
FNTK: Other Realms

by Thethhron

Chapter 6: The Angel of Music VS The Demon of Metal

Previous Chapter

“Hey there, newbie!” Nyx shouted, the once-evil alicorn hopped down from the catwalk high above, landing right beside her un-armored twin. “So, you’re that ‘Tundra Stanza’, right? From the tourney last week?” She smiled disarmingly...or it would be if it wasn’t for her inch-long fangs.

“Y-yeah, that’s me,” stammered Tundra kind of creeped out by the fangs, “Nice to meet you...” She trails off, unsure of what to call the other alicorn in the room.

The alicorn peers in closely and begins sniffing around Tundra’s face, concentrating around the ears and mane. She hmms gently as she finishes the ‘inspection’. “Sorry, we’ve still been having trouble with Shadow Clones, and I wanted to ensure you are really who you say you are..” The demonic alicorn turns around. “Well, are you just gonna stand there, or do you wanna meet the band before we kick this party into overdrive?”

Shadow clones? thinks Tundra, Who does she think I am? Scootaloo?
“Sure, let’s go do that!” she hurriedly answers and follows Nyx.

Nyx leads Tundra down to the dressing room, where-in they meet the rest of the band, all getting into their uniforms Rarity had designed. Scootaloo couldn't help but stand up and show off hers, especially after getting it done so quickly. Amongst the others in the room were Applebloom and Sweetiebelle, Cadance, Shining armor, Chrysalis, Lyra, Bonbon, Octavia, Vinyl scratch, and Knightmare himself, all getting into their uniforms and ready to hop onto the stage.

“Everyone remember the plan so far?” Knightmare asked, receiving nods from everyone in his band, “Good. Tundra, all you need to do is sing like you can, feel free to dance around if you’d like because that’s what I’m gonna be doing too. Just try not to get hurt, okay? Unless you know the timing, stay at least two feet from the edge of the stage. That’s my turf.”

“Understood,” she gives a nod of comprehension.
It’s like a whole different battlefield, comments Shirayuki to Tundra in thought speech.
I know, right? Tundra mentally responds, This is going to be fun.

“Alrighty.” Knightmare said, “Everyone get into positions, Tundra, you just wait on stage left and I’ll call you. Remember, let us handle the crazy stuff until you’re comfortable, don’t try to rush in if you’re not sure. Now then, everyone to your places, let’s ROLL!” with that, he dashed off, taking his staff, Twinkle, instead of grabbing his guitar which was nowhere to be seen.

“See you on the stage, hon!” Chrysalis shouted, dashing past in her uniform, followed by the CMC, Cadance, Shining Armor, Lyra, bonbon, Octavia, and Vinyl[both of whom looked different than normal], all of which gave a friendly nod to Tundra. As Nyx walked past, however, she gave Tundra a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Consider that your first big welcome to the Champions, Miss Stanza.” the regal demoness said, calmly walking out to join her companions.

Miss Stanza stood there dumbly for a split-second.
Did... she just...? But, there wasn’t much time for her to finish that train of thought. So she hurried off to stage left. Excitement quickly replaced her confusion.

The crowd outside was screaming and chanting at the top of their lungs, many crying the word ‘CHAMPIONS!’ as loudly as possible, others crying out for members of the band. While not the best view, Tundra could easily see the entrance Knightmare and his band planned out, a hint at the level of preparation they do ahead of time for everything.

High in the sky, a burst of light became visible. It streaked across the sky, screaming like a demon possessed, before coming in closer, the spray making it look as if it were a giant flaming butterfly. The...thing came down closer and finally slowed down, a tall, slender machine scraping its feet across the stage, barreling down before spinning suddenly, wreathing itself in blue flames from the rockets on its body, sending itself into a topspin and shifting the blue flames bright green, burning away the altered form to reveal Knightmare, holding the edge of his top hat and carrying his staff under his arm.


Figuring that was her cue, Tundra galloped onto the stage.
“HI OUT THERE, NEW CANTERLOT!” she tries to imitate Knightmare’s volume with... some success, “I JUST HAVE ONE QUESTION FOR YOU ALL BEFORE WE START!”
She then lowers her tone ever so slightly, “Do you believe in ghosts?”

I ain't afraid of no ghost!” shouted scootaloo, the young pegasus dropping from the rafters, followed by Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, all three having, somehow, changed costumes in under a minute, now dressed as the ever famous Ghostbusters! And right on cue, the rest of the band began dropping in, playing the classic theme that even the residents of Equestria almost knew by heart.

But then ever famous tune suddenly halted, like a bad record scratch. “Well, you should be. Because there’s one that’s about to come here tonight. And I have to say... she sings one hell of an opera.

Well let’s hold ourselves a seance, ladies and gents!” With that, Knightmare brought his staff crashing down, knocking all of the lights on the stage pitch black, and causing the crowd to cheer, knowing they were in for one HELL of a show!

Song 1: 'Phantom of the Opera'

A single stage light came up, revealing Tundra standing in the center, Twinkle floating serenely before her, and dressed in a beautiful black silk dress. And then, the music began.

In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came
That voice which calls to me and speaks my name
And do I dream again? For now I find
Phantom of the opera is there inside my mind

There’s a brief surge as Shirayuki takes dominance and a helmet shows up on Tundra’s head before it immediately removes itself again.

Sing once again with me, our strange duet
My power over you grows stronger yet
And though you turn from me to glance behind
The Phantom of the opera is there inside your mind

Knightmare stands high and behind Tundra, his twin blades, Sol Invicta and Lune Pertinax flashing to live, sending sprays of glowing fire and ice across the stage. He dances forward, touching Tundra’s cheek gently, the blades refusing to harm her, dancing dangerously close to the fire cannons at the front of the stage, dodging them as they pulse in time with the drums.

Those who have seen your face draw back in fear
I am the mask you wear, it's me they hear
Your spirit and my voice in one combined
The Phantom of the opera is there inside your mind

To the lyrics, Tundra waves a hoof in front of her face, as if putting on and taking off a mask that isn’t there.

Knightmare pulls himself in close, as if to whisper into Tundra’s ear.

Tundra perks up her eyes, making it look like she just heard some juicy gossip. Then, she stares straight ahead in a trancelike state. Never once does she stop singing.

He's there, the phantom of the opera
Beware, the phantom of the opera

Chrysalis, Cadance, and the CMC take up the ominous chanting in the background, holding their hooves out as if to warn Tundra of the danger.

Where all your fantasies, you always knew
That man and mystery lay both in you
And in this labyrinth where night is blind
The Phantom of the opera is here inside your mind

Knightmare dances forward, strutting handsomely.

As he passes, Tundra takes on the trance-like appearance again, following Knightmare’s motion.

As he comes close, the two begin to dance together for a brief moment before Knightmare flutters away. However a mis-timed fire cannon strikes him in the face, burning away his plaster mask and knocking him back.

Sing, my angel of music!
Sing for me!
Oh Sing my angel, Sing!

Even in pain, Knightmare doesn’t miss a beat, and it’d take a keen eye to see that he’d actually been injured by the blast, his shouting of the lyrics as much in pain as in need for the song. He flutters back into the shadows to tend to his wound, leaving Tundra alone on the stage.

Song 2: Wishmaster

Heartborne, 7th Seeker
In me the Wishmaster


For some reason, Tundra summons her katana ‘Sode no Shirayuki out as she sings her first line. She starts forming a ring of ice around herself before dispersing it.

A dreamy-eyed child staring into night
On a journey to storyteller`s mind
Whispers a wish speaks with the stars the words are silent in him
Distant sigh from a lonely heart
"I'll be with you soon, my Shalafi"
Grey Havens my destiny

Slowly, she starts flapping her wings and spinning around in a deliberate circle. It’s as if the words are creating the very wind that she rides.

Heartborne, 7th Seeker
In me the Wishmaster

While the backup singers take over, she swings her blade to the rhythm as if directing.


Again she rises to the air, and charges circles of ice to symbolize the ‘sorcery within’.

Sla-Mori the one known only by Him
To august realms, the sorcery within
If you hear the call of arcane lore,
Your world shall rest on Earth no more
A maiden elf calling with her cunning song
"Meet me at the Inn of Last Home"
Heartborne will find the way!

She vigorously shakes her head ‘on Earth no more’.
To the line ‘Heartborne’, she holds her non-sword hoof over her chest plate that covers her heart.

Heartborne, 7th Seeker
In me the Wishmaster

Using charges of magic, Tundra makes waves of snow fill the air at each of the choir’s exclamations.

Crusade for Your will
A child, dreamfinder
The Apprentice becoming...

Shirayuki is moved by the song and takes dominance for the last lines joined with the chorus.

Heartborne, 7th Seeker
In me the Wishmaster

The crowd is left in awe, the deafening silence collapsing under the weight of the crowds cheering, screaming for more, rapidly falling in love with Tundra’s beautiful voice and artistic talent.

Song 3: I wish I had an Angel

Knightmare returns onto the stage, passing by Nyx, whom is apparently playing Knightmare’s guitar. Before the song begins, Chrysalis and Cadance cast healing spells on Knightmare and Tundra, healing Knightmare’s wound and helping both to relax.

I wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had your angel tonight

Knightmare begins headbanging, before pointing to Tundra for her cue.

Deep into a dying day
I took a step outside an
innocent heart
Prepare to hate me fall when
I may
This night will hurt you like
never before

Tundra starts out with a hoof held to her head as if fainting, but it’s just a facade as she takes a step forward. She points to the audience as if worried that a special somepony will really get hurt.

Old loves they die hard
Old lies they die harder

She bows her head to represent the pain she experiences when at the death of another.

I wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had your angel
Your Virgin Mary undone

Knightmare comes close, just shy of arms reach of Tundra, reaching out to her, illusionary chains holding him back, pain and loneliness clear on his face, looking shockingly genuine even up close.

I'm in love with my lust
Burning angelwings to dust
I wish I had your angel tonight

In a surprise move, Tundra freezes her own wings in a thin layer of ice. The crystals shatter as she flaps them once, though her wings are still intact. She then looks in Knightmare’s direction a bit longingly.

I'm going down so frail and cruel
Drunken disguise changes all
the rules

Facing the audience again, Tundra closes her eyes solemnly. She then looks up a bit with desperation in her eyes because the ‘game’ changed before she could play.

Old loves they die hard
Old lies they die harder

She bows her head to represent the pain of losing a loved one again.

I wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had your angel
Your Virgin Mary undone

Knightmare pushes against the chains more, pulling himself ever so slightly closer, tears beginning to pour from his eyes.

I'm in love with my lust
Burning angelwings to dust
I wish I had your angel tonight

Taking the position as if too pained to look again, tears start falling out of Tundra’s eyes. Hers shatter like ice on contact with the stage floor.

Greatest thrill
Not to kill
But to have the prize of
the night
Wannabe friend
13th disciple who betrayed
me for nothing!

Knightmare strains against the chains, shifting to his ‘Julia’ battle form, the nine foot tall felinoid’s strength more than a match for the illusionary chains, s/he breaks them down, causing the Jester Shot hidden within each link to detonate in a spray of bright multicolored sparks as Knightmare shifts back to his true form.

Last dance, first kiss
Your touch, my bliss
Beauty always comes with
dark thoughts

Knightmare playfully tickles Tundra, getting the ominous laugh out right on cue.
“Ha ha ha ha...”

I wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had your angel
Your Virgin Mary undone

Knightmare finally reaches Tundra, wrapping her in a gentle hug, nuzzling close against her.

I'm in love with my lust
Burning angelwings to dust
I wish I had your angel tonight

The song finally draws to a close, the lights dimming to black for the next song.

Song 4: Nemo

Knightmare steps back, letting Tundra take the stage. As Shining Armor forms a xylophone from his shields, Knightmare grabs Nyx’s horn and pulls down, shifting the Nightmare into his guitar and belts out an epic riff, signalling Tundra to begin.

This is me for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Without an honest heart as compass

The black-coated beauty lets her head gently bob up and down, as if adrift in the ocean. She stops with a look of confusion and searches too and fro, attempting to find her way in the endless blue glow of the stage lights.

This is me for forever
One without a name
These lines the last endeavor
To find the missing lifeline

The mare touches her chest and holds her head down, shaking slightly as if caught in a fit of tears. She drops her hoof to the stage floor and scrapes it across, sending sparks flying and a red glow tracing its path.

Oh, how I wish for soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark
For hope I'd give my everything

Tundra raises onto her hind hooves, spreading her wings for balance. She touches her left hoof to her chest, just above her heart, and raises her right hoof skyward as if in prayer.

My flower will withered between
The pages two and three
The once and forever bloom
Gone with my sins

She pulls her raised hoof back, revealing a beautiful rose made of crystalline ice, a rainbow shimmer coming off of it in the dull blue glow of the stage. With a blink, the flower shatters to dust and falls to the ground, evaporating before her eyes.

Walk the dark path, sleep with angels
Call the past for help
Touch me with your love
And reveal to me my true name

Tundra slowly walks along the stage, head held low in sadness. She stops and places a hoof over her heart, looking out to the audience with unshed tears in her eyes.

Oh, how I wish for soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark
For hope I'd give my everything

She opens her eyes again practically sparkling with a longing in the direction of the sky. She pumps her hooves in place to express the frustration at what she no longer has.

Oh, how I wish for soothing rain
Oh, how I wish to dream again
Once and for all and all for once
Nemo my name for evermore

The lights become a bit gentler to highlight that she’s involuntarily sunk to the floor as the guitar takes up the dramatic solo.

Nemo sailing home
Nemo letting go

The alicorn slowly rises back up to a full stand. While hope is diminished, she has yet to give up.

Oh, how I wish for soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark
For hope I'd give my everything

She’s practically shouting her lines now. Some chilling air moves as if attacking the darkness around her.

Oh, how I wish for soothing rain
Oh, how I wish to dream again
Once and for all and all for once
Nemo my name for evermore
Name for evermore

As the music dies away, Knightmare releases Nyx and returns to the stage, bowing to Tundra.

“Miss Stanza, my dear, I wish to ask a favor of you, one I think our audience may enjoy.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“Well, the next song we planned is an old favorite of my people. The theme of the Changeling Armada. Miss Stanza, on behalf of the Changeling royal family, will you please join us in singing Planet Hell?” At the name of the song, the crowd roars, cheering gleefully and pumping their hooves/fists/claws into the air.

“Well, I’m not going to say no to that,” she smiles, “Let’s do it.”

Song 5: Planet Hell

Knightmare cheers as the song begins, pointing to Nyx, who opens up with the intense riff.

Denying the lying
A million children fighting
For lives in strife
For hope beyond the horizon

Knightmare begins banging his head, buzzing around the stage and tapping fire cannons with Twinkle, firing off multi-colored flames that explode into fireworks displays overhead.

A dead world, a dark path
Not even crossroads to choose from
All the blood red carpets before me
Behold this fair creation of God

Holding her mystical katana with the shimmering blade pointed earthward, Tundra sings with raw power and emotion, wielding the blade like a microphone.

My only wish to leave behind
All the days of the earth
And everyday Hell of my kingdom come

She then moves her sword away, holding it in the fashion that a ruler declares a statement to her kingdom.

The first rock thrown again
Welcome to Hell little saint
Mother Gaia in slaughter
Welcome to paradise soldier

Knightmare pulls out a copper firearm and begins shooting skyward, the bullets streaming out as bright lights and exploding after twenty feet. He then places his face dangerously close to a fire cannon, his visage wreathed by black flames before buzzing backwards, backflipping, landing on tundra’s rump for a SPLIT SECOND, then hopping back off, buzzing away and trailing sparks in his path.

My first cry never ending
All life is to fear for life
You fool, you wanderer
You challenged the Gods and lost

The Angel of Music shakes her head in seriousness. She then stares unflinchingly at the field where fires had been only seconds before.

Save yourself a penny for the ferryman
Save yourself and let them suffer
In hope, in love
This world ain't ready for the ark

The curtains drop, revealing many famous, and infamous, soldiers of the Changeling armada, joining in the song with immense glee.

Save yourself a penny for the ferryman
Save yourself and let them suffer
In hope, in love
Mankind works in mysterious ways

Knightmare hops beside Tundra as the pair continue singing, explosions and flames rising from every corner of the stage, making it clear WHY they have to prepare so much ahead of time, and why choreography is JUST as important as musical skill! One false step could easily lead to an extended infirmary stay, or worse!

Welcome down to my planet Hell

Knightmare stomps down into the center of the stage, revealing several green and purple fire cannons hidden just below. the weapons belch their terrifying munitions skyward, making it seem as if Knightmare had been engulfed in raw hellfire as he screams skyward in defiant madness.

Save yourself a penny for the ferryman
Save yourself and let them suffer
In hope, in love
This world ain't ready for the ark

Tundra and the changeling veterans join in the dance of destruction, gleefully hopping in tune with one another to dodge the potentially deadly projectiles without even the tiniest hint of fear on their faces.

Save yourself a penny for the ferryman
Save yourself and let them suffer
In hope, in love
Mankind works in mysterious ways

As the song draws to a close, everyone in the band hops down, joining the deadly dance with glee, much to the delight and cheers of the audience. All leading up to a truly GRAND finale!

Final Song: Ghost Love score

With the entire band down on the floor, the background curtains drop, and their platforms collapse to the ground, revealing Octavia and her old band, the Royal Canterlot Symphony ready and waiting for this big moment.

“Ladies and gents,” Knightmare shouts “An epic day deserves an epic end! It’s time for a GHOST LOVE SCORE!”

We used to swim the same moonlight waters
Oceans away from the wakeful day

In sweet serenity, Tundra motions with her hooves and wings as if swimming through an invisible body of salt water.

My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you be the one to cut me
I'll bleed forever

(My fall... will be...)

My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you be the one to cut me
I'll bleed forever

(...for... you...)

Scent of the sea, before the waking of the world
Brings me to thee, into the blue memory

Slowly, the black alicorn motions with a hoof as if welcoming a pleasant scent.

My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you be the one to cut me
I'll bleed forever

(My love...will be...)

My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you be the one to cut me
I'll bleed forever
Into the blue memory

The siren from the deep came to me
Sang my name, my longing
Still I write my songs about that dream of mine
Worth everything I may ever be

The child will be born again
That siren carried him to me
First of them true loves
Singing on the shoulders of an angel
Without care for love 'n loss

Bring me home or leave me be
My love in the dark heart of the night
I have lost the path before me
The one behind will lead me

Bring me home or leave me be
My love in the dark heart of the night
I have lost the path before me
The one behind will lead me

Take me,
cure me,
kill me
Bring me home,
every way,
every day
Just another loop into the hangman's noose

Take me,
cure me,
kill me,
bring me home
Every way,
every day
I keep on watching us sleep
Relive the old sin of Adam and Eve
Of you and me,
forgive the adoring beast

Redeem me into childhood
Show me myself without the shell
Like the advent of May, I'll be there when you say
Time to never hold our love

My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
You were the one to cut me
So I'll bleed forever
(My fall... will be...)
My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
You were the one to cut me
So I'll bleed forever
(for... you...)
My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
You were the one to cut me
So I'll bleed forever

With another beautifully done concert, the last song needing only the music itself to woo the crowd, it was time to close up and head home. But with the D-Gate unable to work for 24 hours, where, exactly, was Tundra supposed to stay? Well, it seems Knightmare has an idea.

Bonus Song: Dark Chest of Wonders

“C’mon, Tundra, you can stay with us tonight!” Knightmare said, a smile on his face.

“B-but I have to get home!” she stammered, slightly worried about the damage that David would cause while she was outside of her universe.

“C’mon, the D-gate won’t be ready to send you back ‘till morning anyway, and I DOUBT that anything will happen in that short of time before then.” Knightmare hopped onto Nyx’s back, the ancient alicorn warrior handling her rider’s light weight with ease. “Plus, I think you’ll liiiike iiiit!”

“And even if something DOES happen,” Nyx said with a grin, “We’ll gladly join you to handle it. We MAY be musicians by day, but don’t underestimate our skills in the art of war.”

“Very well,” sighed Tundra, realizing that there wasn’t much she could do about it now. A stray thought told her that Shirayuki agreed that worrying now wasn’t going to help.

“Well follow us and, whatever you do, show no fear!” Knightmare shouts, hopping onto Nyx’s back, the daemonic alicorn taking flight with a smile. “Also, don’t slow down. Hit it, Chrissie!”

Once I had a dream
And this is it

As Chrysalis began the song, everypony that could fly did so, always with a passenger of one who couldn’t. They all took skyward and made a beeline for the new Canterlot Castle.

Once there was a child's dream
One night the clock struck twelve
The window open wide

The band flew high and fast, soaring through the massive city’s skies, passing by airships and fliers passing by, all of them chanting Tundra’s name, even those aboard the Possibility cheered for the young alicorn.

Once there was a child's heart
The age I learned to fly
And took a step outside

Soaring through the air they came upon the massive new castle of New Canterlot, Alexander. The ancient winged machine sat serenely as beings of many species went about their business, each one that caught sight of the approaching band giving a calm wave or a raucous cheer in greeting.

Once I knew all the tales
It's time to turn back time
Follow the pale moonlight

They flew past the massive castle and towards the even MORE immense tree behind it, the Tower of Babel library, home of Twilight Sparkle. Flying down between the interweaving supertrees, the band took a turn directly upwards, into the higher boughs of the tree-brary, high above a massive fountain at the base.

Once I wished for this night
Faith brought me here
It's time to cut the rope

Almost immediately, Nyx cut her speed, followed by the rest of the band one by one, all of them dropping, to Tundra’s shock, directly into the center of the fountain. Aiming with expert precision, they all pass directly into the center of the fountain.

“Wait, what the heck are you guys doing?!” Tundra called although they did not answer.

And fly to a dream far across the sea
All the burdens gone open the chest once more
Dark chest of wonders seen through the eyes
Of the one with pure heart once so long ago

They all fly straight down, pushing the water out of their way, and come rocketing out deep underground, revealing the mysterious ‘Secret Base of the ChessPieces’ hidden below New Canterlot.

The one in the big blue is what
The world stole from me
This night will bring him back to me

The sight is beyond imagining. A MASSIVE underground CITY, hanging from the stalactites above. Multiple ravines, each one over a mile wide, interconnecting right under New Canterlot, with a massive upturned castle serving as the main structural support for the massive megacity above their heads.

Woah, thought Shirayuki as she observed through Tundra’s eyes.

Fly to a dream far across the sea
All the burdens gone open the chest once more
Dark chest of wonders seen through the eyes
Of the one with pure heart once so long ago

Deep below is a sprawling mass of blue light, not something artificial, but a magically charged UNDERGROUND JUNGLE, with trees reaching as tall as a mighty redwood and vines growing in every direction, interweaving with ancient stone and modern homes.

My gosh, thought Tundra amazed.

Fly to a dream far across the sea
All the burdens gone open the chest once more
Dark chest of wonders seen through the eyes
Of the one with pure heart once so long ago

Finally, they come to a slowing stop at a particular stalactite hanging high over the jungle, with a beautiful view of the hidden city. Landing softly on a runway, Knightmare dismounts Nyx, only to be tackled by a half-alicorn changeling and a white dragoness, both very young even to this day.

“Hey, girls! guess what, we’ve got a new friend!” He stands and motions to Tundra, “Meet Tundra Stanza. Tundra, I’d like you to meet my daughters. Solara, and Crystal.” he motions to the drakeling and the changeling-alicorn. “They’re the only ones who stay here in the guest residences, since they wanted their space, but there’s enough room here for fifteen people, so plenty of room for you to relax in private.” He bows gracefully and goes back to hugging his daughters and playing with them, a smile on his face.

“Thank you,” she says simply in awe at everything that had just transpired.

“Lemme guess, it was the glowing jungle underground, wasn't it? It’s ALWAYS the jungle.”

“Huh?” Tundra was still lost trying to comprehend. The meaning of the statement was lost on her at that moment, “Oh, yes. The jungle... yeah.”

Knightmare waved his hands in front of Tundra’s face. “You look like you need sleep....”

“I’ll help her!” Chrysalis shouted.

“Oh HELL no!” Nyx countered, “You saw how nervous she got when Knightmare hugged her! You’d probably traumatize the poor thing!”

“I’LL take her to a room...” Cadance shouted, snatching Tundra’s attention away from the view.

“Sleep sounds wonderful,” the tired angel muttered, still not completely there.
She’s so tired that I can feel it, thought Shirayuki.

“Ok, hon. Just follow me.” Cadance spoke softly, using a wing to keep Tundra moving. As they entered the apartments carved from solid rock, Knightmare and his band looked over one another.

“Well....that went better than expected.” Knightmare said, before going back to playing with his daughters.

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