
The Transformation

by ShobieShy

Chapter 2: %i% -The Machine

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%i% -The Machine

Twilight trotted through the large doors of the throne room and approached Princess Celestia who looked to be busy chatting with a member of the royal guard.  The princess had summoned the unicorn for what seemed like an important task.  

Celestia turned her head towards Twilight.  “Why did you summon me Princess?” Twilight asked

“Ah Twilight, glad you made it here safely.  Walk with me, I’ll explain on the way.”

Celestia said as she arose.

The two princesses walked down a hallway along the east end of the castle.  “As you know I’ve been working on a way to bring a select few humans here to bring the species back to Equestria.” Celestia began.

“Yes, Princess, I do.  Have you found something?”  Twilight asked.

“I couldn’t find any spells on interdimensional travel, so I built a machine to enhance magical powers.”  Celestia said.  “I then concluded that if the use of a teleportation spell were to enhanced with the machine...”

“A powerful enough spell could be used to transport between planets!”  Twilight exclaimed quite happy with her new knowledge.  But then Twilight’s face went from awe to confusion “But, with all do respect, not even a pony as powerful as you could teleport to another dimension. Even with enhancement.”

“Thats why I requested for you to come to Canterlot.”  Celestia answered.  “I have confidence that the both of us, with the addition of Princess Luna, could produce enough magical energy to succeed in our task.”

“Who will be teleported?” Twilight asked

“My sister and I decided that it would be best if I were to go.” Celestia answered

The two continued down the hallway until they came to a large set of doors.  Celestia turned towards Twilight. The former smiled   “Here we are.”  

Twilight looked at Celestia with confusion as Celestia approached one of the nearby bookshelves.  She took out a book, but it stopped halfway out.  Suddenly the bookshelf began drawing near then slid to the left to reveal a staircase leading down into some sort of basement.  

Celestia proceeded down the stairs as Twilight, with a dumbfounded look on her face, hurried to keep up.  “And I thought I knew every detail about this place.” Twilight said smiling.  

The two mares came to a rather large room.  Twilight eyes widened as she took a minute to marvel at the huge machine that towered and hummed before her.  “This... is amazing!” She observed.  She then turned toward Celestia. “I just thought, how would other ponies act to a strange human suddenly appearing in Equestria?  And how would the human act?” Twilight questioned.

“I thought of that, so I asked my dear sister to search for a temporary transformation spell so we could turn a human into a pony so they could get used to our customs.  later we will speak to the public about a human living amongst us.  Has anything turned up Luna?” Celestia looked into one of the corners as a cloaked pony a little bigger than Big Mac stepped out of the shadows.  The hood was wrapped in a dark blue, almost purple, magic aura then pulled off the ponys head to reveal Princess Luna.  “Yes, sister, but thou aren’t going to like it.”  

Celestia looked at her sister with interest.  “Why not?”  She asked tilting her head.  “The spell we found in this,”  Luna pulled a large tome out from her cloak and set it on a nearby table.  “the only book we could find that spoke anything of human transformation, will cause severe pain and likely death.”  She said gloomily turning her muzzle down.  

Celestia simply nodded then began to think.  About a minute had passed before Celestia spoke up again.  “As dangerous as it is, I believe that as long as we want to bring the human race back to Equestria, It must be done.” She said as she lowered her head thinking about what the human will go through.  Twilight noticed the saddened look on her mentors face.  She decided that she should go in place of Celestia.  “I’ll go.” She stated with a determined look on her face.  

The two royal sisters looked at her with uncertainty. “art thou sure?” Luna asked

Twilight nodded still with a look of determination on her face.

“The spell thou will need in on page 54 in that tome over there” Luna pointed her hoof towards the large book.  Twilight read how to perform the spell then re-read it, twice.

“Alright, is everypony ready?” Celestia asked.  “Yes, princess” Twilight answered.  Luna shook her head ‘yes’.   she then proceeded to the left one of three glass chambers. Celestia positioned Twilight in the center one, the larger of the three, then she stepped into the right one.  the three of them closed their respective glass doors.

“Twilight,” Celestia’s voice came through a speaker in the top of the chamber.  “Let my sister and I focus on the location.  You just focus on teleporting, you need to save your magic for the transformation spell.  When you arrive there you will only be able to stay for about 30 seconds max, then we will bring you back. Do you understand?”  Twilight nodded.  “Luna?” Luna turned to look at her sister two chambers over and nods.  “On the count of three. One.”  The three mares horns lit up with their respective colors.  The huge machine began to light up and whir.  “Two.”  A new layer of magic aura extended from each of their horns.  The machine continued to grow louder.  Twilight broke down in tears as she really thought about what this poor human will go through but held her magic concentration. “Three!” A third layer of aura surrounded all three horns as Twilight was surrounded in a purple bubble of magic then disappeared.  

Think about the worst pain imaginable, then multiply it by 6.  Twilight felt like she was squeezed through a toothpaste bottle. as the purple bubble dimmed away, she noticed she was sitting in a pile of rubble made up of wood plastic and colorful wires.  She looked up to see a human, a real life human stood before her, scared for his life.  She looked over to see the eyes of a child hiding under a blanket.  She broke down even harder at the sight.  “I’m sorry... I’m so... sorry.”  she could barely speak she was crying so much.  “For what?”  The human asked, voice cracking with the fear he was experiencing.

Twilight couldn’t speak anymore.  She lowered her head and cast the spell she learned.  It hit the human making him trip over wooded debris.

Twilight balled even more.  She focused on the teleportation spell waiting for Celestia and Luna to do the same.  She was soon surrounded by the purple ball of magic and that pain and squeezing feeling came back.  

Soon she was back in the glass chamber.  The two celestial sisters appeared in front of her chamber and opened her door.  Twilight stood and faced them.  “How’d it go?”  Celestia asked.  “It’s done.” Twilight stated coldly.

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