
Five Changelings In Equestria: The Monster Under The Bed

by Bucking Nonsense

Chapter 4: Some Assembly Required

Previous Chapter

"So, what were you doing, hiding in the hall closet?"

Lady couldn't help but notice how nervous Neffy looked when Brass asked that question. It was clear that the jorogumo was not the most outspoken at the best of times, and this definitely wasn't the best of times for her. As the three worked together to assemble the new bunk bed, Brass had decided that it was time to play twenty questions, regardless.

Lady wasn't certain how she felt about the spidery creature. While she certainly didn't seem harmful, the arachnid made her uneasy. Possibly because, while Ladybird was a creature that 'ate' love, the jorogumo was a creature that ate living creatures in a much more literal sense... including ponies and changelings, potentially...

While Neffy held two pieces of wood together for Brass Rink to connect them, she said, "Well, it's a bit of a long story. My clan back in Nippon is more than a little backward. They think that the world was just fine the way it was a few centuries ago, when yōkai like us were preying upon the weak and defenseless, and that nothing should ever change. In spite of the fact that we can survive just fine on things other than ponies, there were more than a few who were violently against the change in diet, even if it meant peaceful coexistence. My mother and father might not have been quite as bad as the rest, but when my grandparents or the rest of the clan put pressure on them, my parents caved, every single time. And nobuggy ever bothered to ask me how I felt about any of it."

With a shrug, the jorogumo said, "My grandparents were planning, as a 'coming of age', to have me eat a pony. That's not something I wanted on my conscience. Cockroaches were fine with me, always have been. There's tons of them, and everypony considers them a pest. But eating a pony? I don't care if every jorogumo was doing it a thousand years ago, it's wrong, it always was wrong, and it will always be wrong." Sighing, Neffy continued with a regretful voice, "But if I refused, tradition says that my parents would have to eat me. I'm... fairly sure that my parents would refuse, but that would mean the rest of the clan would eat them and me together. So... I decided to run away just before the ceremony."

Ladybird, now a bit puzzled, asked, "But why come to Equestria?"

Giggling, Neffy said, "Well, in spite of the disapproval of my grandparents, I was able to make friends outside of the clan, including a kitsune named Momo. She and my other friends pooled together enough money to buy a ticket on a boat overseas, and Momo asked her great uncle, Kokkuri, where I should go."

Brass, having finished putting together the bottom bed, handed a plank over to Ladybird, then asked, "And why would this Kokkuri character know where you should go?"

With another giggle, Neffy said, "Well, Kokkuri-san is a really, really, really famous onmyoji. I guess you'd say he's the Nippon version of a wizard. And a scholar. And a sage. He does a little bit of everything. He's probably as old as princess Celestia, or maybe even older. He's also, in addition to all of that, the single greatest oracle in Nippon, if not the entire world. I can tell you for certain that if there's anything that he doesn't know about the past, present, or the future, it probably isn't worth knowing. Since Momo is his favorite niece, he decided to share a bit of his wisdom with us, and said that the best place I could go would be Equestria. Didn't say why, just that it was the one place I could go where I could find a safe haven."

Neffy looked more than a little sad about that, though. Lady could understand why: Even if she was safe, and her parents were probably safe as well, it meant she would never see them, or her friends, ever again...

"Okay, so that explains why you ended up here in Equestria," Brass said, nodding, before hammering in a few nails. When he finished, he asked, "But why were you here in my hall closet?"

The jurogumo looked a little awkward as she admitted, "I'm not sure. From the moment I got off the boat a week ago, I just felt... drawn here. I couldn't really explain it. I mean, I can leave here, and for a little while, I'll be fine, but then all of a sudden, without realizing it, I start walking back here. By the time I realize what's happened, I'm back in the hall closet. Sorry, sir."

Brass Ring rolled his eyes, and said, "For the last time, Neffy, please drop the 'sir'. I'm not even thirty yet, and hearing a girl your age call me 'sir' makes me feel old."

Ladybird giggled a little at that: she'd assumed that Brass was a bit older, being a father and all, but she'd been surprised to find the pony was only twenty-seven. Ladybird was only twenty-three herself...

"Well, if you don't know why you're here, you don't know," Ladybird said, philosophically. "It's a weird world we live in, so there might be some sort of magical thing going on. It'll probably pass, given time."

Brass nodded in agreement, and admitted, "Yeah, that sounds about right. Given our recent bogeymane problem, it's safe to say that something weird is going on. We'll give it a week or two, and if things persist, I can look into getting an expert sent in to see what's going on, and how it can be fixed. Not that I have a problem with you staying here, mind you," the earth pony added quickly, surprising both Neffy and Lady, "You're very polite, which is hard to find these days, and you've more than earned your keep, keeping the roaches under control. I just feel that, if you're staying, it should be because you want to, not because some supernatural force compels you to."

Bowing deeply, Neffy said, "Thank you very much, Brass-sama. I greatly appreciate your hospitality."

With a chuckle, Brass said, "Please, you can just call me Brass."

Ladybird smiled as she helped secure the last portion of the wooden frame of the bunk bed. She couldn't argue with Brass' assessment of the spidery creature, and... well, it would be nice to have somebuggy to talk with who was just as much an outsider here as she was...

Timor was surprised to hear about this 'Nippon' place. While the bogeymane understood that there was more to the world than just the closet and the room beyond, it was startling to hear that there was so much world outside to see. Having come across the magic talking book had awakened a deep sense of curiosity in the creature, and the revelation of the wide world outside of this room had only served to strengthen it. He wanted to learn more...

"Well, I'll ask her if it would be alright," Honey Darling said, a little ambivalent about the idea. It might sound weird, but Honey wasn't sure she wanted to 'share' Ladybird just yet. Call it childish, but she was, in fact, a child, after all. "I'll have to ask her first, and if she says it's okay, you can come over. It's not that I think she'll say no, of course, it's just that, you know, with what happened a little while ago, she's... I guess you'd say she has every reason to be a little bit worried about others knowing about her."

Babs Seed in nodded in understanding, then said, "It's cool. Let me know what she says."

"Milord, I have news most urgent!"

Monster Mash turned towards the approaching underling, surprise clear on his face. What in the world could be this urgent, that they would interrupt him during his meditation? "Out with it," he said, suspecting the worst of all worst possible news...

"Milord," the underling said, bowing low. The outline of wings under his cloak, combined with the beak poking out from the hood announced him to be a griffin, or at least something like one. "The Jabberwock is on the move. While it is difficult to say what his intended destination may be, it is clear that he is moving in this direction." The underling immediately ducked, fearful of his master's temper.

"Rise, and go tell the others to ready themselves," Monster Mash said, his voice icy cold. "We have three days to complete our primary objective, and this changes nothing. Fearsome as he may be, the Jabberwock is but one. So long as we secure our goal, we are more than a match for him. And tell Bandersnatch that I need to see him immediately: this will require an adjustment to our plans, so I will need to brief him on his role."

Relieved, the underling bowed deeply, then turned, and left quickly, his back legs briefly showing as hooves, rather than lion's paws, and revealing him as a hippogriff. Monster Mash had forgotten he'd had one of those in his ranks. There were so many different creatures amongst his followers, it was difficult to keep track of them all...

Monster Mash turned away, staring out a window, towards the sun. Muttering to himself, the unicorn said, "Celestia will not be pleased, nor will Luna, but this will require a bit less subtlety than I had planned. If father gets his paws on her first..."

Luna was enjoying her evening tea before she began her duties for the night. Canterlot palace was a bustle of activity during the day, but the nights were, much like the princess herself, much more calm and controlled. Much more formal. An aide approached with the day's news.

"I have several important pieces of new for you tonight," the aide said, bowing deeply. "Things are going well for the preparations for Nightmare Night. No major concerns to report on that front. The few minor issues that remain are being dealt with as promptly and efficiently as possible"

Luna nodded, satisfied to hear that. After last year's incident, she wanted to make certain that nothing would go wrong...

"The Crownless King has been spotted in Manehattan. As Celestia suspected, it appears that he has no intention of causing a scene. While his exact reasons for being there are unknown, he and his underlings have kept to themselves. We will continue to monitor the situation."

Monster Mash, the Crownless King, the Landless Lord, the Sovereign of the Open Road, lord of all exiles and outcasts, had never been a popular figure with the royalty of the world, since, as per ancient law, his kingdom was everywhere and nowhere. He and his followers were free to travel anywhere they pleased, so long as they did no harm to anyone. While definitely an irritation to many leaders, since part of his role meant that he took in those who were punished unjustly, or were exiled or ostracized through no fault of their own, he nevertheless was a vital figure, who played a major part in maintaining the harmony of the world.

After all, when you don't fit in, and have noplace else to go, who else can you turn to but other exiles like yourself?

"Keep me posted," Luna said, nodding. Before taking a sip of her tea, she said, "Continue."

The aide bowed, then said, "Finally, there was an odd incident in Van Hoover. A group of street thugs were found, covered in injuries implying that they were attacked by a small army of creatures, but upon questioning, insisted that there was only one attacker. It appears they tried to rob this individual of a fine gold watch he carried, and their intended victim set about defending himself with surprising ferocity. What makes this so unusual is that, when asked to describe the individual, they began speaking jibberish. It's believed to be magical in nature, so the local guard wished to know if you might know what it means. I have a copy of what they were muttering, when you're ready."

Luna said, "Proceed," then took another sip of her tea. She knew a dozen spells that could cause the effect that was being described, and what these thugs had been muttering would go a long way in determining which spell was used...

The aide cleared his throat, and began, saying, "'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, and the mome raths outgrabe."

The aide got no further than that, as Luna performed what is commonly known as a spit take, and the liquid in quesion erupted with such speed that it went all the way from the throne to the doorway on the opposite side of the throne room, and hit with enough power to knock the doors open wide. Rising to her hooves, the princess barked out, "I want all guards on high alert. Notify the Manehattan constabulary to ready for a major magical event. Send them a copy of Order 'Carroll', so they'll be briefed on what to expect. Get a message to the Crownless King notifying him of this immediately. While I expect he is aware, it is best to take no chances. When Celestia wakes, notify her of all of this as well. Tell her that the Jabberwock is in Equestria. She will know what it means, and what must be done."

This was the last thing she needed when she was preparing for Nightmare Night: A confrontation between the last Crownless King and the current one could end up leveling the entire city...

Thump, thump, thump, thump...

For weeks, he had wandered, aimless, in search of someplace he could go. He had never fit in with the rest of his kind, but had not minded; After all, in spite of his immense size, they'd still treated him well. However, now that his kind were scattered, he'd felt utterly lost...

Thump, thump, thump, thump...

But now he felt something inexplicable pulling him. Calling him. Guiding him. Leading him...

...To Manehattan.

Thump, thump, thump, thump...

His massive hooves shook the ground with each and every step as he walked. The towering brute of a changeling moved with a slow, steady pace, careful not to step on anything that couldn't bear his weight. After all, if there was one thing Goliath "Bird Eater" Spider understood, it was that he was too big for such a tiny world...

Author's Notes:

Kokkuri-san is the subject of a game not unlike Ouija in the western world. The idea of Kokkuri is that you ask an all-knowing kitsune spirit for answers to your questions. The good news is, Kokkuri knows the answers to every question you can ask. The bad news is, you may not like the answer, and Kokkuri, being a kitsune, a natural-born trickster, is not above lying to you for his own amusement. It's advised you not play this game, since some questions you'll be happier not hearing the answer to: How happy would you be, knowing the exact day you will die, or knowing that you will never find true love?

As for Jabberwock, I should hope you already know about it. If not, look it up on Wikipedia.

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