

by Fanskapet

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 It begins

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"There goes the west tower." A grey unicorn stallion with his long black mane tied up in a top knot said as he looked out of what was left of the windows from the main tower, seeing one of the many towers of his castle collapse after being hit by a large boulder, toppling over and crushing a few ponies under its immense weight, shaking the ground with a deafening rumble, causing a massive dust cloud to envelop the battlefield below.

"Seems we are loosing brother dearest, the western wall is gone and the south isn't looking much better." A light grey unicorn mare with long silky black mane said, as she walked up next to him, looking down at the remains of the western tower, earning a snort from the stallion, who didn`t even bother to turn his head towards her.

"Guess it was just a matter of time before they broke through" The stallion snorted, looking at the mayhem below with as much interest as one would give a cart rolling past on the streets.

"Huh." The stallion snorted looking out in the distance, narrowing his eyes slightly as he grabbed the mare and took 3 fluid and quick steps out of the way as another boulder flew through the broken window, crushing one of the few ponies remaining in the tower and hurting another one, before getting lodged in the opposite wall with a crunch.

"Milord we are loosing this battle, we must escape now!!" Greenleaf, a thin and green coated unicorn with a scroll as a cutiemark, shouted as he got up and shook himself free of the debris, his eyes wild with panic at how badly the war outside were faring, he had to the annoyance of his lord been trying to convince him to retreat or flee for almost the entirety of the last hour.

"Are you okay Nightshade?" The armored unicorn asked, releasing the mare from his embrace having shielded her from the worst of the debris, both ignoring the others remaining in the room and in turn none of the hooded ponies in the room even looked at the stallion that got hit by the boulder.

"As okay as somepony nearly getting hit by a boulder can be." She calmly answered, straightening up up and shaking her mane free from dust, ignoring the cries of the wounded pony.

"Greenleaf will you come over here?" The armored unicorn barred his teeth as he walked over to the big hole in the wall.

"Uh okay." Greenleaf nervously answered, walking up to the hole and standing next to the armored unicorn, doing his best to ignore the fear of being so close to the ledge.

"Can`t feel my legs!!"

"Now can you be so kind and explain how they managed to bring catapults and trebuchets without us knowing?" The unicorn growled as he put a hoof around Greenleafs neck, forcing him to just stand on the tips of his hooves at the hole in the wall to get a better view of the battlefield bellow them, turning his head slightly so he could see the several catapults and trebuchets off in the distance.

"Uhm I-I don`t .... know?" Greenleaf stuttered, swallowing loudly, feeling a wave of nausea washing over him as he looked down over the warzone down below.

"Gah I can see the bone sticking out!!"

"You don`t know? weren't you ordered to be taking care of intelligence?" He smirked as he shoved Greenleaf so he leaned out of the hole

"Y-yes sire b-but sire I assure you, I have no idea at all!" Shaking violently as he tried his best to back up and get away from his masters heavy hoof.

"Then you better find out" He whispered in his ear as he shoved Greenleaf through the hole, smiling to himself as he heard him scream all the way until his body hit a small balcony before landing hard on the ground, nearly hitting two soldiers who looked up at the tower before turning their attention back to the battle.

"Still he might be right, we are losing soldiers and subjects at an alarming rate brother dear." The mare said, as she walked over and leaned her head against his shoulder.

"Guess you are right." He sighed, taking a last look at the battlefield before walking over to the few remaining ponies in the room.

"Seems he finally shut up." He said, looking down at the broken stallion with a frown, nodding approvingly at one of the hooded ponies standing with a bloodied hoof over the corpses head. "Now my dear gentlecolts I will show you that the king did the right choice."

"Come and look at the peasants of Equestria running around like the ants they are, take a good look while you still can." He smirked with a knowing look in his eyes, lighting up his horn filling the room with a dull green glow.

"Well? we are not amused baron Blackthorn, nothing ha-" One of the hooded stallions who had been standing nearby to keep an eye on the lord, frowned after a few moments of nothing but the sounds of war outside, before turning quiet at a sudden earthquake shaking the entire castle, shaking loose a few bricks from the hole.

"This is what will befall all who opose the king of Morsus." He laughed as he pointed a hoof towards the warzone, as all of his troops as on que began retreating and running into the castle, dropping any weapon they had been holding, even the necromancers leading the mad dash into safety.

"W-what is going on?" One of the other stallions said as he saw the earth itself begun to expand upwards like a big boil, bursting open with a deafening roar as something of gigantic proportions burst forth.

"Is that a dragon?!!" He continued, walking closer to the hole to get a better look at the scaly behemoth sloshing off the muck and dirt that was its birthsac with a quick flap with its ruined wings.

"A zombie dragon and yes it is mine all mine." He closed his eyes and smiled, listened to the sounds from far down below as the undead beast charged at the attackers, spewing forth massive streams of green liquid, causing everypony to get hit with it scream in agony as the flesh begun melting away and armor rusting and warping.

"By Sleipnir himself......the king will be very pleased to hear this! how did you manage to ressurect a dragon?" Another stallion said as he looked at the scene in amasement.

"It's all about finding a magic source strong enough to bind enough necromantic energy to raise it from its slumber to wreak havoc." The armored stallion waved his answer away with a hoof, like it was a mere colt asking something childish.

"W-what did you use?" The same stallion asked when he finally managed to tear his eyes from the gargantuan beast, chasing the breaking ranks of Equestrians leaving dozens writhing in pain on the ground.

"That my dear is a secret until I have perfected it."

"What will you do with the ones who fled?" The first hooded stallion asked, as he saw a few ponies running from the warzone hidden enough by the mayhem.

"Let them run, they have met with fear, it will grow and spread." The armored stallion continued, lighting up his horn again causing the undead dragon to stop hunting the few survivors, causing it to stop and raise up on its hind legs emiting a deafening roar and a great wave of green flames in the air. "They will think twice before facing Morsus."

"Mhm, well gentlecolts it seems we have seen enough, time for us to move out or was it something else you wanted?" Another of stallions said having stood in silence and unmoving since the battle had started hours before, a surprisingly large and wide stallion, looking back and forth between the ponies in the room.

"No, you may leave now." The armored stallion said taking a heavy breath, before continuing.
"Now if you excuse me, I have some matters to attend to, why don't you show these gentlecolts out?" He asked looking at his sister who stood giggling at the scene below. "Oh and make sure to find Greenleafs corpse and have it sent to my chambers I will not let him go unpunished."

"As you wish." She nuzzled him lovingly, turning around towards the others in the room and giving them a small bow. "Please follow me."

>--------------------------------------------A few minutes later at the highest chambers of the castle----------------------------------------------<

"Well, have to say that was a success, don't you agree princess?" He smiled looking down on the purple alicorn, laying on her bed, with a heavy chain going around her throat like a leach and fastened to the floor, himself enjoying her reaction immensly at showing her what had occured outside with a simple spell.

"... I hate you...." She mumbled, closing her eyes as hard as she could, with tears staining her purple fur.

"I couldn't really hear you there my dear, you have to speak up." He leaned down to her ear as he heard her mumble something between sobs.

"I-I *sniff* I hate you." She managed to cough, opening her eyes and staring at him with hatefull eyes.

"Oh you haven't felt hate yet, not yet." He grinned as he stroked her mane.

Next Chapter: Chapter 2 Dinner with the devil Estimated time remaining: 23 Minutes
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