
The Not-So-Normal Adventures of King Sombra and Pinkie Pie

by Harmony Charmer

First published

Sequel to "The Cake Batter Incident". An unlikely bond is formed when Pinkie is tasked to reform Sombra, the ex-king of the Crystal Empire.

After being revived by his dark magic, Sombra finds himself in Ponyville, under the care of Pinkie Pie, his assigned reformer. However, with a strange voice in the back of his head and Pinkie's odd allure, Sombra finds himself feeling something that hasn't been felt over a thousand years...

Will he be able to overcome the trials that come with being Pinkie's "friend"? And how will he prepare for what's to come?

Coverart by: Sutexii

This is inspired by RainbowBob's Feeling Pinkie Mean, the first SombraPie story to grace this site. Give proper credit where needed and go favorite his series, and a follow wouldn't hurt, either.

The following stories correlate to "The Not-So-Normal Adventures of King Sombra and Pinkie Pie" during Chapters One and The Intermission in this order:
Sombra VS Hearts and Hooves Day
A Crown For My King
April Fools!
Pink Is Your Color
The Best Form of Flattery

The following stories correlate in between The Intermission and Chapter 12 in this order:
Tough Scales
Can't Sleep Alone
Same Love?

The following stories correlate between Chapter 27 and the Epilogue in this order:
Different Perceptions
Last Resort

And check out the sequel!
Meeting The Family

Chapter 1: Sombra and Pinkie Foalsit for the Cakes'

"And over there is Bon Bon's house!" Pinkie chirped happily, hopping monotonously alongside Sombra. The ex-tyrant hadn't said anything over the course of the tour, but if Pinkie noticed, she gave no sign of it. He felt trapped, the scarf she had gotten for him wrapped around both their necks.

'It might as well be a chain,' Sombra thought darkly, eyeing all the happy ponies and cheery setting with contempt. He thought back to his days of rule, where crystal ponies were chained up, much like how he felt.

'A taste of your own medicine, you demon,' the voice in his head whispered haughtily, causing Sombra to cringe in annoyance. That voice had been bothering him for the past couple of days, ever since that incident with the cake batter. Sombra may have a sweet tooth, but he had officially sworn off cake batter for the next millennia.

"Sombry?" he heard Pinkie ask. He had barely registered her question and continued walking. She had stopped moving and stood in front of him, causing their bodies to collide. Their muzzles touched, something Sombra found a little too intimate for his liking. He jumped back and wiped his mouth with his bare hoof.

"What?" he snapped, after nearly rubbing his lips off, "Why are you looking at me that way?"

Pinkie leaned into his face, making him feel uncomfortable.

"I said, we're at Sugarcube Corner," she chimed, "haven't you been paying attention?"

'No', he answered inwardly. He didn't want to say so out loud, for fear of Pinkie's reaction. He found out that Pinkie had a darker side, one that she did a good job of hiding. He'd taken note that her friends had seen it beforehoof and that they, too, would rather see it hidden away.

Before Sombra could make an excuse for her to not bother him, Pinkie let out a dramatic gasp and put her hooves to her face. Sombra had studied her long enough to know that she did this whenever she had an idea or realized something. It was one of the few things he'd figured out about her.

"I should introduce you to the Cakes!" Pinkie exclaimed happily, throwing her hooves in the air.

Sombra felt a sense of dread and groaned loudly. Pinkie's socialism was one of the main causes of his misery. He hated meeting new ponies, whether it be peasants or politicians.

Pinkie started hopping to the entrance of the bakery, tugging Sombra with her. She began rambling on about the Cakes', but they fell on deaf ears. Upon entering, he froze and eyed all the confectionery treats within a hoof's reach. Sombra's eyes widened and he could feel himself start to drool.

He ran his tongue across his fangs and whispered in a low tone, "Caaaaanndyyyy...."

"Sombry, I want you to meet Mrs.Cake!" Pinkie said, snapping Sombra out of his trance-like state, while pointing at an adult mare. Her mane and tail resembled that of frosting on a cupcake, swirled and pink. If Sombra hadn't known any better, he would've thought she was Pinkie's mother.

Mrs.Cake waved and smiled nervously at him, paling in comparison to Pinkie's 100 watt grin.

"Oh, uh," she stammered, "hello, 'Sombry'."

Sombra could feel a vein pulse in his temple and almost snapped at her, but he heard a loud squeal originate from below him. He looked down and saw a small cream colored pegasus with a spiked up brown mane. The other foal, who was a unicorn for some unknown reason, with a pastel yellow coat and orange mane laid on it's back, wriggling happily. The cream colored toddler wrapped it's legs around Sombra's large hoof, giggling and smiling at nothing.

"Oh, Pound!" Pinkie exclaimed, scooping up the foal before Sombra could react. The foal started fussing as Pinkie placed him down, reaching towards Sombra. Pinkie turned around and waggled her tail in front of his face.

"Come on, who wants Auntie Pinkie's tail?" Pinkie asked, her curly tail bouncing monotonously.

Pound Cake smiled and giggled happily, letting out a small cry of joy.

"Curly!" he exclaimed, gumming the tip of her tail. Pinkie laughed and took her tail away from him. She dashed to the entrance to kitchen and peeked over the top of the doors.

"Where's Pinkie...?" she drawled, ducking down. Both the foals watched the entrance expectantly, waiting in suspense.

"We can clearly see you!" Sombra exclaimed, pointing a hoof, but the foals paid him no mind.

Pinkie burst out of the kitchen and smiled happily.

"Here I am!" she exclaimed, then backed into the kitchen again, repeating the process until the foals were laughing. Pinkie rushed over and laid on the floor, the foals climbing onto her as she laughed happily. Sombra heard Mrs.Cake laugh and turned to look at her.

"She's so great with them, don't ya think?" she asked Sombra, glancing at Pinkie. Sombra didn't know much about foals, other than the fact that they were smelly, loud and annoying. The fact Pinkie could stand it didn't surprise him, her being all of those things.

"Cup!" a voice shouted from upstairs. Pinkie perked up and smiled, then dashed to the bottom of the stairs.

"Yay!" Pinkie cheered, "You get to meet Mr.Cake!" Her happiness was short-lived, because a stallion, who Sombra could only assume to be Mr.Cake, came bounding down that stairs and past her.

"Cup, we have to get this order delivered!" he exclaimed, a large white box balanced on his back. Mrs.Cake gasped and put her hooves to her face.

"Oh, goodness!" she clamored, dashing to her husband's side. They bounded past Sombra, knocking him aside. Pinkie quirked a brow and watched as the married couple ran to and fro.

"I don't remember there being any orders," she murmured, sounding uncharacteristically resigned. Mrs.Cake rushed past Pinkie and spared her a glance.

"Well, you've been in and out of the shop for your 'secret mission', remember?" she inquired, grabbing a tube full of pink frosting. Sombra thought it strange she called reforming him a "secret mission", seeing as how she walks him around town like a trophy. Pinkie blinked in shock and her ears flattened.

"I guess you're right," she admitted, getting up. She got up and rushed over to Mr.Cake's side, trying to assist him with getting items. He waved his hoof and shook his head.

"It's alright, Pinkie," he assured her, "I got it." Pinkie looked a bit sad for a moment, but she quickly smiled.

"Okie dokie lokie!" she chirped, hopping over to where she found Sombra on the floor. "Whatcha ya doin' on the floor, Sombry?" He glowered at her and prepared a scathing retort, but was interrupted by the Cakes' rushing past. They pushed through the doors, not sparing a glance their way.

"Pinkie, you don't mind watching the twins and shop while we're gone, do you?" Mr.Cake asked, peeking his head in. Pinkie blinked and rubbed a hoof nervously on the back of her head.

"Well, I guess I could watch Sombry and the twins," she admitted, but Mr.Cake had already left without hearing her reply. Once the doors closed, Sombra and Pinkie turned towards the foals simultaneously. Pound Cake smiled and waddled over to Sombra. He wrapped himself around Sombra's giant hoof again, giggling.

Sombra didn't know how to react to this foal's affections. He never had any foals of his own, although he had needed an heir in the event of his demise. He'd never gotten the chance, because of those wretched princesses. Now, seeing this small colt looking at him stirred feelings within him.

Did he even want children? It didn't sound like much to some ponies, but to him it carried a lot of weight. What would be the point of it? He didn't age when he had his powers, so why would he need a an heir?

'Because I don't have my powers,' he thought darkly, 'I'm just a regular mortal...'

He crouched down, bringing himself to the colt's level.

"Er, hello..." Sombra struggled to remember the colt's name, "Pound Cake, was it?"

Pound giggled and flew up to Sombra's horn, slinging himself on it like a bar. Sombra reached towards the foal and picked him up off it.

"That is not meant for swinging!" Sombra exclaimed, baring his fangs.

Pound Cake blinked, then burst into tears. He started wailing loudly, pounding his tiny hooves on Sombra's large ones. Sombra panicked and held the foal away from him.

"Quick, somepony, make him stop!" he shouted, trying to stay as far from the foal as possible.

Pinkie quickly grabbed Pound Cake, then began whispering sweet things to calm him down. Once he stopped crying, Pinkie placed Pound Cake on the floor next to his sister. She turned towards Sombra and gave him a strange look.

"You're acting like you've never held a baby before," she said, looking him up and down. He felt shock come across his features, to which Pinkie mirrored. "You've never held a foal?" she asked in a stage whisper. He thought about lying to her, heck, insulting her, even.

'But what would that accomplish?' he thought, 'She'll just keep bothering me.' He sighed raggedly and shook his head slowly.

"Didn't you have a marefriend in the Crystal Empire?" she asked.

He had barely processed her question when his eyes widened in shock.

"WHAT?!" he exclaimed, his jaw dropping in pure surprise. Pinkie blinked innocently, then quirked her brow again.

"Well, I figured somepony as handsome as you would have a fillyfriend," she replied coolly, then added slyly, "or a mistress."

A wave of heat flushed Sombra's cheeks, something that had not happened in over one thousand years. He put a hoof to his cheek and pointed an accusing hoof at Pinkie.

"WITCH!" he proclaimed, "You cast a spell to make my face rise in temperature, you enchantress!"

Pinkie blinked in surprise, then started giggling.

"No, silly filly, I'm not an enchantress!" she giggled, "Zecora is, though! Well, I used to think she was, but to be honest I still think she can cast spells, even though she's a zebra and zebras don't have horns like unicorns do and-"

She was interrupted by Sombra shoving his hoof into her mouth.

"Please," he begged, "shut your heathen mouth. Can you promise me that?"

Pinkie nodded her head, a muffled, "Mm-hmm" coming from her covered mouth.

He put his hoof down and savored the silence that came. It only lasted for a few seconds, when a loud BANG! resonated throughout the bakery. What followed afterwards was a cry of pain.

Pinkie's blue eyes widened in horror and she sprang up into the air, defying gravity while she flailed her legs.

"THE TWINS!" she exclaimed, zooming over to where she heard the noise. She dashed through the kitchen doors, while Sombra followed hurriedly. The last thing he needed was to be blamed for a foal being injured due to Pinkie's incompetence.

Upon entering the kitchen, he froze in shock. Pinkie was holding Pound Cake, who was still crying from an unknown injury. Pumpkin Cake was on the floor, joining in the chorus of cries.

"Sombry, make Pumpkin stop crying, please," Pinkie requested, rocking Pound in her forelegs.

Sombra blinked in shock, then shook his head. "No!" he exclaimed, "I don't know anything about foals, let alone fillies!"

Pinkie narrowed her eyes at him, a bad sign of what was to come.

"Sombra, so help me, if you don't make Pumpkin feel better, I will make Twilight take your desserts away!" she shouted, her blue eyes turning icy.

Sombra felt a sense a dread overcome him and his jaw dropped in horror. Twilight gave him desserts as a reward for doing as Pinkie said, when she said it. All she would have to do is say the word and he wouldn't have ice cream for who knows how long.

"You wouldn't dare..." he growled in a low tone, returning her glare. She leaned towards him and let out the same low growl Sombra had.

"Try me," she snarled, then nodded towards Pumpkin.

Having little choice in the matter, Sombra begrudgingly walked over to the crying filly. He brought himself down to her level, attempting to look smaller. Pumpkin turned towards him, her cries ceasing as she started to look at him.

"Uh, hello there, little..." he looked at Pinkie for encouragement, who nodded at him to continue, "...baby."

He heard Pinkie smack her hoof across her forehead, a custom he had grown used to doing whenever she did something foolish. Being on the other side of it was not that appealing.

Pumpkin resumed her crying and fell onto her back, waddling her little legs. Sombra's thoughts began to race as his panic levels rose through the roof.

'I have to figure out a way to calm her down,' looking around the room for something to distract Pumpkin. Upon looking, he caught sight of the kitchen doors. An idea formed in his head, but it would require sacrificing his pride and possibly his masculinity. 'Never mind those things,' he convinced himself, 'your desserts are at stake!'

Sombra walked over to the kitchen doors and walked out. Pinkie let out shouts of protest, but he ignored her. All that mattered was earning his dessert back. He peeked over the doors, gazing into the room. Pinkie gave him strange look, along with Pumpkin and Pound.

"Where's Sombry...?" he said, regretfully using Pinkie's nickname for him. Pinkie's eyes widened in shock and her jaw dropped. Sombra jumped out from the doors, standing on his hind legs and a fake smile plastered onto his face. "Here I am!" he exclaimed, causing Pumpkin to smile.

He went back behind the door, mentally preparing himself for his own embarrassment. "Where's Sombry...?" he drawled, peeking over the doors again. Pumpkin and Pound were both waiting suspense, while Pinkie watched in amazement. He popped out again, his wacky grin on his face still.

"Here I am!" he said with a laugh, causing the twins to start laughing. Despite that, he kept repeating the process over and over again, until he, too, was laughing. He collapsed to the floor and rolled onto his back, the foals climbing over him. He didn't fight against it, just laughing until he was out of breath and his sides hurt. He looked up and saw Pinkie watching him, a smile on her face.

"What are you grinning about?" Sombra asked, his smile dissipating. She shook her head, still grinning.

"Oh, nothing..." she said, walking towards the Twins, "...Sombry." She bounced off, laughing wholeheartedly while Sombra fumed silently. She scooped up the Twins, whose eyes starting to droop.

'I must have tired them out,' he mused while Pumpkin yawned loudly.

Pinkie placed the infants on her back and walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Sombra followed her up, until they reached the foals room. He waited by the doorway as Pinkie placed the Twins in their crib. She tucked them in, kissing them both on the forehead.

"Have a nice nap," she whispered as she pulled her head out of the crib.

She heard a loud THUD! and turned around abruptly. Sombra was on the ground, loud snores resonating from him. Drool began to drip from his mouth as he breathed deeply and evenly. She smiled, then grabbed a spare blanket on top of the toy chest. She pulled it over him, but it barely covered his torso.

She let out a yawn of her own and began to sway slightly.

'I should probably stay by the door in case- errr....' she mused lazily, then collapsed beside Sombra's sleeping form, snores of her own joining his.

* * *

"Oh, I wonder if Pinkie was able to handle the Twins," Mrs.Cake murmured to herself, watching as the bakery came into view.

"You don't normally worry about her, Cup," Mr.Cake said, "what's different about leaving her alone with them now?"

Mrs.Cake sighed as they arrived at the bakery. She held the door open for her husband, waiting for him to enter.

"Because," she started, "she had a stallion with her."

Mr.Cake blinked in realization, as if just remembering that there was another pony with Pinkie at the bakery. He was a large fella, and he looked awful strange compared to the other ponies in Ponyville. He had dark colors and his horn was unlike he'd ever seen on a unicorn.

"I'm sure it's nothing, Cup," Mr.Cake assured, making his way up the stairs. Mrs.Cake shook her head.

"I think you and I both remember what happened when we were that age," she said, quirking a brow.

Mr.Cake felt a sense of alarm overcome him at the thought of his adopted niece doing anything with a stallion.

"Oh, dear, you're right!" he dashed upstairs and stopped abruptly when he heard the sounds of snoring. His wife had followed him and looked to him for a signal. He held his hoof to mouth, then mouthed a "shh". She nodded in response and followed him towards the sound.

It was coming from the Twins's room, which confused him. The Twins weren't snorers. 'But Pinkie is,' he thought, causing him to fume silently. He peeked into the room and what he saw shocked him. Pinkie was curled up next to the stallion he'd seen only hours ago, sleeping soundly, save for the snores she made when she slept.

"Oh, dear..." he heard his wife murmur as she looked over his shoulder. He glanced over at the crib and saw that the Twins were sleeping. Did they put them down for a nap and end up taking one themselves? He smiled at the idea of it.

"Do you know what we should do?" he heard his wife whisper.

He kept his gaze on the sleeping pair, but replied with, "Yes?"

"Take pictures!"

Author's Notes:

HA! We should start saying "Shut your heathen mouth," more often!!! Yeah, but seriously, this story was so fun to write! I thought it would be interesting to see Sombra as a dad! I mean, have you SEEN how cute the baby Sombra pics are? I like to think that's what his kids will look like; CUTE! And then there's Pinkie's filly pics! GAH, THE CUTENESS IS TOO MUCH FOR ME TO BARE!!! THEIR BABIES SHALL BE ADORABLE! I mean, uh..... MOOSE!

Hey, I recently read somewhere that Sombra might be a Shadhavar? They're creature deriving from Persian culture. Although the mostly resemble gazelles, they are oftentimes called, "Evil Unicorns". They have curved horns, sharp teeth for eating meat(as Sombra is said to do), and tear streaks from their eyes(Yeah, I know with Sombra it's dark magic, but STILL). Is it possible? If so, I'd like to explore this theory and have fun with it!!!

Chapter 2: Sombra Learns About Pinkie Sense

It was a quiet morning in Ponyville that day. The sun had barely touched the top of the hills as a rooster let out it's morning wake-up call for the farmers. Many were still sleeping, enjoying their last couple of hours of rest before taking their leave to run daily errands. Among those sleeping residents laid the former king of the Crystal Empire, King Sombra.

He had been sleeping in his cot beside the stairs that lead to his warden's room, Princess Twilight Sparkle. His snores echoed throughout the entire library, causing stray pages to move with each inhale and exhale he made.

Spike, Twilight's personal assistant and dragon friend, was trying his best to ignore Sombra's loud snores. He'd been up all night reorganizing the library's shelves because Twilight found out that several books were misplaced because Spike didn't know that the word "the" didn't count as the first letter of the title. Upon hearing another snore, he couldn't take it anymore.

"SHUT UP, WILL YA?!" Spike exclaimed, throwing his pillow at Sombra.

The pillow didn't even come close to touching Sombra, just landing a foot outside of Spike's bed. He fell back onto his bed, letting out an aggravated groan. Sombra's ear pricked upwards and his eyes fluttered open. Spike, seeing Sombra awakening, pulled the covers over himself and pretended to be asleep, letting out fake snores.

Sombra rubbed his eyes and looked over Spike's "sleeping" form. He let out a ragged sigh and threw his pillow at the baby dragon, smacking Spike out of his bed.

"Shut up, will you?" Sombra snapped, rolling over and resuming his slumber. It only lasted for a few minutes, because the sounds of a crash reached Sombra's ears.

He sat up in his cot, then looked around the library for clarification. The sounds were too faint to be inside the building, but they can't be that far away. He climbed out of his cot and walked over to the window, hoping to see an answer to his question. Three small fillies were standing by a destroyed cart with an adult stallion yelling furiously at them.

An orange pegasus was hovering off the ground and yelling at who Sombra could only assume to be the owner of the cart. An yellow earth pony stood between them both, while their small unicorn friend cowered in the back. How these small fillies could destroy a cart, he'd never know.

Interested by the scene before him, he decided to take a closer look. He walked over to the door and turned the knob, which then caused a loud siren to go off. He sighed raggedly and cursed Twilight's name for putting an alarm on the library. He sat down and awaited Twilight's arrival to turn off the alarm.

Twilight came bounding down the stairs, her wings outstretched with feathers falling out. She glided to the door and slammed it shut with her magic. She turned towards Sombra and glared at him furiously.

"I thought I made it very clear not to go outside!" she snapped, growling angrily.

Spike, who didn't know it was Twilight shouting, sat up in bed.

"SHUT UP!" he shouted, throwing his pillow at Twilight.

It landed smack on her face and her horn tore through it. She pulled it down, ripping it in half. Once Spike caught sight of Twilight's reddened face, he held up a claw.

"I'm going to make you some breakfast," he said quickly, zooming past them and into the kitchen.

Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but sighed and muttered something under her breath along the lines of, "not worth it".

"Sombra, how many times do I have to tell you?" she said tiredly, "You can't leave unless Pinkie is here to-"

At that moment, the door slammed opened. Twilight was swung against the wall behind the door, cutting her off. Thankfully, Sombra wasn't in front of the door when it opened.

"Hay, Sombry!" Pinkie chirped, bouncing in.

The door swung back into it's frame, revealing a flattened Twilight. She slowly peeled off the wall and fell to the floor in a heap. She groaned loudly and rubbed her hoof to her head.

"Pinkie, what have I told you about slamming doors willy-nilly?" Twilight moaned, slowly getting up.

Pinkie blinked and started giggling.

"Whoops!" she said with a grin, "Sorry! Probably should have warned you with my Pinkie Sense! Well, I wouldn't have been able to use my Pinkie Sense if I was already here and I didn't open the door!"

Sombra quirked a brow and stared at Pinkie. "Pinkie... What?" he asked, causing both Twilight and Pinkie to look at him incredulously.

"My Pinkie Sense!" Pinkie exclaimed, "You know, that thing I do to predict the future?"

When Sombra gave her a blank stare, Twilight stepped in.

"Haven't you ever seen Pinkie act strangely?" she inquired.

Sombra raised his eyebrows and he gave her a look that might as well have said, "Seriously?".

Spike walked out of the kitchen, handing Twilight a plate with pancakes on it. "You did not just ask that," Spike said, glancing over at Pinkie, who was hopping around the library, humming to herself.

Twilight realized what she said and her cheeks reddened. "Oh..." she said nervously, "...right."

Sombra rolled his eyes and turned to look at Pinkie. "What exactly is this 'Pinkie Sense' you speak of?"

Pinkie jumped at this and zoomed over, hopping in front of Sombra.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Pinkie exclaimed, "It's something that happens to me when different things happen at different times!"

Sombra turned to Twilight for clarification, deeming her the most reasonable pony in the room to speak to.

"Well, Pinkie sort of got the gist of it," Twilight admitted, "She can tell the future by a series of chain reactions. For example, whenever her tail twitches-"

She was interrupted by the sound of warbling and both unicorns turned to see Pinkie's tail twitching uncontrollably.

"Oh no!" Pinkie exclaimed, panicked at the sight of her warbling tail, "My tail is twitching! Twitcha Twitch! Twitcha Twitch!"

Spike, who was on the ladder reorganizing books on the shelf, jumped at her proclamation.

"Twitchy tail!" he shouted, putting his claws to face in horror. In doing so, he lost hold of the ladder and fell off. Twilight caught him with her magic before he hit the ground and placed him down gently.

Sombra turned to Pinkie in shock and pointed a hoof at her accusingly.

"Witch!" he shouted, "You possess the ability to predict the future, you Wicca!"

Pinkie quirked a brow at him. "Didn't we already cover this?" she mused aloud, but Sombra ignored her.

"You must tell me, Fortune Teller," he commanded, "Will I ever be free of this wretched prison?"

Pinkie blinked and shook her head quickly. "Oh, no, no, no, no," she said, "it doesn't work that way. I can't just tell you what's going to happen. My feelings come and go as they please."

Sombra's temple throbbed as a vein threatened to burst from frustration.

"That makes no sense!" Sombra shouted angrily, slamming a hoof on the floor.

Twilight smiled and laughed at Sombra's reaction. "I said the exact same thing!" she said, pointing a hoof.

Sombra narrowed his eyes at her briefly and turned back to Pinkie.

"I refuse to believe in something I don't understand!" he snarled.

Another laugh from Twilight. "Two for two!" she exclaimed, still laughing.

He groaned and whipped around to face her. "Will you shut up?!" he snapped, baring his teeth. Twilight ceased her laughter and returned his glare, slamming her nose against his.

"You can't tell me what to do, Sombry," she said with snark, growling in return.

In the midst of their stare down, Spike walked past them and let out a noise of disgust.

"If you two are going to kiss, then just get it over with!" he exclaimed, "I'm tired of all this tension you two obviously have with one another!"

Sombra and Twilight jumped back and looked at one another with disgust.

"As if!" they shouted simultaneously, Twilight's cheeks turning a bright red.

Then, Sombra waggled his eyebrows and smiled slyly.

"Then again..." he started.

Before Twilight could react, Pinkie stepped in front of him.

"I thought you weren't interested in mares!" she yelled accusingly, "You said you didn't have a mistress, you liar!"

Sombra's eyes widened in surprise and all he could think to say was the worst thing a stallion could ever say to an angry mare, despite the confusion on his part.


She let out a growl of frustration and threw her hooves in the air.

"Tease!" she shouted angrily, hopping out in the most negative way possible. She slammed the door shut, leaving a very confused ex-tyrant and alicorn princess.

"What just happened?" Sombra asked in a dazed tone.

Twilight stared at the door and shook her head.

"Your guess is as good as mine," she said in the same tone as Sombra.

Author's Notes:

Sombra's a tease~ HAHAHAHA! Yeah, this was a bit of a joke chapter! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Why am I the only one laughing?

Hey, I had a funny thought. I was listening to Katherine Jenkins' "Silence Is All You Know" from Doctor Who(http://youtu.be/bVGilpd0e4s) and I thought to myself, "What if Pinkie could sing like that?" Everyone's faces... PRICELESS. Future chapter? More than likely!

Chapter 3: Meeting the Crusaders

Ponyville was alive with activity that afternoon. Everypony had something to do, whether it be shopping for groceries or just being with friends. The typically quiet town was loud, something that seemed to happen once every blue moon. The only two ponies to not be speaking, were King Sombra and Pinkie Pie.

After a small spat at Twilight's tree house earlier that morning, Pinkie had taken to giving Sombra the silent treatment. Sombra hadn't a clue to what he did wrong(as most stallions do), but he wasn't going to apologize anytime soon.

'She can pout all she wants,' he thought as he caught her sneaking a glare his way, 'I did nothing wrong!'

Pinkie was trying to maintain a calm composure, something that she wasn't familiar with doing. But, she also wasn't familiar with being angry over something so minor. When she heard Sombra make that comment about Twilight, she could feel her guts wrench in disgust and another feeling she didn't know.

'I don't know why it made me so upset,' she admitted to herself, sneaking a regretful look at Sombra. 'Maybe I should apologize for my behavior...' she mused.

Just then, Berry Punch walked by Sombra and stopped to look at him.

"Why, hello good looking!" she purred, fluttering her eyelashes.

Pinkie felt her stomach twist heatedly and growled when she saw Sombra return her sly grin. Her obvious disdain and anger was lost upon the flirting ponies, which only made it escalate further.

"Not too bad looking yourself..." he said, waggling his eyebrows.

Pinkie felt her ears grow hot with anger and her cheeks reddened. She opened her clenched jaw to make a statement, but stopped when her ears began flopping against her head.

"Twitcha Twitch..." she said to herself quietly, then jumped into the air while screaming, "TWITCHA TWITCH!"

Surrounding ponies jumped in shock and a collective gasp was shared by the Ponyvillians. Berry Punch put her hooves to her mouth to simulate a megaphone.

"Her ears are flopping! Her ears are flopping!" she shouted to the crowd, then said to Sombra, "You might wanna get a bath ready if you're gonna stay out here."

Sombra gave her a quizzical look and watched as all the ponies ran off in different directions, going into their houses and hiding.

"Does this town really believe that you can predict the future?" Sombra asked Pinkie, obviously still in disbelief.

Pinkie knew that it was best to be understanding with non-believers of her ability. She'd done so with Twilight, and in the end, she gave in and admitted that Pinkie's "gift" was more than just a series of coincidences. But, she was still furious with Sombra, so she wasn't in the mood to defend her Pinkie Sense.

"Believe what you want, Sombra," she said his name like it was poison, "just don't whine when you have to take a bath." She whipped around, flicking her tail in his face as she hopped away.

"This is absolutely ridiculous!" Sombra boomed, "You're all acting foalish over some schizophrenic mare?!"

Nopony responded, causing Sombra to groan loudly.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere!" he proclaimed, sitting on his rear, "I'm going to prove just what a fraud that insane ma-"


Sombra whipped around and saw the same trio he had seen only a few hours ago. The tomboyish Pegasus was on a small scooter, with a small wagon occupied by her unicorn and earth pony friends. Her small wings were flapping quickly enough to be blurry and showed no sign of slowing down.

Frozen by his newfound shock, he watched himself come into contact with the three fillies. The force knocked them all into a large mud puddle, that just so happened to be near where Sombra was standing. The cold, dirty sludge covered the four ponies in a wave, simulating that of a small tsunami. Sombra spat out the mud that had gotten into his mouth and glared at the small fillies.

"Sorry, Mister!" he heard a squeaky voice exclaim. He could make out the silhouette of the small unicorn, who had climbed out of the mud puddle.

The small Pegasus shook off globs of mud, which then landed on the others, much to their disdain.

"Scoots, stop that, will ya?" said a southern little voice, "Ah'm used to getting my hooves dirty, but it don't mean Ah like it!" Her pink hair bow laid limply against her dirty mane, making her head look deformed.

Sombra jumped out of the mud puddle and stared down the fillies with anger.

"You little brats!" he snarled, "Just what were you thinking doing something so foalish?"

The unicorn filly's eyes warbled and her lower lip quivered.

"We're real sorry," the country filly drawled, "we didn't mean t' run inta ya."

A pair of loud, high pitched laughs pierced the air, breaking through Sombra's confrontation with the three troublesome fillies. Already angry and peeved, Sombra rigidly looked up from the trio to see another duo of fillies. The pink coated filly's head held a silver tiara, with what Sombra assumed to be real diamonds, her cutie mark matching it perfectly. Her silver friend wore a pair of cat eye glasses, a silver spoon adorning her flank.

"Look at the Cutie Mark Losers!" the pink filly sneered, laughing snidely.

The Pegasus glared at her and stood up in the puddle, her eyes narrowed in anger as she leaned forward in hostility.

"Shut up, Diamond Tiara!" she snarled, flapping her wings enough to cause her to hover in the air. Diamond's friend giggled behind her hoof, her laughter snidely high.

"Careful, Chicken," she said with snark, "You might lose what little feathers you got!"

The orange filly's eyes widened in shock and she looked down in shame, her gaze shifting over to her small wings that were clear of mud from her previous flight.

"Leave 'er alone, Silver Spoon!" the earth pony snapped, stepping up to the two bullies.

Diamond glared at her and ground her teeth, obviously not appreciative of the country filly's order. "You can't talk to me that way, Blank Flank," she snarled.

Sombra felt a prick of familiarity as he heard those words and his head began to throb, to which he grabbed it with a hoof. Suddenly, the world around him disappeared

Sombra saw several foals surrounding him, each one pointing and laughing at him. He wanted to yell at them, to punish them for their foolishness, but couldn't. He looked down at himself and saw that he was much smaller than he used to be. Upon looking at his flank, he saw that his cutie mark had vanished and that it was as bare as the day he was born.

"Blank Flank! Blank Flank! Blank Flank!" the crowd of foals chanted.

He felt his eyes prick with tears and felt them roll down his cheeks. Sombra wasn't prone to cry and the fact he was doing so was beyond his own control. He started sobbing uncontrollably, then curled up into a ball and hid his face in his hooves.

Sombra's eyes opened and he saw that he was back in Ponyville. He felt his face for tears and saw that none had secreted from his eyes, much to his appreciation.

He watched as the two bullies continued to egg on the three ponies, who began to shrink smaller and smaller with each insult. A rush of anger flowed through him as the strange vision flashed in his mind and he clenched his jaw angrily.

"Leave them alone, you brats!" Sombra barked, causing all the fillies to jump in surprise.

Diamond Tiara was the first to recover and resumed her glare. "How dare you?" she snarled, "I will not be spoken to by a commoner in such a tone!"

She started laughing, Silver Spoon joining in.

It had been one thing to be publicly humiliated by the three fillies, but now Sombra was being stripped of what little he had of his royal title. He would not stand for this, and he knew that he'd have to make an example of the two foolish girls.

Sombra reared on his back hooves and slammed his forehooves onto the ground. He opened his jaws, then let out a roar that challenged that of a manticore. His sharp fangs glinted in the light, making him look ravenous.

Both Diamond and Silver remained frozen for a brief moment, then screamed at the top of their lungs as they ran off with their tails in between their legs.

"And don't let me catch you messing with any other fillies!" he shouted, glaring at their backs.

He heard a small chorus of cheers come from beside him and looked to see the three fillies cheering victoriously.

"That was awesome!" the orange pegasus exclaimed, hovering in the air.

"Heck yeah, it was!" shouted the southern pony.

"Thank you for standing up for us!" the small unicorn squeaked, beaming happily.

Sombra was about to resume his earlier scolding on them getting him into such a situation, but was interrupted by a loud shriek.

"Sweetie Belle!" he heard a familiar voice shout, "What in Equestria happened to you? You're filthy! And what was that roar I he-" When Sombra turned around, he saw Rarity staring at him in shock. "What are you doing with my sister and her friends?"

Sombra blinked and looked from Rarity to Sweetie Belle, then to Rarity again.

"You're related?" he asked in a surprised tone.

Sweetie Belle jumped over to Rarity, still beaming. "Sis, you missed it!" she exclaimed in her squeaky voice, "He just stood up to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for us!"

Her pegasus friend hovered over and threw her hoof in the air. "And it was awesome!" she cheered.

Rarity blinked in surprise and looked Sombra up and down. "What, pray tell, happened to you?" she asked, grabbing a handkerchief from her saddlebag. She rubbed the silky fabric over his cheek, getting a fraction of the mud off his face.

"We came zoomin' inta town t' go crusading," the country pony admitted, "but we ran inta him and fell in the mud." Rarity blinked and put a hoof to her chin.

"Strange.." she murmured, "you'd think Pinkie's Pinkie Sense would have told somepony about that..."

Sombra groaned as he remembered the core cause for his misery and put a hoof to his face as he shook his head exasperatedly.

"I give up!" he shouted, landing on his rear as he threw his hooves into the air.

* * *

Pinkie had heard the roar when she started to make her way down the block. At first, she thought that Gilda had come back to Ponyville, for whatever reason. It was a silly thought, of course, but she didn't want to take the risk. Fearful that Sombra might try to fight her, seeing as how he particularly aggressive that day, she dashed back to the area where she left him.

But, once she got there, what she saw instead made her see red.

Sombra was talking to Rarity, with the Cutie Mark Crusaders covered in mud, the reason unknown to Pinkie. Rarity appeared to be cleaning his cheek up with a handkerchief, while Sombra, who wasn't a fan of ponies touching him, didn't seem bothered by it.

Pinkie bristled as she watched the two unicorns interact with one another, completely unaware of her watching them. Sombra had not only flirted with Twilight, he was also flirting with Rarity?

'Wait a second...' Pinkie thought, 'Sombra doesn't think she's pretty! He called her fat the first time they met!'

Then, another thought reached her. Pinkie remembered when she was a filly, she was told that being extremely hefty back in the colonial times of Equestria was considered extremely attractive. And if memory served her right, Sombra was around during those times.

'He wasn't insulting her...' she realized, her eyes narrowing, 'He was complimenting her!'

"SOMBRA!" she shouted, zooming towards the the talking unicorns.

Sombra turned towards her and his eyes widened in shock, scrambling to his hooves as he struggled to get away from her. But, Pinkie tackled him head on and they tumbled on the ground for a few moments.

Rarity gasped and pulled the Crusaders away from the tussle, preventing them from being injured as the two wrestling ponies struggled for dominance. But, Pinkie won out in the end, her strength deemed superior with her anger to back her.

"You flirt!" Pinkie snarled, "You can't keep to one mare, can you, Sombra?"

Sombra struggled and attempted to get away, but his attempts were futile as Pinkie successfully held him down to the ground.

"Pinkie!" Rarity shrieked, rushing over to her side, "Why are you attacking Sombra?"

Pinkie whipped around to face her and glared at her.

"Why? Why? WHY?!" each word got progressively louder, "Because he flirts with anything that moves! Mares don't want a stallion who flirts with everypony!"

Rarity blinked and quirked a brow upwards.

"And that bothers you because...?" she questioned.

Pinkie opened her mouth to shout angrily, but stopped as she blinked in surprise and began to think about it. Why did it make her upset? Why did she care so much about Sombra's flirting?

'Is it possible...?' she thought, her eyes widening in horror.

"Because..." she stammered, then blurted out, "It's part of his reforming process!"

Sombra stopped struggling as he looked at her bewilderedly and took this opportunity to shove Pinkie off of him.

"What?" he spat out angrily, glaring at the mare.

Pinkie rubbed the back of her head nervously, a tinge of red brushing across her pink complexion.

"Well, if you can't commit to one pony, then how can you commit to being reformed?" she said quickly, "I mean, you have to learn to be committed or you won't, and it'll get worse and worse, until one day, you'll die alone!"

She shoved a hoof into her mouth and watched Sombra nervously. He watched her carefully for a few more seconds, then sighed exasperatedly.

"Whatever," he said, shaking his head, "Just tell me next time, will you? I don't want you freaking out on me like earlier."

He looked down at the Crusaders and leaned down to their level. "Next time those brats try to bother you, don't hesitate to get me, alright?" he whispered.

The fillies smiled together and nodded erratically, causing Rarity to eye the four suspiciously.

"Well, we should probably get you cleaned up," Pinkie mused aloud, grabbing Sombra's hoof and pulling him along. He groaned, but followed her anyway, rolling his eyes.

"What do you think, Crusaders?" Scootaloo asked her fellow members. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom smiled giddily and watched as Pinkie and Sombra walked away from them.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders: Matchmakers!" they shouted, smacking their hooves together.

Rarity rolled her eyes and watched the unicorn and earth pony couple go into Sugarcube Corner.

'If these oblivious fillies can see they like each other,' Rarity thought, 'then how come they can't?'

She sighed and herded the girls together, ushering them to her house and boutique.

'No matter,' she mused, 'Even if Twilight doesn't believe me, I'll figure out a way to prove those two belong together!'

Author's Notes:

I listened to Kelly Clarkson's "Miss Independent" and Christina Aguilera's "Fighter" to motivate Pinkie's anger. Never been jealous of a boy flirting with another girl and hopefully I never will be. I get the romance stuff from books and all that jazz. I'm worse than Twilight when it comes to that mess.

Chapter 4: Where Her Demons Hide

Everypony has self image issues; it's a fact that few have come to terms with. Whether it be with one's appearance or personality traits they can't change, the issue exists. Many look as if they have no issues, as if they are content with themselves. But, they're hiding their demons, the voices that tell them they aren't good enough; that they are imperfect.

Among those self conflicted souls, was Pinkamena Diane Pie, the Element of Laughter itself.

Her normally joyous expression was lined from her ever present frown. Her reflection stared her down, scrutinizing her every feature. Her flat mane hung over her face like a veil, making her look malevolent. Her eyes were cold and icy, narrowed to thin slits.

"Your eyes are enormous," Pinkamena whispered disgustedly, "they look like crystal balls; pretty, but empty."

Pinkie prodded her eyelids as she worriedly looked at her large orbs. They did look rather large compared to other ponies.

"And you're so skinny," Pinkamena said icily, "You're just skin and bones."

Pinkie looked down at herself, the began jabbing at her flesh. She could feel her ribs poking through her coat, her eyes watering at the mere touch of it. She screwed her eyes shut as her lower lip quivered and she clenched her teeth to keep from letting out a caterwaul of despair.

"Sombra doesn't like skinny mares," Pinkamena sniffed, turning away from Pinkie.

Pinkie whimpered and hid her face in her hooves, attempting not to cry.

Pinkamena looked back at her formal cheerful counterpart and rolled her dead, blue eyes. "He also doesn't like crybabies," she snapped, flicking her tail.

Pinkie looked up from her hooves, with tears shining in her eyes. "I want him to like me," she whispered pathetically, "I just want him to like me..."

Pinkamena scoffed and shook her head. "Who'd want to be with somepony like you?" she snarled, "I'm the only one who actually likes you. You're so unpredictable and random."

Pinkie flinched at the thing she'd been called many times in her lifetime, including her best friends.

"Pinkie Pie, you are so random!"

"Darling, must you be so random?"

"Pinkie, that was just flat out random!"

"I can't believe how how random ya are, Sugarcube!"

"Um, Pinkie... That was really random... Not that there's anything wrong with that..."

She screwed her eyes shut and a river of tears flowed down her cheeks, silent sobs escaping her lips. Her curly hair flattened out, making her and Pinkamena one and the same. When she looked into her reflection once more, she saw her curly self staring at her with such pity and sadness, that it broke her own heart.

"I just want him to like me..." she cried, "I just want Sombra to think I'm pretty."

* * *

Sombra watched the clock's second hand tick with each passing second. He had spent the last while staring at the clock, awaiting for Pinkie's arrival. He had wanted to get out of that stuffy library for ages and Pinkie's lack of punctuality was making it impossible to do so.

"I'm sure she'll show up, Sombra," Twilight reassured him for the 36th time(he had counted out of sheer boredom).

He didn't respond, for the 17th time, and continued staring at the clock. Once the second hand coincided with the minute and hour hand on the 12, a small wooden bird popped out and let out three loud clucks, signaling the hours end and beginning.

'Where is she?' he thought irritably, glancing at the door for what felt like the hundredth time(he had lost count after 73). He groaned and stood up from his spot and paced anxiously.

Spike walked by, carrying a small stack of spell books. "Looks like your date stood you up," he said with a grin.

Sombra whipped around to face him, causing Spike to freeze in fear. He zoomed away, as to avoid Sombra's wrath. Sombra went back to staring at the clock, trying to calm his nerves. He'd been teased about Pinkie being his fillyfriend ever since she attacked him publicly a few days beforehoof. Twilight and Rarity, the only friends of Pinkie he could tolerate, had joined in on this teasing and Spike had recently taken to it as well.

The doors to the library opened and in came Pinkie, bouncing happily and beaming like the sun.

"Hello, Sombry!" she chirped, landing in front of him and leaning in his direction, her eyes bulging out of their sockets.

He leaned back, her closeness making him extremely uncomfortable. Upon closer inspection, he saw dark lines underneath her bloodshot eyes, as if she had been crying.

"You look awful," he said, a puzzled look coming across his features. Pinkie wasn't what he called attractive, what with her curly hair and pink coat and mane. But, seeing her as she was now, he realized that she looked really terrible compared to her normal look.

Pinkie blinked in shock, her grin disappearing.

"Oh," she said flatly, but then smiled again, "okie dokie lokie!" She turned around, then hopped outside, Sombra in tow. As the couple walked out, Twilight furrowed her brow in thought.

"Whatcha thinkin' about, Twilight?" Spike asked, stacking books on the shelves.

Twilight shook her head slightly and watched Sombra and Pinkie through the window.

"I'm thinking that something's going on with Pinkie," she said, not taking her eyes off of them, "And I don't think it's a good thing, either."

* * *

Business at Carousel Boutique was slow that day. Rarity didn't have any special orders for a change, something she was both thankful and resentful for. She needed something to do with her hooves or she'd go insane waiting. She had artist's block, so trying to design a new line was going to be too difficult for her at the moment. Upon hearing her bell from the entrance ring, she jumped at the chance for pony interaction.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique," she said with her graceful tone, "Where everything is chi- Oh, hello, Pinkie Pie!"

Pinkie didn't smile and return her greeting, like she expected. Instead, she stood there, with her head hung low, her curls covering her face.

"Darling, is something matter?" Rarity asked, concern lacing her tone.

Pinkie stayed hunched over like that for a few more moments before looking up at Rarity. Her kind blue eyes held an unbelievable sadness, rimmed with tears.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" Pinkie whispered, her eyes pleading for an answer.

Rarity's very being was shaken to the core by Pinkie's question. She didn't think Pinkie cared about her appearance and that she was so carefree in the subject. The fact that she was so upset over it that she was in tears frightened Rarity to extremes.

"Oh, sweetie, of course you're pretty!" Rarity exclaimed, enveloping Pinkie in a hug.

Pinkie returned the hug, her usual iron grip reduced to a simple hold.

"Why on earth would you ask something like that?" Rarity pried, releasing her enough to look at Pinkie's face.

Pinkie screwed her eyes shut, as if to keep from crying.

"Because I don't feel like it," she admitted, opening her eyes.

Rarity frowned and put a consoling hoof on Pinkie's shoulder.

"Is that why you came here?" Rarity asked, "So I could do something to make you feel pretty?"

Pinkie hesitated, but nodded, looking down and away from her.

Rarity put a hoof to her mouth to keep from crying. Pinkie, who held such bravado, was so insecure about her own appearance that she came to her for help. It was both flattering, but heartbreaking nonetheless.

"Darling," Rarity said sternly, "I would be happy to make you feel as beautiful as I know you are."

Pinkie's eyes brightened and she smiled for the first time since her arrival. She wrapped her forehooves around Rarity tightly.

"Thank you so much, Rarity!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Rarity smiled, then released Pinkie from their hug. "Now, let's go find something for you to wear!" she cheered.

* * *

Sombra was in his cot, reading a book series he had heard Twilight's rainbow maned pegasus going on about. He had read through the first two books in a week and had just started on "Daring Do and The Ring of Destiny". Twilight had gone upstairs to study, deciding that Sombra flipping pages was a "distraction".

"Twilight!" he heard Spike shout.

Sombra groaned and put a bookmark on his page. "What do you want, Lizard?" he asked gruffly, putting his book aside.

Twilight came down the stairs and gave Sombra a sharp look, not appreciating his negative attitude.

"What is it, Spike?" Twilight inquired, levitating her spell books onto her podium as lost her sour expression.

"I was just at Rarity's, and you will not believe what she did!" Spike exclaimed.

Both Sombra and Twilight exchanged a look, each quirking a brow, a rare moment of shared emotion going between them. They were both aware of Spike's attraction to Rarity, something he wished he could tease him about. But Twilight told him that if Spike found out he knew, Pinkie would think Twilight broke her Pinkie Swear, which wasn't a mistake Sombra was willing to make.

"Did she find out what shoes match her favorite scarf?" Sombra asked with fake shock, then laughed haughtily in a rather typical, villainous manner.

Twilight narrowed her eyes at him, but said nothing to him, deeming his response not worthy of a comment.

"She got Pinkie to agree to a makeover!" Spike shouted.

Sombra stopped laughing as he blinked in surprise. What could have caused Pinkie to do something so out of character? Almost immediately, he thought of the popular Ponyville saying, "Pinkie being Pinkie" and put away his concerns as he turned to Twilight, who was frozen in shock.

"Twilight?" Spike asked in a concerned tone, walking over and waving his claws in her face.

She blinked and shook her head vigorously. "Why don't we head over and see how she looks?" Twilight said in slightly dazed tone. She walked out, while Spike stayed behind, holding out his hands.

"No way!" Spike shouted, "I've seen enough girliness for one day!"

Twilight quirked a brow, then looked over at Sombra.

"You're welcome to come, you know," Twilight suggested, "I think Pinkie would be happy to know you cared enough to see her new look."

Sombra was about to protest, but decided against it. He wasn't in the mood to argue with Twilight, he knew. Besides, he figured it would be interesting to see Pinkie differently, whether the result be good or bad.

"Gladly," he said, walking after the princess.

Twilight seemed relieved by Sombra's decision, but he could have misread her expression, remembering how he tended to do so with the opposite gender. They walked to Carousel Boutique in silence, only focused on their destination. Sombra and Twilight had established that their relationship revolved around their like for reading and that it should stay such. After Pinkie and Sombra's spat a couple days prior, they decided they keep their relationship as platonic as possible.

Upon arriving at the boutique, the sun was close to setting, the sky a canvas of colors it gave way to the starry night. Twilight used her magic to open the door, the entrance bell ringing.

Rarity stepped out and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Twilight! Sombra!" she said happily, "So glad you could be here!"

She ushered them both down the hall to the dressing area. A large dressing cover covered the platform, where Sombra could see Pinkie's silhouette.

"Fillies and gentlecolts!" Rarity announced, "I show you... Pinkie Pie!" She pulled the screen back, revealing Pinkie.

Her hair had been primped, but it still remained it crazy curliness. She wore a simple pink dress, that rode her flank and fell to her hooves. Her cutie mark was partially exposed, the skirt showing her legs. Her lips were a deep red and her eyes had blue eye shadow on their lids. She turned towards Sombra and smiled sheepishly, her eyelashes fluttering.

"Pinkie, you look wonderful!" Twilight gushed, clapping her hooves together.

Pinkie blushed, but her attention remained on Sombra.

"Well," she said, fluttering her eyelashes shyly, "what do you think?"

Although he didn't want to admit it, she looked really pretty. Beautiful, even. He oftentimes teased and flirted with mares, giving them compliments. But, seeing Pinkie this way wasn't like seeing a stranger and making catcall. This was somepony he knew and saying something cheeky didn't feel right.

"You look..." he started, trying to find the right word.

Pinkie waited for his response, holding her breath.

He shrugged, then said nonchalantly, "You look alright, I guess."

Pinkie blinked, much like she did earlier that day, her ears flattening against her head.

"Oh," was all she said.

He half expected her to say "okie dokie lokie" or something equally as ridiculous. But, that was all she said.

She stepped off the platform and walked into the changing room. "I'm going to go home," she said rather glumly.

Pinkie walked out of the room, her dress gone. Her face was still covered in make up, but she didn't look like she cared. She walked past him on the way out, her eyes meeting his for a brief moment. She looked so pained and sorrowful, that Sombra had thought it was his imagination. She rushed past him, trotting out of the store.

"Pinkie, wait!" Rarity shouted, running after her. She made it to the door only to see Pinkie's curly tail disappearing down the road, intent on leaving the scene.

* * *

Pinkie felt the tears run down her cheeks when she saw Sugarcube Corner come up in her sight. She ran even faster, her hooves pounding against the dirt road. She swerved into the bakery, the Cakes' asking why she was so late coming back, but she didn't answer.

She rushed up the stairs to her room and slammed her door shut. Once she did, she let out the sobs she'd been holding in.

"Well, that went well," Pinkamena said sarcastically.

Pinkie looked at her and more tears leaked out from her eyes. She put her hooves to her face and let out a loud sob, then quickly took intakes of air to keep them down.

Pinkamena rolled her eyes. "I told you once and I'll tell you again," she said with a sigh, "Sombra doesn't like you. Get over it and get on with your life."

Pinkie's head snapped up and she faced her reflection. She had met Pinkamena when she was little and filles were making fun of ehr at school. She had been there for her in darkest hours, when nopony else could be. But, for the past while, she'd taken to putting Pinkie down. And for the first time in years, she saw Pinkamena for what she was.

"You're not my friend..." Pinkie whispered to herself.

Pinkamena sighed raggedly and put a hoof to her head.

"You know how I hate when you mumble!" she snapped.

Pinkie stood up and leaned towards her, baring her teeth.

"You're. Not. My. Friend." Pinkie enunciated, "Did I mumble, Pinka?"

Pinkamena blinked in shock, then backed away.

"W-what are y-you talking about?" Pinkamena said in a frightened tone, "I-I am your friend!"

Pinkie shook her head and glared at her.

"Friends don't put other friends down," Pinkie snarled, walking away from the mirror. She lifted up her back leg and aimed it the reflective glass.

"Friends don't make other friends feel ugly." She kicked the mirror, leaving a large series of cracks in it.

"Friends don't make other friends cry." She picked up both of her legs and slammed it into the mirror.

Pinkie faced the mirror, watching Pinkamena as she panicked.

"N-no!" Pinkamena cried, putting her hooves on the mirror, "P-please! D-don't do this! Y-you need me!"

Pinkie shook her head and lifted up a forehoof.

"No," she said firmly, "You need me." She pulled her hoof back and slammed it against the glass. Pinkamena screamed as the mirror shattered and she disappeared, her wails of sadness fading away.

"Pinkie!" she heard a voice shout.

Pinkie whipped around and froze in horror. Twilight and Rarity stood there, their mouths agape and their eyes wide. Sombra stood behind them both, a confused look on his features as he tried to make sense of the scene before him.

"Pinkie Pie, why?" Twilight whispered, as she walked over to the shattered glass, "why?" Pinkie looked down at one of the bigger pieces and stared at herself. Her mane was flat and her mascara had run down her cheeks from crying. She looked like Pinkamena did before she disappeared.

It was me, she realized, I did this. Tears fell down her cheeks and onto the shards, blurring her reflection. She collapsed to the ground and let out a cry of anguish. She put her hooves to her face, loud sobs echoing throughout the bakery. Rarity and Twilight rushed over and enveloped her in a hug. She put her hooves down, revealing her eyes were screwed shut.

"I just wanted to be pretty!" she screamed, more sobs escaping from her, "I just wanted to be pretty!"

Sombra watched in shock while the mares consoled their hysterical friend. He had done this to her. He had made her feel so ugly and unattractive, that she resorted to this. He walked over, leaning down towards her.

Rarity and Twilight defensively held Pinkie, but when they saw his face, they understood his intent and back away.

"You aren't pretty, Pinkie," he said, brushing her mane out of her face.

She looked up at him in horror and more tears threatened to spill.

"You're beautiful," he admitted, putting a hoof to her chin as he lifted her head to look at him, "you're beautiful and don't you let anypony tell you otherwise."

Pinkie's eyes widened, shock taking over her tear covered face. Realizing that his words seemed to have more effect than Twilight and Rarity's, Sombra decided to take the bull by the horns and go with what was in his mind.

"Other mares can only dream of holding as much beauty as you," he continued, the words sounding foreign as they left him, "Some may look beautiful, but in reality, they're the furthest thing from."

Rarity looked briefly offended at his off-hand comment, but she kept silent as she and Twilight watched Sombra continue to weave his words fluently.

"Beauty is not skin deep; you've proven that," he told her, keeping his gaze level with hers.

Pinkie looked at him, her jaw agape in awe.

"Because, only you can continue to make others happy, even when you're not. Only you can make a smile a gift. And that is why, only you, can be beautiful."

Sombra, realizing that what he said may have been too much for her to think his words were genuine, remained silent, awaiting her response.

Pinkie's eyes filled up with tears again, giving Sombra the impression she hadn't been convinced by his spur-of-the-moment speech.

But, she smiled, though it was weak and pale in comparison to her usual one. She wrapped her forelegs around him and snuggled into him, her intimate touch surprising Sombra.

"Thank you," she whispered, burrowing her head in his shoulder.

Sombra hesitated, not sure what to make of her affections. But, after a moment of silent consideration, he wrapped his forelegs around her in return and held her close to him, trying to keep his foreign feelings at bay.

"We should probably leave you alone," Rarity said quickly, dragging a dazed Twilight with her. If they heard her, they gave no sign of it. She continued to pull her alicorn friend with her and they hurried down the stairs.

Once they were out of the bakery, Twilight began sputtering.

"I don't... I can't even... HUH?!" she exclaimed, her jaw dropping in shock.

Rarity nodded, then put a understanding hoof on her shoulder. "I said the same thing the first time I saw it, too," Rarity said, "Now do you believe me?"

Twilight looked abck at the bakery, then back at Rarity. She let out a defeated sigh and hung her head.

"Alright, fine," she admitted, "Sombra and Pinkie like each other." She sighed again as she shook her head. "I just wish I picked up on it sooner..."

Rarity smiled and raised a brow.

"Oh?" she said in a amused tone, "And why is that?"

Twilight sighed, closing her eyes, then opening them. She looked at the bakery window that she knew belonged to Pinkie, where she and Sombra were residing, no doubt still cuddling with each other.

"I was going to tell Princess Celestia about it," she said, a small smile coming to her lips, "I think she'll want to hear about this new 'development'."

Author's Notes:

Chapter Edited~

This is what I had in mind when I was describing Pinkie:

By: CYBERGROX on DeviantArt

Yeah, this was kind of emotional. I thought we needed a little Pinkamena in this story, don't ya think? I decided that Sombra needed to see the dark side of Pinkie and understand everypony, even Pinkie, has their own demons.

I also decided that Pinkie needed something like this to happen to her. She is happy and content with her life, but even then, she doubts her own self worth. After thinking that Sombra wouldn't be attracted to her, she tried to make herself attractive, but in the end, that didn't work. Sombra, who's too prideful to admit, finds her attractive and when he sees what his mistake does to her, he sees the consequences of his actions and apologizes.

I pretty much used this as a way for Sombra and Pinkie to spoon without fear of any emotional or social repercussions. Yeah, I'm evil that way. :scootangel: Who, me? Also, Twilight knows about Sombra and Pinkie liking each other; perhaps they will join in on the Shipping- I mean, Matchmaking Club? :yay:

Hey, I just listened to "It Started With Your Smile" by MandoPony. Sweet Lord, what if Sombra sang this? MY HEART WOULD BURST FROM HAPPINENESS.


That's the link- LISTEN TO IT! Or read the lyrics. Either will do. Just imagine Sombra singing this and it will make your flipping day/night.

Chapter 5: About Last Night...

When Sombra awoke groggily that morning, he didn't know where he was. He tried to make heads or tails of last night, but his tiredness prevented him from doing so. He tried to climb out of the bed he was in, but something held him in place. Upon looking down, his muzzle went into a messy mane of magenta curls. His eyes widened in shock, then he looked further down.

Pinkie's face remained above the covers, whereas the rest of her was hidden.

'Oh, no...' Sombra thought, 'What happened? Why am I in here with her?'

He looked around the room, hoping to gain some answer. When his eyes caught sight of the broken mirror, the night's recollections finally reached him. Pinkie had a breakdown and he had been the one to comfort her through it. He had held her for a long time and after that, everything seemed blurry.

Why he was in bed with her, he prayed his answer was wrong.

Pinkie stirred, her blue eyes fluttering open. Sombra began to panic, hoping to find a way to get out of this. But, once Pinkie let out a yawn and opened her eyes completely, he knew escape was out of the question.

She looked around, still in a sleepy daze. But, then she caught sight of Sombra's foreleg around her. He watched as she traced the length of his leg to his shoulder and then his face.

Pinkie let out a scream and flailed, shoving herself away from Sombra hastily. Sombra let out a yell of his own and pushed away from her, causing him to fall out of bed. They stayed there, screaming in resonance until they were both out of breath.

Sombra peeked over the messy bed, where Pinkie was looking back at him with wide, fearful eyes.

"Why was I in bed with you?!" he shouted, jumping to his hooves.

Pinkie blinked as she regained her sense and stood up as well.

"You tell me!" she exclaimed, point a hoof at him, "I don't remember anything from last night!"

Sombra blinked in surprise and his jaw dropped in horror.

"You don't think we..." he started, giving the bed a long look.

Pinkie had a puzzled look on her face, until she looked at the bed with Sombra. They turned to one another, their looks of horror and fear mirroring one another. Pinkie's cheeks became a dark shade of crimson, then put her hooves to her face to cover her embarrassed look.

"We can't tell anypony," she breathed, getting up from her side of the bed.

Sombra nodded quickly. "Yes," he said, "if anypony found out, Tartarus knows what they'll say!"

Pinkie gave him a sharp look, not appreciating his thoughts on the possibility of their intimate interactions, but she said nothing. "Come on, we better get you back to Twilight's."

Sombra felt a feeling of dread overcome him at the mention of the princess' name. She no doubt knew he had spent the night with Pinkie and was sure to ask questions as to why he had done so, even though no answers were coming to mind.

Pinkie caught his look and she mirrored it as she sucked in air through her teeth.

"Ooooooh," she said, realizing his apprehensiveness, "That might look bad."

Sombra sighed and shook his head dejectedly.

"They're going to find out anyway," he grumbled, walking past her.

Pinkie blinked in surprise at his approach on the matter, but grinned anyway as she rushed to his side enthusiastically.

"Okie dokie lokie!" she chirped, hopping alongside him.

He rolled his eyes in his usual manner as they walked down the stairs, but refrained from commenting on her behavior. He didn't have it in him.

Mr. and Mrs.Cake were already downstairs and were in the middle of working as they came down, Mrs.Cake being behind the cash register, counting bits. The adult mare froze as she took in the sight of the dishevelled pair, her imagination already going to work to paint a vivid picture as to why they looked the way they did.

"Oh, hello, Sombry," she said rather uncomfortably, "I didn't know you spent the night."

Pinkie's cheeks went red at her employer's implication and she shook her head quickly.

"Nothing happened!" she exclaimed, waving her hooves dramatically to and fro.

Sombra gave her a an unappreciative look, but refrained from saying anything as he realized he had done the same to her not moments before.

Mrs.Cake quirked a brow questionably, then smiled slyly.

"Oh, I get it," she said with a wink, "'Nothing' happened." She giggled, causing both Sombra and Pinkie to fume silently.

"Let's just get to Twilight's," Sombra said gruffly, grabbing Pinkie's hoof, causing the pink mare to go even redder in the face.

As they walked out, hooves still held together, Mr.Cake and Mrs.Cake exchanged knowing looks with one another as they grinned.

"Nothing happened, eh?" Mr.Cake said, casting the couple a long look, "The noises I heard say otherwise!"

* * *

The walk to Twilight's was an awkward one for the odd duo, what with Sombra and Pinkie sneaking glances at one another dozens of times. And, more often than not, making eye contact during those awkward glances, which then caused them to look away and repeat the process all over again.

By the twentieth time, Sombra had had enough.

"Look, there is no way we did anything!" he said finally, aggravated beyond belief.

Pinkie's face went completely red and she turned towards him sharply with narrowed eyes.

"Sombra!" she said in a stage whisper, "There are ponies around!"

Sombra sighed irritably as his gaze flickered to passing ponies, some of whom were casting them strange glances. With a shake of his head, Sombra put an irritated hoof to his temple and put it down as he managed to regain some sense of control over his irritation.

"I'm telling you this because this isn't the first time this has happened to me," he said in a low tone, looking around to make sure nopony was listening.

Pinkie blinked in shock and her jaw dropped as she immediately caught onto his implication, her eyes wide with undeniable surprise.

"Are you saying...?" she started, trailing off as Sombra nodded slowly.

"Normally, when this happens, I find out by something I do subconsciously," he admitted, still whispering as his eyes darted left to right suspiciously.

Pinkie closed her mouth as she understood, then gave him a questioning look.

"What is it?" she asked.

Sombra blinked and gave her a puzzled look. "What is what?"

"What is the thing you do?" she inquired, blinking innocently.

Sombra sighed raggedly as he closed his eyes, and muttered something irritably, much to his disdain.

"What?" Pinkie asked, leaning in to hear him better.

"I sing a song..." he mumbled, slouching over even further.

"One more time?" Sombra sighed once more and put a hoof on his face, groaning as he did so.

"I sing a song," he admitted, opening his eyes as he dragged his hoof down his tired face.

"What song?" Pinkie asked almost immediately, cocking her head to the side as curiosity got the better of her.

Sombra groaned again and hung his head borderline sorrowfully, obviously not proud of his upcoming answer.

"...'Pretty Mare' by Roy Hoovison," he answered, closing his eyes.

Pinkie was quiet for a moment, somewhat surprised by his strange song choice. Then, she started laughing, causing Sombra to glare at her irritably.

"My dad used to sing that song all the time!" she exclaimed, her eyes closed in blitheness.

Her loud laughter soon attracted the attention of the fellow townponies, to which Sombra slammed a hoof into her mouth to silence her before they went over to investigate.

"You can't tell anypony, you hear?" he growled, leaning towards her in hostility, "Swear on it!"

Pinkie seemed surprised by his order, but then took his hoof out of her mouth and smiled brightly.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" she chirped, going through with the hoof motions, causing Sombra to roll his eyes as they continued walking.

"You know, I do something like that, too," Pinkie said nonchalantly.

Sombra froze mid-step, his eyes darting over to Pinkie. With a rigidness of a statue, he slowly turned to her with eyes the size of saucers.

"What?" she asked innocently, blinking obliviously.

"You have a thing you do after...?" Sombra trailed off as she nodded. He gave her wide eyed look as his jaw was agape in shock. "So you're not a...?"

Pinkie shook her head, causing him to gawk at her.

"Not for a couple of years, no," she said coolly, then bounced off nonchalantly.

Sombra stood there for a few more moments as he tried to process this new information, then shook his head as he hurried to her side.

"What do you do after..." he started, not sure how to continue, "...You know?"

Pinkie pondered it for a moment as she put a hoof to her chin in thought, then shrugged her shoulders.

"I usually get an itch behind my ear and I have to scratch it with my back leg," she said, tugging at her ear, "At first, I thought it was Pinkie Sense, but nothing happened afterwards, so I figured it was that."

'She did it so often that she managed to figure that out?' Sombra questioned in his mind, his eyes wide as he began to see Pinkie in a new light.

"Oh, look, it's Twlight's house!" Pinkie exclaimed, suddenly poking out a hoof abruptly.

As Sombra looked at the tree library that came into view, he took a deep breath to ready himself for the confrontation that awaited him.

"Remember," he said in a low tone, his eyes narrowed, "Not a word of last night."

Pinkie nodded in agreement erratically, then hopped over to the library as she hummed merrily. Sombra held back a scathing comment as she reached the door and opened it.

"Oh, hey, Pinkie!" Twilight said happily, then caught sight of Sombra, "Oh, and Sombra!"

Sombra felt his breath hitch in his throat as he caught Twilight look over the two of them with respective curiosity, her action lost on Pinkie.

"I came here to bring Sombra home," Pinkie told her, then quickly added, "if that's alright with you."

Twilight shook her head as she smiled knowingly. "Oh, I think you guys have spent enough time together for the day," she said slyly, giving Sombra a meaningful look.

Sombra glared at her. 'Great,' he thought darkly, 'Now I'm going to get an earful of questions... As if those questionnaires weren't bad enough...'

On his way over to his cot to sulk, he started to hum a melody to himself subconsciously, unaware of the tune's origin or why he was singing it.

Twilight quirked a brow, a puzzled look upon her features. "I didn't know you liked Roy Hoovison!" she exclaimed, giving him an incredulous look.

Sombra froze as those words reached him and slowly turned to look at Pinkie, a small flicker of fear taking place within him. She was on her rear, scratching behind her ears, her back leg rubbing against her ear ferociously as she closed her eyes in irritation.

She, too, froze and they made eye contact, their thoughts sharing the same horrifying realization.

Something had happened last night.

Author's Notes:


By far, one of my most favorite chapters to write. And I think you know why... :pinkiehappy:

Anywhoodles, I made up Roy Hoovison, which is a play on Roy Orbison. The original song name is "Pretty Woman", by the way.

Chapter 6: Picnic Gone Wrong

Ponyville was quiet that day, due to the lack of activity that went on during the day on weekends. Many were still sleeping after Friday night's shenanigans caught up with them, and others were just lazing about, whether it be with friends or by themselves. Sombra was one of those lazing ponies, laying in his cot, deep in thought.

"Sombra!" he heard Twilight shout. He yelled in surprise, his shock causing him to fall out of his cot. After landing on his face and prying it off the floor, he sent Twilight rueful glare.

"Yes?" he snapped in a exasperated tone. Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I was asking," she said, "if you would be interested in helping me pack for the picnic the girls and I are going on."

Sombra blinked in surprise. Twilight didn't normally asked for his help for anything and the fact she was doing so for not only herself, but her friends as well shocked him. He thought about declining, but Pinkie's smiling face appeared in his head. His heart skipped a beat as he imagined the joy on her face when she finds out he helped Twilight.

"Er, yes!" he said quickly, jumping out of the cot, 'I'll be happy to help!"

Twilight blinked in surprise and she quirked a brow. Then, she smiled at him and closed her eyes while doing so.

"Great!" she chirped, then looked at the scroll checklist she was holding, "can you get the bread for me?"

Sombra gave a small salute and nodded.

"On it!" he shouted, dashing into the kitchen. Twilight heard Spike let out a laugh and turned to see him doubling over in laughter.

"Man, is he whipped!" he called, muffling his laughter with his hands.

Twilight quirked a brow, then smiled deviously.

"Spike, could you get some daisies from the backyard?" she asked politely.

Spike stopped laughing and stood up straight.

"Yes, Twilight!" he exclaimed, running out of the room.

Twilight put a hoof to her mouth to smother her giggles.

"Works every time," she said to herself, watching her little assistant waddle out of the room.

* * *

"Alright, Crusaders!" Scootaloo called, "Are there any updates on our matchmaking quest?"

Both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom exchanged a look with one another, worry creasing their brows. Scootaloo groaned and put a hoof to her forehead.

"You guys didn't get anything, did you?" she moaned.

Two heads shook side to side simultaneously.

"It's just, we've been busy crusading," Apple Bloom admitted. Sweetie Belle nodded and held up a hoof.

"And we've been trying to get ready for the Equestria Games!" she squeaked.

Scootaloo sighed. "I get that," she said, "but, how are we supposed to set those two up if we don't have any tools to even make the setup?"

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle pondered for a moment, their brows furrowed in thought. Applebloom's head perked up, a look of realization upon her face.

"Rarity said that she and the girls were goin' on a picnic at Sweet Apple Acres!" she squealed, "Pinkie'll be there and Sombra might be, too!"

Scootaloo grinned and threw her hooves in the air. "Awesome!" she cheered, "Now we can start the setup!" Sweetie Belle rose a brow, a look of puzzlement on her features.

"How are we supposed to do that?" she questioned, "We don't even have a plan!"

Scootaloo narrowed her eyes, a devious grin playing on her lips.

"Yes, we do!" she called, pumping her hoof into the air, "Get me my scooter! We've got work to do!"

* * *

Sweet Apple Acres was peaceful and quiet that afternoon. The birds would occasionally tweet a song or a few notes, but other than that, the orchard was silent. Gathered on a hill beside the barn, were Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Rarity had brought the picnic blanket, which was laid flat against the green grass, while the others brought confectioneries and food.

"Anypony know where Twi is?" Applejack asked, looking around the clearing for her alicorn friend. When everypony's head shook simultaneously, she furrowed her brow.

"I'm sure she'll show up," Rainbow assured, "She always shows up!"

Rarity pulled down her pink sunglasses to look at her pegasus friend.

"I do hope we don't have another nervous breakdown episode like last time," she said crisply, pushing her glasses back up.

A loud gasp originated from Pinkie, to which the group turned to look at her.

"SOMBRY!" she squealed, zooming past her friends.

The group collectively turned to see Twilight, Spike and Sombra coming towards them. All the ponies, except Rarity, gasped in shock. Rarity had wanted Sombra to show, just to show the others that Sombra had changed since he first arrived in Ponyville. That, and she wanted to see how they were with one another after they spooned with each other for who knows how long.

"She brought him?" Applejack whispered, narrowing her eyes.

Rainbow Dash growled angrily, while Fluttershy hid behind her wings.

"I really hope he doesn't try to bite me again..." she whispered, shuddering. She heard Rainbow's growls cease suddenly and she peeked over her feathers to see what caused it. Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack's jaws were dropped, their eyes wide with shock.

"Ah...Ah don't believe it!" Applejack breathed.

Fluttershy put her wings down completely to see what they were gawking at and her eyes widened. Pinkie had tackled Sombra to the ground, hugging his torso. His signature smirk had been replaced by a warm smile and he greeted Pinkie, as if he hadn't been pummeled to the ground.

"Oh..." she squeaked, "Oh, dear." Rarity walked past the three gawking ponies and rushed to greet the new arrivals.

"Sombra, Twilight!" she beamed, "I'm so glad you could make it!"

By then, Pinkie had gotten off of Sombra, who was standing in one piece. Pinkie leaned against Sombra, grinning happily.

"I am, too!" Pinkie exclaimed, hugging his leg.

A light blush came over Sombra's cheeks, something Rarity wouldn't have noticed, if not for her attention to detail. Pinkie released Sombra and bounced in place, giggling as she did so.

"Come on, Sombry!" she chirped, hopping back to the picnic area. The group were still gaping as they made their way over. Sombra caught sight of this and gave them a somewhat smug look.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," he said as he walked by, causing them all to snap out of their trance. Applejack and Rainbow Dash growled at him and sent a glare his way. Sombra ignored them and sat down beside Pinkie, who was bouncing in her spot.

"Oh, I can't wait for dessert!" she chimed excitedly. Sombra flinched at the mention of 'dessert', which Pinkie noticed. "Don't worry, I didn't put any cakes in," she reassured him.

Sombra relaxed and let out a sigh of relief. After the incident with cake batter, he had developed a serious phobia of cakes, which Twilight had identified as "Jophobia". She had found out after attempting to give him a cupcake, which he had flailed at the sight of and smacked out of her hooves and onto her face. Needless to say, Sombra was no longer allowed to have cakes.

After earning some rather strange looks from those who weren't there for the cake batter debacle, they continued the picnic's proceedings. Sombra only watched and listened to the mares as they socialized with one another. After a few moments, he began to zone out and lost himself in his own thoughts as he sipped his punch.

"Hey, Pinkie, what's up with you and Sombra?" Rainbow Dash asked. Sombra choked on his drink, whereas Pinkie spit out a piece of her daisy sandwich.

"What?!" they shouted simultaneously, their eyes wide and their jaws dropped.

Rainbow held up her hooves while raising her eyebrows.

"It was just a question," she said, putting her hooves down. Sombra frowned and furrowed his brows in annoyance, while Pinkie blushed.

"Oh..." she said, "...right."

Rainbow Dash exchanged a confused look with Applejack, who shrugged in response.

"OK..." Rainbow said uncomfortably, then cleared her throat, "So, what is going on with you two?" Pinkie and Sombra snuck looks at one another from the corner of their eyes, both uncomfortable and apprehensive.

"Ya'll both seem pretty chummy, if ya ask me," Applejack commented, arching a brow.

Sombra began to sweat under all the looks from Pinkie's friends around him, his anxiety levels rising. The mares continued to comment on his and Pinkie's relationship, his want for disappearing growing.

'I have to keep quiet,' he reminded himself, 'I have to keep quiet about what happened.' Sneaking another glance at Pinkie, she appeared to be thinking the same thing. If the girls found out about what happened between them, he knew without a doubt they'd make a bigger deal than what it was.

Rarity watched the couple sweat under the gazes of her friends, pondering as to why they could be so apprehensive. She looked at Pinkie's eyes, hoping to find some definitive answer. Upon looking at the mare's irises, she saw Pinkie's disdain and... was that shame?

She thought back to all the times she'd seen Sombra and Pinkie with one another, trying piece something together. She thought about how Pinkie tackled Sombra after seeing him flirt with one too many mares, then about how he held her when she was at her worst during her emotional breakdown.

Then, she finally thought about how she saw them walking out of Sugarcube Corner the next morning, thick as thieves. Upon closer examination, it looked an awful lot like-

Rarity gasped and put her hooves to her face in shock. Everypony in the clearing turned towards her, wondering what could have caused her reaction.

"You two... Sugarcube Corner..." she sputtered, then screeched, "You spent the night together?!"

Everypony's jaws dropped in shock and horror, their gazes turning towards Pinkie and Sombra, who remained speechless.

"You what?!" Applejack shouted.

Twilight's eyes widened as she made the connection.

"Is that why you were acting so strange when you came back the next day?" Twilight breathed, her eyes wide.

Rainbow Dash snapped her head in her direction, her eyes narrowed.

"You left them alone?!" she screamed, pointing her hoof at Sombra, "Do you have any idea how irresponsible that was?"

The group continued to argue, their shouts and screams overlapping one another. Pinkie made herself smaller, hiding her face in her knees. Sombra's eye twitched from the anger that began to overtake him and once another shout reached his ears, he had had enough.

"WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP?!" he roared, slamming his hooves on the ground.

Everypony was silenced his loud outburst, their grievances silenced. Sombra took a deep breath through his nose and released it through his mouth.

"Pinkie and I are both adults," he stated simply, "meaning, we can make our own decisions without expecting to be judged by them... Especially by her own friends."

The group looked down in shame collectively, except Spike, who didn't understand what was going on.

"But, seriously," Rainbow said, looking at Pinkie, "did it really have to be with him?"

Sombra narrowed his eyes at her.

"I resent that statement," he said, "I'll have you know, that I-"

Sombra was interrupted as a loud chorus of screams resonated across the clearing. Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack's eyes widened collectively and they turned towards one another with the same horrified expression.

"THE CRUSADERS!" they shouted, leaning into one another faces. The others shared their concern and spread out to look for the "Crusaders". Sombra watched in confusion as the mares and baby dragon scurried about frantically, wondering what to make of their reactions.

"Scoots!" Rainbow yelled, "Where are ya, Scoots?" She flapped her wings hard and zoomed through the air, leaving her trademark rainbow streak.

Applejack darted around the barn, her stetson somehow managing to stay on her head.

"Apple Bloom!" she bellowed, "AB, where are ya and the girls?"

Rarity jumped onto a table that was near the barn, looking left and right.

"Sweetie Belle, where are you?" she cried, "Tell me where you are, Sweetie!"

Sombra's eyes widened in realization as he placed the name of Rarity's younger sister. Another chorus of screams flowed through the air, Sombra recognizing it as the three fillies who knocked into him.

He turned his head left and right frantically, trying to place where he heard the sound. As a third cacophony of screams reached his ears, he turned towards the direction of an abandoned pathway. Sombra rushed towards it, his onyx mane flying behind him. Upon running down the path, he saw several warning signs and he could only assume that the girls had ignored it in their conquest for whatever it is they wanted.

He saw the path stop suddenly and skidded to a stop, just coming short of the ledge. He looked around frantically, his heart beating exponentially. "Girls?" he called, "Where are you?" After a moment of silence, he began to assume to worst and he was overcome with dread.

But, thankfully, he heard a small voice reply, "We're down here!" He looked over the ledge and saw that a couple feet below him were Sweetie Belle and her friends. The orange pegasus' scooter had been caught by the root, thankfully, and she and her friends were clinging onto it for dear life.

"Don't worry, I'm going to get you!" Sombra called back down, reaching towards the fillies. Rainbow Dash, who had flew after him, saw him and her eyes widened in shock.

"He found them!" she called to the others, "Sombra found the girls!" The girls gathered and ran towards the area collectively. As Sombra's hoof came closer and closer, he felt the ground beneath him begin to lose its solidity.

"Careful!" the southern pony warned, "The ground here ain't solid like back at the farm!" Taking the filly's warning, Sombra shifted his weight, carefully extending his leg further and further down.

"Grab on!" he told the pegasus, who was closest to him. She reached for him, straining her muscles, until their hooves touched. He wrapped his around her ankle and pulled upwards, grunting from the effort. Just as he was about to get her all the way up, the ground began to crumble. He watched in horror as he and the fillies both fell off the ledge.

All the girls gasped collectively, while Rarity and Applejack dashed to the ledge in a futile attempt to catch their falling siblings. Rainbow Dash flew down into the open area, zooming towards the falling ponies. She grabbed onto Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, who had started crying. Upon grabbing them, she spared a glance to Sombra, who gave her a pleading look. She swallowed her guilt and flew back up to the ledge, where her friends were waiting.

Sombra looked over at Sweetie Belle, whose tears flew into the air and screams resonated within the area. He grabbed the small, crying filly and held her.

'I have to get us out of here somehow!' He looked down at the ground as it came closer and closer towards him, his adrenaline rising to it's peak.

He screwed his eyes shut as he clung onto Sweetie Belle's small form.

'I wish I back up there!' he thought, knowing it was foolish thought, 'I wish... I was with Pinkie...'

Unbeknownst to him, his horn had begun to glow brightly, the red light enveloping the crevice. Sweetie Belle gaped at him, her eyes wide with shock. A loud POP! echoed in the trench, Sombra and Sweetie Belle disappearing from sight as Scootaloo's scooter crashed against the stone ground.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash had just landed on the ground, where both Rarity and Applejack were waiting anxiously.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack cried, running towards her sobbing sister. Rainbow Dash cradled her adopted sister, who wept into her coat.

"Where's Sweetie Belle?" Rarity asked frantically.

Rainbow looked down and hung her head.

"Rainbow?" Rarity whispered, "You got my sister, didn't you?" When she didn't reply, the unicorn's eyes filled with tears and she put her hooves to her face as she sobbed. "Sweetie Belle!" she cried, repeating her name until she collapsed to the ground.

Pinkie stood there, frozen by horror. Sombra had fallen, too, and Dash hadn't caught him. An ear piercing shriek came out of her throat as tears began to stream down her cheeks. Her curly hair fell flat against her head as she sobbed, her eyes screwed shut as more tears leaked from her eyes.

"Sombra!" she sobbed, falling to the ground and covering her face with her hooves. Rainbow Dash released Scootaloo and took a step towards her, but Pinkie snapped her head up and glared at her. "You!" she snarled, "You let this happen! You let him leave me!" Her lower lip quivered and her eyes fluttered shut when another cry left her lips.

Suddenly, a loud POP! reached the groups' ears and they turned together as one. Laying on the ground, was a disoriented Sombra and shocked Sweetie Belle.

Rarity's tear filled eyes blinked in shock, then she ran over and enveloped her sister in a hug.

"Sweetie Belle!" she cried, holding her close, "I'm so glad you're safe!"

Sombra looked up, his eyes rolling around while his face turned green. Pinkie, who saw Sombra's sudden appearance, smiled and she could feel her heart racing. Her flat hair returned to it's original craziness, her smile full and bright.

"Sombra!" she cheered, running over to him. Sombra had just managed to get on his hooves, which still wobbled underneath his weight, when Pinkie tackled him back to the ground. They rolled for a moment, while Pinkie laughed happily. When they settled, Sombra was on his back, while Pinkie stood on his stomach.

"I'm so glad you're alright!" she cried, hugging his neck. Before he could even react, she pulled away and planted a kiss on his lips. His eyebrows raised upwards while his cheeks went bright red. The girls jaws dropped, the Crusaders cheered collectively.

"Finally!" Sweetie Belle called, high hoofing Scootaloo.

Pinkie pulled away from the kiss, to look at her group of friends. She cleared her throat awkwardly and climbed off of a still shocked Sombra.

"Er..." she drawled, "Sorry about that."

Chapter 7: "Surprise, Sombry!"

"You used magic to save Sweetie Belle?" Twilight inquired. She was wearing her reading glasses while holding a notepad, taking notes on Sombra's answers.

"Yes," he replied flatly.

"Do you know how you did it?"


"Can you do it again?"

"If I don't know how to do it, then how can I do it again?" he countered. He had been answering her questions non-stop for almost an hour. She had interrogated him thoroughly after his magic stunt to save Sweetie Belle and himself from a gruesome death.

"I was only asking," she snapped, taking her glasses off, "I thought that your magic had worn off, remember?"

When Twilight had first found him eating out of their garbage cans outside, he had attempted to use his dark magic, but his horn hadn't even sparked. Twilight hypothesized(after he had spent an hour throwing up in the bathroom), that after regenerating himself with just his horn, his magic had been disabled, possibly forever.

Forever. The word sent chills down his spine.

"I can't believe the girls put themselves in danger like that," Twilight mused aloud, taking her mane out the bun she had put it in, "They nearly got killed because they wanted to take a shortcut through Sweet Apple Acres!"

Sombra cringed in remembrance of the event that nearly cost him and the Crusaders' lives. After being lectured by their older siblings, the girls were grounded for a month and weren't allowed to have sleepovers or hang out at the CMC Headquarters.

Sombra looked at the old clock on the wall and read the time as 11:57. He had about 3 minutes until Pinkie arrived to pick him up for his daily walk. He felt his ears grow hot with embarrassment when he remembered how Pinkie had kissed him in front of everypony.

'Well, on the bright side, we know she likes you back,' The Voice reminded him. Sombra frowned and his ears flattened against his head.

'Or, she did it because she was emotional and wasn't thinking,' Sombra countered, walking over to his cot, 'She tends to do that.'

He heard The Voice sigh heavily and Sombra swore that if the voice was a pony, he'd be rolling his eyes.

'You're still an idiot,' The Voice commented, 'I figured you'd understand by now.' Before Sombra could ask what he had meant, the door opened and in came Pinkie, smile and all.

"Hay, Sombry!" she greeted, bouncing over to him. He tried hard to ignore the flip his stomach did when she said that ridiculous nickname.

"Oh, hello, Pinkie!" he heard Twilight reply. The alicorn looked up from the book that had been sent to her a few days ago, before the incident at Sweet Apple Acres. "Hay, Pinkie, I'd like to discuss something with you," Twilight said, walking over to the earth pony.

When Sombra stood there, Twilight cleared her throat loudly, nodding her head to the kitchen. Sombra sighed and turned around, walking into the kitchen.

Pinkie felt her insides turn as her nervousness picked at her. "What is it, Twilight?" she asked with forced nonchalance. All of her friends had been there when Pinkie had kissed Sombra after finding out he was safe from harm. Just thinking about it made her blush.

"Well, I was reading this book that I got from the Crystal Empire's library," Twilight said, ignoring the obvious elephant in the room, "And I found out that some things about Sombra had been documented."

Pinkie felt her dread grow even more at Twilight's statement.

'Oh, sweet Celestia, if he was married to somepony...' she thought, her anxiety levels rising. What Twilight was about to say next instead would shock her more.

"I found out when his birthday is," the alicorn told her. Pinkie could feel her surprise take over and almost let out a cry of joy, but reminded herself that Sombra was in the next room and could possibly hear her. Instead, she let out a small squee and grinned like a maniac.

"Ohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh!" she said in a stage whisper, "When is it? When is it? When is it?" Pinkie began to bounce in place, practically vibrating from excitement.

"Well, that's what I wanted to discuss with you," Twilight admitted, levitating the book towards her.

Pinkie looked at the page it was on, titled, "Biography of King Sombra". After reading the first few bullet points about him, she reached the one subtitled, "Brthdate". Her eyes widened in shock and her jaw dropped as she gasped.

"It's tomorrow?" she breathed, staring at the page. Twilight took the book away from her, but Pinkie continued to stare at where it used to be. After a moment of pure silence and stillness, Twilight began to think she had broken the pink mare. But, slowly, Pinkie hunkered down to the ground and then leaped into the air.

"Ohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh!" she called as she stay suspended in the air, "I need to start planning right now! Promise you won't tell Sombra!"

"Alright, but I-" before Twilight could even finish her sentence, Pinkie zoomed out of the library, the door wide open. "But, what about your walk?" Twilight called, but her words fell on deaf ears. She sighed heavily and shut the door behind her.

"Where did Pinkie go?" Sombra asked as he walked into the room, "I thought I heard her shout something...?"

Twilight was about to explain what had happened, but remembered that she had promised Pinkie not to tell him.

"Uh, nothing!" she lied, "She just had to go do something!"

Sombra quirked a brow at her, a look of puzzlement on his face.

"Uh-huh," he said in a disbelieving tone, "I'm just going to go to my cot..."

Once he turned around, Sombra frowned to himself.

'See?' he thought to The Voice, 'Now she's avoiding me.' He laid down in the small cot, pulling the covers over himself. He faced towards the wall and away from Twilight, who was watching him rather curiously.

'I'm sure that it was nothing,' The Voice tried to convince him, 'I mean, maybe she did have something to do.' Sombra shook his head doubtfully.

'No,' he said to The Voice firmly, 'She doesn't feel how I do.'

'And what would that feeling be?' The Voice asked, his interest piqued. Sombra paused for a moment, then closed his eyes in thought.

"Foolish," he said to himself, pulling the covers tighter around himself, "I feel foolish."

* * *

Pinkie hadn't been able to make out Twilight's shout as she ran out of the library, but she didn't think it to be important. Upon looking back at her alicorn friend's home, however, she ran into something fast and hard. The force knocked both her and the pony she bumped into onto their rears.

"Whoops, sorry!" Pinkie called as she came to her hooves. She blinked in surprise when she realized it was Applejack, whose eyes were still rolling around from dizziness. "Oh, hey, AJ!" she greeted as if she hadn't just run her over.

Applejack stood up and shook her head in order to lose her dizziness.

"Where ya goin' in such a hurry, Pinks?" she asked, dusting off her stetson.

"Twilight got a book from the Crystal Empire a couple days ago and she found a section about Sombry and saw that his birthday was tomorrow and I was all WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT , then I was super excited because Sombry is my friend and I wanted to throw a party for him that was super special awesome and I ran out just now and then I ran into you and you asked me why I was such in such a hurry and then I told you that Twilight got a book from-"

"Whoa, Nelly!" Applejack held out her hooves, "Ah get it, ah get it! So, ya say Sombra's birthday's tomorrow, eh?" Pinkie enthusiastically nodded while grinning like a hyena.

"Yeppy deppy!" Pinkie chirped, then her ears flattened against her head while her eyes widened, "I gotta get the supplies!" She jumped into the air, running in the air as she defied gravity. Just as she zoomed off, Applejack grabbed her tail and pulled her back.

"Whoa, there!" she called through Pinkie's tail, "Ya don't have to go worryin' about that by yerself, Sugarcube!" Pinkie remained in the air for a few more seconds before falling onto the ground. She jumped up, her mane covered in rocks and dirt then shook them out, the debris flinging in every direction.

"Whatcha ya mean, AJ?" the pink mare asked, dusting off her shoulder.

"What ah mean is that ah can help ya with the party," AJ told her, pulling a curly hair from her mouth.

Pinkie's eyes widened and she grinned so widely that AJ thought it would break her face. Pinkie tackled Applejack to the ground in a hug, squealing happily as she did so.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she cheered, then stopped laughing suddenly and got off of her, "I thought you didn't like Sombra!"

Applejack blinked at Pinkie, then sighed.

"Well, ah didn't," she admitted, "But, after ah saw how he was with you and he helped save Applebloom and her friends, ah figured that he wasn't as bad as ah had thought." 'And that you two shared a saddle together...' she added silently. Pinkie smiled again and began to bounce in place.

"Well, come on!" she exclaimed, "Let's get to it!" She started hopping down the dirt path, with Applejack in tow.

"Ya know, we can probably get the others to help, too," Applejack told her, trotting to keep up with her bouncing friend. Pinkie stopped abruptly, levitating in the air.

"That's..." she said quietly, then shouted, "A GREAT IDEA! Let's split up and cover more ground!" Before applejack could react, Pinkie zoomed away, leaving a pink streak behind. Applejack sighed and shook her head while smiling.

"Sombra, you are one lucky stallion," she said to herself, watching her pink friend quickly disappear down the road.

* * *

Twilight paced around the library, her brows creased in thought as she frowned. 'This is going to be a disaster,' she thought to herself, sneaking a glance at Sombra's "sleeping" form. When she had shown Pinkie the page showing Sombra's birthday the day before, she had failed to make good on reading the paragraph below it.

"Birthdate: November 2nd

King Sombra, may He reign forever, prohibited the celebrations of birthdays, especially His own. The reason behind this restriction is unknown. On the celebration of His day of birth, The King closes the castle and requests that all His servants leave His presence for the day. No one knows what His Highness does in His solitary confinement and it shall more than likely remain that way."

'What am I going to do?' she thought, continuing to pace, 'If I tell Pinkie to call off the party, she'll be crushed! But, if I let her put all that work into it and Sombra reacts badly...' She cringed as she imagined Sombra yelling at Pinkie and possibly causing her to fall into that frightening persona that she'd only seen twice before.

While Twilight continued to pace, Sombra laid in his own inner turmoil. He hadn't known why Pinkie disappeared so suddenly, but he could hazard an awful good guess. 'She's embarrassed to be near me,' he thought darkly, 'Now that her friends know what happened between us, she doesn't want to be seen with me.'

'It's not like that!' The Voice told him for what seemed like the hundredth time, 'She's not like that!' Sombra could feel his anger rise and bit his tongue to keep from shouting.

'You don't know her,' Sombra replied with venom in his tone, 'You can't make that judgement...' The Voice sighed and Sombra felt that The Voice would shake his head if he had a body to do so.

'I do know her,' The Voice told him, 'More than you know, Sombra.' Sombra's ears pricked upwards and he blinked in shock.

'What's that supposed to mean?' he snarled, but The Voice did not reply. Sombra groaned and rolled over, facing away from the wall. He quirked a brow at Twilight's pacing, his eyes following her for a moment before asking, "What the devil are you doing?"

Twilight jumped and let out a small, "Eep!" After realizing it Sombra who had spoken, she sighed. "Nothing you should worry about," she replied, resuming her pacing. Sombra narrowed his eyes at her and let out a ragged sigh.

"Too late," he said, getting out of his cot. He walked over to the alicorn, who began to sweat under his gaze. He leaned towards her, his eyes scrutinizing her nervous expression. "What are you hiding, Sparkle?" he whispered, causing Twilight's pupils to dilate to small pixels.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" she exclaimed, her ears flattening against her head. Sombra glared at her and opened his mouth to interrogate her. But, just as he was about to speak, the door to the library opened.

"Twilight, Sombra!" Spike called as he waddled into the room, "You guys gotta get to Sugarcube Corner!" Sombra felt his stomach drop at Spike's tone and he felt his eyes grow wide. Did Pinkie get hurt? Or perhaps it was something far worse?

"Uh, Spike, I don't think-" Twilight's statement fell on deaf ears as Sombra dashed out of the library. Upon running out, he scooped Spike up and slid him onto his back.

"Explain what happened quickly and do it now, Lizard!" Sombra ordered the small dragon, running as hard as he could. Spike clung onto Sombra's mane and let out a yell.

"Whoa, slow down!" he called, but Sombra didn't let up.

"Explain, Spike!" he shouted, turning back briefly to give Spike an angry look. Spike's eyes widened, but he nodded in response.

"Look, I can't really explain it," he admitted, yelling as Sombra made a sharp turn around a corner, "But, I know you need to get there right now!" Sombra was about to make a scathing remark about the baby dragon, but refrained from doing so when Sugarcube Corner came up in his sights. Upon seeing it, he galloped even harder, nearly knocking Spike off in the process.

He dashed up the steps of the building and swung the doors open. "Pinkie, where are y-"


Sombra blinked in shock as the lights to the bakery flipped on and several ponies jumped out of furniture and hiding places. Confetti fell from the ceiling, showering Sombra in a flurry of rainbow paper. "Wait, what?" he said in a confused tone, his eyes darting around the room, "What?"

"Surprise, Sombry!" Pinkie cheered, hopping over to Sombra. She was wearing a party hat and a small noisemaker hung at the side of her mouth.

"What is all this?" Sombra asked, still looking around the room. Pinkie smiled and giggled.

"Twilight found a book with some information about you in it and it said your birthday was today!" she chirped, "So, do you like it?" Sombra blinked as he realized why Pinkie and Twilight were acting so strange, relief overtaking him.

'See?' The Voice said, 'I told you it wasn't like that!' Sombra resisted the urge to roll his eyes at The Voice. Then, he fully realized what Pinkie had told him.

'Today is my birthday...' he thought to himself, looking around the brightly decorated room. He didn't particularly enjoy his birthday, the reason beyond his knowledge. He remembered how he used to stay in the castle by himself whenever the date rolled around. What he couldn't remember was why he did it.

"Sombry?" Pinkie's voice broke through his thoughts. Sombra looked around the room once more, scanning the faces of the crowd. All of Pinkie's friends, save for Twilight, were there, along with the Crusaders. They watched expectantly for Sombra's judgement on the party, each holding their breath.

"I-" he started, then looked at Pinkie's nervous expression, "I like it." Pinkie's face brightened and she hugged Sombra tightly.

"Yay!" she cheered, snuggling into his neck. Sombra fought against the heat that came onto his cheeks, but failed to hold back the shade of pink that overtook his face. Unlike Pinkie, all her friends saw this and they exchanged knowing looks with one another.

Suddenly, a techno, poppy song came on, causing Pinkie to gasp loudly. "Oh, this is my jam!" she exclaimed, jumping onto the dance floor. Sombra watched as Pinkie and her friends joined in a collective dance, moving to the time of the music.

Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena
Heeeeey Macarena

"Come on, Sombry!" Pinkie called, grabbing Sombra's hoof. Before he protest, she pulled him into the dancefloor, in the center of her friends.

"Pinkie!" Sombra shouted, trying to get off the dance floor, "I don't dance" Pinkie ceased her dancing and grinned at him while giggling.

"Don't worry, Sombry!" she said, "I'll teach you!" Despite his protests, Pinkie walked him through the steps of the dance he soon realized was called, "The Macarena". After a few run throughs with Pinkie, Sombra began to get the hang of the dance and actually started to enjoy himself.

Macarena, Macarena, Macarena
Que le gusta los veranos de Marbella
Macarena, Macarena, Macarena
Que le gusta la movida guerrilera

While the couple were dancing, Twilight rushed into the bakery, disheveled and panicked. "Where's Sombra? I have to-" she stopped talking when she saw Sombra and Pinkie dancing with one another, smiling and laughing. She felt her jaw drop in shock and her eyes became as wide as saucers.

"Oh, hello, darling!" Rarity greeted, walking over to her alicorn friend, "When did you get here?"

Twilight snapped out of her daze, shaking her head as she did so.

"I- uh, just came to see how the birthday boy was doing!" she said quickly, grinning nervously.

Rarity quirked a brow, but didn't question her.

"Well, he seems to be having fun, if ya ask me," said Applejack, who was munching on an apple. Twilight glanced over at Sombra again, who had started to sing along to the song.

"Does Sombra speak Spanish?" Twilight asked, her eyes wide with surprise. Rarity shook her head.

"I don't have the qualifications to say so," she admitted, "I took Prench in High School."

"He's speaking Spanish, alright," Applejack said, causing both Twilight and Rarity to look at her, "What? Ya pick up that kind of stuff at Mexicolt!" When the two mares didn't stop their incredulous stares, Applejack sighed. "Ah have to send orders to Mexicolt every so often, alright? That's how I picked it up."

When both mares let out silent, "oh"'s, Applejack facehoofed and sighed.

Meanwhile, Sombra and Pinkie continued to dance along to the foreign song, ignoring the surrounding ponies. Sombra watched Pinkie smile and laugh as she expertly popped and locked her hooves, not caring if anypony stared at her. While Sombra admired her, he misplaced his hooves and tripped over himself, falling to the floor in a heap.

Pinkie stopped dancing and leaned down to Sombra's level. "Cool!" she said, "Freestyling!" Before Sombra could react, she forcefully tripped over her hooves and fell onto the floor, smiling when Sombra gave a her a bewildered look. He cracked a smile and they shared a laugh together, while everypony gave them strange looks.

"They are so weird together," Rainbow Dash said aloud, earning a look from Rarity and Twilight.

"Rainbow Dash!" they shouted collectively. Applejack grinned lopsidedly at the laughing couple and shook her head.

"Said it once, and ah'll say it again," she said, "Sombra, you are one lucky stallion."

Author's Notes:

Sombra and Pinkie did the Macarena. I don't mean to sound self centered or anything, but... You're welcome~

Also, I listened to Pink's "True Love" while writing this and I thought of how Sombra feels about Pinkie Pie.

Sometimes I hate every single stupid word you say
Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face
There's no one quite like you
You push all my buttons down
I know life would suck without you

At the same time, I wanna hug you
I wanna wrap my hands around your neck
You're an a**hole, but I love you
And you make me so mad I ask myself

Why I'm still here, or where could I go?
You're the only love I've ever known
But I hate you, I really hate you
So much it must be true love

The second verse, to me, is Pinkie's feelings towards him. But, I'm not typing another verse. Look it up, lazy!

Chapter 8: Switcharoo!

Sombra was in his cot, reading the end of his Daring Do book to cool down from the excitement of the night before. Being caught up in his own reading , he didn't take notice of Twilight's pacing around the room.

She was pouring some random chemicals into a flask of blue liquid, which bubbled from the multiple reactions within it. She'd been working on the potion for a number of days, dabbling in it here and there.

This was the first time she had actually spent an extended amount of time to focus on it, what with her new found responsibility to prevent Sombra and Pinkie from having falling outs. Although she loved Pinkie and Sombra was starting to grow on her, she knew that their relationship was fragile and anything that tipped the balance out of their favor would keep it that way.

"So, I add just a little of this..." Twilight said to herself, trying to snap herself out of her own thoughts. The liquid turned from blue to magenta and began to glow, then dimmed back into it's original hue. Meanwhile, Spike was reorganizing books from Twilight's study room, where she had been studying some new spell. The baby dragon turned towards his employer/friend, his eyebrow quirked upwards.

"Whatcha workin' on, Twilight?" Spike asked, placing the books down on a table. Twilight blinked and looked around the room, stopping she saw Spike.

"I'm working on a new potion," she told him, placing the flask down, "and I think I'm finished with it." Spike peeked at the strange potion and poked at it, then jerking his hand back. When nothing happened, he quirked his brow up again.

"Uh..." he drawled, "What does it do?" Twilight sighed and levitated the flask to her study table.

"Hopefully, you'll never have to find out," she said, putting a cork on top of the small flask. When Twilight walked away, Spike walked over to the table where the potion sat and studied it, hoping to find it's use and intent.

"Is it a mind control potion?" he asked, alarmed at the thought. Twilight shook her head as she levitated a book over to herself, then cracked it open. "Is it a love potion?" Spike asked, waggling his eyebrows. Twilight's snapped her head up, her cheeks aflame with embarrassment.

"N-no!" she stammered, attempting to cover her blushing cheeks. Sombra, who had just finished his book, looked over at the embarrassed alicorn with interest.

"What about a love potion?" he asked, giving Twilight an incredulous look, "Are you seriously that desperate for a love life?" Twilight shook her head rapidly.

"No, it's not like th-" she tried to say, but Sombra interrupted her.

"Cause you could've told me, you know," he said, raising his eyebrows, "it's not like I'm taken." The alicorn's jaw dropped, her eyes wide and her cheeks reddened to a deep, ruby shade.

"But..." she trailed off, then started again, "But what about Pinkie?" Sombra had gotten out of his cot and walked over to place his finished book on a large stack that had been recently returned.

"What about her?" he asked, obviously not getting why Twilight was so shocked by his statement.

"There's something going on between you two, isn't there?" Spike joined in, picking up Sombra's book. The unicorn king quirked a brow upwards, a look a confusion playing his features.

"What told you that?" Twilight put a hoof to her head in frustration and groaned, shaking her head as she did so.

"How about the fact that you guys kissed the other day?" she reminded him, putting her hoof down. Sombra froze in place, dropping the book he had picked up from the stack on the table.

"Th-that meant absolutely nothing!" he exclaimed, hiding his face from the two of them. Spike walked back around to grab another book to put away and his eyes widened at seeing Sombra's expression.

"Dude," the baby dragon said, "are you blushing?" Sombra responded by slamming his hoof on the dragon's head. "OW!" Spike shouted, grabbing onto his throbbing head.

"Sombra!" Twilight exclaimed, using her magic to twist his ear.

"Gah!" Sombra roared, "Let me go, you wench!" She jerked his ear to make him face her, stopping when she managed to do so. His cheeks were a light shade of pink, just brushing across the bridge of his nose. He resembled Pinkie, in a odd sense.

"Oh, my gosh," Twilight said with a laugh, "You are blushing!" She began to laugh at Sombra, whose cheeks only reddened with anger with each guffaw. During her laughing fit, she released her magic from Sombra's ear, allowing him to escape. He rushed past her and over to her study table, where her potion resided. He picked up the flask and put his canine of the cork.

"That's it!" he shouted from the side of his mouth, "I've had enough of your insults!" Twilight ceased her laughter and her eyes widened in horror at the sight of her precious potion in danger.

"Sombra, we were just teasing you!" she exclaimed, attempting to take step towards him. He pulled the cork off the flask, vapors of magic leaking from the glass container.

"Stay back!" he warned, "Or I'll throw it and it'll... Well, I don't know what it does, but it can't be good!" Twilight took another step forward, her eyes determined.

"Sombra, you're acting like a child!" she told him, causing Sombra to growl angrily.

"I AM NOT A CHILD!" he screamed, throwing the flask over her head. At that very moment, the door to the library opened, with Pinkie Pie hopping in, completely unaware of what was happening.

"Hay, gu-" she stopped suddenly and let out a scream as the flask's contents emptied onto her. Everything seemed to freeze in place as Pinkie's body became coated in the magical magenta liquid, her scream becoming gurgled as the liquid sloshed into her mouth. Sombra's jaw dropped in horror while Twilight put her hooves to her mouth shock. Sombra rushed over to the frozen mare, whose jaw remained dropped in surprise.

"Pinkie, are you alright?" he asked frantically, checking her for any injury. Whilst looking at her face, Pinkie began to take small, light intakes of breath, her nose scrunching up further with each one. Her eyes screwed shut instantly as she took in one last breath before letting out a loud:


The magenta liquid that had gotten into her nostrils and mouth, along with on her face, flung onto Sombra, covering his entire face with the potion. He just sat there for a few moments, in stunned silence, before letting out a screech unlike any other.

"OH, MY GOD, IT GOT IN MY MOUTH!" he screamed, attempting to spit out the potion, "Is there any other bodily fluids you want to get on me, you stupid, pink mare?!"

Suddenly, both Sombra and Pinkie began to glow, starting off dim, then becoming so bright it was almost blinding. "What's happening?" Pinkie shouted, looking alarmed. Sombra held up his glowing hooves, his eyes widening in fear. In a moment of pure instinct, he grabbed onto Pinkie and held her, fearing the outcome of what was to come. Then, a large flash of light overtook the two of them, enveloping the room in light.

Sombra clung onto Pinkie's form as the illumination faded, leaving the library as it was before. 'Strange,' he thought, 'Why do I feel Pinkie's chin on my head?'

"Uh... Sombry?" he heard Pinkie say fearfully. He opened his eyes and saw a coat of gray fur in front of him. His eyes widened in shock he looked up and he froze in horror at what he saw. It was his own face, his red eyes wide with shock and his jaw dropped in horror. Sombra fearfully looked down at himself and was horrified to see that his large, gray hooves were replaced with adorable, pink ones.

"OH, MY GOD!" he screamed, his voice remaining the same. He slammed a hoof into his mouth, frozen in shock. He pulled his hoof out and looked at himself. He tugged at the curly magenta mane on his head and the three balloons that covered his flank. He felt his tail under his back legs, unbelievably soft and curly.

Pinkie prodded at the curved horn on her forehead, her red eyes wide with shock. She took the time admire the slope of Sombra's back, then gazed at what was now her cutie mark. His small, black tail lacked the comfort that her own tail held, a cushion for her legs and blanket for her exposed legs. She felt her lower lip quiver when glanced down at the downtrodden hooves that replaced her well manicured pink ones.

"You're in my body!" they screamed together, leaning into one another's faces. Pinkie jumped back and began to stomp in place, letting out an impossibly shrill scream, her eyes screwed shut. Sombra's reaction was no better, his deep voice coinciding with Pinkie's. Twilight, who had just gotten over her initial shock of the body switch, walked over to the two screaming ponies.

"Guys, calm down!" she shouted, but it was drowned out by their loud screams, "Guys!" After her second attempt failed, she let out a loud groan and sparked her horn. Sombra and Pinkie's mouth turned into zippers, which she used her magic to zip close. While they attempted to let out more yells, they only came out muffled and indistinct.

"Now," Twilight said, trying to calm herself down, "let's take a moment to discuss what just happened." When Sombra and Pinkie attempted to protest, Twilight gave them a look of finality, causing them to fall silent. "Sombra is in Pinkie's body and vice versa, correct?" Two nods originated from the two ponies, whose eyes were wide with anticipation.

When Sombra, or rather, his body, tried to talk, Twilight unzipped the stallion's mouth to understand him/her better. "Are we going to be stuck like this?" she heard Sombra ask in Pinkie's voice. Twilight's ears flattened against her head, a look of pure shock taking over her features. She put a hoof to her mouth, as if to keep from gasping. Then, a small, muffled laugh escaped past her hoof. After several failed attempts to cover her amusement, she let out a series of guffaws, collapsing to the ground as she did so.

Sombra, who had frowned at the sight of the laughing alicorn, grabbed the zipper and pulled it open. "It's not funny!" Sombra shouted, causing Twilight to laugh even harder. Spike, who had been watching from the sidelines in silence, joined in on laughs and collapsed next to Twilight, who was holding her sides as she panted from lack of breath.

"You're right..." Spike said in between pants, "...It's hilarious!" Twilight and Spike's laughter descended to a level where everything just seemed hysterical, no matter what it was. No matter how Pinkie and Sombra tried to get through to the laughing alicorn and dragon, their attempts only made the two beings laugh harder and harder.

"Just leave them," Pinkie said, turning away from the laughing pair, "they're past the point of no return." Pinkie bounced off, humming as she did so, but it didn't have the same effect that it normally did. She stopped and stared at the short tail that was on her rear with scrutiny. After a moment of uninterrupted study, her eyes became cartoonishly large as she said, "I miss my old tail..."

'What are you talking about?' The Voice asked in a confused tone, 'That's how your tail has always looked!' Pinkie let out a small squeal and her eyes darted around rapidly.

"Who said that?!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide and her pupils dilated.

'Wait...' The Voice said, 'Pinkie Pie?!'

"Who said what?" Sombra asked, looking around the room with her.

"Yeah, it's Pinkie Pie," Pinkie said aloud, "What's your name?"

"Who are you talking to?!" Sombra shouted, beginning to grow frustrated.

'Well, I don't have a name. Sombra's just been calling me 'The Voice' for the past couple months,' The Voice told her, causing Pinkie to gasp.

"How can you not have a name?!" she shouted in a incredulous tone, then gasped again, "Are you Sombra's conscience?" At Pinkie's inquiry, Sombra could feel his entire body freeze.

'She's talking to The Voice,' he realized, his eyes growing wide. Twilight would no doubt have questions about The Voice's existence and Sombra knew that it would be anything but beneficial for himself. "Uh, Pinkie, I think that-" Sombra tried to say, but his words were lost on Pinkie as she turned to face him.

"Sombra, how could you not give your conscience a name?" she scolded, "Everypony deserves a name!"

While Sombra gave Pinkie an incredulous stare, The Voice laughed at her proclamation.

'Indeed, they do, Pinkie,' he said with a chuckle, 'I enjoy your sense of thinking.'

This caused Pinkie to giggle, the sight of which frightening Sombra.

"I like you, too, Conscience!" she replied, "How's that for a name?"

'Hmm...' The Voice mulled it over for a moment, then said, 'I like it!'

"Yay!" Pinkie said, clapping her hooves, "You have a name! Hay, I have a question for you."

'Yes?' Conscience asked, rather giddy after receiving a new name.

"Do you like Chimi-cherry or Cherry-changa better?" she asked randomly, "I asked somepony that before, but I never got an answer!"

Conscience remained silent for a moment, as if taken aback by Pinkie's out of place question.

'Why not both?' he replied, 'Chimi-cherry, Cherry-changa! Chimi-cherry, Cherry-changa!'

Pinkie giggled and grinned.

"I was thinking the same thing!" she replied, continuing to giggle happily.

Sombra watched in stunned silence as Pinkie carried a conversation with The Voice(or, Conscience, as it seemed). He had expected the being within him to be frightened by the mare's strange behavior, but by Pinkie's reactions, he could deduce that it was the very opposite.

"What in Equestria are you two talking about over there?" he heard Twilight call, turning towards the alicorn. She had ceased laughing, but Spike was still going strong, tears rolling down his face.

Sombra slammed a hoof into Pinkie's mouth, cutting off her giggles.

"Nothing," Sombra said quickly, giving Pinkie a sideways glance, "right, Pinkie?"

Pinkie, understanding that Sombra would like to keep Conscience's presence a secret(although she couldn't guess why), nodded her head.

"Right!" Pinkie said, earning a suspicious look from Twilight, "Just stuff about Chimi-cherries! Or Cherry-changas! I like both!"

As Pinkie continued to ramble on about her strange food invention, Twilight had to force herself not to fall into another fit of laughter at Pinkie's voice coming out of Sombra's body.

"Alright, so it's very obvious that you two have switched bodies," she said, causing Sombra to give her a look that said, "You don't say?" Ignoring the look, Twilight continued. "Well, the good news is that I know there's a potion for this very situation, in the event that somepony misuses it."

Sombra narrowed his eyes at the alicorn, then fully realized what Twilight was implicating. "And the bad news is...?" he said, fearing the answer.

Twilight took a deep breath to keep a calm demeanor.

"It's going to take a couple of hours to make it," she replied, then gave Sombra a hard look, "because I used most of my ingredients for the one you wasted!"

Before he could give a retort, Pinkie, who had ceased her rambling, stepped in.

"So I'm in Sombry's body for the next few hours then?" she asked, sounding rather curious at the idea. When Twilight nodded, Pinkie put a hoof to her chin and let a out a hum of thought. "I always wondered what it would be like to be a stallion," she mused aloud, causing both Sombra and Twilight to give her incredulous looks.

"What?!" Sombra practically shrieked, while Twilight gaped at Pinkie.

"What are you so surprised at?" she asked nonchalantly, "Haven't you ever thought about what it would be like to be a mare?"

Sombra narrowed his eyes at her.

"Yes, I thought, 'Gee, it'd be awful to be a mare'!" he replied, "And I was right! It is awful!" He held his flank up, then shook his tail briefly. "I have a curly pink tail!" He held up his forehooves. "I have adorable pink hooves!" He pointed down at his flank, looking at it with contempt. "I even have balloons on my rear! I'm the picture of femininity!"

"Well, how do you think I feel?" she challenged, "I'm starting to think I took being a mare for granted!" She held up her rear, flicking her short, black tail. "How can you stand to have such a short tail? Put a bow or something on it to make it look cuter, will you?"

"Well, excuuuuuuuuuse me!" Sombra exclaimed sarcastically, "I'm sorry my tail isn't 'cute' enough for you! I'll have you know, that if a stallion of my ranking and stature were to have a long tail, he wouldn't be taken seriously!" Pinkie leaned towards Sombra, her red eyes narrowed.

"Oh, you mean a pompous jerk who can't accept the fact that he's not a king anymore?" she snarled, baring her fangs, "'Cause that's all I see."

Sombra's jaw dropped and he gaped at her.

"You did not..." he said, narrowing his eyes at her.

Pinkie didn't let up her glare, then leaned closer to Sombra until their noses were touching.

"Oh, yes," she replied, "I just did."

As they continued to stare on another down, Spike, who had finally recovered from his laughing fit, let out a loud groan.

"Ugh," he said loudly, "Are you two going to kiss again?"

Pinkie jumped back, a blush covering her cheeks while Sombra recovered from his shock and waggled his eyebrows.

"Want another one, do you?" he teased, causing her cheeks to turn an even darker shade of red.

"Th-that didn't mean anything!" Pinkie exclaimed, sounding like Sombra did when Twilight had made the implication that he liked Pinkie.

Still feeling angry about Pinkie's earlier insult, he decided he was going to have fun with this.

"You know, I wouldn't mind it," he said, taking a step towards her. By then, her entire face was red, her eyes wide. "Tell you what, I'll make you a deal," Sombra continued, "I'll let you kiss me again, right now; but only, and only, if it didn't mean something to you."

The room was silent afterwards, making Sombra feel triumphant. He knew that Pinkie wouldn't be able to bring herself to do it; she was too kind and caring to do so. Besides, even if she did do it, he would finally be able to show that annoying voice in his head that there was nothing going on between him and Pinkie.

But, even he wasn't prepared for Pinkie's response. Her lips were against his in an instant, shocking Sombra enough to freeze. Although in reality it lasted only seconds, to Sombra it felt like an eternity, long and somewhat painful. When she pulled away, Sombra remained in the same position, stunned into silence.

"See?" Pinkie said, "Absolutely nothing." When she walked away, Sombra could feel his shock turn into dread as her fully realized what her response meant.

'Absolutely nothing,' he thought, 'it meant absolutely nothing to her.' For some unknown reason, this fact hurt him in a way that he hadn't felt since that vision with Pinka, when she had left him alone in the frightening world they lived in.

* * *

Hours later and he was back in his old body. Sombra couldn't ignore the rock in his stomach, the very thing that was reminding him of the day's events. After Pinkie's kiss, he couldn't get over the meaning of it, the cause of his misery. With every avoided look, either directly or from their peripheral vision, or accidental touch, whether it be their hooves when they reach for the same thing or just a simple bump as they passed one another, he could feel it sink lower and heavier than before.

As soon as they returned to their respective forms, Pinkie had jumped at the chance of escape and left with an excuse to foalsit for the Cakes'. Twilight, sensing Sombra's negative emotions, decided to leave him be and allowed him to retire to his cot for the remainder of the evening.

'Conscience?' Sombra asked with uncertainty. He never called for the voice's presence beforehoof, but he was desperate for somepony to converse with. Twilight and Spike weren't options and Sombra couldn't speak to Pinkie because she was the reason for his depression.

'Yes?' Conscience replied, his tone laced with concern. Sombra took a deep breath, preparing himself for the question he was about to ask.

'Was she lying?' He knew the question itself sounded small, unimportant, even. But, to him, it held something deeper, thicker than blood itself.

So, when the voice within him replied to his question, the small hope he never knew he was capable of having was diminished.

'...I'm sorry, Sombra.'

Author's Notes:

I listened to music from "Frozen" while writing this, particularly "For The First Time In Forever(reprise)" and "Let It Go". Then, I listened to some Joaftheloaf on YouTube and Megaphoric~

Anywhoodles, Sombra and Pinkie switched bodies, and Pinkie met The Voice(well, now his name is Conscious). I expect to see comments about "ConsciousxPinkie". Let's face it, it's going to happen.

Chapter 9: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of... OH MY!

Sleep didn't come to Sombra that night, his thoughts of depression and negativity preventing him from doing so. He laid in his cot, staring at the wooden ceiling of library in which he, Twilight and Spike resided in.

"Who?" a voice called, surprising Sombra.

He relaxed when realized that it was Owlowiscious, Twilight's nocturnal pet. He had taken note that Spike, the idiot he is, didn't realize that whenever Owlicious made his signature noise, he wasn't asking an actual question. Although it was hilarious to watch at first, it had grown annoying with time, as most things did since his arrival in Ponyville.

'Like with Pinkie...' he thought darkly, his reminisce becoming negative.

When he had first met her, he didn't think half the things that he had hated about her would be the things he came to enjoy. The way she snorted when she laughed hard enough, her absurd Pinkie Sense, and that toothy grin of hers; things he once saw as flaws, but now realized they were gifts within a cursed shell.

'Love's funny that way,' Conscience said, causing Sombra to freeze.

Not wanting to engage the voice within him, he ignored him and instead looked at the red scarf that resided on the end of his cot, his eyes shining with pain. Pinkie had gotten it for him, after introducing a new pony to Ponyville had gone awry and ruined his royal clothes. It'd been the first gift she'd given him, something so small to anypony else, but so big to him.

He pulled the plush scarf over to himself, wrapping it around his neck. He breathed in the scent of it, relishing in the memories it held. It smelled like her; sweet, like freshly baked confectionery treats. He smiled lightly as he remembered all the times she had brought a treat over for him, whether it be cookies or just a simple candy bar. He felt his face turn green as the thought of cake reached him and shuddered visibly.

'If it weren't for that ridiculous cake batter...' Sombra thought darkly, then glanced down at the scarf again.

An image of Pinkie sitting next to him appeared, the scarf wrapped around her neck as she laughed. She had made a silly joke about how the scarf was made for two ponies, something Sombra was starting to realize was all too true.

Just as he slipped into a fitful sleep, he completed the thought that he started.

'...I wouldn't care about her the way I do now.'

* * *

Pinkie sat up with a jolt, her breath coming out quick and fast. Her cheeks were flushed red as she came to terms with what she had just experienced in her slumber, sweat covering her brow heavily. She pulled her covers up to hide her blushing face, the shame of her thoughts overcoming her.

'Sweet Celestia, where did that come from?' Pinkie asked herself, her cheeks still hot. Her dream had started off simple; she was at Sugarcube Corner, just arriving from Twilight's after her ever so awkward body switching experience with Sombra. She was alone in her room, trying to process the terrible decision she had made.

She hadn't wanted to kiss Sombra; at least, not in the way she had. That idiot stallion that she had an undeniable crush on gave her an ultimatum she couldn't refuse! Pinkie understood that in doing what she did, Sombra would think that she didn't like him, when in reality, it was the very opposite. She had requested that Conscience keep it a secret, and the voice in her dark friend's head Pinkie Promised to do so, although he didn't think it to be the best course of action.

Upon her deep brooding and pacing, a knock came to her door, breaking her from her troubling thoughts. When she had opened it, there stood Sombra, an unreadable look on his face.She could feel her dread take over and fought against the blush that threatened to come over her cheeks.

"S-Sombra!" she stammered, undeniably surprised by his sudden appearance, "What are you doing here?" He stepped into her room and towards her, causing her heart to skip a beat.

"I came to apologize," Sombra replied, his voice sending shivers down Pinkie's spine. That should have been the first sign that it was a dream; Sombra never apologized, save for the time at Carousel Boutique when she just about had a nervous breakdown. She took note of the fact that Sombra was wearing the very scarf she had gotten him at the same visit.

But, in her somewhat shocked state, Pinkie was in no place of mind to distinguish reality from her imagination. "Apologize?" she repeated, the word sounding completely out of place. When Sombra nodded, he took another step towards her, residing in front of Pinkie's frozen frame.

"It was wrong of me to tease you," he admitted, "especially about something like that." This time, she didn't hold back the blush that came with the thought of what happened at Sweet Apple Acres only a couple weeks before. The kiss had been as much as a surprise to her as it was to him, perhaps even more. The one that had happened only a couple hours ago, however, held a purpose; one that she regretted being fulfilled.

The room remained silent as Pinkie awaited the apology, but it never came. "Uh, when are you-" she was cut off by Sombra putting his lips on her own. It was a strange experience, being on the receiving end of the kiss. She could understand why it shocked Sombra as much as it did, especially with the timing of each one being uncalled for.

Her cheeks were aflame as the kiss sent waves of exhilaration through her, awakening feelings she hadn't felt in years. The feeling of being with somepony; not as in a relationship, but in the most emotionally, physical way. Sombra pulled her closer, deepening the kiss.

"Sombra..." Pinkie whispered as she pulled away, her face as scarlet as a tomato. The ex-king leaned towards her, his nose brushing against hers.

"Pinkie," he said in a rumbly voice, "I know that this is what you wanted." When Pinkie opened her mouth to deny it, he shushed her by putting his hoof on her mouth gently. "All those stolen glances... All those touches with hidden meanings... I know that they meant something to you."

He kissed her again, this time it was sweeter, gentler. She didn't pull away, this time leaning into it. He had mentioned having mistresses in his time of rule and she began to envy every one of them, just for having the same touch that she was receiving. "No need to be jealous, dear..." he murmured, as if reading her mind. Pinkie felt herself being pushed down to the floor, but she didn't fight it. Although a part of her was screaming at her to stop what was happening, she knew Sombra was right; she had wanted this.

It was at the moment, Pinkie had jolted awake, completely freaked out of her mind. She suddenly remembered that when she arrived at bakery, she had worked for a couple hours before closing for the night, meaning Sombra's "meeting" never would've happened. She had just dreamed of kissing him! And one where he initiated it, no less! Her cheeks remained red as she attempted to calm herself down, but to no avail.

'Oh, this is going to make everything all sorts of awkward!' Pinkie thought, the horror of it all befalling her. Things were weird enough as is; now this dream was going to make everything so much worse! Although she knew Sombra wasn't able to read her mind(like in her dream), she had a feeling that he was just going to know that she had thought of him the way she did.

And, the cherry on top of the sundae, she wanted it to happen! She actually wanted to initiate this insane fantasy that her subconscious had concocted in her time of stress and brooding! She shook her head firmly, a determined look upon her features.

'No!' she told herself, 'I am not going to let this get weird! I'll just... pretend it never happened! Yeah, that'll work!' Although it was a stupid lie, it was her stupid lie. She knew it wasn't going to be easy, but she was going to find a way to put this silly fantasy behind her; even if it drove her insane.

* * *

The walk to Sugarcube Corner was a long one for Sombra, it being the morning after his fitful, restless night. Twilight had had enough of his doom and gloom attitude and had decided that he was going to see Pinkie, whether he liked it or not(the latter of which being the case). The alicorn princess accompanied the ex-tyrant, more often than not dragging him with her.

Sombra walked down the side of the road, his head hung low as he remembered the prior day's events. He had asked for it, there was no denying it, but somehow, that made it even more difficult to absorb. If he hadn't been so embarrassed, if he hadn't thrown Twilight's potion, he wouldn't have to live with the horrible fact that faced him. Upon seeing the bakery come into view, he felt his negativity sink lower than before.

Twilight felt Sombra's mood change and gave him a hard look. "You're going to face her sooner or later, Sombra," she told him, walking ahead of him. Feeling like a man walking to his own hanging, Sombra followed her. Upon entering the bakery, Sombra saw Mrs.Cake behind the counter, putting money into the cash register. He tried to fight the embarrassment he felt when he remembered how she was the first to find out about that night with Pinkie.

"Oh, hello, Sombra!" she greeted, stepping out from behind the counter. In her excitement at seeing him, she completely disregarded Twilight and rushed over to the surprised stallion, knocking the alicorn princess to the side as she did so. "Are you here to pick up Pinkie for your daily walk?" she asked excitedly, "Oh, that's so gentlecoltly of you!"

"Is that Sombra?" he heard Mr.Cake ask from the kitchen. The stallion poked his head in and he grinned at Sombra, then frowned at seeing Twilight. "And he brought Twilight," he said flatly, stepping back into the kitchen. Mrs.Cake turned towards Twilight, noticing her for the first time.

"Oh," she said in a dimmer tone, "hello, Twilight." Sombra quirked a brow upwards and opened his mouth to ask a question, but decided against it.

"Sombwy!" he heard a small voice squeal beneath him. Sombra looked down and he felt himself smile at Pound Cake, one of foal twins that he and Pinkie had sat together all those weeks ago. He crouched down to the small colt's level, then prodded the foal in the stomach, causing him to giggle.

"Hello, there!" Sombra said, tickling the foal's stomach, "Did ya miss your Uncle Sombry?" Although he hated that stupid nickname, he knew that the foals enjoyed calling him that. Pound managed to escape Sombra's tickling, then hovered up to Sombra's head and began to play in his mane.

Twilight's jaw dropped in shock, while Mrs.Cake beamed at Sombra and her infant son. "He is so good with foals, don'tcha think?" she asked Twilight, who got over her shock and closed her mouth.

She had heard Pinkie talk about Sombra help her with foalsitting when the Cakes' had dropped the task onto her at the last moment, but she hadn't believed her pink friend's claims until she saw it in person.

"Yes, I suppose he is," she said in a dazed tone, still somewhat shocked. Suddenly, she heard the sound of humming coming from the stairwell.

"La da da da d- Oh, hay, Twilight!" Pinkie greeted as she walked down the stairs.

Twilight, glad that somepony actually took the time to properly greet her, smiled.

"Hello, Pinkie!" she replied, walking over to her pink friend. Pinkie stopped suddenly, her eyes widening in shock. Twilight turned towards what she was looking at and saw that her friend was looking at Sombra, who was on his back while Pound crawled on his stomach.

'Sweet Celestia...' Pinkie thought, grabbing onto the stair railing for support as her knees wobbled, 'I forgot how great he is with foals!' Her shaking knees knocked together as they struggled to hold Pinkie up, who then sighed dreamily. She lost grip of the railing, thus causing her to fall down the stairs. Once she crashed to the bottom, she could feel her cheeks turn red as everypony stared at her, including Sombra.

She jumped up, forcing her blush to disappear as she did so. "I'm alright!" she shouted, straightening her knees as they threatened to lose their hold.

Earning a rather strange look from Twilight and a concerned one from Sombra, Pinkie put on a smile and bounced over to him, who still had Pound in his mane. Fighting against the urge to "Aw!" at her undeniably adorable crush, she flashed a grin.

"Hi, Sombry!" she greeted, hugging his neck, to which he froze. Ignoring Sombra's reaction, she pulled back and giggled, the reason unbeknownst to her. "I like your new hat!" she said, referring to Pound, who still resided on Sombra's head.

' 'I like your new hat?' ' she thought to herself, 'Where did that come from?'

Sombra looked up at Pound, who was still giggling in oblivious joy.

"Oh, right," Sombra said, putting the foal down on the floor. After doing so, he looked back up at her, his beautiful red eyes meeting hers. She felt her stomach churn, but still continued to smile at him.

"So, you ready to go on our walk?" she said, bouncing in place.

He furrowed his brows at her('Celestia, he looks cute when he does that!'), but refrained from questioning her odd behavior(well, odd for her). Sombra nodded, to which Pinkie giggled and then bounced out of the bakery, the dark stallion following her.

As Pinkie bounced ahead of him, Sombra finally let free the blush he'd been holding back since he first saw her come tumbling into the room that morning. The memories of last night's dreams had decided to replay for him, much to his chagrin. When she smiled at him, he was reminded of that devilish grin she had given him in his sleep only a couple hours ago.

'I didn't know you could be so... saucy, Sombra!' Conscience had teased when Sombra first woke up, covered in sweat from his unexpected dream. Sombra watched as Pinkie bounced around, not a care in the world, not having idea that he had thought about her in such a way.

'I am not going to let this get weird,' he told himself, 'I am just going to forget it ever happened...'

Although he knew it was a lie, he didn't care. He'd spent most of his life lying to himself and he had gotten so damn good at it. Sombra was going to figure out a way to put this unfortunate sleeping episode behind him; even if it drove him insane.

Author's Notes:

Don't know why, but I listened to Pitch Perfect music while writing this. Freaking Fat Amy kills me... I'll be surprised if they don't make a sequel to the movie!

Anywhoodles, AWKWARD DREAM IS AWKWARD. Yeah, just to clarify, I will not be writing any *ahem* mature scenes in my stories. Once I realized how this site worked and how to become a (somewhat) better writer, I actually sat myself down and said,

"Alright, you are NOT doing anything that could be made into clop, you hear me?! You will only go so far as to heavily imply when it comes to scenes like that, alright?! Also, do NOT get weird! Stay away from the weird stuff on this site! Don't go reading crack fics or fall in love with weird pairings! And for the love of all that is precious, DON'T WRITE ABOUT SAID WEIRD PAIRINGS!!! You're above that mess, you hear?!"

...I broke three of those rules and I think you know which ones they are. Looks like I'm not above it, now am I? (WELCOME TO THE DARK SIDE, MOTHERBUCKERS!)

Chapter 10: To The Spa!

It was quiet that afternoon in Ponyville. Everypony was lazing about, nothing to do, not a care in the world. If it was because of a holiday or just a rare occasion where the town is silent, Sombra didn't know. He appreciated the quietness and decided to take this opportunity to read the rest of his Daring Do book.

The drama and stress of dealing with his unfortunate dream had taken his ability to focus on anything but his thoughts away from him. He'd spent most of spare time brooding, trying to figure out ways to make his meetings with Pinkie less awkward, but it seemed to be making everything much, much worse.

Whenever he was around her, she would get fidgety and start acting even more random than she normally did, ever-changing the subject of their dialogue. Although he gave no hint at the reason for his apprehensiveness, she was just as, if not more, awkward around him than he was with her.

The door to the library opened, but instead of being Pinkie, like Sombra expected, it was Rarity. She elegantly stepped into the room, her head held high, as if strutting on the runway at a fashion show.

"Rarity?" Twilight asked, obviously surprised by her unicorn friend's sudden appearance, "What are you doing here?"

Rarity flipped her mane dramatically, then let out a sigh. "I came to request something of you, Twilight," she replied, then spared a glance at Sombra. She gave him a quick look up and down, inspecting him for a brief moment before smiling to herself. Sombra began to feel uncomfortable under her gaze and was tempted to pull the blankets over himself to prevent her from looking at him any further.

"What is it that you need, Rarity?" Twilight asked, not catching the look she had given Sombra.

"I was wondering if you would like to accompany the girls and myself to the spa," she said simply, "it's been forever since we've gone, don't you think?"

'That's it?' Sombra thought to himself, 'She just wanted to know if Twilight wanted to go to the spa?' It was a silly request, and to make such a big show of it was just as, if not more.

"Well, I'd love to!" Twilight exclaimed, then dimmed as she glanced over at Sombra, "But, I can't leave Sombra alone here; and I don't think Spike wants to watch him either."

Rarity waved a hoof dismissively. "Bring him along!" she proclaimed, "I'm sure he'll love to get some relaxation!"

Although Rarity's behavior was rather questionable, he had to admit that the offer was rather tempting. It had been over a millennia since he had received pampering of any kind; perhaps it wouldn't hurt to take a trip to the spa.

"Sounds like a plan," Sombra added in, earning a rather surprised look from Twilight. Rarity pointed hoof into the air triumphantly.

"You see?" she said, "He said he'd love to, as well!" Before Twilight could protest, Rarity grabbed a hold of her and began dragging her towards the library door. "Come along now, Sombra!" she chirped, "We must be on our way!" Sombra hopped out of his cot and followed Rarity and a struggling Twilight out the door, not knowing what was awaiting him.

* * *

Pinkie paced nervously as she waited for Rarity's return to the spa. 'Please hurry back,' she pleaded silently, 'I really need this release!' All of her stress and anxiety had been building up exponentially in the past week, since her rather, adult dream. Every awkward encounter with Sombra seemed to make it far worse than before. For reasons beyond her comprehension, he was acting rather strange with her, more so than she was with him.

'What if he knows?' she thought suddenly, the very idea making her freeze. If he knew that she had thought about him in that way, it could make everything she'd been working so hard to preserve disappear!

"Pinkie, you're acting, um, really antsy," Fluttershy said, breaking Pinkie out of her thoughts. She glanced over at her pegasus friend, who was sitting patiently in the chairs of the waiting room.

"She's probably wonderin' why Rares is takin' so long," Applejack answered, saving Pinkie from explaining herself.

She was right about that; Pinkie had wanted Rarity to return quickly so that she discuss her concerns further. She regretfully told her unicorn friend about her dream, thus causing Rarity to pry and ask for details, which she hesitantly shared. After explaining in vivid detail as to what happened, Rarity was more than happy to offer insight.

"Sombra's an attractive stallion, Pinkie!" she told her, "Oh, don't give me that look; you aren't the only one to look, you know!" Pinkie felt herself become angry as she remembered the time he had flirted with Berry Punch. Needless to say, encounters with the drinking mare had been nothing less of tense and awkward.

Pinkie's anticipation was eating her alive at this point. She was hoping that she could discuss ways to deal with her newfound attraction to Sombra, seeing as how Rarity had the most experience at dating than all of the girls combined. Her patience was wearing thin enough as is and anymore waiting was going to be the end of her.

Rainbow Dash let out a groan as she hovered in the air, flipping over so she was upside down.

"Why is she taking so long?" she moaned, "What, is she dragging Twilight here?" As if on cue, in came Rarity, dragging Twilight in after her. The alicorn appeared to have been struggling prior to their entrance, but must have given up sometime along the way to the spa. Pinkie leaped at the sight of her friends and let out a cheer.

"Yay!" she exclaimed, then clapped her hooves excitedly, "Now we can start--" She stopped once she caught sight of Sombra, who followed in after Rarity.

"Sombra?" she squeaked, her enthusiasm turning to dread. 'Don't look at his face,' she told herself, 'Don't look at his face, don't look at his-- shoot, I looked!' Whenever she looked at him, she was reminded of the dream she had and then she remembered how his lips had molded against hers perfectly, the very memory causing her to blush.

"What are you doing here?" asked Fluttershy, obviously surprised by his sudden appearance. Before he could reply, Rarity stepped in.

"Why, I invited him!" she proclaimed, "And he happily accepted!"

Applejack quirked a brow upwards suspiciously, then eyed Sombra.

"Did he now?" she inquired, then glanced over at Pinkie. After looking at both of them, she smiled to herself and raised her eyebrows. "Why, that's mighty strange of you," she said, sneaking a knowing look at Pinkie, "any particular reason why you came?"

Sombra narrowed his eyes at her and leaned towards her. "If it's because you think I'm feminine for coming to a spa, then you're wrong," he replied, "I came because, as a king--"

"Former king," Twilight corrected.

"--I am aware that somepony of my standing must be in mint condition if I'm to travel around the public," he finished, sneaking a sideways glare at Twilight.

"You haven't been to the spa before and you've been Ponyville for months!" Rainbow countered, throwing her hooves up. Sombra gave her a blank look, then raised his eyebrows at her.

"Your point being?" he inquired, causing Rainbow to smack her hoof to her face as she groaned. Rarity stepped between the two ponies and clapped her hooves together.

"Less talk, more relaxation!" she exclaimed, then called out to the mare behind the desk, "Lotus, the usual, if you please!" Aloe smiled and ushered the seven ponies into pairs as she pointed them to their rooms. As Pinkie walked with Fluttershy, she looked over her shoulder to see Sombra was left alone as the six mares went off into pairs.

"I shall put you with Miss Rarity, seeing as how you are both unicorns!" Lotus told him, pushing him towards the white unicorn. Rarity grabbed his hoof, causing Pinkie to bristle slightly, then dragged him with her.

"Come along, now!" she said, "We're going to the steam room first!" Pinkie felt herself turn green as she watched her best friend walk with her crush, the very sight making her grind her teeth.

"Um, Pinkie?" Fluttershy whispered, breaking through Pinkie's inner turmoil once again. Pinkie shook her head and turned towards her pegasus friend.

"Right, uh, sorry!" she said, rushing past her into the room. Fluttershy looked like she wanted to say something, but thought better of it and shook her head lightly.

'I really hope Rarity doesn't say anything to Sombra,' she thought, glancing at the two unicorns as they walked into the steam room, 'the last thing I need is for Sombra to know about... that.' Deciding it best not to think about something stressful, she pushed her negative thoughts from her mind and went to enjoy pleasantries of the spa.

* * *

"How in Equestria did you get your horn to look like that?" Aloe asked, in awe of Sombra's, as she put it, "exotic" appearance. She had been asking him questions about how and why he looked the way he did, completely fascinated, despite his flat responses. She had spent a good ten minutes prying him for answers on his onyx mane and how he managed to make it look so "ethereal".

"Over the course of using dark magic, my horn became this way," he explained, causing her to gasp in amazement.

"Dark magic, you say?" she breathed, then smiled widely, "How fascinating! I haven't heard of that kind!" She began to file his horn, staring at it with renewed interest. Sombra sighed in content and allowed the spa pony to work her magic.

"Oh, yes," he said as his muscles relaxed, "I've missed this so much..." Rarity giggled and pulled up one of her cucumber eye covers to sneak a look at Sombra. He had his mane wrapped up in a towel, while a minimal amount of facial cream covered his cheeks and had declined the offer of cucumber eye covers. He wore a white robe with golden accents, making him look feminine.

"I should bring you to the spa more often!" she said, putting the cucumber down, "You're more fun than I expected!" Once Aloe put the file down, Sombra picked his head up from between his hooves and quirked a brow at her.

"Don't you come here with the other girls?" he asked, causing Rarity to sigh dramatically.

"Fluttershy doesn't get to come as often, what with her watching Discord," she said, "and Twilight's duties as a princess has made it difficult to plan anything with her. Applejack and Rainbow Dash aren't very fond of the spa; this is one of the only times they agreed to come. And Pinkie Pie is rather--"

"Pinkie?" Aloe repeated, then clucked her tongue disapprovingly, "The last time she was here, she cannon balled into the hot spring! I threatened to have her banned if she did it again!"

Sombra laughed lightly. "That sounds like her, alright!" he said, earning a sharp look from Aloe, "Sorry." Aloe shook her head and sighed.

"It's quite alright," she said, then asked, "what's your relationship with Pinkie Pie? I didn't think you'd know someone so... random!"

Rarity giggled. "Indeed, she is!" she agreed, then looked at Sombra mischievously while she added slyly, "Sombra's a special friend of Pinkie's." Aloe dropped the hoof file from her mouth as she gaped at Sombra.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, "Beg pardon, sir!" Sombra gave Rarity a sideways glare, but she wasn't able to see it.

"That is not what I am," he told her, causing Rarity to frown, "if anything, we're barely friends." Rarity quirked a brow upwards at him.

"Oh?" she inquired, "Then would you mind explaining why you spent the night with her all those weeks ago?" Sombra and Aloe's jaws dropped simultaneously. Sombra was the first to recover and scooped his jaw off the floor.

"That didn't mean anything!" he defended, sitting up.

"Why, I never knew Pinkie was capable of doing something so... intimate!" Aloe exclaimed, obviously still shocked. Sombra ignored her and continued to glare at Rarity, who had removed her cucumber covers to face him.

"Or, perhaps you'd care to tell me why I saw you cuddling with her beforehoof?" Rarity countered, causing Sombra to break his glare as he gaped at her. His cheeks became aflame with embarrassment, showing through the facial cream on them.

"That meant absolutely nothing," he growled through gritted teeth, forcing his face to return to it's normal color.

"Really?" Rarity snorted, "I think otherwise. I believe that you do like her; you're just too stupid to realize it." Sombra jumped down from the table and leaned into Rarity's face as he snarled.

'What do you know?' Conscious said, 'I'm not the only one!'

"Shut up!" Sombra exclaimed, more to Conscious than Rarity. Rarity gasped, then gritted her teeth as she growled.

"Why, I never!" she exclaimed, standing up on the table, "And to think that Pinkie actually likes you!" Sombra's jaw dropped and his eyes widened, while Rarity continued to glare at him. After a brief moment, Rarity seemed to realize just what she said and put her hooves to her face in horror as she let out a small squeak.

"Run that by me again?" he said, his previous anger forgotten. Rarity shoved a hoof into his mouth and leaned in really close to his face.

"You cannot tell her I told you!" she hissed, "She'll kill me!" Sombra smacked her hoof away and glared at her.

"What, did you Pinkie Promise not to tell?" he asked, rolling his eyes. Rarity looked down shamefully and tapped her hooves nervously. Both Sombra and Aloe gawked at her, the latter of the two fainting almost immediately.

"Sweet mother of Tartarus..." he murmured, his eyes growing wide with fear, "do you have any idea how much danger you've put us in?!" Rarity waved her hooves frantically, then grabbed Sombra by the shoulders.

"Don't tell her, please!" she begged, "You've seen how she gets whenever somepony breaks one of her promises!"

Sombra shuddered as he remembered the fateful day when he broke his promise to Pinkie. She was beyond furious with him and she had steam literally billowing out of her ears as she screeched at him ferociously. It had been the very thing to trigger his strange visions of her and himself, the reason beyond his knowledge.

"Well, I can't not pretend I didn't hear what you just said!" he told her. Rarity began to trot in place, anxiety coming off of her in waves.

"Oh, this is bad!" she squealed, putting her face in hooves, "I wish I stayed out of her business!"

"What in Tartarus are you talking about?" he snarled, eyeing her suspiciously. Rarity sighed and put a hoof to her head dramatically.

"Pinkie came to me for advice on the matter this morning," she told him, causing his eyes to go wide, "the poor dear didn't know what to do! She told me she's never dealt with something like this before."

Sombra arched a brow upwards. "Didn't she have an old coltfriend?" he asked, putting his hoof to his chin in thought, "What was his name; Barry, was it?"

Rarity frowned at him and shook her head. "Baritone," she corrected, "and yes, while that was an actual relationship for her, she'd never dealt with... admiring somepony in such a way."

"In what way?" he inquired, his interest piqued. Rarity gasped and put a hoof to her mouth in shock dramatically.

"I've said too much!" she said in a stage whisper, then leaned towards Sombra, "Promise me you won't tell her that I told you! She'll be absolutely furious!"

Sombra nodded. "I promise I won't tell her," he vowed. Rarity grabbed him by the shoulders and shoved her nose into his as she intently stared into his eyes.

"Pinkie Promise me!" she begged, "I can't risk her finding out that I told you!" Sombra backed away from her and watched as she jutted out her lower lip while her sapphire eyes warbled. He let out a heavy sigh and held up his hoof.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my freaking eye," he droned, going through with the motions begrudgingly. Rarity let out a sigh of relief and fanned herself.

"Thank Celestia," she breathed, "I've been positively frazzled since Pinkie told me about her... attraction to you." Sombra raised his eyebrows at her.

"I can relate, in a way," he told her, muttering the last part. Rarity's ears perked upwards and she arched a brow upwards.

"How so?" she asked, then gasped, "Sombra, are you saying that you find Pinkie--?"

"Don't you say it!" Sombra interrupted, but it didn't stop her.


Sombra smacked a hoof to his head and groaned loudly, then dragged his hoof down his face. "I might as well tell you, then," he admitted, causing her eyes to widen, "but keep your mouth shut about it, you hear?"

Rarity nodded quickly, then mimed zipping her mouth shut. Sombra looked around the room, then peeked out the door to check if anypony was around. When he saw the coast was clear, he closed the door gently, as to avoid suspicion.

"Alright," he said finally, "it all started a couple months ago..."

* * *


Aloe opened her eyes and cringed as light flooded her corneas.

"Lotus?" she asked groggily, "Lotus, is that you?" Her twin sister came into view as her vision focused.

"Ally, you were unconscious when I found you," Lotus told her. Aloe's eyes widened and she began to remember the cause of her fainting.

"Oh, Lo, you won't believe what I heard!" she exclaimed, sitting up in bed. Lotus attempted to put her back down, but Aloe wouldn't have any of it.

"What could have caused you so much distress that you fainted, Al?" Lotus asked, concern lacing her tone. Aloe looked around briefly, looking to see if anypony was listening. After checking, she ushered her sister to come closer so she whisper something to her.

"Do you remember that stallion that came in with Miss Rarity?" she whispered. Lotus' eyes widened and she nodded ecstatically as she grinned.

"Why, yes!" she gushed, "He was simply divine, yes? So exotic looking!" Aloe smiled at her sister, seeing as how she thought the same thing.

"Well, then you are not going to believe who he's in a relationship with!"

Author's Notes:

Uh oh, looks like the spa sisters know about Sombry and Pinkie!


Oh, hush, silly!

Why aren't you two being awkward with each other?

This isn't canon, Harmony.

Ohhhh, that makes sense! Anywhoodles, I'd like to apologize with this chapter taking so long! It's just, my oneshot for Valentine's/Hearts and Hooves/Non-Canon Day took a lot of creative juice out of me.

Ew, gross, I didn't need to hear that!

Not the grossest thing I've heard.

ANYWAY, I thought of this randomly and originally thought of Pinkie and Sombra being in the hot spring together.


I didn't mean like that, you perv! But, then I realized it could translated that way and thought, "Oh, I am NOT dealing with this mess! Chapter 11 was FAR enough!"

Oh, right... that.

Yeah, that. So, no, there will be no hot spring scene in this story. However, feel free to use that idea to your expense! This is Harmony, over and out!

Chapter 11: From The Grapevine

Rarity paced around the room continuously, her brows furrowed in deep thought. Although it would cause hectic lines and damage to her face, she cared very little for the effects of her deep brooding. It had been a couple days since the trip to the spa, where Rarity had let Pinkie's secret slip through the cracks. It was also where she learned Sombra's secret, one she could only dream of forgetting.

'How am I going to keep their secrets from one another?' she thought, looking up to the ceiling for an answer. She had been asking herself this once Sombra made her Pinkie Promise never to tell of his attraction to Pinkie, who was oblivious to the fact her feelings were requited.

Rarity cringed as she remembered how Sombra had taken the news of Pinkie's admiration towards him and she mentally slapped herself for spilling the beans. Of course, she had kept Pinkie's less than proper dream a secret, but the fact she had let only a portion of the covert truth out bothered her to extremes.

"Why do I have to be such a loud mouth?" she asked herself, facing the mirror on her vanity with renewed disdain. She began to envy her shy pegasus friend for her discretion and modesty, whereas Rarity was known for her unintentional gossip. Although, she wasn't nearly as bad as Roseluck, who more often than not shared everything she heard from "The Grapevine", as she called it.

The Grapevine consisted of Roseluck's friends and herself, oftentimes sharing their gossip in their knitting circles or gardening clubs. Rarity had excused herself from both groups once she found out that it didn't actually revolve around their respected purposes and instead was a escape for their juicy gossip.

Rarity sighed and eyed the makeup on her vanity with interest. She knew that the chances of getting costumers today were slim, but she knew that if she allowed herself to keep from looking her best, she would always regret it. She picked up her favorite blue eye shadow and began to brush it on.

'Aloe and Lotus are no better,' she admitted, the twin spa sisters popping up in her head. After gazing at her reflection for a few scrutinizing moments, she gasped loudly, causing herself to poke the brush into her eye.

"Ow!" she exclaimed, grabbing her eye. After a brief moment of wiping her watering eye, she returned to her original thought that caused her accident.

'What if Aloe tells somepony what she heard?' she thought fearfully, the idea of which frightening her. Pinkie would without a doubt be furious with her and she bet even Celestia didn't know the full extent of breaking a Pinkie Promise. Another horrifying thought reached her, causing her drop her brush altogether.

What if Aloe overhead Sombra telling Rarity his secret? Her heart began beating like a kettledrum and she fanned herself as her breathing became erratic while her eyes widened in pure shock and horror. Once she managed to get her breathing under some control, she put her hooves to her face as she screeched like a banshee.

Meanwhile, at the library, Sombra was reading his book in his cot, while Spike was reorganizing the books on the shelf, like he always did. Sombra's ears pricked upwards as he heard a high pitched whine resonate around them, then looked around to find the cause of it.

"Do you hear something?" he asked Spike, quirking a brow. Spike looked down at him from the top of the ladder and shook his head.

"I don't hear anything," he said. Sombra thought about finding it's source, then shrugged his shoulders.

"OK, then," he said, returning to his book.

Back at the boutique, Rarity continued to scream, but it lowered in intensity and it was soon reduced to small squeaks. After taking calm, steadying breaths, she put her hooves down on the ground to steady herself.

"Oh, Opal, what if she tells?" she cried, swaying while holding a hoof to her head dramatically. Opalescence looked up from her spot on Rarity's shelf, then let out an irritated mew as she jumped down. After her cat exited the room, Rarity stood up straight and screwed her eyes shut.

"Of all the things that could happen..." she began, standing on her hind legs while clinging to her smeared face. She took a deep breath as she paused for dramatic effect. "This is the..."

She hunched down as she paused again.


She lowered herself, her knees almost touching the ground.


Her knees slammed into the ground as she pulled her hooves down her face in horror.


Her scream echoed throughout Ponyville once again, the library not being an exception. And, once again, Sombra's ear perked up at the sound of the familiar whine. He flattened his ears against his head in annoyance and groaned.

"Alright, I know I'm not imagining that," he said, looking out the window of the library in hopes of finding an answer as to who was making the noise.

"You're probably just hearing things," Spike told him, books piled high in his arms. Sombra let out a small huff and went back to reading, his ears flattened against his head in preparation for another annoying sound.

Rarity sprung up from her spot on the ground and landed on her fainting couch, which she used her magic to bring up at the last moment. She put her hoof to her head dramatically as she let out a small cry of anguish.

"Oh, woe is me!" she projected, "I am such a fool! Celestia knows what'll happen when they find out!" She sat up abruptly, wiping away her smeared tears, a hopeful look taking over her features. "Perhaps she didn't hear! Perhaps she kept it to herself!" Rarity turned her head away and her face contorted into rage.

"Of course she told!" she exclaimed at herself, "Aloe is such a gossip!"

"But, she knows that it was a Pinkie Promise!" Rarity said to her counterpart after turning to the right. She snorted and turned to the left again.

"Oh, like she cares!" she snapped, "She'd tell everypony in Equestria if she had the chance!" Rarity gasped and put her hooves to her face as her eyes watered. She let out a wail of despair and fell back onto her couch as she sobbed.

"Oh, Pinkie, forgive me for my insolence!" she cried, holding a hoof up, as if reaching for the heavens. She rolled over and covered her smeared face as she wept. "Oh, and Sombra, dear Sombra!" she said dramatically, "How angry you'll be! I hope you find forgiveness in that black, black heart of yours!"

She heard the bell at the entrance of the boutique ring and she sat up from her pool of self misery.

"Hello?" asked a voice, "Is this place open?" Rarity leaped over the couch and covered the distance between the couch and the door in less than two bounds.

"Read the sign!" Rarity exclaimed, shoving the unfortunate pony out the door. It was Lemon Hearts, a friend of Roseluck's, the thought of which causing Rarity's anger rise exponentially.

"But, it says--" Lemon tried to say, but Rarity already shoved her out.

"We're closed until further notice!" she screeched, slamming the door hard enough to flip the OPEN sign over to the CLOSED side. Lemon Hearts frowned and her ears flattened against her head in annoyance as she slouched. She brushed herself off and gave a small huff.

"Yeesh," she muttered, stalking off down the road, "wait until Rose hears about this!"

* * *

Awkward; the only word to describe the meeting between Pinkie and Sombra as they came together for their afternoon walk. The silence between the two of them was practically deafening and only grew worse as they made they're into town.

'Come on, Sombra,' Conscious encouraged, 'say something! I'm sure she's dying to talk to you!' Sombra resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

'I honestly doubt that,' he replied. He snuck a glance at Pinkie, who appeared to be doing the same thing. They looked away simultaneously, both embarrassed. Pinkie's cheeks turned red and she looked down at her hooves, trying to avoid Sombra's gaze.

'What's stopping you?' Conscious asked, 'You know that she likes you!'

'Liking somepony can mean a lot of things,' he argued, 'it could just mean she has a simple crush. She'll get over it.' He looked at her again, only to see her blush disappeared. 'They always get over it.'

As they continued to walk together, they kept receiving strange looks from everyone around them. Whenever they passed by, ponies would whisper and let out hushed giggles, the reason beyond the couple's knowledge.

"Why is everypony giving us such strange looks?" Pinkie asked Sombra, the first thing she had said to him all day. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no idea," he told her, turning to look at two giggling mares. One of them stopped laughing and prodded her friend, nodding towards Sombra and Pinkie. Both mares backed away, whispering to one another while still giggling.

"Are they whispering about us?" Pinkie squeaked, her face turning red. She had been very aware of the rumor going around town that she and Sombra were an item, which seemed to have spread after Pinkie had publicly kissed him on Hearts and Hooves Day, the memory of which making her turn a darker shade of crimson.

"No, there's no way that they're--" he stopped talking when he saw a passing mare gave them a knowing look. Sombra's eyes widened and he looked around them, seeing that almost everypony was looking at them and whispering to one another.

"Why, hello, you two!" called a familiar voice. Both Sombra and Pinkie turned to see Berry Punch coming towards them. Pinkie's abashed face returned to it's normal color as she felt a flicker of anger spark within her; she had yet to forgive and forget about Berry's flirting with Sombra all those months ago.

"Hay, Berry," Pinkie greeted, plastering a fake smile on her face, "how's it going?" Berry giggled, then looked from Pinkie to Sombra to Pinkie again, a sly grin on her face.

"Oh, it's nothing compared to you two," she replied, giggling again. Both Pinkie and Sombra exchanged horrified looks, their eyes wide with shock.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sombra asked, eyeing her suspiciously. Berry ceased her giggling and she looked at Sombra fearfully.

"I meant no disrespect," she said quickly, "I was trying to be funny!" At the word "funny", Pinkie jumped at the mare and leaned in close to her face.

"There's a big difference in being funny and being disrespectful," Pinkie hissed, uncharacteristically angry. Berry gulped and backed away from Pinkie, whose neck was stretched out from leaning in so close. Sombra pulled Pinkie back, attempting to be the voice of reason between the two.

"Would you mind shedding some light on as to why everypony is whispering about us?" Sombra asked, trying to be polite. Berry, glad to see that Pinkie was restrained, nodded.

"Well, it's just," Berry started, looking around to see if anyone was listening, "Rose told me that you two were..." She leaned in and whispered, "...sharing a stable." Sombra gave her a blank stare, whereas Pinkie looked absolutely mortified.

"Beg pardon?" Sombra said, flabbergasted. Berry blinked and quirked a brow upwards.

"You know, like, sitting on the same saddle?" she suggested. Again, Sombra gave her a blank stare, causing Pinkie to smack her hoof to her face. She wrapped her foreleg around his neck and jerked him down to where he was her height, then whispered something in his ear while Berry watched in confusion. As she pushed Sombra back to upright position, his face was frozen in shock, his cheeks turning bright red.

"What on... I can't even..." he sputtered, then shook his head, "Who in the name of Tartarus told you about that?" Pinkie's face turned completely red while Berry gaped at him.

"So it's true?" she breathed, causing Sombra to freeze, "I thought Rose was kidding!" Berry looked at Pinkie, then put a hoof on her shoulder, then nodded her head at a still shocked Sombra. "Nice job landing that, Pinkie!" she said, patting Pinkie on the back before walking away.

Both Pinkie and Sombra sat there, completely shocked and flabbergasted, their jaws still agape in pure, unadulterated horror. Sombra was the first to recover from his shock, to which he grabbed Pinkie's hoof and attempted to drag her with him.

"We have to find Rarity," he told her, narrowing his eyes, "something tells me she's involved." Pinkie fell down face first as Sombra attempted to pull her with him.

"They know... about that night..." she whispered, her face still frozen in shock. Sombra sighed and picked her up, then slid her onto his back, earning a few more strange looks from ponies around him. He began to trot around, then realized he didn't know where anything was in town, despite all the time he had spent there.

"I don't have time to drag you around town," he said, "just tell me where Rarity's shop is and I'll take us there." Pinkie shook her head vigorously and pulled her head up from Sombra's side. She positioned herself to where she was sitting on his back while her head and hooves resided on his head.

"Take a right at the bakery, then make a left when we get to the furniture store!" she said, pointing her hoof forward. Sombra sighed again and began to walk, following Pinkie's directions. After catching a few more curious and strange stares from passing ponies, he had had enough.

"Are you going to get off?" he asked, feeling irritable. Pinkie giggled and nuzzled her head into his mane.

"Nopey dopey!" she exclaimed, "It's fun up here! I feel tall!" He groaned as she stood on his back and put her weight into her forelegs that resided on his head. "I'm queen of the world!" she cheered, earning a few giggles from passing ponies. After finally making the left at the furniture store, Sombra recognized the boutique in which Rarity lived.

"Finally!" he shouted, running towards the boutique. Pinkie let out a surprised holler, but began laughing as she clung onto Sombra's mane.

"Wheeeeee!" she called. Sombra burst through the doors of the boutique, completely disregarding the sign that read CLOSED. After sliding in, he sat down abruptly, causing Pinkie to slide off his back. He winced as he heard her crash against the ground.

"I'm OK!" she exclaimed, holding a hoof up as assurance. Sombra ignored her and walked around the abandoned shop, hoping to see Rarity somewhere.

"Rarity?" he called out, "Are you here?" It was silent for a brief moment, then Sombra heard rustling originate from behind one of the shop's many curtains.

"Sombra?" Rarity replied, sounding hollow, "Pinkie?" She stepped out, her appearance shocking both Sombra and Pinkie. Her mane was disheveled and her face was smeared, tears streaking her cheeks.

"Rarity, what happened?" Pinkie asked, rushing over to her unicorn friend. Rarity held up a hoof to her head as she let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Oh, Pinkie, I have failed you!" she cried dramatically, "How I've failed you, dear Pinkie!" Sombra's eyes widened and he began to shake his head behind Pinkie, who was oblivious to his actions.

"What do you mean?" Pinkie asked, concern lacing her tone. Rarity grabbed Pinkie's shoulders and looked into her eyes intensely.

"I told him, Pinkie," she whispered, "Sombra knows." Pinkie froze for a brief moment, her jaw agape. She closed it as her lower lip jutted out and her eyes began to tear up.

"You broke a Pinkie Promise," she said, her voice becoming very low.

"Darling, I didn't mean to--" Rarity was cut off by the hard slap across her face. Sombra's jaw dropped as he watched Pinkie's hair begin to deflate and become flat. Her bright blue eyes became dull and lifeless, her gaze turning icy. Pinkie's eyes began to leak tears as she snarled at Rarity.

"Nopony..." she growled, leaning towards Rarity's cowering form, "...breaks a Pinkie Promise." Before Sombra could react, she ran out of the shop, her flat mane flying behind her. Rarity began to sob and put her hooves to her face as she did.

"I'm sorry..." she whispered, collapsing to the ground. She gave Sombra pleading look and pointed her hoof at the door. "Go after her," she begged, "you have to stop her before it's too late." Sombra was about to argue, but she shook her head as she stood up.

"Go," she said firmly, "I'll get Twilight while you deal with Pinkie." He nodded and rushed out after Pinkie, but only to see that she had disappeared.

'Which way do I go?' he thought, beginning to panic. He pried his mind for Pinkie's prior directions, hoping to remember.

"Take a right at the bakery, then make a left when we get to the furniture store!" he heard her chipper voice echo in his head. He began to run, nearly bumping to several passing ponies as he did.

'That means I need to take a... right!' he thought, rounding the corner. The bakery came into view, in which he saw Pinkie's tail disappear into. At the sight of her, he ran even faster, bursting through the doors. Mrs.Cake was there, a look of horror taking over her features.

"Where did she go?" he asked frantically. The shop owner pointed to the stairs, still in shock. Although he felt bad for her, he had little time to worry about anything but Pinkie at the moment. He bolted up the stairs, skidding to a stop as he reached the door to her bedroom. After attempting to turn the knob, only to find that it was locked, he rammed his shoulder into the door.

"Pinkie, open the door!" he exclaimed, slamming into the door again. When he heard no reply, he rammed into the door a third time, causing it to burst open. Pinkie stood there, looking feral as she growled at him ferociously.

"She told you," she snarled, "she told you and you didn't say anything!"

"She didn't mean to tell me," he said defensively, causing Pinkie to cease snarling, "it was by accident." She looked into his eyes and for a moment, he thought she was going to revert back to normal. But, instead, she went back to snarling and slammed her nose against his.

"Why should I listen to you?" she snapped, causing him to flinch, "I've heard a lot of things from you; is it just a coincidence that they all turn out to be lies?"

"What are you talking about?" he shouted. She turned away from him, flicking her tail angrily as she did.

"That you think I'm beautiful," she hissed, walking over to her mirror.

"That you care about me," she spat, whipping around to face him. She leaned towards him, her nose mere inches from his. Her eyes bore into his, icy and cold beyond comprehension.

"Pinkie, I--" he tried to say, but she put a hoof to his mouth. Her eyes narrowed and she shoved her nose into his again.

"That you want to be near me," she whispered, her voice breaking near the end of it. Her anger dissipated and was replaced by sadness as she slumped down, her flat mane covering her face like a veil. Sombra looked down at Pinkie's slouched form, trying to figure out a way to break through to her.

"Pinkie, I..." he started to say, "...I didn't know keeping it a secret would hurt you." He held her face up with a hoof as he looked into her tear filled eyes.

"Why?" she whispered, "If you knew I liked you, then why didn't you say anything?" He pulled her into an embrace, holding her tightly as she cried. After a few moments of deep thought, he pulled away from her and looked into her eyes again.

"Because I didn't know if it was true," he admitted. She gaped at him for a moment, in complete shock. "Because, to be honest... I wasn't sure how to deal with my own feelings. Towards you, I mean." She gasped as she realized what he was implying and her face went bright red.

"Are you saying that...?" she breathed, while he nodded. Seconds passed and nothing was said or done between the two of them. Sombra pulled her into a hug, then rested his chin on top of her head, much like how he did the last time he was here with her.

"Sombra..." she whispered, pulling away from him. He gave her a questioningly look, but once he saw the blush on her face, he knew what it was she wanted. He felt a blush of his take over his cheeks, but it didn't stop him from doing what he had to do. He leaned towards her and his nose brushed against hers.

"You realize we've been through a lot toda--"

"I don't care," she interrupted, leaning toward him.

"And that this could just our emotions running wi--"

"Just shut up and kiss me," she breathed, grabbing his face with her hooves. Their lips met instantly, the contact sending waves of exhilaration through them both. They both leaned into the kiss, wrapping around one another as it grew in intensity.Pinkie's mane had returned to it's original craziness, meaning that she was enjoying the kiss, the realization making Sombra grin.

"Sombra, Rarity told me to come here as soon as-- Oh, my Celestia!"

Pinkie and Sombra pulled away from their kiss to see Twilight at the door, at a complete loss for words. Her wings were outstretched as a dark blush covered her cheeks and nose, her right eye twitching.

"I'll come back later," she said, backing out of the room awkwardly.

"Close the door on the way out," Pinkie said, causing Twilight's blush to deepen. Despite her obvious discomfort, she did as told and closed the door behind her, causing the room become dark. Twilight dazedly walked down the stairs, where Rarity and Mrs.Cake were waiting.

"Well?" Rarity breathed, her eyes wide in anticipation.

"She's alright, for now," she told her, causing both mares to relax. What she didn't tell them was that Sombra had been the one to "comfort" her.

"Where's Sombra at?" Mrs.Cake asked, looking around the room, "Didn't he come in after you?" At the mention of Pinkie's possible-new-coltfriend, her face became red with embarrassment.

"Er..." she stammered, then cleared her throat awkwardly, "He's still upstairs." Rarity rose a brow in confusion as she eyed Twilight suspiciously.

"But why is he...?" she trailed off when she saw Twilight look down in shame. Both mares gasped and their jaws dropped collectively.

"Oh dear..." Mrs.Cake breathed, then laughed lightly, "I better warn Carrot so he doesn't walk in on them!" Twilight nodded in wholehearted agreement.

"Probably a good idea," she told her, laughing herself. All three mares joined in laughter, their discomfort fading as they dissolved into hysteria.

Meanwhile, back in Pinkie's room, Sombra and Pinkie were listening to the laughter that originated from below them.

"I wonder what they're laughing about?" Pinkie mused aloud. Sombra nuzzled his nose into her neck, causing her to blush.

"All I'm wondering is if you're ticklish..." he whispered, earning a weird look from Pinkie.

"Ticklish? What are you-" she stopped talking as she was overcome with giggles from Sombra kissing her on the neck.

"I'll take that as a yes," he purred, kissing her again. She shoved at him playfully, her cheeks red from laughing.

"Sombry!" she teased, "You're so silly!" She managed to free herself from his grip and began to tickle his sides. Sombra gasped and attempted to bat away her hooves, but failed to do so once the tickling caused him to start laughing.

"Pinkie, stop!" he called out between laughter, "I hate being tickled!" She giggled and ceased her tickling, only for him to resume his tickling.

"Hay, no fair!" she called out as he nuzzled her neck again. She turned around and landed a kiss on his nose, surprising him. While he tried to process what just happened, Pinkie giggled while she cheered, "I win!" After that, she tackled him to the ground and hugged him.

"Pinkie Pie, you are so random!" he called as she giggled.

"And don't you forget it!" she told him, planting another kiss on his nose.

Intermission: Pinkie's Diary Entries

Dear Buddy,

Ohmigoshohmigoshohmisgosh! You will not believe what happened today, Buddy! I already told Gummy about it, because he's such a good listener, but I thought it wouldn't be fair not to tell you! I tell you everything and to not tell you this would be a big deal, so I'm going to go ahead and tell you!

You know how I've been telling you about how I kind of like Sombry? Oh, who am I kidding, I am totally crushing on him! I don't know why, though; he's usually such a grumpy pants. I mean, sure he's nice some of the time, but you know, he's still a grumpy pants... even though he doesn't wear pants.

Anyway, I kinda told Rares about... that dream. Yeah, I know, it wasn't my best move, but I was desperate! I couldn't tell Twilight because she'd flip out and give me a serious lecture and probably give me a book report and I've had enough of those in high school!

I couldn't tell Rainbow or Applejack either because they totally flipped their lids when I told them about how I accidentally spent the night with Sombry all those months ago! And I honestly doubt Flutters knows anything about that kind of stuff, what with her being super duper shy.

Besides, Rarity knows way more about that stuff than I do! So, when I told her, she pretty much just told me it was normal and that I shouldn't worry about it. Well, I am worried about it! And she really didn't make me feel better when she told me she thought Sombry was attractive, too...

Oh, well, at least I'll get to talk to her at the spa later! See ya later, Buddy!

Dear Buddy,

OH MY GOSH, WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!

I didn't get to talk to Rarity today and it's all her fault! What did I do to deserve this? Was it because of those corn cakes I ate the other day? I let Mrs.Cake take it out of my paycheck, just to be fair! ...OK, maybe I lied about how many I ate, but I promise I'll pay her back!

And, the worst part of it, Rarity brought Sombra with her! Why did she have to go and make everything worse? Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I can't even look at him without my heart getting all thumpity and bumpity or my tummy getting topsy turvy! And why does he have to look so cute when he's confused? GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Well, at least Rarity didn't tell him my secret! She'd never do that; she Pinkie Promised! And I think everypony knows the full extent of a Pinkie Promise!

Dear Buddy,

...Seriously? SERIOUSLY?! She told him?! What in Equestria is wrong with her?! SHE BROKE A PINKIE PROMISE! Why on EARTH would she do something like that? She knows that they're a big deal! You know, I don't even feel bad for slapping her!

And Sombra? He knew the entire time and didn't do anything! I guess that could mean only one thing... he doesn't like me back. I should've guessed as much; why would he go for somepony like me when he can get something way better?

Hang on, somepony's ramming into my door. OH MY GOSH, IT'S SOMBRY! Wait, no, I'm still mad at him! Heart, stop thumping so much! I better hide you before he gets in here, Buddy! I'll talk later!

Dear Buddy,

Oh. My. Celestia. It happened. It actually happened. You're probably wondering what I'm talking about, aren't you, Buddy?

Last night, when Sombra came over, I yelled at him for not telling me that he knew I liked him. Boy, was I mad! But, I stopped yelling and ended up breaking down into tears while he held me. Then, when I managed to calm down a little, he told me the most insane thing ever.

He likes me back! Sombry likes me! And, well, something else happened... We kissed. Like, a lot. And then, um, Twilight kinda walked in on us. Hehehehe, it was really awkward... Especially since she told Mrs.Cake and Rarity, who were downstairs waiting to hear what happened!

But, I didn't get to hear what was happening because Sombry started tickling me! Who knew that my neck was ticklish? I sure didn't! Don't worry, I got my revenge! Turns out Sombry's sides are seriously ticklish, because he wouldn't stop laughing! Then, after that, we started kissing again and well... I think you can guess what happened next.

No, not like that! Sombry just slept over, that's all! We didn't do anything! Well, except kiss. A lot. He's asleep right now, so I'm trying to be really quiet while writing this. The only reason I know he's still sleeping is because he snores. Like, a lot. Maybe one day I'll let you meet him? He's really nice... when he's not grumpy, I mean.

I'll talk later! I'm still kinda sleepy... But I don't think I'll be able to sleep through Sombry's snores. Bye~

Dear Buddy,

Hello, there. This is Sombra, in case you were wondering... Wait, what am I thinking? You're a book, you can't wonder! I think Pinkie's rubbing off on me... Oh, well, it may be for the best?

Anyway, Pinkie, in the event you're reading this, I'm just telling you now, you are not a quiet writer. You mumble what you're writing to yourself... Of course, I didn't know that at the time. I thought you were going insane, which, in all honesty, isn't that insane. But, of course, when you went to sleep, I decided to see what you were doing and found this.

Did you seriously name your diary Buddy? I mean, it's not the strangest thing you've ever done, but still, you named your diary? I'm starting to question my taste in mares... Oh, well, I still like you. And don't think for a second that I can find somepony better than you~

Also, you're not exactly a quiet sleeper, either; looks like I'm not the only pony to snore, huh? And you seemed to be sleeping just fine while I was "snoring". I put air quotes because I know for a fact that I don't snore. I've asked several ponies beforehoof and they always told me that I didn't. Then again, they were my slaves and they did look awful scared whenever I asked... Oh. Never mind, then.

Knowing you, you're probably going to be pretty mad about me reading your dia- I mean, Buddy. Don't worry, I only read the recent entries... Do you really think I look cute when I'm confused? Because I must look positively adorable whenever you're around.

I better wrap up writing in here soon; despite being a heavy sleeper(and snorer), you're starting to stir a bit. I'll talk to you when you wake up... But you'll probably know that by the time you read this later on, won't you?

Before I go, I have one question to ask you; what exactly was so embarrassing about "that dream"?

Author's Notes:

I was watching one of the new episodes and I thought, "Hey, what if Pinks wrote about good ol' Sombry in her diary? What would she say about him?" So, here it is, in chapter form!

Yeah, I know it was a short chapter, but I needed to cool down from writing so much! Also, I'm going to go back and revise the previous chapters a little bit. I gotta tidy it up and all that jazz~

Also, this is kind of an intermission between the story arcs.

Story Arc #1: Pinkie and Sombra's Relationship Developing
Story Arc#2: Pinkie and Sombra's Relationship Fully Developed and Thriving

So, the entries are kind of like checkpoints, in a way.

Chapter 12: Monthiversary Part 1

"Are you heading out?" Twilight asked, looking up from her reading area. Sombra rolled his eyes at her and continued over to the library's front door.

"Do you have to ask?" he replied, "You know I head out around this time every day, Sparkle."

Twilight grinned. "Just checking, is all," she told him, "be careful out there, OK?"

"Alright, Mom," Sombra said with another eye roll. He turned the knob for the library and was happy to see that it didn't set off Twilight's alarm that she had marked for him especially. Not like last time.

"I'll be back in an hour or so," Sombra told her, then muttered, "just like every day..."

Twilight giggled. "If you wanted to spend more time out, you could have just asked, you know," she replied.

"Good to know," he said simply, then walked out of the library.

"Why's he so intent on going out everyday?" Spike asked Twilight as he watched Sombra through the library window.

"You know why, Spike!" Twilight exclaimed, giving Spike an incredulous look.

"I know that," Spike said, crossing his arms, "I just don't see why it's such a big deal..."

"The same way going to Rarity's to help her is a big deal to you," she told him. Spike's face went bright red and he stood up straight while giving Twilight a heated glare.

"Don't you even go there, Twilight!" he retorted, then pointed a claw at her accusingly, "You're the same way when you go to the Crystal Empire to see Flash!"

Twilight's face went bright red as she gaped at him. "That is so not the same!" she defended, "He doesn't even know me!"

"Like that stops you from going every chance you get?" Spike retorted, quirking a brow questioningly.

"Just- Shut up!" Twilight exclaimed, "Just don't give Sombra a hard time about going into town."

Spike groaned. "But he picks on me all the time!" he whined.

Twilight frowned. "You have to be better than him, Spike," she stated simply, "that's how he'll learn."

"Fat lot of good that's done," Spike said with an eye roll.

"Give him a break, you know he's trying," she said, then smiled to herself, "I think it's kinda sweet..."

Spike gagged. "I think you mean 'sappy'!" he exclaimed, then walked off. Twilight shook her head whilst smiling at her dragon assistant and looked at the window.

"I can't believe it's already been a month..." she said to herself, "I wonder if they'll do anything special to celebrate?" She immediately put the thought to rest as she remembered that Pinkie celebrated every possible thing and that this time would be no exception. "Knowing Pinkie, she'll probably go overboard!"

Meanwhile, outside of the library, Sombra was making his way down the street, earning a few greetings as he passed.

"Hi, Sombra!" called Lyra and Bon Bon from their bench by a shop.

"Hello, girls," Sombra greeted in return. As he kept walking, he caught sight of an elderly stallion waddling out of a shop with a hard to miss red bow tie. He grinned as he passed the elder and called, "Hello, Mr.Waddle! Looking fit as a fiddle, as always! And you're wearing my favorite tie!"

"Aw, thanks Sombra!" he called back, "Off to see your lady, eh?"

"You ask that every day!" Sombra said with a playful eye roll, "You'd think you'd know the answer by now!"

"Just checkin', ya youngin'!" Mr.Waddle said with a chuckle, "Tell her I said 'Hi'!"

"I'll be sure to!" Sombra called as he rounded the corner. Once making his turn, he saw Roseluck struggling to lift a wooden bucket full of red roses and rushed over to her side. Just as she lost her grip on the handle, Sombra caught it and easily pushed it onto her cart.

"Thanks, Sombra!" Roseluck cheered, then plucked a rose from the bucket and held it out to him, "Here! I'm sure Pinkie'll love it!"

"Thanks!" Sombra replied, then took the stem from her before trotting off.

"What a lucky mare Pinkie is," she said to herself as he walked out of earshot.

As Sombra continued to trot through town, he received and returned greetings as he made his way down to Sugarcube Corner, where he knew Pinkie would be waiting for him. Despite his earlier grievances on socializing with others outside Pinkie and her friends(who he still had a hard time communicating with), he had made an effort to at least greet some ponies to and from the bakery. Not because Pinkie scared him, of course.

Finally, the familiar building in which Pinkie resided came into his line of sight, causing Sombra to smile genuinely, an amazing feat that grew more frequent with each passing day. Every day that he got to be with her. And, speak of the devil, she appeared, scanning the area until her eyes fell upon him, beaming as she took in the sight of him.

"Sombry!" she exclaimed, then merrily bounced over to her special somepony. She stopped just in front of him, but continued to bounce in place as she giggled. "Oooo, where'd ya get that rose?" she cooed, leaning towards the flower in Sombra's mouth. He smiled at her and placed the rose behind her ear, which made her look at him surprisedly.

"Rose gave it to me to give to you," he told her, causing her to blush, "as if you couldn't look prettier."

Pinkie's face went bright red. "Sombry!" she exclaimed, "You're making me blush!" She froze when Sombra nuzzled her cheek, her face growing even hotter.

"But, you're adorable when you blush," he whispered, then pecked her cheek. Pinkie grinned evilly and turned suddenly, then landed a kiss on his nose, which caused his eyes to widen as his cheeks reddened.

"You're even adorabler!" she called as she bounced away from Sombra's dazed form. After regaining some of his sense, he rolled his eyes at her and trotted over to her.

"I don't think that's a word, Pinkie," he told her, causing her to quirk a brow in response.

"It so is!" she argued playfully.

"Is not," he replied.

"Is too! Twilight checked her dictionary when I said it to her once!"

"Why would you say something like that to Twilight...?" Sombra pondered aloud to himself. Pinkie ignored his murmur and pointed a hoof at him.

"You know what happens you're wrong about something, mister!" Pinkie exclaimed, giving him a devilish grin. Sombra put on a fake horrified look and mock gasped.

"You wouldn't dare!" he breathed dramatically, trying hard not to smile. Pinkie nodded somberly, then broke into giggles as she struggled to keep a serious attitude.

"I do dare!" she called, then dashed to his side in less than a second. Before Sombra could protest, Pinkie hopped onto his back and placed her front hooves on his head, then held out one in front of her. "Onwards forth, Sombry!" she ordered playfully, then started giggling.

"Please keep your hooves and other limbs on the Sombra as we're moving," Sombra said in a mechanical voice, "Thank you for choosing Sombra as your mode of transportation." Both Sombra and Pinkie laughed at his joke, despite the fact he's told it many times before. "Oh, before I forget, Mr.Waddle said 'Hi'."

"Thanks for telling me!" Pinkie said, then asked, "Hay, you know what this calls for?" She grinned as she leaned over Sombra so he could see her.

Sombra's eyes widened, this time genuinely. "Pinkie..." he said warningly, "You know how I feel about that."

Pinkie gave him a pleading look. "Pleeeeeeeeeeease?" she drawled. Sombra should've been prepared for what was next, but realized he wouldn't be able to fight it anyway. Pinkie made her eyes go wide while her pupils dilated to where her irises were covered in starry blackness and jutted out her lower lip as she let out a small whimper.

The puppy dog look. One of Sombra's few weaknesses in defying Pinkie.

Sombra sighed. "Fine," he conceded, causing Pinkie to grin like a hyena.

"Yay!" she cheered, then stretched out her neck to kiss him on the nose. He rolled his eyes at her and continued trotting through town.

As he expected, the sound of a guitar strumming resonated through the air as the familiar sound of chimes followed. Passing ponies stopped briefly as they listened for the source of the music, then continued on their way as they saw Pinkie and Sombra pass by.

"Wanna start?" Pinkie asked Sombra, earning a knowing look from him. She shrugged and took a deep breath.

[Pinkie Pie]
My name is Pinkie Pie!
And I am here to say,
How ya doin'?

She gave Sombra a smile and nodded her at him. He sighed and rolled his eyes before taking a deep breath of his own.

We're here to make you smile,
and brighten up you da-a-a-ay

Pinkie grinned and giggled at him.

It doesn't matter now-

(waves to passing pony)
If you are sad or blue-


Sombra and Pinkie catch sight of the Cutie Mark Crusaders struggling to move their wagon, seeing as it's stuck behind a rock that they can't see. All three fillies are frowning and exchanging disappointed looks.

[Sombra and Pinkie]
Cause cheering up our friends
Is what we are here to do!

Sombra rushes over and adjusts the wagon to where it's past the rock so it's not stuck anymore.

Cause I like to make you smile, smile, smile!
Yes I do!

All three crusaders smile at Sombra as he trots off and waves a farewell.

[Pinkie and Sombra]
It fills my heart with sunshine all the while
(All the whiiiiiiiiiiiiile!)
Yes it does!

Ponies watch as Pinkie and Sombra sing their song together, smiling at their behavior as a couple.

Cause all I need is a smile, smile, smile!

[Pinkie and Sombra]
From these happy friends of mine!

"Hello, there, you two!" called a voice, breaking through Sombra and Pinkie's harmonies. Sombra was so startled by the sudden halt in song, he tripped over his own hooves and fell face first onto the ground. Fortunately for Pinkie, she was on top him, saving her from any harm. The same couldn't be said for her special somepony, however.

"Oh, hay there, Rarity!" Pinkie greeted, completely disregarding Sombra's obvious discomfort. She hopped off his back and over to her unicorn friend, who was looking at Sombra with concern.

"Dear, are you alright?" Rarity asked, leaning down to Sombra's level. Sombra scraped his face off the ground, revealing his eyes to lolling around dizzily as his tongue plopped out of mouth while he moaned.

"My face hurts..." he drawled, sliding his tongue back into his mouth lazily. Pinkie rushed over to him and shoved Rarity out of the way, causing the seamstress to let out a yelp of surprise.

"Aw, poor baby!" she called, then kissed him on the cheek, "Did that make it better?" Sombra's eyes stopped rolling around as they widened in surprise at Pinkie's action, then grinned slyly.

"A kiss on the lips would be better," he told her, causing her to blush.

"Okie dokie lokie!" she said, then pecked his lips, "How about now?"

"Feeling 100 percent!" he exclaimed as he leaped up.

"Ahem," Rarity huffed, brushing herself off from Pinkie's accidental attack, "I see you two are on your daily walk."

"Yeppy deppy!" Pinkie exclaimed, then snuggled into Sombra, "Can you believe it's been a month already?"

Sombra smiled at her. "Every day with you is like an eternity," he told her, "and I relish every moment of it."

"Aw!" Rarity exclaimed, "If you don't kiss him, I just might have to do it for you!"

"Hay, back off, sister!" Pinkie said defensively, wrapping her forelegs around Sombra tightly, "He's mine!"

Sombra gave Rarity a fake frightened look. "She's not kidding, you know," he said, then cracked a smile, "but I know how she feels; I hate it when other stallions flirt with you."

"What stallions?" Pinkie asked, "They're all too scared to because they know you and I are dating!"

Sombra grinned. "Exactly how I want it," he purred, brushing his nose against hers, "I'm not very good at sharing..."

"Neither am I..." Pinkie replied.

"Uh, I'm still here," Rarity said, looking uncomfortable. Both Sombra and Pinkie spared her a glance, then backed away from each other awkwardly, both clearing their throats uncomfortably. "So, uh, what are you two doing to commemorate your month together?"

Pinkie gasped. "A monthiversary!" she exclaimed, putting her hooves to her cheeks and smushing them together excitedly, "We can have cake and punch and balloons and-"

Sombra put his hoof to her mouth gently, silencing her almost immediately. "How about just something between the two of us?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at her suggestively.

"Sombry!" she exclaimed as her face went bright red, "We're in public!"

"Like that's ever stopped the two of you before?" Rarity inquired, "Why, just the other day, I caught you two kissing outside the boutique!"

"You said the shop was closed that day!" Sombra exclaimed, turning to Pinkie.

"I didn't know she was still in it!" Pinkie countered, then turned to Rarity, "Wait, why were you watching us?"

"What I do in the privacy of my home is none of your concern," she replied simply, "getting back to the question at hoof, what are you two going to do for your monthiversary?"

Pinkie put a hoof to her chin as she pondered Rarity's question. "Hmmmmm," she hummed to herself, then gasped as she held up a hoof. "Eureka!" she cried, standing on her hind legs in a victorious stance.

"What is it?" Sombra asked, raising a brow at his marefriend with curiosity. Pinkie grabbed Sombra's face with her hooves and intently stared into his eyes as she smushed his cheeks together.

"Meet me at Sugarcube Corner at closing time!" she told him, "And wear something fancy!" Before Sombra could even open his mouth to ask why, she pecked his lips and dashed off, leaving a pink streak behind her.

"She seems rather excited," Rarity said to herself, while Sombra remained frozen in flabbergasted shock as his face continued to stay tinged pink from Pinkie's sign of affection. Rarity clapped her hooves together and grabbed Sombra's foreleg, then proceeded to drag him behind her. "Come along, we must get you something for... whatever Pinkie has planned for you!"

* * *

"You want to do what?" Mrs.Cake blurted out, nearly dropping the box that she was putting onto the counter.

"I know it's short notice," Pinkie admitted, leaning over the counter as she looked at her adopted aunt, "but I want to do something to celebrate me and Sombry's monthiversary!"

"Dear, you know how much I love that you two are together now," the older mare started, opening the box on the counter to check it's contents.

"But..." Pinkie drawled, knowing that it would be Mrs.Cake's next word.

"But don't you think you're putting a lot into this relationship?" she said finally, "I mean, it's only been a month!"

Pinkie frowned. "But we've liked each other before that!" she argued, throwing her hooves up in exasperation.

"I know that," Mrs.Cake reminded her, "I've known since I saw you two sleeping together!"

Pinkie blushed. "You make it sound worse than it actually was..." she murmured, then looked down abashedly, "it didn't help that you took pictures..."

"You never told Sombra about that, right?" Mrs.Cake asked in a panicked tone, "I don't think he'd be able to recover from something like that."

Pinkie giggled. "He can get real embarrassed about stuff like that," she told her, "especially since that was before we started dating."

"But in all seriousness, " Mrs.Cake said abruptly, breaking through the lighthearted mood, "are you sure this is something you want to do?"

Pinkie took her time with her reply. Although she cared about Sombra, she knew that what she was going to do was a big step for both of them.

"Absolutely!" Pinkie exclaimed, pointing a hoof in the air, "As Celestia as my witness, that's how sure!"

Mrs.Cake smiled and shook her head at Pinkie's behavior. "Alright, dear," she told her, "I'll clear out the shop after closing time so you can get things ready for your night together."

Pinkie jumped over the counter and hugged Mrs.Cake. "Thank you!" she exclaimed, "I'll get to work in the kitchen right away!" Without another word, Pinkie rushed out of the room and into the kitchen, the sound of humming resonating from it's depths.

Mrs.Cake smiled to herself. "I just hope Sombra's as excited as she is..."

Author's Notes:

*GASPS BECAUSE A CHAPTER WAS UPDATED* Yeah, I'm back! Although I said I was putting this story on hiatus, I had a burst of inspiration suddenly and thought, "MY OTP, IT NEEDS ME!" So, new chapter is here!

I know what you're thinking... FLASHLIGHT WAS MENTIONED, I'M UNFOLLOWING YOU AND DISLIKING YOUR STORY! Calm your tits, guys. Control the calamities that are your mammaries. Soothe your boobs. Destress your breasts. Do ya want me to continue, cause I got a WHOLE lot more. I kinda like the pairing, and I was alright with the movie, to be quite honest. So, again, calm down.

Anyway, looks like Sombry's picking up Pinkie's socialism and personality~! I figured that at one point or another, Sombra would start acting a little like her and maybe even gain some of her wacky abilities.

Also, Smooth Sombra is smooth as a slip and slide, I tell ya!

Chapter 13: Monthiversary Part 2

"How about this one?" Sombra asked.

"Are you crazy?" Rarity exclaimed, "The hemline is completely off!" Sombra sighed and held up a foreleg, then examined the stitching on the sleeve of the suit he was wearing.

"Not to mention the fact that this sleeve completely called for a blanket stitch," he told her, causing Rarity to frown.

"I should've listened to Fluttershy when I asked her about the suits," she muttered, hindsight dawning on her too late.

"I didn't take her for a seamstress," Sombra said incredulously, "isn't she a pet sitter?"

Rarity frowned again. "Her abilities are not limited to, but do involve pet sitting," she explained, then sighed as she shouted, "that's the twentieth suit you've tried on! Why don't any of them look right?"

"Twenty-eighth, if you count those shirt collars," Sombra told her, then mirrored her frown, "they look fine to me." Rarity was in front of him in two bounds and she grabbed his face as she stared into his eyes intently.

"Sombra, this is your monthiversary with Pinkie!" she exclaimed, "It is an absolute must that you make this important and dress your best!"

"I'd hate to see what our anniversary will be like..." Sombra muttered.

"Don't joke about such matters!" Rarity ordered, "This may not be a big deal to you, but to Pinkie, it means the world to her!"

"It's only been a month, Rarity," he told her simply, "it's not that big a deal."

"'Not that big a deal'?" she repeated, "You two have been pining after each other for months and now that a time for celebrating has come along, you say it's 'not that big a deal'? It's a wonder why Pinkie likes you so much."

Sombra frowned. "No need to be so snippy," he said, "but you do make a good point in regards to our relationship."

"Of course I do!" Rarity exclaimed, "I've been rooting for your relationship since that fateful day in this very shop!"

Sombra blinked. "You mean when Pinkie's 'Welcome to Ponyville' scheme backfired and completely scarred me from even being in the same room as cake?"

Rarity chuckled. "Yes, and when I saw you holding Pinkie that day, I knew that it was simply meant to be!"

"You're not the first to say so," Sombra told her as he walked into the dressing room, "everyone who saw us on Hearts and Hooves Day agrees with you."

Rarity laughed. "Yes, Pinkie told me when she got your gift!" She froze suddenly as her eyes widened and lips curved into a smile. "Ideaaaa!"

Sombra poked his head out of the dressing room to look at Rarity. "What is it?"

"Do you still have Pinkie's gift?" she asked, rushing over and grabbing his foreleg before dragging him out of the room.

"Yes, it's at Twilight's," he answered, then raised a brow questioningly, "why do you ask?"

"Run down to the library and get it!" she exclaimed, pushing him towards the exit of the boutique, "I'm having a sudden burst of inspiration and I simply cannot let it get away!"

"But-" Sombra tried to argue, but was shoved out before he could finish. He turned to look at the door, only to see Rarity had flipped her OPEN sign to the opposite side where it showed CLOSED in bright red letters. He let out a ragged sigh as he brushed himself off and huffed, "Artists..."

* * *

"Pinkie, where are the cupca-" Mrs.Cake tried to say, but stopped as Pinkie shoved a pink box of colorful cupcakes into her hooves.

"Done!" Pinkie called over her shoulder before opening the oven, then pulled out a tray from inside of it.

"What about the muffins?" Mrs.Cake asked, placing the cupcakes on the counter.

"On their way!" Pinkie exclaimed, flinging the tray into the air. The freshly baked muffins spilled out and came raining down towards Pinkie, who quickly grabbed a pink packaging box. With amazing speed and flourish, she managed to catch all the muffins while managing to keep them in neat rows as they fell into the box.

"Oh, my," Mrs.Cake said to herself as Pinkie rushed over with the pink box, "you're in a big hurry to get the day over with, huh?"

Pinkie froze in mid run and blushed. "Well, yeah," she admitted, "I want to get ready for Sombry tonight, but we still have some orders to fill."

"Not anymore, we don't," Mrs.Cake told her, "you cleared out the orders like Rainbow Dash does with clouds!"

"Really?!" Pinkie exclaimed, "That's great to hear!"

"I guess that means you can leave early, Pink- Pinkie?" Mrs.Cake asked, looking around for her adopted niece. She heard the doors to the kitchen swinging and looked to see them flinging around like rubber. She smiled to herself as she looked over the saloon doors to see Pinkie zooming up the stairs.

"That girl has got it bad," she said to herself.

Meanwhile, Pinkie was galloping up the staircase at what should have been an impossible speed to get to her room. She slid to a stop and turned mid-slide as she flicked her tail to wrap around her doorknob. With another tail flick, she turned the knob and successfully slid into the room as she skidded to a stop in the space of her room.

"Gotta find something to wear, gotta find something to wear!" she told herself, rushing to her closet. She opened the doors and tugged at a random outfit in the closet. It was a black tuxedo with coat tails and a top hat with a elastic string attached to keep from falling off her head when she did insane stunts.

"It'd be kinda weird if we both wore suits to dinner..." she said aloud, then perked up as she said, "maybe Sombry will wear a dress?" After taking a moment to imagine what he'd look like, she shook her head as she shuddered. "Nope!" she exclaimed, then tossed the suit to the side.

She pulled out her cake costume, then pondered wearing it before remembering Sombra's serious phobia of cakes.


She then pulled out a simple pink dress bearing her balloon cutie mark at her chest.

"Too simple."

She pulled out a sparkly, intricately woven dress with beautiful designs and sequins.

"Too flashy."

After pulling out several different outfits, each one bearing too much of one adjective to her liking, she let out a yell of frustration and fell onto her back as she held her hooves up in surrender.

"Why is this so hard?" she exclaimed, then sat up while holding her head, "I just want something nice to wear!" When she sat up, she caught sight of one of the few outfits still hanging in her closet. It wasn't something she had worn in a long time, seeing as how an opportunity to do so never came up.

'Would it be weird if I wore this...?' she asked herself, then blushed, 'it might be a little much...' Pinkie shook her head and jumped to her hooves.

"No!" she told herself firmly, "I won't get anywhere with Sombry if I'm scared!" With that self pep talk to keep her going, she stalked over to the closet and pulled the clothing off the rod, which caused the rod to fall down, along with the rest of her outfits.

"Maybe I should clean up in here first..." she mused aloud, glancing at all the clothes on the floor and her bed.

* * *

The walk to Sugarcube Corner was a long one for Sombra, his anticipation of the night's comings and the looks from passing ponies making the trip even longer than it normally was for him.

'It's like they've never seen someone in a suit before,' Sombra thought to himself, giving himself an unsure onceover. Rarity had insisted that he bring his crown mainly for the fact that it was the very inspiration for his ensemble and that Pinkie would be overjoyed that he was wearing something she'd given him.

Finally, he caught sight of the bakery, his mood perking up as he did. Despite his excitement for what was to come upon his arrival, he restrained himself from breaking into a full gallop to reach his destination. He didn't want to seem desperate.

'Got to play it cool...' he told himself, then felt his pace pick up as he thought, 'but I don't want to be late!' He forced himself to stop and then slowly began to trot while thinking, 'Keep it together... But I can't!' And with that thought, he broke into a canter, covering the distance to the bakery in less than ten bounds.

Being overcome by his nervous excitement('I bet Pinkie calls it 'nervous-cited'.'), he knocked on the store's door, awaiting a response. When nothing came, he knocked again, receiving the same result.

"Uh, Pinkie?" Sombra called out, starting to feel unsure about whether or not he should stay. He heard shuffling from the other side of the door and then some muffled talking.

"Come in, Sombry!" he heard Pinkie call from the other side of the door. Feeling unsure, he opened the door to the shop and stepped in, freezing as he took in his surroundings.

There were candles carefully placed around the room, giving the room a natural, dim glow that shadowed the shop's contents beautifully. Rose petals littered the floor, leading a trail up the stairs where Sombra saw a dim light glowing. Curiosity getting the best of him, he found himself walking up the steps to see where the light was coming from, only to see it originating from Pinkie's room.

"Pinkie...?" Sombra said out loud, stepping into her room. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of the similar decorations that covered her room, although holding more meaning than the previous one.

"Hello, there," he heard Pinkie say, then turned to where he had heard her voice only to freeze in pure shock.

She was wearing a long, black dress which trailed behind her and revealed her hind legs with a slit that went to her flank. Fishnet sleeves covered her forelegs and stopped just at her shoulders, leading up to her upturned collar which bore a red gem at the crest. Behind her ear resided Sombra's rose from earlier that day, gracefully accenting her curly mane.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Sombra asked her, his face tinged red.

Pinkie giggled. "Is it working?" she asked, walking over to him.

"Maybe a little," he replied, his voice getting a little higher in pitch as he tried to process what was happening.

Pinkie smiled at him. "Consider this payback for teasing me earlier, Sombry," she told him, her nose touching his, "you should know I don't like it very much..."

Sombra grinned at her. "I should do it more often if you're going to do this," he whispered, leaning towards her, "you look absolutely beautiful..."

"Don't I always?" she purred, "And you look quite handsome, if I should say so."

"Why don't we save talking for later...?" he suggested, then kissed her.

Pinkie pulled away while giggling. "You're in a hurry."

"Because you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this..." he told her, sending shivers down her spine.

"I got an idea..." she replied, then leaned towards him, "A good idea."

They kissed again, this time deeper than before. And with that kiss, the night's events finally unfolded.

Author's Notes:

*ahem*...I dare you to read that last part with Elton John's "Can You Feel The Love Tonight?" playing in the background. HIGHLY IMPLIED ENDING IS HIGHLY IMPLIED, PEOPLE! Still... hope it's nothing too risque for y'all... If you don't know what happened, let's just say Pinkie's ear is gonna be hecka itchy in the morning!

Alternate ending: Pinkie comes out dressed as Gummy. PFFT, HAHAHA! I was so considering it...


This is probably the most accurate reaction Sombra would have...

Chapter 14: Formal Request

The sun was just beginning to rise when Sombra awoke from his slumber. He yawned as he rubbed a tired eye and turned onto his side, smiling when he saw his special somepony's messy, curly mane. The previous night was too perfect for words and he could only hope for more like it in the days to come.

He shifted his gaze to his surroundings and saw that all the candles had burnt themselves out due to their extended illumination at one point in the night. Sombra felt his cheeks grow warm at the sight of Pinkie and his clothes scattered about the room, completely disregarded.

'Where's my crown at?' he asked himself, raising a brow in questioning. He turned to look at Pinkie and his eyes widened when he saw the familiar silver band lopsidedly on her head. 'Oh, yeah...'

'Hello, you!' called out Conscious from within Sombra's mind, 'Did ya have fun last night?'

Sombra felt himself frown at the voice's inquiry. 'Did you watch us?'

Conscious was silent for a moment, then gagged. 'Gross, no! Good thing I can't eat already or you'd been cleaning up after me for hours!'

'Good,' Sombra said, then realized something, 'You haven't said anything for a while, Conscious.'

'Duh, that's cause you're not being an idiot, for once,' Conscious replied, muttering the last part.

'Are you done?' Sombra asked irritably, beginning to feel annoyed at the voice's return, 'I'd like to enjoy my morning, if that's too much for you to handle.'

'Almost, Mr.Grumpy-Pants,' Conscious told him, adding a bit of snark, much to Sombra's chagrin, 'just gonna tell ya not to do anything stupid, Stupid.'

Before Sombra could show Conscious just how "stupid" he really was, he felt the voice's presence disappear into the inner recesses of his mind where he wasn't able to disturb him. In the past month since he and Pinkie had become a couple, he had taken to learning Conscious' locations and habits.

Sombra had learned that Conscious made himself known whenever Sombra did something the presence in his head deemed "idiot" or "stupid", and that whenever the voice felt as though his work was done, he would disappear to a place where Sombra wouldn't be able to find him, despite being the owner of the space in which he resided.

With a shake of his head to rid himself of the voice's disturbance, he wrapped his foreleg around Pinkie's sleeping form and snuggled his head into her neck.

'I could lay here for centuries and still be content,' he thought to himself, breathing in the scent of her. She smelled sweet and warm, like fresh confectionery treats out of the oven.

"Mmmm..." Pinkie moaned, her eyes fluttering open as she yawned. Sombra frowned as Pinkie awoke from her peaceful state and chided himself for disturbing her.

"I didn't mean to wake you," Sombra told her, getting off of her.

"It's fine, Sombry," she said lazily, then yawned again, "how long have you been awake?"

"Not long," he told her, then propped his head with a foreleg, "how'd you sleep?"

Pinkie giggled. "I think you know the answer to that one, Sombry!" she said, then rolled over so her body was facing him, "come on, lay down with me."

"Gladly," he told her, then pulled her closer to him, resting his head on hers, then immediately jerked back up, "Ow!"

"What is it?" Pinkie exclaimed, jumping up as Sombra held his eye.

"I poked my eye on something..." he mumbled, then put his hoof down as he screwed his injured eye shut, "it's alright, really."

"What could've poked your eye?" Pinkie asked, scratching her head in thought, then stopping when she felt Sombra's crown on her head. Pinkie's cheeks went pinker than usual and she put her hoof down as she sheepishly grinned. "Oh, yeah..."

Sombra chuckled. "Let's just lay back down," he said, placing his on his pillow.

Pinkie giggled. "Okie dokie lokie!" she chirped, snuggling into him, being careful not to poke him with his crown. After getting comfortable, she let out a sigh of content before saying, "I'm so glad to have you..."

Sombra smiled as he murmured, "I'm glad to have you, too..."

And with that sleepy murmur, both ponies feel back asleep, enjoying the other's embrace.

* * *

The morning was peaceful for Twilight, who had decided to take advantage of the rare quietness that took over the usually bustling town. Seated at her work area, equipped with her papyrus and quill, she was ready to take on the copious amounts of studying she had failed to make good on.

'Why didn't I do this earlier?' she asked herself, cracking open her book. She didn't bother to answer her own question as she began to read, completely shutting her other senses down as she focused on reading.

Spike entered the room with a yawn and lazily scratched his back as he tiredly looked around the library. As he gazed across his home, he felt the absence of something that he had grown used to being there. Or, rather, somepony.

"Where's Sombra?" Spike asked, quirking a brow as he looked around the room again. Twilight gave no response and continued to read. Spike sighed and walked over to Twilight with a shake of his head as he frowned.

"Twilight?" he called out as he made his way over, earning the same result. "Twilight?" He was standing next to her at this point, but she still said nothing to show acknowledgement.

"TWILIGHT!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms to his sides in frustration.

"Gah!" Twilight yelled, then turned to look at Spike with a glare, "What?!"

"Do you know where Sombra is?" Spike asked her, crossing his arms disapprovingly, "I don't see him anywhere."

Twilight blinked in shock. "Didn't he come home last night?" she inquired, getting up from her studying area.

"All he said when he left was that it was Pinkie and his 'monthiversary' or something like that," Spike told her, then held up his arms in a clueless manner, "what do ya think he could be doing?"

Twilight didn't respond to his question, her eyes wide in horror as she tried to process what she had just heard.

"Twilight?" Spike asked, then waved his claws in her face, "You OK?"

Twilight chose at that moment to let out an ear piercing shriek as she put her hooves to her face in terror.

"Whoa, Twilight, what are you screaming about?!" Spike exclaimed, fearing that Twilight had experienced another mental break.

"Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!" Twilight squealed, screwing her eyes shut in disgust.

"What is it?" Spike questioned, giving her an incredulous look.

"I am never going to be able to get over this!" she exclaimed, "I am never going to be able to look at them without thinking about... it!"

"'It'?" Spike repeated, quirking a brow, "What's 'it'?"

Twilight froze as her face was overcome by realization of what she just said, her previous grievances silenced.

"Uh..." she drawled, then blushed as she laughed nervously, "I'll tell you when you're older."

Spike frowned. "You know what, I'm not even going to ask," he mumbled, stalking off angrily.

Twilight let out a ragged sigh. "Alright, so it may not be as big a deal..." she told herself, "they are adults, after all." As soon as she said it, she remembered the picnic at Sweet Apple Acres all those months ago and cringed as she recalled Sombra saying something similar when her friends and herself found out about... it.

Just as she was trying to force the bile in her throat to go back down, she heard Spike let out a loud belch and turned to see the tell-tale green wisps of flame dissipating into smoke, telling Twilight that she had received a letter. She rushed over to the rolled scroll and levitated in front of whilst unrolling it, then quickly read through it.

"What does it say?" Spike asked, walking over as Twilight remained silent during it's reading.

"It's from Celestia..." she murmured, then said louder, "she wants to see Sombra."

"What?" Spike blurted out, "Why?"

"I think the right question is 'Why now?'" she said, then rolled the scroll back up as she made her way towards the door, "come on, let's go get Sombra from Pinkie's."

"Why is he at Pinkie's?" Spike asked innocently, not understanding.

Twilight blinked in shock. "Uh, it's nothing to worry about," she told him.

Spike frowned. "Tell me when I'm older?"



* * *

As Twilight and Spike made their way over to Sugarcube Corner, Twilight kept reminding herself of one thing and one thing only:

Don't mention Sombra spending the night.

'Things have gotten weird enough as is,' Twilight thought, 'If I mention it, Celestia knows how worse it might get!'


'I mean, sure, I get why Pinkie would do it...'


'Sombra's not bad-looking, once you get past the whole 'enslaved an entire race' thing.'


'Maybe I can ask Pinkie about it later on...?'


Twilight nearly jumped out of her coat. "What?!" she exclaimed, facing Spike.

"We're here," Spike huffed, then muttered, "we've been here..."

Twilight frowned, but more at herself than Spike. She shouldn't have been so immersed in her own thoughts as she had, but that seemed to be the only thing she'd been able to do lately.

Both Twilight and Spike entered the bakery, both stopping when they saw Pinkie sweeping up what appeared to be rose petals. The party pony looked up from the floor and was surprised to see her two friends at the doorway.

"Oh, hay, Twilight!" Pinkie greeted, then went back to sweeping. Spike and Twilight exchanged a look between one another, but refrained from saying anything to the other.

"Uh, what's with the rose petals?" Spike asked, pointing to the floor.

"Oh, last night me and Sombry celebrated out monthiversary!" Pinkie exclaimed, tossing the crumpled petals into the trash.

"Why rose petals?" Spike questioned, not understanding the meaning.

Pinkie blinked in surprise, then looked at Twilight with a knowing look. "Tell him when he's older?"

"You guessed it," Twilight replied, sneaking a grin at Spike's expense.

"Oh, ha ha, laugh it up!" Spike snapped sarcastically, then crossed his arms as he hunched over, "Just get to why we're here."

"Oh, right!" Twilight called, then looked around the bakery, "Where's Sombra at?"

Pinkie frowned. "Aw, you're taking him already?" she pouted, her eyes getting large.

"Well, no, not exactly," Twilight told her, "we got a letter from Celestia requesting his presence in Canterlot."

"What?" a voice said. All three turned to see Sombra making his way out of the kitchen, holding a steaming cup of coffee.

"Why is Princess Celestia asking for Sombra?" Pinkie asked, standing next to Sombra defensively.

Twilight frowned as she recognized Pinkie's resigned tone and use of Sombra's given name, rather than her nickname. She was frightened that he was going to be taken away from her, Twilight realized.

"Well, in the letter, she said she wanted to see Sombra's 'progress' for herself," Twilight explained, then put her hoof to her chin in thought, "can't imagine why, though."

"I agree," Sombra stated, then glanced at Pinkie, "you report everything that happens between me and Pinkie so often, it'a almost as if she were here!"

Twilight's eyes widened as her jaw became slacked while she droned out a, "Uhhhhh..."

"You did tell Princess Celestia that Sombry and I together, right?" Pinkie asked, raising an eyebrow in questioning.

"Uh..." Twilight continued, "maybe not?"

Both Sombra and Pinkie gaped at Twilight while Spike smacked his hand to his forehead.

"You said you could handle those on your own, Twilight!" Spike exclaimed, letting out a groan of aggravation.

Twilight narrowed her eyes as she frowned. "I forgot, alright?"

"How do you forget that one of your best friends in the entire world and a former tyrant of the icy north are dating?!" Pinkie exclaimed, then spared Sombra a light, "No offense, Sombry."

Sombra shrugged. "None taken."

Twilight sighed. "Alright, alright, I messed up," she admitted begrudgingly, "we can sort this all out when we get to Canterlot."

"'We'?" Pinkie repeated, "Do you mean we're all going?"

"Duh, do you really think Princess Celestia would believe that Sombra got a girlfriend if she wasn't there?" Spike said, then laughed at his own quip.

"He's doing better than you," Pinkie countered.

"Pinkie!" Twilight exclaimed, while Spike gave her a wide-eyed stare.

"Shots fired," Sombra stated, then gave Pinkie a grin, "you've learned well, young apprentice."

Twilight frowned. "I really wish you wouldn't insult others through your marefriend."

"I'm the Element of Laughter," Pinkie said simply, "not Kindness."

Twilight sighed. "Just get your things ready. We'll be heading off in the morning." Twilight looked over at Sombra and nodded her head at the door. "Come on, Sombra, we got to go."

"But-" Sombra tried to protest.

"Don't worry, you'll see Pinkie soon enough," Twilight assured him, causing him to frown.

"Don't worry, Sombry!" Pinkie chirped, then pulled him into a one armed hug which nearly cut off his air supply, "like Twilight said, I'll see you soon!"

"Still getting used to the hugs..." Sombra rasped, then took a generous intake of air when PInkie released him.

"I gotta get back to work," Pinkie told him as he rubbed his neck, "I'll see you later, OK?"

He smiled at her. "Can't wait," Sombra said.

Pinkie smiled, then kissed him on the cheek before bouncing off while humming merrily.

"Come on, loverboy," Twilight teased, grabbing Sombra's foreleg before dragging him out of the bakery, "we got packin' to do."

Chapter 15: Preparing For The Trip

"Do you really need to pack that?" Sombra asked Pinkie, furrowing his brows in confusion at her.

Pinkie rolled her eyes. "Duh!" she exclaimed, "I never leave home without it!"

"Why in Tartarus would you need it, though?" he questioned, raising a brow, "I mean, what would be the point?"

Pinkie crossed her forelegs. "Are you a party planner?"

"Well, no, but-"

"Are you the 'Super Duper Party Pony of Equestria'?" Pinkie asked, walking over to Sombra while quirking a brow upwards.

"You know I'm no-" he tried to say, but was silenced by a hoof to his lips.

"Then do you really have the jurisdiction to say whether or not I bring my party cannon to Canterlot?" she asked, leaning in close.

Sombra frowned and let out a defeated sigh. "Alright, fine. I just don't see how you're going to fit it in with your lugg-" Sombra stopped talking as his widened while he looked around the room. "Where did it go?"

"Where did what go?" Pinkie asked, blinking in oblivion.

"Your party cannon! It just disappeared!" he exclaimed, looking around the room again.

"Oh, silly!" Pinkie laughed, "I already packed it!"

"How? That thing is way too big to fit in your suitcase!" Sombra told her, pointing his hoof at the suitcase on her bed.

"Is not," Pinkie argued.

"Is too."

"Is not!" Pinkie shoved her nose into his.

"Is too!" Sombra shoved his nose into hers even harder.

"IS NOT!" Pinkie pushed Sombra's head down as she shoved her face into his.

As if on cue, Pinkie's suitcase exploded in a flurry of confetti and streamers, showering Sombra and Pinkie in brightly colored crepe paper. After absorbing what had just happened, Sombra gave Pinkie a smug look and grinned at her while he gently bumped his nose into hers.

"Is too," he said, "kiss as a reward?"

"Sorry, mister," Pinkie sniffed, then walked towards the suitcase, "you'll have to do it yourself."

"How in Tartarus am I supposed to do that?" Sombra questioned, giving her a confused look.

"You'd be surprised at what we can do in modern times," Pinkie answered, only confusing him further.

"I'll make a note to ask Sparkler about it later," he said to himself.

Pinkie giggled. "She really hates that nickname, huh?"

"More than you could possibly know," Sombra told her, grinning, "call the lizard 'Spikey-Wikey' and he will lose his mind."

"I'll make a note of that if he tries to give you trouble like earlier," Pinkie told him, scooping up the confetti.

"Here, let me help you with that," he said, walking over to her.

"Thanks!" Pinkie chirped, then added slyly, "You're on your way to that kiss."

"I was thinking something more like last night..." Sombra purred in her ear, causing her face to turn red.

"Sombry!" she exclaimed while giggling, "We have to pack for the trip!"

"No, you have to pack for the trip," he corrected, nuzzling her cheek, "I finished packing with Sparkler earlier."

"I didn't think you would have anything to pack," Pinkie said bewilderedly, completely disregarding his earlier comment.

"You'd think, but no," he replied, then brushed his nose past hers, "now about my thoughts..."

"Nope!" Pinkie said, "Nope, nope, nope! We're gonna finish packing first!"

Sombra gave her playful pout. "You're no fun."

Pinkie gaped at him, completely shocked by his implication. Sombra looked away from her, mainly to hide the grin working his lips upward. He knew that by making that comment, Pinkie would be overly motivated to prove it otherwise, which worked right into Sombra's hooves.

"Give me thirteen seconds," Pinkie ordered, putting her hoof to his lips to silence him.

She dashed away from him and zoomed around the room at a breakneck speed, creating a tiny whirlwind as she did so. Sombra, somewhat used to her random and erratic behavior, watched in interested silence as she continued to dart around the room while counting to thirteen to amuse himself.

"Done!" Pinkie panted, stopping in front of him just as he finished counting. Sombra looked around the room and was surprised to see that it was absolutely spotless, all the carnage from the party cannon explosion completely gone.

"Have I ever told you how much I enjoy your randomness?" Sombra asked her, leaning towards her.

"Actions speak louder than words, Sombry," she replied, her nose brushing his.

Pinkie kissed Sombra lightly on the lips, which he gladly returned.

"Come on, Twilight's probably wondering where you are," PInkie told him, pulling away after a moment.

Sombra grinned. "I asked if I could spend the night with you, you dork," he replied, leaning in for another kiss.

"And she said yes?" Pinkie asked bewilderedly, "Did she at least protest?"

"If anything, she was practically pushing me out the door," he told her, then gave her small smile, "I think she's just glad that I'm not declaring wars or spouting off about ruling Crystal Ponies anymore."

"That was a bit annoying," Pinkie admitted, then giggled when she saw his frown and booped his nose, "but I still like you, you dork!"

"I like you, too," he replied, then leaned in even closer, "but if anyone's the dork, it's you."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not!" Pinkie shoved her nose into his like earlier.

"Are too!" Sombra shoved his nose even harder.

"Am not!" Pinkie forced Sombra's entire body to bend backwards from her nose shove.

They gave each other glares for a few moments before Sombra grinned and kissed her lips.

"Are too," he whispered against her lips, relishing in her surprise.

"Do you wanna keep arguing or get back to kissing?" Pinkie asked, raising her brows at him.

"What do you think, you dork?" he answered, kissing her lips and pulling her close.

* * *

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

It has come to my attention that you have not reported any of your progress with Sombra's reformation or of his relation to the Element of Laughter in quite some time. Although I trust in your abilities and judgement, I cannot help but feel as though there is something amiss the Element of Laughter and the former King of Shadows.

I wish to see Sombra's progress for myself, though privately, at your request. Although Pinkie has a rather... interesting way of going about his reformation, if your reports are anything to go by, I would like to see Sombra's behavior without his reformer present. For all we know, it could be an elaborate ruse to catch us off guard.

I would appreciate that you keep this to yourself, Twilight. I will see to it that Sombra is treated as his behavior will earn him and that Pinkie will be thanked, regardless of the result.

Sincerely, your mentor and teacher,

Princess Celestia

"Why did you let Sombra go to Pinkie's, Twilight?" Spike asked, holding up a scroll, "I mean, you seemed pretty freaked out about it this morning when we went to go get him."

Twilight blinked in surprise and shook her head to clear her head of troubled thoughts as she reread the letter Celestia sent to her earlier that morning.

"What did I tell you earlier?" she retorted, not answering his question.

Spike rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. "I know, I know, tell me when I older. But how come he gets to stay with her? They're gonna see each other tomorrow!"

"Spike, the chances of Celestia letting them share a room together are slim to none," Twilight explained, then added quietly, "especially when she finds that they're dating..."

"Is that what they were doing for their monthiversary?" Spike asked, causing Twilight's eyes to widen, "I guess that's why they're doing it again."

"Uh, Spike, just how much do you know about what adults do for... stuff like that?" Twilight questioned, giving him a deadpan look.

"Well, I know when two ponies like each other very much, they kiss," he answered, causing Twilight sigh in relief, "but I don't understand why Pinkie and Sombra kiss each other so much, though."

"Because they do like each other!" Twilight defended, then froze. Celestia mentioned in her letter that Sombra could be pretending to be good in order to catch everypony off guard as a way to get revenge from his defeat.

'No, that's ridiculous!' Twilight told herself, 'I've seen how they are together! They care about each other, I know it!' Then, she remembered how quickly Sombra had taken to Pinkie in terms of their relationship and felt her dread grow even more.

'Dear Celestia, he could be using her!' she thought, horrified at the idea of it, 'Wait! Pinkie would never be somepony who didn't love her!' Another horrifying thought reached her.

Sombra's powers had dissipated after he reshaped himself and he could no longer use dark magic as a means of getting what he wanted, meaning that he had lost his mind control ability that he used on the Crystal Ponies during his time of rule. But, when the Crusaders and himself had fallen down the trench near the farm, he had managed to teleport Sweetie Belle and himself to safety while Rainbow Dash had grabbed Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

'What if he lied about his powers?' Twilight thought, her breath catching in her throat. He could have easily done so as a way to trick everypony into a false sense of security! But, if that were the case...

Could it have been possible that Pinkie was under his influence so it would help his image as a "good guy"?

"Twilight?" Spike asked in concerned tone, breaking Twillight out of her thoughts, "you kinda zoned out there. You OK?"

Twilight nodded her head slowly. "Yes, I'm fine," she told him, but she was so obviously not.

"Uh, alright, then." Spike turned around and walked over to the saddlebags where he was packing Twilight's scrolls and books.

Twilight sighed. 'I'm being ridiculous,' she told herself, 'Sombra and Pinkie are absolutely fine together, and he certainly doesn't have his magic back.'

But, even as she told herself that everything was absolutely fine, a part of her knew that it was the exact opposite.

* * *

The morning came quickly for Sombra and Pinkie, who were still embracing one another in their sleepy stupor. It wasn't until the sunlight hit Pinkie's peaceful face that she was awakened, much to her disappointment.

With a yawn, Pinkie cracked her eyes open and lazily looked up at Sombra's still sleeping form. She smiled to herself and snuggled into him, letting a sigh of content.

"Did you sleep alright?" Sombra asked, his voice causing her to freeze in surprise.

"Gah!" Pinkie exclaimed, jumping back a bit, "How long have you been awake?"

Sombra chuckled at her surprise. "Just enough to know that you haven't gotten over your snoring," he replied, nuzzling her muzzle.

Pinkie frowned. "You snore, too!" she argued.

"Not nearly as loud as you do, Dork," he said simply, then sat up in bed.

"Where are you going?" Pinkie asked, blinking in confusion.

"As much as I'd love to lay down with you, we got a train to catch," he told her, walking over to her side of the bed, "And I don't think Sparkler would appreciate it if we showed up late on account of us cuddling together."

"Never thought I'd hear you say 'cuddle'," Pinkie mused aloud, but sighed as she climbed out of bed, "alright, let's get to Twilight's so we can go to the train station."

Sombra bumped his shoulder into hers as she stood next to him. "Try not to worry about it, Pinks," he told her, "this trip will be over before you know it."

Pinkie smiled at him. "Hehe, you called me 'Pinks'!" she giggled, "Alright, I'll try not to worry!"

Sombra smiled. "Good. Let's get going."

And with that last note, the couple made their way downstairs, ready to face the challenge of travel.

* * *

"You want us to what?" Applejack questioned, her eyes wide as she quirked a brow in confusion.

Twilight sighed. "Look, I know it sounds unethical," she started, "but I'm really worried about Sombra's behavior."

Rarity shook her head. "Twilight, dear, we've seen Sombra and Pinkie pine after one another for ages!" she exclaimed, "It's absolutely ridiculous that Sombra would hold any ulterior motives in being with her!"

"I don't know..." Rainbow Dash drawled, earning the attention of her friends, "He may be with her just to catch us off guard."

"You can''t be serious!" Rarity cried, "They love each other, I know it!"

"Whoa, there," Applejack said, holding up her hooves in a 'back-it-up" way, "Ah wouldn't go so far as to say they 'love' each other, Rares."

"IT'S TRUE LOVE!" Rarity argued, her eyes narrowed to thin slits, "You didn't see them back at the boutique all those months ago! You didn't see how loving they were!"

"Oh, I think we've all seen how 'loving' Sombra and Pinkie can be together," Rainbow said suggestively, raising her eyebrows.

"Oh, dear..." Fluttershy said quietly, "that was rather... surprising, to say the least."

"Ugh, Rainbow, now is not the time to be vulgar," Twilight told her, "And while they do have a rather... intimate relationship, that could just be a bonus in manipulating her."

"No, Twilight," Rarity said firmly, "I simply refuse to believe that Sombra is capable of hurting Pinkie in such a way! You'll have to continue your plans without me!"

Twilight sighed. "I understand your reluctance," she replied, then looked at the rest of her friends, "but we need to watch Sombra's behavior more closely than before, seeing as how Pinkie's judgement may be fogged from her being with him."

Fluttershy sighed. "I'm afraid to say I agree with Twilight," she told everyone, "I don't want things to get out of control like with Discord when we first released him from his stone prison."

"Fluttershy!" Rarity gasped, her eyes wide.

"I'm with Shy," Rainbow said, stepping to Fluttershy's side for support, "I don't trust Sombra all the way, even if Pinkie's dating him."

"Ah don't wanna say that Sombra's usin' Pinkie," Applejack started, her brows furrowed in troubled thought, "Ah'm gonna have to say no, Twi. Ah'm with Rares on this one."

Rarity smiled. "Good to know that somepony else has the sense to know love when they see it," she said, giving Twilight a disapproving look.

Applejack frowned, but refrained from commenting on Rarity's quip.

"Well, I still have Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to keep eyes on Sombra," Twilight told Rarity, returning her negative look.

"Come on, now," Applejack said, stepping between the two mares, "Let's not get uncivil."

"May the best team win!" Rarity challenged Twilight, her eyes narrowed as she ignored Applejack.

"And may the worst team..." Twilight stopped as she struggled to find the right word, "Lose!"

Both mares turned away from each other with a loud "hmmph!", their tails smacking against each other as they flew behind them.

"Come on, girls," Twilight huffed, stomping away from the Applejack and Rarity, "we got to get the train station."

"Oh, my..." Fluttershy whispered, "this doesn't look too good..."

"Come along, Applejack!" Rarity said in a clipped tone as she sauntered off, "We don't want to keep the loving couple waiting!"

Applejack sighed. "This is going to turn so uncivil," she said to herself, "I can just feel it."

Author's Notes:

Looks like Team Sombra(Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie) are going against Team Anti-Sombra(Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy)! It's about to get goooooooooooooooood!

Chapter 16: On The Railroad

"Come on, Sombry!" Pinkie called over her shoulder, bouncing ahead of Sombra as he trotted behind her.

Sombra let out a huff of annoyed air. "I'm coming, I'm coming," he told her, picking up his pace a little as he made his way over.

Pinkie bounced over to Sombra, hopping in place when she made it to where she was in front of him.

"The girls are probably waiting for us!" she told him, "I don't want to be late!"

Sombra rolled his eyes. "I know, I know," he replied, his ears flattening against his head in annoyance.

Pinkie stopped bouncing as she quirked an interested brow upwards. "Is something bothering you, Sombry?"

Sombra frowned. "We're about to face one of the ponies who forced me into a 1000 year imprisonment, Pinkie," he said flatly, "I'm not exactly ecstatic to see Celestia again."

Pinkie gave him a sympathetic look. "I know, Sombry," she said, taking a couple steps towards him, "but we have to talk to her sometime."

Sombra sighed. "I understand that, Pinks," he told her, giving her a despondent look, "but it doesn't take from the fact that there's bad blood between us. Celestia and Luna aren't very fond of me, as I'm sure you know."

Pinkie gave him a reassuring smile, then put a hoof on his shoulder. "It'll be alright, Sombry!" she told him, "I'll be there for you, 'member?"

Sombra smiled weakly in return. "Thank you for that," he said finally, then gave her a stern look, "just don't attack them if things get ugly."

"No promises!" Pinkie chirped, turning around as she bounced away.

But, just as she was in the air, she was surprised to see that Sombra had taken a hold of her tail with his jaws, causing her to remain in front of him.

"I mean it, Pinkie," he said sternly, releasing her tail, "I don't want you to get into a fight with either of the Royal Sisters. Although I hate to admit it, they're a force to be reckoned with."

Pinkie gave him a deadpan look for a brief moment, then raised her eyebrows in a questioning manner.

"Have you met me?" she questioned flatly, her eyes half-lidded in annoyance.

Sombra opened his mouth to argue, but once he realized the futility in doing so, he let out an aggravated sigh of defeat.

"Point taken," he replied, holding a hoof up to emphasize his statement.

"Exactly!" Pinkie called out, booping his nose, "Come on, let's get to the station!"

Again, Pinkie turned around to bounce off, but was stopped as she felt something come up from beneath her, cutting of her hop. With a surprised yelp, she clung onto the form under her, stopping when she realized it was Sombra's head.

"Whatcha doin'?" Pinkie asked, adjusting herself to where she straddling his shoulders.

"This'll get us there faster," was all he said, crouching down into a sprinting position.

Pinkie blinked in surprise, then giggled as she snuggled into his mane.

"Okie dokie lokie!" she exclaimed, "Tally ho, Sombry!"

And with that last exclamation, Sombra dashed off, making his way towards the train station with Pinkie letting out cheers of joy.

* * *

"This is absolutely ridiculous," Applejack said to herself, casting her gaze between Rarity and their three other friends who resided on the other side of the station.

"Oh, Applejack dear, can you tell Twilight how wrong she is?" Rarity asked, ignoring the cowpony's statement, "I would do so, but I am a lady and I wish to conduct myself as such."

Twilight shot Rarity a glare. "I'm doing this as a security measure," she told Rarity sharply, "I don't want to, but it's just in case we're wrong about Sombra's reformation process."

Rarity didn't even spare her a glance. "Oh, Applejack, can you tell Twilight that Sombra would never do anything to hurt Pinkie because he loves her?" she said flatly, closing her eyes to show how apathetic she was.

"Again, Ah'm not sure about him lovin' her," Applejack said, refusing to be a part of the quarrel, "but Ah can tell that he cares fer her."

"He is really nice to her..." Fluttershy mumbled quietly, just barely loud enough for anypony to hear.

"Whose side are you on?" Rainbow asked harshly, hovering above Fluttershy's sitting form, "You're supposed to be watching Sombra's behavior, not defending it!"

Fluttershy let out a small squeak. "S-Sorry..." she stammered, "I just meant that Sombra is nice to Pinkie, is all..."

Twilight gave Rainbow a sharp look. "Fluttershy is right," she told her, then turned towards Rarity with narrowed eyes, "though, that's hardly concrete evidence for loving Pinkie."

Rarity snapped her head in the direction, the first acknowledgement she had made of Twilight since their argument back at the library.

"It's true love!" Rarity snapped, then pointed a hoof at Twilight biliously, "You wouldn't know, seeing as how the only pony you've ever loved was a book character!"

Twilight gaped at her. "I told you that in confidence!" she hissed angrily, standing up and leaning towards Rarity in hostility.

"ALRIGHT, THAT'S ENOUGH!" Applejack exclaimed, jumping between the quarreling mares and holding her hooves out to prevent any movement on their part, "This has gotta stop! Y'all are friends, 'member?"

Both Rarity and Twilight were silent for a moment, then looked down shame-faced collectively.

"Sorry, darling," Rarity said earnestly, "I just find it hard to believe that Sombra would do anything to hurt Pinkie, is all."

Twilight sighed. "I know that," she told her, "and although I can see that Sombra has changed since his arrival in Ponyville all those months ago, I'm still worried that it could be some elaborate trick to catch us off guard."

"Twilight has a point," Rainbow said, flying over and landing next to her alicorn friend, "I can totally see Sombra being skeevy and tricking Pinkie into liking him! I mean, don't you think it's a little strange how quickly he started liking her?"

Rarity gave Rainbow a wide-eyed look. "Rainbow Dash!" she exclaimed, putting a hoof to her chest dramatically, "Love does not have a set timer!"

"It was a bit strange..." Applejack said to herself.

Rarity gave her a sharp look. "You're not helping!" she snapped, then turned back to Rainbow Dash, "Haven't you seen them together, Dash? It's clear that they love each other, even to the blind!"

Rainbow let out a sound of disgust. "If you're talking about how they kiss in public, then yeah, I've seen it," she told her, then shuddered as she added, "unfortunately, eye bleach hasn't been invented yet, so I'm not gonna forget seeing that anytime soon."

Fluttershy made a small smile. "I think it's sweet..." she said, "though, they probably shouldn't be so..."

"Open with their affection?" Applejack finished, raising a brow, "preachin' to the choir, Shy. Ah can't tell ya how many times Ah had to shield Apple Bloom's eyes whenever those two decided to get comfortable near the apple stand."

Twilight made a sour face. "At least they haven't gotten friendly in your house!" she exclaimed, "Do you have any idea how hard it is to brush up on reading Starswirl the Bearded's anamorphic spell with those two not a room away from you sucking face?"

Everyone let out disgusted sounds, except Rarity, who only made a sickened face as she tried to unhear what she just heard.

"Alright, we get it, they like to get friendly in public!" Rainbow cried out, screwing her eyes shut, "Can we please stop talking about it? I'm having flashbacks!"

Suddenly, a loud squeal broke through the group's conversation, causing them to turn their attention to where it had originated from.

"Is that...?" Fluttershy said, trailing off.

"Yep," Applejack said, her expression turning deadpan, "it's the happy couple."

As if on cue, Sombra slid into the station's wooden platform, stopping just in front of the girls. Pinkie poked her head up from Sombra's, a wide grin on her features as she giggled happily.

"Hi, guys!" she greeted, "Did ya miss us?"

"Why, yes, indeed!" Rarity exclaimed, jumping in before anyone could make a comment on their manner of arrival, "How is the happy couple?"

Pinkie giggled. "Things are great!" she replied, then looked down at Sombra as she snuggled into his mane, "Isn't that right, Sombry?"

Sombra chuckled. "If last night was any correlation," he said, raising his eyebrows.

"Eeeeeeeeeeew," Rainbow drawled, screwing her eyes shut, "get a stable!"

"Alright, alright, that's enough of that," Applejack said, "Yer gonna give me nightmares..."

Pinkie let out a giggle. "Sorry, guys!" she called out, "But I'm just really happy right now!"

"Let's just get on the train," Twilight said, "we already got your tickets for you."

"Oh, thanks!" Pinkie replied, then nudged Sombra's head, "What do we say...?

Sombra frowned at her, then sighed. "Thank you, Sparkler," he droned.

Pinkie gave him a frown, but then shrugged her shoulders. "Eh, close enough," she said nonchalantly, "Come on, let's get on the train!"

Sombra grinned up at her. "What do we say...?" he said, mimicking her tone from earlier.

Pinkie leaned over his head so she was facing him upside down, giggling as she did.

"Pretty please with sprinkles and a cherry on top?" she guessed.

Sombra shrugged. "Eh, close enough," he said, grinning when he saw her expression, "I'm just messing with you, Dork."

"I'm not a dork!" she argued, getting back into her original position.

"Are too," he sang out, trotting over to the train car.

"Am not!" she called out.

"Are too!" he called back.

As the couple continued to argue, the others followed behind them, watching with interest.

"And you still say he's tricking her?" Rarity questioned as she passed Rainbow, who seemed rather surprised by Pinkie and Sombra's interactions with the other.

Rainbow frowned at her. "I don't know what to think," she said flatly, her gaze going back to the couple once again, "but that's what makes it so hard to trust him."

Author's Notes:

Alright, so this took a lot longer to write than it should've. I realize that. But, I had so many one-shot ideas that I couldn't help but put this off, even if it was for a little while... Alright, more than a little while, but still!

So, how did ya like the chapter? Tell me in the comments!

Also, corrections are appreciated and wanted where they're needed!

Chapter 17: Dreams of the Past

"Does not!"

"Does, too!"

"Does not!"

"Does, too!"

"Does n- Wait, do you even know what we're arguing about anymore?" Pinkie asked suddenly, quirking a brow upwards curiously.

Sombra opened his mouth to reply scathingly, but stopped as he pondered over Pinkie's question. With a hoof to his chin, he let out a small hum of thought and when nothing came to mind, he shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't remember," he told her, "And I'm not sure I care."

"Finally," Rainbow Dash huffed, crossing her forelegs peevishly, "you two have been going at it for hours."

"Would ya rather they start kissin'?" Applejack suggested, quirking a brow humorlessly, "I don't mind what they say as long as it ain't any of that mushy stuff."

"Now that I think about it..." Sombra said suggestively, leaning into Pinkie's side, "perhaps we could--"

"Nope!" Rainbow exclaimed, shooting into the air and above the couple as they laid in the train seat together, "You two are officially not allowed to kiss each other!"

Pinkie gasped. "But--" she tried to protest.

"I agree with Rainbow," Rarity admitted, casting the couple an apologetic look, "although I love how happy you two are, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to be more... discreet?"

Sombra narrowed his eyes at her. "Jealous?" he huffed, raising his eyebrows.

"As if!" Twilight exclaimed, looking up from her book, "The only reason I've been able to shut you two arguing out is because I learned how whenever you two decided to get cozy in the library!"

"We said we were sorry about that!" Pinkie cried, holding out a hoof in emphasis.

"Then why do you keep doing it?!" Twilight countered, leaning over her seat.

"Girls, can we please be quiet?" Fluttershy asked quietly, lifting her head up from her seat gingerly, "It's getting late and I would love to get some sleep before we get to Canterlot... It's going to be difficult to, especially since I don't know how my animals are doing..."

Twilight's hard gaze softened as she glanced over at her Pegasus friend. "It's alright, Fluttershy," she told her gently, "I'm sure Angel's taking good care of them."

"Aren't you worried about Owlowiscious?" Fluttershy asked, her eyes wide, "I mean, he is your pet, after all."

Twilight shook her head. "Not really," she replied, "Owlowiscious is able to hunt for his food, and he's nocturnal, so most of his care is self-performed."

"But-- But what about everypony else?" Fluttershy asked, looking around the train car, "Surely you must be worried!"

The girls replied with variant negatives, washing over one another into a mess of random of statements and replies.

"I don't have to worry about Gummy!" Pinkie said loudly, breaking through the jumble of noise, "Especially cause he's here with me!"

Before anypony could ask what she meant, Pinkie stuck her hoof in her mane and pulled out her small baby alligator, who stared off into nothingness as he blinked each eye individually.

"You brought him with you?" Sombra asked, scooting away from Pinkie slightly, "Are you sure that was such a good idea?"

Pinkie giggled. "If you're worried about him biting you, you shouldn't!" she told him, holding Gummy up to his face, "He ain't got no teeth!"

As if on cue, Gummy opened his mouth and latched onto Sombra's muzzle, completely covering the stallion's face with alligator saliva.

"Ew..." Sombra drawled out, screwing his eyes shut as he pulled away from the blank-faced alligator, "why did you let your crocodile Prench me?!"

"He's an alligator!" Pinkie whined, putting Gummy down beside her, "Besides, that means he likes you!"

Sombra wiped off the saliva that still dripped from his face. "Odd way of showing it," he grunted, sticking his tongue out as he hoped none of the alligator's spit got in his mouth.

Pinkie frowned at him. "It's like me kissing you, Silly!" she told him, then began to pet Gummy on the head, "And I'm really good at telling what Gummy means!"

Sombra gave Pinkie a blank stare, then looked at Gummy, then back at Pinkie again. "You can understand an alligator?" he repeated, totally disbelieving.

Pinkie nodded erratically. "Yep!" she replied, then looked back down at Gummy for a brief moment.

Sombra looked from side to side quickly, then back at Pinkie, a brow quirked in questioning. "Pinkie, what are you--?"

Pinkie shoved her hoof into his mouth, stifling his speaking. "Hush, I'm trying to listen!" she said quietly, not taking her eyes off of Gummy.

After another moment of awkward silence, Sombra found himself frowning at Pinkie's behavior and put her hoof down from his mouth as he gave her a disapproving look.

"Pinkie, I don't think that--" he tried to say.

"Hush, Gummy just told me something!" Pinkie exclaimed, holding up a hoof as she leaned closer to Gummy. Gummy continued to sit and do nothing, his eyes wandering around the room as he blinked randomly.

"Of course you can have another cupcake!" Pinkie said randomly, pulling cupcake out from behind her and putting it on Gummy's head.

Sombra stared at Gummy for a brief moment, then looked at Pinkie. "Sometimes I wonder why I like you so much," he said, his eyebrows raised.

Pinkie giggled. "No, you don't!" she exclaimed, playfully hitting his shoulder. Suddenly, she let out a loud yawn and quickly covered her gaping maw.

"Tired?" Sombra asked, then yawned with her.

Pinkie nodded and snuggled into Sombra's side. "It's really late..." she told him sleepily, "let's get some sleep, 'K?"

Sombra nodded and laid his head next to hers. "Goodnight," he said quietly, closing his eyes.

"Goodnight," she replied, pushing her head into the crook of his neck.

As the couple laid together in their seat, Twilight and the others looked at them with intrigued silence, their interest piqued at the rare innocence the couple displayed.

"They look so... peaceful," Fluttershy said quietly, not wanting to disturb the display of love before her.

"I gotta say, it's not what I was expectin'," Applejack said to Rainbow, who was sitting on her haunches next to her.

Rainbow glanced at the sleeping duo, then frowned to herself. "They may look sweet now, but just you wait," she whispered, narrowing her eyes in scrutiny, "something bad is coming around the corner, and I don't wanna be the one to say, 'I told ya so' when it does."

Rarity sighed. "Why can't you see?" she questioned, "They care for one another. It's so completely obvious! Take a look over there to clarify my claim!"

Rainbow shook her head. "I don't want to trust Sombra full on," she told her, casting the sleeping stallion a sideways look, "I know something's up..."

Just as Rainbow and the others' gazes were on the sleeping duo, Sombra wrapped a foreleg around his sleeping partner and pulled her closer to him, snuggling his head into her mane as he did. A small, serene smile played across his lips as Pinkie fell into his form and embrace, a small sigh of content escaping his lips.

"Aw..." the girls, excluding Rainbow Dash, cooed, leaning forward as the couple continued to sleep.

"Blargh," Spike said, shaking his head disapprovingly, "girls."

Rainbow narrowed her eyes. "Alright, so maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I know something's up," she said, crossing her forelegs angrily as she blew a wisp of red hair out of her face.

"Must you be so reluctant to believe in love?" Rarity huffed, giving her a disapproving look, "You just saw one of the most adorable things in all of existence and you still think that there are darker powers at work?"

Twilight sighed and shook her head. "I don't know what to believe, either," she admitted, putting her book into her bag as she tucked her wings into her sides, "I think with everything that's been happening, things seem to be getting easier and easier to see evil in."

The girls all nodded at that, letting out small noises of agreement.

Twilight let out a tired yawn and stretched out her wings briefly. "We should get some sleep," she told them, "we have a lot ahead of us tomorrow..."

The girls let out yawns of their own, nodding sleepily as they laid down on the train seats and blocked out the noise of the railroad, readying themselves for the trials the following day would hold for them.

* * *

"Hurry up, Sombry!"

Sombra blinked in shock as he heard Pinkie's voice reach him, breaking him awake from his sleep. He shook his head lightly and put a hoof to his temple as he looked around for Pinkie. But, as his eyes scoured the area, he felt them widen as he realized where he was.

The lush greenery was unmistakable, the dew on the grass glistening in the sun's light, making it look like it was made of crystals. Bright, colorful pillars of crystal jutted out from the ground in a rainbow pattern, extending in and out of his sight. Finally, the most defining feature was the crystal palace that was at the center of it all, a large intersection for the crystal city.

He was in the Crystal Empire.

'That... That's not possible,' he thought, his gaze darting across the scenery once more, 'I can't be here... I'm on the train with Pinkie!'

'You're right,' he heard Conscious tell him, sounding uncharacteristically sober, 'but this is the truth, Sombra. The truth about who you are.'

'What?' Sombra thought, totally shell-shocked.

"Sombry?" he heard the familiar voice say from behind him.

With a heavy heart, Sombra slowly turned to look behind him, his eyes widening as he summoned the courage to look completely.

It was Pinkie Pie, or somepony who looked like her, her coat and mane crystalline and shining in the sunlight. Her ocean blue eyes bore the trademark Crystal Pony gem-shaped glints in her pupils and iris, setting her apart from the Pinkie he knew. She still bore her tri-balloon cutie mark and her mane was still puffed up like cotton candy, but it was adorned with ribbons and hair ties.

"Are you alright?" she asked, worry creasing her features.

Against Sombra's will, he heard himself say, "Yeah, I'm fine! It's still hard getting used to the sights!"

'Where in Tartarus did that come from?' Sombra thought, totally flabbergasted.

Pinkie smiled at him, so much like the one he was used to, yet so totally different.

"I'm glad!" she chirped, beaming at him, "It must be difficult getting used to all the crystals, huh?"

Sombra felt himself nod. "I'm not used to so many buildings in one place," he told her, "I mean, Mexicolt is so... rugged compared to this place!"

'Mexicolt?' Sombra repeated in his mind, 'When have I ever been there?'

Pinkie giggled and put a hoof to her lips to smother them. "But if what you said about parties were true, then it couldn't have been all that bad!" she told him, playfully punching his foreleg.

Sombra found himself laughing. "Mexicolt is known for it's insane fiestas!" he exclaimed, holding up his forehooves flamboyantly, "Dale, dale, dale!"

'What am I even saying?!' Sombra was practically screaming in his own mind, begging for answers to the many questions that plagued his head.

'It's sad,' Conscious said, 'you can't even recognize your own native tongue.'

'I don't have a native tongue, Baboso!' Sombra snarled angrily, then froze as he realized what he just said.

'Such language!' Conscious gasped, 'I didn't think ya had it in ya!'

'Pendejo!' Sombra snapped angrily, then stopped once more, 'Where am I getting this from?! What am I even saying?!'

'Dirty, dirty words,' Conscious told him, and Sombra could just tell he wanted to shake his head disapprovingly, 'I can't believe you ever said those things...'

'Enough!' Sombra thought, 'This is absolutely ridiculous! Why am I even here? I don't even remember this!'

'Because that's not you out there!' Conscious replied, sounding exasperated.

"Hey, let's get to the Crystal Pond before somepony snags our spot!" Pinkie said, nodding her head towards a glistening pond in the distance.

"Race ya there?" Sombra suggested, getting into sprinting position.

Pinkie giggled and mimicked his position. "You're so on!"

Both mare and stallion gave the other a playfully competitive look, then faced the pond with determined looks, ready to take off at any given moment.

"On three?" Pinkie suggested, not taking her eyes off the pond.

"Like always," Sombra replied, narrowing his eyes in determined scrutiny.

Sombra wasn't sure what to make of the odd duo's behavior, especially since he was one of them. They were so intent on their goal, yet so friendly at the same time. It was mind-boggling for him.

"One..." Sombra said, drawing it out for dramatic effect.

He glanced at Pinkie and saw her low to the ground in starting position, an intense look on her features. Sombra felt himself grin as his gaze went to her flank, which was held up in the air rather predominantly.

Sombra heard Conscious sigh. 'It's just like a guy to sneak a look,' he said, totally unamused.

"Two, three, go!" Sombra shouted quickly, dashing off and leaving Pinkie behind.

"Hey, no fair!" she exclaimed, galloping after him.

Sombra glanced back at her and stuck his tongue out at her. "Catch me if you can, Pinks!" he taunted playfully, turning back to his destination with hungry eyes.

"OK!" he heard Pinkie shout from behind him.

Before he could turn back to to look at her, he felt something tackle into his back, causing him to fall forward. With a shout of surprise, he crashed into the ground and tumbled with Pinkie for a moment. Eventually, he landed on his back, his tongue plopped out of mouth cartoonishly as Pinkie successfully pinned him to the ground.

"It's a tie!" she exclaimed, giggling victoriously, "But in my opinion, you should lose for cheating!"

Sombra felt himself laugh at her as he pulled his tongue back in. "Whatever you say, Pinks!" he replied, rolling his eyes, "But I think my tongue wins the race, because it got here first!"

"What?" Pinkie blurted out, "How?"

"Like this!" Sombra exclaimed, rolling over and pinning her to the grass, then sticking his tongue out at her.

"Ew, gross!" Pinkie cried, but she wasn't actually struggling, "Alright, you win, Meanie Pants!"

Sombra laughed at her and rolled off of her, landing on the grass beside her as they continued to giggle together.

'How are we so...?' Sombra struggled to find the right word.

'Close?' Conscious finished, 'You two have always had a bond. One that goes beyond time and mortality.'

'Wait...' Sombra said, 'Are you saying I knew Pinkie in the Empire before I knew her in Ponyville?'

Conscious didn't answer.

'Conscious?' Sombra mused, hoping to hear from him, 'Please, tell me what's happening!'

He heard Conscious sigh. 'You didn't know her in the Empire, Sombra...' he told him.

'What?' Sombra blurted out, 'That makes no sense!'

'Take a look for yourself,' Conscious said, 'It's long overdue that you knew about your origins.'

"Come on, let's get a drink," Pinkie said, letting out a couple pants, "I'm tired from all that running!"

Sombra nodded in response and walked with her to the Crystal Pond's edge. Sombra closed his eyes as he lapped at the water, relishing in it's clear taste.

'I don't know what you expect me to see,' Sombra told Conscious, growing frustrated, 'Just tell me what you want to--'

Sombra stopped talking as his body's eyes opened, looking into the reflection the pond offered. If Sombra's eyes could widen, they would have at that exact moment in time.

'That's...' Sombra tried to say, 'that's not possible.'

Sombra continued to look at his reflection, totally horrified and shocked as he did. His eyes were still the same red he was used to having, but everything else about him was completely different altogether. His curved, red horn was segmented and gray, matching the rest of his coat. He looked so much younger and innocent, as though he hadn't a care in the world.

'This is what I meant when I said that's not you out there,' Conscious told him, sounding somber, 'That stallion you see out there...'

Sombra continued to stare, totally speechless.

'...is me.'

Author's Notes:

Alright, so if you're not aware of the changes I've made to the fic, here is the blog regarding it:

"The Not-So-Normal Adventures of King Sombra and Pinkie Pie" revising and editing plans

So, if ya were here before I edited the story, just ignore what ya read and continue on with reading.

Chapter 18: New Dog, Same Tricks

Sombra jolted upwards as he let out a surprised yell, his breath coming quick and cold as he placed a hoof over his erratically beating heart. With quivering eyes, Sombra looked around the train car, praying that nopony heard his rude awakening. To his appreciation and relief, the six mares, baby dragon, and, incidentally, baby alligator were still asleep.

After taking a moment to catch his breath, Sombra let out a small, aggravated sigh as he laid his head down next Pinkie's once more, relishing in the fact that she was able to sleep peacefully.

'May no demons haunt your night...' Sombra prayed silently, pulling her closer to him. Almost instinctively, Pinkie snuggled into him and smiled contentedly as she let out a small huff of sleepy air.

'Waking up won't stop me,' Sombra heard Conscious tell him, breaking through the Sombra's blithe mood.

Sombra frowned at the voice's implication and sighed irritably. 'I won't discuss this matter with you,' he told him, casting Pinkie a small glance, 'not now...'

Sombra felt the negativity of Conscious' presence fade into something softer, but undetectable nonetheless. Sombra looked away from Pinkie's sleeping form and towards the train window, hoping to clear his flurrying mess of a mind. But, much to his surprise, his focus wasn't on the window when he turned to look at it.

Sombra saw himself-- or, rather, the version of himself Conscious claimed to be-- staring at him, mirroring his position almost perfectly. His body was almost ghostly, light luminescence emanating from his form as he remained transparent and unsolid.

"Don't look so surprised," Conscious said, giving him a somewhat annoyed look, "this isn't the first time I've done this; it's only the first time you've seen me do it."

Sombra closed his gaping jaw and frowned at his counterpart. With narrowed eyes, he opened his mouth to respond scathingly, but Conscious held up a hoof stoically.

"You're the only one able to see me, Idiot," Conscious said flatly, putting his hoof down, "just think your response and send it telepathically, like we've been doing for the past couple of months."

Sombra held his frown, but closed his mouth nonetheless. 'Why are you so insistent on bothering me?' Sombra questioned irritably, his eyes narrowed, 'Things are already hectic enough without you here to stir up trouble.'

Conscious sighed and shook his head. "I am not your enemy, yet you treat me as such," he said cryptically, giving him a sympathetic glance, "I empathize with your struggles that lead to your mistrusting nature."

Sombra snarled, but ceased when Pinkie stirred beside him. 'What struggles?' he snapped angrily, putting a foreleg around Pinkie's form to soothe her, 'And what should lead me to believe you are an ally to me?'

Conscious gave him a deadpan look, then quirked a brow. "You have to ask?" he questioned, "I've helped you with tons of stuff and this is the thanks I get?"

'What are you on about?' Sombra hissed, his eyes narrowed, 'All you've done is complain and insult me! And let's not forget the instance where you spoke with Pinkie when we switched bodies and nearly gave away your identity!'

Conscious grinned wryly and chuckled to himself. "That was a rather interesting experience," he said, "I enjoyed being able to speak with Pinkie."

Sombra blinked in surprise, his gaze immediately darting over to Pinkie, who continued to sleep soundly. It was one of the rare occasions where she didn't snore, he realized, meaning she was beyond blissful peace within her dream state.

'Why are you so interested in her?' Sombra questioned suspiciously, his eyes narrowing as they returned to Conscious, 'She may resemble the mare in my vision, but she is not her, I assure you.'

Conscious lost his mirthful expression, his eyes drifting over to Pinkie. A gleam of longing shimmered in his red irises, a sense of tragedy resonating within in it's depths. Sombra wanted to interrogate him on the subject, but felt as though the right did not belong to him.

"She is so like her..." he whispered, more to himself than Sombra, "but she isn't mine."

Sombra instinctively pulled Pinkie closer to him, his hold on her tightening substantially as he gave Conscious an apprehensive look.

'You're correct in that respect,' Sombra snarled within his mind, 'She isn't yours, Conscious... If I can call you that.'

Conscious looked back at him, his eyes holding no malice or hostility. "I have no means to take her from you," he assured Sombra, "I had my chance with her back in the Empire; getting her back is not an option."

Sombra relaxed, but only slightly, his hold still tightly wound around Pinkie. 'Then why are you here? Why do you wish to burden me with your presence?'

Conscious sighed and shook his head once more. "I only wish to tell you your origins," he replied, his gaze unwavering, "but now is not the time."

"What?" Sombra blurted out loud, then immediately froze as he realized his action. With a tense gaze, Sombra looked down at Pinkie, praying that she remained asleep. But, instead of his special somepony, he saw Gummy sitting atop her head, blinking randomly as he stared off into nothingness, as he always did.

"Hey, look, it's Toothless!" Conscious exclaimed, his cry of joy unheard by anypony else but Sombra, "How ya doin', Gator?"

Sombra gave Conscious a half-lidded, peeved look. 'His name is Gummy,' he corrected, totally unamused. Despite not being a fan of the drooling reptile, he wasn't going to allow Conscious to get his special somepony's pet's name wrong.

Conscious shrugged. "Same difference," he replied simply, his gaze returning to alligator, "Hey, do you still like biting stuff?"

As if responding to Conscious' question, Gummy leaped up onto Sombra and bit down on his ear, his gums grinding against the skin. Sombra opened his mouth to yell, but instead bit his bottom lip to refrain from doing so, looking up to the Heavens for answer as to why he deserved what was happening to him.

Conscious laughed. "You haven't changed at all!" he exclaimed, smiling at Gummy fondly, "Do you remember me?"

Gummy released Sombra's ear, much to his appreciation and waddled over to Conscious' transparent form. Much to Sombra's surprise, he walked around in small circle and laid down next to Conscious' hooves, snuggling into the ghostly being affectionately, not bothered by the fact he went through him.

"Aw, he does!" Conscious said, then smiled in a bittersweet manner, "Too bad I can't scratch ya behind the ears like ya like!"

Gummy looked up at Conscious, his emotionless, blank eyes blinking together, a rare thing to be done by the reptile.

Conscious frowned. "Aw, he's sad," he said, then looked at Sombra, "Hey, do you mind scratching his head for him? It makes him feel better when he's upset."

Sombra gave Conscious a deadpan look. 'He's an alligator,' he told him flatly, then looked at the reptile once more, 'and he doesn't look sad to me.'

Conscious sighed. "That's because you don't really look," he told him, then looked down at Gummy again, "Toothle-- I mean, Gummy, usually has a tell for his emotions. It's take time recognize them, though."

Sombra, regretfully, looked down at Gummy, his eyes squinting in scrutiny. After a moment of intense inspection, he looked back up at Conscious again and shook his head.

'I see nothing,' he admitted, his eyes narrowed peevishly, 'he isn't giving me anything to work with!'

Conscious gave him an empathetic smile. "Here, I'll show ya," he told him, then leaned his head down to Gummy's level, "it's not really in his features that you find his emotion. It's more of an eye thing."

Sombra nodded in acknowledgement, lowering his head with Conscious as he peered into Gummy's emotionless, dull eyes. He glanced up at Conscious, who only nodded at him to continue.

'What are you thinking, Gator...?' Sombra thought, his nose nearly touching Gummy's.

Conscious sighed. "You're not trying to get in his head," he reminded him, "you're trying to see how he's feeling."

Sombra looked back up at Conscious once more. 'How in Tartarus am I supposed to do that?'

"Just-- Look at him! And don't get all squinty!"

Sombra gave him a glare, but sighed in defeat as he gazed at the small alligator. With wariness, he looked into his amethyst eyes, prying for the tell of his innermost thoughts. He saw nothing, the unique lines of the reptilian irises holding no emotion or story for Sombra to see.

Suddenly, he caught sight of a small glint, a bit shy of the narrow pupils within the purple masses. His eyes widened as he gazed into it, careful not to move, for fear of losing it.

"You see it now, don't you?" Conscious questioned, "It's small, but it's there."

'Is this how Pinkie knows what he's thinking?' Sombra mused, 'She's even more perceptive than I realized...'

Conscious shook his head. "Oh, no, she's just Pinkie," he told him, "this is how I've been able to tell."

Sombra wanted to question him on the subject, but once he realized that Pinkie would be the main answer for it, he shrugged it off and decided to play it off as "Pinkie being Pinkie", which seemed to be occurring more often.

"So, now that you've seen it, it'll be easier to pick up on Gummy's moods," Conscious explained, "for example, right now, he's upset, because he wants somepony to scratch him behind the ears."

'Do alligators even have ears?' Sombra questioned, looking at Gummy's with curiosity.

Conscious opened his mouth to answer, but stopped and let out a hum of thought as he put a hoof to his chin. After a moment, he shook his head.

"Don't make me question things at a late hour," Conscious told him, "things tend to get weird when I do."

Sombra quirked a brow upwards, but decided against asking for the reason behind his counterpart's actions. Turning his attention back to Gummy, he warily lifted a hoof over the alligator's head, the tip of his hoof just barely touching his cranium. As if testing the waters, Sombra lightly scratched at Gummy's head.

Much to his surprise, Gummy leaned into Sombra's touch and let out what sounded like a purr, despite alligator's not being known to do so. Satisfied with the response, Sombra relaxed as his scratched Gummy's head, who closed his eyes as he continued to purr happily.

"See? Was that so hard?" Conscious asked, quirking a brow at the duo, "I think someone's starting to like you."

Sombra looked up at Conscious, continuing to scratch Gummy's head as he did. 'Perhaps I was wrong about Gummy,' he admitted, looking back down at him, 'Maybe Pinkie is right about him being insightful...'

Gummy pulled his head out from underneath Sombra's hoof and waddled over to Sombra's side where Pinkie laid, somehow able to sleep through Sombra's antics. With a tired gaze(at least in Sombra's eyes), he turned in a circle and snuggled into Pinkie, who wrapped a foreleg around her pet affectionately.

As Sombra was gazing at the sleeping pair beside him, he blinked in realization as he remembered his reason for talking to Conscious in the first place.

'Listen, Conscious, I appreciate your advice, but--' Sombra stopped talking as he saw that Conscious had disappeared from his sight. He looked left to right rapidly, beginning to wonder if he imagined the entire dilemma. But, when he looked at Gummy resting beside Pinkie and himself, he found that thought to be ridiculous.

'We'll speak tomorrow, when it's not late,' Conscious told him, 'showing you the past now was sudden... It'll take time before you'll be ready.'

And, as if he were never there, Conscious disappeared, hiding away into the inner recesses of Sombra's mind where he couldn't be bothered.

Sombra sighed irritably as a yawn overtook him and reminded him of his need for slumber, adjusting his position slightly before laying his head next to Pinkie's once more. With a small smile, he snuggled into her mane and inhaled the familiar candy scent before resting his eyes.

'I hope that the sisters take pity on us...' he thought drowsily, 'I don't know how I'd cope without you...'

But, unbeknownst to the sleeping stallion, a shadow stood no less than a couple feet from him and his beloved, the darkness bearing a dark malice within it

'Sleep now, Host...' the shadow thought darkly, a sick grin taking over it's dark features. The glowering gaze of the darkness went to the sleeping mare, breathing deeply and evenly as she smiled continuously, the presence of her happiness sickening him to extremes.

'For it will be the last night you shall spend with that nuisance of a mare.'

Author's Notes:

Hey, you know who Conscious and Sombra remind me of...?

YEP, YUGIOH, Y'ALL. IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-DUUUUUEL! Sorry, I couldn't resist.

So, this was a bit of a fluff chapter, just because I could do it and leave y'all to wait. But, come on, ya gotta love Gummy and Sombra together!

Chapter 19: Crossing the Threshold

Sombra yawned loudly as he creaked his tired eyes open, wincing as the sun hit his line of sight with it's harsh rays. He sighed raggedly as he lifted his heavy-feeling head and shook out his mane, hoping to rid himself of his sleepy stupor.

'Last night was...' he struggled to find the right words, his barely coping mind barely able to finish his thought, 'strange.'

"Good morning, Sombry!" he heard Pinkie chirp brightly, her soft mane snuggling into his shoulder, "How'd ya sleep?"

Sombra turned towards her as he yawned, his eyes drowsily half-lidded. "I slept alri--" Sombra cut off as he fully took in Pinkie's appearance.

Her mane was adorned by a sparkly blue head band, her normally unruly mane held tightly by two golden bands that shone in the sunlight. Her ocean blue eyes appeared to have turned into crystals, matching her crystalline coat and mane. It was so stunning to see her look the way she did.

"Sombry?" Pinkie questioned, breaking through his flurrying mess of a mind.

Sombra blinked and Pinkie returned to her normal, non-crystal form, her smile replaced with a confused frown. With a small shake of his head, Sombra gave her a reassuring smile.

"It's just..." he started, struggling to find a good cover for his odd behavior, "You look really beautiful today."

Pinkie blushed. "I just woke up!" she told him, looking off to the side as she looked in embarrassed, "I probably look like a mess..."

Sombra held back his sigh of relief, instead chuckling at Pinkie's reaction. "If anyone here's a mess, it's me, Dork," he told her, nuzzling her mane, "and don't doubt how beautiful I know you are."

'Wow, laying it on thick, huh?' he heard Conscious say, 'You are not very subtle these days, Sombry.'

Sombra resisted his overwhelming urge to frown. "Are we close to Canterlot yet?" he asked Pinkie, ignoring the voice in his head.

Pinkie gasped dramatically. "Let's look!" she exclaimed excitedly, rushing to the window. With a push of her hooves, the window went down and Pinkie stuck her head out, a loud cheer of excitement following afterwards.

"I take that as a yes?" Sombra questioned, a quirking a brow in amusement.

Pinkie looked back at him with a giggle. "Take a look for yourself!" she told him, scooting over for him to stand next to her.

Not finding anything wrong in doing so, Sombra crawled up to the window and placed himself beside her, their sides rubbing against each other as they looked out the train window.

"Wow..." Sombra breathed, his eyes wide as he took in the sight of upcoming castle.

Despite being far away from the mountain that bore the home of the Royal Pony Sisters, Sombra could still make out the golden entailed pillars and spires of the castle, dozens of waterfalls and streams leaking from it's depths. Although it wasn't the accommodation he was used to, it didn't take from the city's splendor.

"Isn't it super duper neat?" Pinkie squealed, her eyes shut in blitheness, "I can't wait 'til we get there!"

Sombra felt the familiar sense of dread take over him as he remembered the cause for their trip to the city in the first place, his joy in travelling fading as quickly as it came. Suddenly, the beautiful castle before him didn't seem so appealing, seeing as how it was a destination for where he would be judged by the Royal Sisters.

Not wanting to look at the city any longer, he leaned away from the window and back into his seat, his ears turned downwards. Pinkie glanced over at him as she felt him move away and cast him a worried glance, her brows furrowed in a troubled manner.

"Sombry?" she questioned, moving towards him as placed herself beside him.

Sombra didn't reply, his eyes averting her brooding look, not wanting her to see him so negative. Pinkie frowned as she realized why he was acting so distant so suddenly, unappreciative of his reclusive behavior.

"It'll be alright," she told him, snuggling into his side as she hugged him.

Sombra begrudgingly looked back at her, his eyes showing just how vulnerable he felt. With a ragged sigh, he returned her embrace and leaned his head on hers, his eyes closed as he tried to calm his fraying nerves.

"Thank you," he whispered, nuzzling her mane, "I'm glad I have you..."

'You should be,' Conscious told him, 'you're one lucky stallion, Sombra.'

This time, Sombra did frown, but he was able to keep it from Pinkie, what with her not looking at him. 'I know that,' he replied, a small bite in his tone, 'I don't need a reminder.'

He heard Conscious sigh. 'I wish I could say the same for me. I would've taken a million reminders, if that's what it would take to get her back.'

Sombra felt his hold on Pinkie tighten slightly as those words reached him. 'I thought you had no intention of getting her back?' he thought bitterly, his defensive nature kicking in.

"Sombry..." he heard Pinkie say in a strained voice, "you're kinda squeezing me... really hard."

Sombra released Pinkie almost immediately. "Sorry," he blurted out, feeling embarrassed that he let Conscious get to him like that.

Pinkie gave him a reassuring smile. "It's alright," she told him, snuggling back into his embrace, "you're just worried, is all."

"Ugh..." groaned Rainbow Dash, her right wing rising as it let out several sickening cracks, "What time is it?"

A yawn was heard from Twilight, who ruffled her wings slightly as she opened her tired eyes. "I'd say about time we arrived in Canterlot..." she slurred, stretching her drowsing limbs.

"Yep!" Pinkie exclaimed, causing all the sleepy occupants to wince, "We're almost there!"

Sombra spared her a sharp glance, but sighed as he realized it'd be ridiculous to discuss the matter for their arrival, especially with his nerves jumping about from anxiety.

'If you're so sure of your affections, then what do you have to worry about?' Conscious questioned.

Sombra bit his tongue hard enough to where it should have drawn blood, but he gave no sign of his anger.

'That's not what I'm worried about,' he said defensively, 'I'm worried about...'

Sombra blinked in realization as he found that he wasn't sure as to why he was so worried about Celestia and Luna not deeming him unreformed. He cared for Pinkie and his negative behavior had changed substantially since then.

So then why was he so worried?

'You aren't confident in your feelings,' Conscious said simply, 'and until you are absolutely, undeniably sure that you know how you feel, nothing will be in your favor.'

Sombra wanted to interrogate the voice within him on what he meant, but he felt the presence of it leave almost immediately. Holding back a frustrated sigh, Sombra looked over to Pinkie, who smiling and laughing with her friends, like she normally did.

'Nothing haunts you,' he thought to himself, somewhat envying her ease in the situation.

Sombra smiled and pulled Pinkie closer to him with a foreleg, causing her to look at with a surprised expression. When she saw the smile on his face, she returned it and leaned into him, enjoying his embrace.

'I can only hope that we can make it through this trip,' Sombra thought, leaning his head onto Pinkie's.

So, for the remainder of the train ride, Sombra and Pinkie sat side-by-side, totally immersed in their own worlds as they remained close to one another. Little did they know, the troubles that would come for them upon their arrival at Canterlot Castle.

* * *

"And here's the one where we fought against Discord!" Pinkie exclaimed, pointing a hoof at the stain glass window that adorned the long hallway.

"Tartarus, how many windows are in here?" Sombra questioned, his eyes peering across the hall, "I stopped counting after 23."

Pinkie giggled. "Well, a lot has happened in Equestria!" she told him, then put a hoof to her chin as she added, "Though, a lot of it has happened in the past couple of years..."

Twilight sighed. "Yeah, a lot," she said, her gaze drifting over to the window describing her coronation. She gave her wings a quick once over, then looked forward as she sighed once more.

"Somethin' botherin' ya, Twi?" Applejack asked, walking over to the alicorn's side, "Ya still aren't on about yer role as a princess, are ya?"

Twilight sighed again. "I can't help it," she admitted, her gaze turning to the floor, "I understand that I earned my role, but sometimes I feel like all I do is smile and wave."

"Don't worry, Twilight!" Pinkie exclaimed, leaping over to her excitedly, "You're important! Princess Celestia wouldn't have given you your wings if she didn't think so!"

Twilight smiled weakly, but it was a smile, nonetheless. "Thanks, Pinkie Pie," she told her, "I needed to hear that."

Pinkie grinned and nodded as she bounced back to Sombra's side. "So, how are you enjoying the tour of the castle?" she asked him, leaning into his shoulder as she looked at him expectantly.

Sombra gave the hallway another look before looking back at Pinkie. "It's..." he started, his gaze flickering over to the large windows, "...big."

Pinkie giggled at his answer. "I know, huh?" she said, "When we first came here, I was all, 'Whooooooooooooooooa!'" Pinkie swirled around in a circle a couple times before letting out a small yelp as she tumbled over from dizziness.

Sombra chuckled as he brought her to her hooves. "You're such a dork," he told her, grinning at her expression.

"Am not!" she argued, giving him a small glare.

"Are, too," he replied simply, continuing to walk down the hall.

"Am n-"

"So help me Princess Celestia, if you two start play arguing one more time, I will Sonic Rainboom you so hard, your mother's mother will feel it!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, zooming over to where she was standing between them.

Pinkie gasped. "Not Granny Pie!" she cried, clinging onto Sombra, "Alright, fine, I'm a dork!"

Sombra chuckled at her reaction. "Good to know it's gotten to you."

Rainbow let out a groan. "Gah, I hate couples..." she muttered, putting a hoof to her head as she shook it disapprovingly.

Rarity smiled at Rainbow. "I think it's adorable!" she called, giving Sombra and Pinkie a quick glance, "You two do what you want! Don't let Rainbow or anypony else stop you!"

Applejack frowned at that. "Ah'm all for love and all, but Ah would appreciate it if ya were more discreet with it," she said, drawing her words, "Ah can't stand it whenever Ah look and see two ponies gettin' cozy in public."

Rarity frowned. "Oh, you're just upset you don't have somepony!" she said, waving her hoof dismissively.

Sombra chuckled as he leaned his head into Pinkie's. "Unlike us, of course."

Pinkie giggled and returned his gesture. "You betcha!"

"Hush, now!" Twilight ordered quietly, "We're almost to the throne!"

Everyone was silenced as they looked forward and took in the sight of the thrones at the center of the wall, none of which bearing their owner.

"Where are the princesses?" Fluttershy asked, her eyes flickering from left to right.

Twilight shrugged. "They'll be here soon," she told them, "I'm sure that they're dying to know about Sombra's progress."

Sombra and Pinkie exchanged looks with one another, their eyes mirroring the others worry. Pinkie leaned into his side, but it lacked her usual enthusiasm as she sought out reassurance.

"Don't worry," Sombra told her, silently wishing he could take his own advice, "it'll be fine."

Pinkie looked up at him and gave him a small smile. She snuggled her head into the crook of his neck, to which he leaned his head onto hers.

However, the couples' moment was broken through by the sound of hoofsteps, the sound of which causing all the occupants of the room to stand at attention.

Princess Celestia waltzed in, her head held high as her younger sister, Princess Luna, followed shortly after with the same posture. Both remained stoic and unblinking as they placed themselves in their thrones, their gazes drifting over to Sombra with respective curiosity.

All the occupants, save for Twilight and Sombra, bowed before the Royal Sisters, their gazes going to the floor as they showed their respect. Sombra felt Pinkie poke at his leg, indicating for him to do the same. Much to his chagrin, he bowed before the two alicorn princesses, sparing Pinkie a small glance as he laid his chin on the floor.

"Sombra," Princess Celestia said crisply, her gaze unwavering, "I see that you were able to make it."

Sombra felt a flicker of anger within him, but he pushed it down. Whatever quarrels he had didn't matter at that point; he had to pull through for Pinkie.

"It was a royal request," Sombra replied, getting up from the floor, "I had no choice in the matter."

Sombra felt another prod come from Pinkie as she joined him, her eyes showing that she wasn't appreciating his responses to the princesses.

Princess Celestia raised a brow. "Still carrying that anger?" she questioned, "I would have thought that you'd be over it by now, what with the time that's passed since your reformation process started."

Sombra clenched his jaw, but eased slightly when Pinkie put a reassuring hoof on his shoulder. With a small breath to calm himself, he looked back up at Princess Celestia with an unwavering gaze.

"Time has passed since then," he told her, "I'd like to believe I've made some progress."

Pinkie smiled and nodded, indicating he was going in the right direction. Sombra returned her smile, his gaze flickering back over to her for a brief moment before returning to Celestia and Luna.

"Oh?" Celestia said, her interest piqued, "I would have assumed that your progress had come to a standstill due to Twilight's letters coming to an abrupt stop a couple weeks ago."

Sombra sent Twilight a glare from the corner of his eyes, not appreciating the fact her languid behavior was affecting Celestia's judgement.

Twilight stepped up, taking Celestia's attention from Sombra. "That's my fault, Princess," she told her, her gaze downcast, "I failed to keep up my updates on Sombra's reformation because I was trying to catch up on my studying."

Celestia gave her apprentice a soft look. "It is quite alright, Twilight," she told her, "I understand that multi-tasking can be difficult, especially when they're royal duties."

Twilight let out a sigh of relief. "Well, that's good to know," she said, "I guess that makes up for me forgetting to tell you Sombra and Pinkie are dating."

Celestia and Luna collectively gaped at Twilight, their eyes wide as they tried to process what she just said.

"What?!" Luna exclaimed, the first thing she had said in their exchange.

"Sparkler!" Sombra barked, his eyes narrowing as he turned to Twilight.

Twilight shoved a hoof into her mouth as her eyes widened. "Whoops," she said as she put her hoof down.

Pinkie smacked a hoof to her face as she let out a ragged sigh. "Looks like the cupcake's outta the box..."

Sombra briefly forgot his anger with Twilight as he glanced over at Pinkie. "What?"

Pinkie put her hoof down as she looked at him. "Ya know, it's like when something gets out, it's hard to get it back in?"

"You can most certainly put a cupcake back in a box!" he exclaimed, holding up a hoof for emphasis, "And the saying is 'the cat got out of the bag', Pinkie."

Pinkie gasped. "Who put a poor kitty in a bag?" she breathed, her eyes wide, "That's horrible!"

Sombra groaned as he put a hoof to his face. "You're such an idiot sometimes," he told her, putting his hoof down, "which is one of the reasons why I wonder why I like you so much."

Pinkie smiled at him. "Because I'm fun!" she told him, pulling into a tight hug, "also..."

Pinkie got onto her hind legs as she leaned towards Sombra's ear, a small whisper brushing against his ear.

Sombra grinned as he looked towards her knowingly. "And there's that, as well."

"I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time processing this..." Luna said, putting a hoof to her temple as if she were fighting a migraine, "You two are dating?!"

"How in Equestria does that go over your head, Twilight?" Celestia questioned, her eyes wide, "How much studying have you been doing?"

"Not much with those two around," Spike muttered, casting Pinkie and Sombra a glance.

"Can it, Lizard!" Sombra ordered, glaring at him.

"What on Earth is that supposed to mean?" Celestia questioned, narrowing her eyes at Sombra, "I order an answer."

Pinkie and Sombra exchanged glances with one another before facing Celestia again, their gazes wavering as they struggled to find an appropriate answer.

"I'm waiting," Celestia said crisply, her gaze hardening as it zoned in on the couple.

"Sister, I believe I can elaborate on that," Luna told her.

"Well, then? What is it?"

Luna spared Pinkie and Sombra an apologetic glance before she gestured for Celestia to come closer to her. Once Celestia obliged, Luna whispered something into her ear, the contents of which causing the sun ruler's eyes to widen.

"Twilight..." Celestia said slowly, her face still consumed by her shock, "would you care to explain?"

Twilight shuffled her hooves nervously. "I, uh..." she started, unsure how to continue.

"Oh, for the love of-- They're doing the do, alright?!" Rainbow exclaimed, "I hate that I know it, but it's true!"

"Rainbow!" Everyone exclaimed, save for the Princesses and Spike, the latter not knowing what they were talking about.

"I think that..." Celestia stopped as she took a deep breath to regain her composure, "we should take this up with the decider of Sombra's reformation."

"Huh?" Pinkie blurted out, "Why me?"

Celestia shook her head. "I mean the pony who will decide whether or not Sombra is completely reformed, Pinkie."

"Oh..." Pinkie drawled.

"Wait... So you're not going to judge me?" Sombra questioned, his eyes wide, "But I thought--"

"We have no jurisdiction to judge you for your behavior, Sombra," Luna interrupted, "we realized that when the three of us were discussing your reformation reports."

"Three?" Twilight repeated, "Who's the third one?"

"I am," said a familiar voice.

All the occupants of the room turned towards the source of the voice, all of whom gasped in surprise as they saw who would be overseeing Sombra's judgement.

"Holy mother of cupcakes..." Pinkie breathed, her eyes wide with shock.

Sombra couldn't even breathe as he began to recognize the severity of the situation he was in. He knew his judge wouldn't be anything less than strict towards him, especially due to the significance of his actions towards her.

Her crystalline purple eyes were narrowed in hostility as she gazed upon him, the need for discretion regarding her negative feelings towards him completely nonexistent. Her pink-purple variant wings were kept resolutely at her sides, practically shaking from being tensely held.

And lastly, her cutie mark, the link to the Empire he was once ruled, but was never meant to have. The crystal heart that adorned her flank connected her to the kingdom since her birth, he knew, meaning she held all the more reason to despise him for enslaving it.

"Come, Sombra," Princess Cadence said, her glare unwavering, "we have much to discuss."

Author's Notes:


What's gonna happen now? How will Sombra deal with Cadence judging his reformation? How will Cadence treat him? Will Pinkie be able to keep it together? And what's going on with Conscious?!

All will be answered in the next chapter!
OK, maybe not all of it, but most of it!

'Til next time, Harmony Charmer, over and out!

Chapter 20: Confrontations From Within

There are moments in life where you find yourself frozen in time, lost in a moment as breath and movement come to a standstill. Sombra was experiencing that feeling as he gazed upon the Princess of the Crystal Empire, one of his attempted destroyers in his plan to reclaim the Empire he once ruled.

Her amethyst eyes continued to glower at him, the love she was meant to represent gone from their icy depths. Yet, within the glaciers of her eyes laid a burning flame, one that he had no doubt been the creator of.

Sombra could only continue to stare as he felt his own heart stop.

"Well?" Cadence questioned, her tone crisp and sharp.

Sombra blinked as time resumed and everything went back into motion, his heartbeat included, thankfully. His gaze flickered over to Pinkie, who was faring no better from the shocking intensity of the situation.

"Cadence, what are you doing here?" Twilight questioned, finally getting over her shock, "I mean, it's great that you're here, but I thought that you would be in the Empire!"

"We sent her a letter regarding Sombra's return to Equestria a couple weeks back," Princess Celestia explained, trotting over to the shell-shocked princess and putting a hoof on her shoulder.

"But, Sombry has been here for months!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Cadence's glare flickered over to Pinkie briefly, her gaze somewhat softening, but still maintaining it's rigidness.

"Auntie didn't tell me because she wasn't sure how I would take the news," she said crisply, her gaze turning to Celestia briefly, "and I didn't take it well."

Sombra flinched as Cadence returned her glare back to him, her lids narrowing as her sights zoned in on him. His tensity didn't disappear, even when Pinkie put a reassuring hoof on his. But, not wanting to worry her, he placed his other one on hers affectionately.

Cadence blinked in surprise at Pinkie's act and Sombra's response, but immediately turned back to her former angered look as she reminded herself of her reason for being there.

"If it wouldn't be an inconvenience to you, I'd like to get started," Cadence told him, her gaze flickering over to the couples' interacting hooves.

"Cadence, please," Twilight said, walking over to her sister-in-law, "I know you're angry with him, but he's harmless now!"

"So you say," Cadence replied, her gaze turning to Twilight, "but if I recall, you didn't tell me about Sombra's return, either, Twilight."

Twilight flinched, her ears turning downwards in sadness. "I-I'm sorry, Cadence," she told her, her eyes going to the floor, "I know it's not a good excuse, but it just slipped my mind, is all."

Cadence narrowed her eyes at her. "An ex-tyrant who happened to have attacked my Empire turns up at your home and you don't even think to notify me about it?!" she shouted, leaning towards Twilight in hostility, "You kept me in the dark about a possible threat to Equestria, Twilight!"

Twilight quivered as tears came to her eyes. "I-I didn't m-mean to..." she said weakly.

"Enough!" Sombra exclaimed, jumping between the two alicorns as he faced Cadence, "Your quarrel is with me, not her!"

"Sombry!" Pinkie breathed, rushing to his side, "Please, calm down!"

Sombra turned sharply towards her, his eyes narrowed in hostility. But, as he gazed at Pinkie's worried expression, his eyes softened and he let out an aggravated sigh.

"Alright, fine," he grumbled, turning to Cadence with narrowed eyes, "Leave Sparkler out of this. She may be an annoying know-it-all, but I'll be damned if I let someone talk down to her."

"Sombra..." he heard Twilight say from behind him, "You don't have to..."

Sombra turned back to the tear-filled eyes of Twilight, his gaze ruling out any backtalk. "You're Pinkie's friend, Idiot," he said simply, "it's only customary I defend you when necessary."

Twilight blinked in surprise, but gave him a small smile as she nodded in response. "Thank you."

Sombra ignored her and returned his attention back to Cadence, who was giving him a wide-eyed stare. "What are you gawking at?"

Cadence blinked as she returned to reality and shook her head lightly before resuming her glare. "It doesn't matter," she said crisply, "let's just get our judgement over with so I can get back to the Empire."

Without another word, Cadence whipped around, her mane and tail flying behind her gracefully as she sauntered away, her head held high.

"Come on, Sombry," Pinkie said, pulling Sombra with her as she followed Cadence, "we gotta go."

"I'm afraid that this won't concern you, Pinkie," Twilight told her, "Sombra has to be judged by himself."

Pinkie and Sombra exchanged surprised looks, their gazes turning worried as they looked back at Twilight collectively.

"But... I'm his reformer!" Pinkie exclaimed, her eyes shining with sadness.

Sombra put a hoof on her shoulder. "It'll be alright, Pinks," he told her, leaning his muzzle against her head, "I'll be back in no time."


"No 'buts'," Sombra ordered, putting a hoof to her lips, "promise me you'll wait for me?"

Pinkie opened her mouth to argue, but instead sighed in surrender. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," she said glumly, lacking her usual enthusiasm.

Sombra smiled at her. "Attagirl," he told her, "I'll see you soon."

Pinkie returned his smile, but it was weak. "Back at ya."

Sombra wasn't prepared for Pinkie pulling him into a tight hug, her head snuggled into his chest affectionately. After a brief moment of shock, Sombra returned the embrace and leaned his head down to her ear.

"I'll be right back," he told her, releasing her.

Pinkie released him in return and nodded as a response, a weak smile playing across her troubled features. With a heavy heart, Sombra walked away from her, his gaze flickering back to her worriedly as he caught up with Cadence. Once he and Cadence reached the doors, he looked over his shoulder one more time, his heart lifting as he saw Pinkie smiling at him.

'You're doing this for her,' he reminded himself, 'don't mess this up.'

With that last bit of self-reassurance, he followed the Crystal Princess out of the throne room, casting Pinkie a small smile as the door closed behind him.

As the alicorn and unicorn left the room, Pinkie dropped her smile as her ears turned downwards in sadness, her gaze downcast.

"Good luck, Sombry," she said to herself, casting the door a long look, "you're going to need it..."

* * *

The walk to wherever it was Cadence was taking him seemed to take an eternity to Sombra, especially since the pressure of acting correctly in the princess' presence was starting to take it's toll on the ex-unicorn king.

'Conscience, you wouldn't happen to have any ideas up those insane sleeves of yours?' Sombra asked, his unease growing with each passing moment.

'Keep calm and carry on,' he heard Conscience tell him.

'What does that even mean?' Sombra questioned, trying to keep his face from scowling.

He heard Conscience sigh. 'You wouldn't understand, you're not omniscient.'

'What?' Sombra blurted out within his mind, flabbergasted.

'Nothing,' Conscious told him, 'it's just something Rose Quartz told me about.'

Before Sombra could question his counterpart on who that was, he found himself caught in a faceful of pink and purple feathers.

"Gah!" Sombra exclaimed, batting the feathers away to see Cadence sticking her wing out in front of him, "What was that for?"

Cadence didn't even blink at him. "You were in a daze," she said simply, "I've been trying to talk to you for the past couple of minutes."

Sombra felt a sense of embarrassment take over and he cast the floor an interested look as he fought a wave of heat that came over his face.

"Oh," he said, his gaze flickering back to the Crystal Princess.

Cadence arched a brow interestedly. "You're a lot more reclusive than I thought you'd be," she commented, "I figured you'd be more..."

"Vocal? Loud? Commanding?" Sombra suggested, somewhat surprised by his own comfortability.

Cadence blinked. "Yes," she replied, then arched a brow again, "you seem rather at ease."

Sombra scoffed lightly. "I'm the furthest thing from 'at ease', Cadence," he told her, shaking his head, "I'm surprised I'm talking without putting my hoof in my mouth."

Cadence cast him a somewhat peeved look at his use of her name, but she held in her urge to comment on it. With a flick of her mane, she ushered Sombra to a turn in the hallway, hoping that the physical change in course would follow in their verbal exchange.

"You say that as if you've done it before," she stated, questioning underlining her tone.

Sombra frowned slightly at her implication, but it was more at himself than Cadence. "You'd be surprised," he told her, "I can't tell you how many times Pinkie has harped on me for miscommunication on my part."

Cadence gave him a peering look. "Speaking of, it seems you and her are rather close."

Sombra felt a sense of dread take over him as Cadence stopped walking and turned to look at him completely. Her eyes held no malice, but they still bore an intensity that made him extremely uneasy.

"So, tell me, Sombra. What is Pinkie to you?" Cadence questioned, a brow arched upwards in questioning.

"W-What?" he stuttered, completely off-put by her question.

Cadence scoffed lightly. "Don't act so oblivious," she said, her eyes narrowing, "I saw the way you two were with each other back there. You'd have to be blind not to see something there."

Sombra frowned slightly. "You and Rarity both," he muttered, shaking his slightly in annoyance.

"This is serious, Sombra," she said curtly, taking a step towards him, "While I was awaiting our arrival to the study to discuss this, I suppose we could talk of your reformation and, what seems to be, your relationship now."

Sombra narrowed his eyes. "Why do you care so much about what happens with my love life? What does it matter to you what I do?"

Cadence's eyes seemed to widen in anger, a flame bursting from within her irises as her lips formed a tight thin line. A low, feral growl resonated from her throat as she stared him down.

'Oh, you shouldn't have said that...' Conscience told him.

"Why do I care?" Cadence repeated, her tone low and icy.

'Oh, you really shouldn't have said that...' Conscience said, his tone fearful.

"Why do I care?" Cadence said again, her voice rising in volume, "Because if I seem to recall, you tried to re-prison my empire!"

Sombra flinched as her wings spread out to full length, the sight of the feathery appendages awakening a flicker of fear within him.

'You shouldn't be afraid of that mare,' he heard a voice say within him.

Sombra blinked in shock. 'C-Conscience?' he thought, his unease reaching it's peak.

He heard a dark chuckle. 'No, you fool... But I do resemble that imbecile, in a way.'

"So forgive me if I'm less than kind to you, you brute!" Cadence exclaimed, stamping her hoof angrily, "I find it awful surprising that an Element of Harmony would be interested in the likes of you!"

Sombra felt a small flicker of anger awaken within him as Cadence's scathing insult reached him, his eyes narrowing to thin slits as they zoned in on the princess.

'Are you just going to let her talk down to you like that?' he heard the dark voice say.

Sombra found himself growling, while quiet at first, it slowly grew in volume as his anger did.

"I mean, honestly!" Cadence snarled, her train of insults showing no sign of stopping, "You enslaved my ponies, tried to retake my empire and you expect me to just up and forget about it like nothing?"

'Sombra, don't!' Conscience exclaimed within him as Sombra leaned forward in hostility, 'Remember why you're doing this!'

Sombra felt his anger subside as Pinkie came into his mind, a vision of her smiling and laughing appearing. With a small shake of his head, he tried to regain some of his sense.

'Stay out of this, you fool!' the dark voice growled, a wave of coldness rushing over Sombra.

Within seconds, Sombra felt Conscience disappear from his mind, the voice's presence seeming to have faded into thin air.

'Now that he's out of the way,' he heard the dark voice say, a small chuckle resonating within his mind, 'we can have some fun...'

"You are such a fool," Cadence said icily, shaking her head, "I was right all along about you."

Sombra froze as those words reached him, his narrowed eyes turning into the size of saucers.

"You haven't changed," Cadence growled, her eyes narrowed thinly, "You are still the tyrant that lived 1000 years ago. And I have no reason to believe otherwise."

Sombra felt horror take over his being, his breath hitching in his throat as he gave Cadence a wide-eyed stare.

"You are a manipulator and a user," she hissed, "that poor girl waiting for you is in love with you, you know."

Sombra could barely process Cadence's words as the shocking intensity of the situation began to sink in, his breaths becoming ragged and hitched.

"This is going to hurt her," Cadence told him, "she is going to be so hurt when she finds out that you've been using her."

Sombra, finally managing to get Cadence's words through his flurrying mess of a mind, felt something begin to grow within him. It was cold, yet oddly... familiar.

'Don't fight it,' he heard the voice order, 'allow it flow through you...'

Although Sombra was hesitant to do so, he found himself accepting the voice's orders, almost as though he had done it many times before. A flow of cold energy rushed through him, the iciness taking over his limbs as it slowly mind it's way from the bottom up.

'Don't fight the hate...' Sombra found himself thinking, 'it's there for a reason...'

Finally, Sombra felt the energy take over his mind, a familiar flush of feeling leaving him as the darkness took hold. His eyes remained closed in concentration as he let the energy build up and flow through his horn, something he hadn't been able to do in what felt like forever.

Then, when the spell was almost complete, he opened his eyes, a wave of excess magic sparking from his eyes. A glowing ember burned within their depths as purple flames flowed out, a sign that the spell was ready to be cast.

Sombra found himself smiling at Cadence's horrified expression, a sight he had been hoping to see for some time.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about Pinkie being hurt," Sombra heard himself say, even though it didn't feel like his own.

'What's happening?' Sombra questioned, fear taking over him.

'What needs to be done,' the dark voice replied simply.

Sombra could feel horror begin to take it's hold on him, the sudden realization of what was to come about the Crystal Princess finally making it's way into his mind. Despite his many cries within his mind to stop what was happening, the darkness within him bore no reason to take heed to his words.

'Please, no!' Sombra begged, unbelievably horrified.

'Silence!' the voice growled.

Sombra felt himself get pushed down into a inner recess of his mind, the repression being enough to silence his many cries. But, despite the place he was in, he was still able to see everything that "he" was doing.

"Sombra" grinned sickeningly as his horn sparked alive, the familiar dark bubbly energy electrifying the room's atmosphere. With a show of flourish, "Sombra" stood on his hind legs and held up his forelegs as if he were preparing to gallop into battle, which may have as well been the case.

"Because by the time I'm done with you, she won't be the only one," "Sombra" finished, slamming his forehooves into the ground as mountains of dark crystals burst forth.

* * *

Pinkie sat cross-legged in the throne room with a troubled expression, her top leg bouncing out nervously as she tried to keep her mind busy from her special somepony's judgement.

"Pinkie, you're worrying over nothing," Twilight told her, putting a reassuring hoof on her anxious friend's shoulder, "I'm sure things are going alright."

"I don't know," Rainbow murmured from the air above, her wings flapping in a steady beat to remain in the same place, "this is Sombra we're talking about."

"Rainbow!" Rarity exclaimed, her eyes narrowed, "Now is not the time for your off-hoof comments!"

"Ah kinda agree with Dash," Applejack concurred, her gaze shifting to from Rainbow to Rarity, "Ah mean, Cadence ain't gonna go easy on 'im."

Pinkie let out a small gasp. "Do you really think so?" she whispered, her eyes wide with fear, "Oh, no! What if she thinks he's still bad and sends him to the Everfree Forest?" She gasped again. "Or puts him a dark dungeon?" She gasped a third time. "Or maybe a dark dungeon in the Everfree Forest?!"

She put her hooves to her face as she jumped up onto her hind legs, small, quick breaths escaping her lips as she began to panic visibly.

"Oh, no, no, no, no!" she cried dramatically, "I don't know what I'd do if something like that happened to Sombry!"

"...Sombry?" Princess Luna whispered to Twilight, a brow arched in questioning.

"I know, right?" Twilight replied, a small grin taking over her features, "You should have seen how upset Sombra got when he heard it the first time."

Princess Celestia let out a small chuckle. "I imagine he was rather red in the face."

"Now is not the time to be laughing about such matters!" Rarity snapped, her eyes narrowed to thin slits. Almost immediately afterwards, she gasped and put a hoof to her mouth in horror. "I apologize, Princesses! I meant no disrespect!"

"It's alright, Rarity," Luna told her, holding up a hoof in reassurance.

Celestia arched an interested brow. "You seem to have a lot of faith in Sombra. Would you care to explain why?"

"Oh, pick me, pick me, pick me!" Pinkie exclaimed, holding up a foreleg like she was a schoolfilly waiting to answer a question.

Rarity sighed. "Let her tell it. She needs the distraction, anyhow."

"Yay!" Pinkie cheered, throwing her other foreleg up as she waved them about joyfully, "It all started one day in Ponyville when--"

A loud, ear piercing shriek interrupted Pinkie, causing all the inhabitants of the room to freeze as it resonated throughout the long hall.

Finally, Twilight broke through the shock. "That sounded like Cadence!" she cried, her eyes wide with horror.

"Oh, no..." Pinkie whispered fearfully.

Without another word, she broke away from the others and sprinted out of the room in seconds, a pink streak following her.

"Pinkie, wait!" Rarity exclaimed, running after her with the others in tow.

Pinkie's speed didn't let up as she burst out of the doors, her concern for her special somepony's well-being outweighing her sense.

'Sombry, please be OK,' Pinkie prayed silently, her hooves pounding into the floor as she rounded a corner.

Another screech rung in the air, which only motivated Pinkie and the others to run faster.

"Cadence!" Twilight cried, extending her wings as she awkwardly flapped them to accelerate her speed.

"Don't worry, I'll go see!" Rainbow Dash cried, leaping into the air once she saw Twilight's struggle. Without another word, she zoomed off, her speed just shy of a Sonic Rainboom.

"Dashie, wait!" Pinkie called after her, her gallops breaking into a full-on canter as she ran after the Pegasus.

"S-Slow down!" Spike panted from behind the group, holding up a claw to pantomime his order.

"Oh, for the love of the night!" Luna exclaimed, her wing extended to Spike. With a grunt of effort, she slid the wing under the baby dragon and flipped him onto her back mid-gallop, causing him to nearly bounce off.

"Gah!" Spike exclaimed, his claws digging into Luna's mane, "Thanks for the ride!"

"Don't mention it," Luna replied, her eyes not coming off the route she was taking.

Suddenly, a loud cry resonated from the area Rainbow had flown to, causing all the runners to look on in horror.

"Dash!" Applejack exclaimed, her eyes wide as she zoomed on.

"Oh, no, no, no!" Pinkie, terror taking over her being.

'Let Sombry be safe...' she begged silently, 'I need him to be alright!'

"Sombra, leave Cadence alone!" they heard Dash command, followed by a yelp of pain.

Pinkie felt her blood freeze as she heard those words, but her mind kept urging her to run, to see what was happening so that her worst fears would only be seen as just that.

But, as she slid into the hallway's corridor, she could only feel her entire being come crashing down with her reality.

Cadence was on the floor, her wings bent out of shape and her body battered and bruised beyond belief. Her eyes were screwed shut in fear as purple wisps flew out of the closed orbs, small, incoherent whispers making their way out of her tightly closed lips.

Standing above the quivering mare was none other than Sombra, a sick, twisted smirk playing across his once handsome features. His sharp canines bore a new glint of malice, the previous playfulness found within his devilish grin gone.

"Sh-Shining!" Cadence cried out, tears running down her cheeks, "P-Please, don't g-go!"

Pinkie could only look on as her heart seemed to have frozen in her chest, her breathing coming to an abrupt standstill.

Sombra chuckled darkly. "It's such a shame to see you break so easily," he said with a slight shake of his head, "but what am I to expect from the Princess of Love?"

Everyone but Pinkie audibly gasped at his implication, their gazes flickering over to the frozen pink mare, then back to the dark unicorn.

"Sombra, what on earth happened?" Rarity cried, her eyes shining with agonized pain, "I thought that everything was going alright for you and Pinkie!"

Another chuckle fell out of his lips. "You mean that incessant mare?" he questioned, a brow arched in an unamused manner as he looked at Pinkie's frozen form, "The only thing she's good for is warming sheets."

Pinkie felt tears spring to her eyes, all the words in the world having no way to convey how her heart shattered within her. A slight whimper, her mane let out a loud deflated sound as the curls on her head dissipated into straight, flat locks that resembled her crushed heart.

"You shouldn't be so upset, dear," Sombra told her, his pet name for her only adding onto her pain, "it's nothing personal. Oh, wait, I suppose it is."

"You-- You bastard!" Rainbow exclaimed, revealing her presence across the room, "I knew you couldn't be trusted!"

"No, this can't be happening!" Rarity cried, tears coming to her sapphire eyes, "They... They love each other! I know, I've seen it!"

"Love?" Sombra questioned, a dark laugh following, "You obviously hold no experience in the matter, then."

"Enough!" Celestia exclaimed, stepping up to the dark unicorn, "You may have deceived the Elements, your reformer included, but I will not allow your actions to go further than that!"

"Your reign of tyranny was put to an end long ago!" Luna concurred, her eyes narrowed as she bore her teeth aggressively, "And you shall not prevail!"

"Oh, dear Luna," Sombra said in a fake sympathetic tone, "I expected you to understand, what with your performance in the dark arts, as well."

Luna's features tightened substantially. "Shut your mouth, you heathen!"

Sombra's gaze flickered over to Celestia. "Oh, and before I forget..."

Almost immediately, his body reverted into it's shadowy form, his glowing green eyes holding malice unlike any other.

"You did such a lovely job with Luna."

Celestia's eyes seemed to flare to life, as did her horn. "Silence, you cur!" she snarled, a beam of golden light rushing towards the dark unicorn.

But, as it was about to reach him, he split into two and dodged it. He let out a small chuckle at her expense, his fangs glinting in the light maliciously.

"Pathetic," he said, shaking his head disappointedly, "it would seem my presence isn't welcome here. Then I shall be taking my leave."

Before anypony could make a jump for him, the dark villain disappeared into the shadows, his presence disappearing along with his form.

"Where did he go?" Fluttershy whimpered, her eyes quivering with fear.

"We have to stop him!" Twilight cried, "If only we had the blasted Elements!"

"Tw-Twilight..." Cadence rasped, finally managing to get some words out.

Twilight and the others gasped collectively, save for Pinkie, who was still immersed in tearful shock.

"What is it, Cadence?" Celestia asked softly, her eyes shining with pain as she looked at her niece.

"H-He's going to the Empire..." she told them, her eyes closing briefly as she tried to scrounge up what little strength she had left.

"What?" Rarity gasped, her gaze flickering to Twilight, "You don't think he's going to..."

Everyone felt horror take over them as they realized Sombra's intentions, the silence of the room raging between them all. Finally, a quiet whimper broke through the deafening silence.

"S-Sombry..." Pinkie whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks as she found the urge to move again.

"Oh, darling..." Rarity said, her ears turning downwards at the sight of her broken friend.

Without so much as a warning, Pinkie let out a loud cry of sorrow, a waterfall of tears cascading down her face as she collapsed to the floor.

"Pinkie!" the girls exclaimed, their eyes wide as they rushed over to her broken form.

"I-I love him!" she cried out, "I-I thought that he--"

Pinkie couldn't find it in her to finish as another sob overtook her, her form racking itself from the loud cries.

"You poor thing..." Celestia whispered, walking over to Pinkie's sobbing form, "you still care about him, don't you?"

PInkie barely managed to nod in response, another sob escaping her as she pulled into her form.

"He-- He said he loved me!" she sobbed, "And I-I believed it!"

Luna put a hoof on her shoulder, which caused Pinkie to jerk away from her as she turned from the girls who could only watch as she fell apart.

"Sombra's done something that even Discord couldn't manage to do..." Luna whispered, her eyes shining with pain.

Ceelstia nodded in agreement, but her gaze still held onto Pinkie, who couldn't find anything else to do but let go all of her hurt.

"He's destroyed an Element," Celestia finished, "He's destroyed the Element of Laughter."

Chapter 21: Revelations

Sombra could only remain in shock as he watched "himself" attack Cadence, who, despite her earlier insults towards him(which were questionably out of character for a princess of love), obviously didn't deserve any of the actions taking place.

'Please, leave her be!' Sombra begged, 'She's done nothing to deserve this!'

'In a way, you're right,' he heard the dark voice say, 'but that's what makes this all the more enjoyable...'

'I won't let you do this!' Sombra snarled, trying to gain some modicrum of strength, but found none.

'You're defenseless and weak,' the dark voice said snidely, 'you hold nothing over me!'

Sombra felt his heart only begin to ache as he watched Cadence suffer at "his" own wrath, the princess of love letting out cries for "him" to stop. But, despite how much he wanted to, he couldn't stop the real enactor of his actions, who held more power than he could ever hope to have.

"Get away from her!" he heard a familiar voice shout from above him.

Sombra was horrified to see Rainbow Dash flying above him, her face hard with anger as she looked down at him with the utmost disgust.

'Please, this isn't what it looks like!' Sombra cried within him, 'Stay away!'

"Stay away!" "Sombra" growled, his magic focusing in on the flying Pegasus.

'No!' Sombra exclaimed, the horror of the situation reaching.

Surprisingly, "Sombra"'s magic diverted and blasted into an area near Rainbow, but it missed her, nonetheless.

'Why are you protecting her? She holds no trust within you!' the dark voice snarled.

'Her wing is barely operational as is!' Sombra snapped back, 'It's barely recovered from Spike attacking all those weeks ago!'

Sombra felt himself cringe in remembrance of how Spike had gone rogue after an argument with Twilight and how Rainbow returned from the search with an injured wing. It had recovered nicely and quickly, but she still favored her uninjured wing better when flying.

'Is that so?' the dark voice purred, 'Perhaps I shall use that to my advantage!'

Sombra could only watch in horror as "he" aimed at Rainbow's questionably healed wing, where small plumes of newly grown feathers showed quite predominantly.

'Don't you dare!' Sombra shouted within his mind, attempting to force the blast away from her again.

But, alas, the beam shot out against his will and hit Rainbow's injured wing, just barely grazing it, though it caused her to falter in her flight.

Rainbow let out a scream as she crashed to the floor beside Cadence, her wing held at her side as she winced in evergrowing pain.

'Rainbow, I'm sorry!' Sombra cried within his mind, 'I couldn't stop him!'

The dark voice laughed. 'You are finally realizing your own worth, aren't you, Host?'

'Please, leave her alone!' Sombra begged, his need for rebellion fading as he watched Rainbow try to get up, 'Rainbow, stay down!'

'Please, I have no quarrel with her now. I can't say the same for the princess...'

Sombra felt his fear grow as "he" circled around Cadence's form, "his" horn sparking to life as she gave him a terrified.

"I can feel your fear..." "Sombra" said, a sick grin taking over his features, "both of your fears."

Sombra froze as he realized that it wasn't Rainbow he was referring to as the second conduit for fear, but rather, himself.

'I'm feeding you...' he realized, completely horrified, 'Why are you doing this?!'

"Sombra" let out a growl. "It was supposed to be so simple..." he snarled, "you were me, once, you fool."

"What?" Cadence whimpered, confusion taking over her.

"Sombra" snarled. "Stay down!"

With a spark from "his" horn, Cadence's eyes became glowing green orbs with fiery licks of purple leaking from their depths. Her hitched breaths soon became loud cries as she faced her worst fear, the princess of love finally being succumbed to the hate that the king before her held.

"Sombra, leave Cadence alone!" he heard Dash command, followed by a yelp of pain as she struggled to move her injured wing.

'No, please!' Sombra cried, 'I don't want you to get hurt!'

Then, much to Sombra's horror, he saw the rest of Rainbow's friends hurry into the room, Pinkie being the first one to arrive.

And she was completely horrified.

'No...' Sombra whispered, 'no, please, Pinkie, this isn't...'

"Sh-Shining!" Cadence cried out, tears running down her cheeks, "P-Please, don't g-go!"

Sombra felt his entire being begin to crack as he watched Pinkie stare at him with the utmost horrified shock, her eyes wide as it appeared her entire world shattered before her.

'Pinkie, this isn't me!' he cried, 'I swear to you, I would never do this on my own accord!'

'She can't hear you, you fool. And she never will...' the voice said darkly.

"Sombra" chuckled darkly. "It's such a shame to see you break so easily," he said with a slight shake of his head, "but what am I to expect from the Princess of Love?"

Everyone but Pinkie audibly gasped at his implication, their gazes flickering over to the frozen pink mare, then back to the dark unicorn.

"Sombra, what on earth happened?" Rarity cried, her eyes shining with agonized pain, "I thought that everything was going alright for you and Pinkie!"

Another chuckle fell out of his lips. "You mean that incessant mare?" he questioned, a brow arched in an unamused manner as he looked at Pinkie's frozen form, "The only thing she's good for is warming sheets."

'No! No, that's not true!' Sombra exclaimed, his heart beginning to crumble as he watched Pinkie's eyes fill with tears, 'I love you, you pink idiot!'

"You shouldn't be so upset, dear," "Sombra" told her, his pet name for her only adding onto Sombra's disdain, "it's nothing personal. Oh, wait, I suppose it is."

'You monster!' Sombra snarled, 'Leave her be!'

"You-- You bastard!" Rainbow exclaimed, revealing her presence across the room, "I knew you couldn't be trusted!"

'Rainbow, no, it's not like that!' Sombra tried to say, but realized his words held no bearing.

"No, this can't be happening!" Rarity cried, tears coming to her sapphire eyes, "They... They love each other! I know, I've seen it!"

'I do! I do love her!' Sombra cried, but he knew she couldn't hear him.

"Love?" "Sombra" questioned, a dark laugh following, "You obviously hold no experience in the matter, then."

'She knows more than you!' Sombra snarled.

"Enough!" Celestia exclaimed, stepping up to the dark unicorn, "You may have deceived the Elements, your reformer included, but I will not allow your actions to go further than that!"

'No, Celestia, I would never--'

"Your reign of tyranny was put to an end long ago!" Luna concurred, her eyes narrowed as she bore her teeth aggressively, "And you shall not prevail!"

"Oh, dear Luna," Sombra said in a fake sympathetic tone, "I expected you to understand, what with your performance in the dark arts, as well."

'No, no, no! Luna, don't listen to him!'

Luna's features tightened substantially. "Shut your mouth, you heathen!"

Sombra's gaze flickered over to Celestia. "Oh, and before I forget..."

Almost immediately, his body reverted into it's shadowy form, his glowing green eyes holding malice unlike any other.

"You did such a lovely job with Luna."

'No! Please, for the love of the gods, no!'

Celestia's eyes seemed to flare to life, as did her horn. "Silence, you cur!" she snarled, a beam of golden light rushing towards the dark unicorn.

But, as it was about to reach him, he split into two and dodged it. He let out a small chuckle at her expense, his fangs glinting in the light maliciously.

"Pathetic," he said, shaking his head disappointedly, "it would seem my presence isn't welcome here. Then I shall be taking my leave."

Sombra didn't even have it in him to scream his protests anymore, all of his need for rebellion disappearing as he spared Pinkie one last glance.

'Pinks, I am so sorry... I wish I could say more...'

And, with that, "Sombra" disappeared from the castle, the weight of his actions finally beginning to take it's toll on him

* * *

"How could this have happened?" Celestia questioned, more to herself than anypony else.

The Elements managed to get Pinkie into a bedchamber for her to sleep in as she recovered from the shock of the situation, though only time would tell if she was able to fully heal herself. Princess Luna had taken initiative in the search for Sombra, deeming herself in charge of the guard's actions until further notice.

"I honestly thought that things were going great for them..." Fluttershy whispered, her gaze going over to Pinkie's sleeping form.

"We all did, Sugarcube," Applejack told her from beside the bed, "poor Pinkie..."

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted him," Rainbow muttered angrily, looking over to her wing with renewed anger, "He's lucky my wing is still healing or I'd give him the what-for!"

Fluttershy sighed. "I don't get it!" she exclaimed, uncharacteristically loud, "I mean, everything was going so great! Why is he acting up now?"

"I think this is a little more than acting up, Fluttershy," Rarity said, her gaze going

Twilight frowned as she nodded sorrowfully. "He's going to take the Empire back. And without Cadence's love to shield the citizens, Celestia knows what will happen!"

"You seem to be forgetting about the Crystal Heart," Celestia told her, "the Crystal Ponies will be able to defend themselves with or without Cadence's assistance."

"Not if he manages to get in without their knowing," Rarity interjected, "Sombra's not going to make the same mistake twice; he's not stupid. Knowing him, he'll change his form and enter the city as if it were his own. Then, when nopony's expecting it--"

"--he'll attack and steal the Heart!" Twilight finished, her eyes widening in horror, "We have to stop him!"

"How are we supposed to do that?" Fluttershy questioned, "He could be anywhere in Equestria by now!"

"Why are we all talking about him as if he's the enemy?" Spike blurted out.

Everypony turned to look at him with bewildered expressions, their eyes wide and their jaws agape.

"Are you kidding?" Rainbow exclaimed, "Just look what he did to my wing!"

Spike frowned at her. "You mean the same thing I did only a couple weeks ago?"

Everyone went silent at that statement, unsure of what to say.

Celestia turned to Twilight. "What is he talking about?"

Twilight frowned as she sighed raggedly in remembrance. "Spike and I got into an argument one night a couple weeks ago and Spike stormed out. We had to send out a search party to look for him, but on the third night..."

"I found him," Dash told Celestia, "but, when I did, he... he attacked me."

"What?" Celestia questioned, her gaze going over to Spike, "Why in Equestria would you do such a thing?"

Spike held onto his tail abashedly. "I-I was really upset..." he told her, wringing his tail tightly, "I mean, I wasn't even thinking when I did it..."

"And you're bringing this up because you think the same thing happened to Sombra?" Rarity finished, walking over to the nervous baby dragon.

Spike nodded. "Yeah. And Sombra was the one to come look for me, 'member?"

"That's right!" Applejack exclaimed, "And he found ya, then managed t' bring ya back home!"

"Why didn't you notify me about this?" Celestia asked Twilight, "I could've helped you in your search."

Twilight shook her head lightly. "After he attacked Rainbow, I felt awful... And I realized, that with him gone, I wouldn't be able to handle anything..."

"Including Sombra's reformation," Spike finished, "that's why he went to look for me."

Twilight's eyes widened. "How do you know that?"

Spike blinked in surprise. "Sombra told me. I assumed you told him!"

Twilight shook her head. "I only wrote that down in a letter to send to Celestia!" she exclaimed, "But, that means..."

"He heard you writing to me," Celestia concluded, "But that doesn't make any sense. Why would he go to the trouble of finding Spike so he could stay in Ponyville?"

"Because of Pinkie," Rarity answered, her gaze going to the sleeping mare.

Everyone gaped at Rarity, their eyes immediately darting over to Pinkie in perfect unison.

"Sombra loves her," Twilight breathed, her eyes wide.

"Oh my, gods..." Rainbow whispered, "Looks like Rarity was right all along."

"Aha!" Rarity exclaimed, pointing a hoof at Rainbow, "You admit it!"

Everyone gave Rarity a deadpan look as she continued to point at Rainbow.

"Ahem," Rarity said, regaining her composure, "inappropriate."

"But, that doesn't explain his behavior," Twilight said, putting a hoof to her chin in thought, "I mean, why would he do all of this if he loved her?"

"Because it's not his fault."

Everyone turned simultaneously to see a weak-standing Cadence at the doorway, her knees knocking together as she struggled to stay upright.

"Cadence, you should be resting!" Twilight exclaimed, rushing over to sister-in-law for support, "You're still weak!"

"I'm not resting until I tell you what happened with Sombra," Cadence said sternly, her eyes holding a deep determination, "it needs to be said."


"Please, Twily," Cadence said in a softer tone, "I need to come clean."

"Come clean?" Rarity repeated, "Whatever for?"

Cadence took a deep, steadying breath. "I goaded Sombra into turning into... that monster."

Everyone gasped collectively, their eyes wide.

"Cadence, what on earth are you talking about?" Celestia questioned, "I thought that you could handle judging him!"

Cadence sighed. "I thought I could, too," she admitted, "but, when I saw him back in the throne room... I got so unbelievably angry."

"Cadence..." Twilight started to say, but Cadence held up a hoof to silence her.

"I-I had never felt so much hate in my heart..." she told them, her voice becoming shaky, "I mean, I could see he loved Pinkie, but that just made me angrier... That that-- that monster had the right to love somepony!"

Cadence took in another ragged breath. "I understand love is beautiful and that I should be open to whatever the form it comes in, but... but when I saw the way he was so happy and content with her, it reminded me of how he snatched those feelings away from the Crystal Ponies... my ponies..."

"And the worst part is, she loves him back! She still loves him!" Cadence threw a hoof out to point at Pinkie's sleeping form. "She still loves him, even after he tore her heart out! And it's just so-- so sickening that he can have that!"

She pulled her hoof back in to herself as she covered her shame-faced expression. "I-I didn't want him to be reformed... I didn't think he deserved to be able to live on with his life, especially after everything he's done."

"Cadence..." Twilight said softly, "I know it's hard you to bear, but you need to realize just how much he loves her."

Cadence let out a small whimper. "I know how much he loves her..." she replied shakily as tears began to fall down her face, "but that's why it makes it so difficult for me to judge him properly..."

Celesita put a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. "I know it can be difficult to see the good in somepony who's caused you so much grief..." she told her, "I was the same way with Discord when I first decided to try to reform him."

"And now he's harmless," Fluttershy concluded, then added quietly, "most of the time..."

"Ya know he only does that 'cause he likes ya, right?" Applejack questioned, a brow arched upwards.

Fluttershy blushed lightly. "N-No! It's because he-he--"

"Oh, come now, Fluttershy," Celestia said, a small smile playing across her features, "Discord talks about you all the time. And, don't tell him I told you this, he has a picture of you he carries around with him all the time."

Fluttershy's became as red as tomato as small squeaks escaped her lips, her body frozen in total shock.

"Ah think ya broke her, Princess," Applejack told her, shaking her head with a smile.

"But, getting back to the question at hoof, why were you so consumed in your hate?" Twilight asked, "I mean, you're the Princess of Love itself! Why would you of all ponies be prone to hate?"

Cadence shook her head. "I'm not sure. I mean, I was angry when I found out about his return in Auntie's letter, but I was even angrier when I was just in the same room with him. It's like... somepony was pushing me to that hate."

"Huh?" Twilight questioned, "How is that possible?"

"Perhaps it has something to do with Sombra's transformation..." Cadence mused aloud. Suddenly, her eyes widened in horror as she put a hoof to her lips in shock. "Oh, my gods!"

"What is it?" Celestia questioned, alarmed at Cadence's cry.

"Back in the hallway..." Cadence started slowly, her eyes wide with fear, "Sombra talked about how he could sense both of our fears..."

"Huh?" Rainbow exclaimed, "But I wasn't scared!"

"That's what I thought, too," Cadence replied, then continued on, "who else could he have been referring to?"

"Conscience," said a hollow voice.

Everyone froze for a brief moment, then slowly turned to see Pinkie sitting up in bed, her face stoic and expressionless.

"Pinkie!" Twilight exclaimed, "Oh my, gosh, are you alright?"

"No," Pinkie said flatly, her voice devoid of any emotion, "my heart was ripped to pieces by the love of my life. I'm the furthest thing from alright."

Cadence shook her head rapidly as she got over her shock. "Pinkie, who is Conscience?"

"He's a voice in Sombra's head I met when he and I switched bodies," Pinkie replied simply.

"What?" Celestia blurted out, her gaze going over to Twilight.

Twilight out a small, nervous laugh. "About that..."

"Wait, hold yer horses!" Applejack exclaimed, holding up her hooves in a "back it up" motion, "Are you saying Sombra's got some schnitzel-phrenia?"

"Schizophrenia," Twilight corrected, then turned her attention back to Pinkie, "What do you mean Sombra had another voice in his head?"

Pinkie didn't even blink. "We talked to each other for a couple minutes about how I thought he was Sombra's conscience and how I didn't know if Chimi-Cherry or Cherry-Changa was better than the other one. He just said, 'Why not both?' and we both started chanting about chimi-cherries and cherry-changas."

"Whoa..." Rainbow breathed, "she must be upset she isn't even going into how she came up with it..."

"Her heart was broken," Spike said flatly, giving Rainbow a deadpan look, "I don't think she cares too much right now."

"Wait... I am so confused..." Twilight said, "Why would a voice in Sombra's head be so compliant with you?"

Everyone took a moment to ponder this information, save for Pinkie, who only remained stoically frozen.

Cadence gasped. "Do you all remember how the Crystal Ponies weren't able to remember anything about the Empire before it's rule because of Sombra's spell?"

"Yeah, I do," Twilight replied, then arched an interested brow, "What does that have to do with anything?"

"I know this is going to sound crazy, but... Do you think it's possible Sombra lived in the Empire before he ruled?"

Everyone gasped collectively, including Pinkie, whose eyes widened in shock.

"And Conscience is actually..." Pinkie started, emotion starting to return to her.

"The real Sombra!" Twilight finished, her eyes wide with undeniable shock, "Sombra's real self is still there!"

Author's Notes:

If you guys are wondering when Spike attacked Rainbow Dash, here's the link to the story it's connected to:
Tough Scales

So, a lot of you are pretty upset over the last chapter. Well, get in line on the insult train, but believe me when I say, everything will be alright. Eventually.

Chapter 22: Coming To Terms With The Past Part 1

Sombra felt his entire being ache with undeniable pain as he laid within himself, the consequences of his actions weighing onto him like lead. His earlier grievances against the darkness within him finally died away as he regretfully remembered his actions towards Pinkie, his dearly beloved.

'I can't believe this...' Sombra thought, his heart aching, 'I can't ever make this up to her...'

'You say that as if you deserve to,' the dark voice said snidely.

Sombra didn't reply, but only pulled into himself further as he tried to push away the dark voice's influence.

'Aw, what's the matter?' the dark voice uttered, 'Can't handle that your little Pinks thinks you're a monster?'

Sombra felt a small flicker of anger, but pushed it down immediately. He wasn't going to let his anger get the best of him again.

'You're so pathetic,' the voice snapped, 'You used to be such a great stallion-- now all you are is a lovesick puppy who can't handle it when things don't go his way.'

'Leave him be, you monster!' Sombra heard Conscience shout angrily, 'I'm your enemy, not him!'

Sombra felt a sense of surprise take over. What did his counterpart have against this darkness?

'Oh, it's you,' the dark voice said, obviously unamused, 'Did you enjoy the show I put on for you and your friend?'

Conscience snarled at the voice, something Sombra never heard him do. 'You are a sick, parasitic leech! If I had any of my power--'

'Ah, but you don't,' the voice interrupted, a dark chuckle following afterwards, 'Your friend has finally joined your ranks, little colt. And now, with both of you out of the way, I can get back to what's rightfully mine...'

'You leave the Empire alone!' Conscience ordered, his tone holding an anger Sombra never knew he was capable of holding.

'Hold your tongue, little colt!' the dark voice snarled, 'You wouldn't want your anger to get the better of you again, now would we?'

Conscience went silent for a moment, small, incoherent noises of pure rage coming from the presence. 'You-- You bastard! That wasn't my fault and you know it!'

The dark voice laughed. 'You are still the little colt who I had the misfortune of meeting. Your words hold nothing over me, nor do your friend's. Now that both of your strength has been reduced to nothing, I can finally be free!'

Sombra felt an abrupt change within his mental imprisonment, almost as though he were being... torn.

'What's happening?' Sombra questioned, panic beginning to set in.

'You-- You can't do this!' Conscience screamed, 'I won't let you!'

'You hold no power!' the dark voice exclaimed victoriously, 'You can't stop what's happening!'

Sombra continued to feel his being be torn, excruciating pain flowing through him as he regained some sense of consciousness. He tried to scream, but found he could not, despite his undying need to do so.

Finally, the tearing sensation disappeared, but the pain did not, the throbbing within his being dulling ever-so-slowly.

'My head...' Sombra groaned, placing a hoof on his head to rub his temple.

Sombra froze mid-rub as he suddenly realized his action and opened his eyes to see his blurry hoof in front of him. Shocked by the fact he regained his physical form once again, he attempted to look around. But, to his dismay, waves of pain rushed through him at the abrupt action and he cringed as he hunkered to the ground to ease his pain.

He heard a dark laugh from in front of him, but his pain prevented him from looking. "You're too weak to do anything, you whelp," he heard the familiar darkness of the voice that haunted his head say.

Sombra let out roarous cry as he felt a sharp kick to his side, waves of aching pain reverberating through him.

'You can't let him get away with this!' he heard Conscience shout within him, 'He's got to be stopped!'

"By the expression on your face, I'm guessing that little colt in your head is urging you to stop me," the dark voice deduced aloud, a short chuckle following shortly after, "tell him this-- wait, he can probably hear me, so I'll tell him myself. Know this, little colt..."

Sombra froze as he felt a muzzle brush against his ear, a pinch of fear slowly growing into something more.

"Your Empire will fall," the voice whispered haughtily, an evil laugh following as he pulled away.

Finally, Sombra shakily opened his pained eyes and achingly looked up at his tormentor with blurred vision. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of the being before, him, his breath hitching in his throat.

It was him. Yet, also not.

Although he bore Sombra's appearance, he was adorned in the silver armor that Pinkie had destroyed all those months ago. His red eyes were encased in the glowing green that came with dark magic, purple flames licking his ears as he grinned at Sombra maliciously.

"Surprised?" he asked, though his tone held no request for an answer, "You shouldn't be. In fact, you and I were meant to be one again, dear Sombra."

Sombra could only stare, completely dumbfounded and shocked.

"I was you and you were me, once," "Sombra" told him, "you are but an accidental creation, you realize. After you regenerated your body, you made another version of yourself; neither me nor the other persona that you once were."

"What?" Sombra croaked, his eyes wide with undeniable shock.

"Sombra" chuckled. "He never told you, did he? How you came to be?"

Sombra wanted to argue with the demon before him, Tartarus, he wanted to kill him for all he had done. But, even if he managed to land a mark on him in his current state, it would do little to help his situation regarding Pinkie and the others. So, with a heavy heart and a bloody tongue, he shook his head rigidly.

"I should have figured as much. He probably fears your reaction, that little colt," "Sombra" told him with a slight shake of his head, "well, he'll have plenty of time to tell you now that you're stuck here together."

Sombra let out weak, but feral growl. "I won't l-let you... h-hurt more p-ponies..."

"Sombra" let out a laugh. "You're so resilient, despite the fact that it matters nothing. Nopony will want your 'help' now that they've seen you for what you really are."

Sombra opened his mouth to reply, but the demon walked off before he had the chance. Sombra wanted so badly to tell that monster before him that he was wrong about how the others perceived him, that he was completely able to offer his help without fear of rejection.

But, that need for arguing came and went when he remembered the look on Pinkie's face when the demon had told her those lies, his heart beginning to ache all over again as the memory replayed itself for him.

"Well, I should be on my way now," "Sombra" said, a fake sincere smile on his face, "It's always been a pleasure doing business with you two."

Then, without another word, "Sombra" dissipated into the shadows, the evil being disappearing from the two-in-one stallion's sight.

'We have to stop him!' Conscience exclaimed, 'We can't let him get away with this!'

"Don't you see?" Sombra muttered, his gaze going to the ground, "He already has."

'No, he hasn't! He won't! We just need to get to the Empire and warn everypony!'

"Who will listen?" Sombra snapped, then cringed as his ribs ached from his abrupt shout, "For all we know, Cadence has already sent word to the Empire and has already gotten the defenses readied. They don't need me to ruin anything else..."

'They won't be able to stop him if they don't know what he looks like!'

Sombra froze as he realized Conscience's concern and his eyes widened as he understood the evil being's plan.

"He's going to change his form," he whispered, completely horrified, "They won't be able to know who he is or what's he capable of."

'He's like a Changeling, that bastard! He can take on the form of anypony he wants and then destroy love within his wake while doing so!'

"By the gods..." Sombra uttered, "how are we supposed to stop him?"

Conscience sighed. 'I don't know. But I know that you're going to have to be the one to stop him!'

"Me?" Sombra questioned aloud, "Why me?"

'You're the only one with the power to end his reign of tyranny! Nopony else can stop him; not Celestia, not Luna, not even Cadence or Twilight! Hell, with the Elements of Harmony gone into the Tree, nopony is able to stop him!'

Sombra let out a frustrated growl. "Then how will I be able to stop him? I can't even light a blasted candle without my magic."

'That's because you aren't motivated to do so! Think back to all the times you used magic in the past while, including the mishap that was only a couple hours ago!'

Sombra frowned, but against his better judgement, took Conscience's advice.

"Let's see, there was the time where Sweetie Belle and myself had fallen down that trench back at Applejack's farm. But, that was only luck on my part. I didn't even mean to teleport us back to safety."

'No, you did! Think harder! What did you think before you teleported?'

"I wasn't thinking, I was panicking! I felt like such an idiot for abandoning Pinkie like that back there and just jumping into danger without a moment's thought! I wanted to be back up there with her so ba--"

Sombra froze as his eyes widened in realization. "I teleported because I wanted to see Pinkie again."

Conscience chuckled. 'Even after centuries and she's been gone, that mare is still saving my flank.'

Sombra frowned at his implication. "Alright, so you were right in that respect. But what about earlier when I--" Sombra shook his head lightly. "I mean, that demon, attacked Cadence and Rainbow Dash?"

'You only attacked because of Cadence's insults, which, in all honesty, weren't even her own doing.'

Sombra blinked. "What? But, all those things she said--"

'--weren't her own. While you and her were in the throne room together, the Shadow decided to use Cadence's hate for you to his advantage and made her act irrationally to increase your chances of turning to his side.'

"That-- That bastard!" Sombra exclaimed, his teeth gritted angrily, "How could he do such a thing?"

'That barely scratches the surface! That monster's been tampering with everyone's perceptions and views for the past while, Pinkie included!'

"What? What did that monster do to my mare?" Sombra snarled.

Conscience paused for a moment before saying, 'Did you just say Pinkie was your mare?'

"That's because she is!" Sombra snapped, "And if you know he's been doing this, why in Tartarus didn't you stop him?"

'I honestly had no idea until just a couple hours ago,' Conscience admitted shamefully, 'if I had known, I would have told you.'

Sombra sighed raggedly. "Alright, fine. You didn't know about him tampering with everyone." Sombra froze as he realized the full extent of Conscience's revelation. "Wait a second, just what did he tamper with, exactly?"

Conscience coughed nervously, which only caused Sombra to frown as he saw he was hiding something.

"Conscience..." Sombra drawled out, his eyes narrowed thinly, "What are you keeping from me?"

'...Promise not to get mad?'

Sombra let out a loud huff of annoyance. "Time is of the essence, you moron! Tell me what you know!"

'Uh, alright. I don't think you're gonna be happy when I tell you, so I'm gonna have to ask you Pinkie Swear not to yell at me.'

Sombra opened his mouth to argue, but instead sighed once more. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my freaking eye."

'You have to do the--'

"I'm not doing the motions, you twit!"

'Alright, alright! Yeesh, just trying to keep to tradition, is all.'

Sombra sucked in air through his teeth in aggravation. "My patience is beyond thin at this point..."

'Alright, so uh... Gee, how do I say this...? I mean, you're gonna be really mad, so maybe it's best I keep this to my--'

"Conscience, if you don't quit beating around the bush this instant, I will not hesitate to surrender myself to the Royal Pony Sisters and allow myself to get executed so that I never have to hear your incessant babbling again."

Conscience went silent for almost ten seconds before blurting out, 'Do you remember that morning when you and Pinkie woke up together, but couldn't remember anything that happened the night before?'

Sombra froze as his eyes widened to the size of saucers, shock taking over his entire being.

'Uh... Sombra? Ya alright?'

Sombra could only stare into nothingness as his right eye began to twitch uncontrollably.

'OK, this was not the reaction I was expecting... But I think it's better than you just screami--'


'...or not. Screaming is totally fine.'

Meanwhile, back in Ponyville, Mr. and Mrs.Cake were in the process of baking when they heard a loud, almost deafening roar resonate in the area around them.

"Cup, what's that noise?" Mr.Cake shouted over the noise.

"I don't know!" she replied, her eyes wide with shock.

Meanwhile, at the Canterlot Train Station(CTS), as the Mane Six and Spike boarded onto the train headed towards the Crystal Empire, they all looked up in collective surprise as they heard a loud scream reach them.

"What is that?" Spike exclaimed, his eyes wide with fear.

"It sounds like a wounded animal!" Fluttershy breathed, "The poor thing!"

Meanwhile, in Canterlot's castle, Princess Cadence was looking out the windows of her bedchambers with a blank expression as the roar reached her down turned ears.

After a moment of listening, she frowned. "Gross."

Finally, back at the desolate area Sombra was abandoned, his roar finally lowered in volume as he ran out of breath. Soon, it was reduced to small cries, which then turned to into tired, heaving pants.

'So, now that you got that out, how do you feel?'

"I'm going to kill him."

Conscience went silent for a moment. 'I'm sorry, what?'

"That bastard already messed with my love life quite enough; it brings me no solace to know that he's roaming around after tampering with my memories in such a way."

'So, you're gonna kill him for making you forget sexy times with Pinkie?'

"...Say that again. I dare you."

'Uh, no, I think I'm good. Besides, you're aggravated and I don't think it's best you do anything in this state.'

Sombra let out an aggravated growl. "I am so sick of you telling me what to do! Is it too much to ask that you piss off?"

'Wow, you're pretty stinkin' mad, huh? Well, that's extremely understandable, all things considering.'

Sombra snarled angrily. "And let's not forget how much you've been keeping from me all these blasted months! Why did you choose now to drop all this Tartarus-awful information?!"

Conscience sighed. 'It's complicated, alright? If I told you who I really was the moment I first revealed myself, would you have listened to me? No, you would've repressed me and that wouldn't have helped anypony.'

"And what about the Shadow? Why didn't you tell me about him?" Sombra countered.

Conscience sighed once more. 'Honestly, I thought that he was you in the first couple of months of knowing you. You talked the same, acted the same and treated ponies the same. I had no reason to believe you were another pony entirely.'

Sombra opened his mouth to argue, but instead closed it as he mulled over Conscience's information. He did have a point regarding the personality crisis he was going through, especially since there wasn't just two of him anymore.

"Alright, fine, you have a fair point," Sombra conceded, but then froze as he remembered the Shadow's words, "Conscience... Were the Shadow and I one and the same at one point in the past thousand years?"

Conscience went silent, almost as though he were wondering whether or not Sombra deserved to know about his creation and upbringing.

Finally, Conscience let out a ragged sigh. 'Telling you would take too long.'

Sombra let out a loud growl as he yelled out in frustration. "Damn it all! Why am I always in the dark about my own life?!"

Suddenly, Sombra felt a large wave of dizziness overcome him, his sight blurring as he shook his head nauseously. But, despite his fight to stay conscious, he found himself falling onto the ground completely as his body lost it's will to obey him.

'But, showing you won't,' Conscience finished, just as Sombra lost the world around him into darkness.

Author's Notes:

If you're wondering what happened on the night in question between Pinks and Sombra, here's the link to the story regarding it:
Beneath, You're Beautiful

So, this was supposed to be a bit of a cool-down chapter after everyone got on the hate train back in Chapter 20. I don't know what it is about these two, but I just love writing scenes between them. It flows so naturally, ya know?

Anywhoodles, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and will continue to read on!

Chapter 23: Coming To Terms With The Past Part 2

Sombra let out a tired groan as he put a hoof to his temple in aggravated pain, his eyes closed as he tried to regain some sense of coherent thought.

"Damn you, Conscience..." Sombra huffed irritably, "Must you be so enigmatic?"

"I prefer 'mysterious', but I like that one better!" Sombra heard the voice shout excitedly, though it didn't sound like a thought within his head.

With a heavy head and a throbbing ache in his bones, Sombra opened his clenched eyes to see that his lighter counterpart held a physical form, the difference being that his body wasn't transparent like before.

Sombra took the time to gaze across the barren surroundings, a darkish gray swirling around in endless tides. Sombra had to force himself to look away before he got sick just from looking at it.

Conscience gave Sombra a wry grin as he cocked his head to the side in a somewhat charming manner. "What's the matter, Sombry? Ya don't like it when ponies force you into repression?"

Sombra frowned at him and shakily brought himself to his hooves. "You are such a nuisance."

"Aw, don't be like that!" Conscience told him, "I only did this so you could see what it was that you needed to know!"

"Where am I, anyway?" Sombra snapped angrily, his gaze going to the dizzying gray area briefly, "This place is unfamiliar to me."

Conscience chuckled lightly. "Haven't you ever stopped to wonder where I go off to whenever I leave you be?"

"As long as you're gone, I don't care what you do."

"Wow, that's just rude. I wonder why Pinks likes you so much."

Sombra let out an aggravated snarl at the mention of his beloved and at the use of his nickname for her. "You brought me here to show me the truth, you idiot. And I don't have time for your dawdling, mainly because of the fact that that demon is still roaming free!"

Conscience lost his smile, a troubled look replacing his blitheness. "I know that, Sombra. That's why it's so important you watch what happens."

Without another word, Conscience's horn sparked alive, a red aura surrounding the segmented appendage. Sombra's eyes widened in surprise at the aura color, his eyes going to his own horn as he recalled his aura being black in color.

But, Sombra didn't have time to question the aura differences as the gray area turned morphed and flashed into several different scenes and sometimes, random, psychedelic colors. He cringed as the area grew brighter and shielded his eyes from the blinding light with a foreleg, his eyes clenched close as he protected his retinas.

"What are you doing?" Sombra exclaimed, attempting to look over his hoof before exclaiming in surprise at the bright light.

"I can't even begin to tell you about the things I went through that lead to your creation, Sombra," Conscience told him, "but, I think I can sum it all up like this..."

"You think?" Sombra repeated, "We have a time limit, Conscience!"

"I know that! What, would you rather I go into full biography mode and start off like, 'I was born on a Tuesday'? No, this will have to do and you are going to sit down, shut up and enjoy the bucking show."

Sombra let out an aggravated groan. "Well, would it kill you to turn off the light show? I can't see anything like this!"

"The lights have been off, Dumbra," Conscience told him flatly, "just take a look for yourself."

Feeling like he had little choice in the matter, Sombra put his foreleg down and allowed his spotty vision to dissipate as he tried to focus in on his surroundings. He blinked in surprise as he saw that the gray swirls had turned into a shoddy looking village, which still appeared to be under development.

"Where are we?" Sombra questioned, his eyes widening as he took in the surroundings.

"Mexicolt," Conscience answered stoically, "my home."

Sombra glanced over at his counterpart with wide eyes, then back at at the village surrounding them. Little colts and fillies ran about, giggling and screaming as they were wont to do while the adults just watched with half-interest while they conversed with one another on simple matters.

"This was your home?" Sombra repeated, "Just where did you live in this rundown place?"

Conscience shrugged. "Around. I was a bit of a roamer, here and there. I'd come to this town the most, mainly 'cause they were the most receptive crowd."

"Crowd? Wait a second... What are you saying?"

Conscience gave Sombra a devious grin. "What, you think this face can't go around without somepony noticing?"

Sombra gave him a frown. "So, you just roamed around and managed to survive off your looks? Do you have any idea what that leads me to believe?"

Conscience's eyes widened. "¡Ay, bruto! You did not just say that!"

"What did you do, then?" Sombra inquired, "You're not making any--"

"¡Miren!" cried a little filly, cutting through Sombra's interrogation, "¡Es Sombra!"

Sombra looked over at the gathering crowd to see the familiar face of his counterpart, the same mischievous grin on his features as he made his way down the town's interior. He returned greetings in his native tongue, to which the foals jumped around excitedly at his acknowledgement.

"Why are you so popular with them?" Sombra questioned, his gaze going back to Conscience.

Conscience smiled nostalgically. "Kids love performers, Sombra. It's a fact you have to realize, if you and Pinks are gonna have any foals, which surprises me you haven't already, what with all the stuff you two do."

"Sweet Tartarus, you have been watching us!" Sombra cried, his eyes widening in horror, "You're sick!"

Conscience laughed. "You wish, ya weirdo!"

Sombra let out an angry growl, then ceased as Conscience's earlier statement finally sunk in. "Wait a minute... You were a performer?"

Conscience shrugged. "I think of myself as a gypsy, to be honest."

"Wasn't that a bit... old-fashioned, even back then?" Sombra questioned, a brow arched interestedly.

"Eh, more or less. I mean, I learned from my mother, who learned from her parents and so on and so forth," Conscience told him.

"So... I'm the creation of a multi-generation gypsy stallion?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

Sombra frowned as his ears flattened against his head. "Great."

Conscience laughed. "Yeah, well, it could be worse. I mean, like you said earlier, I could just as easily have been a--"

"Don't finish that sentence," Sombra interrupted with closed eyes, a hoof on his face as he shook his head, "I will hate you far more than you could ever know."

"Sheesh, whatcha got against gypsies?" Conscience questioned, a brow arched teasingly, "Anyway, getting back to the story, I roamed town to town performing for ponies to get by."

With another flash of his horn, Conscience changed the scenery from the rugged town's interior to a construction area of an up and coming city. Sombra's eyes widened as he recognized the familiar statue of a mare holding a torch, the copper having yet to turn green from the sea's salty air.

"Are we in..." Sombra paused as he struggled to remember the name of the city, "Manehatten?"

Conscience nodded. "Yep! This is when it was in it's early development! Doesn't it look amazing?"

Sombra found his gaze going across the in-progress city, the bustle of passing ponies so foreign to him as he was used to the calm and peaceful nature of Ponyville. At the remembrance of the home he had come to love since his reformation process began, he frowned to himself.

"You say this is important to the story," Sombra said to Conscience, "How so?"

Conscience pointed a hoof into the city. "Take a look for yourself."

Sombra looked on once more, his eyes narrowing in scrutiny as he tried to find something that pertained to his foggy past. His eyes widened as he caught sight of his young unicorn self on a street corner, performing random acts to gain the gratuity of bits from passersby onlookers.

At first, he began to dance while he sang out lyrics to a song he didn't know the meaning, which then led to him dance around specific ponies, the mares especially. While at first surprised at the dancer's advancements, they would eventually give into the performance and giggle and laugh as he enticed them with sway of his body.

Sombra spared Conscience a sideways glance, a somewhat perturbed look on his features.

"What?" Conscience blurted out irritably, "Stallion's gotta make a living somehow!"

Sombra's ear flattened against his head in irritation. "Sometimes you just give me something and I just don't know what to do with it."

"Good, it'd be weird if you got something out of this other than knowledge," Conscience said, then looked at Sombra with wide eyes, "You're not getting something out of this other than that, right?"

Sombra frowned. "Just because the door swings both ways, it doesn't mean it does for everyone."

Conscience sighed in relief. "Good... Hey, wait!"

Sombra ignored his counterpart as his attention went back to the dancing stallion. "I don't understand; you just walked around and danced for ponies all over Equestria?"

"Yes," Conscience answered exasperatedly, "Why is that so hard for you to understand?"

Sombra let out a huff of annoyed air as he stood up and held up his rear somewhat predominantly. "Because of this, you twit!"

Conscience's eyes went to Sombra's flank for a moment, then back to Sombra's face. "What was that about not getting something out of it...?"

Sombra growled angrily. "No, you idiot! I'm talking about my blasted cutie mark!"

"Ooooh," Conscience drawled, his gaze going back to Sombra's flank briefly, "What about it?"

Sombra let out a couple sputters of incoherent anger, trying immensely not to yell at his counterpart. "Because, if you remember correctly, my cutie mark has nothing to do with dancing or performing whatsoever! It's involved with crystals, Conscience!"

Conscience gave Sombra a deadpan look. "Do you remember that trip to Carousel Boutique all those months ago?"

Sombra let out an aggravated yell. "What does that have to do with anything?!"

Conscience sighed. "If you remembered correctly, Dumbra, you'd remember I told you, flat-out, that your cutie mark didn't always look the way it did."

Sombra opened his mouth to argue, but stopped short as he realized the truth in Conscience's words. He sighed heavily as he sat back down and put a hoof to his face tiredly.

"This is so frustrating..." he muttered raggedly, his head shaking left to right in exasperation.

"Aaaaaaaand, if you haven't noticed already, you'll see that I don't have my cutie mark," Conscience told him, pointing a hoof down at the dancing stallion below, "at least, not yet."

"What?" Sombra blurted out, his gaze going back down to the city to look.

"Ha, didn't know ya wanted to look so badly!" Conscience exclaimed, "If ya wanna know what it looks like, here's a sneak peek!"

Sombra frowned as Conscience mimicked his earlier position and shook his head. "Still not swinging that way."

Conscience frowned. "I feel like I should be offended."

"You should be," Sombra told him flatly, then looked back at the mark on Conscience's hide with interest, "It looks like mine, only it's red. Care to explain?"

"Ah, ah, ah!" Conscience exclaimed, tapping Sombra on the nose with every word, "Spoilers!"

Sombra smacked his counterpart's hoof away. "Just get on with the blasted story..."

"As you wish, Your Highness!" Conscience called out, sparking his horn to life to change the scenery once more.

Sombra watched in awe as the stallion's positions seemed to flow perfectly together while the scenes changed from Manehatten's construction sites to the regal attired city of Canterlot, which seemed to gleam in the sun's light beautifully. It later shifted to a rugged looking western town, then to another city and then to a bay view area, the stallion seeming to age as the scenes changed.

"How long did you travel?" Sombra found himself asking Conscience, who was busy moving the spell forward.

"Years," Conscience told him, "I didn't have any parents to watch over me and I knew that if I stayed in one place too long, it wouldn't be good for business."

"What? Didn't you say that your mother taught you how to... perform?"

Conscience's spell faltered for a brief moment, his eyes flashing with pain. "She... She died when I was younger. There was an incident regarding a fan and..."

Conscience went silent as he continued to work through the spell, though it lacked its' usual flourish and flow.

Sombra felt a pang of sympathy for him, his anger towards his counterpart disappearing. "I'm sorry to hear that."

Conscience shrugged it off, though it was apparent recalling the incident was painful for him. "It's alright, you didn't know. Besides, I already knew everything I needed to and she was going to retire, anyway."

Sombra blinked in surprise, but decided not to question the stallion's nonchalant behavior. His gaze went back to the spectacle of magic, the transitions between the towns and cities growing more and more flowing as Conscience regained his composure.

Finally, Sombra found himself freezing in shock as it shifted to the Crystal Empire, the brilliance of the crystal palace catching him off-guard.

Conscience chuckled lightly. "I reacted the same way. Mama told me about this place when I was a colt, but I always thought it was just fairy tales. I mean, ponies with crystal coats? How crazy is that?"

Sombra found himself grinning as he nodded in agreement. "It is rather strange."

Conscience's horn flared up brighter as he shifted himself and Sombra's positions to where they were at the opening of the city, rather than just admirers from the distance.

"Why did you move us closer?" Sombra questioned, his brow arched with interest as he looked around at the crystalline surroundings.

"You'll see!" Conscience told him, practically vibrating from excitement.

As if on cue, Sombra caught sight of his past self galloping into the Empire, a wide grin on his face. Remembering Conscience's comment about thinking the Empire was a fairy tale, it was clear to him that he was obviously excited at the idea of entering such a magical looking place.

"This is amazing!" he heard him shout, a laugh following afterwards.

Sombra looked over at Conscience with an interested look, to which his counterpart frowned.

"I had never seen the Empire before, alright? It was kinda awesome to see it for real!"

Sombra grinned as he returned his attention to the galloping stallion, who was no doubt gaining the attention of passing ponies. But, if he cared, it didn't show through his laughing as he mindlessly ran about.

"Wait for it..." Conscience told him, holding up a hoof as he excitedly waited in anticipation.

"Wait for what?" Sombra questioned, "He's just prancing about!"

"Hey, I was not-- Oh, wait, I was... Never mind, then. Just look, will you?"

Sombra let out a small huff as he looked at the stallion run through the crystalline streets, his eyes peering through the crowd to see if there was anything to be anxious about.

Suddenly, he heard an all-too-familiar voice.

"Hiya, Crystal Arrow!" said the high-octave voice of Pinkie, or rather, her Crystal Pony counterpart, "How's your morning been?"

"Oh, sweet Tartarus," Sombra breathed, his eyes wide with shock.

"Oh, Golden Glitter, your mane looks so sparkleriffic today! I hope Castle Rook notices!" she called out over her shoulder, her dazzling smile flashing brightly.

Sombra could only watch in shock as he saw Pinkie bounce through the streets, so much like she did back in Ponyville. His heart clenched in his chest as he recalled how this Pinkie looked compared to the one he saw last, the contrast between the two causing his insides to wrench violently.

Tartarus, how awful he felt causing her such pain.

"Wait for it..." Conscience said once more, "It's about to get great."

Sombra said nothing as he watched Pinkie hop into the path of his blind-running counterpart, who was laughing like a schoolcolt who had just been let out of school. The preoccupied pair were not aware of the other's presence, completely immersed in their own joy and blitheness to notice the dangerous collision that was to come.

Just as Sombra presumed they would, they knocked into each other, the force of their collision causing them both to fall backwards onto their backs.

"¡Ay yi yi!" he heard himself cry, "¡Fíjese por donde va!"

Pinkie jerked upwards with a scowl on her face, a rare sight to be seen. "¿Qué fue eso?" she snapped angrily, her eyes narrowed to thin slits

Sombra felt his jaw drop. "Did she just--?"

"Yep!" Conscience exclaimed giddily, "And let me tell ya, it was love at first sight at that point!"

Sombra gave him an incredulous look. "Her yelling at you in your language made you fall in love with her?"

Conscience grinned at him. "I like mares with fight in 'em!"

Sombra's attention went back to the pair before him, his eyes going to the stunned stallion who was gaping at Pinkie in pure silence.

Pinkie gasped and put a hoof to her mouth in shock. "Sorry! I didn't mean to yell at you!"

Sombra watched his past self shake his head briefly before giving Pinkie a reassuring smile. "It's quite alright," he told her, his voice laced with a foreign accent, "I wasn't watching where I was going."

Pinkie blushed at his comment. "O-Oh, it's alright!" she told him, a nervous laugh following.

"What's your name?" he asked, a brow quirked in interest, "I'm interested to know the name of such a lovely face."

Sombra felt a flicker of jealousy as Pinkie blushed profusely. "R-Rose Quartz..."

"Rose Quartz?" Sombra repeated, his brow arching in thought, "Wait a second.."

'It's just something Rose Quartz told me about,' Conscience had told him earlier, back when they were walking with Cadence.

Could it be possible he meant this one?

"Rose," he heard his past self repeat, breaking him out of his thoughts, "beautiful name for a beautiful mare."

Sombra frowned. "Oh, please don't let this be a 'colt-meets-filly' story..."

Conscience frowned at him. "Well, it's a bit more complicated than that, but now that ya mention it, yeah, it is like that."

Sombra frowned as he watched the pair continue to talk to one another, each showing signs of obvious affection towards the other. "Things can't have been like this so easily..."

Conscience sighed. "In a way, you're right. But, I didn't really care about that at the time."

The scene shifted to Rose and his past self walking together down the streets at night, the streets lit up by lanterns, giving the night a warm glow. Sombra couldn't help but notice how Rose's flank was pressed against his own as they talked together, laughing over the most ridiculous of things.

"It was the first time I had ever been in love," Conscience said softly, his gaze going over the loving couple briefly, "I had seen and met many mares, but none were like her."

Rose gasped as she pointed at a small quartet of musicians, who were playing a slow, romantic song, a smile playing across her features as she bounced over. With a hoof held out for him to hold onto, she giggled happily as he accepted her offer and danced with her, spinning and twirling her around as if they were in a ballroom.

"She was so wonderful to me," Conscience continued, "but... I made a really big mistake."

The scene shifted to where it showed Rose and himself laying in bed together, embracing one another in their sleepy stupor. Sombra couldn't help but notice that he was wide awake, his eyes open as he looked on with a troubled expression.

"I..." Conscience tried to say, sounding uncharacteristically resigned, "I had forgotten the biggest rule of being a travelling performer..."

Sombra was in shock as the stallion climbed out of bed, his ears turned downwards as he looked over at Rose's sleeping form. Without a sound to disturb her, he left the room, his head hung low.

"You can't fall in love," Conscience finished, "it's not meant to be for the life of a gypsy."

"What?" Sombra blurted out, "Why didn't you just quit being a performer, then? If you loved her so damn much, you should have stayed!"

Conscience looked down in shame. "I wish I could back and change what I did. I really do. Because if I could, I would do everything in my power to keep her. I wouldn't lose her even if I could't help it."

Conscience looked up at him with tears in his eyes. "I loved her. Dammit, I still love her! I would give anything to get to hold her again, Sombra! Because just waking up next to her every morning was a gift from the gods themselves, dammit! And I threw it all away because I was a bucking idiot!"

Sombra went silent as Conscience screwed his eyes shut, tears rolling down his face. "I made such a big mistake leaving her... I wish I could back, but I can't..."

"Conscience..." Sombra said softly as put his hoof on his shoulder, "I know what you're going through."

Conscience sighed raggedly. "I know that. And that's why I'm doing this. Because I want to make sure you don't lose her the way I did."

The scene changed, but the transition was blurry, no doubt because of Conscience's mental breakdown. It was himself in a dark room, illuminated by the light of several candles surrounding him. He was in the middle of reading a book, his eyes narrowed in scrutiny as he peered over the words.

"After I left, I didn't have it in me to perform anymore. When I did, I would find myself thinking of her and the way she would dance with me during performances..."

Conscience took a ragged breath to keep his composure. "After I realized my mistake, I knew she wouldn't take me the way I was. She deserved a stallion who would support her; who could support her. So, I started studying magic and started practicing it..."

"But..." Sombra added, knowing it would be the next word.

Conscience sighed. "But, I found something... something I wish I had left well enough alone."

Sombra's gaze flickered back over to his past self, who was in the middle of putting up a book on the library shelf. But, as he put the book up, he accidentally knocked several off the shelf, a series of hushed curses following afterwards. Sombra just then noticed the dark circles under his eyes, no doubt from late nights of studying binges.

One of the books cracked open, revealing a series of incantations that caused Sombra's eyes to widen in horror.

"That's..." Sombra breathed, then swallowed hard as he continued, "that's a dark magic spell book..."

Conscience nodded, his eyes shining with painful regret as the scene disappeared. "I made a huge mistake in reading that book. And an even huger mistake when deciding to use the magic it held."

"Is that how I came to be?" Sombra questioned, "Am I just a creation of the darkness that ruined your life?"

Conscience shook his head. "No. You weren't created from the darkness I made."

Another scene appeared, showing an older, more refined looking Sombra walking into the Empire, a determined look upon his features. Sombra couldn't help but notice the red crystals that adorned his flank as he trotted towards the palace, though the reason behind his journey were unknown.

"Why were you going to the palace?" Sombra found himself asking, his gaze going to Conscience, who was watching the scene before him with pain.

"I... I went to see Rose again," he told him, "every year, around that time, she would go down to the palace for the annual Crystal Ball."

Sombra blinked in recognition of the name. "That's right! The Empire did it the night before the Crystal Fair every year."

Conscience nodded sadly. "I know. And that's why I was so determined to go that night. But, when I got there..."

Sombra looked back at the scene before him to see himself walking into the ballroom, his gaze wandering left and right as he searched for Rose.

"What happened?" Sombra questioned, his gaze going over the ballroom.

Conscience took a ragged breath. "Look for yourself."

Sombra looked around once more, stopping short as he caught sight of Rose Quartz dancing across the floor. She looked absolutely beautiful, as always. Her mane was made into an intricate headdress with beautiful blue crystals woven into it while her torso was covered with a blue, crystal dress with gold accents and jewelry adorned her ears neck.

But she wasn't alone.

Sombra felt his heart clench as he caught the sight of a stallion, who gracefully danced around with her in his grasp with a bright smile on his face.

He had never felt so broken right then and there, seeing her happy with another pony.

"No..." Sombra whispered, his heart aching, "Please, no, Pinkie..."

"Sombra, that isn't Pinkie," Conscience reminded him, "you have to remember that."

Sombra shook his head as he forced the pain away, his gaze shakily returning to the dancing pair. They didn't notice him, or maybe they did and ignored his presence, too caught up in their own happiness to care for his lack of it.

"I had never felt so much pain in my life," Conscience whispered, "I loved her, and she... she moved on with her life without me."

Sombra kept forcing away the pain in his heart, constantly reminding himself that it wasn't Pinkie who was out there, but a mare who resembled her in many ways.

"What did you do?" Sombra questioned, "You say this is the night where everything went wrong."

Conscience sighed raggedly and took a deep breath. "Just watch."

Sombra returned his gaze back to himself and the dancing pair, only to see Rose glance over at him. He felt his heart freeze as she froze, completely immersed in shock.

His heart broke in two when he saw the cold, hard glare she gave him before returning to her dance.

Sombra watched as he saw himself grimace in anger after a moment of shock, his eyes narrowing to thin slits. A dark shadow fell over his features as tears flowed down his face, a familiar air of darkness overtaking the stallion's face.

After that, the vision disappeared, leaving Sombra and Conscience in the gray swirls of his inner turmoil.

"What happened?" Sombra exclaimed, looking around, "Where is the vision?"

"There is none."

Sombra turned to Conscience with wide eyes. "What?"

"I don't have a vision of what I did..." Conscience told him, "I just remember getting so angry and, and I... I can't remember!"

Sombra shook his head. "There has to be more to the story! What did he do, Conscience? I know there's something you're not telling me!"

"He killed her!" Conscience exclaimed, "That bastard killed her!"

Sombra froze in horror. "Wait a second... Is that what he meant when he said he didn't want your anger to get the better of you again?"

Conscience nodded, his eyes downcast.

Sombra could only stare in shock as a horrific realization overcame him. "The Shadow... That's how he was created."

Conscience nodded shamefully. "It's because of me that he was created... I-I made a monster, Sombra! But, no matter what I did during his tyrannical rule, I couldn't stop what was happening. I was so weak and unable to use all the things I learned..."

Sombra shook his head. "There has to be something we can use to stop him."

"There is," Conscience told him, looking back up at him, "you."

Sombra shook his head once more. "No, no, no, I told you, I can't use my magic. Not after what happened earlier."

"Sombra, you're the one thing that he didn't count on happening. You were once a part of him, but ever since you arrived in Ponyville and you met Pinkie, you've been able to break away from him and now you're your own pony. But, believe me when I say that he isn't going to give you up without a fight."

"What do you expect me to do?" Sombra exclaimed, "I have no power! I can't do anything to stop him even if I wanted to!"

"Are you saying you don't want to stop him?" Conscience countered, his eyes narrowing, "You have a mare out there who is vulnerable and weak because of that bastard! You have to do something to stop him!"

Sombra felt a flicker of anger at the mention of Pinkie. "Don't talk about her like that!"

"She's all alone out there and you're here, sitting here and doing nothing to help her! Do you have any idea what I'd give to save Rose from that monster?"

Sombra froze at the mention of Pinkie's Crystal Pony counterpart, his eyes widening in horror as he realized the horrible fate that would befall her if he remained unmoved.

Sombra took a deep, heavy breath. "What do I have to do?"

"It's not going to be easy, what we're going to do," Conscience told him, "it'll take a lot of effort but it just might save our flanks."

"What's the plan?"

Conscience grinned cheekily, his normal spunk returning to him. "Sombra, I think it's time you brushed up on your magic..."

Author's Notes:

Ah, there's nothing like listening to Selena when writing about your OTP! Also, if anyone has found a picture of Sombra dressed like a gypsy, or, better yet, Esmeralda from Hunchback of Notre Dame, please leave a link below~!

And if you're wondering what Sombra meant by, "Just because the door swings both ways, it doesn't mean it does for everyone," here's a link to a story that will better clarify it's meaning:
Same Love?

Chapter 24: Return to The Empire

Pinkie laid her head down in her hooves as she closed her eyes, her exhaustion urging her to sleep the day away and forget the awful events that took place. It should've been easy, what with her overwhelming exhaustion, both physically and emotionally. But, she knew sleep would be impossible to receive, what with those terrible events involving her special somepony.

"You shouldn't be so upset, dear. It's nothing personal."

Pinkie bit back a cry as she remembered the awful words she had heard only hours before, her heart clenching in her aching chest as she took in quick, ragged breaths to keep herself calm.

'Please don't let that be my Sombry talking...' she begged silently, tears springing to her eyes once again, 'I don't want this pain to be here for a real reason...'

"Do you mind if I sit here?" she heard a voice ask, causing her to jump up in surprise.

With a cautious gaze, she turned to see Rarity, who was looking at her with the most sympathetic eyes as she gestured to the spot beside Pinkie. It was somewhat heartbreaking to see such a look in her direction, the full severity of her own sadness suddenly becoming realized.

"N-No, I don't mind..." Pinkie stammered, careful to keep the shaky sadness out of her voice, but to no avail.

Rarity furrowed her brows slightly as she looked at Pinkie's weakened state. "Darling, I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through," she told her as she sat down beside her, "this entire thing with Sombra has thrown us all for a loop."

Pinkie flinched at her comment as she struggled to keep her flurrying emotions in check. "P-Please..."

"I'm sorry if I'm overstepping my bounds, but I have to say it," Rarity said, her gaze soft and sympathetic, "I've seen the way that stallion looks at you, dear; he loves you. And with this whole business of figuring out who the real Sombra is, what with there being more than one of him, it would seem, it wouldn't surprise me if this turned out to be a mistake on another's part."

Pinkie froze at that, then rigidly turned to face Rarity. "Do you really think so?"

Rarity nodded. "I know so, darling. I knew from the get-go, since you two walked in the boutique together, that something was between you two. I honestly doubt anypony could keep the two of you apart for long."

"But, I don't know what to think," Pinkie told her, her gaze going to her hooves, "I love him, Rarity. I really do, but... but when he said what he said..."

Rarity sighed. "That must have been beyond upsetting for you, dear. But something tells me those words weren't his own, much like Cadence's words weren't her own, for whatever reason."

Pinkie shook her head. "Can we please not talk about this? It-It hurts just to think about, Rares..."

Rarity nodded in understanding. "I can tell, dear. Let's just hope this gets sorted out by the time we arrive at the Empire."

Pinkie nodded shakily. "O-OK..."

Without much else to do, Pinkie laid down in her seat and shut out the world to leave herself to her thoughts. While it was somewhat reassuring to know that Rarity hadn't given up on Sombra and his affections towards Pinkie, it was just as upsetting as she realized that there was still reassurance to be felt amongst her group of friends.

Twilight had been fascinated by the idea of there being more than one version of Sombra, and even began to draw up different theories as to how the different personalities came to be, though the process was all too confusing for Pinkie, who was still having a hard time coming to terms with everything that had taken place.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash had both agreed that Sombra's multi-personality disorder was probably the main source of her special somepony's conflict and more than likely the cause of his dark transformation that they all had seen in the hallway. Pinkie shivered in remembrance of how the dark side within him was revealed, and even more so when she recalled those awful words that still rang in her head.

Poor Fluttershy was extremely conflicted on the matter and remained silent on her thoughts, though it was quite obvious that she was pertaining Pinkie's situation to her own. The Pegasus herself was a reformer and had she not successfully done so with Discord, it would have been quite possible that Sombra wouldn't have been granted the second chance he was given. It was saddening to think that she blamed herself for Pinkie's dilemma, though none of them could have foretold the situation at hoof.

As for Spike, he hung tight to Rarity, though not merely for the sake of doing so for his crush, but because he actually held faith in Sombra's intentions. Pinkie had been somewhat surprised to see him jump into defending Sombra so quickly, especially since he was wont to lean in the decisions of his friends, Twilight and Rarity being the most influential of the six(though not in that order specifically).

Pinkie sighed as she shook her head tiredly. 'Why is this so confusing? Everything made so much more sense before...'

Pinkie shook her head vigorously. 'No. No, I won't think about it like that! I won't think about my life before Sombra! He's been there for me and he-- he cares about me! ....But, then why is this all falling apart?'

It was all so overly conflicting for her. On one hoof, she knew that Sombra had attacked Cadence and had severely injured her, along with Rainbow, who was still recovering from her encounter with Spike all those weeks ago.

On the other hoof, she knew that he had been willing to stay in Ponyville with her, even though it meant having to go after Spike, whom he had not been fond of until his rescue and return to her and the others with Spike accompanying him.

On the other other hoof, Sombra had told her before his dramatic escape that all she had been good for was... intimate exchanges and that could just as easily have been the reason for his actions in regards to staying in Ponyville.

On the fourth hoof, she knew that deep down in her broken heart, despite everything that's happened and everything that he's done in the past 24 hours and beyond... she still loved him. She still loved him with all her broken pieces, even though doing so was killing her inside and out.

'I can't think about this now...' Pinkie realized as she shook her head with a sigh, 'why can't things go back to how they were before? I didn't have to worry about this stuff before...'

Feeling even more exhausted than before, Pinkie laid her head down in her hooves as she let out a tired sigh. Her lids seemed to close on their own as sleep overtook her, her previous grievances on slumber dissipating almost immediately as she finally let go of consciousness.

* * *

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

Pinkie froze as she heard the familiar icy tone break through her sleep, her heart skipping several beats as she prayed that she was wrong about who the voice's owner was. It had been such a long time since she had seen or heard her. Or, at least that's how it felt.

"N-No..." Pinkie whispered, fear taking over her as she looked up at her tormentor, "Y-You're not here..."

Her fear was undeniable and strong, as was her escalating heartbeat.

"You'd think, but no," the familiar voice hissed, full of venom only that of a rattler could produce, "that mirror trick kept me at bay, but now that you're weak, I came back."

Pinkie gritted her teeth. "I won't let you back in again! You weren't my friend and you never will be!"

Pinkamena cackled as she tossed back her head and flipped her flat mane back behind her in the most maniacal manner, the sound of her sickening enjoyment in Pinkie's resistance sending shivers down Pinkie's spine. "I'm not here for your friendship, idiot. I came for something else entirely..."

Pinkie shook her head rapidly. "No, no, no! You're just in my imagination!"

Pinkamena's form flickered for a brief moment, her image mimicking that of a candle being blown out by a light wind before returning to it's original solid form.

The dark mare snarled angrily as she narrowed her eyes icily at Pinkie. "It would seem you still hold your rebellious nature, even after what that stallion did to you."

Pinkie froze in shock, her jaw agape as her eyes widened as she realized Pinkamena's implication. How did she know that? Had she been watching her, and if so, for how long?

Pinkamena grinned victoriously as she looked at Pinkie's shocked look. "Hit a soft spot? Don't be so surprised, you whelp."

Pinkie gritted her teeth, but more to keep her outbursts in rather than in anger. She wouldn't allow Pinkamena to get the better of her anymore.

"I can hardly believe how strong you are, what with how you've managed to carry on without him," Pinkamena continued, her tone dripping with sarcasm, "Are you sure your affections are genuine and not thought up?"

Pinkie finally remembered how to move again and shook her head once more. "N-No! I do need him!"

Pinkamena scoffed. "Really? You're on your way to fight the stallion who ripped your heart out, dear. Love means faith and loyalty, which you hold none of in your heart for that fool."

Pinkie glared hard at her as tears ran down her face for what felt like the millionth time. "What do you know about faith and loyalty?"

Pinkamena's eyes widened in fake shock. "Why, I've been nothing but faithful to you, dear!"

"Liar!" Pinkie snarled as she took a menacing step towards her, "You made fun of me, you made me cry and you made me feel useless! Friends don't do that!"

"Neither do special someponies, but that didn't stop Sombra, now did it?"

Pinkie gasped audibly as she put a hoof up to cover her shocked expression, fresh tears welling up in her eyes. She bit back a sob and shook her head softly as the tears cascaded down her face, undeniable pain in her heart.

"H-He... He didn't..." Pinkie tried to say, but her sadness prevented her from finishing.

"Face it, dear. Sombra didn't love you. He used you to gain a modicrum of power and now that your Element has been destroyed, by your own doing, actually, he's going to plunge all of Equestria into a state of darkness."

"N-No..." Pinkie whispered as she collapsed to the ground, "I-I never meant for..."

Pinkamena grinned smugly. "Looks like my work here is done, dear. I'll be seeing you soon enough, Pinkie. And I expect to see you ripe and ready for the taking when I do."

Pinkie looked up from her tears to give Pinkamena a confused look. "W-What are you t-talking about?"

Pinkamena waved a dismissive hoof. "Oh, nothing. Just thinking out loud to myself."

Pinkamena turned away from Pinkie as she walked away, then looked over her shoulder to see Pinkie still immersed in her own sadness.

"This wasn't personal, dear. I hope you realize that."

Pinkie felt more tears well up in her eyes and she didn't hold back the whimpers that escaped her when Pinkamena disappeared from her sight.

"I-I'm sorry, Sombry..." Pinkie whispered to no one, "I never meant for things to be like this..."

* * *

A dark chuckle resonated throughout the slumbering train car, though it was low in volume as not to disturb it's occupants. Unbeknownst to them, the darkness had followed them on their journey to the icy north, the birthplace of the evil being.

'She won't sleep well tonight,' The Shadow thought, his sick grin growing even wider, 'her faith is shaken and it'll only aid me in my plan.'

The Shadow chuckled in remembrance of his discovery of the mare's inner demon, Pinkamena, who had done a great deal of damage to Pinkie's self-esteem long before he had any power to use over the incessant Element. He was impressed, to say the least, mainly because she was able to beat the joy and happiness out of her counterpart with absolute ease.

The Shadow then frowned as he remembered how her plans had failed when Pinkie learned to strike back and grew a spine to aid in her banishment of the darkness within her. It wasn't long after that when the new being within him, neither dark nor light, completely pushed her fears away with his words and, much to The Shadow's disgust, his touch.

'It was such a burden to wipe those memories away,' The Shadow thought, a grimace playing across his features, 'It was quite amusing to see their reactions the morning after, however.'

It had been somewhat difficult to manipulate their memories, especially since his power had only just begun to return, due to Pinkie's insecurities fueling his dark power. But, after his incessant counterpart interfered and "comforted" her, that source of power was diminished almost immediately. Thankfully, he held enough power to prevent them from remembering their intimate encounter, so it gave him some edge in his fight against Sombra's affections.

However, even after The Shadow managed to get some seeds of doubt not only in his counterpart, Pinkie as well, they still managed to overcome their plights and they united together in their affection, just the thought of which causing him to cringe in disgust.

But, that hadn't been his only attempt.

It had taken awhile to do so, but he managed to plant dark seeds within a few of the Elements and their little dragon, too. It had been such an accomplishment, too, until Sombra and his pink companion ruined everything.

Spike had been the easiest to manipulate, what with his hidden anger and pent up aggression from years of neglect on Twilight and her friends' part. Twilight had been somewhat difficult, what with her intellect and thinking skills, but once he got into her emotions, she had been rather quick to anger. It was only more relishing once he realized her practice in the dark arts of magic, as well.

However, the others were even more so difficult to get to, save for Rainbow and Fluttershy, who already held many doubts within Sombra from the get-go, along with a few personal experiences to further push their doubts. Applejack was headstrong and stubborn as ever, while Rarity held so much faith in the couple that it was all too much for him to bear.

'It's strange, her faith in those two...' The Shadow mused, his gaze going over to the slumbering unicorn who resided next to Pinkie. She was rather persistent in regards to their being together and The Shadow couldn't even begin to fathom why. He'd have to find a name for ponies like that, he realized.

The Shadow grinned even wider than before when he heard the mare's whimpers break through his thoughts, though quiet and barely audible, probably to keep from disturbing the others.

'She is so undeniably pathetic,' he thought, his head shaking left to right with a smirk on his face, 'and even more so now that those two fools are out of the way.'

The Shadow smirked in remembrance of how his unintentional creation reacted to his reveal and he could only imagine the horrified look on his face as he came to realize his part in the story that was about to unfold.

'Like it matters what he does,' he thought, a light scoff escaping him, 'he holds no power and no way of stopping me. But, as for The Light...'

The Light within Sombra, or rather Conscience as Sombra called him, was the original creator of himself and his conflicted counterpart. Despite being repressed for the past thousand years, he somehow managed to regain a modicrum of strength and even contacted Sombra, thus leading to his influence over the dark stallion.

'He's conflicted in my plans of joining with Sombra... But he can't do anything to stop me now, now that his power is gone and in me.'

Sparing the residents of the train car one last look, his gaze lingering over Pinkie for a couple seconds, he dissipated into the shadows once more and slithered into the darkness, awaiting the next phase of his plan.

* * *

The arrival to the Crystal Empire Train Station(CETS) came too quickly for Pinkie, who had found little solace on the way to the crystal north. With her mane hanging flatly against her shoulders and face, she trudged her tired hooves through the train station with an uncharacteristic frown upon her face, her eyes downcast and glassy.

The bright residents of the Empire were off-put by the negative air around Pinkie's brightly colored persona and as she passed, they all broke from their conversations to spare her wary glances, hushed whispers behind hooves following shortly after.

But, Pinkie cared little for the whispers she caused, her empathy having been whittled into nothing the previous day, though it felt like such a long time ago.

"Pinkie, there are guards here to escort us to the Empire," Twilight said suddenly, her words cutting through Pinkie's silent brood.

Pinkie glumly looked up from the ground to see two Crystal Guards, both of them standing at strict attention, as they were taught to do. Confused by their presence with her and group of friends, Pinkie spared Twilight a somewhat questioning look.

"They're here to make sure that you're safe," Twilight explained, careful to keep her voice light and reassuring, "with everything that's been happening, we wanted to make sure you'd be safe from... you know."

Pinkie held back a sigh as she looked at the guards, the true meaning of their presence finally being presented to her. They were undoubtedly there to keep her safe from the upcoming threat that was Sombra-- or another part of him, she wasn't sure-- and that they were meant to keep the threat under wraps.

'That explains why nopony is panicking...' Pinkie mused, her gaze going over to the chatting Crystal Ponies.

Surprisingly, one of the guards bowed before Pinkie, which caused the other to do the same, though it would appear he didn't know why.

"We're here to protect and serve you, Miss Pie," the guard told her, his eyes opening up to look at her.

"H-Huh?" Pinkie stammered, off-put by his sudden action.

"You're the Element of Laughter, are you not?" the guard questioned, though it sounded like a statement.

"Y-Yes." Why was she being so timid and shy all of the sudden?

"Therefore, you are given the same benefits of protection that Princess Twilight and Princess Cadence are given." The guard smiled at her, the first sign of any emotion that he had made since his arrival. "That is not an issue, is it?"

Much to her own surprise, Pinkie felt her cheeks heat up with embarrassment. "N-No, it's f-fine. Th-Thank you..."

"Ahem," said the other guard gruffly, "we should be making our way to the palace, Silver Spear."

The guard nodded, his mirthful expression gone in an instant. "Absolutely. We wouldn't want to keep Miss Pie in public, what with everything that's going on."

Again, Silver Spear spared Pinkie a smile, the result being her face turning almost as red as a tomato. Why was she getting so worked up over a random guard?

'Maybe I'm just really embarrassed...' she thought to herself, 'he's one of the only stallions to pay me any mind other than...'

She shook her head as she followed the guards out of the station, hoping to rid herself of the memories from yesterday. It was getting undoubtedly harder to do so, especially since she was in the place that was going to be under an attack anytime in the next couple of hours.

If you had asked her how long the trip to the palace from train station was, Pinkie wouldn't have been able to tell you. Her mind was elsewhere, as were her positive emotions, so the entire prospect of caring for landmarks and travel was the least of her ever growing worries.

'They're all thinking about how I failed at my job...' Pinkie thought sadly as she looked over at a passing Crystal Pony couple that gave her a quick once over, 'they all know that I messed up with Sombra...'

She shouldn't have been thinking about things in such a manner, she knew, but it was something she couldn't help. With every passing look from the residents of the Empire, she could feel herself sinking lower and lower into the metaphorical pit that was her sadness and guilt.

"Is something bothering you, Miss Pie?" asked Silver Spear, who seemed to have appeared at her side out of nowhere.

Pinkie jumped slightly, but recovered quickly enough to shake her head. "N-No... I'm just thinking is all..."

Silver gave her a soft look. "You realize that what happened back at Canterlot wasn't your fault, don't you?"

Pinkie froze. "W-What?"

"I was told of the incident by Princess Twilight," he explained, his eyes still looking at her sympathetically, "I can't imagine what you're going through."

Pinkie felt her jaw tighten in anger. "Everypony keeps saying that..."

"As they should. Nopony could possibly understand something so painful, if I may be bold enough to say so."

Pinkie looked at him with the most bewildered expression she could muster in her saddened state. Here she was, talking to a guard she had only just met about her diminishing love life, the reminisce of which being a huge damper on her small burst of somewhat positive emotion.

"It's not something I want to talk about..." Pinkie told him, her gaze going back to the ground dejectedly, "I just want to this to be all over with..."

"Oh, it will be..." Silver Spear said, more to himself than Pinkie.

"What?" Pinkie questioned, her eyes going back to Silver.

Silver waved a hoof dismissively. "Oh, nothing. Just thinking out loud to myself. Let's just hurry to the palace, shall we?"

Feeling even more conflicted than before, the reason unbeknownst to her, Pinkie nodded in response and continued on her way to the Crystal Palace. Little did she know, just what would transpire after her arrival.

Chapter 25: An Unexpected Turn of Events

Pinkie had never felt such an amount of conflicting emotions as she entered the crystalline palace, her eyes wide as she took in the sight of the brightly colored lights that reflected off of it's surface. Despite being extremely captivated by the beauty it held, she knew that the reason for her being there was the exact opposite of it's appearance.

She was here to be protected.

'I don't want to be protected...' Pinkie thought to herself, her gaze going to Silver Spear, who was still walking beside her, 'I just want...'

Pinkie didn't even know how to finish that thought, she realized. There were so many things she wanted, though none of them corresponded with any of the others in a way that would make all of them happen.

On one hoof, she wanted Sombra to come back, completely devoid of the darkness within him. She wanted him to be hers again. She wanted him back.

But, on the other hoof, she wanted him to stay away from her. She wanted him to be gone from her and her friends' lives. She wanted everything to be easy again.

It was painful to think about how her love life had gone so wrong.

Granted, this was hardly the first time she had gotten her heart broken. Back before she had met Sombra, she had been with Baritone, an Earth Pony who had been fortunate enough to steal her heart away. But, despite the bonds they shared, somewhat similar to her and Sombra's, he had to leave for Canterlot to pursue a dream of his and vowed to return with the intention of marriage. And return he did.

With a new mare, that is.

It was beyond heartbreaking to see him fawn over somepony else the way he had with her, and it was all the more hurtful as she recalled everything they had done together. Their relationship was intimate, and he had been her first, though it seemed that that didn't matter to him.

But, in her darkest moments, Sombra had been the one to pull her out of it, though not like he did that one fateful night that she had a hard time recollecting. And, it was because of that, it led to their first kiss, though not as a couple.

Pinkie frowned as she pushed the memories away. She wasn't going to be nostalgic about her time with Sombra. Not when everything concerning him only brought pain and confusion in it's wake.

"Miss Pie?"

Pinkie nearly jumped out of her coat as Silver Spear's voice broke through her thoughts and let out a loud squeal as her eyes darted left to right rapidly.

Silver chuckled behind a hoof. "Sorry for frightening you, but I was going to ask if you would like me to escort you to your room."

Once she got over her fierce blush(why did she keep doing that?), Pinkie shook her head. "N-No, I'm fine, thanks."

Silver gave her a somewhat surprised look. "Are you sure? Because I can make sure that--"

"She said 'no', Silver," the other guard told him, obviously unappreciative of him being persistant against Pinkie's wishes.

Silver gave his partner a frown. "I was only being courteous, Swift Slash. Besides, there's nothing wrong with making sure a lovely mare such as herself is protected."

Pinkie's entire face turned red all over again. "H-Huh?!"

"Easy there, Silver," Swift told him, "the poor thing has gone through enough without you adding onto it."

Pinkie felt her embarrassment immediately turn into an indescribable darkness as she recollected her misery and looked away from the guards so they couldn't see her hurt expression.

"That is all, sirs," Twilight said abruptly as she stepped in between Pinkie and Silver, "you are dismissed."

Silver Spear gave Twilight an apologetic look as he caught onto her reason for interrupting. "I apologize for my boldness, Your Highness. I was simply looking over Miss Pie's well-being."

"Well, as Swift Slash has stated before, Pinkie has been through quite a lot," Twilight replied, "and I think I can take it from here. That is, unless you find me incapable of protecting my friends?"

"No, Your Highness!" Swift exclaimed, his eyes wide, "We'll be on our way right away!"

Before Silver could protest, Swift grabbed him and drug him away from Pinkie, the result being Silver tugging against him.

"If you need any assistance, I'll be here for yo-- AAH!" Silver was cut off by Swift jerking him around a corner of the hall.

"My, my, it seems that he's taken quite a liking to you, Pinkie," Rarity commented, her brows raised in curiosity, "what do you think of that, dear?"

Pinkie frowned as she caught onto Rarity's implication and shook her head. "I'm not interested, Rares. In fact, I think I'm done with stallions altogether..."

"Oh, dear, I didn't mean it like that!" Rarity exclaimed hurriedly, "I apologize if my implications were misinterpreted!"

"Oh, Rares, leave 'er be," Applejack said tiredly, "like that guard said, Pinkie's been through a lot."

Pinkie frowned as her friends continued to discuss her well-being without her consultation and let out a tired sigh.

Finally, Pinkie stepped in. "Can I be alone, please? I just want to go to my room and... and forget all of this ever happened."

'But I won't...' she added silently to herself.

"Are you sure you'll be fine alone?" Twilight questioned, her gaze holding concern, "I mean, we can stay with you if you're not sure."

Pinkie held back her urge to sigh as she looked at Twilight's sympathetic expression. It was getting extremely tiring to see it time and time again, especially in such a short amount of time.

"Yes, Twilight. I just... I just need to be alone for a little while."

And she did. But, she was also tempted to take up Twilight's offer...

"Darling, I realize that you're upset about this, but going off alone isn't going to make you feel better whatsoever," Rarity told her, "don't you think it'd be best if you got some rest?"

Pinkie's features hardened. "I've 'rested' enough. I don't want to lay around and do nothing anymore... I don't like being in one place for too long."

"Yeah, I'm kinda having a hard time getting used to it, too," Rainbow Dash commented, "I mean, come on! You've been super quiet and mopey!"

"What makes you think she shouldn't be?" Rarity countered, her gaze going over to Rainbow, "The poor dear has gone through so much!"

Pinkie let out an aggravated groan. "Will everypony quit talking about how I feel like I don't?! I know I'm sad and I want to deal with it on my own!"

Without another word, Pinkie stalked off, the shouts of her friends following behind her as she did.

'I just want this to be over...' Pinkie thought as she rounded a corner, 'I just want... I just want my life back.'

* * *

Swift sighed once more as Silver Spear kept struggling against him while he drug him through the halls. "That was extremely unprofessional, what you did back there."

Silver spared him an annoyed look. "I was being courteous!"

"It would seem that you were doing more than that, especially with how you've been clinging to that poor mare's side. Don't you remember what Captain Shining Armor said?"

When Silver didn't reply, Swift sighed again. "Geez, it's like you weren't even there for the briefing... Anyway, the Captain said that he received a letter from Princess Cadence telling him of a threat that was coming to the Empire-- that, you remember, correct?"

Silver tightened his jaw. "Yes, of course, Swift Slash."

"Well, it turns out that threat is something that that mare was in charge of and that despite her efforts, the threat was still released," Swift told him.

"And do you know who that threat is?" Silver questioned, a brow quirked upwards in inquiry.

"Yes, actually. But, we're not supposed to speak of the threat, mainly to keep the citizens from panicking."


Swift froze as he heard the uncharacteristic icy tone that Silver bore and he slowly turned around to look at the guard he was still dragging.

"Silver...?" Swift questioned uneasily, his grip on the stallion loosening up, "Are you feeling alright?"

"Oh, I'm fine," Silver told him as he slipped out of Swift's grasp.

Swift's eyes widened as Silver held up his spear with an unknown malice, the malevolence he bore coming off of him in waves. His face was looking down at the floor, so he wasn't able to see his expression, which made the experience all the more terrifying.

"S-Silver, what are you doing? You're acting really strange!" Swift exclaimed, undeniable fear taking over his being.

"I'll tell you what I'm doing..." Silver said slowly, his head slowly coming up from the floor.

Swift could feel his heart stop as Silver's eyes were revealed to be red with glowing green corneas while flaming purples wisps leaked from their depths. His fear was suddenly realized as he found out too late that Silver wasn't who he was and whom he had been associating with the entire time.

"I'm keeping the threat a secret," Silver finished, a sick grin playing across his features still.

Swift didn't even have time to defend himself when Silver-- or rather, a host of the darkness it would seem-- encased him a mound of darkness, which wrapped around his muzzle to prevent him from screaming. He had no control over the situation and it wasn't long before he was gone from the hallway's interior, leaving the dark being to himself in the hall.

'This was all too easy...' The Shadow thought as he blinked his leaking eyes back into their normal color.

'Please, let me go!' he heard Silver Spear exclaim in his head, 'I don't want this!'

The Shadow resisted the urge to chuckle out loud. 'That makes it all the more enjoyable, little pony. Did you miss serving your King?'

'N-No!' Silver cried, 'Please, leave me alone!'

'Ah, if only your new leaders could hear you now... You care only for your own interests and not the Empire's as a whole. Typical of your kind.'

'I-I just want to live! I don't want to die!'

'You seem to be forgetting something important...' The Shadow thought as he pushed Silver into the inner recesses of his mind.

An image of Pinkie Pie appeared in his mind, the thought of broken mare adding more mirth onto his darkly lit expression.

'...Everyone dies.'

* * *

Pinkie sighed as she moped through the long halls, no direction coming to mind as she continued to tread down the identical corridors.

'Maybe I shouldn't have gotten so mad at them,' Pinkie admitted to herself, 'they were just trying to help, after all.'

She had never been so uncharacteristically negative about something. Sure, there were moments where she had slipped into depression and sometimes extreme bouts of anger, but those were little compared to the cluster of emotions that she was feeling then.

Pinkie soon found herself in a hallway that bore large floor-to-ceiling windows that let in large amounts of light into the reflective interior, rainbow lights bouncing off every surface known. However, the bright spectacle didn't compare to the beauty that laid beyond the glass barriers.

What with her being so high up in the palace, Pinkie could see the entire Empire from where she was standing, and it would be a lie if she said she wasn't taken by it's glamorous views. There were dozens of sparkling ponds and the greenery was as lush as could be, and the dazzling citizens were happily taking advantage of the beauty the Empire held.

However, despite the awe Pinkie felt, she also felt something else as she looked down at the ponies below. Was it... familiarity?

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

For what felt like the hundredth time that day, Pinkie just about jumped out of her skin and let out a loud "Eep!" of shock as she looked around for the cause of her surprised reaction.

Pinkie felt her cheeks become red as she caught sight of Silver Spear, who was giving her a kind smile. Sweet Celestia, why was he so insistent on being around her?

"Y-Yeah, it is," Pinkie answered shakily as she averted her gaze from him.

Silver chuckled as he made his way over to her side. "Though, it's only the second best view here."

Pinkie found herself looking at him with a surprised expression, then looked back at the view before her. "It is?"

"Mm-hmm," Silver replied, "can you guess number one?"

Pinkie shook her head. "I don't know a lot about this place... I've only been here twice."

"Really?" Silver inquired, "Well, I guess that makes number one even more special, then."

Pinkie looked back at the window with peering eyes. "What's number one?"

Pinkie wasn't prepared for Silver putting his muzzle in her ear, the sheer intimacy between the two of them causing her to freeze while a fierce heat overcame her cheeks.

"You," Silver whispered, his hoof tilting her head to face him.

Before she could react, Silver leaned towards her, his lips puckered in preparation for a kiss. It wasn't long before his lips made contact with hers.

But it also wasn't long before Pinkie pushed him away.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Pinkie exclaimed as she waved her hooves in front of her, "Where the heck did that come from?!"

Silver gave her an alluring look. "Look, Pinkie, I know this sounds crazy, but I think there's something here between us."

"WHAT?!" Pinkie cried, her eyes wide with undeniable shock.

"Admit it, there's something here. I keep seeing you hide those blushes whenever I show up or give you a compliment, so obviously something is going here."

"W-What?!" Pinkie stammered, "N-No, it's not like that!"

Silver quirked a brow upwards in a amused manner. "Really? Because as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing here to stop us..."

He leaned towards her with soft eyes, the meaning behind them so sweet and delicate, it was almost too much for Pinkie to bear. They held such allure unlike anything she'd ever seen... They were so beautiful... So red...

Pinkie blinked in shock as she looked into Silver's eyes once more and saw that his irises were indeed red, when they hadn't been beforehoof.

'They look like...' Pinkie struggled to make coherent thought as she fought against his eyes mysterious power, 'they look like...'

Finally, as Pinkie realized what his eyes reminded her of, she found herself remembering everything that that pony had done with her. He had been there for her when nopony else could be. He had held her during her worst.

And she loved him. Sweet Celestia, she loved him!

"No!" Pinkie exclaimed suddenly, causing Silver to jump in surprise, "I'm sorry Silver, but I can't do this! At least... now with you."

"What?" Silver blurted out, completely flabbergasted.

Pinkie sighed. "Look, I'm sure you're really nice and all, but... I already have somepony to be with."

Silver's eyes widened as his jaw tightened. "You can't be serious."

Pinkie nodded. "I am. I mean, even though everything's so... confusing and hurtful for me right now, I know that there's more to this than I know..." She took a deep breath. "I love him, Silver. And I'm pretty sure he loves me, too."

Silver was silent for a moment before he sighed. "I suppose this was for the better."

Pinkie gave him a small smile. "I'm glad you're not upset about it."

"I mean, it'd be better not share power in terms of ruling," Silver continued.

Pinkie blinked in confusion. "Huh?"

Silver grinned, though not at her. It seemed to be a personal smile, as if he were sharing a secret with himself. "Well, I suppose this will make things easier for me in the long run. It'd be a bit ridiculous to keep you around only for me to rid myself of your presence later, correct?"

While he was talking, Silver stood up from his spot next to Pinkie and walked over to the center of the hall, away from the windows. Then, much to Pinkie's horror, when he turned back to look at her, she saw the familiar glowing green within his corneas and purple flames that erupted from his eyes.

"Oh, but you shouldn't be upset, dear," Silver told her, his gaze holding twisted amusement, "besides, you were only going to be an obstacle for me and my plans, as you've always been."

Pinkie couldn't even find it in her to speak, let out alone scream, despite how much she wanted to. Her eyes were undeniably wide as she tried to process what was happening, but she found she could not.

Silver then closed his eyes as a strange dark light surrounded him, which then started to change his appearance. His purple coat turned into a frighteningly familiar coal gray while his crystalline armor turned into a shiny steel that looked just as new as the first time Pinkie saw it.

Finally, when the transformation reached Silver's face-- or if it even was his face-- Pinkie could feel undeniable fear take over as she recognized the chiseled features of his face, which then extended over to his forehead, where a long, curved horn that faded from gray to red appeared.

Almost as soon as the horn appeared, it sparked to life and large dark tendrils came from behind him, which then extended to Pinkie. Before she could make a run for it, the tendrils grabbed onto her form and wrapped around her tightly to prevent her from struggling.

"So, tell me, Miss Pie..." the dark stallion she knew all too well said, "Are you sure he loves you, too?"

Pinkie wasn't able to answer as a tendrils wrapped itself around her neck and tightened around it to where she could barely get any breath in her body. Tears leaked from her clenched eyes and began to flow down her face as she gasped for air, her bound limbs scraping at the air in a futile attempt to get it into her lungs.

"No?" he questioned, a brow quirked in an amused manner, "Well, I believe you know what's going to happen next."

"Not when I'm around to stop it."

Pinkie attempted to open her leaking eyes as she recognized the voice's owner, but was unable to clarify whether or not her mind was playing tricks with her as she struggled to see with her blurring vision.

"What?! But... But I left you for dead!" the dark being exclaimed, completely shocked.

There was no reply from Pinkie's unknown hero, but it was at least clarified that he existed. Suddenly, Pinkie heard a loud SWOOSH that narrowly missed her flailing legs and felt the tight bindings on her immediately slack as she gasped for air.

As she attempted to get air into her deprived lungs, Pinkie felt somepony wrap their foreleg around her in the most protective manner, and she soon recognized who was the one to save her from the demon before her.

He looked the same, yet so undeniably different at the same time. His curved, red horn was no more and was instead segmented and gray, while his three black crystals bore a red color that was both foreign and familiar to her. What had caused his change in appearance, she didn't know.

"There's something you should know, Shadow," he said with a strange calmness to his voice.

The Shadow could only stare in shock as he looked at him, his eyes wide and unblinking.

"And that something is that no one, and I repeat no one," Sombra growled, his hold on Pinkie tightening substantially as he used his magic to hold up a red crystal sword, "puts their dirty hooves on my mare."

Author's Notes:

If y'all are wondering who the hay Baritone is, here's a link to the fic he's in:
Sombra VS Hearts and Hooves Day

And, for that "one fateful night", if you haven't read it already:
Beneath, You're Beautiful

Chapter 26: External Confrontations

Pinkie couldn't even begin to form words within her head as she looked at Sombra, who stood so strong and powerful against the demon before both of them. She was so undeniably ecstatic and somewhat frightened at the same time as Sombra kept his tight hold on her, no intent on letting it up showing from his expression.

"S-Sombra?" Pinkie said, just barely above a whisper, "What happened to you? You look..."

"Different?" Sombra finished, his tone holding a strange quirkiness, "Yeah, I guess that's one way to look at it."

Pinkie blinked in surprise at his voice. It was the same, to a degree, but it held more of cynical humor to it with just a hint of child-like mirth. It was his own, yet not at the same time.

"Why do you sound... different?" Pinkie questioned, having finally found a word to describe his voice.

"Come on, I sound like this all the time!" Sombra told her, uncharacteristic perkiness resonating off of him, "I figured you'd recognize it!"

"Huh?" Pinkie blurted out, completely confused.

Sombra chuckled. "I guess it's safe to say ya don't remember me, huh? Well, I only talked to you once, so I guess that's understandable."

Pinkie gawked at him for a brief moment before shouting, "Conscience?!"

"Aw, ya got me!" Sombra-- er, Conscience-- exclaimed, a small laugh following afterwards, "Never could put anything past you, Pinks!"

Pinkie felt a strange feeling of uncomfortability at Conscience's use of Sombra's nickname for her and suddenly, his hold wasn't so familiar, let alone safe. Pinkie felt her eyes widen at the thought of her special somepony and she found herself looking over Conscience with peering eyes.

She'd be lying if she said he didn't look like him, she knew. But, that fact didn't take from how different he looked altogether, along with his quirky behavior that somewhat resembled her own.

Why had he changed into this strange persona? And where was the Sombra she'd been with for the past couple of months?

With fearful eyes, Pinkie's attention returned to The Shadow, who was glowering at Conscience and her with an indescribable amount of hate in his eyes. Then, she looked back at Conscience, who was returning the glower, though his held the unfamiliar quirkiness that she had yet to get used to.

"Conscience..." Pinkie said slowly, "What happened? To you, I mean."

Conscience spared her a glance that was devoid of his earlier glower at The Shadow and grinned at her. "Well, the short version is, I got a body of my own again. So, yeah, things are pretty stinkin' awesome right now."

"A-Again?" Pinkie repeated, unhinged by his word choice, "Are you saying Twilight was right?"

Conscience quirked a brow. "Depends on what Twily was talkin' about. Give me the abridged version, though. We got a time limit, 'member?"

Pinkie wasn't able to answer due to an aggravated growl from The Shadow. "Enough!" he snarled, "I will not put up with your insolence any longer!"

Conscience spared The Shadow a sideways look, then sparked his horn alive as he disinterestedly conjured up an orb of red energy. With an annoyed roll of his eyes, he shot it at The Shadow, the orb expanding and stretching into an odd shape. When it made contact with the dark being, it turned into a muzzle, which then latched around his jaws to prevent anymore movement on its' part.

While The Shadow was struggling to rid himself of the glowing red muzzle with his hooves, Conscience looked back at Pinkie. "Twilight. Time limit. Go."

After she spared The Shadow a bewildered look, Pinkie looked back at Conscience. "Well, uh, Twilight said that there was more than one version of Sombra because Cadence said that she heard him say something about it back in the hallway, though I have no idea why she would make a weird connection like that, and I mentioned that I talked to you once and Twilight thinks that you're the original Sombra, and now that I'm on it, are you the real Sombra? Wait, no, don't answer, I'm already confused and tired because I'm kinda depressed 'cause I don't know what's going on and I feel bad about not knowing because I normally do, ya know?"

Conscience nodded. "Yeah, what else?"

Somewhat surprised by the fact he wasn't perturbed by her speed talking, Pinkie hesitated before continuing. "So, then, uh... Twilight said there were multiple versions of you and now that there are two of you here, does that mean that..."

"That the Sombra you knew isn't here anymore?" Conscience finished.

"Y-Yeah..." Pinkie said, her voice shaky with fear.

Conscience sighed. "Unfortunately, the Sombra you knew isn't here. After we separated, things got a bit... complicated."

Pinkie gaped at him. "W-What?"

Sombra was gone? The pony she had been with for the past couple of months, the pony who had been there for her, the pony who she had fallen for was... gone?

Pinkie didn't have the proper amount of time to grieve over her loss when Conscience jerked her to the side and pulled her behind him in an attempt to shield her. Pinkie's eyes widened as she looked at the spot where they had been, where a large, gaping crater with columns of smoke rising from it laid.

"Looks like Shady over here lost his accessory," Conscience said, a brow arched upwards as he brought himself and Pinkie to their hooves.

Pinkie looked over at The Shadow, who was seething with rage as puffs of angry air flowed from his nostrils. The purple smoke that leaked from his eyes practically turned into flames and by the amount of release at which they were going, Pinkie could tell that he was beyond furious.

"W-What are we going to do?" Pinkie stammered uneasily as she looked back at Conscience with wide, terrified eyes.

Conscience gave her a lopsided grin. "Don't worry, Pinks. I got this."

Without so much as another word, Conscience released Pinkie from his protective hold and leaped at The Shadow, who was already readying a charge of his own. Conscience galloped at full speed as he rose his crystal sword, to which The Shadow rose one of his own.

Pinkie cringed as the crystalline blades clashed against one another and created a ringing sound within her ears. Both stallions, one dark, one light, stared the other down with the utmost aggression and despise. They both held their glares as they pushed their blades against the other's, the strain on their faces showing that they were both putting their all into their attack.

Finally, after a tense staredown, they both leaped back and mirrored the other as they let out small growls of anger.

"What's the matter, Shady?" Conscience breathed as he tried to regain his composure, "Can't take a beating, old stallion?"

The Shadow growled once more. "You're such a cretin... It'll be a pleasure to purge the world of your existence!"

Conscience laughed cruelly. "Ya know, you keep sayin' that, but I have yet to see you keep to your word! Heck, I've been here for a thousand years with you tellin' me that and whatdaya know, I'm alive!"

Pinkie could barely believe her own ears and eyes as she continued to watch Conscience taunt the dark demon with the utmost ease. It was almost as if he weren't...


'Is that why he can't be affected?' Pinkie asked herself, her eyes blinking as a new perception showed for the strange stallion.

His grin held no malice, but a strange sense of cynical humor and his eyes glinted with amusement as he watched The Shadow get angrier and angrier with each passing remark. Conscience was so different from Sombra, Pinkie already knew, but as she watched him continue to stand against The Shadow, she realized that he shared a quality that her Sombra held:

He wanted to keep her safe.

It was oddly comforting, especially with all the strange things that had taken place over the past couple of days. Sweet Celestia, the day they arrived in Canterlot turned a full 180 in less than a couple hours! And now that he was here, standing against her biggest tormentor yet, Pinkie began to realize just how much this stallion meant well.

Her thoughts were broken through as The Shadow leaped at Conscience, who was ready for his pounce and held up his crystal sword to prevent any injury to his person. A snarl escaped The Shadow, whose eyes were narrowed in the utmost aggression as he bared his menacingly large fangs. Pinkie shivered as she noted that they were undeniably sharper than Sombra's, no doubt meant for actual harm than just intimidation.

"How can you be so confident in yourself?" The Shadow snarled, "It wasn't that long ago that you were a sniveling, pathetic excuse of a stallion who was still mourning over the loss of his precious, little--"

Conscience cut off The Shadow by knocking him off of him with a loud yell of anger. "Don't you dare bring her into this! That wasn't my fault and you know it!"

The Shadow grinned as he picked himself up and laughed to himself. "Hit a soft spot? Don't be so surprised, you whelp."

Pinkie blinked in surprise. 'Wait a minute... I heard somepony say that before...'

A familiar sick grin came to mind, framed by straight magenta hair that gave her face a frightening shadow to make her all the more horrifying. Pinkie gasped as she realized the connection, which caused both stallions to look at her.

"Y-You're..." Pinkie started slowly, her voice small and shaky, "You're Pinka!"

It was strange, calling out the nickname of a beloved friend who had turned into an inner demon like she had. But, it wasn't nearly as strange as coming to terms with the fact that the return of said ex-friend was actually the darkness within her special somepony who was gone from her world and that said darkness was in her mind.

Yep, really, really strange.

The Shadow laughed, and Pinkie shivered as she noticed how it resembled Pinkamena's. "Ha, so you're not as stupid as I thought! I'm quite impressed, to be honest. Perhaps Sombra wasn't completely in the wrong for finding love in you."

Pinkie barely processed his insult as she began to realize the horror in what The Shadow had done. If he had managed to get into her head like that, who was to say he hadn't done the same in any other situation? And what if he had planted those same seeds of doubt within her friends, Sombra included?

"Sweet Celestia, just what are you?" Pinkie breathed, her eyes wide as she stared at demon before her with newfound fear.

The Shadow smirked in the most sick manner. "You're so easy to manipulate, especially now that that stallion of yours is gone."

Pinkie gasped, but The Shadow took no heed of her pain and instead relished in it as he continued on.

"Ah, Pinkie Pie, the Element of Laughter itself, corrupt because of her belief in love." The Shadow spat out the word as if it were poison, which, to him, it must have been. "So full of it, and cheer as well, who could forget?"

"Enough!" Conscience exclaimed as he leaped into action, "This fight doesn't concern her!"

The Shadow spared Conscience a bored look as he cast a spell so quickly, that Conscience wasn't prepared for it. A black net of crystalline darkness wrapped around him and pinned him to the floor, much to the surprise of Pinkie, but not nearly as much as Conscience himself.

"What on earth are you--" Conscience didn't finish his sentence as black electricity crackled through the black bindings and onto him, the result of which being his loud, painful screams.

"Did you really think that you stood a chance against me on your own?" The Shadow questioned, though his tone was rhetorical, "Honestly, this almost tops your pathetic endeavor to get that mare of yours back."

"Sh-Shut up!" Conscience snarled through his painful hisses, "I'll-- I'll--"

"You'll what?" The Shadow said with a sick grin, "face it, you fool. I've won this battle, and soon, the Empire will be mine for the taking."

"Leave him alone!" Pinkie exclaimed suddenly as she leaped in front of Conscience's form, the outburst coming out of her against her will.

Both stallions spared Pinkie wide eyed looks, their pairs of eyes causing her to lose her nerve almost as soon as it arrived.

"Oh? Are you going to protect your little stallion now, Pinkie, dear?" The Shadow gave her an amused expression, which only fueled her anger. However, she wasn't given time to react properly as he cast a similar binding spell on her, which put her beside Conscience on the floor.

"Ah, how the great have fallen... The great Pinkie Pie, who giggled at the ghostly and laughed in the face of fear itself!" He laughed haughtily. "Now that your 'ha, ha, ha''s have been silenced, now you can see the truth."

Pinkie's eyes widened in fear as his horn sparked alive and she felt her vision turn to darkness as the cold, sharp feeling of fear stabbed through her entire being.

"Your friends all left you behind, dear," he whispered to her, "can't you see their affections were all false?"

Pinkie let out cries of sadness as she watched all of her friends reject her attempts at making them laugh, each one more painful than the last.

Twilight slammed the library door in her face, but not before throwing a book at her. Cruelly enough, it was a joke book.

Pinkie felt welts grow on her limbs as she watched Applejack toss dozens of apples at her, shouts of curses and anger flowing through the air and into her head like a disease.

A sheen of cold water doused her as Rainbow Dash pounded into a heavy raincloud, which then turned into a burning sensation as a bolt of lightning struck her painfully.

Thinking it couldn't get worse, Pinkie was shocked to see Fluttershy order her animals to attack her. Long, deep cuts covered her entire body as Pinkie screamed and screamed for help, but none came as ponies cheered on the pain that was being undone to her.

Finally, a pony broke through the crowd and Pinkie was relieved to see it was Rarity. However, while she expected kindness, she was met with the pain of hundreds of needles piercing her skin and cuts, while Rarity claimed she was merely sewing up wounds, but Pinkie knew it was false.

"Cold, alone, friendless..." Pinkie heard The Shadow say, "for all of eternity..."

"P-Please..." Pinkie begged.

"Let your nightmares take over... Become just like--"


PInkie felt her pain dissipate into nothing as The Shadow's voice left her mind and body, then took in deep breaths of air, not realizing she had been holding her breath the entire time.

"W-What?!" she heard The Shadow cry, "How is this possible?!"

"It's over, you monster!"

'Twilight...?' Pinkie thought, her strength fading fast.

"What in Tartarus did you do to her?! What did you do to our friend?!"

'R-Rainbow Dash...' Pinkie felt tears come to her eyes as she realized that the nightmare she experienced was just that: a nightmare.

"Quick, get her out of here! I don't want him to come near her!"

Pinkie felt her entire being freeze as she recognized that voice, while her heartbeat rose to that of a kettledrum. She knew that she shouldn't have been so happy to know he was there, especially after everything they had been through. But, she was, and she wasn't going to let logic tell her that she couldn't be.

"S-So..." Pinkie said quietly, the strength in her words barely getting through the loudness of the clamor.

"Hang on, she's trying to say something!" she heard him shout. Celestia, how she missed hearing his voice.

"S-Som..." Pinkie tried to say again, only to fall short once more.

"Shh, dear, don't talk, you're weak," he told her, his hoof coming to her lips softly, "you need to rest."

Pinkie felt tears come to her closed eyes as she heard his pet name for her, which only increased the yearning in her heart.

"Sombry..." Pinkie said finally, the first time she had said it out loud in what felt like forever.

"Yes, Pinks..." Sombra told her, his nose brushing against hers in the softest manner, "Sombry's here."

The last thing Pinkie felt before she lost consciousness was the brush of his lips against hers.

Chapter 27: Telling The Story

Pinkie awoke with a groan as she put a hoof up to her aching head, the pain of which slowly subsided as she cracked her sleepy eyes open. It was bright in the room she was in, and it hurt her eyes, which she instantly shielded with a hoof.

"Pinks?" questioned a groggy voice.

Pinkie blinked her eyes open as she put her hoof down and she froze as her sight returned to her. He was there. Sombra was next to her bedside.

And he was normal.

His horn hadn't been changed, but he bore none of the malice the counterpart had. His eyes were soft and kind, but they held a fatigue, no doubt from countless hours of waiting for her waking.

"S-Sombra?" Pinkie breathed out, her eyes wide as she attempted to process what was happening.

How was he there? Conscience had said that he wasn't there anymore, hadn't he? Had he lied to her? And if so, why?

"Pinkie, I know that you're probably wondering what all has happened in the past couple of hours, and I can tell from your face that you're already having trouble coming to terms with everything now. But, believe me when I say that--"

Sombra didn't get to finish his sentence as Pinkie leaped at him and pulled him into a tight embrace as she planted a kiss on his lips, her straight mane expanding in all directions as it curled into it's normal craziness. Sweet Celestia, how much she missed doing that!

"I take it you're not upset, then..." Sombra said as Pinkie planted dozens of kisses all over his tired face.

"I'm... Just... Glad... You're... You... Again," Pinkie told him between each kiss.

"Er, should we leave y'all alone, or...?"

Pinkie froze mid-kiss as she turned to look at who had spoken. Much to her embarrassment, all six of her friends were looking at her with wide eyes.

"Uh..." Pinkie drawled out, her face becoming as red as a tomato, "How long have they been there?"

Sombra chuckled. "Try not to worry about it. We've been waiting for some time for you to wake up."

"Not like Sombra over here!" Spike exclaimed as he jerked a thumb in Sombra's direction, "He's been waiting longer than all of us combined! Poor guy hasn't slept a wink!"

Pinkie's attention returned to Sombra and she soon saw the truth in Spike's words. Dark bags dug under his eyes while his mane was in complete disarray, exhaustion deep within his red eyes.

"How long have you been here?" Pinkie asked as she looked him over.

Sombra gave her a tired smile. "Don't worry about me, Pinks. I'm just glad you're alright."

Pinkie frowned as she recalled how far from alright she had been before Sombra's arrival, the reason of which she had yet to know.

"Sombra, what happened? I mean, before Conscience and The Shadow started fighting, he told me that you were... that you were..."

"Gone?" Sombra finished.

Pinkie nodded, unable to continue verbally.

"Conscience said that because he didn't want The Shadow to know I was still around. He'd let his guard down knowing that only one of us was hanging about instead of two of us, especially since everypony knows two heads are better than one."

Pinkie blinked in shock. "Wait a second, back up... Are you saying you two planned something together?"

Sombra's smile remained, though it changed in tone. "We did it to make sure we could stop him, Pinks. Also..." Sombra put his hoof over hers. "...to keep you safe."

"W-Wait... What was your plan, exactly?"

* * *

"Alright, so you understand the plan?" Conscience asked Sombra.

Sombra nodded. "Once we manage to separate-- which is a pretty big risk in itself --we sneak into the Empire in disguises and once we do, we go to the palace where Pinkie is, right?"

Conscience mirrored his nod. "Yeah, what else?"

"Then, one of us finds out where The Shadow is hiding and then the other makes sure that Twilight and the others find out as soon as his presence is detected."

"And, regardless of who does what, Pinkie is protected no matter what," Conscience finished.

"Let's not forget how we're going to beat him, alright? Seeing as how I have an understanding of dark magic, I know that it'll be best to land an attack on him whenever he uses it."

Conscience frowned. "What are we going to do if he manages to land a hit on somepony, or, Celestia forbid, Pinkie?"

Sombra smirked. "Easy. If he touches her, I kill him."

* * *

"Wait a minute, so you guys did separate?" Pinkie questioned, completely confused.

"More or less, we did. However, as I'm sure you've figured out by now, there were some... complications regarding the spell."

"C-Complications?" Pinkie repeated fearfully, "Are you alright?"

"It's not me who was affected, Pinkie. Conscience is-- was the one to be affected, however," Sombra told her.

"What? Is he alright?"

* * *

Arriving in the Empire had been difficult for Sombra. First, he had to take on the form of a Crystal Pony, which was easier said than done. Despite having received his magic due to a strange reaction from separating with Conscience, it would be extremely difficult to regain control of something he hadn't had in a very long time.

Secondly, he had to get into the palace, where Pinkie and the others were no doubt residing in while they prepared for The Shadow's inevitable attack.

'He's not getting anywhere close to that throne, or Pinkie, for that matter,' Sombra thought, 'not while I'm around to stop him.'

"Ya know, if you're wondering how you're going to get into the palace, don't ya think it'd be easier to just imagine being there?" Conscience suggested as he looked at Sombra's troubled expression, "I mean, you did live there for awhile, ya know."

Sombra opened his mouth to argue, but stopped as he realized the truth in Conscience's words.

He sighed. "I really hate it when you make me feel foolish."

Conscience laughed. "Not as hard to do as you think, Dumbra."

Sombra frowned. "Let's just get to the palace, alright? And keep an eye out for The Shadow while we're at it."

"Gotcha, Chief!"

Sombra sighed once more before he sparked his horn alive and teleported into the palace, in a place he knew nopony would see him.

"Why did I decide that letting you teleport us into the palace was a good idea?" Conscience muttered to himself as he tossed off a jock strap.

"Nopony can see us in here," Sombra explained to him as he climbed out of the pile of garbage, "not a lot of ponies hang around in the dirty laundry room."

Conscience gagged as he shook off another strap that hung on his ear. "Whatever. It's just that this is super freakin' gross."

"Would you rather that I have teleported us into the wide open, where everypony and their mother could see us? Or are you happy that we at least have the element of surprise on our side?"

Conscience mulled over Sombra's words for a moment before saying, "Does having the element of surprise involve smelling like garbage?"

"Only if you let it," Sombra told him as he made his way over to the door, only for his path to be blocked by Conscience, "What?"

"We won't get far if everypony's wondering where the heck that awful smell is coming from," Conscience said, then added in a stage whisper, "hint: it's us."

Sombra groaned irritably. "Fine. Give me a second."

Sombra's horn glowed slightly as a sweet aroma filled the air and soon, everything in the room smelled undeniably good.



"Were you thinking about Pinkie when you cast that spell?"

"...Perhaps. Why?"

"Because it smells like her."

* * *

Pinkie giggled. "So that's why you smell like cake..."

Sombra frowned. "Please don't tell me it's still there..."

"Fine, I won't," Pinkie told him as she pulled him into another embrace. After she took in a whiff of the cake smell, she added, "but you do smell nice."

Sombra cleared his throat as the others attempted to hush their giggles. "Getting back to the story..."

* * *

"So, now that we're out here, let's get to work on our search," Sombra told Conscience, "The Shadow is bound to strike at any given moment."

Conscience nodded. "And remember, Pinkie's our top priority. The Empire's safety can wait, but hers can't."

"I know that. And before I forget, if you happen to find The Shadow, don't tell him that I'm here. It'll only play against us, not with us."

"Duh, I'm not stupid. Remember, when I pull out my weapon-- which also works as a signal-- and when I attack The Shadow, you'll know where to find us."

"And I you," Sombra told him, "be careful about him. He's gotten even more powerful now that everypony's doubting everything and their fears are at their peak."

"I'll be sure to keep that with me when I kick his ass for what he did to me a thousand years ago," Conscience told him with that same cynically humorous tone, "and believe me when I say that he's got hell to pay if he puts his hooves on Pinkie."

Sombra smirked. "I'll be sure to keep that with me when I kill him."

Sombra didn't know how long his search had been going on. All he knew that was that he was beyond tired and stressed about doing so.

'It's getting tedious, all this sneaking around,' Sombra thought to himself, 'I never thought I'd be happy to want something to attack...'

"Do you think we should have let her go off like that?"

Sombra froze as he reached the corner for a hall and he didn't dare move as he recognized the voice's owner.

"Maybe we shouldn't have been acting the way we had with her, Twilight," said the all-too-familiar regal tone of Rarity. Sombra never thought he'd miss her as much as he did then.

Twilight sighed. "I know that. But, after everything that's happened, she's been so depressed and I didn't want her to suffer through it alone."

'Pinkie's... depressed?' Sombra thought, an image of his special pony with straight hair flickering into his mind. He shivered as he recalled the first time it had done so.

"Ya know, back on the train, Ah woke up in the middle of the night to her sniffling and whimpering. Poor thing was havin' an nightmare, no doubt because of... ya know."

'Nightmares?' Sombra felt another pinch of worry as he processed Applejack's comment.

"But we all know that what happened wasn't his fault!" Sombra heard Spike protest, "Sombra was under some weird influence, right? You said so, Twilight!"

'Wait a second, what are they talking about? What led them to believe my actions weren't my own?'

"It's... complicated, Spike. On one hoof, we have this weird darkness that has sworn to take back the Empire and on another, we have a strange voice in Sombra's head that Pinkie told us about just yesterday."

'They know about Conscience?'

"And, while we do know that Sombra isn't what he seems, there's so much for us to figure out before we attempt to make a move on him. For all we know, Sombra could still be in league with that darkness!"

"What?" Sombra blurted out loud, then immediately regretted doing so.

"Who said that?" Fluttershy whispered, "And where did it come from?"

"It sounded like it came from over there!" called Rainbow Dash, the sound of hoofsteps following shortly after.

Sombra felt panic take over him as he thought out his options. While he very well could have escaped, that would mean going into a top-speed pursuit, which were not in his best interests at the time.

However, he wasn't exactly keen on meeting up Twilight when she was still on the fence about his intentions. Not that he was scared of her, of course.

Without much thought, Sombra dashed away from his spot by the group of mares that would no doubt want to interrogate him on everything that's been happening. He knew that if he slowed down enough for them to catch them, it'd be the end of his plans and he wouldn't be able to stop the coming evil that was his inner darkness.

"Girls, I just saw somepony run away from us!" Twilight exclaimed as Sombra rounded a corner.

"Maybe they were listening in on our conversation!" Fluttershy cried, "What if it was that darkness?"

"Don't worry, I'll get him!" Rainbow Dash proclaimed, the sound of wings flapping following.

* * *

"Oh, no, did she get you?!" Pinkie exclaimed fearfully, "Did she stop you from getting to Conscience?"

Sombra gave her a deadpan look. "Sometimes, you frighten me with your oblivion."

"What oblivion?"

Sombra sighed. "Anyway, to answer your earlier question, no, Rainbow did not catch me. Well, she did, but I managed to elude her when I got something that motivated my mission..."

* * *

Sombra wasn't prepared for the hardcore tackle that Rainbow enacted upon him, which caused him to tumble forward with her still clinging onto his form.

"Girls, I caught him!" Rainbow exclaimed as she finally managed to slow down their tumbles. When she got Sombra pinned to the floor on his stomach with her on his back, Rainbow shouted incredulously, "Sombra?! What are you doing here?"

"I... don't have... time to... explain..." Sombra grunted as he tried to shake off of Rainbow, "Get off!"

"No way!" Rainbow shouted as she purposefully pushed him against the floor, "You've got some explaining to do, Dumbra!"

"Rainbow, listen, if this is about your wing--"

"I don't care about that!" Rainbow shoved his face against the floor. "I want to know why you did what you did to Pinkie!"

Sombra muttered something against the floor, though it came out muffled and incoherent.

"What did he say?" questioned Twilight, who dashed in after Rainbow with the others following her.

Sombra lifted his head up from the floor. "I said that I don't have time for this! You five are ruining everything!"

"Six!" Spike exclaimed as he pointed a claw to the sky in a proclaiming manner, then put it down as he said to himself, "Wait..."

Sombra let out a growl of frustration. "Look, I can't explain what's happening right now! I have to--"

Sombra froze as he felt a small pulsation within his temples, the familiar one that he felt when he and Conscience were testing out their signal system. He remained still as he hoped and prayed that it wasn't his imagination, or perhaps a migraine in the making due to Rainbow Dash.

But, when the pulsation tugged at him to go down a specific path, he knew that Conscience had indeed found The Shadow.

"Sorry, Rainbow," Sombra said as he bucked off the Pegasus and ran out of the group's sight.

* * *

"I'm still mad about that!" Rainbow exclaimed as she crossed her forelegs resolutely.

"I said I was sorry!" Sombra argued as he turned his attention away from Pinkie.

"You didn't have to be so harsh about it!"

"Hey, at least you weren't the one who got crushed by Rainbow's giant flank!" Applejack shouted.

"Guys!" Pinkie exclaimed, earning the room's attention, "Can we please get back to the story?"

Sombra spared Rainbow a small glare before he returned his gaze back to Pinkie. "As I was saying..."

* * *

Sombra dashed through the halls of the palace, the pulsation urging him to go in several, dizzying directions. Of course, the only thing that made his pursuit for The Shadow difficult was the fact that he himself was being pursued.

"Sombra!" Twilight called out to him as she made her way to the front of the hunting pack, "Come back here! We want answers!"

"And you'll get them!" Sombra shouted over his shoulder, "Just... not right now!"

"Where are you going. anyway?" Applejack exclaimed, "I thought you'd be hiding in the shadows or something malevolent!"

"I'm not here to hurt anypony! I'm here to--"

A series of loud screams interrupted him, the sound of which causing all of them to stop in their tracks. Sombra felt the pulsation within his mind speed up and grow in volume, which meant only one thing: Conscience was injured.

"What was that?" Twilight called out, the first one to question what was happening.

"It's Conscience," Sombra said in a low tone, "something's wrong. The Shadow has gotten him!"

"The Shadow...?" Twilight repeated, then gasped, "Wait a minute, are you saying that you're not...?"

"No," Sombra told her firmly as he readied himself for another sprint, "And believe me when I say that he better not have gotten to Pinkie."

"So you do love her!" Rarity exclaimed gleefully, "I knew you would never hurt her like this!"

Sombra paid her no mind as he resumed his dash through the halls, the five mares and baby dragon rushing after him.

* * *

"And after that, I guess it's safe to say you know what happened," Sombra told her.

"Wait... So, when The Shadow attacked Conscience, did he...?" Pinkie trailed off as she found she couldn't finish her question.

Sombra nodded solemnly. "Unfortunately, while I remained unaffected by our separation, Conscience's body was... unstable, and The Shadow's attack ended up being the end of him. Twilight theorized it had to do with the fact that I was the main host and that Conscience was merely a part of my mind and creation."

"So... He's gone?"

Sombra gave her a reassuring smile. "You should be happy for him. He spent a millennium trapped within darkness, away from the one thing that truly mattered to him. And I think he's just glad he got to hold her one last time."

Pinkie blinked. "Huh?"

Sombra chuckled. "Nothing. Just something he told me once."

Pinkie wanted to question him on the subject, but found that she held no right to do so. "So... if Conscience is gone, what about... The Shadow? Is he gone, too?"

"Gone like the wind," Sombra told her, "I doubt we'll be seeing him ever again."

Pinkie leaned into his form beside her and embraced him, her head snuggled into his neck in the most affectionate manner. "I'm glad that everything's normal again."

"Darling, if we're together, nothing is ever going to be normal," Sombra told her as he returned her embrace, "You do realize that, don't you?"

"Alright, so things aren't that normal after all. But, ya gotta admit we have pretty fun adventures!"

"I'm starting to wonder if you even know what that word means..." Sombra mused aloud, "How was any of what we went through considered 'fun'?"

"Because, in the end, we got a happy ending, didn't we?" Pinkie looked up at him with bright eyes as she smiled at him.

"Indeed you did!" Rarity exclaimed as she placed herself beside the couple, "You two are going to have quite the story to tell one day!"

"Huh?" Rainbow blurted out, "Who the heck are they gonna tell it to?"

"Oh, please!" Applejack said with a laugh, "With the amount of bone jumping these two do, I'm surprised that they don't have foals to tell their story to!"

"Applejack!" Everypony shouted while Pinkie and Sombra remained frozen in shock.

"Twilight, what's 'bone jumping'?" Spike asked innocently.

"Not until you're older," Sombra, Twilight and Pinkie said at the same time.

"Oh, come on!"

Author's Notes:

I quoted Spiderwilliam13 with that bone jumping comment... HAHAHA!


11 Months Later

Dear Buddy,

Wow, I can't remember the last time I wrote to you! In fact, I can barely remember the last I wrote anything at all! I gotta write to Maud later on about everything that's been happening!

So, a bunch of crazy stuff has been happening and now that it's been almost a year, I gotta tell ya some of the cool stuff that's been happening to everypony!

Rainbow Dash has been training for the Wonderbolts, like she always does, and when they came to Ponyville a couple months back, she got to meet up with Soarin! Psst, don't tell anypony, but she has a serious crush on him! They hang out and write to each other whenever they can, plus, Soarin even made her an official Wonderbolt suit! Aw, I think he likes her back!

Twilight got a new castle that's super sparkleriffic and now, we have thrones in the castle! It's super cool and awesome, but it gets uncomfortable when you sit in it for too long... I gotta get a cushion for it one day...

Applejack and Rarity still have their businesses going, but Rarity's is progressing even further! She's even opening up a shop in Manehatten! Do you remember Coco Pommel from our last visit there? Well, guess who's going to be running the store while Rarity's out! I'm really glad she gets to have a good job after what happened with Suri!

Fluttershy has managed to get Discord to behave(most of the time), and now, they're practically inseparable! Ooooooo, do ya think they like each other, too? Poor Angel Bunny might not like that! But, I'm rooting for them! They're not too different from me and Sombry, ya know.

Speaking of Sombry, I gotta tell ya what's been happening with us! First off, Sombry's gotten a job at Twilight's castle: a librarian! I guess all that time he spent in Twilight's old library made it easier for him to tell where to put all the books and now he's got a job because of it!

Also, he's taken up the responsibility of watching the Crusaders whenever they're out crusading. I think Rares and AJ are just happy they don't have to worry about anything crazy happening while they're watching them... Anyway, I don't know if it's just me, but Sombry's gotten really good with foals! Though, he's kinda freaked out by how much trouble the girls get themselves into... You wouldn't believe the stories he tells me when he comes to the bakery to visit!

Hey, Buddy, I don't know if it's just me or not, but I have a feeling I'm forgetting something important... Oh, well! It's probably nothing! I gotta go now... For some reason, my tummy feels really weird and I'm craving pickle hay fries... Do they even make those? I gotta ask!

Sincerely, Pinkie Pie!

"What're you writing about?"

Pinkie nearly jumped out of her coat as she whipped around to face who had spoken. "Sombry, you nearly scared the mane off of me!"

Sombra chuckled. "Looks like you're rubbing off on me." He spared her diary another look. "What're you writing about?"

"Just stuff I forgot to write down about."

"What kind of stuff?" Sombra asked as he took a spot beside Pinkie on her bed, where she had been writing.

"Stuff with the girls, stuff with you, ya know, like how Twilight got a new castle and--"

"--stuff?" Sombra finished for her, a smirk playing across his features.

Pinkie giggled as she leaned into his side, where she felt his saddlebags, no doubt full of books from Twilight's library. "Yeah, stuff." She paused. "Hey, is there anything happening today?"

Sombra blinked in surprise. "You don't remember?"

"Oh, shoot!" Pinkie exclaimed as she sat up, "I knew I forgot something! What is it? Is it Gummy's birthday?" She gasped. "Is it my birthday?"

"No, dork," Sombra said with a laugh, "Sweet Tartarus, it's amazing how you forget important dates on the day of them, much like you did with your birthday, which was a couple months ago."

"Oh yeah..." Pinkie said to herself, then asked, "What's today, then?"

"Perhaps a dinner reservation at the Cafe will remind you?" Sombra said with his trademark cheeky grin.

"Dinner reservation...?" Pinkie froze. "Is today our anniversary?!"

Sombra chuckled. "It's funny, you celebrate every month we're together, but the moment the clock strikes twelve, you forget."

"It's not funny, it's terrible!" Pinkie cried as she put her hooves to her face in terror, "I completely forgot to get you a-- Oh, wait a minute, I already did. Never mind, then."

Sombra's face turned sour. "Please tell me your gift isn't any more sweets... I'm still digesting last month's batch!"

"I didn't mean to make baked bads, Sombry! I asked Ditzy to help me, but I guess she thought I meant potato chips instead of chocolate chips or something, 'cause I swear I didn't do it on purpose!"

Sombra chuckled as he nuzzled her cheek. "You act so ridiculous sometimes... But that's why I love you so much."

"I love you, too..." Pinkie returned his nuzzle. "What time is dinner?"

"Same time as the last time we were there: 5:00."

Pinkie gaped at him. "Are you talking about back on Hearts and Hooves Day?"

Sombra grinned. "When else? That was the first time we kissed, remember?"

Pinkie giggled. "Well, I kissed you, and you were so shocked you didn't even say anything!"

"Not everyday a stallion gets kissed by a beautiful mare..." Sombra told her as he kissed her cheek.

"H-Hey!" Pinkie exclaimed with a laugh as she pushed him away, "No funny business, mister!"

Sombra chuckled as he pulled away from her. "Are you afraid we won't make it to our reservation otherwise?"

"Maaaaaaaaaybeeeeeeeeeee..." Pinkie climbed out of the bed. "I gotta go check on something. I'll be right back. 'k?"

"Take as much time as you need," Sombra told her, then sprawled across the bed in playful manner, "I'll be waiting."

"K, bye!" Pinkie exclaimed before zooming out of the room, no doubt to leave before she pounced on Sombra.

Sombra chuckled to himself as she left, his eyes following her as she disappeared out of the door. Once he was sure she was gone from sight and earshot, Sombra opened up his saddlebag and sparked his horn alive to rummage through the items he kept there. Finally, when he caught hold of the item, he turned his back to the door so that if anypony walked in, they wouldn't be able to see it.

Held in the red aura of his magic, small velvet box levitated in the air before him, unopened, but known only to him of what was inside. It had been difficult, getting it, especially with how his job at the library wasn't a high-paying one. And it was going to be beyond difficult presenting it to Pinkie, he realized.

'Should I do it before the meal? Or perhaps after?' Sombra sighed as he looked at the box and opened it slightly to make sure that the ring was still in it.

"Whatcha lookin' at?"

Sombra nearly jumped out of his coat as he snapped the box close and hid it under his forehooves. "Nothing!"

Pinkie giggled. "Alright, mister, what're you hiding?"

"Like I said, it's nothing," Sombra told her, his hooves held resolutely over the box.

"Oh, alright..." Pinkie said as she walked away, "I won't ask..."

Sombra sighed in relief. However, the feeling didn't last as Pinkie tackled him to the ground and off of the bed.

"Pinkie!" Sombra exclaimed as he looked up at Pinkie's face.

"Come on, Sombry!" Pinkie giggled. "Tell me! What were you looking at?"

Sombra found his gaze shifting across the room as he looked for the box, then stopped just over Pinkie's shoulder as he caught sight of it.

"What?" Pinkie, much to his disdain, turned around to look where he was looking and froze resolutely.

"Sweet Tartarus... Looks like the cat's out of the bag..."

Sombra pulled Pinkie off of him and levitated the box towards him as she remained motionless before him. It was a bit relishing to be on the other side of the surprise process, Sombra realized as he got the ring in front of him and Pinkie.

"S-Sombry?" Pinkie breathed, her eyes wide with shock.

"Pinks, while I was waiting until we got to the Cafe to do this, I guess it'd be a bit ridiculous to wait now."

Pinkie gaped at him. "Is this happening?"

Sombra chuckled. "Pinks, I know that we've been through a lot in the past year and beyond. I arrived here a tyrant bent on reclaiming the Empire, and now, because of you, I am nothing like the stallion I was."

He kneeled before her, the sight of which causing her to gape even more.

"Pinks... This is a question I've been waiting to ask you for a long time, now..."

"S-Sombra..." Pinkie whispered, tears in her eyes.

Sombra smiled at her in the most loving way he could muster. "Will you be my Queen?"

The room was undeniably silent as Pinkie remained frozen in shock, her face a canvas of surprise. The proposal had been beyond a surprise, she knew, and she began to realize just how much her actions that she had done unto her unsuspecting friends affected them. She'd have to seriously think about it before surprising somepony anytime soon.

Sombra, who was still kneeling before her, was rather perturbed by the silence and Pinkie's reaction itself. Sure, he had expected her to surprised, but her silence was actually starting to frighten him to a degree.

"Uh, Pinks?" Sombra asked as he gave her a worried look, "Are you alright?"

Pinkie let out an all-too familiar sigh and she fell over as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"Pinkie!" Sombra exclaimed as he jumped to his hooves and tossed the box on the bed before he rushed to her side.

"Ugh..." Pinkie moaned, her hoof going to her temple, "My head... It hurts soooooo much..."

"Well, you did just faint," Sombra told her with a chuckle, "Why is it I always seem to make you do that?"

Pinkie gave him a weak smile. "Sombra, you scared the heck out of me just now! Well, not so much as 'scared' as 'surprised', but still! I mean, that was even more surprising than when you kissed me after I dyed the tips of your mane pink!"

Sombra chuckled again. "Well, that was a rather enjoyable experience."

Pinkie's smile faltered. "Sombra... Is that why you wanted to take me to the Cafe? So you could propose where we had our first kiss?"

"Well, there's nothing wrong with here," Sombra told her, his gaze going over the room, "If you remember, this was the first place we ever..."

Pinkie's face went a bright shade of red. "S-Sombra!"

"So, Pinkie..." Sombra looked down at Pinkie with soft eyes. "What's your answer?"

Pinkie gave him a playful smile. "What do you think, Dork?"

Pinkie leaned forward and kissed him, which he gladly returned.

"Oh, dear, I heard Sombra shout!" exclaimed Mrs.Cake, who froze at the sight of the couple, "I'm guessing things are alright now?"

"Yep!" Pinkie answered, "Guess who just got engaged!"

"E-Engaged?" Mrs.Cake repeated. Much like Pinkie did, she let out a sigh and fell over, unconscious with shock.

Sombra chuckled. "Carrot will be up in a second to get her, no doubt. Hopefully he'll be the strong one."

Pinkie giggled and snuggled into Sombra. "Oh, I can't wait to tell Maud about this! She's gonna be so happy!"

Sombra froze. "Maud? Are you sure that's such a good idea? She isn't very fond of me, you know."

"What? No way! She says that you're great, Sombry! And that everypony back home is really excited to... meet... you..."

Sombra looked back at Pinkie with wide eyes. "Pinkie... does your family know about me?"


"And do they know that, gee, I don't know, we're... intimate?"


"And, please tell me the answer's 'no' on this one, that I was known for ruling a recently returned Empire that was enslaved?"

"...Would you feel better if I lied?"

Sombra sighed. "And the adventure continues..."

Author's Notes:

Stories to take place between this chapter and the one before:
Different Perceptions


Yeah, so this is the end of "The Not-So-Normal Adventures of King Sombra and Pinkie Pie", which will have a sequel called "Meeting The Family", coming to a site near you! And let's not forget the next generation plans I have already! Do y'all remember in Chapter 1 how I mentioned I had more "Sombra Daddy" plans in the future? Welllllllll, make what you want of that info, because it's happening!

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Other Titles in this Series:

  1. The Cake Batter Incident

    by Harmony Charmer
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    Pinkie messes up Sombra's clothes in one of her "Welcome To Ponyville " schemes and they go to Carousel Boutique to get him some new ones.

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  2. Sequel to "The Cake Batter Incident". An unlikely bond is formed when Pinkie is tasked to reform Sombra, the ex-king of the Crystal Empire.

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  3. Meeting The Family

    by Harmony Charmer
    10 Dislikes, 6,679 Views

    Sequel to "The Not-So-Normal Adventures of King Sombra and Pinkie Pie". Sombra and Pinkie visit Pinkie's home to meet her family. Of course, as Sombra soon learns, family isn't all what it's cracked up to be.

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  4. No Day But Today

    by Harmony Charmer
    12 Dislikes, 3,651 Views

    Sequel to "Meeting the Family". The day of the wedding has arrived, and as the day continues, six tales will be heard as the holy matrimony of former King Sombra and Pinkie Pie.


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