
Love is Like an Apple Tree

by Selbi

Chapter 1: Applejack Doesn’t Like Her New Tree

It was a perfect night to be a lesbian.

Really, it was. Applejack had seen nights like this before, but they had never been so good. Shimmering stars, chilly breeze, comfy grass, and a particular blue pegasus that desperately wanted to get laid by her side snuggled against her.

“Eeyup, perfect night,” Applejack said with a smirk as she rested her back against the tree. They were at the top of the highest hill in Sweet Apple Acres, a spot that both she and Dash had always loved. “And we ain’t gonna ruin it, Sugarcube.”

“Yeah, it’s being aweso– wait, what?”

“You’re gettin’ no frickle-frackle tonight.”

Rainbow Dash frowned, then cuddled a little more against her, resting her chin on her marefriend’s chest. “Please tell me that’s not your usual euphemism for ‘sex’. That’s a total turn-off.”

“Ain’t that a shame.” Applejack caressed Dash’s mane and looked at the sky. “Ah just wanted to make sure you knew what’s goin’ to happen tonight, okay?”

“You mean that we’re not frickle-frackling?”


Dash snorted. “And you felt the urge to say that out loud because…?”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Sugarcube, Ah’m not an idiot. And you’re not the mushiest pony in town exactly.”

“So what? You’re not mushy either. Being mushy stinks.”

Applejack chose not to point out that Rainbow Dash was using her as a pillow. Mostly because the pegasus was warm and fuzzy. “You’re not exactly subtle, did you know that? Ah mean… picnic alone at night. At the top of a hill. Wine. Come on, y’know you wanted to get lucky.”

Dash raised an eyebrow, chin still against Applejack’s chest. “You have no proof.”

“You’ve been tryin’ to turn me on all evenin’. You’ve tickled my muzzle with your tail at least four times.”

“Normal marefriend stuff.”

“You put clouds with suggestive shapes right above us.” Applejack pointed at the sky. “Ah’m literally looking at your butt in that white one. And that storm cloud looks like me tying you with a rope and frickle-frackling the frickle-frack outta you.”

“Okay, you seriously need to stop using that word. Words. Whatever,” Dash said, her legs suddenly wrapping around Applejack’s neck, her muzzle against her ear. “And when did you learn so much about clouds anyway?”

“Ah don’t know about clouds, but Ah surely know about your butt.” Applejack snorted. “And that is your butt. You’ve got amazing sculpture skills, though. Ah have to admit that.”

“Wanna know a little more about my butt then?”

“Not if it involves what you’re thinkin’ about.” Applejack blinked. “And seriously, Ah hope you were talkin’ about what Ah think you were talkin’ about, because the alternative is kinda scary.”

“Oh, come on!” Dash furrowed her brow and eased herself away with her hooves, and the chilly air suddenly turned far chillier against Applejack’s coat. She sat right in front of her marefriend, her eyes locked on Applejack’s. “But why? We’ve been going out for a month!”

“Uh-huh.” Applejack shrugged. “Not enough, Ah’m afraid.”

“But why?” Dash sighed. “Look, I spent three hours carving my butt in the clouds just so you could be a little hornier than usual tonight. At least give me an explanation.”

“Three hours?” Applejack looked at the sky. “Wow. And the bondage one?”

“That’s the cloud’s natural shape.”

“Wow. It’s awfully explicit to be natural, ain’t it?”

“It even has your hat.”

“Nature’s amazing,” Applejack said. “And Ah’m plannin’ on wearing white on my wedding day, so unless you pop up a ring in a couple minutes, you get no nasty business tonight.”

Dash opened her mouth, but then she stopped herself even before starting and then frowned. “Dang.”

“Dang indeed.” Applejack rested her back against the tree again. “Now shut up and c’mere. It’s cold.”

Dash grunted something under her breath but snuggled up anyway. As she laid a wing around Applejack, her eyes sprung open as she felt her marefriend’s lips upon her cheek. Rainbow turned towards her and suddenly felt Applejack’s lips gently press against hers.

The two lovers closed their eyes as they kissed passionately, tightening their grips around the other. Applejack couldn’t help but smile when Dash moaned a little in the middle of the kiss, followed by the pegasus’s wings spreading open. Parting her lips, Applejack let Rainbow’s tongue slip inside.

The tender moment lasted for what felt like hours, and when they finally broke apart both found the other panting heavily, doing their best to catch their breath. It was both gentle yet competitive.

“Wow,” Rainbow said when they finally split apart, resting her cheek against Applejack’s chest once more. “That was cool.”

“No nasty business doesn’t equal no fun, don’t ya think?”

“I guess. Nasty would be awesome though.”

Neither of them said a word afterwards. There was not a sound to be heard, and it seemed like the entire world was quiet just for them. Moonlight reflected on both, enveloping their bodies, as they lay in the grass, looking at the darkening sky. The sky was beautiful, cloud-butt notwithstanding. Well, okay, the cloud-butt was nice too. Dash has a nice nether region, after all.

The sky suddenly lighted up when a shooting star appeared. Applejack spotted it immediately, her eyes used to find the little beams of light in the night. They weren’t exactly rare since Luna’s return, but Applejack still wished upon them every time she saw one. It was something everypony in her family had done since they were little.

“Ah wish this happiness never ends,” she muttered under her breath. She could hear Dash wishing something too, although she couldn’t understand it. Applejack smiled. Well, that was cute on Rainbow’s part. Applejack wondered what Dash had wished for.


Dash, who was still lying against her, got tense all of a sudden.

Then, absolute silence.

“…Dash?” Applejack asked, trying her best not to raise her voice, with mixed results.

Rainbow blinked twice before answering. “Yeees?”

“Did you just wish for me to grow this?” She pointed towards her crotch.

Dash averted her eyes. “Why do you ask?”

“Did you?”

“Eh, if I tell you I’ll jinx it.” The pegasus forced a smile. “We don’t want that to happen, right?”

“Dash…” Applejack smirked. Rainbow gulped. “Ah’m gonna ask you once more.”

“Uh.” Dash blinked and licked her lips. “Eh… Mmmmaybe?”

“Dash, Ah swear to Celestia…!”

“Okay, okay, okay! Calm down!” Dash got up and flew a couple meters away from Applejack in a surprisingly fast and smooth move, fast enough to dodge Applejack’s hoofsmack. “Calm down!”

“Dash, what the heck is this?!” Applejack got up as well and pointed at her crotch. More specifically, she pointed at the little friend that was now hanging between her hind legs. “Explain to me what the hay this thing is and why Ah shouldn’t go and kick your precious butt to next Monday this second!”

Dash, still flying out of Applejack’s reach, shrugged. “Hey, in my defense, there was no way I could’ve know this was actually going to happen, okay? So I’m not to bla–”

“You’re literally the only pony to blame here!”

“Ooookay, you might have a point there.” Dash bit her lip. “Maybe giving you a dick without asking for it first was a bit rude?”

“Yes, it was rude. That’s my main concern here,” Applejack said. “Never mind the thing between my legs, Ah only care about you being polite and behaving like a proper lad– Ah’m goin’ to kill you!”

She raised her hoof and pressed her hat hard against her scalp. A moment later, she jumped up into the air, trying to catch Dash’s tail between her teeth. She came within mere inches of it, but that didn’t stop her from trying again. Applejack jumped again in an effort to pull the pegasus back down to the ground, but she only flew higher and higher.

“Woah there!” Dash said after the third jump. “Look, I already said I’m sorry, okay?! What do you want me to do?!”

“Ah want you to get rid of this thing!” Applejack answered, still jumping. It wasn’t a pleasant experience for her—she could feel something moving in her crotch area, waggling up and down with every jump, hitting her stomach, making her wince with every hit. “Right now!” she yelled.

“Uh.” Rainbow flew a little higher. Applejack was pretty good at jumping. “Are you sure you’re angry?”


“I don’t know, but your little friend down there—” Dash pointed at Applejack’s nether parts. “—tells me you’re pretty happy.”

Maybe it was the matter-of-fact tone the pegasus used, or maybe it was the sudden lack of blood in Applejack’s brain. She couldn’t really know. The thing is, Applejack stopped jumping, and, even though she still gave a nasty glare to Dash, she closed her mouth.

And she looked down.

Well, now she knew where her blood was being pumped to. “A-Ah… This is not what it looks like!”

“Hey, I’m nopony to judge.” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “In fact, I’m kind of impressed. I didn’t know jumping was a turn-on for you though.”

“Ah’m not…!” Applejack shook her head. “Don’t change the topic! Ah’m still mad at ya!”

“So that’s a rage boner?” Rainbow whistled. “Girl, you sure are angry.”

“Shut up!”

“Well…” Dash took ground. “So…” She scratched the back of her neck and looked to the sky. “I don’t really know how to ask this…”

Applejack raised her eyes from her shaft to her marefriend. “What?”

“Okay,” Dash said, “I’ll try to make this sound as little awkward as possible.” She took a deep breath, pointed at the new member of the apple family, and spoke. “Can I suck it?”


“Wow, I’m smooth.”

“You want to do what?” Applejack retreated a few steps, looking at Dash with a frown. “What?

“Well, you got a brand new dick, we’re alone, you’re pointing at me…” Applejack yelped and covered her private parts with her hooves. “So why not?” Rainbow asked. “I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?”

Applejack glared at Dash. “Are you… Are you really asking that?”

The pegasus blinked. “Well, yeah.”

“Dash, what the hay is your problem?” Applejack yelled. “Ah get this thing and you talk about ruttin’? Are you insane?”

“Hey, I’m not the one who’s all pointy here!” Dash said, raising a hoof and putting it against her chest. “I mean, come on! You’re totally asking for it!”

“What in the name of Luna are you planning to do with this anyway?” Applejack uncovered her member and pointed a hoof in Dash’s direction as well. “Am Ah supposed to be offended by this or somethin’? Because Ah thought you were gay, but Ah see that Ah’m apparently not enough for you anym–”

“Woah, woah, woah!” Dash approached Applejack and covered her mouth with a hoof. “Let’s not get carried away. You’re totally enough for me.” She gave a little smile. “You’re everything I would ask for.”

“Y’know, that would be far sweeter if it wasn’t by the fact that you gave me a dick!

“An accidental dick,” said Dash. “Completely different.”

“Dash, you turned me into a stallion!”

“What? No!” Rainbow stuck out her tongue. “Blargh. You as a stallion would be a total turn-off. I only dig mares, thank you very much.”

Applejack stared at her.

“Mares with dicks are fine too,” Dash said. “But not stallions. It’s not the same.”

“Dash, that doesn’t make a bit of sense.”

“What? Of course it does!” Rainbow frowned. “Stallions and mares with dicks have nothing to do with each other!”

“That’s the dumbest thing Ah’ve ever heard.”

“No, it’s not! In fact, it’s funny this happened now. Precisely, the other day I was talking to Big Mac about this, and–”

“You were talking with my brother about what?”

Dash raised an eyebrow. “Our mutual love for female dicks, obviously.”

“Oh my Celestia, no.” Applejack took her hat off and held it against her chest. “Please tell me Ah’m not having this conversation!”

“What?” Rainbow took a step back. “AJ, please! We’re both adults, we know how sex works! Don’t make it weird!”

“Oh, now Ah’m the one making it weird?!” Applejack showed her teeth. “Excuse me, Ah can’t hear you over the sound of you giving me a dick!

“Your argument would be far more convincing if that thing stopped throbbing. Just saying.”

Applejack squinted her eyes and lowered her hat a little, covering herself. “Ah hate you so much right now.”

“Hey, maybe it will disappear if we use it! It’s a good idea!”

No, it’s not!”

“I totally need to suck it if we want this situation to end!”

Dash, you’re being stupid on purpose!

Rainbow Dash moved towards her marefriend, and put a hoof on her shoulder. “Look, you’re obviously too stressed to think clearly.”

“What are y–?!”

Suddenly, Dash leaped forwards, tackling Applejack and herself to the ground. “Just leave it to me; I know what I’m doing.” She slowly moved a hoof towards her marefriend’s extended private parts.

“No, you don’t! You haven’t touched a penis in all your li–” Applejack’s complaint was replaced by a low yelp as Dash’s hoof reached its destination, making Applejack squint her eyes, and let out a small moan. “Oh. Hey, this is actually nice…” She opened her eyes, noticing the Dash-butt-shaped cloud practically staring at her, then looked into Dash’s eyes. “Nice bum, by the way.”

Dash raised an eyebrow. “Thanks.” Then she smirked. “I knew you couldn’t resist a good hoofjob!”

“That’s not a hoofjob.”

“You know what I mean.”

“And really, even though Ah don’t know a lot about dicks, Ah get the general feeling that anything that touches it feels nice.”

“Yeah, well…”

“Your hoof, the grass, a rock…”

“I get it.”

“It’s not like it’s a hard thing for you to accomplish. Ah mean, you didn’t even start with the proper hoofjob yet.”

“Okay, you know what?” Dash looked at Applejack, staring into her eyes. “Just shut up.”

Shifting her attention to the object at hoof again, Dash started caress the shaft by slowly moving from the place it was attached to—right over Applejack’s original marehood—towards the top. As she reached it, she booped its tip with her hoof, sending a cold shiver through Applejack. Dash smiled, slowly going down again, just a little faster.

Steadily, she increased her pace, going up and down Applejack’s new tree. The small ring-like bump in the middle of it caused a split second of no connectivity like a short, agonizing moment of emptiness as Dash’s hoof passed over it. The following landings made up for that easily though, releasing a soft “Ah” with each one as Applejack picked the feelings up like an enormous apple being thrown at it.

Dash noticed the once-dry penis slowly starting to shimmer under the moonlight as more and more precum leaked from the tip. “Getting a little excited there, aren’t we?”

“Don’t ride it, pal”

“You don’t want me to ride it later on?!” Dash asked, her pace increasing even further. “Are you sure?”

“No, Ah mean…” Applejack squinted once more. “Just…”

“Oh, I get it.”

Smiling, Dash shifted her position towards Applejack’s chest as she kept rubbing her off. She kissed her warm tummy, softly licking her orange fur, and slowly moved downwards, giving soft kisses between the licks at regular intervals. Her eager tongue soon reached its destination as well. She slowly nuzzled the member with snout, while her hoof mirrored her movements with twice the speed. Dash gave the tip a small lick.

Applejack eyes sprung open. “What… what are you doin’?!”

“You know exactly what I’m doing. Don’t be so naive and pretend you didn’t see this coming.” Chuckling, Dash opened her mouth and moved her head towards the dick. She let it enter her mouth, and closed her lips around it. Another wave of sensation washed over Applejack like a waterfall, Dash’s own sticky tongue slowly licking over her little friend.

As Dash closed her eyes, she began to reduce her pace with her hoof and instead focused more on her oral work. Her head started out by moving up and down in a monotone motion, but was later on joined by semi-circular rotations, as her lips, tongue, and palate speeded over it. Dash sloppily lapped over it, trying to pick up as much of her marefriend’s sweet taste.

Soon, as she reached the peak of her speed and deepness, she felt Applejack’s ring brushing against her lips, making her shiver once more, much like it did before with the hoof.

“Who invented pony dick-rings?!” she yelped out under heavy breaths, her heart racing.

“Whoever invented pony dick-rings didn’t know a lot about blowjobs,” Dash said, getting the dick out of her mouth and coughing a little. “Celestia, one would think that a penis-maker would at least try to suck its creation before giving it the green light!”

Applejack refused to dignify that comment with an answer. She just grabbed Dash’s head and lowered it against her hips once more. “Heeere ya go,” she said when she felt Rainbow’s lips around her shaft again.

Rainbow moved her previously on-standby hoof towards the ring, playfully nibbling against it from the bottom as her lips leached against it once every second. For Applejack it felt like an ever-stronger assault against her contemporary addition.

The relentless strokes soon made her feel heat building up inside of her, her breathing speed reaching new levels. She forced her eyes open a crack and noticed Rainbow Dash sucking on her lollipop her with a pace only an athlete like her could manage.

“D-Dashie, Ah…” she tried to call out to her, but her weak warnings were swallowed by her heat and moans, bundled with the pegasus that kept sucking. Applejack tried to reach out to her with a hoof, but failed there too.

However, as Dash began to feel the dick stop throbbing at its usual pace, her eyes sprung open. She smiled from ear to ear—as much as the flesh in her mouth allowed her to anyway.

“Dash… Ah mean it…” Applejack called out again, yet even if these words were heard by Rainbow, she didn’t dare stop. “Ah… Ahh… NNAAAAAAHGHH!

Applejack couldn’t take anymore. She slipped over the edge and came, shooting shot after shot of stallion spunk into Dash’s mouth. Applejack continued to scream, pressing her forehooves down against the backside of Dash’s head, as she kept on releasing more and more secretion into her thirsty marefriend. Dash gladly picked it all up, storing it inside her mouth, and pressing against the dick with her lips to ensure every last drop would be inside of her.

The onslaught of sticky fluid started to die down, making Dash give it a few more licks before she was confident she got it all, upon which she finally released the dick from her mouth. It fell against Applejack’s chest with a soft smack, while Dash got up and swallowed her marefriend’s love juices, using her tongue to pick up whatever small drips tried to flee her lust.

Applejack opened her eyes and looked at Dash, saying between heavy pants, “That… that was amazin’.”

Dash met her eyes as she finished swallowing, and smiled. “Yeah, yeah, I know I’m awesome.” Her smile fell a little. “Just, uh… one question…”


“What was that?”

Applejack blinked. “What was what?”

“‘NNAAAAAAHGHH!’,” Dash imitated. “It sounded like you were dying or something.”

“Ah… Ah’m not sure. Shut up.” Were it possible for Applejack’s face to be any redder at that moment, it would’ve done so.

“No, really, I’m genuinely intrigued. What was that?”

“Ah said shut up.”

“It kind of sounded like you were in pain or–”

“Dash, Ah’m goin’ to be clear to you: you’re ruinin’ the moment.”

Dash pouted. She moved towards Applejack, lying down next to her, smirking. “Since when do you care about this moment not being ruined?”

Turns out Applejack was able to blush harder. “Shut up.”

The pegasus shook her head, giggling a little. She moved towards Applejack and embraced her in a passionate kiss, which the farmer gladly accepted. Dash playfully licked around the insides of her marefriend’s mouth, smearing the leftover stains of Applejack’s cum inside of her, letting her have a taste of herself. It’s probably a good idea to not ask her why her cum tastes like sweet apples…

They broke the kiss, and Rainbow gave her one more quick peck on her nose. They smiled, looking in each other’s eyes. Then, Applejack’s smile faded. “Hold on a second…” She looked at her still-existing friend. “Didn’t ye say it’d disappear after being ‘worked on’?!”

Dash looked at it as well, and widened her smile. “I thought so too, but looks like I can indeed…” She looked back at Applejack, giving her a bedroom-eyes look. “…‘ride it’ now.”

“If Ah weren’t so impossibly easy to seduce by your horrible one-liners, Ah’d hoof-slap you to next Thursday for that right now.”

“I can squeeze your apple; spread your seeds upon my fields; ride the cowgirl; rut your brains out…”

“You’re so gosh darn cute when you’re trying to be witty.” She gave Dash another small kiss. “And you know what… Ah think there’s still something in there that prevents it from going away. Mind lending me a hoof?”

An ear-to-ear smile appeared on Dash’s face, and she saluted. “You got it!” She got up and shifted her gaze to the dick again. Dash gave the dick a few strokes, and within a few seconds it was well-up again, throbbing a little. “Hey, I think he likes me!”


“Yeah, yeah. ‘Don’t spoil the moment.’ I got it.”

Rainbow went over it once more, lapping up all the missed spots of Applejack’s cum, while simultaneously lubing it up with her saliva again. She used her unoccupied hoof to work on her moist marehood, mimicking Applejack’s lubrication. A few driplets of her own love juices already fell on the ground, and she moaned softly.

Applejack twitched a little as Dash nibbled her ring again. “Go ahead now, Sugarcube… Otherwise only one pony will find a happy ending tonight…” Smiling at her marefriend, Dash turned away from the member, and stood up. She positioned her wet marehood over Applejack’s erect tower. A drop of her juices fell onto its tip, sending another shiver through Applejack. “Just go!”

Dash reached with one of her hooves between her legs, keeping the dick in place, as she slowly moved her rectum towards it. A few more drops fell onto it, making Applejack resist the urge to shove her marefriend’s butt down in an instant.

At last, she felt the warm flesh of Dash’s wet lips connecting with her own, additional meat, making the two ponies moan simultaneously. Dash stuck her tongue out a little as she led the penis inside of her further and further. She felt it stretching her insides apart, the irregularities of its shape tickling against her.

A faint plop came as the ring broke the defense lines of Rainbow’s lips, making the pegasus wince a little and stop right there. Applejack started to grin. “Yeeehaaaw!” Without a warning she smacked Dash’s flank with her hoof, making her shove the entire length of Applejack’s member into her at once as though she was flying into it. Dash opened her mouth, but couldn’t say anything audible between her now-heavy panting.

Soon after she began to smile though, and looked into Applejack’s eyes. She leaned forward from her flesh-secured position, giving the farmer a wet kiss on her lips. A trail of saliva connected the two as she moved away again.

Slowly yet steadily she began breaking out of her resting position. Her hips began to shake a little as she moved upwards, exposing part of Applejack’s new private parts to the cool air again, then once more moved downwards. With a steady pace she began to increase her tempo, while moving away and to Applejack’s crotch with more and more distance.

The sticky sound of love fluids being violently pushed around could be heard as Rainbow released more of her own, some of it flowing down between Applejack’s thighs and moistening the ground beneath her. As Dash started to reach the top speeds of her thrusts, she began adding a circling motion to her movements. A smack resounded as she slammed her butt against Applejack’s legs, plashing a few drops of their mixed juices into all directions, one of which landed in the farmer’s open, panting mouth.

Smiling after swallowing her pegasus’s unexpected present, she started moving her bottom in a circling motion as well, mirroring Dash’s movement. Noticing her marefriend didn’t show any reaction apart from panting a little harder, her shaft speeded towards the currently entering lips. Rainbow yelped as she began to notice the doubled speed pushing against her insides.

“Can’t leave all the fun to you, now can Ah?” Applejack smirked. “Actually…” Applejack leapt forward, and clinged her hooves around Dash, tackling her to the ground. “You’ve ‘ridden it’ enough already.”

“Wait, what? What are y– OH MY GOSH!”

As Applejack started to rut her from above, their pace already being back to their previous peak, Dash put her own hooves around the farmer. She pulled her towards her, embracing her in another passionate kiss as Applejack continued her work on her with more intense thrusts. Their lips danced around each other’s mouths like they were partying to wild music, almost mimicking the screenplay down below.

Rainbow’s eyes suddenly started to open wearily, and she broke the kiss. “AJ, I think I’m going to…!”

“Just a little longer, Sugarcube. Ah’m almost there as well…!”

“H-heh, it’s funny because I’m the one supposed to say th–”

“Dash, shut up! Ah’m trying to concentrate!”

Applejack slammed inside of Dash as far as she could, speeding in and out as fast as her trained farm-pony legs allowed her to. The pegasus wasn’t able to say anything but heavy pants. In her moment of losing it all she reached out around Applejack’s legs, and began teasing her covered marehood from behind. Her hoof slipped around the now unloved lips, releasing juices on Rainbow’s hoof.

Applejack moaned. She felt her own heat building up faster, slapping her legs between her marefriend’s ones with all what they were worth. Rainbow replied with a blissful shout, clinging tighter around Applejack while caressing her lips more intensely.

The two lovers screamed in perfect unison after the sudden wave of adrenaline that ran through both her bodies at the same time. Applejack shoved in her dick as far as she could. An onslaught of cum suddenly erupted into Dash’s love canal, quickly filling her up. Applejack’s penis furiously pumped load after load of white into it, as the farmer blasted out an equal amount of marecum out of her hoof-stuffed pussy. Dash was enveloped in a humid torrential storm of impassioned lust, as Applejack’s honey spewed from her nethers, spilling around the hoof wedged between her lips. She couldn’t help but release her own load of love juices, mixing with Applejack’s cum, and shooting out onto the ground below them with rocketing speed.

Applejack collapsed onto Dash after a blissful scream. Rainbow felt the hot, white cum leaking out of her exhausted pussy as Applejack landed besides her, both of them panting heavily.

After a while of cooling down, they faced each other. Dash was smiling. Applejack was not—she was too busy panting.

“Nice, huh?” Rainbow asked, her smile turning into a smirk. “Having a dick is not a bad thing after all!”

“It’s… interestin’.” Applejack looked down. “But only when you’re ruttin’.”

“Well, duh. You’re not supposed to use it for anything else.” Dash waved her hoof in a nonchalant way. “You seriously know nothing about penises, do you?”

Applejack sighed. “Dash, Ah’m not ruttin’ you all the time.”

“A real shame, if you ask me.”

“But unless it disappears, Ah’m goin’ to deal with it for the rest of my life.” She crossed her legs. “What am Ah supposed to do ‘till we rut again?”

Dash opened her mouth to say something, then closed it. “Good question. I guess you can– wait, what?” Her face lit up as she approached her lover, a goofy grin on her face. “Did you just imply we’re going to do this again?”

“Ah outright said it.” Applejack raised an eyebrow. “But we’re still dealing with a problem here.” She cleared her throat with a cough. “And with problem Ah mean penis, in case you didn’t get it.”

“Yeah, well. We’ll sort it out eventually. We always do.” Dash shrugged. “I mean, we can always zap it with the Elements of Harmony and see what happens.”

“There’s absolutely no way we’re going to do that.” Applejack got up and glared at Rainbow. “Ever.”

“Well, it’s our usual go-to solution.” Dash imitated her marefriend, and soon both were sitting in front of each other. “Maybe we can ask the princess?”

“Yes, let’s go and talk about dicks with Celestia. That sounds like a plan.”

“Maybe we can ask Twilight to use her magic?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah, and then she’ll turn me into an orange. No. Ah’m sorry, but Twilight has been a little too unstable with her magic lately, and Ah don’t want to risk it.”

“Then…” Dash sighed. “We wait for another shooting star and wish for it to be gone?”

Applejack looked at her. “Hey, that’s a good idea! Maybe there’ll be another one tonight already.”

“Of course it’s a good idea.” Dash approached Applejack as the latter rested her back on the tree once more, and then snuggled against her chest. Applejack felt as warm and fuzzy as ever, sensing Rainbow’s soft fur against her coat. “It was my idea. I always have good ideas.”

“Sure you do, Sugarcube. Sure you do.”

They snuggled against each other, simply enjoying the quietness. The air was still chilly, but Applejack didn’t mind—Rainbow’s presence warmed her up like the summer’s sun. With the moon being brighter than ever, they saw the clouds surrounded by a silver halo. The whole landscape had an almost ghostly presence. The sound of their breaths was like music, the only thing that broke the solitude of the hill. It felt like they were the only two ponies in the world.

“You’re getting a boner again.”

“Sugarcube, shut up.”

Author's Notes:

[09.12.2013 22:06:08] Aragón: WITH MY HUMOR AND YOUR SEX
[09.12.2013 22:06:13] Aragón: WE CAN CONQUER THE FEATURED BOX
[09.12.2013 22:06:24] Selbi: ^ this shall be the author's notes.

Who was better at his job – Aragón or me? Let us know!

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The Road (EQD-featured FlutterMac shipfic » Extremely high quality and worth a read even if it isn't your OTP.)
For Science! (EQAD-featured Futashy x Twilight clopfic » knighty favorited it. What else is there to say?)

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Love is Like an Apple Tree

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