
The Lone Hero

by Night-Watch-The-DAD

Chapter 14: A test of strength

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Dark Phoenix POV: He sighed in slight anger and frustration at how the meetings were going. One of the Griffins wanted to test him in a fight and knowing himself he would kill the damn thing whether it be by accident or purpose. In all honesty he was thinking about silencing one of them before now but being a soldier and all it would look bad on the U.S.E armed forces in general. If they were U.S.I.N.M, U.S.I.A, U.S.I.N or U.S.I.A.F he represented them as the major commander for their forces and as a figurehead.He was the lead of the armed forces but that didn't keep a few people from trying to bring him down. Most were happy with his ability to lead but some were power hungry and had to be taken care of sooner of later. He didn't want to fuck up possible treaties and the fact that he knew nothing of the culture here he could easily offend one of them.

Celestia POV: She was outraged and that was putting it lightly. "Do you have any idea what you have done?" She asked the Griffin envoy. "You could have possibly doomed one of your griffins to death or agitated him." she said trying to convince the griffin female to rethink her choice. The griffin female giggled. "Please Celestia, the minotaurs want to challenge him as well. He'll have two fights and he even accepted the challenge." The griffoness said. This made Celestia facepaw. "You have no idea the power he holds. His weapons alone are thousands of years ahead of even our most advanced, his training surpasses even yours, and let's not even get started on his ability to have surprises ready." Celestia said finding she was getting no where with the female.

Chrysalis POV: The griffins and minotaurs were idiots. Even she knew that at her best she wouldn't be able best the creature. What was the point in fighting him? A test of strength, wits, and power? Maybe that was it but there had to another reason, you don't just challenge a being that radiates power like he does. Her thinking was stopped when a knock came from here door which caused her to sigh. "Enter." She said and a pony soon did. "I-Iv'e been t-told to take you t-to the training area f-or the match." The nervous female said scared out of her mind. Chrysalis sighed. "Lead the way." She said as she followed the pony to where they were setting up for the match.

Dark Phoenix POV: He checked his weapons and selected the MR-50 (Marksman Rifle.) for the engagement. He didn't need anything heavy as the crystallized energy rounds would drop most hostiles with ease. He was here to prove a point, not kill. "Are you ready sir?" Said a pony next to him. Dark Phoenix nodded his head and stood up. He entered the arena and looked around for any cover only to find none. He frowned slightly as he activated his shield and prepared to create his own cover. His attention was drawn to a large male Griffin who entered the arena with a cocky grin on his face before getting into a fighting stance. Dark Phoenix only blinked and switched the safety off on his weapon. "Likely fast, agile, but armor won't hold against my weapon. Weak points are the wings, tail, and beak." He said examining his enemy. "Threat level green." The green threat level meant a target was only a small threat that could be dealt with quickly. The Griffin let out a screech and flew at him before dodging to the left expecting him to be slow in the armor. The exact opposite happened for as soon as the Griffin lunged at him he shot the creature in the wings. It began to thrash around in pain and tried to escape as Dark Phoenix came over to him. "Real strength, is showing your enemy mercy when they can no longer fight." He said and picked up the wounded creature after the match was declared over.

After a few moments he placed him down and turned to head back to the arena as a minotaur stepped forward into it. Dark Phoenix watched the minotaur with a shake of his head. "Yellow at best." The minotaur roared and charged at him before bringing his hammer down to where Dark Phoenix stood. Dark Phoenix simply dodged got behind him and cut the tendons that allowed for control in the legs. He watched the minotaur topple forward and whimper in pain as the back of his legs bled. "Brute force is not always the best option. Sometimes surprising your enemy is the better way." He said and supported the minotaur back to his friends before turning around and leaving.

Celestia POV: I watched him leave, he wasn't like most beings I had come across from Equestria. He didn't boast about his accomplishments, his victories, or any deeds he had done. In the short time I had known him I had seen what my father had been scared of but I had also seen what he should have tried to befriend. Humans are powerful, capable of destroying and creating, and are always learning new things as they push the boundaries of the universe. I couldn't believe that a race like his had been forced to leave or that my father had wiped out the last Human survivors on this world. For once I felt like an invader, like I didn't belong where I am now. This was their world and they had been forced to leave it behind for the survival of their species, this made my heart ache a bit. To lose one's home for tens of thousands of years must have been horrendous in terms of losses and who knows how many of his people were left behind when they had to leave. "Urgh, I can't think on this. I'll have to ask him myself…though I don't think I'm mentally prepared for what I may hear". I say to myself. Unfortunately Chrysalis overheard me. "What are you going on about Celestia"? She questioned me. "This is their world, I'm just wondering how many people they lost when they had to leave this world". Turning away I took flight out of the arena, I had a Human to talk to.

Author's Notes:

I'm sorry this took so long to get out. I'm a senior in high school now and it's gotten crazy. Please don't hate me.

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