
More Than a Mare

by Standard Deviation


The Night Before

She's been hitting the booze hard all evening. A glass is put in front of her before being snatched up, immediately, then downed. For all that, for ever drop of whiskey that passes those blue lips, Rainbow Dash looks as lucid as if she were doing her signature Filly Flash.

The glass cracks on the bar top, Rainbow glancing over to you with a grimace as she swallows the latest shot. You knew she was strong, how could you not? All those games of hoof wrestling, hoof ball and even regular old wrestling had you often pinned, tackled and on the ground under her more often than not. It might be the reason you quickly turn aside from that intense gaze of hers.

Admitting to yourself that you enjoyed it was one thing, letting her get wind of it? You'd be laughed out of town. She's Rainbow Dash - the fastest, strongest and most graceful flier in all of Equestria. She's your friend - the sweetest, cutest and most arousing sight in all of Equestria. And never was she quite so arousing as when she had your arms and legs tied up in her own as she grunted and spat smack talk at you while forcing you down. Her wiry strength was more than a match for your own any day.

"Alright, dude, I'm-I'm thinkin' I'm ready to go."

Despite the slight edge to her voice it's clear from the glint in her eyes that she's not drunk. A little tipsy at most but she shouldn't need you to keep a hand on her back and point her in the right direction.

All the same, when Rainbow hops down from her stool, she wobbles a bit and gives you a cheesy grin.

"See? Perfect!" The mare takes a deep breath and shakes her head, pointing an unsure hoof towards the bar. "Hey, I think I left a few bits there, could ya check for me?"

You were the one to pay for the drinks tonight--the price of being beaten yet again--but there's no harm in humouring her at least. Except for a few empty glasses and your own tankard there's nothing on the ba-

There's a thud, some high-pitched snickering and you're quickly unset from where you're standing by the weight on your back. Two blue hooves come over your shoulders and something warm and soft presses against your neck. If you didn't feel the edge of her mane tickling against your skin you'd still know it was her and while you do shoot as dirty a look back as you can, Rainbow just gives you her signature cocky grin in return.

"What? I'm not gonna fly home like this!" She comically wavers on your back for effect and you can't hold your own smile. "So you are gonna carry me back to your place!"

Were it any other pony you might object or at least try to get them off but having Rainbow there, holding her muscular hind legs in your hands as she clamps them around your sides... You stand back up and turn for the exit. Rainbow giggles, the sound becoming infectious and you quickly join her, both of you laughing loudly as you emerge from the bar.

You'll take her home, put her in your bed, tuck her in and sleep on the couch, dreaming of her. She's your friend, that much is clear and you're not about to go trying to take advantage of her. Thoughts of a drunken night of passion still rise to the fore of your mind unbidden. Dash splayed out on your bed awaiting you, Dash wrestling you into submission in a more erotic, naked format than your usual bouts... Dash holding you down and claiming you as her own.

No, that's just your need talking. How long has it been? Long enough that you're almost tempted to tell her. The desire to buy her one of those expensive, unicorn enchanted strapons from Canterlot is just that little bit harder to deny whenever she pins you. To just... finally come clean about your perverse wants.

Whenever Dash is looking for some fun, you go along with her. When she wants someone to watch her practice her tricks and critique it, you're the one she gets. And whenever she's gotten drunk and needed someone to haul her to one of her friends' house, you were the one to dodge the punches and get her there safe. Rainbow can't live without her but you can't live without her needing you under her.

"C'mon dude, let's go," she mumbles, giving your sides a little kick with her hooves, as if you're her mount. The idea takes hold and you give an exaggerated whinny, setting off at a quicker pace. "Yeah... Yeah, that's it! Onward, steed, your master commands you!"

You laugh along with her but it's more to cover just how your mind reels at those words: your master commands you. Maybe it's the booze or maybe you really have gotten that desperate but right now, with not a pony in sight and almost to your home that sounds like a good idea.

By the time you reach your home, you're out of breath from carrying Rainbow. As if sensing your exhaustion she slips off your back, giving your side a light pat and promising you a 'treat' for being so good. Then she smoothly walks in ahead of you, waving her tail in a way that's hard to mistake for anything else.

Hard but not impossible, it wouldn't be the first time she's flirted with you after drinking and that's all it is. Probably never even realised that all she had to do was say the word and you'd gladly make it more than playful flirting.

Used to your home as she is, Rainbow heads up the stairs to your bedroom ahead of you. She's still a little unsure on her hooves and you follow after, sure to see that she gets there safely. One trip on a step and a tumble could do some serious damage to those delicate wings.

But the position also gives you an advantage; swinging her tail as she does, Rainbow leaves herself a little bare. You can't help but to take a little peek, marvelling at the... tight little ring of her ass and that's it? There's nothing under it or at least nothing that you can see clearly. It almost looks like... but that couldn't be. She's a mare! They don't have those.

"Whoah, dude, I am bushed!" Rainbow suddenly stretches, leaning her whole body forward and then back, little ripples running over her muscled flanks before you can look away. "You mind gettin' this ready for me? I'm just gonna clean up a little."

She sounds a lot more sure of herself than back at the bar but then again alcohol has never been that much of a problem. Anyway, you've got the bed to fix up, the sheets and duvet are still tossed about from this morning. Rainbow had, of course, let herself in and practically dragged you out to come watch her practice for this year's Iron Pony competition.

It's only when you're tucking in the sheets at the bottom of the bed that you hear the muted sounds of Dash's hooves on the carpet. They come up right behind you and then suddenly there's a weight on your back, just like back at the bar.

"Relax, dude! I'm not gonna get up on ya again." There's a feeling like one of her hooves circling lower on your back. "Unless ya want me to. Think you could handle a tussle with me?"

You slowly look about and find a sight you never thought you would - Rainbow Dash stands licking her lips with half-lidded eyes. The hooves have descended to the rear of your jeans, pressing down hard enough to force you to brace your legs on the floor.

"One-two-three-go!" There's no time to react before Rainbow reaches around you and throws you to the bed along with her.

Surprised, you lie there for a moment as her teeth bite into your shirt and tug at it and her hooves paw at your belt. So this was the kind of wrestling she meant. But... that would mean... The sound of buttons popping from the shirt takes you back to the present and you push at her, trying to stop her from damaging your clothes any further.

"No dice! You gonna stop me or am I gonna have to rip all of this junk off?"

Another tug and the last of the buttons fly off, clattering against your bedside locker. Your shirt lies open, baring your chest and Rainbow's hooves descend, pushing you back onto the bed. You try to push her aside but she slips them around you, gripping tightly.

Hind legs push at your belt to no effect and she grunts in frustration, scampering around to attack it with her teeth. All the while you can only attempt to hold off this sudden burst of strength. Her pelvis smacks against your chest, knocking the wind out of you and knocking you back onto the bed with a thump.

"C'mon, c'mon!"

Somehow, Rainbow's gotten your belt unlooped and now she contends with your jeans. There's no more for it except to give in and bringing your hands down she momentarily stops as you undo the button and zip them open. that one moment of a reprieve is over in a flash as she catches your boxers in her teeth and tugs wildly, pulling them and your jeans clean off in one smooth motion.

Lying naked on your bed with Rainbow Dash standing triumphantly over you was not how you imagined this evening ending but it's not exactly the most unpleasant outcome.

She huffs, panting heavily as she looks down, smirk still widely spread across her face. Before you can move a hoof comes down on your chest, holding you fast.

"Think I won myself a prize for that performance. Whaddaya say?"

The meaning behind those words hits you clear as a buffalo - you nod once, letting your own grin pull back your lips.

"Awesome," comes a cry from Rainbow who falls back onto her haunches baring... baring...

If you hadn't been drinking you might have been gobsmacked - there, nestled between her thighs is a thick black sheath and two heavy, pendulous balls. Your eyes trace up her body slowly, looking for anything that might indicate this isn't Rainbow but everything's there, right down to the little scar on her chest from her first failed attempt at the Filly Flash.

That grin, once so cocky has turned to something far more sinister. She looks down once, bringing your eyes back down to what's between her legs before looking at you again.

"You're probably wondering what's going on, huh?" She raises a hoof as you make to agree. "Two things, it's still me and yes, that is what you think it is but I'm still a mare."

Your eyes flick between her--it feels strange even thinking that--genitals and her face.

"Look, you were gonna find out eventually anyway so I just said buck it, I need to know what you're gonna say."

Nothing, at first. You just stare blankly at her. For a split second that grin falters before you ask her - how.

"Magic." Rainbow waves a hoof, grunting. "Sort of. It's really complicated but all you need to know is Twi dispelled what was coverin' me. Now you get to see the real me."

It's a strange kind of ambivalence that grips you - shock at this revelation but growing curiosity.

"I'm not gonna lie, dude, I've been wantin' ya for a while now. But I'm not the kind of mare who's gonna let you bend her over and unf-unf for a couple-a minutes so you can get your rocks off."

You're drawn back to her face, now set in a stern look.

"If you want me and trust me, I've seen how you look at me so yeah, I know you do." That grin returns. "You're gonna get me on my terms."

Rainbow shuffles, spreading her hind legs and sitting back so that her rump moves in closer to you.

"So if you wanna do this, first you're gonna have to kiss me."

You don't have time to decide, to let the sides to this debate fight it out. You can't tell her you need to consider all this or that you're not sure - Rainbow Dash is right here, offering herself to you. So she's got a cock. A big one by the looks of that sheath; like she said, it's still her. Same beautiful coat, same adorable scratchy voice, same two beautiful eyes that still leave you feeling almost breathless.

It's still her and you'll be damned if you don't want her. So you nod, quickly, leaning in.

"Whoah, whoah!" Rainbow lifts a hoof, stopping you. "I don't mean on the lips. Dude." She motions down, directing your view to the sheath between her legs from which the tip of her cock now starts to peek out from. "Kiss me."

Her chest rises and falls evenly, warm breath washes down over your face. The air around you is filled with her thick, musky scent but the more you inch down towards that swelling sheath the more intense it grows. It’s like a mix of the usual slightly acidic smell from after her workouts mixed with something more earthy.

Why are you doing this? Is it because one of her hooves gently rests at the back of your head, guiding you down? Is it that you want to please the mare you’ve had your eyes on for so long, no matter what you have to do? Or is it that this is your true heart’s desire, finally realised but you’re too afraid to reach out and touch it?

You want her; your heart aches, your mind burns with desire and your nose falls to that little pit of flesh between her sheath and her balls. One long, slow inhalation later and your lungs are filled with her scent, her rich and intoxicating smell that sends a warm shiver through your body.

A smile starts to spread across your lips and you nuzzle gently against her, enjoying how her hoof slides off you and the way her thighs ripple and flex under your hands. Slow and deliberate do you press your lips against the smooth skin of her balls, kissing them with more reverence that had ever been reserved for Celestia.

Then out you move, taking in the sight of that bulging sheath, throbbing with every beat of her heart and every quickened breath Rainbow takes. You lean in again, your lips meeting the edge of her sheath and you press your tongue gently to it. With your eyes closed you can’t see the expression on her face but you hope it’s one that mirrors the joy that has gripped you.

"I-I said kiss me!"

Her voice is almost frantic, a hoof tapping at the back of your neck to direct you to just the right spot. You know what it is, you can see it clearly: barely poking out from her sheath is the thickening tip of her cock. As black as the skin around it and just as strongly scented you can’t help but dive in, first letting your lips touch it in a gentle kiss and then sliding over it to lavish your tongue across the head.

The fat organ throbs against your cheeks, swelling up with greater speed than before as your head is pushed out from her lap. Almost on instinct, one of your hands slides down from her thigh and rolls over her balls, cupping the round thing and giving it a gentle squeeze. Somewhere overhead there’s a gasp and the hoof that was at your neck returns, stroking up and down.

Precum bubbles from the tip of that cock, spilling down onto your tongue and you willingly gulp down the slightly salty fluid. You want more, you need it! But right now it’s getting a little difficult to keep her cock in your mouth, you do still need to breath after all and with a pop you slip the expanding organ out of your mouth.

"Whoah… Wh-Whoah, dude, ya can’t just stop now!"

True enough, she’s barely at half-mast. The long cock simply droops out from her lap, the tip glistening with a mix of her pre and your saliva. Smiling, an idea comes to mind and you quickly lower your head back down onto those two black orbs, taking her cock in your free hand. It’s hot and heavy and continues to thicken in your grip.

Just as warm is her velvety soft coat and you take a moment to appreciate it, resting your cheek against her thigh as you lazily lap your tongue against one of her balls. The mare in your grasp shivers, rubbing her forelegs along the bedclothes and whispering something you can’t make out. It stops as Rainbow looks down to see you slowly running your tongue from the base of her cock right to the tip.

Stopping now isn’t an option, you know it, she knows it. A single line of pre runs down the shaft and you swoop down to stop it with your tongue, pressing your lips in to a tight kiss. One of her hooves moves down and cups your chin, pulling you back up.

"Okay… okay, that was good. Dude, that… you’re a natural!"

She’s still stiffening, each throb bringing it further up and closer to her stomach. For a moment both of you just watch that mighty organ grow. It pulses angrily under your gaze until finally it stands straight and proud, pointed directly back at Rainbow’s midriff. Your hand still holds it and you start up a slow rhythm, stroking up and down the shaft.

Rainbow bites her lip, nostrils flaring out as she gulps in air the closer your fingers start straying to the tip. It starts to swell out slightly, pre now flowing freely and coating the head and top of the shaft as you work it in.

"C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon…" Dash quietly mumbles that mantra, undulating her hips in time to your strokes. You’re starting to get a real feeling for just how much she must have wanted this and looking back, taking her out for drinks was a damn good idea.

But the sensation of a hoof grinding against your own stiffened member momentarily pulls you from your task. You shudder and then fall forward, only catching yourself on Rainbow’s thighs. Her hoof moves along your shaft at a maddeningly slow pace, pausing at the head before just as slowly moving back down. And then it stops.

Was that what you’d just done to her? Was that what you’ve been doing all this time, just teasing her? She told you to kiss her and you did but then you kept it going, taking it slow and enjoying yourself. Had you spared more than a mere thought for her pleasure?

"Okay… get up!" She’s never barked an order at you like that and the shock stirs your body to action, leaving you standing looking down. "No, no, no! Dude, that’s all wrong." Shakily, Dash rights herself, that fat cock bobbing up to bounce against her stomach. "I meant get up on your knees."

Entranced by whatever magic she’s working herself, you dutifully obey and lower yourself to your knees.

"Hands and knees." She’s smiling again, that devious, malicious grin that speaks to all the things she has in mind. Fear and anticipation for all of that forces you to action. "Good. Oh gosh, dude!" Rainbow hops up, planting her forelegs on your shoulders and giving you the most perfect view of her gorgeous member. "This totally wasn’t what I had in mind but I’m gonna remember this one."

Hopping back down, Dash looks you over and licks her lips once. One leg then the other reaches back, stretching out and limbering up the muscles. If there was any doubt left in your mind as to what she was planning it quickly faded in the wake of her tongue slowly licking over her lips.

"Okay… now… I’m gonna need you to turn around and bite that pillow." She completes it with a quick flick of her wing, making a turning motion. You stare at her blankly for a moment and she lowers her head and voice. "I wanna make this easy on you, dude, ’cause it’s gonna be easier to bite your pillow than biting your duvet." Closer still she moves in and then whispers, "If you want out we can stop right now but if you wanna be my bitch then you’ll turn around, wiggle that cute little butt and tell me how much you want me inside you."

What can you do? What else other than slowly turn yourself around, all the while noticing how Rainbow keeps her eyes on you. As soon as you’re around, she vanishes from view and you’re left only to contemplate your fate. At any moment a pair of blue hooves could materialise on your shoulders and her weight settle onto your back. One thrust later and you’d be hers, probably for the rest of the night…

Except nothing happens. No mounting, no rutting, nothing. You look back and see her still standing there with a quirked eyebrow.

"Didn’t I say you’ve gotta shake your goods?" One of her hooves connects with your rear with a dull thud. "C’mon! Shake it!"

Now you can’t bear to look at her but instead bury your head into your pillow, making slow motions with your hips.

"Oh yeah, that’s hot." You almost stop upon feeling a hoof on your behind but that might well mean she wouldn’t give you what you want. What you need. "Darnit, dude, why didn’t you tell me you had this!"

Rainbow gives a grunt before you can turn around, hoisting her body over you and clapping her hooves across your hips. You’re sure you can feel it – the heat radiating from her member, precariously close but just maddeningly out of reach. You give another little wiggle in the hopes of enticing her into action.

"Now tell me how much ya want this." She punctuates that with a little poke, precum smearing across your butt. "You want me to rut ya? Want this big mare inside ya, dude?"

You thrust your head into your pillow, stopping whatever sound it is you were about to make. You’d like to think it was just a whimper, just something silly like that born of your rampant desire for her. But you know the truth: you were going to beg her. You were right on the precipice of asking her to ruin you, to make use of you in any way she pleased so long as it was only you who was allowed ride that cock.

"Well?" Another poke, you can’t take this. You lift your head from the pillow and cry out to her – to fuck you, rut you like a mare in heat, just stop teasing.

For a moment there’s nothing more said as the silence creeps in after your outburst. Rainbow just stands there. For a moment you worry that this has all been some sick game, something for her to bring up and insult you with. But for all her rough edges, at least she isn’t that bad.

There’s some more shuffling and you feel the tip of her engorged member poke against you. Pre runs from the tip down your thigh, hot and thick and rich with her scent. Your fingers dig into the fabric of the pillow and you close your eyes, sparing only a moment to ask if she’s going to lube herself up first. That was the last mistake you made that night.

"Lube? You think I’m gonna back off now?" Rainbow gives a few more pokes, bumping against you and drawing a few gasps. "If you want I could turn you around and rut that pretty mouth of yours, that’s got plenty of lube in it."

You whimper quietly, rocking your hips back against her in protest of that answer. She’s got you in her grip, figuratively as well as literally; there’s simply no way you can go any longer without this mare in you.

"No? Then remember the last part of our deal – bite the pillow."

If it were any other pony you’d assume they were just talking dirty but this is Rainbow Dash – she orders and you obey without question. Which, as it turns out, was lucky enough as soon as your teeth clench around the fabric of the pillow she thrusts forward. With you unprepared and only a thin layer of saliva and precum to help, she barely jams the head of her cock into you.

You cry out in a mix of pain and adulation, pushing your head into the pillow with as much strength as her hoof pushes you. Even without them touching you, you can feel her thighs rippling through her body. More than that you can feel that monster in your rear throbbing, spurting thick gobs of pre in. A small mercy, perhaps, that they might make the rest of this easier.

Dash has no such intentions and makes another bold thrust, letting out something between a grunt and a whine. Your hands are clasped so tightly on the wood of your bed’s headboard that your fingers hurt – she’s stretching you further than you imagined would be possible and still there’s no let up.

"Guh, h-how are you so tight!" Hooves shuffle about on the bed behind you and dig in, readying that sleek body for another buck. Forelegs reach over your shoulders, gripping tight and holding fast to give her more leverage and she uses that to its fullest. It’s not one thrust but a series, a single hard one followed by shorter, quicker bucks.

One of her legs comes over yours, digging into the bed and pushing with all her strength. The medial ring of her cock passes inside you and Rainbow quakes in delight, nipping at your shoulder. Yes, this is what you wanted—what you needed—to be filled by her; to be stretched to your limits and then thrown over, to have every inch that can be put to use for the sole purpose of milking that mare dry.

"T-Take it! All of it, oh!" Her command dissolves into a garbled mess of grunts and moans as she picks up her thrusting again, her pulsing organ forcing the last of you to yield as finally she bottoms out and collapses onto your back, panting heavily. The mare gives a few more weak thrusts but it’s futile, you’re already holding every inch she can give.

Your whole body feels like it’s aching though no part more than the one between your legs. If you could spare a hand you’re be furiously stroking yourself but you’re not about to ask that of Rainbow. Instead you just lie there, willing your body to adjust to the massive invader but it’s no use; even so, you can’t stop yourself from weakly humping back against her.

"Ngh… Fine… Want more?"

Were it not for the lancing sting that shoots through you as she moves you’d beg for Rainbow not to pull out. with her powerful hind legs braced to either side of you she’s free to do as she pleases, slowly leaving you with a feeling of emptiness that’s almost as painful as her entry was. More and more of her cock is pulled out, your whole body shaking until nothing but the tip remains inside you, still spilling pre freely.

Dash throws her hind legs up, flapping her wings out once and then giving another flap, sending her forwards with far greater force than before. Her hips meet your own with a dull slap and her cock fills you in the blink of an eye, your body forced once more to stretch painfully to accommodate her.

Her wings continue to flap and her legs are splayed out, hips grinding against your own as the mare struggles to force more into you. And you can only hold your breath to keep from crying out this time, can only hope that it lasts longer than the first thrust.

It doesn’t; Rainbow slows her flaps, coming to rest on your back again before she yanks her cock out and then slams her hips forward, giving you not a moment’s rest or respite from the onslaught. Teeth clamp down on your shoulder again, the sharp pain involuntarily making you squeeze down on that thick rod of hers.

With your butt held high, it’s the perfect position for Dash to pick up a rhythm, straddling your hips and planting her hooves firmly into the bedclothes as she starts thrusting in earnest. It’s barely smoother than her initial entrance but at least now the pain has dulled behind the aching pleasure each buck of her hips sends through you.

Now, you’re not holding onto the headboard but the pillow and your teeth don’t clamp it between your jaws. You can at least stand to let Rainbow rut you without needing to hide your moans. Those same forelegs pull you back into her thrusts, her balls smacking against you with each and the passing of her medial ring in and out of you sends ripples of pleasure coursing out from that point.

But speed is her middle name and quickly enough the rhythm picks up in pace, her thrusts becoming shallower and the head of her cock distending to an almost obscene degree. It’s like she’s mounting you for the first time all over again, pulling out until she’s almost all the way out of you and then ramming herself back in. You don’t care if she hears you calling out her name in pain and ecstasy any more, don’t care if she laughs at the way you spread your legs and hoist your rear back and up into her to make her rutting easier and more pleasurable.

You’re hers now, you belong to her. As sure as you’d been calling her your friend before this night you know what you’ll be calling her after this and that you’ll never want it to end.

"C’mon… c’mon!" With her cockhead so thick it’s slowed her down, forcing her to put more effort into each thrust. "Nngh… you… you want me to… finish in ya?" She doesn’t wait for an answer but just thrusts mercilessly again. "Then work it! Y-You’re gonna have to… guh, work for it!"

Your hands slowly reach out and grip the headboard again, you take a mouthful of your pillow and then squeeze down upon Rainbow’s member with whatever strength is left to you.

The mare howls, hooking a hoof around your waist to pull you back into her lap as her hips smack against your butt relentlessly. She has to be close, you can feel the pre flowing freely from her, the head of her cock swollen to its apex. Then you feel it – her hooves touching against yours on the headboard as Rainbow lets loose a loud cry.

She buries herself so deeply in you and with such force that you’re thrust forward until your head bumps against the headboard. Her hind legs buckle, quivering in delight as her cock spasms wildly, first one small spurt of semen leading into a another and another after it, the time between each growing shorter as the amount increases by magnitudes.

Still weakly trying to thrust against you, you’re flooded with her cum, her swollen cockhead preventing so much as a drop escaping from you. Time melts into the ocean of pleasure that is Rainbow’s orgasm and you simply lie there, accepting all she has to give.

You’re not sure how long it lasts, how long it takes for that flood to peter out into its last few spurts and finally a tiny trickle as her cock slowly deflates and she pulls free of you with a wet schlorp.

Neither of you are in any position to move, both panting and grunting as you try to come down from what happened.

"Dude… Dude." She’s breathless, hoof knocking against your side. "We’ve… I’m gonna crash here." You’re barely aware of her crawling over to you, curling around your body. "Just… j-just remember… I get really bad… m-morning wood."

The Morning After

"Ngh... bagels... don't fit on it, Pinkie..."

You groan loudly, trying to turn to one side but find yourself trapped by something warm and soft. Something that has a blue hoof over your chest and nuzzles into your back when you try to move again. That something also had another hard something that pokes your rear, leaving a hot, wet sensation in its wake.

That was probably the best night's sleep you've had in a long time and while normally you'd have words for Rainbow waking you up, you certainly can't object to it being done in this manner. Without the curtains having being pulled last night, the early morning sun streams in; most likely you would've been woken up shortly anyway.

There's still some pain in your behind from last night but it's a little difficult to focus on that when you're grinning so hard. Telling Rainbow Dash about your attraction sounded like a terrible idea whenever you thought it over and you were sure the least you could expect was to be laughed away. And sure, last night was rough--wonderfully so, even the memories of it draw a few twitches from between your legs--it was also reassuring to wake up to Rainbow cuddling you.

But you can smell the sweat from last night's activities on yourself; staying in bed's a pretty tempting prospect but Rainbow isn't the sort who'd put up with a stink.

The mare gives a little whimper as you disentangle yourself, quickly scooching over the bed to the warm spot where you were lying. Her hoof trails up and down it a few times before she smiles again. Seeing her lying there in your bed after a night of fun is... heartening. More shocking is the sight of her long, black member at full attention and leaking on the sheets, it pokes out from her hind legs pulled up against her stomach.

Against your better judgement, you reach out and lightly trail your fingers on the head, an action which draws another quiet little whimper from the mare. Her hooves dig into the bed and she gently rocks her hips forward, finding nothing. Maybe once you've had a shower you'll chance another ride on the most beautiful pegasus in Equestria.

Your steps into the bathroom are slow and measured, careful not to make the ache in your behind any worse. That'll probably stay with you for a while, a nice reminder of what you shared. But eventually you manage to make your way into the shower and twist the knob to something hot, enough to soothe your muscles.

Standing there, under the hot water cascading across your body you can't stop your mind from turning to thoughts of what it might be like to have Rainbow share the shower. She'd probably press you up against the wall and rear up, unable to reach her head to yours but just as easily pinning you and muttering that you deserve this after teasing her for so long.

Somehow the shower lasts a little longer than you'd planned but when you towel yourself off and make your way back into your bedroom you're pleased to see Rainbow's still asleep. More than that, she's lying on her back with her hind legs splayed wide and her mouth wide open, snoring. Her cock is so stiff that it stands out proudly from her body, tilted towards her stomach; each exhalation sees another little clear drop of pre fall.

She really wasn't lying about the whole 'bad morning wood' thing. Well, now's as good a time as any to put to the test whether she's a heavy sleeper or not.

Licking your lips, you gingerly proceed over to the bed, kneeling down at the end and gently placing your hands on her thighs. The mare twitches once, her breath hitching and the snoring stopping for just a moment before it resumes. So far so good. This close, she's rich with the mixed smell of her emissions from last night as well as her natural musk; if you weren't aroused before you're almost painfully hard with this feast for the senses.

Your eyes rove over that long, black rod up and down then resting on those two fat orbs. As if entranced, you lean in and press your nose to the base of her cock, right above those balls and inhale deeply. You're almost sent reeling by the strength of her musk, rich and intoxicating - you need more. So it's with no hesitation that you slowly extend your tongue along her balls, swiping it from side to side.

Rainbow Dash grunts overhead, her snoring having stopped and her hips starting to twitch lightly in your grip. Just how far can you push this mare without waking her? A wicked idea comes to mind and you quickly enact it - lowering down further and opening your mouth, you work one of those balls in and suck lightly on it. Overhead you hear a gasp and feel a stronger twitch in her hind legs. The smooth skinned, slightly-salty tasting organ is rolled around in your mouth, washed thoroughly by your tongue. You would gladly worship her in this manner every morning if she slept here.

Anticipation and growing hunger lead you to drop the testicle back out of your mouth, kissing both once with reverence before you sit back and look at her. From this angle she looks just as hard as before but now with little tremors running through her hind legs. Is she dreaming of you? Dreaming of future conquests or perhaps even what she has in store for you today.

Maybe you can help those dreams along and so you move yourself back up, until you're looking down on her body. There's a small pool of pre on her stomach, most likely from your attention to her a moment ago. Poor thing, seeing her so obviously in need doesn't sit well with you and with a new resolve you climb onto the bed, straddling her hind-quarters and bent down enough that you're mere inches from her cock.

There's no long teasing, no slow going to tempt yourself but instead you move in and wrap your lips around the head of that sensitive penis. Another gasp and Rainbow bucks her hip, forcing the rest of it in, bulging against your cheeks and spurting pre across your tongue and the back of your mouth. Your tongue works furiously, moving in quick little swirls and running around and up and down of what little of the shaft you have access to.

Beneath you, her stomach heaves and you suck tightly, drawing another buck from her. You can't help but wince, feeling your mouth driven wider open by that prick. But it's worth it, if it means she wakes up feeling satisfied you'd suck her bone dry if you had to.

However, that's not to be; you hear a few grunts above you and then some mumbled speech before a gasp.

"H-Hey, what're you-"

Oh no, did she forget? Was last night really just the product of alcohol fuelled lust?

"Whoah... whoah, dude! Guh, cut it out, I mean it!"

Reluctantly, you slip her cock back out of your mouth to let it bob gently, a string of pre breaking and then landing on her stomach to join the rest. Righting yourself, you look up to see her giving you a glare.

"Geeze, you're insatiable, aren't ya? Fine," she grunts out, pulling herself from under you and standing up, "the least you could say is good morning Rainbow, did you enjoy last night, oh, I'm feelin' thirsty, mind if I get some milk?"

That glare melts into a grin and Rainbow lowers herself, leaning close to nuzzle your cheek.

"Okay, I had fun last night and I'm gonna guess you enjoyed it too, huh?" She bares her teeth, grinning wickedly and starts to lightly bounce on the bed. "Yeah you did! You were beggin' for it!" That bouncing quickly stops but the grin remains. "Mmm, I like when you do that. So c'mon, tell me what'cha want."

You want... It was so much easier when she was asleep, when her rose eyes weren't staring you down. You lower your head and your voice and quietly tell her that you want her inside you, like last night but... yeah, you're kinda thirsty so you'd like a drink.

"What, that all? I'll got get ya some apple jui-"

No! That's not what you meant! You're shaking now, trying to hold your composure and it's failing. You want her, all of her. You want the delicious drink only she can give you, can fill you with until you're as full as a tic. If she's got anything left after last night then you want--need--to drink it up.

"Darn right!" Rainbow waves a hoof towards herself and you shuffle over. "Remember last night?" When you're close enough she rears up and plants her fore legs on your back, baring that thick black shaft and balls. "I knew this was gonna be useful! Alright, dude, you know the drill... kiss me."

Dash steps closer, until that fat black cock is right to you and you kiss it, your lips parting as she leans in, precum and saliva making it an easy job. Step by shaky step she moves forward, inching more of that throbbing member into your eager mouth as you lavishly bath it with your tongue. When it taps the back of your mouth your eyes bulge and you make to touch her but you're already barely holding yourself up.

"Ugh... c'mon, dude, I--ngh--I need more."

You try to say something, anything to get her to stop but you've only barely enough time to take a breath before her cock pushes into your throat and cuts off your air. Only now does the medial ring pass your lips and you shut your eyes, focusing all your efforts on not making this any more difficult for her. Not that it makes any difference, Rainbow bucking the last couple of inches in, in one, hard thrust. You choke, your eyes rolling back in your head as your world is reduced to the cock stuffed down your throat and the balls that hang tantalisingly in front of you.

"Just... Just a little more!" You can feel the hot, moist precum slipping down, her prick throbbing almost painfully as her hooves tap and pull at your back, hips straining to force more of her meat into your mouth. "S-Suck! Suck it!" Faintness creeps in and your arms start to go limp.

Celestia smiles on you today because just as you feel yourself about to collapse, Rainbow begins pulling out. It's not gentle or smooth but in one motion that cock is yanked clear and you're free to gasp in great gulps of air while she stands there shaking. Saliva--your saliva--coats the entire length of her penis, now twitching and bobbing as Rainbow grunts and pants.

"Okay... o-okay, this isn't gonna work." In a flash she's off the bed and standing looking you over. "Buck it! C'mon, turn around!"

She helps you of course, as you swing your body around until your head is lying off the the edge of the bed. Rainbow shuffles from hoof to hoof, her cock swinging about and smacking against her stomach as she fails to keep her excitement in check. As soon as you're positioned correctly, she's back over to you, just about stopping herself from lunging in at you.

"Big breath!"

And indeed there's only enough time to do so before she takes advantage of your open mouth and thrusts forward, jamming a couple of inches of that quivering member into you. Another spurt of precum slips down your throat before her hooves plant themselves firmly on the ground and she gives an almighty heave with her hips. You can feel your cheeks bulging, your throat stretching as that massive organ is forced down.

This time it's easier to keep focused and when--amidst a grunt and one final push--she bottoms out in you, you grab onto her haunches and hold her there. Your eyes roll back but this time from the taste and sensation of that thing continuing to throb and you can hear Dash's hooves sliding on the bed as she attempts to get a grip to grind herself on you.

Your tongue lies crushed against the bottom of your mouth but you still try to wiggle it around as best you can and despite how little you manage, Rainbow still moans softly, thighs shuddering. You can't help it - one of your hands rises and comes back down on her rump with a sharp smack; Rainbow yelps, her hind quarters tensing up and her cock--surprisingly--stiffening with it, a few more splatters of precum shooting down your throat.

"You little bitch!"

The light, jovial tone to her voice still leaves you trying to form a smile. Not so much so when she starts pulling out again and you desperately slather your tongue over the receding tip of her prick to savour as much of that delicious pre as you can.

"You--hah--you wanna do this the hard way?" You can't see her face but that angrily throbbing cock is all you need to. "I'll show you who owns who!" With a cry of something between anger and excitement, Rainbow jabs her hips forward... and sends her cock gliding over your chin and neck. "Whoah!"

It's impossible to stop a snicker, especially at the way her legs struggle to find their balance.

"You think that's funny? Open!" Same tone as last night, the same one that takes control of your mind and makes her commands your will. "Tonight, I'm gonna get Applejack's rope and I'll teach you to laugh at me!"

Another shout and she rams that cock past your lips and into your throat. You weren't prepared and choke loudly before she cuts you off. Only momentarily before she pulls back out and you take a massive breath of air and then find her member in you again. The mare above you grunts loudly wrapping her hooves around your legs and pressing the weight of her chest to your stomach.

Her hind legs spread out with each thrust she makes, forcing your head further down until you're lying at the perfect angle for her to screw your throat. Each time she bottoms out she holds herself there momentarily, forcing you to take deep gulps of air before every one. Those heavy black balls smack against your head, beating out a rhythm as Rainbow works herself up.

Slowly, ever so slowly she starts to move in closer and the thrusts turn shallower. You're already stretched to your limit but with less time to breath and more taken up with that massive prick being stuck inside you, it's getting harder to hold on to her.

"Y-You're mine! Don't... Don't ever forget... whenever I want you... I take it!"

You undulate your own hips, those words pushing your arousal further. Her mouth remains maddeningly out of reach however and no part of her touches your own member. It's perfect, in a way, Rainbow using you for her own pleasure and making it yours.

The room is filled with the sickening schlick-schlick of her cock sliding against your lips, the huff and puff of the mare as she pistons herself on you, the scent of her arousal thick in the air and the beat of her wings with each heavy thrust. You're lost to a world of blue, of black and creamy, alkaline fluid that freely fills you.

"Ngh... get ready... g-gonna fill you up!"

And sure enough the head of her cock swells out just as it did last night but against your tighter throat it slows her pace to a veritable crawl. Dash pushes forward, dragging your body along the way and simply lying on you, holding your head between her thighs as she uses the new position to exact greater leverage.

The bed below you creaks and whines under the strain, Rainbow barely bothering to even pull out of you before she slams her hips down. You can feel a trickle of saliva from her on one of your legs as she growls and grunts, working against her own swelling cock to claim you. Then her thrusts turn harder, her hips bucking down into you hard enough that you feel the mattress compress under the force.

Rainbow lets out a fierce cry and collapses, her thighs shaking as her prick spasms inside you, semen erupting from the tip and flowing down your throat. You clamp your hands over her butt, holding her tight as she rides out the orgasm inside you. Slowly, silently, you feel yourself start to fill as flow picks up.

Her body twitches just as much as those fat balls do, each one sending another hot jet of her cum streaming into you. It warms you as surely as if it were any other drink and you hope she's got enough to sate your hunger and thirst. Rainbow's cries have died down to weak little whimpers by now but she still weakly bucks, still offers more and more. If you'd known she had such a kink for oral you would've suggested this last night.

On and on it goes, as if she didn't fill your ass last night. Maybe her stamina extended to more areas than just her aerobatics. You can't even taste that sweet semen but knowing that it's filling you, that it'll keep you full until you're next feast is all the satisfaction you need.

But finally the flow starts to slow, each spurt sending out less until with a shudder, Rainbow flexes her cock once more before rolling off you. Still rock hard, her cock is yanked almost painfully from your throat you gasp deeply, spluttering out cum as you struggle to breath.

That fat black member still twitches and Rainbow just lies there, heaving.

"Dude... dude... no... no way." She reaches out to tap one of your legs with a hoof. "We gotta... gotta plan this... better..."

You would. And knowing she wants this to continue as sure as you do fills you with joy. You've still got tonight ahead of you. A night of being bound and broken by the mare you love.

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More Than a Mare

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