Well ah think we all can agree that it was enough crusadin for a day, ah have to go back to farm anyway to help mah big sister.” Apple bloom commented

“Yeah I guess you’re right, I think I’ll go and see if Rarity needs any help.”

“That’s good idea Sweetie Bell, I’ll go see Twilight.” Spike replied

“Wait, so we aren’t going to have anymore fun today?” Scootalo said with little sadness in her voice.”

“Sorry scoots but I didn’t spend much time with my big sister recently.” Sweetie Bell commented

“Eeyup it’s just like Sweetie said, Applejack and Ah also didn’t do anything together recently.”

“Well, alright then have fun.” Scootalo said while starting to frown a little

“Hey now Scoots, don’t be sad, we can have some crusadin fun tommorow.” Said Spike

“Yeah that would be great.” Sweetie added

“All right then girls, and Spike, see you tomorrow.” Scootalo said starting to smile, three of her friends didn’t notice to her relief that this was in fact, just a fake smile. Because the reason for her frowning wasn’t really the fact that they would stop crusading for today. No it was something else that bothered her.

Deep in her thoughts Scootalo started to walk home thinking about one particular pony.


Ponyville train station

Rainbow Dash was sitting on the bench waiting for the train to arrive, she was hoping that it didn’t arrive early and her older brother was already somewhere in the Ponyville looking for her house.

Suddenly another train stopped and Rainbow watched carefully not to miss her brother, although it was really hard to not notice him. Starting to think that her theory was right and being one moment from flying into Ponyville in order to search for her brother he heard someone calling her name.

“Hey Dash, it’s been a long time.”

Rainbow suddenly felt smile forming on her lips as she launched herself in her brother direction and hugged him tight.

“Way too long Jet.”

Rainbow said with a smile as she lifted her head up to look at him. He was looking just the way she remembered him, his coat had a gray color and his irises were blue, what actually made them look like siblings was the same color of mane, Rainbow Jet having his short combed back mane in same rainbow colors as Dash, his cutie mark pictured a rocket.

“I’ve got so much to tell you about what happened since we last met, come on let’s get your bags to my house and then I will introduce you to my best friends.”

Dash said still smiling wide, feeling the innocent joy spreading through her body, just like the little filly who got her dreamed birthday present.

“All right then, let’s not waste any time shall we?”

Dash took one of his bags, while he took two remaining and they took off in the direction of her house leaving two rainbow trails behind.

Scootalo was on the way to her house while still being deep in thoughts about what she has lost.


It wasn’t my fault, it was his own decision to leave, it didn’t have anything to do with me.


Same thoughts running through her mind all the way back to her home.

Her house wasn’t anything special, but it wasn’t also poor or something like that, it was just normal. Scootalo loved this house, because it had so many good memories of her and her family, her dad Black coated unicorn with red mane called Nais and her mother, orange coated pegasus with purple mane whose name was Hummingbird, there was also a time when there was another member of her family living with them, her older brother, but he left their home 7 years ago for reasons she didn’t know. She opened front door and heard his parents laughing and talking, she didn’t really pay any attention to it but then she heard another voice. Curious whose voice was that she decided to go into living room. Suddenly her mother noticed her and spoke.

“Scootalo, I’m so glad you are home, we have a very unexpected guest, and I am most certain you would like to talk with him.”

Scootalo didn’t understand what her mother meant when she looked over at their guest. Then it stroke her.

She studied pegasus sitting on the coach in the opposing site of the living room very carefully, his mane was red, it was unkempt and spiky, he had magenta eyes and orange coat, his cutie mark was a wheel covered in purple flames.

She couldn’t believe what she saw at that moment. After a few moments of silence she was only able to say one word


“Hey there little sis, it’s been a long time wasn’t it?”

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