
Bright Stars & Dark Clouds

by Fuzzyfurvert


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by Fuzzyfurvert


The wind and snow buffeted against the tall towers of Canterlot castle, the gusts howling between its high walls and crenellations. It wasn’t the perfect weather for landing a hot air balloon on the castle’s launch pad, but Twilight Sparkle had something of a reputation for doing the impossible. Of course, she had help. As soon as the balloon had been sighted, Celestia issued a flight of Canterlot’s weather pegasi out into the storm to calm the winds enough to make a safe landing.

Celestia herself climbed the stairs to the roof, her magic warming the area and the ponies rushing about. By the time she reached the roof access door, Twilight, loaded down with saddle bags, was already halfway along the walkway and headed her way. Celestia could see her sister managing the balloon, barking orders and helping the other ponies keep the basket on the launchpad while the balloon itself was deflated and pulled in. The snow that blew into the small access door melted instantly in her proximity and Celestia took a seat to let the area warm.

Twilight reached the access door a moment later, her mane and tail whipping in the wind, her wings held tight against her sides. She let out a long breath when she stepped inside the small area at the top of the stairs and smiled at Celestia. “Princess, I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon.”

“I was not expecting you and Luna to return so soon either. Your next scheduled supply run isn’t for two more weeks.” Celestia smiled at her student and leaned forward to nuzzle her ear. “If this about our new moon, Luna has already communicated with me about it. Her letter said that you took it well?”

Celestia grinned as Twilight flushed. She chuckled and shook her head. “No need to worry. Her note said you were very apologetic after she explained everything to you.”

“How did everypony down here take it?”

“I issued a statement that it was a jointly planned event by my sister and myself to celebrate the rise of our newest princess.” Celestia lowered her voice to a whisper and leaned in conspiratorially. “Cadence wrote me afterwards to express her views of what she coined as ‘royal BS’ and asked when she could expect a planetoid of her own.”

Twilight giggled. “Luna and I have discovered several. We would be glad to name one after her.”

“I’m certain that would please her.”

Twilight chuckled and turned to look back out to the launchpad where Luna had taken to the air to wrestle the last of the balloon’s envelope into the basket. “Well, we do have a reason other than the new moon to come see you.”

“It must be important to brave such weather.” Celestia tilted her head as she watched Twilight watch Luna. Her student’s face was coated in worry, chewing on her lower lip in a way that Celestia knew meant Twilight wanted to go back out there and… do something. She just couldn’t tell what. “Why didn’t you both just fly in? It would have been safer than dealing with the balloon.”

Twilight nodded, her body stiffening as a particularly strong gust of wind forced Luna to hold up her arm to shield her eyes. “It is important.”

Celestia remained silent. She watched along with Twilight as her sister fastened straps about the basket and started commanding the other ponies in out of the weather. It was a small thing, but in that moment, she looked and sounded more the proud and in command Princess she was than any other time since her return.

Twilight’s horn started to glow and Celestia heard the buttons on one of Twilight’s saddle bags give way.

“This is why it’s important.”

A tiny thing, cradled in Twilight’s magical field, rose up to Celestia’s eye level. Celestia narrowed her eyes as she focused on it. It took her a moment to even register what the device was and then a minute more to realize what the tiny blue plus symbol it displayed was telling her. She pulled it closer with her own magic, reading over the display again to confirm what she was seeing.

“Twilight… does this mean…?”

The young princess blushed and nodded, her eyes still on Luna. She opened her mouth to say something when she was suddenly yanked off her hooves and pulled into a powerful bear hug by the Sun Goddess of Equestria.

“Oh my goodness! Twilight! I’m so happy for you! For you and Luna, of course!” Celestia laughed, her eyes started to water as she turned Twilight around to face her and hugged her again. “This is wonderful news! I get to be an aunt again!”

Celestia giggled, visions of a tiny dark purple foal with bright teal eyes danced through her head until she heard a gasp from Twilight and realized she was squeezing the expectant mother tightly. Celestia released Twilight, catching her with her magic and set the smaller mare back on her feet. “Sorry! I was just a little overwhelmed.”

“It’s not mine.”

“What?” Celestia raised an eyebrow, suddenly confused.

“The test.” Twilight picked up the test from where it had fallen. “It’s not mine, Princess. I’m not the one that’s pregnant.”

“What?” Celestia continued to stare at Twilight for a moment more before looking out at her sister again. Luna was finished with stowing the balloon and was leaning into the wind as she walked across the raised walkway from the launchpad. She looked as she always had to Celestia, but suddenly there was a new sort of fragileness that had been missing before.

“Ah! Sister, we have glorious news!” Luna stepped into the access door, crowding the space even more. She bent slightly to kiss her Evening Star on the cheek when there was a loud crash.

Luna flicked her ears and looked back and forth between her lover and her sister’s prostrate form and dumbstruck face. “Oh. You already told her?”

Next Chapter: Appendix: What Came Before Estimated time remaining: 22 Minutes
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