
Old Spice Guys invade Equestria

by MarineMarksman

Chapter 6: Chapter Six

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The next day, Rarity and Black Jesus walked through the streets of Ponyville, followed by a mass of followers. All smelling of Old Spice Body Wash. It appeared that word of Old Spice spread rather quickly, as every citizen in Ponyville seemed to now be using Old Spice Body Wash.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't Zigger Jesus. Why don't you go back to your country, you fugly zigger." A voice suggested from a dark alley. Black Jesus turned to face the source of this voice to see a fat zebra walk out of the darkness, one of his eyes missing.

"What did you just say?!" Rarity demanded, summoning a magical spear in preparations to take out this non-believer.

"Rarity, my disciple, put that away. He knows not what he speaks. My son, what is your name?" Black Jesus inquired.

"My name, mister Zigger Jesus, is Uncle Zuckus... no relation." Uncle Zuckus responded. The crowd that had been following Black Jesus looked about ready to kill him.

"What the hell is this?!" Apple Spice's CEO, Prince Blueblood, demanded from his fellow executives. "Profits are down seventy five percent! How the hell did this happen?! Ninety percent of Equestria's colts use Apple Spice Body Wash!"

"Sir, it would appear a new body wash has came to Equestria to replace Apple Spice. The person selling the stuff has claimed it is God's chosen body wash, and that Apple Spice is for mares. Another person claims that Old Spice gives you near infinite amounts of power, and demonstrated this by taking out the sun yesterday." One of the executives stated.

"What?! How can this happen? I had Celestia get rid of all our competition years ago." Blueblood stated.

"As I said, this is not from Equestria." The executive said.

Blueblood slammed his hoof down on the table in anger. "Dammit! Get me Celestia!" Blueblood ordered.

"Princess Celestia!" A Lieutenant shouted out in surprise as the Goddess of the Sun landed nearby, before bowing.

"Rise, Lieutenant. We have no time for this! I need a status report." Celestia stated.

"Of course, your majesty. We deployed the 377th Armored Guard Division to defend the city against further attacks. The 56th Airborne Division is currently patrolling the nearby areas, but it shouldn't really be that hard to see him. He's about a mile tall." The Lieutenant stated.

The Lieutenant's radio crackled to life, gunfire coming out from the speaker. "This is 3rd Platoon! Target sighted! Requesting assistance!"

"Roger that, 3rd Platoon. 2nd Battalion is on its way." General Trotton's voice responded.

"That's our cue! Mount up!" The Lieutenant shouted, as he ran towards a nearby IFV. "Princess, are you coming or not?"

"Of course, I-"

"Princess, Prince Blueblood is demanding your audience in Canterlot immediately." One of her Royal Guards stated, having just caught up with her. "He says it's important."

"Ugh... Lieutenant, continue on without me. I'll be back once I deal with this." Celestia promised, before teleporting inside of Blueblood's office. The sudden appearance of his aunt startled Blueblood, causing him to fall out of his chair.

"Dammit..." Blueblood muttered to himself, before rising off the ground, "you startled me, auntie."

"What's going on?" Celestia inquired.

"I have a bit of a problem. Apple Spice profits are down seventy five percent, and-"

"Let me get this straight... you called me away from a warzone, just so you could talk to me about your stupid body wash business?" Celestia stated sternly, Celestia's normally happy and kind smile turning into a scowl.

"That's not all, auntie. The new body wash that has been stealing all my customers seems to be turning into a religion. What do you think will happen when you are exposed as a lie? Sure, silencing a few ponies who stumble upon the truth is easy, but hundreds, thousands, possibly millions of ponies would be damn near impossible to stop. Two of the Elements of Harmony have already joined its leader as his disciples." Blueblood said.

"What?! Who is this leader?!" Celestia demanded.

"His name is Isaiah Mustafa, but he is known as Black Jesus, or simply Jesus." Blueblood stated.

Celestia took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. Two Elements were already with him, and surely the other four will follow. Twilight, the strongest of the six, may side with her, but the others were surely join Black Jesus. There was no doubt about it.

"Thanks for bringing this to my attention, nephew. I will handle it as soon as I can. However, I currently have more pressing matters at hand. I will be back later in the evening." Celestia promised, before teleporting out the room.

"He just ripped us apart like nothing, sir..." The lone survivor of 3rd platoon stated. He was trembling, bruised, and covered in the blood of his comrades. "We used rockets, anti-infantry rounds, grenades, and it barely scratched him. He took out our two Mustangs like nothing."

The Lieutenant patted the survivors shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. "We got it from here trooper, we'll get you out of here. I'm sorry about your friends." The Lieutenant nodded to the Private standing beside him, who helped the survivor up and loaded him into a nearby Mustang IFV. The ground shook as a column of M1A2 Warhorses, the Equestrian military's primary main battle tank, and M2A3 Mustang's, the Equestrian military's primary infantry fighting vehicle and armored personnel carrier, rolled down the street. Several squadrons of F-22A Pegasi flew over, missiles pouring out of them. The Lieutenant climbed aboard a passing Mustang and climbed inside of it.

"Lieutenant Spark, sir!" A Sergeant called out in surprise, before saluting the Lieutenant. The Lieutenant returned the salute.

"At ease. Sergeant, I am commandeering this vehicle to help coordinate the assault on the giant ape."

"It would be an honor sir." The Sergeant said. The Lieutenant nodded and opened the top hatch, popping his head out of it.

Black Jesus ducked as Uncle Zuckus tried to throw a brick at his head, which just barely missed him. The crowd quickly turned to violence as they started to charge at the now fleeing zebra, only to be blocked by Black Jesus.

"Please, children. He knows not what he does. He does not deserve death or injury for that." Black Jesus stated. The crowd slowly stood down and walked away, besides his disciple and two ponies. He remembered one of them from earlier, a large stallion who was named Big Macintosh.

"Jesus, these are my friends, Applejack and Big Macintosh. They would like to become your disciples." Rarity stated. The two ponies bowed before Black Jesus.

Black Jesus smiled kindly at them. "Rise, my children. We are all equal in the eyes of God, for we all smell of Old Spice. Not even your false goddesses smell of Old Spice. We're travelling to Los Pegasus next, to continue spreading the word of Old Spice. Are you up to the challenge, my disciples?"

"Yes sir." Applejack proclaimed.

"Eeyup." Big Mac stated plainly.

"As always, darling." Rarity cooed.

"Good, get your rest. We begin our journey at dawn." Black Jesus said.

Next Chapter: Chapter Seven Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 7 Minutes
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