
Safety Off

by Daemon McRae

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Powder tilted his head to the left. Then to the right. Then, for good measure, he lied on his back and looked at it upside down.

“Jobs, what the flying fuck are you doing?”

Jobs, who was currently only half in the room at the moment, yelled back, “I’m gonna find this ding-dong-damned noise, I swear it!”

Powder rolled back over, and his eyes followed. “Oh god. Are you still on about that ringing noise? Leave it alone, dude!”

“Never!" Jobs shouted back. He had to shout, as he wasn’t fully in the room. Only his ass-end was.

The rest of him was stuck in a hole he’d cut in the wall.

“It’s not even a thing, Jobs! It just happens once every couple of days, right? Just leave it alone,” Powder pleaded, as less and less of Jobs became visible as the unicorn scooted farther and farther into the wall.

“I can’t sleep, dude! It always happens at night! I’ve tracked it back to this wall, but it’s either behind it, or under it or something! There’s a bunch of empty space back here!” Jobs shouted. Even less of him became visible, and Powder wondered just how long he could hold his position before-

Oh, yup. There he went. Into the wall. Powder laughed so hard he fell over, rolling around on the carpet of his friend’s living room floor while the aforementioned wall-dweller screamed obscenities from beyond the plaster. “Are... are you o-o-ok in there?!” Powder howled, his vision blurry as tears filled his eyes.

“...that hurt a lot. Hey, I think I landed on something. ...is that... Is that a cell-phone?! Why the hell is there a cell phone in my wa- POWDER YOU ASSHOLE! This is your ex-marefriend’s phone!” he shouted, the echo through the walls loud enough to drown out the pegasus’s laughter.

“Oh Celestia... can’t breathe...”

“I’m gonna crawl outta this wall and straight up your asshole, you little shit!” yelled the unicorn. He made a few banging noises, and stopped. “Um... Powder?”

The pegasus took a moment to catch his breath, and asked, still chuckling, “Yeah?”

“...I’m stuck.”

“Pffffft AHAHAHAHAHA!” Powder collapsed again, this time trying to lean on a couch for support. He felt the world grow just a little bit dim from oxygen deprivation.

“Oh come on, let me out! Please! I promise I’ll only kill you a little bit!” Jobs pleaded.

His pegasus friend floated up to the hole, with the full intention of letting him out. Still laughing, however, as soon as he got a grip on the plaster, his shaking body knocked the small section of wall he had a grip on loose, and it broke underneath him. He fell back, and knocked his head on the coffee table. He was out like a light.

“...Powder? Powder?!” Jobs called, slightly alarmed. There was a moment of silence while the unconscious stallion didn’t respond.

Shortly after, a few beeping noises could be heard from the hole. “...yeah, 911? I fell into my wall.”

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