
64 vs. The Underground

by Jman9877

Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

3rd Person POV

Big Mac approached Ghost's rooming, his mind still clouded with anger. He walked into the room and shook Applebloom awake. "C'mon, ya got school today." He said, waking up the sleepy filly. With bleary eyes she looked out of the window, but saw that her curtains weren't put up where they were supposed to. And her bed felt a lot warmer than usually, but it was less soft. The last thing she remembered about the night before was her having a nightmare, before going into Ghost's room and falling asleep... and waking up with Big Mac standing over her.

"Big Mac! Uh, Ah can explain! Ah uh... was sleepwalkin'! Yea that's it!" Applebloom shot off, getting to her hooves and stumbling off of the bed. When she regained her balance, she looked up at her big brother with a blush and frightened expression.

Big Mac just chuckled and shook his head. "Yer as bad at lyin' as yer sister..." He chuckled, patting Applebloom on the head. "Look... Ah know Ghost is here to help, but do ya really have to sleep in the same bed as him to get a good nights rest?"

Applebloom just looked down at the floor and kick her hoof out a bit, not being able to look her brother in the eye. "He... he makes me feel safe alright? Ah still see...... ah still see the body when ah go to bed..." Applebloom whispered, not wanting to look scared, but failing. "When ah know Ghost is there... it's like he keeps everythin' away. Like there's somethin' about him that just makes me feel like nothin' can touch me."

Big Mac watched as Applebloom's expression changed into what a pony would look like if they were spacing out, her mouth curling up into a grin and eyes going into a half lidded positioning. Big Mac cleared his throat to get her attention, Applebloom realizing that was going into a bit of a trance. She shook herself to try and snap out of it, messing up her hair even more in the process.

Big Mac sighed and put a hoof onto Applebloom's shoulder. "Listen. This little 'thing' goin' on between ya and Ghost... ah jus' wanna tell ya to be careful. Changelin's aren't the most well behaved of the bunch." Big Mac explained, making Applebloom scoff aqnd rool her eyes.

"Why do ya keep sayin' things like that!? Ah know what Changelin's have done! We learned 'bout it in class! Ghost ain't like that though, he's been raised up in Canterlot! Not some cave in the deserts!" Applebloom defended, trying to stand up for her friend.

Big Mac knew he wasn't going to gain any ground here, so he settled for one simple sentence. "Jus' be careful Applebloom... Don't let the wool get pulled over your eyes..."

Applebloom just grunted again and walked out of the room, a scowl on her face. Big Mac really didn't want to butt in like that... but when his family was on the line, he would do absolutely anything to protect it. He was having flashbacks of trying to keep other colts off of Applejack, only to realize that she could do that just fine on her own. Seriously, that mare could send grown stallions flying towards the stratosphere with the strength she bucked with.

Downstairs, Ghost was just finishing up making a lunch for Applebloom, putting it in a small brown bag and then putting it into her small saddlebags. He made his way to put the small thermos of apple juice into the saddle bag when he saw a poofy maned Applebloom walk down the stairs.

"What are ya doin' with mah saddlebag?" She asked, not in a hostile way, but more of a curious kind.

"Oh, I was just fixing up your lunch. I'm gonna be going to school with you by the way." Ghost answered, adding the little tidbit at the end.

Applebloom didn't catch the remark the first time, shaking her head and moving her hair away from her ears. "Care ta repeat that?"

"I'm gonna be going to school with you today! I've always wanted to see what an actual school was like!" It's like these words formed an incomprehensible sentence which Applebloom's mind was unable to pronounce, causing her to tilt her head and form an expression of confusion. "I've been tutored up in Canterlot ever since I've been brought back with 64 from the Badlands. It's cool and everything, but I never have any classmates or anything. The ponies always said that having a Changeling in the class might be a bit frightening for them."

Applebloom understood what he was saying. "So ya want to see what it's really like at a real school?" Applebloom asked, Ghost nodding his head up and down, putting the thermos of juice into Applebloom's saddlebags. "Well don't get yer hopes up, all we do is sit around and learn things..."

"Isn't that what you're supposed to do at school though?"

Applebloom blushed at the question, "Well yea, but that don't mean it's any fun!" Ghost laughed at that, before green flames engulfed his body before morphing into his colt form.

"C'mon! Do your hair and get your bow on! We gotta get going!" Ghost instructed, handing Applebloom the red bow that was in her saddlebag. She nodded and ran upstairs to the bathroom, hopping on a small stool so she could see herself in the mirror. She took a comb into her hoof and began to run it down her mane, making sure to catch every knot that had developed overnight.

Once her hair was tamed, she was about to put the bow into her hair to finish off her look... but she stopped. She looked at the bow in her hoof, as if it was changing in front of her eyes.


Ghost POV

I looked at the clock on the kitchen wall, seeing that it was 7:30 AM. It was about a 10 minute walk to school, but I needed time to register as a student. Applebloom had been upstairs for about 20 minutes now, a bit too long, even for hair. I knew that fillies had a hard time with their hair, but come on.

It wasn't until I heard hoofsteps coming down the stairs that I looked up hopefully, wanting to see Applebloom bound down the stairs ready to go to school. What I actually saw..... wow...

Applebloom's hair was now a bit longer, no longer restrained by the bow on the back of her head. She instead had her hair in a ponytail not unlike Applejack's except not as long. Her bow now rested at the bottom of her ponytail, keeping the long hair tied together. She also had another bow in her hoof though...

I don't know why... but I felt my cheeks flare red and my vision blur a bit, leaving Applebloom clear but her surroundings blurry. I saw her make eye contact with me, and at my gaze she blushed as well and turned her head.

"Is somethin' wrong Ghost?" She said bashfully, probably embarrassed that I was staring. I shook myself out of the hypnosis I was in and stammered, not being able to form coherent words for a few moments.

"Uh... wow... Applebloom. You look... you look......" I sputtered, unable to finish my sentence. Her eyes widened and she attempted to hide behind her ponytail, her face growing redder.

"It's mah hair isn't it? Oh ah knew ah shouldn't have done it like this!" She yelped, about to bound back up the stairs. I grabbed her hoof with my magic, stopping her in her tracks.

"No! No it isn't bad! It's... really... really nice actually! It took me by surprise, but it's really nice!" I exclaimed, calming her down and bringing her back. "But why did you do it though? Every time I've seen you you always do your hair the same."

She kicked the ground a bit with her hoof. "Well, ah jus' remember stopping when ah was about to put on mah bow on but I wanted to... change a bit..." She whispered, looking at me at that last statement. I grinned at her embarrassed look, when I remembered the other bow she had with her.

"What's with that second bow in your hoof?" I asked, pointing to it. She gasped as if she remembered something, putting the bow out towards me.

"You can wear it! Ah... Ah had the idea that you could wear it like a bow tie! Watch!" Applebloom explained, going behind me with the bow in her hoof. I felt her hooves fiddling with something around my neck, before it was fastened into a comfortable fashion. She stepped back and reached up to grab a silver pot, allowing me to use it as a mirror.

I looked in the 'mirror' and smiled, seeing a red bow around my neck. It actually looked pretty fashionable, giving me a bright contrast of color against my dark green coat and black mane. It felt right to have it on, as if it was second nature to wear it. "Wow! Looks nice!" I exclaimed, hearing Applebloom chuckle behind me.

"It looks really nice Ghost. Now shouldn't we be gettin' to school now?" She asked, pointing to the clock that now read 7:40. I gasped and my eyes widened, grabbing her hoof. I caught a brief glimpse of her cheeks reddening, before my eyes closed and I teleported us to the school house. When I opened my eyes, I saw Applebloom wobble around a bit with her eyes going in every direction, disoriented from the teleportation.

"ugh... wha?" She groaned, before shaking her head to regain her sense of balance. She looked around and saw that we were in front of the school. "How'd we get here so fast?"

I tapped my horn a few times, looking around to see that other colts and fillies were staring at our grand entrance. I saw Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo also looking at us, so I motioned towards them. "Why don't you stay out here. I have to register myself with Ms. Cheerilee." I said.

"Oh, ok. Hey girls!" Applebloom answered, running off to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. I chuckled and walked into the Schoolhouse, excited for my first day.

3rd Person POV

"Oh my gosh! What did you do to your hair?" Sweetie Belle asked, smiling at her friends new hairstyle. "It looks amazing!"

"Ah don't know... ah jus' wanted to change it a bit, that's all." Applebloom explained, running a hoof down her new ponytail.

"Oh, I think I know who you wanted to change for..." Scootaloo said smugly, wiggling her eyebrows at Applebloom. The filly in question blushed and glowered at her friend.

"It ain't like that! It's just... Maybe ah felt like doin' somethin' different today!"

"Applebloom, you stink at lying. Is that like a family thing?" Sweetie Belle joked. "Plus he's super cute. If you didn't like him I'd want him as my special somepony.

"And why would you want him as your special somepony!?" Applebloom said a bit louder than necessary, getting in Sweetie Belle's face. All Sweetie Belle did was smirk.

"So you do like him then."

Applebloom's eyes widened as she realized that she had fallen into Sweetie Belle's trap, inadvertently revealing that she had a crush on Ghost. "Ah walked right inta that didn't ah?"

"Yep! So you tell him yet?" Sweetie Belle asked, causing Applebloom to tackle the filly to the ground and put a hoof onto her mouth.

"Are ya crazy? Ah can't jus' tell him like that!"

"Sure you can, watch. HEY GHOST! APPLEBLOOM-!" Scootaloo was cut off by Applebloom getting off of Sweetie and covering her mouth as well, leaving Sweetie Belle free.


A crazy cycle of Applebloom stopping one of the fillies but leaving the other wide open began, each of them trying their hardest to get the word to Ghost.

"Stop it you two! Really!" Applebloom pleaded, stopping for a moment. The other two fillies were about to yell at the school house, but saw Applebloom's pleading expression. Deciding to take pity on her, they shut their mouths.

"Sorry... we just were having a bit of fun." Scootaloo said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Well it's not that much fun for me! Ah don't know what's goin' on with me!" Applebloom cried, pacing back and forth. "Every time ah see him ah feel warmer! Ah can't go to sleep anymore unless ah feel him next to me!"

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle's eyes widened at that, looking at each other with surprised faces. "You two sleep in the same bed?" Scootaloo asked. Applebloom nodded, not realizing the insinuations behind her words.

"Ah had a nightmare a few nights ago... Ah remember bein' back at that mountain, with... blood all over me..." Applebloom confided, the other two fillies knowing better than to say anything. "Ah woke up so scared, an' Ghost's room was the closest. He was awake an' let me stay in bed with him that night. Ah tried to go ta sleep the next night, but ah jus' couldn't. This time Ghost was asleep, so ah jus' snuck into his bed an' fell asleep like nothing!"

The two other fillies understood and were about to ask more, but the colt in question came up to them with a large grin. "Guess who's going to class with you guys?" Ghost said happily, nearly bouncing in joy. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo's mouths dropped to the floor, not believing what they were hearing.

"Why are they making you come to school? And why are you so excited?" Sweetie Belle asked. Ghost shook his head, correcting her.

"Nopony is making me come to school, I just want to."

Scootaloo gasped loudly, grabbing Ghost's cheeks and staring into his eyes. "Run! Run! Run away and never come back!" She warned, trying to push the Changeling Colt away. He swatted her hooves away, chuckling at her antics.

"I just want to see what school is actually like. I've never gone to a real school before and thought, 'well while I'm here in Ponyville'." Ghost explained. "Tutoring in Equestria isn't very fun."

"So... you didn't like learning in a private room, but you might like learning where you are surrounded by other foals?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Exactly." A bell began to ring, signalling the start of class. "Let's go! C'mon Applebloom!" Ghost yelped, grabbing Applebloom's hoof and dragging her along into the schoolhouse. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle slowly turned towards each other.

"I'll give them a week." Sweetie Belle betted.

"I'll give them 22 minutes."

64 POV

It was 3 AM when I felt the vibrations of a Yellow Gem underneath my pillow, making me groan and sit up in my bed. I opened the channel and listened.

"I hope you got the rest you needed. It's time for your first task." The voice told me. "Marcos is your first target. Mind you that this is not an assassination mission. All you need to do is scare him a bit."

"And how can I do that? What is he scared of?" I asked, cracking my neck and stretching a bit.

"That is not of my concern, and find out for yourself. He is currently taking the 2nd night shift, meaning you have 10 minutes before he swaps positions. Good luck Project 64. But remember, if you are found out... we have never spoken..."

The voice cut off, causing me to sigh and stand up. I grabbed my Skeleton Blades out of my bag and attached them to my wrists, then pulled out my Shock Baton and attached it to my belt. I unraveled the map and channeled magic to my right hand, seeing small flames spark up. I brought my hand under the map of Volaticus and saw 3 golden markers appear. 2 of them being guards, but the other 1 being the Gryphoness I had tagged in the village. I wouldn't be able to distinguish the 2 guards from one another, so I would need find the one who was moving, and not asleep.

I walked over to the lock and entered the combination, safely unlocking the lock and slowly opening the door. I peered through the door to see if there were any guards in the hall, and sighed when I saw none. I gave 1 last look at the sleeping Frenzy Scribe, hoping that he wouldn't wake up while I was gone. I brought my hood over my head and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind me.

"Alright... let's have a little chat Marcos..." I whispered, crouching and heading down the hallway. Security was much tighter thanks to the negotiations which were going to take place in the morning, meaning that guard presence was going to be a killer. The hallways were lit up with the dim glow of Red Gems, which no doubt were Fire Gems which were heating the Castle.

"Fuckin' snow... fuckin' blizzards..." A guard said down the hall, making me dive into a doorway which provided ample cover. I peaked around the corner and saw that he was covered in melting snow, dampening his feathers and making him chafe in his armor. I saw that he was alone, making him a perfect target.

I stepped out of the doorway when I saw... something... come out of the wall. A shadow literally came out of the wall, zooming over to the Gryphon guard and delivering a devastating blow to his skull. When he was incapacitated, the shadow grabbed the body and dragged it over to the wall, making it appear invisible in the dark. I realized the shadow was just wearing a dark cloak, and when it swept to the side for a split second, I growled.


"You won't have the target. He is mine..." A feminine voice said from the Zebra, before she sprinted away. I smirked and unsheathed my blades.

"A challenge is it? Game on bitch..." I growled, zooming through the halls after the Zebra Assassin.

Next Chapter: Chapter 53 Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 43 Minutes
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