
You Wouldn't Happen To Be The Jarl Would You?

by SCP Pinkamena

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Be At Peace Beast

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"What?" Celestia asked with genuine confusion. Never once had she'd seen a creature like this. It walked with a soft step, almost detectible to the trained ear, it's mask was that of a bronze, but at this close of a distance, looked more like corundum. A surprisingly large bag was hefted on its back, with various weapons and armors sticking out. The garb it was in was all black, not counting the hood and its fingers were sticking out from the gloves.

If it had shown its face, it would've been mistaken for the common pony. Its just that Celestia knew this wasn't a pony because she had never seen the Royal Canterlot Voice used that powerfully. Even Luna, who was a master at it, wouldn't compare to it. Jericho sighed and went to one of the tables and pulled up two chairs and sat in one. He gestured towards the other chair.

"Zu'u tinvaak fin sahkren se Dovah." He said in an odd language. Celestia knew it sounded familiar, but yet, she could not put her finger on it. He spoke again. "I said, 'I speak the tongue of dragonkind'. Are there not Dragons here?" He asked crossing his arms with his head tilted in a confused position. Despite the awkward situation, he could still smile behind his mask and make all sorts of faces while the others only saw a blank piece of metal.

"Oh, no there are Dragons here, it's just I could not place your dialect. Please, stay seated as I get my—"

"Sister!" Luna screamed out as the doors flew open. "What, pray tell, is this creature We happen to gaze upon? It is not of Dragon decent nor of Griffon. Explain thyself beast or lest you face the Moon Goddesses wrath!"

After his cape stopped blowing, he cleared his throat and gasped a breath of air.


A sudden feeling of peace washed over everybody in the room. Luna's rage dwindled down to nothing but a smolder, Celestia's fears were quashed by relief. Even the guards who had swords and spears up suddenly found themselves sheathing them away.

He cleared his throat again and pulled another chair from the table and once again gestured to them. Once they were seated, Jericho spoke. "Now," His voice showed no signs of hostility whatsoever. "What's with all the shouting?"

The sisters looked at him. "Shouting? I wasn't shouting at you." Celestia confirmed while crossing her arms.

"Forgive us, We normally do not see creatures such thyself. Tis the way we respond to... 'New' things." Luna said shyly, totally the opposite of what she was just a few seconds ago. "But, We heard a thunderous voice and we quickly came to aid her... We— I now see that this was not the case..." She said putting her head down in shame.

A cough escaped Jericho's throat as he adjusted himself in the seat. "I understand seeing something new," he said nodding at her. "Only two things confused me more than anything. A talking dog by the name of Barbas back home in Skyrim, and... whatever you all are..." He said pointing at the two sisters.

"We are Equestrians, but you can call us Ponies for short or if you can't remember." Celestia said sitting down in her seat followed by Luna. "Guards," They all stood at attention. "Please leave us, my sister and I will speak to... I'm sorry I didn't really get your name?"

"Oh, it's..."

"Think quickly Jerry, quickly!"

"Romeas. Telchio Romeas."

"Oh? Quiet a strange name if you don't mind me saying? Please leave us and my sister and I will speak to Telchio." She said. The guards, both Day and Night, saluted and exited the room. As soon as the door closed, Luna was the first to speak.

"My sister may not of seen it, but I did. While your face may hide behind the barrier of a mask, we can still see through your lies. Tell us your real name or I will call the guards back inside." She said with a furrowed brow. Behind his mask, his eyes shot wide open and his eyebrows along with them. She saw through him? But how?

He sighed in defeat. "Fine," his voice suddenly grow more bitter. "But what is said never leaves this room. My name is Jericho, and I'm someone special. For I have been gifted with the blood of Akatosh. Because of this, I became someone known in my world as the Dragonborn.

Over the Dragon Badlands, otherwise known as Dragonia, a rift similar to an aurora opened in the middle of a field.



In the newly formed crater of the field lied a jet-black dragon, with dangerous glowing red eyes and torn wings. "Duraal Dovahkiin." He said as he struggled to push himself upwards. "I am the First-Born of Akatosh... I cannot be defeated so easily..." He growled as he took his first step forward. He the cracking of bones and looked down at the skeletal remains of a Dragon. If he could, he would smile at this opportunity.


Inside an ancient ruin long since forgotten, a lone figure sat inside praying on his knees silently. His eyes opened suddenly, and inside a spark that he hasn't had in quiet some time.

"Dovahkiin..." He whispered to himself before standing up with renewed vigor. He quickly ran outside with a mighty shout to the heavens.

"DOVAHKIIN!! You return to the land of Equestria in it's time of need!" He laughed as he ran faster to an ancient altar. When he threw open the doors, several others in the same garb looked stunned at his sudden appearance. "My brothers, he has returned. The Dragonborn has returned to us."

Author's Notes:

Very sorry for the wait, I'm getting lazy again...
Kaan Drem Ov = Kyne's Peace
Free Thu'um translation site!

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