
Princess Twilight Sparkle's 25th Birthday

by Autumnschild

Chapter 3: Chapter 2

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So it was that Smarty Pants and her two friends found themselves sitting on a timeworn sofa in a small and cozy cottage.

A quick glance out the open window by the front door revealed a yard full of happy critters and a stone bridge that crossed the shallow brook just beyond. Smarty Pants closed her eyes and let the sensations of this peaceful corner of the universe envelop her.

The air smelled of an amalgam of dry pet food, fallen leaves, and recently washed linen. Outside, the brook babbled merrily to itself. Her ears twitched for a moment and she heard the wind pick up and whistle through the trees that lined Fluttershy’s idyllic property. And just on the edge of her senses, she heard the sounds of three mares softly murmuring to each other in the kitchen.

She frowned at that. Not because she was unhappy that they were there, just that it was so confusing. Smarty Pants knew in her heart of hearts that she was a descendant of those three mares. A distant descendant. As in roughly five hundred years, distant.

It was a curious sensation, knowing that your long dead ancestors were standing in the other room, separated from you by a curtain of colorful beads. Smarty Pants’ mind wandered tantalizingly about the many things she could learn from them. The things they could teach her.

Things I can never ask, she realized with a pout. After all, there was no knowledge was worth changing the fate of the world over. At least, as far as she knew.

She opened her eyes again, and watched a wind chime made of seashells and hollow reeds beyond the open window sing on the breeze. When the same wind reached her through the open window, Smarty Pants couldn’t help but shiver as the autumn air danced through her wavy red mane. She wrapped her hooves around herself and rubbed her forelegs.

“Oh, you poor dears, this room is positively drafty,” came a voice from the threshold of the kitchen.

Smarty Pants turned her head and smiled at the yellow pegasus walking through the bead curtain. On her back she carried a simple wooden tray with an unusually elaborate serving set for tea. Fluttershy shook her head with a furrowed brow and mumbled to herself as she trotted over to the small coffee table that sat before the sofa.

“I’m so sorry,” she said as she focused on the delicate task of setting the tea tray down for the three time-stranded fillies. “I forgot to close the window after dusting this morning. Why, one of you could catch a cold. Or all three of you! What kind of hostess lets her house guests sit in a drafty house? Oh my, oh no, this won’t do at all.”

As she spoke she quickly set about the service of tea with well-practiced precision. She poured three porcelain cups on hoof-painted saucers to the halfway point before looking up at her guests. Then she looked up and locked eyes with Honeycrisp.

Honeycrisp regarded her and her three cups cagily as she played with her blond pigtails. Fluttershy nodded and, although no words were spoken between the two of them, the pegasus filled her cup the remainder of the way and passed it to the red unicorn.

Then Fluttershy studied Sandy’s face who regarded the pretty older pegasus with a genuine smile, thankful to be done with Discord’s recent antics. Fluttershy smiled back before tending to Sandy’s cup; three sugar cubes and a dollop of heavy cream for the green pegasus. A small silver spoon was added and the cup with its saucer was offered to Sandy. She took it eagerly and her wings fidgeted with inhibited glee.

Finally it was Smarty Pants’ turn. Smarty Pants returned Fluttershy’s stare as best she could, wearing a mask of practiced indifference. Something she picked up from spending the last five years as Princess Twilight’s prized pupil. But try as she might to hide whatever it was the Element of Kindness was looking for, Fluttershy read her face like an open book.

Smarty Pants watched as her hostess got up and left the living room for but a moment, only to return just as quickly with a corked ceramic jug. Placing the jug on the table, she pulled the cork out with her teeth and added a just splash of it's syrupy contents into her cup before topping it off with a second splash tea.

“Wha... But... How did you know I like molasses in my tea?” she asked with wide eyes as she took the offered cup and saucer.

Fluttershy smiled proudly, “It’s my special talent, hearing what’s said without words. It’s how I communicate with all my animal friends. Now, let’s see to that draft,” she said as she rose up from her knees and walked over to the open window.

A dainty sipping sound to Smarty’s right caught her attention. “Ooooh, this tea is so good!” declared Sandy cheerfully, “Thank you!”

Fluttershy shut the window with a wing and grinned back at the young pegasus before heading over to the empty fireplace on the adjoining wall. The three girls watched as she pulled down a bowl full of what had to be old food waste from off the mantle and set it on the raised hearth before the fire box.

With a twist of the torso she turned to pull out a small pile of tinder she had stacked in the adjacent nook. Setting the tinder in place, she opened a small box of matches and grumbled at its apparent emptiness. Fluttershy stood up to head off into the kitchen to get another box, when the fireplace burst into warm light, startling her into dropping the box with an “Eep.”

“Gotcha covered” said Honeycrisp, with a wink as the faint glow of her red horn evaporated.

Fluttershy grinned broadly as she turned her attention back to the bowl on the hearth. She scooped up a few hooffulls of dried apple peels and used cinnamon sticks out of the bowl and tossed them onto the fire. Before Smarty Pants could ask what she was doing, the combined scents hit her across the muzzle, and she sighed in delight.

The word cozy came to mind once more, only now with the window closed, the warmth and fragrance of the fireplace, and the perfect cup of tea she was nursing in her hooves... Well, this was a whole different kind of cozy. It reminded her of lazy summer Sunday afternoons spent at her Gram Gram Crazy Pants’ house in the countryside.

Fluttershy turned around after putting the bowl back up on the mantle and looped a curtain of her vibrant pink mane behind her ear. She started to trot back towards the kitchen, when she asked “Is there anything else I can get you? A snack perhaps?”

Before Smarty Pants could answer, her two friends chimed in for her. “Yes, please,” sing-songed Honeycrisp and Sandy in happy unison. Fluttershy looked at Smarty Pants and she just nodded along blankly with the group.

“I know just the thing. My mom used to make them for me every day after school.” As she walked through her bead curtain and back into her kitchen, Fluttershy let out a contented sigh from the warmth that filled her chest. It felt wonderful. It felt like home.

Washing her hooves in the faded green basin of her apron kitchen sink, Fluttershy fought the urge to burst into song. But that didn’t stop her from humming a merry tune along with a few of the season’s last warblers.

“So, did you find out who they are?”

“Or why they’re here?”

Fluttershy frowned as she turned away from the sink and leaned against the counter to dry her forehooves with a dish rag. “Oh, silly me,” she said chiddingly. “I knew I forgot something.”

She smiled at her poofy maned friend. “I guess I got distracted. You know, I take one look at Sandy’s little friends out there and it just tugs at my heartstrings. Like... They’re my own foals!” she huffed and slapped the rag down on the counter.

Quiet filled the kitchen, and the three friends could hear the edges of the conversation being had by the fillies in the other room. There was a sudden gasp, followed by the sound of breaking glass.

“Sorry!” came a rather pathetic apology from beyond the bead curtain.

Fluttershy just brushed a lock of her mane out from in front of her face and back behind her ear before continuing. “I know it must sound crazy to you, because it sounds crazy to me. I mean, I don’t even have a special somepony. How in the world would I have foals?”

"Well," mused Applejack, "They did say they were from the fu-"

“Yeah, I know what you mean, Fluttershy,” said an unusually calm Pinkie Pie sitting in a nest of assorted paper products on top of the fridge. “I get that same feeling like... I’m a momma. But just for the little earth pony.” After a moment of awkward silence, she nodded. “It’s kinda nice.”

Applejack looked up from her spot at the kitchen table and leaned back in her chair. “Shoot, I don’t know ‘bout no motherly feelin’. I mean, sure I feel like I should know them from somewhere. And I see it in their faces plain as day that they know who we are.”

“What if it’s some kinda new changeling magic?!” gasped Pinkie Pie, grasping at a box of drinking straws that Fluttershy had stacked up there, “and and and they’re trying to trick us to eat our delicious emotions!”

Fluttershy’s sudden movement and the sound of her dismissively clicking her tongue against her teeth drew the attention of her two friends. “That’s right, I was going to get the girls a snack. Applejack, will you get a box of crackers out of the pantry? Pinkie Pie, I need the swiss cheese and pickles from the fridge please.”

Applejack scooted out of her chair and walked over to the pantry. “I don’t reckon they’re changelings. I ain’t heard none of that hissin’ they tend to do. But I do think we need to keep an eye on ‘em. We ain’t exactly had the best record with time travel.”

Both girls nodded absentmindedly at her comment as they went about their different tasks.

“I don’t see the swiss,” said Pinkie Pie with a jar full of pickles in hoof as she hung from the top of the open refrigerator like a big pink possum.

“Third drawer from the bottom,” answered Fluttershy as she pulled out a decorative cutting board, a cheese knife, and a stack of flower patterned napkins.

“Got it,” said Pinkie Pie as she grabbed the off-white wedge out of the drawer and flipped away from the fridge with a powerful swat of her poofy tail, shutting the door in the process.

Applejack sauntered back into the kitchen with a box of salt-kissed shredded wheat crackers balanced carefully on her muzzle. She bobbed her head, tossing the box over to Fluttershy who had just opened the jar of pickles. “So what’s the plan? We got a heap a work to do before the party tonight, and we’re runnin’ outta time.”

Fluttershy nodded, more to herself than to what Applejack was saying, as she assembled a dozen little cracker snacks. Each one had a slice of swiss cheese, a dill pickle, and a squirt of mustard on top.

Applejack watched her friend work in silence, a puzzled look on her face. "Did either of y'all hear me?"

“What are those, Fluttershy?” asked Pinkie Pie as she reached out to take one.

Fluttershy softly slapped the pink hoof away with a wing. “These? Oh, my mom made them for me on occasion. Especially if I'd had a rough day,” she said as she lifted the cutting board onto her back with her wings, “I don’t know if they have a name, but they’re the perfect snack for a growing filly.”

Applejack rolled her eyes and muttered something unkind under her breath. Something about being baby-crazy, but Fluttershy just ignored it.

"Oh wow, I bet they taste super good!" said Pinkie Pie as she walked out after Fluttershy.

Applejack couldn’t fight the curl of her lip as she followed her two friends out of the kitchen. “If’n you say so. If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather have an apple.”

For a time after Fluttershy left to make the girls a snack, the room was quiet. It was warm and lovely and super cozy. Smarty Pants watched as Honeycrisp stared at her cup and traced the filigree with a hoof.

"What's up, Honeycrisp?" she asked.

“You know,” said the red farmpony, “My mom and pop have a cup just like this one. But it’s all dusty and old. They keep it on the shelf with the keepsakes.”

“Do you think it is one of these cups?” asked Smarty Pants, seeing the homesickness in her cousin’s features.

“Maybe. The one we have is missing it’s handle. And it’s chipped, sort of like-”

Smarty Pants was caught unawares by a sudden blur of white that hopped next to her and she felt whatever it was land on the couch with a squishy thud.

“Eep!” squeaked Sandy, as the slightly damp white blur snuggled up between her and her light brown friend.

Half a heartbeat later, the empty cup Sandy was once holding in her lime green hooves went crashing to the wood floor below, breaking a sizeable chip from it’s wide brim and snapping the handle clean off.

“Sorry!” came Sandy’s rather pathetic apology.

Honeycrisp stared away at the cup as if it were history in the making. “Yeah. Sorta exactly like that.”

Smarty Pants patted her cousin on the shoulder and then turned her attention to the wet white blur. It was that damnable rabbit. The one that started all of this when he bit Honeycrisp’s horn thinking it was a carrot. She couldn’t recall his name, but he had a certain surly smugness about him that she didn’t care for.

He had his ears wrapped up in a pink towel, and his hindquarters wrapped in a powder blue towel. They were more like washcloths than towels, really. Still, he sat there squished between the two fillies, shoving and chittering away at Sandy.

“What’s his problem?” asked Honeycrisp.

“I think Sandy’s in his spot.” said Smarty Pants, trying her best to read the rabbit’s pantomime as he furiously pointed at his chest, and then again at the cushion that Sandy was sitting on.

Sandy apologized to the rabbit, fluttered up into the air, and coasted down on to a wicker rocking chair closer to the crackling fire along the adjacent wall. The rabbit in turn wore a smirk as he happily hopped into his spot to finish drying himself off with his two towels.

On the mantle next to the bowl of dried apples and used cinnamon sticks, a small clocked chimed a quarter till 11. Smarty Pants stared at the clock absentmindedly until its bells finished their short refrain.

“We gotta get out of here,” she said to the two girls as she rose to her hooves.

Honeycrisp arched an eyebrow at her over the brim of her cup as she swigged back the last of her tea.

“What? Why?” asked a suddenly panicked Sandy. “They’re nice adults, and Fluttershy said she’s making us a snack.”

“They’re fine, Sandy. It’s just that we’re not from here. From this time. I just watched you break that cup.”

“I said I was sorry,” sniffled the lime green pegasus from behind her wings.

“No, it’s not that! It’s... Look, that cup that gets passed down through generations until it becomes Honeycrisp’s family heirloom. Don’t you see! We’ve just interfered with the past to make the future.”

“Wait,” said Honeycrisp rising to her hooves as well, “are you saying that if Discord never sent us back in time, then that cup would never have been broken?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying!” huffed Smarty Pants with a stomp of her hoof. “Who knows what else we could end up breaking if we’re not careful! And that’s why we need to leave. If we sit around and talk to the ponies of the past, we may end up influencing their decisions. We could even change history as we know it!”

“But the cup is broken in our time, right? Doesn’t that mean we were always meant to come back here and break it?” offered Sandy.

Smarty Pants sat back down on the couch with her head in her hooves. “I didn’t think of that,” she said as her shoulders sagged with an unseen but obviously heavy weight.

“Think of what?” asked a soft voice as Fluttershy’s head poked out from the kitchen as beads parted around her.

"N-nothing." said Smarty Pants.

"Oh, come on," said Fluttershy smiling softly, "There's no reason to keep secrets now, is there?"

“We accidentally broke one of your cups.” said Sandy sheepishly.

Fluttershy frowned at the admission, but it was a short lived thing. She placed the cutting board and its goodies onto the coffee table in front of the couch. “Well, nevermind about that. Go ahead and have your snack, okay?”

She walked around the coffee table and started to collect the broken pieces off of the floor, sweeping them up with a small dustpan and wingbroom. Once she had the pieces in a pan, she glanced at the proudly beaming ball of fluff sitting where Sandy had been before she left the room.

“Oh Angel, you’re all clean again, and I only had to ask you to bathe twice. You’re such a good bunny,” she cooed with a delightful pat of his head. “Go on into the kitchen and get yourself a carrot little mister. You’ve earned it.”

The bunny exploded in a tiny triumph of glee, sending rabbit sized towels in two different directions, one smacking Smarty Pants in the face, the other hitting the floor off by the foot of the staircase. Happily, he bounced his way through Pinkie Pie and Applejack as they left the kitchen.

Smarty Pants tossed one of the stacked cracker treats into her mouth and smiled at the soft tingle in her cheeks. A delightful crunching sound that filled her ears as she watched Fluttershy walked her dust pan over to a small bin by the stairs.

Honeycrisp walked into her field of vision and sauntered on up to Fluttershy, a cracker wrapped in a red aura was floating in the air beside her head. Smarty Pants watched as the two ponies started discussing something, pointing at the bin and the broken cup. But for the life of her, she couldn’t hear them over the sound of her own chewing.

She popped a second treat into her mouth. Who would have thought that a dill pickle, a dash of mustard, and a slice of swiss could make a cracker taste so good? The conversation between Honeycrisp and Fluttershy seemed to reach a head, as the confused looking latter hoofed the smiling former the broken handle and the chip before putting the cup on a nearby shelf instead of in the garbage.

Honeycrisp trotted back over happily to her spot by Smarty Pants, and the earth pony watched as her cousin slipped the two treasures into one of her saddlebag pockets before popping her own treat into her mouth. Smarty Pants swallowed, and heard the tail end of something that Applejack asked.

“I’m sorry?” asked Smarty Pants.

Applejack sat on her rump in front of the beaded kitchen entrance, “I said, not to be rude er anythin’ but, who are you, and what are y’all after?”

“Oh,” laughed Smarty Pants nervously. “Getting right into it, are we? Well... I suppose now's as good a time as any.”

She stood up and motioned for Sandy to do the same. The three girls moved to stand together, facing the three Elements of Harmony. “This is Honeycrisp.”

“Hiya,” she said with a casual wave and a small spray of crumbs from her mouth.

“And this is Sandy.”

“Hello again!” cheered Sandy with buzz of her wings that lifted her a few inches off her rocker.

“And I’m Smarty Pants,” she said with a little bow. “We’re from the future. The, uh... Far future.”

Pinkie Pie gasped, “You’re from the FUTURE?!”

Applejack elbowed her partycentric friend. “Pinkie, we already knew that.”

“Oh yeah,” she giggled, “I forgot.”

Applejack looked at the little light brown earth pony and furrowed her brow in thought. “Smarty Pants... Smarty Pants... Where have I heard that name before?”

“How ‘far’ is the ‘far future?’” asked Pinkie Pie. “Are we talking like two weeks? A month? Three months? Oh! It's three months, isn't it? Do I get any super amazing presents for Hearth’s Warming?”

“Presents? I dunno about all that. But we’re from much later than a few months from now. Actually, if it’s all the same to you I’d rather not talk about it.”

“Oh,” said a pouting Pinkie Pie, “okay.”

Steering the conversation back on track, Applejack interjected, “And y’all are here because...”

“Discord,” said Honeycrisp flatly as she reached for another cracker. “We’re looking for six keys for this stupid rainbow box of his. He said we can’t leave till we find them all in town.”

The three Elements of Harmony shared a quizzical look.

“I ain’t heard of no rainbow box. But if anypony around here knows what yer lookin’ fer, it’s probably Twilight.”

“No!” shouted Smarty Pants suddenly. “I mean, no uh… We already know what the keys look like! Discord gave us checklists on what we need, see?” She said as she pulled hers out of her saddlebag on the floor.

Fluttershy took the offered piece of paper and frowned at it. “A spool of thread? I think I have one of those in my sewing kit, but if not, Rarity should have one.”

Pinkie Pie looked over Fluttershy’s shoulder and smiled. “A Wonderbolt Badge, huh? I bet I know just the right pony for that one.” she finished with a giggle.

Two more pieces of paper were pulled out of two more saddlebags, and the six ponies huddled around them.

“One bit? Well shoot, here, y’all can have one a mine.” said Applejack as she pulled a bit out of the small purse she kept in her hat and tossed it to Honeycrisp.

“Cool,” she said with a grin as she took the offered coin.

“Oh, I know a stallion that can get you a rubber chicken, too!” said Pinkie Pie.

“Really? Oh wow, this is way easier than I thought it would be,” said Smarty Pants with her first genuine laugh this morning.

Fluttershy gasped softly. “A breezy blossom? I have a few of those left over from their last migration.”

“Yeah I-”

At that moment, the clock on the mantle chimed again, this time ushering in eleven o’clock in the morning.

“Horsefeathers,” cursed Applejack as she set her hat back on her blonde locks. “Now we’re late for sure. I dunno how we’re gonna get all the work on the farm done in time fer Twilight’s party tonight, what with just the three of us.”

“Hay!” chimed in Honeycrisp suddenly, “What if we help?”

Smarty Pants’ ears pinned themselves back, “Whoa there, Honeycrisp, I don’t think-”

“Oh, that’s a lovely idea, Honeycrisp. Can they, Applejack?”

“Yeah, can we Ms. Applejack?” asked Sandy.

“Oh, heck. I dunno...” she mused as she rubbed her fuzzy chin.

“Pleaaase?” begged four of the six ponies present.

“Aw, hay. Why not.” she said as she walked over to the front door opened it with a buck. “More hooves make lighter loads after all. Come girls, let’s get 'er done!” she called out over her shoulder as she galloped out into the crisp autumn air. A happy cavalcade of hooffalls and whoops followed after her, leaving behind a trail of dust and a concerned looking earth pony.

“Then again,” muttered Smarty Pants as she turned to look over at the broken cup resting on the shelf, "Maybe this won’t be so easy.”

Then she ran out the door after her two friends.

Author's Notes:

Next time I want to do a time travel story, go back in time and kill me.

Next Chapter: Chapter 3 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 33 Minutes
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