
...And Borrowing Dulls The Edge Of Husbandry

by Softy8088

Chapter 2: Epilogue

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Dear Princess Celestia,

Ponies sure are complicated! Two friends can be very different – and I’m not just talking about their manes or coats! When two ponies see the world in completely different ways, it can put a real strain on their friendship.

And sometimes, what seems like the obvious solution to satisfy them both just plain doesn’t work, because it turns out that the way you see the world is even more different than either of theirs. Today I learned that resolving differences between friends can be very hard, especially when your attempt to help only makes things worse – whether it’s a badly-timed piano number, or an accidental case of profit-mongering. But as long as your heart is in the right place, and you’re willing to do what it takes, your friends will always forgive you and each other.

That’s why I’m happy to tell you the good news that Twilight, Applejack, and I are still Pony Friends Forever, and that I’m pledging to donate ฿48,000 over the next five years to the Equestrian Farmland Trust. The EFT is a super-terrific organization, which helps all kinds of farmers (rock and apple!) to protect their farmlands. They also offer easy, dirt-cheap loans (Get it? Because farms have dirt!) to farmers who are struggling with their businesses. Did you know about that last part? I sure didn’t, and neither did Twilight or Applejack! Pretty embarrassing, huh?

The world would be a very boring place if everypony were exactly the same, and it’s our differences that make us special. But when those differences threaten to tear a friendship apart, you need to take a step back, talk things over, have some cake, and the answer will always come.

Respectfully yours,
Pinkie Pie

P. S. Since my friends and I report to you about our lessons in friendship, that makes us all your students, right? Please pass on my banking information on the next page to the Royal Treasury. I think they might not have it, since I haven’t been receiving my stipend.

Author's Notes:

Because happy endings are best endings. :pinkiesmile:

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