
64 vs. The Underground

by Jman9877

Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Ghost POV

Well flashing my badge did absolutely nothing. The Police officers not only took me into custody after tasering me, they took my badge and stomped it into the ground! Apparently being found in a room with piles of incredibly harmful drugs surrounding you along with a dead Gryphoness next to you wasn’t the best situation to be caught in. The police officers were currently using MY Magical Charm to contact Princess Celestia to confirm my place in her ranks, something I bet she wasn’t going to be too happy about.

I didn’t drop the Gryphon façade, not want to be further persecuted as a Changeling, knowing it would only make things worse. I still held the name of Fonix, but I told them to address me as Agent 65 so Celestia wouldn’t get confused. I figured the sooner I was out of this dinky little prison cell I could easily escape out of the better, because I now knew who the head Dealer of the Crystal Dust was in Ethaxial. I could just tell the police, but I doubt they would be able to apprehend the suspects without arousing suspicion. I already had one tie to the dealer now, one of the Gryphon’s who had been stuffing the bags of silver bars into the back of the getaway van. His name was Wrath, and he had given me the location of where the Diamond Dog leader was holing up. All it took to get the info out of him was a very hefty amount of Gems I had brought with me.

I wasn’t able to get the name of the dealer, but I knew that I would need to go back to the club where I had met the Gryphoness in two days, and request the DJ there to play “Luna”. After that the dealer always went to the bar to order something called the Sidebar, apparently the heavy song often put him in the mood for his favorite drink.

All it would take would be a few choice words and maybe some bribery, then I would be in. All I had to do after that is find some evidence incriminating the dealer, then call in 64 for the kill.

“Alright, she sounded pissed, but everything checks out. We’ve been trying to find the bastard running the dust for a while, so don’t bother trying to dig any deeper.” The Earth pony officer told me, making me scowl at him.

“And what the heck makes you think I won’t be able to find anything about the Dust? You don’t know what I’m capable of.” I retorted, making the officer chuckle.

“I do know. You managed to get yourself arrested for remaining at the scene of a crime which you were investigating, already revealed yourself as an uncover agent from Equestria to nearly every officer in Ethaxial, and you are doing a very bad job in finding any evidence. I will say something though, you managed to plant yourself inside of the very group we have been trying to find any information about for the past year. How did you manage that?”

“Easy, find the buyer, find their seller, find their supplier, and then find their dealer. Follow the ladder all the way up, then strike from the inside. And FYI, I do have a very important piece of information that I might need help with.” I said, piquing the officer’s interest.
He looked down a bit before unlocking the door to my cell, stepping inside.

“Where are my manners? Captain Reggie Fawkes.”

I grinned. “Now we are getting somewhere.”

64 POV

The train finally arrived in Manehatten, and Blusa looked like she was gonna burst in excitement at any moment. She nearly knocked me over when she ran to go get off of the train, and I had to grab the edge of her saddlebags to prevent her from zooming off into the city.

“Wait up Blu, Grey isn’t going anywhere. His shop is on the far side of Manehatten, so it’s about a 30 minute walk. Applejack’s Aunt and Uncle live about 10 minutes from the train station, so let’s go drop off Applejack, then we’ll head for your brother alright?” I asked, making her nod her head sadly.

“Aww don’t worry Blu, it’ll only be a moment. 64 and ah were gonna go visit little Orange Grove later anyway, so we have plenty of time.” Applejack said. We walked out of the Train Station and looked at the immense urban jungle in front of us, Applejack’s eyes widening and Blusa jumping up and down in excitement.

“C’mon, the Orange’s live in one of the Stately Apartments at the Pinewood Suites on the corner of 22nd and 3rd. You excited AJ?” I asked, making Applejack shrug her shoulders.

“Ah haven’t seen them since ah moved back to Ponyville, in fact ah didn’t even leave any kind of note or anythin’. I think ah might have given ‘em a really bad scare so ah’m glad I can come back and apologize.” Applejack said, making me nod.

“You know, I was still locked up in the Labs when that whole fiasco with the Sonic Rainboom happened. But it’s strange; I’ve heard the stories about how you and your friends all got your cutie marks in all of the same days, and based on Twilight’s story, if it wasn’t for Rainbow setting off the Sonic Rainboom, I wouldn’t have escaped.”

“How do ya figure? You weren’t able to see it.”

“There were these two know rookie guards. After a particularly bad session, they began to blather on about Twilight’s fiasco with Spike. While they talked that’s when I first heard about the Peacemaker, and my plan for escaping was set in motion. If anything, Rainbow Dash was the reason I escaped.”

Applejack and Blusa both looked surprised at my explanation, even though it was a bit far-fetched. I still thought it was plausible, so that’s was what I was sticking with. We continued to make the short walk through the streets of Manehatten, and I received the usual terrified and disgusted stares. At this point I was numb to them, but then something I didn’t even expect happened.

Suddenly I felt the hairs on the back of my head stand straight upwards, indicated imminent danger was coming. The magic she gave me suddenly sensed a projectile heading towards the three of us, and I could tell by its trajectory that it was directed towards me, but it was instead coming towards Blusa.

I quickly made a 180 turn and caught the object about to hit Blusa in the back of the head, and saw it was a nicely sized rock. I looked in the direction it came from and saw the rear half of a stallion running away down an alley across the incredibly busy street.

“AJ lead Blusa to your Aunt and Uncle’s house, I gotta deal with this punk.” I said, making Applejack nod and continue with Blusa down the road. I looked at all of the carriages quickly speeding up and down the road, so I channeled magic to my eyes to “slow” things down. I saw a two second opening coming, and used it to my advantage.

I zoomed across the street with my legs augmented, and quickly followed the asshole who threw the rock at us. I saw that there were overturn garbage cans and thrashed around trash making a trail, so I quickly followed it.

I slowed down when I heard the sound of conversation, causing me to hug the wall and listen closely.

“I still don’t understand why the heck ya wanted me to throw the rock Jess, he wasn’t hurtin’ nobody.” A voice said, indicating himself as my provoker.

“That thing needs to learn that this is our turf, and he better stay off. I don’t want some two legged thing walkin’ my streets.” The stallion indicated as Jess responded. The little punk wanted to fuck with me? Alright, I’ll show him I’m nothing to fuck around with.

I looked up the wall I was hugging and saw that there were bricks that were slightly protruding, and I immediately started climbing. The building creating the small alley had a fire escape right above them, and I saw the perfect idea to show them who was really in charge. Using one of the water pipes along the wall I shimmied across to the escape, and saw the three stallions standing below were still talking shit.

I grabbed the lever release of the fire escape ladder and waited for the moment they were going to start and walk away. They eventually nodded their heads and were about to leave, but I pulled the lever and caused the ladder to crash down to the floor.
I saw the three stallions turn towards the sudden sound, obviously startled.

“What the fuck!?” I heard the stallion say; now identifying himself as Jess. I pulled up the hood attached to my long sleeve and took a few steps back then ran forward, vaulting myself off of the railing of the fire escape and jumping towards them. The now identified adolescent stallions below me saw my quickly descending form, and all scrambled.

Unfortunately for Jess, he wasn’t quick enough to evade me. I landed on his back and felt his body immediately crumple to the ground, his forelegs trying to crawl his way out from under me. His two buddies decided they weren’t gonna help him, so they booked it out of the alley.

“HEY! WAIT! YA GOTTA—MMHM!” Jess tried to yell, but I held his mouth shut.

“So, you think you run these streets huh? How old are you? 16? 17? Huh Jess?” I whispered, trying to sound as menacing as I could. Jess simply started to whimper and tried harder to crawl his way out, but easily held him down and detained him.

“So what in the name of Celestia do you think you are? Huh? Telling your ‘friend’ to throw a rock at me and my friends? You think you’re tough shit?” I continued.

He shook his head no feverishly, tears starting to form at the edges of his eyes.

“Now there’s a good boy, get the fuck out of here.” I said, finally standing up and letting go of him. He started to bawl and ran in the same directions his buddies did moments ago, yelling the word ‘mommy’ as he ran.

“Damn that felt good. Little shit needed to be knocked down a peg.” I said, pulling down my hood and walking towards Applejack’s relative’s house. They should have arrived there by now, so I would be able to take Blusa to her brother once I got there. I walked out of the alley and made the not so complicated walk to the Orange residence.

I made my way up the stairs and found the front door to their apartment, knocking twice to alert them of my presence. Uncle Orange opened the door and smiled.

“Ah, Project 64. So nice to see you again. Applejack tells me you are here to pick up your friend?” Uncle Orange asked me.

“Yep, I just had to take care of something really quick. I’ll be back later today to pick Applejack up so we could go visit… uh… Orange Grove’s grave.” I said slowly. Uncle Orange looked down a bit before giving me a sad smile.

“It’s been 5 years… it only feels like yesterday…”

I felt like I had to do something to console him, but I knew that any words I give wouldn’t mean anything coming from me. I still had to try something.

“It was a terrible thing to happen. I can’t imagine what losing a daughter must be like.” I said, honestly feeling incredibly terrible. The Underground Guards were chasing me, and Orange Grove got caught in the crossfire. If I had turned in any other direction before I crossed Orange Grove then this terrible tragedy wouldn’t have happened.

“It’s alright son. She’s in a better place now.”

Uncle Orange stepped aside when Blusa came to the door, a sad smile on her face. She blinked out the word sorry to Uncle Orange, who turned to me for translation.

“She says she is sorry for you loss.” I answered, to which Blusa nodded.

“Ah, thank you very much young lady. I do hope you and your brother will have a happy reunion.” Uncle Orange told her, making her blush and nod.

“C’mon, we better get going. It’s about a 10 minute walk from here.” I said, wiping some tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes. Blusa nodded and I said my goodbyes, Applejack apparently meeting up with her other relatives inside, and was unable to come to the doors to say goodbye.

We walked back downstairs and walked back outside. I caught a glimpse of what looked like Jess and his friends quickly scurrying away when they caught sight of me, and I had a quick chuckle at their expense. I looked over at Blusa who was now visibly sweating, obviously nervous at meeting her brother.

“Hey Blu, he was nearly in tears when I told him that you were still alive. He’s going to be so relieved to see you again. Heh, I’m actually jealous of you right now.” I said, making Blusa look at me strange.

“You have the pleasure of having a relative in your life. Ghost is definitely the closest I will ever get to family and he’s over in Ethaxial doing who knows what. I don’t share blood with anypony else in this world except for me.”

Apparently this helped Blusa calm down a bit and realize how lucky she was to have a brother. She blinked the word ‘lonely’ to me, and I chuckled a bit.

“Only a little bit. It nips at my sanity from time to time, but I’m good. All I have to do is realize that it could be worse and keep moving forward. Sometimes I just wished I had a relative.”

The conversation stopped after that and a comfortable silence between us grew, the hustle and bustle of the Manehatten streets still buzzing. After about 7 more minutes of walking, I finally saw the building we were looking for, Grey Streak’s Creations. This was Grey’s workshop, where he made incredible metal works. He wasn’t a combat weapons blacksmith, but he was definitely skilled when it came to decorative weaponry.

“Alright Blu, you ready?” I asked. Blusa nodded incredibly fast, a wide smile and shaking legs obviously shown.

“Ok, wait just outside the door until I call you in ok?”

Blusa nodded yes as I opened the door to the building. The small tinkling bell sounded through the building, and a large grey stallion was seated on a swivel chair with his rear hoof kicked up on the counter. His eyes were covered by his long hair, and it looked like he wasn’t very interested in the potential customer who just walked through the door.

“Welcome to Grey Streak’s Creations… do ya got a order placed?” Grey Streak asked lazily, making me chuckle a bit.

“Sorry, I don’t. You Grey Streak?” I asked, making him wipe the hair out of his eyes.

“Thas’ the name, don’t wear it… Hey, you’re that guy who came here 2 months ago to tell me about little baby Blu! How ya doin?”

“I’m doing good. How’s the business treating you?”

“Eh, you gotta work to live, and I say why not do somethin’ that involves a bit of fire. It’s doin’ alright, it’s what is keepin’ the meals rollin’ in.”

Grey Streak once again took his lazy demeanor, once again kicking his hooves up onto the counter.

”Anyway, you obviously didn’t just drop in to check on me, what you gotta say?” Grey Streak asked me, making me grin a bit.

“Blusa? Somepony wants to see you!” I called out, making Grey Streak’s eyes suddenly widen and mouth to drop. He shot back to his hooves and looked at the slowly opening door. Blusa stepped through the door and made eye contact with her brother, and tears immediately began to be shed.

“BLUSA!” Grey Streak yelled, vaulting himself over the counter and rushing his sister. She ran forward too and they embraced each other, Grey crying tears of joy along with Blusa, who was unable to cry audibly but was still shedding tears.

I looked at their emotional reunion and could only smile at them, but something caught my eye on Grey Streak’s counter. It was a camera with an incredibly large flash bulb on it, and I immediately grabbed it and took a snapshot, catching the two in a surprise.

“Now that is literally worth 1000 words…” I whispered as the camera began to develop the picture. It popped out and I handed it to Grey, who wiped his teary eyes and looked at the photo I was holding out at him.

“Heh, It’s just been so long Baby Blu. I was so scared something happened to you when I heard you got foalnapped, and I nearly didn’t believe this guy when he told me you were alive in Canterlot.” Grey said, choking up a bit.”

“How about I just leave you two here to catch up a bit? I’m gonna head back and meet up with AJ ok Blu?” I asked, making Blusa nod.

“Wait up. Thank you so much for saving her. I… I can’t tell you how grateful I am for saving her.” Grey Streak told me, making me smile and nod.

“It’s all part of my job. All that matters is that she’s safe and sound now back with her family. I actually have something to ask before I forget. Blusa has a week’s vacation right now, and she wanted it to spend it in Manehatten to spend time with you. I have more than enough to set her up in a hotel nearby, but I was wondering if you wanted her to stay with you.” I asked, making Grey Streak look at me as if I was stupid.

“Of course she can stay with me! It’ll be perfect!” Grey Streak answered me, turning to Blusa with a grin. “You don’t mind staying with me for a week right?”

Blusa nodded no, but she pointed a hoof to her throat.

“Oh! It’s cool! I learned Morse once I heard the news from this guy here! Speaking of which, what’s your name by the way?”
I chuckled. I always got a funny reaction.

“64, my name is 64.”

Next Chapter: Chapter 14 Estimated time remaining: 15 Hours, 12 Minutes
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