
The Wolf

by Arxsys


01. Fading Light

“The forest did not tolerate frailty of body or mind. Show your weakness, and it would consume you without hesitation.”

― Tahir Shah, House of the Tiger King

I had been alone for far too long.  My cabin in the woods was a secret, my refuge from a world gone insane.  It had been months since any sounds of humanity passed through the insulated wooden walls.  The gentle crackling of the wood stove and its golden glow were my only friends at this point.  Even the electricity had failed me like everyone so long ago.  Either way, I doubt anyone will read this journal or even find my body until long after I am nothing more than bones.  At least the writing is therapeutic.

Everything started to spiral downhill after all the conflict in the middle east came to a head.  The terrorists managed to retake Fallujah just a few months after our soldiers left Iraq.  At the time, nobody thought much of it as the region had been in a state of conflict for thousands of years.  Everyone was wrong though.  The extremists had a very specific point of retaking the city, as it was a repository for some of Saddam's more "interesting" weapons.  By the time the western world learned of it, anything that had been hidden below those dusty streets was long gone, along with those who had planned it.

Of course, I was occupied by other things at the time.  Namely my girlfriend Rebecca was leaving me.  Her last words to me were that she "could never be with someone that thought humanity could be so evil."  Harsh words that stung deeply as she slammed the door behind her.  That was the last time I saw her golden hair or beautiful blue eyes before the world fell.  In a way, she was so right, but so wrong at the same time.  Working with people was my day job, and daily I saw the best and worst humanity had to offer.  In the end, it didn't really matter.  The hours turned to days without hearing from her, and I assumed the worst

My cell phone woke me that fateful morning, blaring   Kaskade's "Move for Me" next to my head.    I kept that as my work ringtone because they only called when they needed me to move.  As I fumbled around for the phone in my darkened bedroom, I could hear a tinny voice coming from the small speaker.  "Hold on.   One sec.  Looking for my phone."  Damnit, I didn't mean to pick it up like that.  After a moment, my fingers wrapped around the black magpul case and pulled the phone to my ear as I noticed the department director's name.

"Sorry about that Steve, I accidentally picked up while I was looking for my phone.  What happened?"

There was a moment's pause before a somewhat high yet definitely masculine voice responded in a way that I wasn't expecting.

"They just declared a State of Emergency.  We don't know any details at the moment, but considering they are mobilizing both bases we think having extra people would be useful.  I'm going to need you to come in with the B shift this morning.  I know it is in two hours, but it is the best I can do.  You'll get briefed when you get in."

Sighing, I just rubbed my eyes as there was nothing else I could do.  Slightly hungover or not, if they said it was a big deal, I would have to go in if I wanted a job in the morning.

"Okay, I'll be there.  We are getting overtime for this, right?"

The only answer was a soft chuckle for a moment.

"Yes, you'll get your overtime Alex.  Bring your turnout gear just in case.  I've got a lot of calls to make still, so I'll see you then."

With a click and finality, my boss was off to make another phone call, and I was left to nurse a throbbing head and the urge to call in drunk.  It would never work, but it was still a thought.  My fingers trailed down the somewhat cold wall, tracing circles in it until my fingers brushed the plastic of the light switch for a moment before I flipped it while my eyes closed.  As everyone expects, the damnable light bulb filled the room with a golden glow that hurt for a moment before I adjusted.

Loathe to leave the comfortable world under my crimson blanket, I forced myself to push it aside and endure the crisp temperatures of the cabin in fall.  With no real need to heat the house yet, the temperatures were in the low 50's inside.  Despite the small size of the building, I did my best to make it my home, each room having it's own theme.  The cream colored walls of my bedroom contrasted beautifully against the dark mahogany of my furniture and deep reds of the fabric.

Either way, it mattered little at the moment as I had more important issues to deal with.  The tickling sensation of cold carpet assaulted my feet as I left the bedroom, pausing in the kitchen to slap the "ON" button for my coffee pot, and leaving it to reheat what was left from the night before.  I could only grin at the reflections of the sunrise on the black granite counter tops for a moment before biology reasserted itself, with only one word in mind.  Bathroom.

I could describe every minute detail of my bathroom or what I did within, but considering I am probably dead you can see it yourself.  Much time was spent designing that room by the way, as I spared no expense on its construction.  I'd always wanted one of those fancy multi jet showers and by the gods, I was going to get one.  After my business and a quick shower, I sat there staring into the mirror, lost for a moment looking at myself.  The world had definitely been an interesting place for me, and my face showed it.  I'd never been what you would call great looking, but I usually carried a smile born of confidence in myself and my abilities.  Today, that was missing and replaced by a grimace of pain as my head throbbed dully, matching the dark bags under my green eyes.  I just looked tired and shaggy, in need of a good haircut as I had let it grow out and away from the crew cut I usually sported.  

As my dark towel wiped away the remainder of shaving cream, I resolved to get more sleep in the evening and less mead.  It wasn't healthy for my mood anyhow.  The feel of cooling metal snapped me out of my reverie as I looked down, forgetting the pentacle I had worn into the shower.  It is amazing how you forget things that you take for granted like that.  Either way, I had spent far too much time staring into the mirror and wondering what went wrong in my life.  Time to get ready and get into work.  I wish I could say something special about getting ready for work, but I'm fairly certain that everyone gets dressed in nearly the same way.  

In the end, I was dressed in my usual work attire of black cargo pants, boots, and a dark blue long sleeved shirt.  They fit a little loosely on my frame, but that was a good thing considering I wasn't in what you could call the best of shape.  My job kept me rather sedate more often that not.  With a few clicks, I settled the familiar weight of my belt onto my hips as I shifted it sideways from side to side while pouches poked and prodded at me.  The whole while, my mental checklist was running, flipping through everything that I would need for the day.  Revolver in holster on hip, check.  Radio and assorted things, yup.  On and on it went in my head as I continued, until I lowered a black vest over my head and snugged it down with a small set of straps.  Emblazoned across the front and back was the title of my job.  Note, I didn't say career, it was just a job to pay the bills.  Either way, the golden badge that was tailored opposite my name still made me smile on occasion, despite it only saying "Alaska Department of Corrections" across it.

Confident that everything was in place and working properly, I grabbed the backpack I had placed near my feet and pulled it over a shoulder while grabbing my travel mug of coffee with the other hand.  As always, the front door was a bit of a pain to open, but I wanted it that way.  The thick wood and steel door would seal tight against the frame and keep any arctic weather from getting in.  Out of habit, my fingers brushed against the engravings on the door frame.  Every time I left, my fingers slid over the smoothly carved surface.  To most it was little more than intricate scroll work, but to me it was an extension of my religion and myself.  

Just outside the door, my faithful ride waited patiently.  Everyone has a vehicle they would to own, mine at least was easy to buy and maintain as the odometer reminded me every time I climbed into my 1996 Toyota 4Runner.  Matte black paint and a matching interior graced the vehicle that had served me well for over a quarter million miles so far.  You can fault the Japanese for many things, but their engineering was top notch, as my truck could attest when it started without an argument as I twisted the key.  With a roar, it sprang to life and just like me, prepared to face the day.

A few miles of small gravel roads awaited me before I could get on pavement and to work.  No better time to get going, as my iphone clicked into a dock I had attached to the dash and music began playing through the speakers     Chicago's "Hard to say I'm sorry"   seranading me as I pulled away from my small cabin in the woods.

02. Sol Novus

The drive to work was somewhat boring to be honest.  Miles of road passed under the tires of my 4Runner as I drove away from the rising sun.  There was little to no traffic on the roads, which was kind of strange but understandable given that every now and again the emergency warning system would scream over the radio that the President would be addressing the nation shortly.  Internally I scoffed, as the majority of politicians had done little more than screw the people over during my lifetime.  Should he want to make a speech, I'd at least pretend to pay attention.

Nearly an hour passed by the time I finally got into Fairbanks proper.  It was nothing like you saw on TV, as the shows usually showed the more run down sections of town instead of the majority of the hundred year old city.  There was a reason I didn't have TV after all.  If it was something worth watching, I could always stream it or buy the dvd.  Not that it matters now I guess.  Bare streets drifted by as I pulled off the Richardson Highway and onto Airport, enjoying the solemn quiet of the town.  A few more turns and I was in a straightaway to the courthouse.  Old houses and new construction flanked the road and gave the city a strange flavor.  Still, it was home.  A moment longer and I was pulling into the employee section of the newly constructed State courthouse.  It was a large concrete and slate building with far more windows than were necessary in the arctic conditions we were subject to.  Either way, I didn't pay the fuel bill, so whatever.  As I climbed out of the truck, I remembered to grab the somewhat hefty pack off the passenger seat and pull it onto a shoulder as I closed the truck.  Time to get to work.

I wish I could say working for corrections was interesting every day.  I wish I could say something interesting happened at work that day, but when the the whole "speech to America" turned out to be a "keep calm and we'll tell you something later" statement, the day got boring.  In the end, I got sent home after a few hours.  The judge didn't need a bailiff today, and practically nobody decided to show up for any of the other services we offered at the court.  Either way, overtime pay was good, even if it was only a little bit.  Before long, I had gotten back on the road to home.

About a half hour later, the hair on the back of my neck stood up and a feeling of foreboding filled my gut.   With my mirrors clear and hardly any traffic, I just continued to drive for a moment longer before a dull screaming began to fill my ears as light poured into the windows.  It felt like the truck was being yelled at by the gods themselves.  It was all I could do to force myself to look straight ahead and push the gas pedal to the floor, making the truck scream as it accelerated.  In the distance, a pair of small mushroom clouds slowly rose from the bases near town.  Stunned to silence, I just drove.  There was nothing I could do, as going back would be nothing more than inviting death.  I just hoped Rebecca made it to her home in Texas safely.

Silence reigned for the first few days.  My cell phone never rang once through the entire time, and nobody I called picked up.  The phones either rang unanswered or gave me errors about being unable to complete the call.  Truthfully after a blast like that, I was surprised that the stupid thing still worked.  After a while I just gave up on calling people.  I did go out a few times and try to brave the roads, but after driving places I felt were safe and not seeing a soul, I gave up on trying.  Someone had to have survived, but I couldn't find them.  It was too late in the season to try to make it south to warmer climates, so my mind eventually turned to survival as the weeks turned.

Like most people in Alaska, I was thankfully well stocked on pretty well everything, including food and the necessities to preserve it.  During the first week, power failed so I had to resort to charging my phone and tablet from a solar panel, relying on a few guides I had saved for hunting trips.  Knowing the cold was coming, I spent as many days as possible shared between hunting, fishing, and chopping firewood.  Water wasn't really an issue because the house was sat on top of a well head.  Still the lack of storage options annoyed me at first...

Sighing, I closed the notebook and tossed another now useless pen into garbage.  Apparently the cheap Bic pens will work great until the end of the world and then fail you.  The next time I ran into town to search for supplies I'd have to make sure to grab extras.  They hadn't been high on the list of priorities, but pens were useful.  Mentally, I added them to the list as I groaned while getting off the couch.  Over the last few months, the weather had dipped sharply as winter neared.  In that time, I salvaged what I could from town, never once coming across a soul.  A plethora of books filled one side of my office, their topics ranging from survival to fiction to keep me company.  After a week of hard work, I ended up with drum after drum of diesel fuel to feed to the small furnace that worked in tandem for the wood stove.  All in all, for the end of the world I wasn't doing too bad, other than being all alone.

Before I could dip into depression again, I decided to go hunting, hoping the slim morning light would do me well.  Considering the winter snows would lock me into the cabin soon enough, something big to keep over the winter would be a good plan.  And I knew exactly what I was going to get.  I had been keeping an eye on a bull moose that had moved into the swamp down the road, watching it get fat and complacent with no people around.  It was about time for that behemoth to end up in my freezer.  As I passed piles of books, clothes, and other items found on my searches, eventually I came to the large gun safe I kept in a corner of my office.  It was more of a man cave really, as an entire wall was dedicated to my reloading and maintenance equipment for the firearms.  After so many years of owning it, the smooth operation of the dial comforted me.  At least some things people made still worked.  Despite the abuse, the safe still looked nearly new in the gloom, its dark surfaces still somewhat polished.  With a twist of the handle and a dull squeal, the bolts in the door retracted to show a good chunk of the items I accumulated over the years.  

With little more than a pause, I grabbed my faithful Ruger out of the safe, along with extra ammunition and my ever present revolver.  On a thought, I pulled out a little .22 pistol in case there was a grouse or anything else small and tasty on my path.  Food is food and all that.  I grabbed a backpack on the way out, along with some rope coiled by the door and headed out, my hand crossing the runes on the threshold as always.  Just outside the door lay a slightly bloody old sled that had carried many a critter during my hunting trips.  Rifle on my shoulder, I picked up the sled and headed down my somewhat overgrown gravel driveway and toward the swamp.

I had found the moose exactly where I remembered it bedding down.  For a little bit, I watched it, waiting for the perfect shot as I couldn't afford for it to get away.  The weathered but near indestructible Ruger lay cradled between a branch and the body of a birch tree as I watched through the scope at the large creature.  My breathing was slow and deliberate as I gently pushed the safety forward with a soft click.  The cool metal of the trigger met my finger, caressing it tenderly as I readied myself for the work to come.  At least was supposed to come until the bull's head snapped upright in a shower of water and plants it was eating.  I knew something was wrong when the moose's hackles rose sharply and ears started to swivel as it looked around.   That's when I heard it.  Cracking of twigs and leaves being crushed under foot, soft panting noises in the brush across the swamp from me.  The moose tried to break free of the water and run but it was already too late as the wolves burst out of the brush toward it.

That was my big red flag to get the hell away.  I yanked the rifle off its resting place and took off running.  I could always come back for the sled.  On my first step, a root caught my foot and pitched me forward causing a chain reaction.  As I grabbed a nearby spruce to recover, the impact forced the rifle in my arms backward into my face.


Mentally, I was about pissing myself as I stood back up, quietly trying to get away while the wolves tore into the moose behind me.  It's bellows of pain were louder than mine, I hoped.  Hopes that weren't enough apparently as a pair of howls erupted from the brush not too far away.  All I could do was run.

"Fuck... Fuck... Fuck..."

My feet slapped the ground as I pushed myself harder and faster than I ever had in my life. I could hear them gaining on me, the little bastards were enjoying the chase.  The whole while, my pack was slamming into my spine with every step, but getting away was the only thing that mattered as one of the wolves streaked by my left side.  They were trying to herd me.  Thrashing of bushes on my right alerted me to the other one flanking me.  I barely had time to pull the rifle to my shoulder before it was in front of me.  Reflexively, I mashed the trigger and made the 30-06 roar as it pushed me to the left.  By random luck, the wolf was pitched into the dirt in a shower of blood as the heavy bullet tore through it.  One down, one left to get away from.

As I neared the house, I remember that I locked the door on my way out.  I was screaming at myself in my mind, while the remaining wolf nipped at my heels, harrying every step.  The insane idea of getting on top of the 4Runner came to mind.  It was really the only thing I could work with at the moment, so I aimed for the black vehicle and pushed just a little harder.  It wasn't enough, as pain erupted through my leg as a powerful set of jaws clamped down on my thigh.  As the wolf thrashed against me, I'm pretty sure I was screaming.  I'm pretty sure I punched it in the head a few times as it let go when I hit the ground between the truck and the cabin door.  

Every inch I dragged myself toward the door was agony.  I could hear the wolf circling on the other side of the truck, yipping and barking for more of it's kind to come and feed.  This was not good.  Either way, I crawled and dragged myself toward the door trying to get away.  My fingers were raw from clawing at the concrete, gory streaks across it until I managed to get on the stoop of the door.  Clicking of claws on stone alerted me that the wolf was so very close.  Shaking hands drew a skinning knife off one of the backpack straps as I brandished it like an idiot as the wolf lunged.  I tried to block it with my free hand, but it just ended in agony as the wolf easily chewed into me.  Pain and rage flowed together as I did everything I could do.  I trashed my mangled hand, in the wolf's jaws, trying to grab a hold, while I tried to stab with the other.

Agony flowed through me as the beast tore into me with claws and teeth, eventually lunging at my throat with a snarl.  My arm useless, I did the only thing I could do.  Just as it's teeth closed around my throat, my knife slammed into the wolf's chest.  One after another, I rained the blows down on the animal until it stopped moving with a weak whimper.  As I lay back against the door, spattered in blood, mangled and torn, it took me a moment to realize that it didn't hurt anymore.  I could see rivers of blood dripping down my chest, matting the grey fur of the wolf that lay on my lap.  My vision was slowly fading as the wolf's dull eyes glared at me.  As the darkness took me, a crazy thought came to mind.

"Why are the runes on my door glowing?"

Elsewhere in the multiverse...

Twilight Sparkle was arguing with an unruly mint colored pony.  It seemed that she wanted to prove that the "hooman" things from her mythology books were real.  She had reams of papers floating around her while the young Alicorn refuted her again and again.

"Lyra, why do you insist that these creatures are real?  There is no evidence anywhere in Equestria that they do?"  She just looked at the Princess like she had grown another head."Its simple really.  I just know they do.  You have a few books here that even reference them!"  Twilight really wanted to facehoof at the sheer stubbornness and insanity of her friend, but she understood wanting to prove yourself all too well.  "I assure you, none of my books have anything on humans in them, not even the tomes on magic.  Please Lyra, let this go," she said with a sigh."Well, there is one thing you could do to prove it to me.  You are the one who is the element of magic you know."

"Lyra, why do I have a feeling I'm going to regret even listening to you.  I'll make you a deal.  I'll try to summon something that fits whatever description you have of a human.  When nothing happens, you have to admit that humans are not real.  Deal?"

The mint pony looked down for a moment, contemplating what she was told.

"Deal.  I already have a list of features ready if you want to see it!"

A ream of loosely bundled notes and sketches were thrust under Twilight's nose.  "You want me to read all that for a simple spell?  One page Lyra.  One page is all."

After a moments fumbling through the stack, one crudely written page was presented to the irritated pony.

"This one.  This one has everything important about humans.  What they eat, what they look like, everything."  After a quick glance to the page, Twilight sighed and closed her eyes, not believing what she was about to do for a clearly insane pony.  

A small breeze overtook the library, fluttering pages in open tomes as the lavender librarian focused her magic, drawing it out into the universe and feeling for something, anything, or nothing to end this crazy plot.  Naturally, she was completely oblivious to the mint pony who was staring at her intently, a grin on her face as if she knew what was going to happen.  As if her crazy theories were about to be proven once and for all.

Everything stopped as Twilight gasped and opened her eyes.  Radiant white spilling forth, as if she contained the heart of a runaway sun.  White and purple flames flickering around her form, slowly burning a ring into the soft floor of the library.  The brightness grew and grew, feeding on itself.  A roaring noise coming from seemingly everywhere came from the library, rising in intensity to a crescendo as windows all across Ponyville began to crack and break.

A wave of white magic tore out across the town, with the library in its epicenter.  Ponies dropping everything and scrambling to get away, only to be overtaken, but left otherwise unharmed.  It did not escape the view of a certain solar Princess however.

With a soft sigh, Princess Celestia closed her eyes for a moment.  When she inhaled again, she was standing behind her prized pupil, who was slumped over, gasping for air from exertion.  Shock spreading across her face as she surveyed the seen before her.  Just as rapidly as the blood of the creature spread across the floor, filling every groove in the floor, almost as its essence wanted to paint a crimson flower.

"Twlight Sparkle, what did you do?!?"

Life in Ponyville just got a lot more interesting.  

03. A Dirge

Light invaded me with searing agony as my eyes slowly opened.  Everything hurt, most of all was my head.  Sharp throbbing echoed through my skull as if someone took to beating me with a hammer in their free time. Everything hurt.  I don't mean that in the sissy "everything hurts" way.  When you wake up in the morning and you have a cramp in every muscle, roll over and bend your junk sideways, then accidentally light yourself on fire, that is a good start.  Add some ball kicking and you get a decent idea.

For some reason, the light from the single lantern in the corner felt like someone was swirling around a red hot poker in my eye sockets.  The walls were bare stone other then that one single lantern, only interrupted by a very cliche looking wood and wrought iron door.  Who the hell raids a movie supply place to save my life anyhow?  Who the hell could save my life anyhow?  There was nobody around for miles.

I tried to sit up, but my body was limp and felt heavier than lead.  Exhaustion seeped from every pore as I lay there, unable to do anything except stare at the roughly hewn stone and the dreary room I was stuck in.  Why is my body useless, why won't it respond?  Sucking in a breath, and trying to force a move did nothing but force a low evil sounding growl out of my throat.  Why am I growling?  

A strange noise caused me to look toward the door.  It seemed like a mix of a whinny and ancient greek.  Guttural but still horse...ish.  The only thing stranger was the view as the door opened.  I swear to god, a white horse with a technicolor mane and a smaller purple version of itself stepped into the room.  Now I know the wolf killed me and was trapped somewhere in Satan's magic mushroom trip.  I was just waiting for their heads to melt and turn into a snake or something crazy.

The little purple one came up to me and made a few more of those strange vocalizations.  It was...strange.  Kind of like watching Mr. Ed, but without the wires and peanut butter.  The pony was definitely trying to do something.  And that's when it hit me.  Both creatures had horns and wings.  Strange, but I'm in hell, so I'll play along.  A few more odd noises and head bobs later, it was apparent the little purple one was "talking" to the bigger one about something.  Probably me considering it looked like I was strapped naked to a table in a dank cell.  An odd look crossed the face of the smaller horse, just before its horn started to glow.  Naturally, I tried to get away from the demonic unicorn, but considering no muscles besides my eyes and lungs worked, a small weak squeak was the only thing I managed to get out.  When you can't move, it is incredibly hard to glare at a pony that is trying to touch a glowing horn to your forehead.

Stranger still is the sensation that erupted in my mind from the contact of that pony.  Memories started streaming into my mind.  Colors flowing into pictures, pictures into sounds, and those sounds slowly started to make sense.  I...I think it is trying to introduce itself. "My...name...is...Twilight...Sparkle.  Do...you...understand...me?"  Only choking noises came out of me, as it felt like someone had stuffed my mouth full of cotton gauze.  After swallowing, I decided to try it again.

"What the hell are you?" managed to come out in an abrupt sort of way.  With that, it felt like something clicked in my mind and I could understand.  Probably understand more then I wanted to.  She was an alicorn.  Basically a unicorn with wings, just like the bigger one, whatever that all meant.

"What do you mean what am I?  I'm a alicorn.   Everypony knows that. I am Twilight Sparkle, as I just said.  You know, it is amazing with that body structure, how you are even able to talk.  What can you tell me about your people?"

"Twilight, I think there are more important things to ask," the alicorn interjected, "First off, I am Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria.  The country you are currently in.  Now, are you a threat to my people, and secondly, why should I let you out of your bonds?"

With the "Princess" title, I think it's safe to assume this was a mare.  Considering the reason I can't move is I was bound, time to go on the offensive.

"Listen lady, I have no idea who you are, or where I am.  What I can tell you is that you are holding a citizen of the United States of America prisoner.  My country takes a very dim view of terrorists, let alone terrorists from some country I have never heard of that is full of talking horses."

"How dare you talk to the Princess like that?!" the one that called itself "Twilight Sparkle" exclaimed.  "She is the sovereign ruler of this country!  And we have no record of any country calling itself that, so no need to make things up."

"Twilight," the larger one exhaled, "the creature has every right to be afraid of his current position.  As for you calling me a terrorist and insulting the crown, I will ignore this.  Once.  Now then, please answer my questions and we can put this behind us."

If I could have looked at the Princess with a look of disdain I would have, but being able to move and see what was going on better was a good incentive to play nice for now.  If I could facepalm right now, I would for what I was about to say.

"Princess, I apologize for calling you a terrorist.  I have no idea where I am, beyond the name what you are, or what is going on.  The last thing I knew I was being killed by a wild animal.  As for what I am Twilight, I am a human.  Now why do you guys think I am a threat to your people?  Especially since I am apparently tied to a table in a dungeon."

The purple (lavender I guess) pony looked at me like I was an alien, although from their perspective I guess I was.  Still, it was certainly weird to be having a conversation with a horse.  When in Rome, do as the Romans.  When in hell, try not to get fucked, I guess.

"You don't look like any human we've ever seen before.  Granted, it was from old tomes in the library, but humans don't have fur," she said matter of factly.  "You aren't anything we have seen before.  You almost look like a big timberwolf in a way."  I could barely hear her mutter under her breath, "I can't believe Lyra was right..."

"Huh?  You aren't making any sense.  I don't look anything like a wolf."  Crazy creatures must have one hell of a drunk historian if they could get humans and wolves mixed up.  It didn't really help when Twilight looked at Celestia like they were having some kind of unheard conversation.

"We don't allow mirrors in the cells for the protection of both prisoners and guards, but I can show you what you look like through our eyes.  Would you like that?  It might help you believe us when we say that you are not a human.  If we judge you not to be a threat after this, we will release your bonds."

At this point, if it got my bonds let loose, I'd pretend I was a chicken for all I cared.  Not being able to move was seriously starting to mess with my calm.  Before I could even respond, the princess interrupted my thoughts...

"This will not hurt, but it might be a little disconcerting at first."  And then her horn began to glow.

Suddenly I was looking at the table I was on.  It was the same table.  I tried to look around in my body, and I saw my eyes moving the directions I meant to go.  The rest had to be a trick though.  Where my body should have been, there was the body of a giant two legged black wolf wrapped in purple glowing bands.  Also why were my eyes gold?  And why am I a wolf?!?

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?  Princess, I assure you, I am a human.  I have no idea why you have a wolf on the table.  Don't get me wrong, it looks badass, but that isn't me."

She just rolled her eyes and looked over at Twilight, who suddenly was shuffling hoof to hoof awkwardly, like she really didn't want to be here.

"Well... there MIGHT have been a slight mixup.  When you appeared in my library, you were nearly dead.  There was so much blood..." as she trailed off and looked toward the floor.

"A slight WHAT?"  I roared.  I swear if this magical retard screwed me up worse, I might need to be tied up.

She sighed and looked back at me, a few small tears forming in her eyes.  "You were bleeding so bad, we used magic to try to put your blood back in and then try to close the wounds.  We didn't know until later that there was a second blood type, or that it reacted with magic.  We just thought what was happening was part of your normal healing process and that you had lost your fur and claws in whatever fight you were in."

I can't believe it, the magical dunce turned me into a fucking wolf hybrid.  The fact that I was tied down with some crazy glowing rope was probably a good thing as I started to boil.  The more I thought about what they claimed happened, the hotter I got.  It started to feel like I was on fire almost, and the rage felt...good.  It was like I could feel the ropes loosening.  It felt even better as a look of shock slowly spread across the face of the purple creature.

"If...if you stop what you are doing, we'll release the ropes and talk like more civil creatures," she stuttered.  The princess just stood there, observing but not saying a word.  Granted, I have no idea what I was supposedly doing, so lying seemed like a good enough plan.

"Deal.  Release the ropes and I'll behave."

The silent princess just nodded and the ropes fell away.  What caught my attention was the ropes themselves.  As they pulled away, several of them had flickering green flames dancing on their surfaces...

04. A Wolf in the Shadows

All my rage faded as I watched the flickering green flame.  I have no idea why but it just entranced me.  

"How did your magic do that?" Twilight asked in a fearful tone, " that was enchanted rope that we used to bind creatures that are a danger to all life."

"I don't have magic," I muttered, still watching the flames as they flickered and died, just like my rage.  Sighing gently as my wrath bled away with the flames, "Ask your questions, and I'll do my best to answer.  And no, humans don't have magic.  I have no idea what that was."

As Twilight opened her mouth, the Princess spoke, "if you will answer my questions to my satisfaction and convince me that you are not a danger to everypony, we will let you out of this cell.  You will still have armed guards until I decide otherwise, and you will be staying in the castle, but you will be out of this dark cell.  Twilight can ask her questions later.  This, I need to know now.  There are two methods to answer, but make your decision carefully as both can have consequences."

I tried to look at her with incredulity, but somehow I don't think my new wolf face was capable of doing that emote just yet, as she just looked at me with puzzlement on her lips.

"What are your options, Princess?"

"We can spend several hours asking questions and comparing your answers to what we know, or you can let me into your mind and I can have my answer in just a few seconds.  Either way, I will need your name before we begin."

Which one do you think I chose?  Its not like these crazy ponies could do anything else to me at this point, well, unless they wanted to castrate me or something, but I'm not down with that.  The name thing did stump me though.  I could go by what I used back home, but it seemed to ring hollow.  That life had died for me when my wife had.  The less of a reminder I have to go by, the better.  Thinking back, there were a few names I had liked back when I was a gamer.  Typhus was my favorite, but he was downright evil.  One seemed to fit perfectly though, as I based him off my religion and the nickname I was given from it.  Hex.  Simple, elegant, and it conveyed my point if you crossed me.

"Considering my life ended a long time ago, I'd prefer it if you called me Hex, Princess.  And I'd rather let you rummage through my mind and get your answers than spend more hours in this prison."

"Very well then.  Twilight, please step outside," she stated flatly toward the other pony, "I do not wish you to see this.  No matter what you hear, I am in no danger.  Please keep the door shut and locked."

"But Princess..." she tried but was rudely interrupted, "Twilight, I have asked once.  Please leave so I may do this."

Bowing slightly, the purple pony turned and exited the room.  Her hooves making an almost comical "clop clop" noise on the stone floor.  Reminded me of Monty Python on a bad day.

"This may hurt, but it may not.  Please do not fight me as I do not wish to damage you...Hex."

Her eyes focusing as a blue haze surrounded her horn and my body went rigid.  I wish I could say I screamed like a little girl for the next few minutes.  Truthfully, it felt like hours, like someone was slowly using a hand auger to drill an ice fishing hole in my brain, and everything faded to grey... Some time later, I awoke and the princess was nowhere to be seen.  A foul smell assaulting my nose along with a dripping noise from the table I sat on.  She made me piss myself.

Elsewhere, a certain Chaos god was chuckling to himself as he watched the scene from a distance.

After a few minutes of wallowing in my shame (literally) I found a small sack in a corner.  I tried to get off the table and get it, but my new legs weren't used to walking like a human apparently.  It took several tries and a lot of cussing to finally be able to walk over and grab the burlap sack.  Inside was a few rags and a loincloth.  A fucking loincloth.  What the hell is up with these damn ponies?!

The moment my feet...er... paws hit the smooth floor in the hall, a cough to my left grabbed my attention.  A white guard pony wearing polished silver armor gestured down the hall with a tilt of his head.

"The Princess has quartered you down this way, in the Royal Wing.  It is part of my duties to state that this is not a claim to status.  Simply, if you attempt anything against the Princess, you will be surrounded with guards in moments.  Please do not make us kill you or intervene because you are feeling violent.  Her Majesty has informed us that you are no threat, and we would prefer to keep that thought."

Kind of hard to come up with a response to that, so I stayed silent and followed the guard through the maze of halls.  Some were brilliantly appointed with paintings, tapestries, and art, while others were simple servants passages lit by lanterns.  Not once did I see another pony than the guard.

As we stopped in front of a large door, the guard spoke again, "These are your quarters.  The Princess awaits within to speak more with you.  If she utters a noise outside of conversation, know we will end you."  With that, he turned to stand by the door, stiffer than a British Royal Guard.  Shame I had no idea what to say to make him laugh or smile.  It would be somewhat amusing.  With nothing left to do, I grabbed the large brass ring and pushed the door open.

Princess Celestia was standing in the middle of a large room, waiting just as the guard stated.  Overall, I would have to give the lodgings a 5 star rating.  King (or is it Princess sized) bed, beautiful wood work, crimson carpet and wall hangings, all accented with a tasteful use of mahogany, ebony, and polished brass.  If I didn't already have a house, this would definitely be my kind of place.  Well, I at least HAD a house.  Now, Celestia looked downright nervous to be alone with me as I was free and apparently the better part of a foot and a half taller than her.  Benefits of being a biped I guess.  Before I could make a single comment, she started into her speech.

"Hex, this will be your room for the time being.  If you have need of anything, you just need to ask the guards outside your room.  The restroom is behind the door to your left, and it appears we have similar plumbing to what you were used to on your Earth.  This is a measure of trust, earn more of it and you will be allowed to explore the castle, and eventually be able to travel Equestria without armed escort.  We do have several things to discuss before I leave you to yourself."

What she was saying made sense in a way.  She seemed very concerned about the welfare of her people, although I didn't like what she was putting me through, I could appreciate it at least.  Without a pause, she continued.

"Regarding the questions Twilight asked of you, when the time is right we will talk about your magic.  You will need to earn that trust first.  As for getting you home to your Earth, as far as I know, that would be impossible for several reasons.  First of all, you were effectively dead when you arrived here.  Sending you back would revert you to that state, and I do not like having to order executions.  No, we don't have any idea how to separate the wolf blood from your own.  It has made you unique, even more so then you could imagine.  Again, we will touch on that later.  We also recovered several dozen items with you on your arrival.  We are not sure of their design, and will return them after examination and you gaining our trust.  Twilight should be here soon to ask her questions.  I recommend eating before she arrives.  I've had the chef make some of your..."Specialties" brought up.  The last thing is a simple one.  Twilight Sparkle is my personal student and a Princess of our country.  Any affront or insult to her, I will take as insult to me.  Remember this."

She closed her eyes, and with little more then a rustling of wind, was gone.  As usual, without me being able to get a word in sideways.

A short while later, there was a short knock on the door, then a small blue pony with a red mane pushed a delicious smelling cart into the room.  I hardly noticed the strange tattoo on his ass.  Now that I think about it, Celestia and Twilight had one too.  Some kind of cult thing I guess.

"Your food, Sir," the pony said bluntly, all the while looking a little green around the edges.  He slowly backed away from the cart and shut the door behind him.

I tried to keep my calm, but the smells coming off the cart dragged me closer.  I could hardly control myself as I ripped the lid of the large tray, my mouth watering from the scents I knew so well.  No wonder the pony looked rather ill.  Sad little herbivores.  Under the lid lay an assortment of masculine treats.  A steak with perfectly caramelized surfaces and sauteed onion and mushrooms on the side.  Potatoes and gravy, next to some kind of white meat (looked like chicken, but like I cared)

Honestly, and embarrassingly enough, I wolfed the food down, barely tasting more then the first few bites.  Absolutely divine, and complements to the chef.  Well I would, if he could look me in the eye.  Its like he had never seen a wolf before.  I could get used to this kind of treatment.

Some time later, a sharp knock echoed from the door.  A moment later, a certain purple Princess waltzed right in...

05. A Gilded Cage

The young princess stood in the doorway for a moment, sniffing the air with a look of disgust crossing her face for a moment.  It was kind of odd to see a pony nervously fidgeting while collecting her thoughts.  Better to take initiative than wait for the end of the world I thought.  My new rough voice surprised me yet again as I still wasn't used to the deep growling tone.  On one hand, I missed my old...well...everything.  On the other hand, this was kind of badass.

"What can I do for you Twilight?  I imagine you have some questions you want to ask of me since Celestia is busy.  I apparently have all the time in the world to answer."

A quizzical look crossed her face.  I don't think she thought I'd go on the offensive.  I used to be fairly aggressive in my past life, but now I seemed to take a wolfish pleasure out of it.  When she starting sucking in deep breath, I knew this sentence was going to be a doozy.

"I'm sorry.  I'm sorry for turning you into something that we know nothing about.  I was just trying to save your life, and I did the only thing I could think of.  There was blood everywhere and we couldn't stop it.  The magic cleaned anything dirty out of your blood before we pushed it back into you.  We thought it was all yours, as the blood types were the same, just with different looking cells.  We had no idea what we were doing, and I'm sorry we turned you into...this.  I do have some interesting theories about your abilities though, but we'll have to talk about those later as Princess Celestia has a few questions she wanted me to ask."

Damn, I'm surprised that she got all that out on one breath.  The little pony sure had some big lungs to be able to pull that off.  More importantly, she said something about my abilities.  That certainly perked me up with curiosity.  Mentally, I made yet another note on things to ask about, as humans didn't really have anything that you could call "abilities" unless you were one of those rare cases.  Somehow, I doubt that I ended up as a super genius or one of those guys that could free run up the side of a building.  Would have been neat though.

"Twilight, I am okay.  At least as good as I can be considering how my life has been.  Celestia has been inside my head and knows the crap I've lived through.  Whatever doesn't kill me only makes me stranger and all that. "  I had to chuckle a little bit at that.  Used it since I was a kid, and it really started to ring true lately.  "So what do you want to ask?"

That was like opening a flood channel.  The little creature spent the next several hours asking questions and writing everything down in notebook after notebook.  Everything from my favorite color (dark green) to my favorite food, what I did on earth, how I was adapting to my new body, and more.  I did have to draw the line a few times when her curiosity got the better of her.  I understand a healthy amount of interest in something new and shiny, but when you start asking sleeping habits and then immediately flow into asking about sexual tendencies, I start to get a little weirded out and cut that line of questioning right there.

What really got my attention was a series of questions about magic.  Namely if humans could use it, what I thought of it and the like.  After a little poking of my own, she slipped up.  Apparently, when they used magic on the blood, it charged it.  As in, my body has a small pool of magic in it.  That said, she seems to think I can only use it when I am under stress.  Apparently it explains why I can't normally use magic and why when I was rather homicidal (ponycidal?) my body started flickering with green flames that burned through the ropes.  Because I wanted to be free. This certainly was a twist on what I was expecting, but at least it was some news toward what happened to me.  Only thing I could do until my questions were answered was to endure the boredom.

The days turned into weeks, and flowed into months as I rotted in that castle.  On the upside, they eventually started letting me out of my room to get some exercise in the garden at night.  Apparently, they have a hedge maze that you can only get out of if the princess decides to let you.  Still, after being stuck inside so long, I milked that opportunity as often as I could.  That's also when I met the other princess.  Luna.  The goddess of the night.  Kind of suitable that a wolf would be out playing at night, enjoying the moon's beauty.  Anyhow, I digress.  

It was mid-spring, just as the snow is nearly melted, and the clouds have gone, that I met her.  I was resting in the heart of the maze near a group of weird looking statues when I heard a rustling noise behind me.  The closest I could put it would be if someone waved a bedsheet in the air.  As I started to turn, a soft voice carried on the wind.

"So you are the creature my sister has brought into our kingdom.  I have heard you go by the name of Hex.  I am Luna, Princess of the Night, Ruler of the Moon, and Bringer of the Stars.  I bid you welcome."

I honestly didn't know what to say to that.  So many logical issues with her statement after all.  You need a king to have a kingdom for one, let alone ruling the moon and bringing the stars.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the self assured, slightly cocky attitude, as she would be fun to mess with, but there was too much derp in that statement.  (Only later did I realize why people gave me an angry look when I said that.  Apparently there is a very much loved, and very very much accident prone mail pony named Derpy Hooves in the town Twilight is from.)

"It's nice to meet you Princess.  Even back home, I preferred the night to the day, only going to bed near sunrise.  That said, I have no idea what the other honorifics mean.  You have to remember, I have been locked into my room fairly well since my arrival.  Let alone the ceaseless constant questions from your sister and her student ask."

It really is an odd thing to see a pony cock its head to the side when they are confused.

"What do you mean when you say you have been locked in your room?  Celestia informed me that you were to be released and taught of your magic weeks ago as she felt you could be trusted.  There must have been some miscommunication as WE were not informed otherwise.  I'll be sure to ask her of this in the morning.  As for my titles, feel free to ask Celestia's student.  I wish you a good night."

With that, the odd Princess flapped her wings and rose into the crisp night air.  Seriously, fucking strange ponies.  A few days passed before I saw Luna again, this time from a distance.  Longer still to see her in person.

About a month after our last eye contact, I was on my usual night run through the maze.  As I rounded the final corner into the creepy garden, I ran nose first into the side of Princess Luna.  She gave the most adorable squeak of surprise as I tumbled over her and onto the dew cooled grass.  Apparently, it is really hard to knock over an Alicorn, as she stood there like a cliff amongst the waves.  Getting up would certainly cause me more effort.

"Good Evening Hex, " she started, looking at how I got back onto my two feet with interest, " I spoke with my dear sister about our last conversation.  She feels that things were amiss about you not being informed of your status, let alone that your property has been sitting in the Royal vault for quite some time now.  They will be returned to you at your request, which I assume you will give soon.  Before you do so, be aware that we do understand what the larger objects in your property are and what they are capable of.  Those will remain in the vault until the time you are released into your own care."

I just stood there in stunned silence.  Celestia basically fucked up and let me rot in that damn room for months, not even letting me know my stuff survived and came through with me...

"I do have one thing to offer as payment and an apology for this profound mixup.  After speaking to Celestia and Twilight, it seems that due to your nature, your magic is...unique.  That said, I appear to be the pony most skilled in what magic we have near yours.  Largely due to it being banned over one thousand years ago and it being influenced by what most ponies consider dark magic.  Mental state, intent, and the phase of the moon control how you can use your abilities.  As for your mana well, it seems it is replenished by doing exactly what you have been doing.  Being outside, even more so in the night.  You draw from the world around you."

Okay, that is kind of awesome, albeit making me sound like a fucking werewolf that can't change shape.  Honestly, after so long, I've kind of been getting used to my shape and flexibility.  It was also really fun to flirt with the maids and then give them a very toothy smile when I get caught.  I always felt guilty afterwards, but the teasing was fun during.

"Hex?  Hex.  I've been talking to you."

"Sorry, what?  I was just thinking about what you just said," I lied my ass off.  I wasn't paying the least bit of attention as I was still deep in thought.

"So, are you going to accept my offer to become my student and study your ability?  You are in a special position where I can learn just as much from you as you can from me."

Still not knowing entirely what was going on, this still sounded like a good deal here.  Like an idiot, I jumped in without thinking.

"Princess Luna, I would love to accept your proposal."

If only I knew how much trouble those words would end up causing me.  I swear there was someone laughing at me in the distance.  Screw it, I am going to learn magic.

"Hex, please just call me Luna.  We are going to be working very closely together from here on out.  I'll have your things sent to a room in the Dusk wing.  If you have any questions, just find one of my Night Guard."

She raised her wings as if she were going to leap into the air, and I swear my ears heard something I shouldn't have.  Her lips barely moved, but it was there.

"I'll be seeing you very soon..."

For far too long, I sat and stared at the statues and wondered what I had just gotten myself into.

06. Of Flames and Fur

In the days following my chat with Luna, her words began to come true.  Nearly every night she appeared in the maze close to the statue of the creature called "Discord."  Things started slow, as she taught me to focus and draw from the world around me, but steadily accelerated as she found many flaws in what we thought was my "process."  I could pull energy from nearly any object with magical potential, including the sun, the moon, stars, and the planet itself.  That said, as we found out, pulling from the world around me could have consequences, as a circle of scorched and dead grass proved after one night.

That is when we decided to hold on any further thoughts on how I can draw from the world.  For now.  I had a few ideas I wanted to try, but needed to find an outlet first.  Don't get me wrong, Luna was a great companion and always quick with a smartass comment, but some things I needed to figure out on my own.  So, I thought back to the last time magic had manifested itself around me.  Back to the pain and the rage.  The all consuming rage to watch the world burn for what they were doing to me.  As I touched that well deep in me (dirty hehe) something clicked in my mind and I could barely believe it as I saw small flickering green flames burst to life in the palm of my right hand.

To say Luna was interested in this development was an understatement.  We spent the next several weeks worth of free time focusing on how I managed to draw it forth.  The more I worked, the easier it became until I could call the flames with little more then a thought.  My raw magic had been discovered, but it was nothing more then it appeared.  Just a flame that could do little more then burn.  That's when my ideas came into play.  Back home, lets just say I was more then a lapsed christian.  I was a downright pagan.  I followed several mixed paths that followed my family roots.  A little bit of Druidism, a touch of Vodoun (commonly called voodoo) and a gentle sprinkling of Asatru, otherwise known as the Nordic path.

The point is, there were many things I learned back home, and a few of them I wanted to try here.  As such, I gently asked the Princess to arrange for a few "supplies" to be dropped off with me.  Nothing horrible mind you, but things that would get me started of my crazy idea worked.  The look on her face was rather interesting when I asked for what seemed to be a random assortment of things.  Some metalworking tools, a set of thin metal shackles in my size, an assortment of crystals and chemicals completed the list for a very confused princess.  Either way, she was intrigued at my request.

It took a few days, but my items finally arrived, and both of us took to the garden eagerly that night.

As we walked into the quiet garden at the heart of the maze, there was only one thing on our minds.  Simply, would this work.  Or in her case, what "this" was, and in mine, if it was going to hurt.  Me and my insane plans.

"Luna," I started softly, "no matter what you see, please do not interrupt no matter what I say.  If this will work, I'll probably need silence if you don't mind.  It doesn't bother me if you watch though.  In fact, having someone watching can make things more fun."

I had to chuckle to myself at that comment, as I had really learned to love teasing the somewhat reserved Princess. All she did was nod slightly and completely dodged my comment, so I assumed it was safe to begin my test.  A few weeks back, I had looked for the perfect spot that would be unnoticed for this.  They had laid paving stones around the hideous statue in the heart of the maze, so any dead grass would be unnoticed.  As creepy as it was to do this with a statue staring at the back of my head, there was no better place to do this.  

Out of a small sack, I pulled out the shackles.  At least what had once been shackles.  Their once smooth surface was now marred and carved in a wild series of swirls and recesses.  Small pockets were cut into the metal that now held crystals and gems of an assortment of colors that glimmered in the dim moonlight.  If you looked very closely you could see runes etched around the edges of the metal, carved throughout it like a profane set of bracelets.  One by one, I close the cool metal around my wrists and ankles.  Honestly, I hated the feeling of being constricted, but if this worked it was worth the suffering.

Exhaling, I closed my eyes and willed the flames into my hands.  The soft crackle and pop of the sickly flames comforting me with their presence and the ease of arrival.  So far so good.  With a thought, I started to draw the flames up my arms toward my chest and neck, enjoying the heat as it spread.  A slight push and they began to flow over my body, until I heard a small gasp from the Princess when she saw me enveloped in flames.  Too late to stop though.  Too far to go forward, and too far to go back.

Drawing from within, I forced the flames down, making them pool at my feet.  Both the statue and I flickering evilly in the poor light.  I felt out from my body, small tendrils of flame reaching out, skipping across the rough stone at my feet until they formed a rough circle of flickering hate.  Down they burrowed, into the earth, into the dark, to grab what I sought. Distantly I could feel the bands on my body radiating heat with a dull sizzle, but it was too far away from my mind to be concerning.  Little did I know that a steady stream of blood was issuing from the gaps in the metal and falling to the ground with small bursts of magical flame.  

The earth below was resisting.  My magic finding what I sought, but it tried to slip away.  Tendrils bouncing of shields that suddenly appeared around what I needed.  Too far to go back, I pulled more from within, pouring my hate and rage into the earth, while it was quickly stained with more of my vitae.  Distantly, I could hear yelling.  I could feel pounding against the flames surrounding me.  I would deal with that later.  This was now.  This was all that mattered.  My magic assaulting what lay below me, seeking the tiniest cracks in armor, and eventually finding it, ripping it open and flooding me with the pure essence of what I needed.  

A howl of infinite pleasure and untold pain ripped its way out of my throat as the raw magic of the world tore through me.  From the eyes of Luna, it appeared that I was a dervish of multicolored flames, writhing in agony.  To me, I saw it all.  I saw everything, all of creation laid bare before me as I tapped into the heart of the world.  Lights were beginning to turn on in the castle proper, I could feel ponies awaking, the pounding of guards hooves on the stone floors as they rushed toward the labyrinth and the wolf housed within.  I tried to reach out and delay them, use the maze against them, but the moment I touched the hedges with my mind, something unforeseen happened. My magic flickered and died.

The last thing I saw before losing consciousness was Luna standing over me looking incredibly pissed, and the blood soaked face of discord glaring down at me.

Pain.  All of the world was pain as I slowly awoke.  I had no idea how long it had been since I passed out, but I figured the results were not good.  If the scents assaulting my nose were anything to go by, I had an idea where I was.  Slowly opening my eyes, I was right.  Right back in that damn prison cell.

As I reached up to rub my aching head, I realized three things.  First, the shackles seemed to have fused shut around my limbs.  Wherever the pins that held them together went, I had no idea.  Smoothly carved metal circled my wrists and ankles completely, the gems were even glowing softly in the flickering light of the torches.  Secondly, why did I have black swirling rune tattoos covering my skin.  More importantly, why was my skin showing?  Did I burn off all of my fur?  As my mind wandered, things began to click together.

I was human again...

07. Prison Transfer

"What the BUCK were you thinking Hex?"

Apparently there was a pair of obscenely irate princesses in the room with me, lead by one incredibly pissed small purple Alicorn.  A certain Princess who did not seem to care that my head was killing me at the moment.

"You did blood magic at the base of the statue of Discord.  Do you have any idea what the consequences for that could be?  Do you?  I don't even want to get into the fact that you tried to tap into the magic that keeps the world alive.  It's everything I could do to keep my sister from executing you while you slept," Luna interjected rather loudly.

All that was left was the speech from the royal one herself.  One speech that never seemed to come as Celestia just stood there, glaring at me and shaking with rage.  I think I done messed up.  Time to see if I can save my butt on this one.  Saving myself the usual sigh I would start with, I just jumped straight in as I tried to sit up.  I also realized that I was completely naked and giving the ladies one hell of a show.

"Princess, Twilight, calm down please.  This was just an experiment.  Granted, it did get a bit out of hand, but I was just trying to see what I could do to draw and use my magic.  I didn't know that I was touching.  I might be an idiot, but I'm not suicidal.  As for Discord, it's just a creepy statue.  What does it matter if I get a little blood on it?  I'd intended on wiping it off later.  I picked that spot so I wouldn't kill anything in the gardens, pony, plant, or otherwise."

They just looked at each other and then back at me like I had grown a third head.

"Hex, the statues in that garden are not, and I cannot stress this enough, ARE NOT statues.  They are enemies of Equestria that we could not destroy, so we sealed them in stone instead."

"Celestia, can you say that one more time.  I think I heard something crazy about statues not being statues," I stated flatly.

"That is the purpose of the maze.  If one of them breaks free, the earth itself would try to seal them away behind the elements.  The earth and all of its species would rise up and entomb the creatures until we could arrive and deal with it with finality."

Well fuck.  I really screwed the pooch this time.  I did the only thing that came to mind to keep myself from being turned into a pigeon poop trap.  Apologize.  

"If I had known that, I would have looked into finding a more suitable spot to do this.  If I had known that the earth itself would kick my ass, or was protecting something this valuable, I certainly wouldn't have done this.  I'm not insane.  That said, if you feel that I need to stay in this cell again, I would understand."

Apparently, the world if full of insanity though, as Celestia sighed and said words I never expected to hear.

"Hex, WE were wrong.  We should have informed you of all of this before letting you try to develop your abilities.  We should have also informed you about the state of your property sooner.  We will forgive your transgressions this one time.  If you ever try anything like this again, you will be met with harsh Royal judgement.  Understood?"

All I could do is nod.  Granted I fucked up, but I pretty much got an apology and a slap on the wrist.

"Considering how you use magic, my sister and I have consulted several ponies, including the Archmage.  We have decided on one path regarding your abilities.  You will be moved out of the castle effective immediately as you pose a danger to civilized society.  Second to this, your property will be returned.   You will be released from our care and placed into the custody of my former student.  Until suitable living arrangements can be found, you will reside with Twilight Sparkle until she feels that you are able to manage yourself safely.  If you attempt to leave without her or our permission, the wrath of the Royal Guard will fall on your head."

My head was pretty much spinning at this point.  Am I getting banished?  Why the fuck am I basically a ward of Twilight Sparkle?  What the hell is going on?!

"Your property is currently being moved to Ponyville and can be collected on your arrival.  From your silence, we assume you prefer this option to being stoned.  If you wish to keep yourself this way, you will remain silent.  Twilight will explain everything later.  If you need to speak with us, inform my student and she will decide if it is worth our time."

With a swish of her tail, Celestia turned and clopped out of the room with Luna in tow.

"Twilight, I..."

"Save it Hex.  We'll talk about this later.  It has been a long night.  Now get dressed.  I want to get home and to bed."

A small growl escaped my throat as I pushed off the table, quickly turning into a snarl when my bare feet hit the cold stone floor as pain shot up my body.  More curiously though was the burst of gold flames that erupted from my left hand that was quickly shrouded in black fur.

"Um, Twlight?"

"Not now.  Get dressed."

The flames quickly shot up my left arm and spread across my body, hardly even painful, more of an itch as fur erupted anywhere the gold touched.  As my bones began to shift, I panted as it forced the air out of my lungs.  The pony just stood there with her back to me.

"Are you nearly done with the gross noises?  I'd really like to be going soon."

The only reply she got was a deep rumbling growl as my form began to tower over her.  A thought about smacking her aside and bolting crossed my mind, only to be overridden by a sharp pain in my temple.  I could feel blood dripping down my face.

"Oh yeah, the princesses attached a small spell to you.  If you even think about hurting anypony, the consequences for you would be rather...dire.  Yes, we know that your form can shift now.  Let's go."

Well fuck me.  Definitely a case of out of the frying pan and into...well somewhere much much worse than the fire.

Why does this crap keep happening to me?

08. Ancient Oak

I wish I could say the rest of the evening was uneventful, but that would be a lie. From my sitting place on the edge of the table, I could easily see a very irritated young princess who was still glaring at me somewhat.  Out of the hallway, a purple shrouded blob of cloth floated and was unceremoniously tossed my way.

"We need to go meet our chariot Hex.  Get dressed and come with me.  Your items have already already been sent ahead"

I just shrugged and unfurled the cloth, pondering for a moment what it was.  Then it hit me, it was a cloak just like the ones I had back home except I was holding it upside down.  Mentally facepalming, I righted the light blue fabric and tossed it over my shoulders, gently clasping it with the simple silver leaf broach above my collarbone.  It certainly had to be a strange sight, a giant wolf wearing a tan loincloth and blue cloak, but hey I work with what I've got.  Little more than a push of the table, I started after Twilight down the hall.  The soft clicking of my claws against the stone floor certainly was a strange noise I had yet to get used to.  Time to get going to my new "home."

The flight to Ponyville was...quiet.  Not the good kind either as it turned awkward fast as the Princess refused to say a word to either myself or the pegasus guards guiding us.  It was neat to see Canterlot passing below us.  Internally I was in awe of the crazy architecture the ponies had managed to pull off.  Paved streets and thatched roofs were an odd combination, but if it worked for them who was I to judge.  Soon enough, the city gave way to a massive wall that held back mile after mile of darkened forest.  The trees passed quickly as I watched on enraptured, mapping out everything in my mind.  Eventually even the forest thinned the closer we got to the little hamlet of Ponyville.  As we flew into the sunset I could see the quaint little town glowing in the golden light.

My first night in Ponyville was lackluster to put it mildly.  The chariot set down outside what I could easily call the most massive tree I had ever seen.  It could have contested one of the great redwoods in width, but not height.  At least that was my thought.  Coming from a childhood in the north, the trees barely got larger than two, maybe three feet across.  Either way, any thoughts I had on the matter were moot as I was quickly and wordlessly shuffled into the giant tree.  It was certainly interesting to say the least.  The entire place seemed to be carved out of the living tree without hurting it.  Anything I knew about biology was quickly getting thrown out the longer I was here.  At least Twilight seemed fit to pull me out of my thoughts.

"Hex, your room is made up downstairs.  It is the door to the right.  There is also a small bathroom down there.  If you want to take a shower, that is upstairs next to Spike and my bedroom.  We'll talk in the morning when I'm...calmer."

I guessed that was my sign to leave, so I just headed toward the door she indicated.  The fact that I was passing aisle after aisle of books never even occurred to me until later that night.  Sleep was the big thing on my mind at this point, as it had definitely been a trying day.  Step by step, I trudged down into the dimly lit basement to find all kinds of laboratory equipment randomly assorted on shelves and tables.  Sighing softly, I sat down on a small cot that was squeezed against the wall between two tables.  This was going to be a long few weeks.

Morning came far too early as I could hear the shrill ringing of an alarm clock upstairs.  With no way to tell time, I just figured it was good enough to get up.  Everything seemed to creak and pop as I pulled myself upright while my eyes inspected everything a little better.  These ponies were certainly a strange sort, not seeming to have advanced materials or technology, yet Twilight had a basement with all sorts of random gear.  I couldn't be certain but I was confident that one of the gizmos in the corner was one of the 50's style tube computation systems.  Downright strange when I couldn't find an electrical outlet for the life of me.  All there was to do was shrug as I headed upstairs, following the delicious scent drifting under the door.

Call me crazy, but when I opened the door I would have sworn I smelled eggs and bacon.  Step by step, aching head and all I traced the tasty smell toward what I assumed was the kitchen, only to have a small purple lizard jump when he saw me.  The sickly sweet scent of fear and nervousness quickly filled the kitchen as I towered over the little guy.  

"You must be Spike.  Twilight has told me a lot about you.  I'm Hex, if she told you I was coming.  I'll probably be staying here a while."

With wide eyes, he slowly stared up at me, stuttering the whole while.

"b....big.  You are really...big.  *cough*  Ahem... I'm... Spike.  Twilight's number one assistant.  Um, you are just in time for breakfast if you are hungry.  I hope you like coffee, bacon, eggs, and toast.  I didn't have much time to go shopping yesterday when I got the letter saying you were coming."

I just looked at him oddly for a moment, while my mind processed the fact that he did say bacon and eggs.  What the heck is up with the ponies on this planet?!

"About that bacon...is it bacon bacon?  It just seems weird that herbivores like the ponies would eat meat like that.  If this is how you serve breakfast I could stay here forever."

All that met my statement was nervous chuckling from the little dragon.  There was no way I could sit at the table while I was this size, so I just reached over Spike and snatched a slice of toast off the stack on the table.  With a hooked claw, I pulled what looked like a poached egg onto the toast and started munching.  Flavors exploded in my mouth with the first bite.  It seems that everything about this world was more intense.  The strange colors of the ponies, to the flavors of the food.  Without a doubt this was the best egg I had ever eaten.  Until I noted Spike just staring at me.

"Relax little guy, I don't eat baby dragons.  To be honest, I'm not really sure what I can eat in this crazy world of yours.  I'm kind of new here."

That seemed to calm him as I continued to stuff my face.  The bacon was a disappointment however.  I didn't want to say anything because it looked like Spike had worked hard on the spread on the table.  But it really just tasted...off.  Even the color was a bit strange, but it was no stranger than ponies that ate meat.  With a shrug, I just ate my fill until a voice chimed in from behind me.

"Thanks for making breakfast Spike.  After last night I could really use some coffee.  Just don't let Pinkie know we have some.  After last time, the Princesses decided that she really shouldn't be having any."

As she passed by, my movement must have caught in her eye as she jumped a little bit.  At least she was good at not showing it, with little more than a tremor shooting through her for a moment.

"Morning Hex.  We have a lot of things to discuss after breakfast.  The Princesses and I traded a lot of letters last night about your situation and we felt some words were needed from all of us.  It's nothing bad, I promise.  By the way, how are you liking the soy bacon?  It is kind of hard to get, but I like the flavor."

"YOU FED ME SOY BACON?  What kind of sick joke is this?"

Oh god, my stomach...  What kind of cruel society eats freaking soy bacon.  I think I'm going to be sick...

"There are lots of things to say and do today, Hex.  Everypony said things in anger yesterday, and I had letters from both Princesses delivered through the night with thoughts and apologies." She gestured toward a small pile of scrolls on the table to her left.  "The thing is, you came very close to freeing Discord and shattering the magic that guards the garden.  Both Princesses had no idea your magic was getting so advanced, and if you had come to them about your test, they would have found someplace for you to do it where everypony would be safe."

"Twilight, if it didn't feel like I was a prisoner in the castle, I would have talked to Celestia or Luna about what I wanted to try.  I honestly assumed that Luna knew where this was going, considering she was there through most of my trials.  That said, I doubt I'll be doing that again as it backfired so bad."

The lavender pony just looked at me for a moment while deep in thought before her horn lit up and a scroll bearing a golden seal drifted toward me.  

"After a lot of consideration and to be honest a little arguing, the other Princesses and I came up with a plan for now.  Considering you are pretty unknown in town, you are to wear the seal from Celestia on your clothing somewhere.  It isn't a commonly used practice, but it shows that you are here on Royal dispensation.  It should keep trouble to a minimum while we figure out a better place for you to live.  I'm sure you don't want to be in my basement forever."

I didn't reply as I slid a claw under the metal disk inset in the wax seal and popped it off with a soft cracking noise.  Tenderly, I placed the icon on the table in front of me and unfurled the letter.


After much consideration and deliberation, my sister and I, along with Twilight have decided that you are owed an apology.  We acted rashly and as a result you suffered ill treatment, to put it mildly.  Until you learn to control your magic, we ask that you stay away from major population centers and learn what you can from Twilight.  Luna will be by as her duties permit to check on your progress and perhaps teach you if she is able.

Unfortunately, we cannot at this time remove the binding we placed on your mind and its violent tendencies.  You have to understand that the welfare of our ponies comes first and foremost.  We do apologize and hope you understand that it will be removed with good behavior after you are adjusted to our society.  To keep violent interactions to a minimum, you will be assigned a guard, Corporal Nightshade, whom we believe you became well acquainted with during your time at the palace.  She is there more to protect you from ill reactions from my ponies, than your reaction to them.

Additionally, since your transportation to Equestria was not a decision of yours and your ability to earn coin has yet to be found, you will be get a monthly stipend of two thousand bits from the royal treasury toward your keep and care.  Whatever is not needed for room and board is yours to spend as you wish.

Should you have any questions, please refer them to Twilight.  Should be be unable to answer, I am available via Spike anytime you need.

Solaris Regentem,


I looked up from the missive with many questions in mind, but one thing really picked at me.

"Twilight, why is Celestia's title in Latin?  Also, how much is two thousand bits?"

09. Fading Light

So it turned out that a stipend of two thousand bits was kind of a lot.  Twilight's eyes bugged out a bit when I asked, before she want on a long winded speech about exchange rates economics.  In the end it pretty much turned according to my crappy mental calculations, each bit was pretty much worth around $4 back home.  Let alone the fact that they were made out of solid gold.

"If I could get a years worth of bits home, I could retire a very...oh...fuck."

I sat there for a minute when reality set in.  There was no way to get home since I was dead there.  Even if I could, there was no home to go back to.  All I could do was sit and stare at the letter as the reality of where I was settled in.  None of this made sense.  None of it.  Yet I was stuck in a world full of technicolor magical ponies.


It took me a second to realize that Twilight was talking with a concerned look on her face.  When I first got here, I couldn't tell what any expressions meant with the ponies.  As time passed, I managed to somewhat piece it together, in no small part to the new nose I was gifted with.  People were easy compared to this.  On a pony you had to see a bunch of things to get a good idea.  Ear position, what their eyes were doing, body stance, and in one case I learned that pawing the ground was something to keep an eye out for before you get stomped.  At least in this case it was easy to tell since her ears were down and she was nudging me with a hoof since I wasn't really paying attention.

"...sorry Twilight.  I wasn't really paying any attention.  I was thinking about...home."

"Come on Hex.  I know it hurts but there isn't anything we can do about it right now.  Plus, there are some ponies here that want to meet you."

At least that would keep my mind off of things, so I slowly pulled myself off the wooden chair and upright.  And then a thought crossed my mind.

"Twilight, I have to duck dowstairs really quick to change.  Don't want to scare anypony after all."

Before she could respond, I headed for the basement door.  God, saying "anypony" was physically painful.  What kind of silly world is full of horses and horse puns anyhow?  Laid out across the cot was the single set of clothes I had left, a somewhat worn set of ATACS FG camouflage that spent the majority of its existence sitting at the bottom of my pack with the rest of my clutter.  Still, as tacky as it was to wear camo around town, it would be worse if all the ponies were running around screaming.  Generally that would go against the plan of getting out of Twilight's basement.

So, I at least had a basic idea of what I did to trigger this last time.  Closing my eyes, I concentrated on the world around me, the feel of the packed earth against my paws, the musty scent of old air tainted with chemicals and a touch of burnt hair.  I ignored the soft slapping of hooves against wooden floors as I searched for little more than a concept.  A concept that turned into reality as my mind touched the bracelets on my limbs, the whirling runes and shimmering gemstones flickering to life in a variety of colors.  For a moment, just a moment, I felt cool air on my skin until I opened my eyes to see the flickering golden energy vanish and fur reappear.  It worked... IT WORKED!

Whoa... calm dude... calm.  Breathe.  Soft and slow, focus on that feeling.  This time it went a little smoother as I mentally poured energy into the bands, making them burst to life in a shower of gold.  Prickling sensations crawled over me head to toe as I could feel my entire body shifting.  There was no pain, just strange sensations as joints slid and bone compressed into itself in a blaze of magical fire.  Magical fire that was flickering out as the basement door slammed open.

"Hex!  Are you alright?  I felt a burst of magic and wanted to...make...sure.........you.......were............fine..."

I didn't want to open my eyes and be disappointed.  Inside, I willed the purple one away as I mentally counted toes... Spectacles, Testicles, Wallet, and Watch, or whatever the equivalent of that would be.  That is until Twilight snapped me out of it with her usual eloquent speech.

"Why are you naked?"

That got my attention and my eyes to snap open right fast as I looked around to find that now oversized loincloth laying on the ground.

Fuck my life...

After a few minutes of awkwardness I managed to get myself dressed and somewhat presentable.  As I stood there in the bathroom, splashing water on my face, I realized a few things.  Apparently when I changed forms, it left me clean shaven.  That was a real shame since I liked the goatee that I spent years grooming.  The more interesting changes were just that.  My canines were definitely more pronounced and wolfish, along with the golden tint in my eyes.  Don't get me wrong, I still had my awesome greens, but the pupils had a small sunburst of gold around them that faded into the green.  Kind of neat really.  To be honest, I kind of locked myself in here when I heard hoofsteps coming into the library and a variety of voices talking about meeting the new pony in town.

Exhaling softly, I realized that it was time to get a move on.  The bathroom didn't really have a lock on the door, so I just twisted the knob and stepped out into the basement.  How ponies managed to use a doorknob with hooves, I'd never know.  My little corner of the room seemed so small as I walked across it to the steps, hollow stomping echoing from below as I slowly ascended.  Before I could chicken out, I grabbed the doorknob and twisted and pushed, knowing the bandaid approach would be easiest to all this.  At least I thought so...


"Whoa!  Oh shit... shit shit shit..."

All I know is there was a pink blob in my face the moment the door opened, and then agony as I fell backward with my head hitting the stairs and stars exploding in my eyes before it faded to black...

It was only a few minutes later that light beat its way into my skull as my eyes opened.  Opened to reveal a group of seven ponies and a baby dragon standing above me.

"OOOH!  He's waking up Twilight!  I told you he'd be okay.  I wonder if a cupcake would make him feel better.  Hey Mister... Do you like Cupcakes?"

I just flopped my arm across my eyes and groaned pitifully from the floor.  I already knew this was going to suck.  Apparently if you put a morale sticker that says "Embrace the Suck" that life makes it a personal challenge to do so.  At least I didn't have the one that said "Grab your helmet.  It's about to get retarded."  Something was poking me with a hoof.

"What do you want?  I'm enjoying my time on the ground."

"I'm dreadfully sorry to bother you my dear, but are you alright?  You had a nasty fall and stuck your head rather hard.  Also, what are you, if you don't mind me asking.  Twilight said something about a Hooooooman."

"No, she said hueman."

"Ooooh, that sound funny.  Huuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn... Say it Dashie."

And thats when the bickering started.  I couldn't tell who said what, but they were slaughtering the pronunciation of human worse than actors on the scifi channel.  It really didn't help any that they were doing this over my head and making the pounding worse.  At least one of them saw reason after a moment or two and thought to ask something important.

"Ah hate tah interrupt guys, but is he supposed tah have that big welt on the back of his head?"

Personally, I was enjoying the swirling colors behind my eyelids.  Pretty sure I had a concussion to be honest.  Naturally, with all the smoothness inherent to my species, I said the first thing that came to mind before passing out.

"I'm a lead farmer, motherfucker."

10. Lughnasadh

Something fuzzy was tickling my nose.  I wanted to open my eyes and see what was going on, but the pounding in my head was more insistent.  I could feel every little brush of whatever the hell it was crossing my nose, itching and tickling worse.  Seriously what the hell?!  It was rhythmic almost.  As everything came back to focus in my mind, I slowly realized what was going on.  The soft breathing, something flicking my nose every few seconds, the damn ponies were messing with me. That's when a plan came to mind.  A devious and evil plan.  I waited patiently, doing my best to ignore the tickling, the urge to sneeze, timing the movements in my mind as my eyes rested in the darkness under their lids...


Guessing where the thing would be, I snatched my hand out into the air.  Immediately I knew I was right, as coarse fur brushed against my fingertips when they began to close.  A slight tug whatever it was ended up getting pulled toward a mouth that was making exaggerated chomping motions.  That's when the screaming began and my eyes snapped open to see nothing but pink.


At least the moment I yelled the screaming stopped and only a few chuckles came out of the ponies assembled around my cot.  It felt like someone had used my skull as a drumset from the echoing of the screaming.  What made it worse was the pink thing was just grinning evilly at me while screaming.  

"Ow...my freaking head.  What was that for?"

It took me a moment of getting strange looks to fish something funny feeling off my tongue.  It turned out to be a loooooooong pink hair that tasted like cotton candy.  Gross.

Thus started the longest day of my life.

Thankfully it turned out that introductions largely seemed to be done.  I just had to put the voices and fuzzy figures from earlier together with what was in front of me.  It just seemed cliche that their names and personalities mingled so simply, but everything about this world was odd.  Over the next hour I was barraged by a massive series of questions and introductions that tested my patience at times.  At first, everything seemed to be going well.  I had gotten the groups names and had slowly started to get a feel for their personalities.  Lyra, as her name suggests was a musician who also apparently dabbled in biology and mythology.  Apparently I was her crowning achievement to prove that humanity was real.  She didn't seem so amused when I stated I wasn't really that human anymore.  It seems Twilight left that little bit out, to Lyra's great annoyance.

Speaking of Twilight, she was the only one I had had any real interaction with, so she had taken the lead on calming her friends.  Each of them had their own questions, albeit strange as they were.  The alabaster mare Rarity oddly enough accepted me as I was with nary more than a few idle questions about my camo.  Being a seamstress, I imagine she is used to seeing the strange on a daily basis.  If only I knew how strange.

Fluttershy acted out true to her name.  Soft spoken and skittish, I treated her like you would a newly adopted pet.  I sat there and watched her out of the corner of my eye while answering questions from the rest.  Eventually she crept out of her corner and timidly asked a few questions about my past.  Nothing painful really.  It was amazing to see how relaxed she became as I let her lead the questions however she liked.  As I described all the pets I'd had over the years and how they were cared for she seemed at ease.  Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure she's going to offer me a pet at some point.

After Fluttershy's reaction to me, the damn broke and I was torn away with a wave of endless questions from the ponies.  Life, love, what I thought of the wonderbolts, nothing seemed to be out of bounds for their curiosity.  It was strangely refreshing in a way.  In Canterlot none of the ponies other than the Princesses paid me any mind, and I was always careful to mind what I said.  After such a long time, real conversation was a delicacy.  Onward through the evening the talking continued.  Eventually I got all of their names, although Applejack was strangely quiet through most of the conversation as it dragged into the night.

The days passed in a blur as the ponies in town grew to accept my presence.  At first there was a lot of screaming and general freaking out by a few parties, despite the Mayor and Twilight introducing me to everyone at a town meeting.  Despite all that, a certain group of gossip filled mares continued to be a thorn in my side.  Apparently Roseluck and her friends were dead set on the idea that I was going to eat them all in their sleep, or just carry off fillies to the Everfree forest for a quick snack.  It probably didn't help that she caught me changing back from looking like a monster after going for a morning run with Rainbow Dash.  

Speaking of which, Dash and I kind of hit it off decently after she caught me running one morning.  From there it turned into a regular thing as she needed practice for this whole "Running of the Leaves" thing that was coming up.  According to Dash it was supposed to be a fun run to clear the leaves off the trees, but it had quickly turned into a challenge between Applejack and herself to see who wins.  Either way, it sounded fun to me.  The longer I was in this strange place, the greater my affinity for the outdoors became.  Yes, I still slept in Twilight's basement as finding a job was more difficult than I thought.  On the other hand, it gave me plenty of time to work on other things, which usually turned out to be helping Fluttershy look for herbs and other plants for poultices, or the occasional fishing trip to feed her bear....and myself.

But I digress.  Apparently this years Running of the Leaves was coming up and there was talk about which pony was going to win yet again.  Three years ago, Twilight had surprised all of them with a win and the title has been fiercely contested since.  Granted, there was no way I could manage to win a race against miniature horses, but it still would be fun to test my new body against something.  The downside for all this was that Pinkie in her terrifying way, stated that after the race they were going to have a party.  A party that I was under no circumstances allowed to miss as it was for both the celebration and as she put it, my "Welcome to Equestria and Sorry for Knocking you Out" party.

Soon enough, the dreaded day came.

"Hex....Time for breakfast!"

I could only grumble to myself as I peeled the blanket off my prone self.  There was no way to deny Twilight if she said it was time to get up.  I tried that once and it didn't end well.  As the temperatures lowered through the fall, I'd taken to sleeping as a wolf.  The fur was strangely warm and good for keeping the chill of the autumn air away.  The first time I had walked through town like that was a little... chaotic... to put it nicely.  Despite walking with Twilight, it took a while for the townsfolk to get used to the other me.  Eventually, my presence was as accepted as the drama that happened weekly.  It was like clockwork almost, and suitably strange but I just marked that down to this strange reality.

The cool floor met my paws as I stretched out, enjoying the feeling as joints creaked and popped.  Any mental grumbling was put aside as a very familiar scent tickled my nose.  It was something I desperately missed and needed.  After making sure that my robe was closed properly, I followed my nose toward the door.  The cool knob caressed my fingertips as I twisted it and pulled the door open with a creak.  Out of practice, I shut my eyes halfway to avoid the rush of morning light that floods into the basement and gave myself a moment to adjust.  From the kitchen, sizzling and scraping could be heard, along with Spike humming while he cooked.  From the smells alone, it was going to be a good morning.

"Morning Spike.  Twilight."

Three steps into the kitchen was as far as I got.  Arrayed across the table was an assortment of goodies and treats that included the three food groups.  More importantly was the three Princesses sitting at the table and watching me as I entered.

"...um.... Good Morning Princess Celestia.  Princess Luna.  What brings you two to Ponyville today?"

Internally, I was yelling several different things, most importantly of them being "Mister Scott!  Give me Pucker factor nine!.... I cannae give you any more sir!  She's puckering all she's got!"

It was probably a given that they knew I was a little freaked out.  Thankfully, I was set at ease when Celestia started speaking.  

"My sister and I wanted to see the Ponyville Running of the Leaves for some time.  It just so happened that this year we managed to get a some free time to visit and enjoy ourselves.  Twilight has been keeping me appraised on your progress fitting in.  More importantly, she told us that we needed to try two things that you created."

I could only grin at that as my discomfort faded away as I stepped toward the table and grabbed a seat.  Idly, I began to pull an assortment of foods off of plates and onto my own while trying to come up with where to begin.  Eventually, I had a decent breakfast piled up and figured it was time.

"So, which of the two do you like better?  Twilight said that ponies don't react well to salt, so I hope the new recipe helped.  I still find it somewhat disturbing to see ponies eating some types of meat, but I do understand why.  And I trust you enjoyed the other surprise?"

While we talked, bacon and eggs quickly found their way off my plate and into my stomach quite enjoyably.  Damn I'm happy that my upbringing had a wide variety of topics to learn.

"Honestly Hex, it really is hard to decide.  Before you told us to replace the salt used in bacon, it was a little used or known item.  With the new brine, it seems bacon is a hit at the castle.  The recipe is already making it's way around Canterlot.  With one little difference, you singlehoo...handedly changed something about our cooking.  It is quite amazing that nopony thought to look for a salt replacement.  As for your, what did you call it, Coffee, I believe.  Personally I don't really..."

Whatever she was going to say was cut off with the clatter of porcelain against porcelain as Luna set her cup down with her magic and began to eye the kettle on the stove.

"As you can see, Luna is rather enamored by your invention though."

I could only chuckle at that.  It really was kind of amusing to see what changes a little knowledge from another world can cause.  I spent weeks wondering why the bacon here was so bland, and then it occurred to me.  It wasn't salted.  Instead, a sweet brine was used to preserve it and ruined the glorious taste.  Coffee was a different matter altogether.  I ended up having to bribe Rainbow to do a little side trip to Mexicolt for me.  And yes, the puns still kill.  I sent her to look for a plant on the volcanic mountainside with red berries.  After some trial and error she managed to bring back coffee beans.  From there, my childhood took over.

The rest of breakfast was somewhat uneventful thankfully.  Before I knew it, we were stacking the dishes in the sink and getting ready for the race.  Twilight and the other Princesses went on ahead while I went downstairs to get some shorts on.  Rarity had the crazy idea to make a pair of shorts out of this grotesque purple material that could stretch and conform to me no matter what shape I was in.  If only the guy who played the Hulk back home had some.

"Welcome to the Annual Running of the Leaves!  I, your ever present host Spike and my partner Pinkie will be here to give constant live reporting!  As special guests, we have Princess Celestia and Princess Luna watching the race with us."

When I first saw Pinkie's balloon, I thought there was no way she could steer it.  Apparently that pony can bend and defy physics no matter what the reason is.  Still it was kind of neat to see a steerable hot air balloon with two Alicorns in it..  There already was a large crowd forming around the starting line.  As I walked that way, most ponies shied away, but I managed to get the occasional "Morning Hex" or "HI" tossed my way.  It really went a long way for making me comfortable

"Ooh!  It looks like Hex is here.  We can start the race in a few minutes!  IS MY MEGAPHONE TOO LOUD!?"

A chorus of "Yes" or "DUH" was tossed Pinkie's way, but I really didn't think she'd care much.  Pinkie was one strange pony to say the least.  

"Mornin' Hex.  Glad you could make it."

"Yeah Hex, what took you so long?  I want to win this already."

Applejack was still friendly yet cautious.  At least she was slowly warming up.  Rainbow's comment only seemed to get groans as she stretched before the race.  It seemed like a simple enough feat really.  Just had to follow the packed gravel trail through the forest and enjoy myself.  The air was crisp and cool but would be perfect once I was warmed up.  All in all, it was a beautiful autumn day.  To be honest, I never even heard Pinkie start the race as I was enjoying the weather way too much.  The flow of ponies around me was a good reminder to move.  So the race started in earnest with Applejack and Rainbow Dash taking the lead as expected.  

I wish I could say something neat like that I stomped the ponies in the race, but most of them quickly outpaced my slow jog.  At least they were pleasant about it as they passed, a few even offering to wait at the finish line for me.  Either way, this was a fun run for me as I watched the trees go by while being showered in an assortment of multicolored leaves.  Thick white birch and aspen lined the path and gave it a feeling so close to my home.  The occasional spruce or pine tree just reinforced the feeling.  After a while, I just gave into the feeling of running.  The feeling of being free for a little as my paws met the packed trail ahead of me.  With the rising sun and solitude as my company, I strode on.  Small jogging steps eventually turned into distance eating loping strides as I reveled in the feeling.

All of that was shattered in a moment when a scream filled the forest.  Adrenaline surged through me as I pushed harder and faster toward the sounds of pain in the distance.  My paws screamed as they slapped against the ground again and again as a small hill loomed ahead of me.  At the top, I could see three fillies back to back with each other while a group of small figures circled...

11. Crimson Leaves

The small dog like figures were something I knew too well.  Wolves were harrying the three fillies, circling and mock charging the whole while.  The pounding of my paws against the packed ground didn't even register in my mind as I tried to come up with something, anything to save the children.  I was the only thing for the better part of a mile that had any hope of saving them and I had no idea how to do it.  Still, I had to try.  As the distance closed, more and more detail became apparent for the scene.  Smartly the fillies were back to back against the oncoming wolves.  There was a white unicorn with pink and purple hair clutching a stick tightly in here teeth while swinging it wildly at anything that came close.  On her left, a yellow earth pony bucked at anything in reach, yet standing protectively over a crimson bow discarded on the ground.  The most interesting of the three was a small orange pegasus that was swinging a scooter wildly while yelling in rage.  If the situation wasn't so severe, it would have been kind of adorable really.

Strangely, the wolves were not something I was expecting.  They behaved like the animals from home, yet these seemed to be made from little more than animated sticks and moss with a darkly pulsing glow from within.  Regardless, they were a threat to the small ponies.  No matter how life treated me, I'd be damned if I let children get hurt.  Just a few more yards and I could at least do...something.  The moment I opened my mouth to yell at the girls, agony shot through me.  Muscled locked up and there was nothing I could do but pitch forward face first into the dust as pain and blackness overtook me.  As everything faded, yelling echoed in my mind.  None of it made sense except the very end, the sound of a child screaming in agony.

Deep in the back of my mind, past the darkness overtaking everything, and through everything I was, something cracked a little.  Through that, everything began to tint crimson.  Red of bottomless depth and endless rage...

Applebloom reared forward on her front hooves and bucked with all her might into the side of the timberwolf that bit down on Scootaloo's wing.  It didn't make any noises of pain, yet the relentless jaws released for just a moment before the flickering magic within the timberwolf reasserted itself.  As one, the group of wolves turned toward the bow wearing filly as if they decided the games were over.  The girls knew they were in deep trouble as the wolves charged.

Crackling wood scattered a few feet as Scootaloo smashed the first in the head with her scooter, a wordless scream on her lips.  Momentum carried the injured wolf forward into the waiting hooves of Sweetie Bell and Applebloom, who's hooves thrashed against it again and again.  Dozens of small impacts broke the small frame of the timberwolf into little more than kindling.  In the moment, they had forgotten about the rest of the pack behind them.  Squeals of panic echoed through the forest as the wolves lunged toward the crusaders.  None of them heard the dull rumbling from the creature laying on the hill.

The girls struck and doged as best they could, but blood began to flow freely as the wolves bit and scratched.  Applebloom and Sweetie both cried freely as they fought, while Scootaloo bit, kicked, and hit anything within reach with her scooter of doom.  It wasn't enough as Sweetie was knocked to the ground with the wolves piling around her, trying to get a killing bite in.  Thats when the unexpected happened.

A burst of golden magic hurled all of the wolves off of the girls as a hulking figure stood over them.  It took a moment for the girls to realize that it was Hex standing over them.  Blood caked the fur on his chest and neck while still flowing freely from his ears.  More terrifyingly was the look in his eyes.  Blood dripped freely from them, but from the corners trickled wisps of pure energy.  He looked down at them and spoke a simple sentence beset with the ceaseless weight of ages.

"Hold on."

The fillies only had a moment to process what he rumbled out before Hex scooped them up in his arms and set off toward Ponyville before the wolves could reassemble.  Massive strides devoured the ground of the path as Hex wordlessly carried the fillies toward town, toward safety.  Every heartbeat brought them closer to the ponies running the race and closer to town.  Just a few more corners and they would be in sight of the finish, in sight of the hot air balloon and help.  As their hope rose, Hex stumbled and fell with a yell of pain, slamming to the ground on his elbows to protect the fillies pressed against his massive chest.  A small whisper crossing his lips.

"When I roll over, run to Ponyville.  I'll do my best to keep them off you."

It was all they could do not to cower as Hex started growling and pushing off the ground.  The girls just nodded, bolting out from under him as quickly as they could.  Applebloom looked back for a moment to see a hand wrapped in energy rip the timberwolf off of Hex's leg.  As the beasts head was crushed in his grip, Applebloom could only face forward and run.  Run they did, as timberwolves spilled from the forest toward the fallen hero.  


The sound of screaming fillies spun the finish line into chaos as both runners and the crowd streamed toward the blood coated fillies.  A million questions tore through the air as everyone asked what was wrong, what was happening, if they were okay.  In the end, it just turned into a jumbled mess of screaming until one voice broke through it all.


With little more than the fluttering of feathers, both Princesses landed in front of the fillies, Celestia as always taking the lead.

"What is wrong?  Are you okay?"

It took a moment for the crowd and royalty to understand the wheezes and squeaks of the terrified, wounded, and exhausted girls.  Only a second longer for the trio to disappear in a burst of energy as they were teleported to the local hospital before Celestia turned to the crowd.

"Everyone please return to Ponyville until we get this situation contained.  Our personal guards will remain here to protect the town."

With that, the royals disappeared in a flash of light and the sound of rushing air.  Only to appear standing in a pool of blood...

Blood was spattered everywhere and the trail was literally covered in sticks and twigs that formerly were the bodies of dozens of timberwolves.  The Princesses could only stand there, stunned at the amount of gore that coated the formerly white wolf as he kneeled over the massive prostrate body of a timberwolf alpha.  One of Hex's bloody paws rested on caved in chest of the creature while he grasped it's neck in both hands.  His low growl turned into a snarl of pain and hate as he tugged and pulled until the mass the wolf was comprised of gave way to his rage.  A wet squeal and snapping wood echoed across the clearing as the alpha's head tore off in Hex's glowing hands.  They did not expect what came next.

"I was wondering when you would show up, Celestia.  Did the fillies get to town safely?"

She stood there in stunned silence as Hex tossed the severed head to land at her feet with a dull thump.  Luna was was the first to snap out it and speak.

"Yes, they are currently being cared for at the local clinic.  We came to help you as soon as the situation was known."

"Good..." It was barely a whisper before a dark grin spread across his face, showing far too much of his predatory nature and making both Princesses suddenly very uncomfortable.

"Now then, we need to speak a little bit on this little binding you put on me.  Did you ever think that it could have hurt your subjects? DID YOU?  You knew I wasn't a threat, and yet decided to bind me anyhow"

Both Princesses were backing away slowly as the giant wolf stepped closer.  The golden energy that rippled around it's claws and wafted from his eyes were beginning to take on a crimson sheen.  


Step by step, the wolf inched toward Celestia with murder in his eyes as she tried to find words to defend herself.  Words that never came.  Out of desperation, Luna shoved herself in front of her sister, trying to curb some of the bohemoth's rage.

"Is this what I taught you on all those nights?  Is this what you call protecting the innocent back where you are from?  Is it?"

That stalled the beasts advance for a moment while it's mind mulled the thoughts it was presented.  

"Luna... I..."

The crimson energy flickered and died in a flash.  Before Hex could say another word, he tumbled face forward into the dirt and the blackness took him as yet more blood pooled around his fallen body.

It felt like someone had taken a handful of sand and rubbed it in my eyes.  Everything hurt as bright light assaulted my vision.  All I could do was croak and writhe in agony as even the pressure of the fabric pressing against my chest and legs drove my sanity away.  Thankfully the darkness claimed me again.

"Hex...Hex.  Wake up."

Shaking.  Why is someone shaking me?  A waving arm should dissuade them a bit.

"Go away.  Sleeping," I groaned.  Naturally, the voice wouldn't go away.

"It looks like he's not going to get up.  Go wake him up girls."

12. Samhain

"Mister Hex, its time ta get up!"

Whatever else they were going to say was unceremoniously cut off as weight slammed into my stomach, making me sit up and open my eyes...to the cute.  The three fillies I had rescued sat on my legs with silly grins on their faces.  What made it worse was the one wearing a tattered bow.  Any angry thoughts disappeared when she looked at me with puppy eyes.  The three of them seemed no worse for wear, barring bandages here and there.  The orange and purple pegasus had a few wraps of gauze around her wing, but seemed cheery none the less.

"Well, we didn't get our cutie marks in running, 'an we really didn't get 'em fightin timberwolves.  Still, we wanted ta say thank you for saving us."

"Yeah, we were worried when you fell over, but I knew you were going to save us."

"You were awesome.  Not as awesome as Rainbow Dash, but you really messed those timberwolves up something fierce."

It took everything I had not to facepalm at their reactions.  Especially the little pegasus who introduced herself as Scootaloo, the second most awesome pegasus in Ponyville.  The other two were found out to be Applebloom and Sweetie Belle.  I didn't know their sisters well, but I had heard horror stories about how they tried to figure out their talents.  If only I could have been surprised that the three fillies had turned out to be the terrors known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders.  I could already feel the agony of wounds to come at their cute little hooves as they bantered back and forth about what to try next.

After a few minutes of laughing at my expense, the girls shooed the fillies away with offers of breakfast made by Spike.  That seemed like a good enough idea, but no matter how I tried, my legs resisted my demands to move.  Panic spread through my mind as thoughts of paralysis tore through me before I whipped the blanket off my legs.  To say I was surprised was an understatement at worst and complete bullshit at best.  The shackles around my ankles were bound tightly to the bed with coils of thick rope.  A soft voice distracted me from my plight at least.

"Sorry sugarcube.  You were thrashin' around mighty hard when they were tryin' to heal ya.  They ah, asked me to tie your legs down so they could fix ya up right.  Didn't want to set bone wrong an all that."

It was kind of adorable to see Applejack hiding behind her hat while talking, but my mind wasn't panicking anymore.  This was at least a step in the right direction as the coarse rope quickly found itself in my hands.  It took more than a moment to undo the Apple's well practiced knots, but shortly enough I was free to set my bare feet on the cold floor.  Wait a second, bare feet?  That's when I decided to pause for a moment to take mental stock of everything.  Yup, completely naked.  In front of several blushing ponies.  In Twilight's basement.


Several minutes of embarrassment later, I found my way up to the kitchen.  I was barely in time to see the three fillies run out the door with red capes whipping behind them.  Whatever food was left was just a shell of what had once been a beautiful breakfast.  The occasional bite of assorted fruits (largely Apple family products) blended in with a smattering of the more usual fare.  As I was reaching for a strip of bacon, a familiar scent graced my nose.  The smell of nearly ripe blueberries dusted with frost, crisp and cool mornings from back home.  Only one pony smelled like that.  Be it shampoo or something else magical, it marked her apart from the rest.  Bacon in hand, I spun on my good leg to face the offending pony and issue a challenge.

"Morning Luna.  What are you doing here?"

I made sure to cut off any sputtering replies by gently tapping her on the nose with the bacon before shoveling it into my waiting mouth.  Enjoying the flavor of real bacon in a world normally devoid of it was a carnal pleasure in itself.  Moreso when my strange mood compelled me to do something absolutely insane.  Nary more than a quick gesture, I snatched the mug of coffee from Luna's magical grasp before grinning and slurping loudly at the precious liquid.  If I didn't know any better, it looked like she wanted to strangle me.  The princess even had the comical twitching eye that you always see in cartoons.  

From there, breakfast descended into chaos and Luna and I vied for the remaining foodstuffs.  At some point, I'm pretty sure I threw a strawberry at her.  In return an apple ricocheted off the table I was using for cover and shot into the library proper with a squeal from somepony or another.  Forks became catapults with fruit payloads.  Bacon missiles rained salty pain and deliciousness as counterbattery fire.  Somehow I managed to land a donut on Luna's horn before nearly choking with laughter as she looked at it crosseyed.  I never even heard the young alicorn entering the kitchen before she roared from behind both Luna and myself.


Any thoughts of laughter died in my throat as I spun toward Twilight.  Small flames flickered and died in her mane and a look of absolute irritation was etched into her face.  This was going to be a long day...

As the days passed, I regained my footing as the remainder of the damage done by the timberwolves healed.  Despite it's quirks and insanity, Ponyville was a quaint little town to live in.  I just did my best to say out of the way of whatever villian of the week decided to wreak their havoc on the countryside and live a peaceful existence.  The crusaders had healed up pretty rapidly from their injuries and were back to destroying the fabric of reality after the first week.  The constant pace of chaos was soothing in a way.  You knew there would pretty much always been something happening on the weekends, but the rest of life was quiet.  I started to look forward to Luna's nightly visits to see how things were going.  Personally, I think she was just a little lonely, but I had no problem keeping her company.  It seemed like I was still up at night more than any pony outside of her personal guard.  

The air cooled steadily toward winter, but the skies never had any inkling of the weather that should happen.  My mental calendar said we should be near the end of October, and yet there wasn't even a hint of freezing temperatures.  So many things to get used to in this insane world.  One star lit night as I sat on one of the stone retaining walls near the creek, the soft rustle of magic teased my senses once again.  Blueberries and frost, always blueberries and frost.  Like every night of late, this had become my favorite place to view the night sky.  The dim lights of the town behind me, and nothing but clear sky all the way to the darkened forest in the distance.  

"Another beautiful night Luna.  Back home, the stars were always the same.  I found it comfortable in a way, to be able to look up and see Orion, the hunter, always standing above my home.  It always reminded me of my life back then, like an old painting that you knew so well.  Now it is like seeing a masterpiece brushed across the sky every night.  Always different, yet awe inspiring.  I still miss the aurora though.  I don't suppose you know if we are just too far south for that?"

Silently, she joined me against the cool stone.  A softly feathered wing draped over my shoulder, like so many nights before as we would just sit and stare into the abyss. Sometimes we spoke, other times nary a word, just watching the stars until the horizon burned.  Tonight was going to be interesting.  I could feel the tension in her as she leaned against me, like cables taut under her fur.

"Tomorrow...tomorrow is both my most hated and rejoiced day of the year.  Back before the Nightmare, few ponies enjoyed my nights.  It was part of my fall.  While I was away, the ponies took the harvest festival and turned it into a holiday celebrating me, in some morbid way.  They told the foals that I would come and hunt them in the dark if I was not paid tribute."

So many thoughts were echoing through my mind as I reached around the somber Princess and pulled her a little closer.  After all this time, it still amazed me on how soft their fur was, but that is neither here nor there.

"Since my return, I have done my best to turn this from a holiday born fear into one of fun.  Yes, we still scare foals, but the younglings take it in stride.  This year is a special one to me, as it will mark the fifth year after my return, and I would like your help to make it special."

All I could do was grin.  Halloween was always fun back home in Alaska, and my childhood block was known for the best pranks.  I didn't even realize my fingers were drawing circles in her fur while I spoke.

"Back home, we had many names for the holiday of this season.  Most people called it Halloween or All Hallows Eve and never really understood it's creation.  My religion placed special significance on the end of the harvest and start of winter and celebrated the coming dark nights.  We called the day Samhain, after the old people that created it.  And yes, I would love to help you on this night.  My question to you is simple.  How scared do you want the ponies to be?"

And that is where the plotting began...

As I sat in the dark, hidden under a small sheet of dark fabric in the woods, there was little I could do except listen to Zecora give the children their usual speech.  Everypony in town knew that Luna and I had something planned for tonight so they wouldn't react poorly, but other than the two of us they were in the proverbial dark.

"Follow me and very soon you'll hear the tale of Night Mare Moon. Listen close my little dears, and I'll tell you where you got your fears of Nightmare Night, so dark and scary. Of Night Mare Moon, who makes you wary.  Every year, we put on a disguise, to save ourselves, from her searching eyes."

Right on cue, a dull crack tore through the clearing to reveal a costumed Luna standing above cowering children who offered her candy.  Blackened plate mail adorned her body, leaving little more than her mane billowing in a nonexistant wind and an evil grin on her face as she began her supervillan monologue.

"Oh, my dear foals of Ponyville, some of your offerings this year were acceptable.  Some were not.  You all have heard my offer of peace each and every year, yet some have forgotten the agreement.  I have enough sweets to slake my thirst for foals, but what about my servants?"

Small shadowpony duplicates of each and every foal burst to life surrounding the group as I watched on.  It was nearly time, as the wispy figures paced around the crowded foals.  Some trembled and whimpered, while others chatted excitedly.  Exactly how we planned.  Mentally, I did a last check to make sure that the shackles were snug against my skin and fur. Couldn't afford to screw this up.


That was my mark to enter as the ring of shadows began to swirl around the young.  My white fur made me stand out against the darkened forest like a specter of Christmas past.  The gravel of the trail crunched softly as I walked steadily toward the group.  Small gasps came from the group as a few foals spotted me moving in the darkness.  Guess I'd have to start in earlier than I thought.

"Nightmare Moon... Nightmare Moon... is this how you keep an agreement with your sister?  Celestia would be disappointed to see you breaking your bargain.  Then again, she did send me to ensure your...compliance in this.  Let the foals go and we can forget this happened."

Thankfully none of the children could see the grin on my face.  Luna however looked like she was forcing herself not to laugh as she winked at me.  Time for part two I guess.

"Foolish mortal!  You think you can threaten darkness incarnate?!  Shades!  Teach this whelp a lesson!"

Hunching forward slightly, I prepared for what was coming and focused on drawing energy into the bands that wrapped my wrists.  The golden figures streamed toward me as the children sat enraptured at our display, the gems inset into the metal on my wrists began glowing softly as the first wraith neared.  Wincing internally, my hand lashed out at the figure.  When my hand touched the shadow, it burst into golden flame as I manifested my energies into my hands.  Long claws shaded like the setting sun adorned both hands as wisps of energy trailed from them.  Another swing at shadows and a flaming figure later, I had to remind myself of our plan.

Feigning being dragged to the ground, I let the energies flicker and die as darkness swirled around me.  The cool dew coated grass felt nice against my knees as they touched down.  Illusionary chains burst from the ground and attached to my shackles, miming drawing me tight.  

"See young foals, this is what happens when you try to fight against the moon.  Celestia's best could only beat two of my shades.  What chance do you have?"

I had to bite my lip as small squeals erupted from the children and they started pelting Luna with whatever candy was at hoof.  She had a freaking lollipop stuck to the side of her head just below her ear.  


The chains began to glow a deep blue before spreading across my body.  I tried my best to look like I was in pain as I had to bite my lip harder and harder to keep from laughing. During my "torture" the candy artillery was showing no signs of stopping.  At some point, Pinkie had arrived with a barrel of ammo for the foals and they were going at it full bore.  Oh yeah, part three.

My twitching slowly tapered off as Luna finished her illusion.  Black tendrils drew across my fur as if they were tracing the veins in my body.  Everything seemed a little blue as energy wafted from my eyes.  I leaned forward, bowing until cold grass met my face, the scent of grass and dirt nearly overpowering.

"I live to serve, my Queen.  What is your command?"

None of them could see me laughing silently as I lay pressed against the ground.  Hopefully any twitching could be written off as part of the illusion.  God this was going to be too good.

"Slave, show the foals what it means to know fear.  Devour the oldest three."

"As you command."

Keeping my movements as jerky as possible, I worked my way to my paws and began to stumble towards the laughing and cowering foals.  All that was forgotten as a roar burst from the forest nearby.  That, I knew wasn't part of the joke, and whatever it was sounded pissed.

"Luna, Pinkie, get the children to town and keep them there.  I'm going to go make sure there are no other foals out this way."

My breaking of character was met with a bunch of sighs and boos from the kids, but they didn't really know that the roar was real.  I didn't even give the two a chance to reply as I burst down the path toward the other set up games.

Running all out to several stations only to find them abandoned was rewarding, except the fact that I could hear something stalking me through the woods.  With no children or ponies in this part of the forest, that meant they were all at the apple farm's haunted house and party.  I did the only thing that came naturally, I tried to move as quick and quietly as possible.  Off the trails and deeper into the dense forest where any movement would mark whatever followed.  At least the transformation gave me better night vision, as I could see decently in the gloom.  A small stream gurgled in the dim distance, and it would give me a way to gain ground against whatever this predator was.

I stepped quickly from stone to stone before settling my paws onto the rocky bottom of the stream.  Cold water met me with every step, but it would be worth masking some of my scent.  Mentally, I worked upstream toward the general area of where the apple farm should be.  If the creature got closer I'd have to come up with something different.  As I slogged upstream, random things felt so familiar as I passed them.  Just an odd shame here or there, but it still tickled at the back of my mind.  The further I waded upstream, the more things  bugged me, until I realized something.  The odd scent was something I hadn't smelled in a long time, and never with my new nose.  Old and dried blood.  Lots of it.

Forcing myself to be quiet when I smacked my foot against something,  I reached down and plucked the offending object from the water with a little strain.  It was something that I recognized in an instant.  What the hell is a floor jack doing in the middle of the forest in a freaking creek?  That's when I looked up and saw something that blew my mind.  Buried in the brush and covered by fallen trees in a horrible state was a cabin that looked ever so familiar.

"What the fu..."

I barely caught myself before  my face wold have struck the stones at the edge of the stream when something jumped onto my back.  Pain screamed through me as jaws clamped down on my shoulder and claws dragged down my back.

A mile and a half away, a group of terrified fillies shuffled into Sweet Apple Acres and into the waiting hooves of their parents.  The howling and roars of pain echoing from the forest were unnatural.  Nopony even noticed that Princess Luna had teleported away the moment the young were safe, let alone heard the words that crossed her lips.

"Please be okay."

13. Forgotten Memories

Mud and grit and the taste of blood filled my mouth as I was slammed forward into the stream bed.  The weight of the animal on my back forced me to the ground as pain rippled through me.  Hot agony tore through my back as the creature kicked and clawed at me, knowing there was nothing I could do to stop it.  I fought, I thrashed, pushed and screamed but it only drove the thing on.  The pain in my shoulder where its vice like jaws gripped me was quickly turning into little more than a dull pain and numbness.  Even my eyes felt heavy while the sensations of the world drifted away.  One last thought floated through my mind before everything went numb.

"This isn't an honorable death..."

The Princess of the Night screamed over the forest, every stroke of her wings pushing her faster and harder through the air.  What was a dark forest to most was little more than a shadowy field of trees to enhanced eyesight.  Of all nights for this to happen, it had to be her time.  Anger and fear kept her in the air as the air became softer, more humid.  Luna's mind took in every detail of the terrain below, searching for something, anything.  

A rolling growl in the distance grabbed her attention, Tipping her left wing down, Luna turned toward the noise.  For a moment, it gave her hope that Hex was still on the run.  For a moment, she had hope.  Looking down at the stream below, the color seemed off, wrong in many ways.  A moment later, it dawned on her.  The cloying scent in the air brought back many memories, both old and recent.   The scent of blood was in the air.  Down she dove, the treetops whipped by her as she entered the darkened forest.  Just a few feet below her hooves, the stream gurgled innocently as blood mingled with the cool waters.  The stony ground was little more than a blur as Luna's wings punished the air with every beat.  Branches screamed by, little more than flickers of movement in the corners of her eyes.  Only one thing filled her vision as she rounded a bend, everything else forgotten.  

Hex lay on his face, half in the water half without.  Blood spattered everywhere around his body, only seeming to highlight the rents in his back.  In the dim moonlight, small shards of exposed bone glimmered under a bloody sheen surrounded by matted and destroyed fur.  


The world forgotten, her hooves touched the tainted earth with a soft squelch.  Every step was a mixture of fear and horror as she approached, hoping, just hoping that there was some breath left in Hex's body.  Glistening tears trailed down Luna's muzzle as she stood above her friend's body, horror and rage flowing freely as his blood once was.  Great gouges were torn in the silty earth where he had tried to claw away, but in the end the weight of the beast was too much.  Hex's face lay buried in the grit, his golden eyes staring endlessly into the abyss ahead.  Luna's mind wrapped around everything in front of her, every detail, Hex's legs gently swaying in the current, like some kind of sick marionette.  The buried part of her mind screamed and raged about the scene, only one thing acted like this, hunted with impunity like this.  Manticore.  Dragging animals they deemed prey down from behind, while using their stinger for animals they instinctively knew outmatched them.  The thought didn't come nearly fast enough, as a cracking twig in the brush just ahead was the only warning Luna had.  A moment later, she couldn't even scream as a barb tore into her side and fire erupted in her veins.

A moment later, she toppled to the earth next to her friend.  Luna's paralyzed body body not responding to commands, even if she was just wishing to close her eyes to avoid staring at Hex's gruesome corpse.  She could hear a massive creature stepping out of the brush, its steps making branches crack and bend.  Every breath filled her lungs with the scent of blood and fear, her fear as the manticore approached.  The scraping of claws against stone and squishing of earth told her exactly where it was behind her.  Deep in Luna's mind, she raged against the inability to move, the inability to save her friend, the inability to save everyone.  Soft panting echoed around the small clearing as warm breath passed over Luna's skin.  The beast was sniffing her neck, prodding her to make sure the poison took.  If she hand't been poisoned, Luna would be screaming in fear and rage as the manticore licked its nose as if preparing for a feast.  A strange set of words seemed to trickle into Luna's mind as she lay there, fearing for her short future.  Words that she had no idea of their meaning, yet seemed so familiar.

"Omnia mors aequat"

For a moment, Luna would have sworn there was a flicker of color in the glazed eyes that stared wordlessly at her.  Just a fragment of color, little more than a spark of crimson, coals of a bottomless fire.  Whatever she saw disappeared as the manticore nudged her with a paw, rolling the princess through blood and mud onto her back.  Her frozen eyes finally met the face of her captor and as expected, it was utterly without mercy or fear.  This was life, no more, no less.  Dark fur matched the similarly dark eyes as it stared down at her for a moment, licking it's muzzle.  A set of massive jaws filled Luna's vision as it leaned in, canines the size of knives drifted toward her exposed neck.  Mentally she prepared for the pain, tried to ignore what was to come, the stench of rotting meat the animal carried.  She wished she could close her eyes as the jaws began to close and the Princess screamed in her mind.  Fear, anger, hate, wrath, everything she was and would ever be, Luna poured into the black within her mind as the inevitable came.

Just before the massive teeth met her skin, the manticore was torn away from her and the stars met Luna's eyes again.  Unable to see what was going on, she just lay there and hoped.  Hoped the guards or her sister had somehow arrived just in time.  Hoped that her friends were coming.  Hoped it wasn't the end quite yet.  From her side, a sick groaning could be heard along with squishing of the earth.  Opposite sounds were coming from the other direction as roars of anger and pain came from the enraged manticore as it regained it's footing.  A jolt rolled Luna onto her side, face meeting the bloody earth as something stepped over her.  Something that brought to mind the deepest fears and terrors from her mind.  With jerky and wild movements, the body of Hex stepped toward the animal that had struck him down.  Every rent and tear in his body weeped a flickering and sickly crimson light.

With every step, small rings of crimson and black flame burst from the filthy ground as if feeding on the dripping energy from his torn corpse.  Luna did her best not to watch the macabre scene before her, but as with everything else her immobile eyes saw everything.  A rictus grin on his face, Hex strode toward the manticore that now seemed only to want to get away.  Despite it's predatory nature, the beast knew that some things you don't mess with.  Scrambling claws seemed unable to grip the earth under the manticore as it tried to escape.  Escape the creature that exuded so many things that brought terror to it's limited mind.  The flaming claws, the bottomless eyes, everything nature said was impossible as energies pulled it across the stream and packed earth toward the thing.

It only took a moment for the manticore to be pulled to the torn figure of hex, before the same crimson magic forced the beast to the ground.  Fear quickly exploded into absolute horror and terror as he simply touched the manticore and its cries stopped as Hex's energies burrowed into it's flesh.  Before her eyes, the manticore...withered.  Its very essence was pulled from within to feed the hunger of another.  Only a few heartbeats passed until the magic was little more than a trickle that stopped abruptly to reveal a fully restored and darkly grinning Hex.  With a sharp twist of his wrist, the wizened form of the predator exploded into little more than dust that settled quickly in the dim light.  Harsh coughing filled the area as Hex turned toward Luna, and it was then she realized he was laughing.

"My my...what have we here?  You aren't supposed to have entered the game just yet Luna.  I'll have to remedy that.  Oh, you can't talk because of the venom?  I'll fix that too, not that you'll remember my dear.  Neither will I for that matter."

In her mind, Luna screamed as Hex placed a finger on the tip of her horn and the world exploded into color.

14. Of Duchesses and clubs...

Sore.  Everything was tender to the touch when I woke up.  Cool and crisp fall air was teasing my nose while I refused to open my eyes.  The day could wait since my blanket was warm, despite the odd occasional smell.  You get used to little things like that when you live around "ponies" for a while.  The little guys have a variety of odd smells that you normally wouldn't add up, and the scents stick to places the live or have stayed.  Luna always seemed to remind me of an odd mix of juniper berries with a little bite of mint and ozone.  I know it sounds odd, but it was her scent.  Every pony was different.  Either way, it was pushed toward the back of my mind as I fidgeted, trying to scratch my back against the bed.  A bed that rustled and crackled with my movement.

"What the hell?"

That got my attention pretty dang quick as my eyes jerked open.  Instead of the beautifully carved arches and swirls inside the library, I was met with something...different.   Rough hewn timber beams stretched above me every few feet with the odd and occasional nail poking out.  Piled dried hay was my bed, yet was pretty darn comfortable for a night.  It was a pretty good guess I had ended up in the Apple family barn at some point in the night.  When, I had no idea.  After helping the foals get to safety, everything was just a blur.  As I wracked my mind, something blue drifted across my vision to settle on the hay next to my head.  It was a feather.  A slightly puffy and fuzzy down feather.  So many things started crossing my mind as I forced my body to submit and sit up.  That's when I saw the whole situation, and there was only one way to describe it.

"What the fuck did I do last night?!"

The sudden noise made my acquired "blanket" shift sleepily and snuggle a bit closer.  An outstretched hoof managed to wiggle itself across my chest and pull me back to the straw and into the warm embrace of Princess Luna.  It took everything I had not to let out a surprised squeak when she squeezed tight against me and nuzzled my ear.  You would never think about it, but the thin fur on a ponies muzzle tickles way too much when it is moving against your neck.  In the end, there was nothing I could do but accept the forced snuggles with the alicorn.  Thankfully, between the warmth provided from Luna's outstretched wing and the hay below sleep came for me again.

When I woke up a second time, I was thankfully spared an embarrassing moment as it appeared that I was alone in the loft.  Thank the gods for small mercies and all that.  Everything seemed to crack and pop while I stretched out in my impromptu bed.   After a moment of lazing, my stomach decided to remind me that it had been far too long since I ate last.  With that in mind, checking in with the Apple family and thanking them for their hospitality was a good enough plan.  With a little luck their good old southern hospitality would hold out and I'd get some breakfast in me.  The hay crackled under me with each step toward the staircase inset in the barn wall.  I'd never seen that anywhere else, but seeing ponies on a ladder would have just been odd.  Step by step, the scent of hay and old timber gave way to those of a busy farm.  Sour and rotten tones of slopped pigs and cow patties bled into moist earth and the sweetness of freshly cut hay and barley.  Despite sounding rancid, the scent only stated one thing, farm.  

Celestia's fiery light seared into my eyes as I stepped out of the barn, making me wince in pain for a moment before I managed to get a hand up to shield my eyes.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the day as much as anyone else...ish... but the sun is too damn bright some days.  From the shadow of the barn, Sweet Apple Acres spread into the distance as far as I could see.  How one small family managed a farm this size escaped me as there had to be hundreds of acres here.  Granted, it was mostly orchard but it was still obscene to think about.  So intent on enjoying the sunrise over the farm, I completely missed the soft hoof falls or hollow thump of a bucket being set down until a small voice startled me.

"Mornin' mister Hex.  Hope we didn't wake ya.  You and missus Luna came back late last night an' we wanted to let ya rest.  I think the Princess is in talking with Granny if'n you wanted to see her."

I started to smile at the little filly before mentally chiding myself.  They found my smiles...disconcerting... because of the canines and other sharp teeth.  In the end, I just reached down and picked up the slop bucket to help Applebloom out a little bit.  The moist handle reminded me that earth ponies tended to grasp a lot of things like that in their mouth.  Somewhat gross, but too late now.  

"Thanks for letting me know Applebloom.  Need any more help with your morning chores or are you heading in? And I hope you and your friends had fun last night until whatever that was started making noise."

As we walked toward the house, 'Bloom pointed out where to set the bucket down next to the fence for use later.  I tried to pay attention to what she was saying about the Crusader's candy haul, but something about last night just tickled at the back of my mind.  There was something I was forgetting, but what was it?  

Soft creaking wood and the small tones of Applebloom's steps announced our presence in the house as we slipped through the kitchen door.  Like everything else on the farm, it was rustic yet homey.  Rough hewn wood was worn smooth from countless years of hooves stepping ceaselessly over them.  Amusing as always was the muted pastel wallpaper with apples on it.  The entire kitchen radiated warmth from the large pot bellied cast iron stove pressed against one wall.  Dead center in the room lay what would normally be considered a massive dinner table.  All of the ponies looked up as we entered, but not a word was uttered as they quickly looked back to what occupied them.

At the middle of the table was a large bowl with a small stack of bits in it, along with plates with assorted pastries. Around the table sat the rest of the Apple family, Luna, and oddly enough, Pinkie Pie.  Each pony had a small hoof full of playing cards and coins in front of them and a serious look on their faces.  Slowly, I paced around the table, hovering here and there to see who had what cards.  I might not be playing, but it didn't mean I couldn't have a little fun with the assorted ponies.  Big Mac oddly enough, was a horrible poker player.  For someone who said as few words as he did, that stallion had more tells than someone talking to the NSA.  He at least had the sense to know when to fold.  Applejack on the other hand was wicked at poker.  Strange considering the funny face she makes when trying to lie.  Mental disconnect between actually lying and just not doing anything was my guess.  Pinkie was odd as usual.  I couldn't find any pattern or reason to her behavior and eventually gave up.  That just left dear old moonbutt.  Resting my hands on the back of her chair, I leaned over her until I could rest my chin on the top of her head.  She tried to fidget, but every time the princess moved, I'd blow softly at the tip of one ear or another to make her lose composure.  The giggling and trying to get away eventually got repetitive, so I focused on the game.

The more I watched, things started to seem out of place.  The Apples would lose to each other, but eventually the coins would all end up shuffling back toward the matriarch of the family.  Granny never seemed to lose.  Literally, the old mare never lost a hand she set herself to.  The other Apples would win or lose, but with Granny it was victory or death.  Soon enough, it was just Luna and Granny left in the game with the rest watching on.  That was when the pattern changed.  Instead of the one card trades she had been doing, the clever old mare did nearly a full swap on her hand...er hoof.  I'd have to ask about that later.  

"Give up dearie.  You know you can't beat me.  Age over beauty and all that, you young whippersnapper."

Not really sure how to process all of that.  Granny trash talking and calling Luna young just didn't process until after the octogenarian had shoved all of her bits to the center of the table.  She was doing one hell of a bluff.  She had to.  There was no other reason to start playing mind games at this point.  She had to be.  Leaning down, I whispered in Luna's ear while looking at her cards.  With the flop as it was there was practically nothing that could beat the princess.

"She's bluffing Luna.  Take her down."

I didn't expect the look of "are you an idiot" from the princess before a stray hoof pulled me down next to her lips.

"We are certain she is not bluffing.  If you would care to place a wager against my thoughts, I might consider your proposal though."

It took a moment of mulling it over in my mind before deciding what to do.  Gods help me if I was wrong, because Luna wouldn't.

"If I'm right, I get half the pot and a royal apology for you underestimating your dear human.  If I'm wrong, I'll be your personal slave for a day or two to repay the bits you lose.  I'm not wrong though."


Wow, not even a moment of contemplation.  Fur plus nervous sweating makes you really itchy by the way.  I ignored my bodily demands as Granny tenderly lowered her cards to the table with a sad look on her face.  Four duchesses.  

"What the... Oh crap."

A very nonplussed Luna looked up at me with a grin spreading across her face.  What the crap did I get myself into this time... As Luna stood, all Granny Smith did was chuckle mirthfully at her win.

"Good luck servin' the crown there Hex.  After losing that many bits, I'm sure she'll take it easy on you.  Now get goin'.  You made a bet and lost so your behind belongs to the crown now."

And that is when everything came together.  Granny's behavior, Mac's poor playing, even Applejack all led to one thing, one small memory from shortly after I came to Ponyville.  There was a thing called the Sisterhood Games or something like that.  When I had talked to Mac about it, he had said something that didn't make sense back then.

"The Apples might compete against each other, but we are out to win as a family."

They weren't gaming against Luna.  I was the target since I had her ear, and I got played like a cheap accordion.

14.5 Futhark

I still couldn't believe that I was played like that, it was a good lesson about the Apple family however.  Luna however didn't seem to mind as much as I figured she would as we walked down the well worn road away from Sweet Apple Acres.  It really was a beautiful morning with the sun peeking over the treetops and crisp temperatures.  Probably my favorite time of year to be honest.

"So Luna...um... Your Royalness, what is your plan for this morning?"

The dark Alicorn paused for a moment to consider things before a series of expressions crossed her face.  Expressions that didn't exactly set me at ease.

"Well subject, I have a great many things in store for us today.  First and foremost you are going to show me this 'cabin' you claimed familiar while escaping whatever creature was in the forest last evening.  It is doubtful that anything harmful would even approach an alicorn after all.  After that, perhaps lunch at one of the local cafes and maybe a trip to this 'spa' place Generosity speaks highly of."

Knowing there was no way to escape her machinations, I just shrugged and walked next to Luna as she headed toward the forest where everything started last night.  Either way, it could have either been the spa or that cabin that made me uneasy.

Soon enough, we were pushing our way through the brush toward the stream I had followed the night before.  Strangely enough, in the daylight it appeared to only be a stones throw away from the fields leading into Ponyville.  In the dim light it felt like miles had passed during my flight.  It was kind of funny yet endearing to see Luna cursing the occasional bramble or vowing to destroy whatever outstretched branches that smacked her on the rump with a soft yelp.  I learned the hard way not to laugh as she had officially designated my new job of blazing a trail for her to follow on.  My own grumbling only seemed to encourage the throaty chuckle that seemed to be a constant when every branch seemed to want to smack me.  What really drove it home was how she just happened to look away and find something interesting on a tree when I turned to see what was funny.  Freaking ponies.

"I think it is a bit upstream from here, Mistress.  Please...please don't hit me again Mistress."

Since she wanted to play games, I decided to let her have it.  I'd purposely started hamming up the lines and throwing random crappy accents into the mix just to mess with the princess.  Although I decided that last one was a little overdone when she magically smacked me upside the head softly.

"No...No bacon on the salad.  Mistress doesn't like bacon.  Hmmm HMMMMM Hmmmm...  OW!  What the crap Luna!"

I'm pretty sure that was just a small branch that snapped me on the ass.

"Did WE say that we did not enjoy this 'bacon' you have introduced to our people?  Are you speaking for the Lunar Princess, slave?"

That brought me pause.  All joking aside, did she just seriously say that?!  Words were already leaving my mouth as I spun on my heel to face her.

"Listen here PRINCESS!  I've been joking around but that is just..."

Whatever else I was going to say was quickly forgotten when she ran up and kissed me on the muzzle before laughing and stomping upstream in a mess of splashing water.  I...what?!

"Luna get back here!"

My splashing quickly matched hers as I raced to catch up while my mind raced through the last few minutes.  She was already well ahead and only leaving me girlish giggles to follow until they stopped suddenly.  Soft mud and slippery stone met my paws as I quickened my pace to find the cause of her silence, only to round the corner and find her staring at the same building from last night.  The building that looked so very much like my old home.

"So this is what you were speaking of.  It is definitely intriguing to say the least.  Let us attempt to see what we may of it."

Before I could protest, she burst from the water with a flap of her wings and was up the muddy edge of the creek in a heartbeat.  It took far longer for me to climb up the four foot ledge that was little more than eroded earth and roots, eventually I made it to the top in time to see Luna staring at a large blood stain across the concrete front step and white front door.  Yup, it was my old house alright.  It is definitely a surreal experience to be standing next to and looking down at the exact place where you had died.


"...blood.  So much blood."

She jumped as I stepped close and placed a hand on her back.  I did my best to keep my small claws from scratching her.  She was already jumpy enough from old blood.  Something to ask about another day though.

"You should see the other guy Luna.  I'm fine, although I am wondering how the hell my house got here in the first place."

It took a moment to gather my courage before I stepped onto the threshold and gripped the doorknob.  The cool brass felt familiar yet strange in my changed hands as I twisted the knob.  It was unlocked like I left it a lifetime ago.  With little more than a push, the door slid open and let the musty air within free.  Strangely enough, as I stepped through the doorway, golden flames flared across my body.  I could feel bones shifting and moving but it didn't hurt like any of the other times.  Still, cool tile and carpet, as well as the shackles on my bare skin, was like an old friend after so long.  A sharp intake of breath and loud thump stopped my movements into the house and made me spin around to see, well I'm not entirely sure.  All of the runes I had painstakingly carved into the door frame were lit with the same golden magic that matched me so well.  More importantly was the very beautiful and...holy crap... naked raven haired woman sprawled out on my carpet.


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