
The Outsider: Tales of a Space Technician

by Justin Daniels

Chapter 4: Chapter 2: A Not-So-Average Tour of Ponyville Part 1: Arrangements, Apples, And Arguments!

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Justin Daniels's POV

After the events of last night, I was completely exhausted. Before I went to sleep, though, the seven ponies introduced themselves to me properly... and by that, I mean WITHOUT taking me as a monster, and blasting magic, or kicking me around the place. Afterwards, I gave them MY introduction.

"Well, as you all may know by now, my name is Justin Daniels. I'm a human male who's interested in a few things that y'all may or may not know, like computers, games, stuff like that. I am, however, interested in technology as well! I would explain more, but I," I paused for a yawn, "am REALLY tired right now, and might not be able to explain enough without passing out. Twilight, with YOUR permission, am I allowed to sleep in your house? I'll even sleep on the floor, if you want!"

For some odd reason, she giggled at me, and declined, allowing me to sleep on HER bed, while she sleeps on the couch, which I declined, stating that I'm actually USED to sleeping on a couch. Finally, after a whole conversation of "declining", we decided that I would sleep on the couch, and SHE would sleep on the bed... which I regretted quickly when I discovered just HOW small a couch was in "pony size". I ended up sleeping on the carpet.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" I heard Twilight's voice call out.

I slowly woke up, yawned, and stretched my arms out, all while I looked around, and noticed Twilight staring at me from the couch. She seemed to be holding back a lot of laughter, while I was just staring at her, smiling along.

"Lemme guess... couch not big enough?" Twilight jokingly asked.

I smirked, then sarcastically replied, "Nah, I just wanted to be your little pet monkey, and sleep where I please!"

Then, I think I saw a glint of mayhem in her eyes, which caused me to grin nervously, and say, "Just kidding! JUST KIDDING!"

I didn't know where the random pillow that hit me in the back of the head came from, but I knew right then that she was just kidding around, too.

We both got up from our spots, me on the floor, and she on the couch, while she said, "Alright, smart-flank! Now that you're awake, it's time to start the day! I took the liberty of writing a schedule with the things we should do today!"

She levitated a roll of paper near her head, and smiled, while I thought to myself, Okay... doesn't seem TOO difficult!

That was until she UNROLLED the thing, which went across the WHOLE freakin' room, and a few meters OUT the door!

THIS is gonna be a LONG day... I can already feel it...

Right outside the door...

Okay, so we JUST step out of the door after Twilight re-rolled the scroll, and the once lively town of Ponyville seemed to freeze right there... even the ANIMALS stopped what they were doing, and the WHOLE entire town just stared at me, some faces blank, some worried, some astonished, some crying, and some covered by their parents' hooves, claws, or whatever. (Even the ANIMALS here did that, somehow!)

What made ME surprised was the fact that ALL the animals that I saw around here were the same kinds of animals that I saw on Earth! Squirrels, bunnies, birds, heck, even an ALLIGATOR, which was, for some odd reason, following Pinkie Pie, who seemed to be the ONLY creature there that was moving... actually, she was BOUNCING towards the library, or, more SPECIFICALLY, to me.

"Hi, Justin! It's great to finally see you in the day time! Hey, you're ACTUALLY really tall! Are ALL humans that big? Is the 'Creepy-looking robot' suit what you ALL wear?" It sounded like she asked me over a MILLION questions per second. Honestly, if each word she spat out were bullets, she would wipe out an army of twenty million in under five seconds!

Thankfully, Twilight placed her hoof in Pinkie's mouth, and said, "Pinkie! Please! One question at a time! You wouldn't want him to MISS a question, would you?"

Pinkie shook her head with Twilight's hoof still in her mouth, and replied, "Mm-mm! Mm Prmmmty Shmmmr thmmt..."

I couldn't understand a word she said with Twilight's hoof in her mouth, so Twilight pulled it out, and asked, "Please re-phrase that, Pinkie. We didn't quite catch that last part."

"Mm-mm! I'm pretty sure that we MIGHT miss a question anyways, since I've already forgotten about HALF of what it was that I asked! Hey, Justin! Did you happen to catch the other half?" Pinkie lost me at "Mm-mm".

I seriously couldn't keep up with her speed of words, so I just shrugged, then replied, "I don't know?"

She bought it, and nodded with a smile, then said in a MUCH more comprehensible tone, "Sorry about that... I tend to get carried away when there's somepony NEW in town! I get even MORE excited, however, when something SUPER-DUPER is going on for the FIRST time! Hey! You know what this calls for?!"

I asked, "Lemme guess... some sort of party about an alien creature that came from a whole different galaxy, perhaps even a different DIMENSION, and is now moving into Ponyville?"

Somehow, I managed to cause the pink bundle of joy to gasp, and reply, "H-HOW DID YOU KNOW?! Are you some sort of MIND reader?!"

I looked at her COMPLETELY confused, and replied, "N-no? That was just a guess!" I paused. "...Did I guess RIGHT or something?"

She smiled, nodded, then trotted off, yelling, "Well, I'll go get the party set up! Catch you later, Justin!"

I smiled and waved, whispering to Twilight while barely turning my head, "Is she ALWAYS like this?"

Twilight giggled, then replied, "Don't let it get to you... she's just being Pinkie Pie! It took me a WHOLE day of researching how she does what she does, and couldn't find a logical explanation, so I just decided to go with it!"

I nodded my head, then said, "Maybe it's for the best... I doubt if even CELESTIA would want to read her mind, if she's able to speak more words than perhaps a computer screen can handle!"

Twilight looked up at me confused, then asked, "Computer screen?"

I nodded, then replied, "Yeah! Don't y'all HAVE those here?"

Twilight nodded her head, then replied, "W-well, yeah! We have computers, but they're only used in certain places, like hospitals and major locations! How, exactly, do YOU know about computers, though?"

I grinned, then said, "Well, I did WORK on computers non-stop! It's kinda sorta my hobby... I tinker with them."

"Tinker? What does THAT mean?" Twilight asked. Wow... she's THAT smart, but she doesn't know the word "TINKER"?

She gave me a deadpan stare, which made me gulp, then ask, "YOU can read minds too, can't you?" She said nothing, but SOMEHOW I found another pillow hit my head again. That's a yes...

I smiled after she giggled at my feather-covered face, and said, "Sorry, Twilight. I'll work on controlling what I THINK better, if it'll help... but I'm honestly shocked that someone as SMART as you wouldn't know about tinkering!" I patted her back, then said, "Look, I'll do more than explain it... I'll SHOW you what it means when we're done with this schedule... I promise!"

She smiled, then nodded her head, replying, "Fair enough! Now, then... according to my schedule, we should start at the FARTHEST two places from here, one being a farm, and the other being a cottage! Considering Fluttershy is busy tending to a bear, though, we'll have to visit THAT one last, so we'll start off at the farm!"

After a few more moments of going through the schedule, we set off to Ponyville, with the first stop being a farm called "Sweet Apple Acres". I'd guess from the name of it that this farm is known for growing apples, although I was also curious at how the flora could be the same as ours back at Earth. This just kept getting weirder and weirder.

Twilight Sparkle's POV

I didn't really expect him to get along with many ponies on day one, and sure enough, he didn't, but only because they avoided getting anywhere NEAR him. I felt quite bad at how he looked when they turned him down, but that was why we were going to Applejack's to begin with! If there's ANYPONY that can help him gain trust, it's the Element of Honesty herself! Usually, if SHE trusts somepony, then why bother to ask questions, when she's the MOST honest pony that I've ever seen!

Anyways, we were walking through Ponyville, trying to avoid contact with others until AFTER the schedule was complete, but he seemed to be a little too distracted with something.

"What's on your mind?" I asked him.

He looked up from his train of thought, and replied, "Hmm? Oh, it's nothing... I was just thinking..."

"About what?" I pursued. He didn't seem resilient to my questions, but I could tell that he was trying to answer as much as he could, even without hearing the questions.

"Well, it's mostly just the way how I left things back home. I had a... landlord, let's just say. He owned the place that I built, and ran the military of the place I lived. The Space Station, of which was called 'New Eden'. It was meant to be a 'New way for humanity to live... a fresh new start', but after the way that he treated us all, he only brought the SAME problems from Earth with him, and as such, we lived just about the same. Sure, new technologies that didn't even EXIST on Earth were there, but besides the new looking stuff, it was all still the same."

I looked at him concerned, then said, "This... landlord of yours... was he a prince, by chance?"

He shook his head, then replied, "No, he was considered a Commander. The army obeyed his every command, and as a result, they ended up losing their lives in battles that they couldn't win. In the end, the Commander claimed his apologies, saying that 'They did what they chose to do.', but his face showed that he didn't care about the lives that were lost in HIS cause."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! A bunch of lives were LOST because of one man?! If that's the case, then why would Justin even WANT to go back to that place?

"Do you... agree with the way how he treated his soldiers?" I asked him.

He looked at me with a frown, and replied, "Not in the slightest... and please, don't address them as 'HIS' soldiers... I could see in their eyes that they didn't like the way how he was treating them. Yes, they fought battles for their countries on Earth, but in New Eden, they were struggling in a mental battle for a DIFFERENT thing..."

"What?" I asked him.

"...Freedom... Humanity isn't a pack of wolves, but individual people. We don't live with a Monarchy, but instead, with groups of individuals who think similarly most of the time. Even so, THEY don't control the way we live our lives... WE do. We have full control with how we live our lives... but only at Earth... In New Eden, we live under the oppression of Commander Wilson, a tyrant ruler with NO heart! Even though I don't WORK for him, he still treated me like a stray dog!"

I looked down, and thought for a moment. He looked like he was REALLY stressed out about that place. He must've dealt with FAR worse problems there than I could imagine, if his own kind fought each other over things that one man was after!

Finally, after thinking it through, I've decided to ask him, "You know... you don't HAVE to go back to that place, do you?"

Justin Daniels's POV

I looked at her confusedly. I knew that I wasn't necessarily trustworthy, according to the way how the ponies reacted to me just BEING there, but I couldn't believe my own EARS at what I heard. Twilight Sparkle, apparently a well respected pony from a Princess, was actually OFFERING for me to stay here, AWAY from those conflicts?

I decided not to think too much into it yet, until it was approved, and if I could be treated as an equal, so I just smiled at her, and said, "Maybe not... We'll just have to see when we get to that point, huh?"

I looked forward, and was able to spot a large field out in the distance. I smiled at the sight of the trees that were inside that field.

"Wow... those apples on those trees look REALLY nice! Much nicer than the ones back on Earth, that's for sure!" I could feel my mouth starting to water, but I managed to hold the thoughts in with the fact that they didn't belong to me.

Twilight and I looked at the front gate, and the first thing we saw was a little filly with a red mane, yellow coat, and a pink ribbon on her mane.

Applejack's POV

Well, Ah was just buckin' more apples in the western field, until mah little sister, Apple Bloom came a' trottin' down to me with a worried look on 'er face! I tell ya, she was screamin' louder than a cat in a dog pin!

I quickly trotted up to her, and asked, "What is it, Apple Bloom?! Is somethin' wrong?!"

She nearly strangled the life out of me with a hug, and replied, "Th-there's a MONSTER in the field! It's chasin' Twilight!"

My eyes widened, and I quickly galloped towards the front entrance, but stopped when I noticed that "monster" that Apple Bloom was talkin' about, and laughed.

"Apple Bloom, that ain't no monster! That's Justin! He's a new citizen of Ponyville, from another planet! C'mon out, and introduce yerself!"

Apple Bloom slowly trotted towards Justin, still staring at him nervously, while he smiled, and knelt down to her level, and held his... hoof with worm-thingies, out towards her. I didn't know WHAT he was doin', but it almost seemed like he was tryin' to get her to come his way.

Justin Daniels's POV

I sat there with my hands held out, trying to show her that I meant her no harm, and tried motioning her to come closer. As expected, however, she just backed up even further. I sighed, then stood back up.

"Don't worry. You don't have to come closer, if you don't feel like it. I'll just... be leaving now, if you want me to." I said, as I started to turn around to leave.

I was then stopped by Apple Bloom saying, "No, wait! Wait!" I turned around, and smiled again, when I saw that her scared look was no longer there, but replaced by an apologetic look. "I'm sorry for callin' you a monster... I just haven't seen anypony like ya, is all! Though, now that I think about it, what the hay ARE you, mister?"

Just mere seconds after she asked that, Applejack quickly, yet forcefully, nudged her with her right hoof, and glared at her, as if she did something disrespectful. I, however, chuckled at her question.

"It's alright, Applejack. I was actually expecting that question!" I lowered back down to Apple Bloom's eye level, and said, "And to answer your question, I'm a human! A creature that was born and raised in a planet called 'Earth'! I know, it's named after dirt, but the truth is, there's actually more WATER on it, than there is dirt!"

She giggled at my statement, and said, "Well, now! Ain't that a coincidence?"

I scratched my head, then asked, "What's so coincidental about that?"

"Well, duh! WE'RE on a planet called Earth!" She giggled. Wait... WHAT?!

I looked back at Twilight, who nodded in agreement. "Equestria is the continent that we're in, but the planet as a WHOLE is named Earth!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. ANOTHER Earth?! This would explain the familiar creatures and all, but... HOW?!

I looked at Applejack, then asked, "Wait, so we're from TWO planets called 'Earth'... BOTH planets have the same creatures in it, minus unicorns and pegasi from the Earth I'M from-"

The three ponies yelled in unison, each one with shocked expressions on their faces, "WHAT?!"

I looked at Twilight, then said, "The Earth I'm from had most of the woodland creatures that I've seen in the town, like birds, squirrels, rabbits, cats, dogs, all THOSE kinds of creatures... they looked a LOT like the ones from up here, too!"

She placed her right hoof on her chin, and looked down, lost in thought. "Perhaps there's more to your arrival than just Space? What if it took you into a different TIME?"

I pointed my finger at her, shaking it up and down, while saying, "You have a point... but WHAT IF it took me to a whole different REALITY? Another dimension? A whole different UNIVERSE?"

Twilight shrugged, and said, "We'll have to think about that tonight, once we're done with our schedule... Now, then! We've visited Sweet Apple Acres, and you even met Apple Bloom! By the way, AJ, do you need any help with anything, before we continue the tour?"

Applejack nodded her head, then replied, "If yer lookin' fer a JOB around 'ere, then I would like to quickly test yer Apple-Bucking skills! That is, if it's alright with you?"

I shrugged, then replied, "Sure... if I knew what 'Apple-Bucking' even WAS?"

She motioned her head for us to follow her, which both Twilight and I did, while Apple Bloom continued following us.

Once we made it to the nearest apple tree, Applejack turned around, lifted her left hind-leg up, and "kicked" the tree, which caused the apples from it to fall down.

"There, see? Nothin' to it! You try!" Applejack pointed to another tree that hasn't been "bucked" yet.

I looked at her as if she was crazy, and said, "I... don't know about that. Humans weren't necessarily born with the best... muscles like that... Are you SURE it's a good idea?"

She smiled, then asked, "Well, how DO humans pick the apples from the trees? Climb 'em?"

I nodded my head, then replied, "Exactly! That, OR bring a ladder to them, so that we can climb the LADDER, and pick them more safely!"

Applejack smirked, then said, "Well, then! Why don't you SHOW us how you can climb a tree? And I don't want you using one of that there techno thing-a-ma-bobbies, neither!" She pointed at my gauntlets, which made me sigh.

"Very well!" I said. Then, I clicked a few buttons on my gauntlet, and at once, my armor folded into a thick metal belt on my waist, revealing my black turtleneck shirt tucked beneath my blue jeans, and brown hiking boots. My right gauntlet folded into a thin bracelet, while my left one folded into a thick watch, with the blue button on it that opens the projector screen still visible.

The three of them stared at me in awe, with Twilight's jaw wide open. Applejack used her right hoof to close Twilight's jaw, while Apple Bloom stared just as shocked at Applejack.

I smirked, then asked, "What? Why the long faces? Y'all didn't think the armor was my BODY, did you?" There was no responses.

After shrugging, I opened my inventory screen, and pulled a pair of work gloves from the menu, then put the gloves on, and walked towards the tree.

Then, I wrapped my hand onto the lowest branch, and lifted myself onto the tree, all while the ponies looked at me impressed.

"Well, ah'll be! I was WONDERIN' what them hooves of yers with them worm thingies were used for!" Applejack called to me while I was on the tree.

It was THEN that I realized that I wasn't in my armor, and could feel pain again. I started reaching for an apple, but as soon as I did, the branch I was on broke, and down I fell.

When I landed, I groaned in pain, all while the ponies galloped up to me, and asked in a panicky tone, "Justin! Are you okay?!"

I weakly smiled, and gave them a thumbs-up, which made them look at me confused.

Since they didn't understand what I meant, I weakly replied, "That mean... It's alright..."

I slowly stood back up, and brushed the leaves and grass from my clothes, and sighed. "Well, I don't think I can PICK the apples..."

Then, I sighed, and walked back to the tree. "Maybe the trees can ONLY be kicked, or 'bucked' as you called it." Saying that, I lifted my right foot in the air, and kicked the tree.

What I DIDN'T expect, however, was for the tree to tumble down, and land on the ground with a loud *BANG*. I gasped, and backed away when the tree fell.

Then, things went from painful to scary. Applejack rushed up to the tree, and yelled, "Bloomberg! No!" Crap, even her TREES have names?! Now I KNOW I'm in deep DEEP water here! Better fix it up!

"Oh my gosh! I'm SO sorry! Are you alright?!" I asked Applejack in a panicky tone.

When I ran up to her and placed my right hand on her left shoulder, she jerked away, and said, "Y-you... HOW could you even DO this to my prized Apple Tree?!"

And NOW, I felt far WORSE than crap.

I quickly opened my screen, and said, "Don't worry! I can fix it up, and bring your tree-"

"NO!" She yelled at me. "You've... done ENOUGH damage today! Just go... I'll be fine..."

I looked at Twilight nervously, while she, with a saddened expression on her face, motioned for me to follow her back to Ponyville.

I started following her, but when we made it to the front gate, I looked at my watch, and glared, with my right hand slumped down beside my waist. Really? This isn't even like you, Justin! Shouldn't you be making FRIENDS, instead of FOES?!

Thinking about that statement, my hands balled up, and I quickly turned around, and bolted towards the fallen tree, resisting Twilight's calls for me to wait.

Then, when I made it to where Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Bloomberg were, I said, "AJ, I'm sorry for disobeying your order, but it's NECESSARY that I do this!"

She glared at me, and asked, "Do WHAT?!"

I looked deadpan at her, and replied, "Fix the problem that I started, of course! I ain't gonna just walk away, knowing one of my potential friends is suffering! Now please, step aside, so I can fix Bloomberg back to life!"

Surprisingly, she did as I requested, while I opened my screen again, and tapped the "Manipulator" option. Then, while pointing my right bracelet at the fallen tree. Then, I pressed the red button on the watch with my right hand, which projected the same cyan beam from the bracelet, and in ten seconds, the tree was alive again, with the apples unharmed, and the dirt planted back into the ground.

When that was done, I turned back around, and walked back towards the entrance, saying, "Don't worry, AJ. Bloomberg is alive again, and it'll produce the same quality of apples that it did BEFORE I kicked it down... if it means anything, I'm truly sorry for the damage... I'll be leaving now."

Before I could leave, however, Twilight stopped me, and pointed towards Applejack. Confusedly, I turned my head back to Applejack, and was surprised to see that she was smiling, almost like nothing bad happened.

"Congratulations, Justin! You've passed our test!" The two of them yelled in unison. Okay, NOW I'm lost... THIS was a test?!

Twilight smiled, then said, "While you were asleep last night, AJ and I discussed a plan to see how you'd react to a mistake! It wasn't easy for her, but she allowed me to WEAKEN the tree that you kicked, to where it would break much more easier than an average one. Then, when you DID knock it down, that was Applejack's cue to pretend to be sad, and try to cast you out of the farm, while I went along with it, and see if you would abandon her!"

I looked at them a little MORE confusedly, then asked, "Wait, so... WHAT was it that I should've learned here?"

Twilight replied, "I think YOU should be the one to tell us! What was it that you did that made you pass this test?"

After a moment of thinking deeply, I replied, "Well... I didn't leave her suffering when I knew that I was the one who caused it... in a way, I never left my friend behind. Is that what y'all intended me to learn?"

They both nodded, and clapped their hooves together.

I smiled at the thought of accomplishment, then asked, "So, what exactly should I do when I LEARN these things, exactly?"

Suddenly, my earpiece picked up Celestia's voice, who said, "While I usually request that my student and her friends write me letters, you can speak on your microphone to report to me!"

I jumped at the sudden appearance of Celestia's voice, and asked in the mic, "Wait, how in the HECK did you get my radio signal? While I'm thinking about it, how the heck do you even HAVE a radio signal?"

Celestia replied, "Apparently, magic and technology are more closer than one would imagine! They BOTH use brains to operate!"

I smirked, then said, "Very well, then! Did you happen to catch my lesson that I learned just now?"

Celestia said in a sly manner, "I did, but that's not what's important! Did YOU catch what you learned?"

After a short moment of thinking, I replied, "To be a good friend, you have to be willing to right your wrongs, ESPECIALLY if your friend suffers from that wrong... but you should not FORCE your actions onto their shoulders, but request their approval first, as forcing things, both GOOD and BAD on their shoulders to right your wrong will only make things worse in the end."

Then, I heard Celestia chuckle, and say, "Well done, Justin! You're making good progress! I expect frequent reports from you, so that I can keep up with your progress without having to question you."

I smiled, then replied, "Will do, Princess Celestia. And... thank you. I appreciate you allowing me to stay here until either we find a way for me to go home, or help somehow arrives!"

She said, "You're welcome, Justin. Don't feel ashamed if you ever need to ask questions, either! We'll ALWAYS be willing to help those who need it most!"

Then, I turned off my mic, looked at Twilight, then asked, "So, Twilight! Where to next?"

Twilight opened her scroll, and checked the schedule. "According to the schedule," she began, "we should head towards The Carousel Boutique! That's the place where Rarity works, and lives!"

"About that," I stated, rubbing my chin with my right pointing finger and thumb, "why exactly DO y'all live where y'all work? From MY version of Earth, most people worked and lived in two separate places."

Twilight tapped her hoof on her chin, and replied, "You know... I don't really know, either! I guess it takes up less space for the natural environment... we should probably just get going. We're ALREADY running thirty seconds late on our schedule!"

I was about to ask her if she kept counting this whole time, but decided to just dismiss the thought, since she can read minds, and MOST LIKELY would be LESS "Privacy Concerned" than Celestia. After saying our good-byes, we walked through the roads, avoiding stares as usual, and before we knew it, we were already standing in front of the building that LITERALLY looked like a Carousel.

Next Chapter: Chapter 3: A Not-So-Average Tour of Ponyville Part 2: Measurements, Mishaps, and A Little Bit of "Mining"! Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 18 Minutes
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