What if Dash had chosen to join the Cloudsdale Relay team?
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You know Rainbow Dash. She loves flying with the Wonderbolts. So what if she hadn't faked an injury when they offered her a spot on the relay team? What if she had taken the offer? What would have happened?

I had this idea while watching "Rainbow Falls". I think it was when 'Shy said that it was okay if Dash wanted to be on the winning team. I thought, "well, why not?" And when it turned out not to work for the WTG prompt, I was left needing to write two stories this week. Something which apparently takes approximately forever.

If this fails to be a good story, I'm sorry; this was a brief exploration of possibility first, and a story second. But I have hope that it can be both. (And remember, I can't know what you think unless you tell me.)


1,851 words: Estimated 8 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. Flying for the Other Team [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jan 26th, 2014
Published Jan 26th, 2014


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