
Persona: The "Pony"-verse Legacy

by Golden Flare

Chapter 1: Episode 1: He Is You And You Are Him

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"I am thou. Thou art I." a mysterious voice said in complete darkness.

"Wh-What the...?!" a normal male voice replied.

"Does thou wish to live?" said the mysterious voice.

"WHO ARE YOU?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" said the male voice.

"Thou must protect himself and one thou treasures dearly. Awake, young one." said the mysterious voice, ending the conversation.

"Wait!" said the male voice.

My name is Even Flaire. I'm just a normal 16 year old boy, and this is where my strange journey begins.

Episode 1: He Is You And You Are Him

"Ugh." said Even.
"What a strange dream." he said.

He began to open his eyes.

"Ugh... Wh-Why is the sun beating down in my..."

He slowly began to realize that he's not in his bedroom anymore.

"What?! Where am I?!" Even said in fear.

He got up to his feet and viewed his surroundings.

"How'd I get here?" he said.

He somehow ended up in an empty field.

He started to walk around, to see if he can find his house.

Then he saw something on the horizon.

"Wait, I don't remember that being there." Even said, confused.

He saw an unusual town, a town he has never seen in his life.

"Maybe I can go there and ask for directions." he suggested to himself.

Even walked all the way to town, and saw something...

...WAAAAAY out of place.

"?!" Even motioned.
"A town of... HORSES?! Just where the heck am I?!" he practically shouted.

"Hey, what's that?" one of the townsfolk shouted out.

"I don't know what that is." another replied.

"Looks like I'm drawing too much attention to myself!" Even thought in a panic.
"I'd better bolt! Now!"

Even ran through an alley in town and the townsfolk followed suit.

He ran and ran and ran, until he skid to a stop when he saw a familiar face.

It was his best friend, Ley, cornered by six ponies and a little dragon.

"Who and what are you?!" said the rainbow-maned pony.

"I should ask you the same thing!" Ley replied.

Even began to look for something to use as a weapon to help his friend, he found a trash can lid, and charged at the pony threatening his friend.

"Why you!" the rainbow-maned pony said, angrily.

The rainbow-maned pony readied her attack, but was caught off guard when she heard someone shouting as loud as he could.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!!!!" Even yelled, as he knocked her in the head.

"RAINBOW DASH!!" the purple unicorn screamed.

"Even?!" said a shocked Ley.

"C'mon Ley, it's time to go!" Even hurriedly said.

"Hey! Y'all get back here!" said the orange pony.

They ran as fast as they could, ignoring the orange pony's demand.

"Pinkie, Spike, you two stay with Rainbow, we're gonna go catch us some varmints." the orange pony said.

"Okie dokie lokie!" said the pink pony.

"Let's go, girls!" the purple unicorn said with determination.

The two humans were chased into the middle of the town square.

They found themselves surrounded by many of the pony townsfolk, especially four of the six ponies from earlier, making their way to the middle of the crowd.

"How do I get myself into these messes?" Even and Ley said in unison and was caught off guard by each other.

"HEY! YOU TWO!" the purple unicorn shouted.
"My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I'm the pony who's gonna make pay for what you did!" said the purple unicorn in anger.

The four ponies charged at the two, while they braced themselves for a merciless beating.

"I am thou." said a mysterious voice.

"!!!" Even thought to himself.

"Huh?" Twilight said.

Twilight could the voice as well.

"Thou art I." the mysterious voice said.

Even knew he heard that voice before...

But where?

Then a card marked with the number "0" with a picture of a grey unicorn with green and red eyes and a glowing red horn appeared in front of him.

"What's that?" said a confused Ley.

"Wait! That can't be...!" Twilight said in fear.

There was no doubt. that picture on the card is King Sombra.

"Thou hast opened thine eyes." said the mysterious voice.

"The time..."

"IS NOW!!!"

Even glared at the ponies and shot a look of anger and determination.

A massive storm came from out of nowhere and began to glow an ominous red right over Even.

The ground began to shake and a red aura surrounded Even.

Even began to speak.




Even crushed the card before him and a massive creature immerged from behind him.

Even's eyes quickly turned green and red, just like the creature's.

Twilight shot a beam of light at the creature, but Even raised his hand in front of him and somehow the creature summoned a barrier to protect him.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Ley began to freak out about what she's seeing.

Then out of nowhere, the orange pony and a white unicorn pony jumped onto the creature, trying desperately to defeat it.

And strangely, whatever pain the creature felt, Even felt as well.

"GET OFF ME!!!" Even shouted, infuriated.

The creature used a levitation spell and threw the two ponies back.

A yellow pegasus pony squeaked and hid in a garbage can.

Twilight tried to attack again, but was interrupted by Even using one of the creature's skills.

"KING SOMBRA!" Even Shouted.

A black lightning bolt hit Twilight and knocked her off her hooves.

The creature disappeared in a red aura and the sky returned to normal.

The townsfolk ran away in fear after what they saw, trying to get away from Even.

"W-What the hell was that?!" Ley said.

"King... Sombra." Even replied.

"His power..."

Twilight stared at Even in fear.

"...It belongs to me." Even said.

Even smiled and shot a look of confidence at Ley with those green and red eyes of his.


A card telling you a future has been flipped.

You control your destiny from now on.

Good... or evil?

Well, let's get started.


A tall, slender white pony with wings and a horn stood in some kind of throne room, with a guard informing her of what has transpired in a local town.

"I see." the tall pony said.
"Thank you for telling me this. As you were."

"Yes, Your Highness." the guard said as he left the room.

The tall pony just stood there...

Pondering about something...

Something that she had felt at the beginning of this day...

She had felt a presence that should've disappeared forever...

"I was right all along..." the tall pony said.

"...He has returned."


Bonds with people, or ponies, is the true power.


Next Scent

"I have a great power, but what should I use it for?" said Even.

"Even!!" screeched Ley.

"Let her go!" Even demanded.

"I'm sorry, young one, but you must fall." said Princess Luna.

"I'll fight to protect my friends! Especially from you!! PERSONA!!" Even called his persona and began to fight for his friend.

To Be Next

Episode 2: Even Darkness Has A Heart

Author's Notes:

Thanks for watching! I apologize in advance if the first chapter seems rushed, I didn't have the entire beginning of the storyline planned out, so I just went with the flow. I hope you guys liked it!

Next Chapter: Episode 2: Even Darkness Has A Heart Estimated time remaining: 57 Minutes
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