
E-27 R Equestrian wings academy

by Sir Hat

Chapter 3: Day 3

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Day 3

I woke up some time in the morning. I didn't bother worrying about being clean. I just stood up and looked around the slowly brightening room. Silver Spoon was still asleep, the door was still closed, everything was sealed up tight. But it's about time we leave.

I shook Silver Spoon awake, "Hmm?"

"We're leaving. Grab everything you need and meet me in the entry."

She laid there blinking for a moment, "Okay." She muttered softly.

I found my backpack and put my hand on the door. I slowly pushed it open, Porcelain had fallen asleep curled up in front of it. Our recruitment might have been the single best thing to happen to this girl in a long time. Speaking of time what day is-

I saw cut off by the soft chirp of my phone, "Praise the mother, Instructor?"

"Get to clear ground, it's time."

I was right, it must be Friday. "Yes sir." I kept him on hold while I hurried outside. I stared up at the Druid in the dawn sky, "Nick...I'm outside."

He confirmed it and we started, "Praise the Mother, the great protector. May she watch over us always, may she keep our travelers safe. Let us be kind, be good, and be honest, for the sake of the Mother. Hail to the Mother."

There was a short lull as the services wrapped up. The instructor eventually broke the silence, "See, calling me by my real name does work. How are things planet side?"

I looked back at the house, "Fucked up. For a land of magical talking horses they have some very real problems."

Nick gave a long sigh, "It's universal kid. So what are you up to?"

"Three so far." I walked back to the house and sat on the stoop, "One of them is gonna need counseling."

"Trauma case?"

"Not exactly abusive parents...but-"



"Well it's something. Anyways I'll let you get back to it. Praise the Mother." Nick hung up.

"Issac?" Silver Spoon wandered over and stared blearily at my, "Why outside?" She mumbled, wiping the sleep from her eyes and fixing her glasses.

"Are you ready?" She gave me a meek nod, "Then let's not waste time." I started off through the town and in the vague direction of the orchard. Silver walked hazily behind me as we drudged through the town.

This was going to be a long walk... "Issac?" Silver Spoon cut my thoughts in half, "What's the Mother?"

I turned around and started walking backwards, "Our god. Go ahead and laugh: ha ha ha, your god's a women."

Silver just looked at me with a confused expression, "I don't- why would I make fun of that?"

I shrugged and let my arms fall limp, "People usually do...Mirans usually do." I let out a small sigh and waved for Silver to follow me, "Just gets old very fast. No, the Mother is our goddess. They hold services every Fridays on the ship side calendar. That's all."

We kept walking quietly. We had quite a ways to go so I didn't really want to talk much this early in the morning.

The path grew slowly more dusty as we stepped onto the orchards common area. I walked Silver to the door and looked around. Sun was up which means someone has to be awake. I knocked on the door softly.

After a short wait Apple Bloom opened the door, toast crumbs stuck to her mouth, "Issac? What happened, you disappeared yesterday."

I rubbed the back of my neck as she stared at me, "Sorry about that. I got in an argument with my instructor and wandered off, got lost in town and...well...a lot of crazy shit happened." I looked behind me and pulled Silver Spoon forward, "I have a favor to ask."

Silver lowered her head, "Hi Apple Bloom...."

Apple Bloom stared at Silver, "Silver Spoon? Issac what happened yesterday?"

"Long story that I don't feel right telling. Look we need a place for her to stay until we depart." I pleaded my case and stood back, "I just thought you could help, you took me in."

Apple Bloom frowned. Her eyes darted off to the right corner of her head, "Well...I don't think Applejack would be to happy bout it, but she can stay in the old clubhouse till then."

I let out a deep sigh and walked over to her, "Oh thank the Mother," I wrapped my arms around her neck and gave her a quick hug, "Thank you, thank you so much."

Apple Bloom traced a hoof on the ground, "Ain't nothing...come on." She walked out and started off into the trees. Silver and myself followed soon after.

Apple Bloom lead us all the way through the orchard. I picked a few apples along the way while the two girls talked, "Hey Issac." Apple Bloom called, "So you got lost?"

I cringed, "Yeah. The space man got lost, it happens." I said with soft defeat, "Sorry about ditching you by the way, that wasn't cool."

Apple Bloom shook her head, "Don't worry bout it, Scootaloo didn't show up, Silver got pulled out, Cheerilee said I don't have to keep going, even Sweetie said she would think about it now."

"Well that's good, I was supposed to get ten or so, so that would be great." As I spoke we finally arrived, "Oh, neat." I looked at the wooden shed.

Apple Bloom nodded as she walked us up the ramp. It groaned under out collective weight but didn't falter. We stepped inside, the interior was rather nice, "Hey Apple Bloom." I called to her.


"Why's there a mattress in here? Just one mattress...." I cocked an eyebrow and stared at the startled girl.

She quickly grew a blush as she stared at the mattress, "We uh...back when...not many colts...practice kissing...." She stuttered as she slowly backed out the door, "I'm gonna go get Sweetie Belle...she wanted to talk to ya...bye." She backed out and ran off.

I turned to Silver who was finally laughing a little, "Is that normal?" I asked with a chuckle. I furrowed my brow as her laugh faded into a nervous darting look, "Really? With the pink one I'm guessing."

She rubbed her face with her foreleg to hide her blush, "I don't want to talk about it."

I held back a laugh, "Maybe your dad was right to be worried."

"Shut up!" She ran over and shoved me, "It was one time. I didn't even like it." She turned away as she muttered her defense.

I just set my things down and leaned back, "So, what did your friend say about you leaving?"

"Who Diamond? She was...you might not like this-"


"She took-"


"-one of the forms."

"Fuck!" I slammed my hand on the wall, "Damn it. She was so fucking rude, why would she-"

"And she said she was gonna tell her dad about you."

I grimaced as hard as possible, "I swear all I've done since I've been her is give a presentation on meet families. I'm not the freaking emissary. Eh...free food I guess, better than what's on the Druid."

Silver looked around before settling down on the mattress, "What's it like up there?"

"The Druid? Clean, very clean. Except the engineering sections, then it's greasy, really greasy. Aside from that you spend a lot of time in class, physical training, or on free time. There's terminals in each room and it's usually two to a room."

Silver started laughing, "Tutu?"

"What? I don't- oh, I get it. Clever." I rubbed my chin and smiled, "Anyways, you'll get your room assignments, sort out your classes with an instructor, and then we head to Caledonia for physical training."

"Why do we go there? I thought we were staying in Equestria."

I nodded, "We will be, but we're going to be spending the first month of basic on Caledonia. It's nice, really rainy if you like that kind of a thing. Oh...and before I forget be ready."

Silver grew a nervous look, "For what?"

I looked out the window of the clubhouse, "Are you afraid of needles?" I could hear Silver gasp as I finished, "Cause...they're gonna immunize you." I turned to face her, "And let me tell you, those shots fucking hurt." I rubbed my arm as I remembered what they gave us for the trip here. "Felt like someone slugged me."

Silver was staring at my hand moving up and down my arm, "So it's too late to back out isn't it."

I started laughing, stopping abruptly to give my answer, "Yes. But look on the bright side, they can check your genes and extend your life by about thirty years on the spot...so that's something. And they'll probably bring in some entertainment on Cale." I wondered at the possibilities, "Man I hope they bring in that one girl with the violin." I tried to remember everything I could about her. She looked amazing, her markings were pristine, her ass was tight, she had a beautiful face, she was just perfect. I realized something uncomfortable and crossed my legs to hide it.

"Wow...are you alright?" Silver Spoon started cackling as she tried not to laugh out loud.

I just stared angrily at her, "I'm sorry were you looking somewhere you shouldn't have been?"

She stopped laughing and looked down, "Kinda obvious." She pouted out.

"Well it's not my fault I enjoy thing about attractive things!"

"Well it's weird seeing you just do that right in front of me!"

"Where's Apple Bloom!?" I deflected, "She should be back by now right?" I turned to the window and looked around, "Wait...is that...finally." I could see two ponies walking over.

"Just in time to see you squirm." Silver laughed.

I turned around and gave her a death stare, "I will end you."

"Hey you know my secrets...now I have one of yours."

"Getting a boner isn't really a secret." I stated dryly, "Now you looking at it, that's something worth blackmailing." Apple Bloom and Sweetie walked in, "Morning."

"Hi!" Sweetie chirped ever cheery. She walked over and nuzzled the side of my head.

I like this girl, affectionate without being aggressive. I returned her nuzzle was a quick pet along her neck, "So you wanted to see me?"

"Yeah," She reached her head back and popped over with a filled out form, "Everypony else is going, I'm going!" She stamped her hoof and smiled.

I looked at the form, "You don't want me to meet your family? Seems like everyone else did...except for the orange one."

Apple Bloomed walked between us, "Scootaloo's been missin' since Monday."

"You mean Wednesday." I corrected, "Better get used to using shit board time."

Sweetie Belle pushed the confused Apple out of the way, "Did you want to meet my family?"

"I guess? It's up to you."

Sweetie looked at the floor before snapping her head up, "Sure!" She grabbed me by the sleeve and started pulling me out.

"But what about-"

Apple Bloom cut me off, "Don't worry bout it, I can take care a' things!"

"Oh...alright then!" I yelled back as Sweetie started running away with my arm, "Hey slow down!" She didn't listen, instead speeding up and forcing me to run to avoid getting dragged along the ground.

"Stop pulling me!" Sweetie finally let me go, I stumbled forward and looked at her, "Why the hurry?"

"Sweetie Belle?" A posh voice sang from behind me, "Who's this?" Before I could turn around I felt something press into my scalp, "White mane..." I turned around, meeting a pair of bright blue eyes that lit up as she looked at me, "You are!"

"I am?" I asked as I took a step back, "Wait huh?"

"You're a Caledonian, oh how exciting." She pressed her hooves against her face and squeezed her cheeks, "Do come in!" She darted inside the nearest building.

I turned to where Sweetie was standing, a white blur shooting past as I turned my head. I turned back to the building, Sweetie's curled tail bobbing through the doorway. I debated the pros and cons in a second and decided to walk in.

I could hear the older unicorn talking frantically while Sweetie watched, "It's not often we get human visitors down here in Ponyville, let alone a Cale." She noticed me and walked over, "Hmm, yes...that could work." She walked behind me. I started to turn my head when I felt something hold it in place, "Maybe just a trim, yes, just a trim."

"A trim- what!? How do you even know what I am!?" I spun around to face her, "Why are you-"

She just smiled and cut me off, "I've designed clothes for your kind. But no offense meant, you look a bit roguish for a Cale."

I frowned and ran my fingers through my hair, "I- yeah you're right...it's been a while. Wait...you're not going to say anything about my marks?!" I was stunned at the fact I hadn't realized it sooner.

She shook her head and smiled, "Oh no dear, I know how your people feel about that."

I stood there in stunned silence. I ended up slowly lurching forward and wrapping my arms around her neck, "Thank you..." I felt like crying, "You're the first alien to not say anything about them...thank you!" I let her go and ran backwards, "I'm sorry, I'm just so damn happy."

"Oh course darling. Now we simply must do something about that mop on your head, a perfect chance to try something new as well." She chirped happily as she pranced off.

I turned to Sweetie, taking a menacing step towards her I started grilling her, "Who is she?"

"R-Rarity..." She shrunk back as I bared down on her, "She's my sister."

I pointed my finger up at her chin, "And you thought, you'd just bring me to your sisters, for what? Did you know this was gonna happen?"

Her ears flattened out as she shrunk down, "I thought she'd like to-"

"So you knew!" I towered over her, "Great, I won't feel too bad about this then." I grabbed the back of her jaw and picked her head up. I gave her a deep tongueless kiss, just long enough for her to be taken off guard, "I love you right now, but let me say this: that never happened." I cooed as I ran my thumb across her jaw, "Okay?"

She looked horribly confused, "Okay," She whispered, her lips pouting slightly. She was cute but this was a spur of the moment kinda thing. I gave her a quick tap on the cheek and hurried off to let the sister clean me up. Normally I'd be skeptical but with a mane that nice I was confident she was serious and not trying to pull something.

I found her pulling over yet another over sized chair and a large sheet. "Hmm," Rarity walked over as her magic set things in place, "Interesting." She set the chair down and pulled a pad of paper and a pencil over, "Do you mind, I could use the des-" I wasted no time in pulling my sleeves up as I held my arms out, "Oh- how kind."

"You offered to cut my hair for free, didn't immediately ask about my marks, and you're polite. This is the least I can do."

She smiled before moving the pencil across the paper with amazing haste. She bit her tongue and stared at my arms, "No a question if I may, what are they?"

"They're uh- it's hard to explain. It's not a tattoo...it's more like- well...from what I can tell it's like your marks." I pointed my fingers towards her flank, "Your uh, cutie mark."

Rarity looked at the back of my hands before finishing with her drawing, "I suppose that makes sense. Now, let's clean you up." She walked behind the chair and looked at me to sit. I fixed my sleeves and sat down, "I hope you don't mind if I take my time, I promise it will look good by the end."

"By all means-" I watched as a large chunk of white hair flew past my face, "-be my guest." I sat back as she cut my hair. e she gave a quick pause she would mutter something and get back to cutting. This was gonna take a while.

"Much better, Sweetie don't you think so?"

"Huh?" I could hear something running up from behind, "Oh, is it supposed to be short?"

Rarity held a mirror for me before answering, "Human's don't wear their manes like us, it tends to get in their eyes when it's too long." I tuned them out as I looked over the cut. It was good, a bit shorter than I usually go, but good.

Something pulled the mirror away. Sweetie and Rarity looked me dead on, staring at my head, "Uh, can I-"

"Quiet darling...no I don't think it's too short."

Sweetie leaned in towards me, "I liked it better long, now you can see his forehead...it's weird."

"Sweetie! How rude, it's not your mane to complain about."

"Well I liked it better the other way!"

"Oh? You like looking at this young man?" Rarity started smiling at Sweetie, "Do you like him Sweetie? I mean you seemed very concerned about his looks. What's wrong, you're not going to stop liking him just because his mane is cut, are you?"

Sweetie started glowing red, only getting redder as she spoke, "No! I mean- I'm not gonna stop liking him- But I don't like him like that- but he- I mean I-"

Rarity started giggling, "Oh you two will make an excellent couple." Rarity turned to me, "Don't you think so?"

I decided to go along with the joke, "She's a nice girl-"

Sweetie closed her eyes and stamped her hooves, "I am not- wait, no!"

I grew a devious grin as I stood up, "Oh, so you're a bit naughty? I love it-"

"No!" She gave a quick squeal before running off.

Rarity started laughing heartily, "Oh dear, I think she might be a bit flustered."

I gave a quick laugh, "Just a little. Is she gonna be okay?"

Rarity nodded, "Oh yes dear, she did the same thing with Featherweight. She'll come out after she's had time to cool down. But until then, would you care for tea?"

I snapped to attention, a few stray hairs flying off of me, "Tea?"

"Why yes dear, It's about time for it."

I pursed my lips and nodded, "Tea, sounds, wonderful." Rarity smiled and walked on. I quickly followed her into a kitchen and waited.

Rarity brought two cups over, "Here you are dear," She set a cup down in front of me before taking a seat. "I don't believe I ever got your name mister..."

I had already started on the tea, "Oh- Issac Harding."

"Issac, so tell me, are you from Caledonia?"

"Aye, born and raised until I started living on the Druid. You want to know about it?" She nodded, "From what I can tell it's kinda like that town up in the mountains, and it rains more...like ten months out of fourteen."

"Oh dear, I can't imagine how horrible it must be to be stuck in a storm for months." She started sipping her tea in between talking.

"It's not so bad, I kinda miss it." I sipped my tea, "So it doesn't rain much here?"

"Only if the weatherponies make it, it's usually scheduled to the hour." She cut herself off as she sniffed the air, "Issac...when was the last time you bathed?"

I looked at my chest, "I smell don't I?"

Rarity gave a deep smile, "It's noticeable. You're not sleeping outside are you?"

"No, but I'm having to rely on the kindness of strangers while I'm here...it's a good way to make friends but it's not exactly stable."

Rarity nodded, "Well I suppose that's where you expect me to offer. I'm sorry to say I can't let you loiter for free." I cocked an eyebrow and leaned in, she phrased that kinda odd, "You seem like a strong person, how about you help me in the bedroom."


"I need someone to move an old dresser out and I just haven't had the time to do it."

"Oh." I leaned back in my chair and ceased my internal scream, "Sure...thought you meant something else...anyways sure. You just want me to move some furniture?"

She nodded, standing up and leading me out of the room and up a set of stairs. She pushed open the last door and showed me the dresser, "Bugger..." I mumbled to myself, "This is gonna suck." I dusted off my hands and looked at Rarity, "I do this and I can stay the night?"

"I guarantee nothing, but I'd imagine Sweetie would be rather cross if I turned away one of her friends." She leaned agaist her wall, "Especially someone special to her!"

A shrill yelp sounded through the wall, "He's not my- not- arugh!"

I just laughed and went to move the dresser.

I finished with the monster of a dresser and sat down, "Damn...bloody heavy." I let my back rest against the oak dresser and tried to catch my breath. I reached up and tapped the top of the dresser. Rarity eventually walked into the room.

"Oh, already do-" She stepped back and covered her nose, "Oh dear...darling second door on the left. Go go go." She picked me up with her magic and threw me up the stairs. I landed flat on the floor, my legs curling over my back before falling to the floor.

I dusted myself off and looked around for the door. I found it and stumbled inside. Her bathroom was nice, all white tile and nice trim. I closed the toilet lid and set my things on it. I stripped and folded my clothes. I realized something before I stepped in and reached my head out of the door, "Hey...do you mind if I use a towel?"

"No darling, just please, clean up!"

I turned back into the room and found a towel. The thing was huge, warm, plush, it was amazing. I hurried into the tub and turned on the shower head. A rush of warm water cascaded over me. I all but melted as I leaned against the wall. I needed this so bad. However regrettable it was that these soaps smelled horridly girly the water more than made up for it.

My bliss was interrupted as the door creaked open, "Occupied."

"Quiet you." Sweetie grumbled angrily as she stepped inside, "I just need to pee." I listened as she set me stuff on the ground and lifted the toilet seat.

"Really? You sure you're not trying to sneak a peak?" I asked with a laugh. She quickly replied with an angry groan, "Hey listen...you know I'm joking right? I'm not trying to make you mad."

"I know. Can we not talk like this though?"

"Aye. Probably a good idea." I turned off the shower and found the towel. I dried off my head as I could just hear Sweetie going about her business. I ignored it as I dried myself off. I waited until Sweetie left and got dressed.

Fresh and smelling of flowers I walked out into the hall. I had left the towel folded on the cistern of the toilet.

I checked the last unchecked door and found Sweetie laying on her bed, "Issac?"

"Yep, I just wanted to make sure you're not mad at me."

She looked at me before getting up and walking over, "No, I'm not mad at you." She leaned over and pressed her nose into my shoulder, "You smell like Rarity."

I fixed my jacket, "Only one soap...."

She stared at me hard, "Why'd you kiss me?"

I swallowed my spit, "I uh...I don't know. You brought me to someone who was nice, knew what I was, and most of all: didn't tell me how nice my markings are. I wanted to show that appreciate...I guess it wa-" Sweetie cut me off, pressing her lips against mine for only a second, "Okay then...." I rubbed my mouth with my palm.

"What did you say; that never happened." She returned to her normal giddy smile.

I smiled and walked back, "Aye." That was unexpected, not unwelcome, but unexpected. I don't think it meant much, at least I hope it didn't, but it was pleasant.

The rest of the day was uneventful, spent mostly talking with Sweetie or reading. As the day started winding down I learned I would be sharing a room with Sweetie.

"So uh...this is kinda...intimate." I joked as I set my backpack down.

Sweetie refused to make eye contact, "Yeah...."

I started backing away and find a place to lay on the floor, "Well...goodnight."

"Wait, you don't- I mean...if you don't want to sleep on the floor...if you want you could...we could share."

I looked back at her, taking a step forward and meeting her eye to eye, "Answer truthfully, okay?" She nodded once, "Do you like me?"

She tried to look at the floor but I caught her face with my hands, "I- ...Will you be mad if I say no?"

"Not at all."

She blinked hard, "I don't know. You're nice but I don't know, maybe, I just really can't tell." She wasn't lying, I'm not really sure what that even meant if she doesn't know but I'm not going to push it. If it happens it happens, if not, oh well. I'm not exactly the best person in space.

I took a deep breath, slowly exhaling before talking again, "Okay." I let her face go, "I'll sleep on the floor, I really don't mind." I hurried back and laid down, using my backpack as a pillow, "Goodnight."

Sweetie stood watching me for a while, eventually she turned off the lights and crawled into bed, "Night." Next Chapter: Day 4 Estimated time remaining: 18 Minutes

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