
"Junior" Wonderbolts

by Shadowmane PX-41

Chapter 11: A Day Of Fun & Meeting The Twins

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There was a variety of foalish things, scattered around the complex. all of which were being partially used by other foals of different colours and breeds. The foalish toys and activities ranged from blocks and shapes, straight down to some foalsih play pens. There were a few benches propped up against some walls, where some of the parents were conversating with one another, no doubt talking about how cute their children are looking and playing.

"What did I tell ya, Dash?" Pinkie asked as she let Pound and Pumpkin out of the carrier to have a little runabout, "This place is perfect for you and your foals."

"Sure, but I'm starting to feel a little concerned about how the other foals are playing." She said as she watched what looked like three foals running around, only to get slapped by their playmates, "It looks kinda like they're having a scrap."

"Oh don't be silly, Dashie." Pinkie Pie said as she turned to see the game in all of its' foalish glory, "To me, it looks like they're playing a game of tag, with immediate tagback response I'm guessing."

"Still, it looks kinda harsh."

"Dash, I Pinkie Promise to you, that your foals are not going to get hurt here today." Pinkie Pie stood her ground and stood up straight with what could be described as a serious look on her face now.

"Mama, what does she mean-" Spitfire was cut off with one of Dash's hooves.

"Ssshh, here it comes." Dash whispered to them before turning back to face Pinkie Pie again.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye." Pinkie said and performed her ancient Pinkie Promise, elicting some tiny applause from the foals behind Dash.

"Well, I guess I can't really argue with the Pinkie Promise, now can I?" Dash said as she took the foals out of her foal carrier and set them on their hooves, "Just promise me you'll be good and that you'll play nice with the other foals, ok?" She asked her foals once she took the carrier off of her back and set it down somewhere out of harm's way.

"Otay, Mama." The foals said before dashing off into the foal's wonderland of colour and fun, giggling all the while.

"Dash, from what I've learned in coming here on a regular basis, I know that it's virtually impossible for foals to hurt themselves here." Pinkie explained as she lead Rainbow Dash over to an empty bench and sat down with her, "Everything's been foalproofed, the floor is padded, the edges on the blocks have been filed down so that foals can't poke their eyes by accident, why, even this bench were sitting on is foalproofed, look." She pushed her hoof down onto the bench, only for the hoof to sink into the bench like sand, "These benches are made of rubber."

"Well, when I see proof, I know it's the real deal." Dash said as she turned to face the foals again, "But I'm still worried about some of the other foals here. I mean, what if the other foals don't play nice?"

"That's why for the first day, it would be a wise decision if Spitfire, Soarin and Fleetfoot spent the day with Pound and Pumpkin." Pinkie said, "My foals practically know the place inside out, and are quickly learning how to make friends."

The two mares watched as their foals started to chase each other around, making sure now to crash into anything or anyone as they played. After they got weary from all that running, they sat down for a little talk.

"So, what do you tink of ouw wittwe home away fwom home?" Pound Cake asked Soarin, seeing as how Soarin remindedPound of himself at a much younger age.

"It's actuawwy quite impwessive." Soarin said as he got a much more stable view of the room around him, "Da pwaywooms back in Cwoudsdawe awe noting compawed to dis."

"If you'we fwom Cwoudsdawe, pwove it." Those words made Soarin feel worried, he knew that Pound was going to ask him to fly, but after what happened at the beginning of his time as a foal, Soarin rememnbered that they had all lost their ability to fly after the Triad Drive went into effect.

"You weawwy wanna see us fwy?" Soarin looked worried but still kept his cool for the most of it.

"Yeah, If you'we weawwy a Cwoudsdawe foaw, Yoo shouwd have no twoubwe in fwying fow at weast a minute. Now come on, wet me see what yoo know."

Pound sat back, preparing for what he expected was going to be a flying show. Soarin looked desperate, he needed to impress his one audience member. He stood on all of his hooves and outstretched his wings, looking ready for takeoff.

"Wings, don't faiw me know!" He whispered to himself before buzzing his wings rapidly. The first few times he got close to flying but he fell down quickly afterwards, "One moment pwease."

Soarin buzzed and buzzed his wings, almost to the point where it looked like he was going to faint from exhaustion. Clenching his face, and closing his eyes in his strain, he finally buzzed his wings fast enough to get off of the ground. He opened his eyes and stopped feeling any pain once he realized he was flying again. He made a few aerial turns to make sure he hadn't forgotten his roots and then grew an enourmous smile as he zipped around the foalish building with ease, "I'm fwying!" He announced as he started to fly on his own.

"Wooks wike yoo weawwy awe a Cwoudsdawe foaw." Pound complimented Soarin as soon as he too was airborne with his Wonderbolt foal, "Now wet's see about Spitfiwe and Fweetfoot." The two foals headed down towards the other three foals, but still kept airborne to grab their attention.

"Spitfiwe, as much as I'd wike to continue ouw wittwe chat, it wooks wike my bwothew and youw brothew awe fwying fow yoo." Pumpkin interrupted Spitfire's latest tale as she pointed towards the two flying foals.

"Soawin, how did yoo managa to fwy again?!" Fleetfoot asked, completely by surprise, "I thought da Twiad Dwive wemoved ouw fwying capabiwities."

"Twiad Dwive?" Pumpkin was surprised this time.

"It's a wong stowy."

"Aww I had to do was bewieve in mysewf and fwap my wings untiw I awmost passed out, den aww of a sudden, I'm fwying again!" He explained in the best way that he could, "Come on, yoo two. I bet yoo can fwy as weww, if yoo just twy and twy as hawd as yoo can, you'ww be fwying in no time."

"Weww, I'm not weawwy suwe-" This time, Fleetfoot was cut off by Pumpkin.

"Twust me, wid a bit of bewief and focus, I beiweve dat evewypony can fwy." Pumpkin started to encourage the other two Wonderbolt foals, "Just twy youw best and don't give up. Dat's how me and Pound wewned to fwy."

"Otay den, if yoo say so." Spitfire spread her wingfs, after Fleetfoot. They took what they found to be the appropriate pose before flight and started to buzz their wings.

"Come on..." Spitfire strained herself as her wings became too fast to follow. She felt like she was ready to give out at any moment. Her eyes were shut and her face was starting to strain. Then all of a sudden, she felt weightless. She could feel that she had left the ground. Upon opening her eyes, she immediately went happy and made sure it wasn't a trick by doing some aerial turns and maneuvers.

"Dat's it!" Pound encouraged Spitfire as she quickly recollected her bearings of flight and began zipping around the room happily, "Now what about Fweetfoot?"

"I'm twying my best." Fleetfoot said through her strain. She had to do this, if her brother and sister could do it. She started to feel the pain of trying as she started to strain, but that didn't stop her and she buzzed her wings as fast as possible.

"Yoo can do dis, Fweetfoot." Soarin whispered to her from afar as Fleetfoot kept going, almost to the point where it looked like her wings weren't even moving at all.

Fleetfoot then felt weightless and could tell that she was airborne. Upon opening her eyes, she made sure that she still knew her way around the basics of flying by doing some turns. After perfectly executing said turns, she made some giggles and regrouped with her other Wonderbolts.

"Dis is amazing!" She said in accomplishment as she took a few aerial laps around the room, "I'm fwying!"

"Mama, wook at us!" Soarin flew over and immediately grabbed Dash's attention, "We can fwy again!"

"Whoa, that is so cool." Dash complimented and took to the air herself, "I'll get back to ya in a second, Pinkie. I'm gonna show my kids the true awesomeness of flight!"

"Okie dokie lokie." Pinkie Pie waved Dash off before sparking up another conversation with one of the other parents.

The three Wonderbolt foals quickly got a good grasp on advanced flight as well, performing neat little tricks and loops. They learned some of their old moves as well, and easily impressed Dash with them. They made sure to never attempt the Triad Drive again, seeing as the consequences of that trick are unknown. But after making one final trick, they noticed that Pumpkin was all alone on the ground.

"Hey, why awen't yoo fwying wid us?" Spitfire decided to speak with her, "Didn't yoo say dat yoo couwd fwy as weww?"

"Weww yes, dat's pawtiawwy twue." Pumpkin began to explain, "But unicowns can't howd any spewws fowevew, and we eventuawwy tiwe out. Meaning, I can fwy wid yoo aww, but pwobabwy not as wong as da west of yoo."

"Aw, come on, Pumpkin." Pound decided to speak to her this time, "It might be nice to show youw fwiends dat yoo can fwy wid dem. Besides, dey may have some new pwaymates next time."

"Fine." Pumpkin sighed as she whipped up an aura and hoisted herself up in it.

Even the Wonderbolts were impressed, to see a unicorn fly is a rare occurence, but to see a unicorn foal to use magic and fly, was even rarer and the three foals were both surprised and excited to see this.

"Well, Dashie. You did want proof about my foals being able to fly, there it is straight from the pony's mouth." Pinkie Pie said as she quickly joined Rainbow Dash and the five flying foals.

"Hah, looks like I owe you a keg of cider, don't I?" Dash said as Pinkie Pie had leapt over some playing foals, "I'm sorry I doubted you."

"It's no problem, Dashie. Everyone does until they see the truth." Pinkie leapt up onto some precariously placed padded shapes and leapt off without disturbing the balance.

"Now then, the secret to flying for longer is to let your hooves do the turning for you. When wanting to turn, just pivot your hooves to the left or right, this will give you some more sharper turnability, in case you accidentally go the wrong way or are trying to navigate a treacherous valley or pit.

Even though the foals understood none of it, that didn't stop them from giving it a try themselves. They flew themselves forward and tried to turn, but they were having a little difficulty the first dozen times. Dash finally aided in the movement of the turning hooves, and the four pegasi quickly learned this and were now flying in helixes for the most part of it.

The foals soon got back to flying straight and Dash taught them a few other cool aerial tricks. all the while, pumpkin soon got bored and flew off to another part of the room to play with some other foals.

"Hey, Pinkie, when do you think foals of all variety can fly?" Dash asked in a childish style that would even make Twilight partially surprised.

"From my personal calculations, it may take a while. I'm not sure how long, but soon." Pinkie Pie had been reading a clipboard which she had pulled out of her mane earlier and put it back in after showing the papers (With random doodles here and there) to Rainbow Dash.

"Well, until then, I've got Spitfrire, Soarin and Fleetfoot to keep me company." Dash said as she nuzzled each of her foals, to which they nuzzled back.

Suddenly, a rumble was heard from Dash's kids, and they all knew what to do from there. The foals moved towards Dash's teats and began to drink their fill. Since Dash's wings were in use, she used her legs to cocoon Spitfire, Soarin and Fleetfoot.

After the flying foals had finished, Dash had to set them down to burp them, seeing as how their wings are partially on their backs. Each foal was burped in quick succession and let out giggles afterwards. They soon buzzed their wings and flew again before nuzzling Dash's neck.

"Tanks, Mama." Fleetfoot said after she had pulled herself out of Dash's neck fur.

"Hey, Pumpkin." Soarin flew over her and pulled her from her pattycake with an earth pony foal, "Whewe gonna stawt a game of tag wight now. Yoo wanna pway?"

"Weww, it's gonna be my magic and fouw fwying foaws..." She buried herself in though before finally pulling up an answer, "What da hay. Suwe, I'll give it a go."

Soarin and Pumpkin walked back over to the other flying foals where Pinkie was acting referee.

"Okay, everypony, I want a nice, clean, by the numbers game of tag." She addressed to each foal in the group, "This means: No Holding on after a tag, no violence, you can use any thing in this room as long as you don't use it to defend yourself. Since we haven't got any earth ponies playing, I'm gonna allow the use of flying and magic for this game."

"Hope you'we weady, evewypony." Pumpkin now said to all of them, "I am noted to be vewy good at tag."

"One last thing. Have fun!" Pinkie said as she and Dash took a few steps back to designate the first It, "Since your foals just got into flying, I'll pick one of them first." Pinkie began to ponit a hoof and throw it all around herself until it finally stopped on Spitfire.

"Spitfire, looks like you're It first." Dash told her as she flew up and raised a hoof, "Until the bell clock hits 12, everypony. GO!" Dash threw down her hoof and the chase was on.

The other 4 foals took off in all directions, leaving Spitfire with a choice of targets. She decided to chase after Fleetfoot first, seeing as she had taken the more complicated path from the main point.

Fleetfoot ran through the foalish haven at quite a speed, nimbly dodging block stacks and padded shapes all the while. But Spitfire was hot on her tail and pursued Fleetfoot out into open space, where Soarin was hiding behind something.

Fleetfoot, although out open, was still not going to get tagged without a fight and as such, she performed some nimble leaps to avoid Spitfire's hooves, there were a few occasions where it looked like she would have fallen flat on her front or back, but she managed to get some ground between her and Spitfire, and began to run through the maze of foal things once more.

"Weww, I tink it's time to make tings intewesting." Spitfire buzzed her wings and flew once more into the air. This allowed her to get a bird's eye view of the playroom and easily find the other foals. She eventually gave up on Fleetfoot and turned her attention to Pound Cake.

He was hiding behind some padded shapes, as he assumed that Spitfire was still chasing on the ground, occasionally looking up to see if she had finally started flying. He heard the noise of pegasi wings being used, and began to look towards the air, where he saw that Spitfire was coming towards him through the air at a fast pace.

"Yoo wanna fwy now?" Pound lightly taunted as he spread his wings, "I gotta wawn yoo dough, I've been doing dis fow a yeaw now."

Spitfire did a ground hug flight as she headed towards Pound Cake, but before she even got close to him. Pound Cake took to the air and flew off into another part of the room with Spitfire in close pursuit.

From there, it became an aerial battle between Pound Cake and Spitfire. Both of them were flying and one of them was It, it was a foalish dogfight between the Wonderbolt and the Cake.

Spitfire came close a few times, but Pound had seen those moves coming and did some impressive loops and other tricky inversions and helixes to avoid Spitfire's hooves. Eventually, Pound began to get tired and his movements became sluggish.

This was Spitfire's opportunity. She had managed to show such stamina throughout this aerial chase and she used up the last of it by charging towards the tired Pound Cake. She didn't go straight into him, but merely underneath him so that she had an easy target.

"Tag." The word was uttered as Spitfire tagged Pound Cake's belly and flew away. She had made a successful hit on a target and was now awaiting the next challenge.

Soarin was with Pumpkin for the most of it. Looking behind their cover to make sure It wasn't close. Pumpkin was taking the time behind cover to practice her magic a little.

"Hey, Soawin is it?" She asked the pegasus foal as he saw that Pound Cake had just been tagged, "I tink I've seen yoo somewhewe befowe, I just can't pwace my hown on it."

"You'ww have to tink about dat watew, youw bwothew's It and he's coming dis way!" Soarin ducked to avoid being seen and saw that Pound was now aiming for his sister.

All Soarin could do was watch as the pegasus moved closer and closer towards the unicorn. Pumpkin had eventually been backed into some padded shapes and smirked. Pound Cake was about to move in for a pinned-down tag but then, Pumpkin lit up her horn and vanished into the padded shapes, leaving behind nothing more than a glow.

"How did she do dat?" Soarin thought as he broke his cover and ran off into the other side of the complex, almost crashing into Fleetfoot as he did.

The chase went on, Pound was charging after Pumpkin, Fleetfoot was completely clueless on who It was, but she still partook in the game anyways. Spitfire and Soarin did their best to avoid Pound whilst they took cover in a ring of padded shapes.

In the meantime, Fleetfoot accidentally got closer to Pound and now she was the target. She didn't know it at first, until Pound left his mark on the pegasus foal.

"Tag, you'we it." Pound marked the pegasus foal with a light slap on one of her fleeing hooves, causing her to skid and stop a little.

"Awww, howsefeathews." Fleetfoot u-turned and charged after Pound. It was a tight chase, before Pound took a sharp turn to the right, causing Fleetfoot to focus on a new target: Soarin.

Soarin had seen the whole thing and quickly took to the skies to avoid the tagging touch of Fleetfoot. Buzzing his wings with great strength, he finally rose off of the floor and was flying majestically in the air.

Fleetfoot, however, was in close pursuit, flying with great strength and speed, closing in on Soarin. She was about to tag him until he made a sharp left turn, causing Fleetfoot to collide with some padded shapes and halt her flight.

"Dat was sneaky, Soawin!" Fleetfoot said as Soarin quickly flew away as Fleetfoot spoke to the fleeing pegasus, "Vewy sneaky!"

The other foals were notified of Fleetfoot's crash and they quickly assumed that Fleetfoot was It and that Soarin had just avoided being tagged.

Fleetfoot quickly got to her hooves and ran towards Pumpkin Cake. Fleetfoot went behind Pumpkin so that she was completely oblivious to the wrath of the Wonderbolt foal. Fleetfoot stopped talking completely and walked on tiphooves to make sure no noise was heard.

Even though there was noise anyways because of the rest of the playing foals in the large complex, Pumpkin Cake had heard Fleetfoot and quickly lifted herself into the air with her magic so that Fleetfoot couldn't tag her.

Fleetfoot flew up into the air with her wings to chase the flying Pumpkin Cake. Pumpkin flew through walls as well to make it harder for Fleetfoot to tag her. Even though she was being chased like a bunny running from Timberwolves, Pumpkin Cake could not help but laugh.

"Wat's so funny?" Fleetfoot had to ask as she had taken notice that her target was laughing.

"I just have to waugh at dis point." Pumpkin said as she did a nice swerve to avoid Fleetfoot, "I've had so many games of tag in da past, but dis is no doubt da best one yet." She landed on a padded shape and leaned to avoid Fleetfoot once more, "You'we weawwy good at making tings fun!"

"Yoo know, you'we wight." Fleetfoot stopped for a moment to let Pumpkin's comment of praise sink in, "I've had wots of fun as weww, Pumpkin, yoo and Pound awe good at dis game." She flew a little closer to Pumpkin, "It's nice ta have new pwayews when I pway tag."

"Then, enough tawk." Pumpkin made a look of cockiness, "Wet's finish dis."


The time was 12 o clock, and the game was up. There had been so many tags in this game that the foals had completely forgotten who was it and that how many foals were playing. The foals had all but fallen on the floor laughing crazily.

"Time's up." Rainbow Dash announced to the playing foals, "The last It was Soarin. That means everypony else wins!"

"Howsefeathews." Soarin sighed in defeat as Rainbow Dash picked the Wonderbolt foals up and dropped them in the carrier.

"Untiw next time?" Fleetfoot asked Pumpkin as she was loaded up into Pinkie's foal carrier.

"Untiw next time." Pumpkin was moved right next to Fleetfoot and the two hoof bumped. They elicted smiles afterwards.

"Looks like somepony made friends today, huh Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash asked as they walked out of the building and back towards Sugar Cube Corner.

"That seems to be the case." Pinkie said as they walked down the road and back to the bakery.

Well, I've gotta be heading back home." Rainbow Dash began, "No doubt my foals are hungry now. I wish I could have done it in the playscape, but mothers are dignified to feed their foals in private now."

"Okie dokie lokie." Pinkie said as Dash began to hover in the air, "I'll see you later then, Dashie."

Dash flew back towards the cloud house, with the foals securely fastened to the carrier. Even though Dash knew that they could fly now anyways, She knew they wouldn't be able to fly all the way back home without a little help.

"Mama, awe we gonna tawk soon?" Spitfire spoke to Dash, it was starting to sound more understandable to Dash after a few days with the three foals.

"I'm pretty sure you'll be talking soon. As long as you believe the achievable can be accomplished, nothing can stop ya." Dash comforted the foals as they flew across the sky.

"Tanks, Mama." Fleetfoot responded after Dash had finished her assurance phrase, "We'ww twy ouw best to tawk to yoo."

"So cute. I can hardly wait until they grow up again." Dash finally landed on the front doorstep of her cloud house, "They're gonna like what Twilight can do with her new powers." She opened the door to her house and took the stairs back to her room, "But this is one thing I guess I can wait for."

The foals were soon let down into the nursery and Dash unstrapped her foal carrier. The foals started to play with each other after Dash placed her carrier in a safe place. She then stood by the door, just in case the foals needed any assistance. All that came from this point was the foals playing with their stuff and Dash elicting a smile as they did.

Author's Notes:

End Of Part 11

By the way, one little apology I want to get out of the way. I'm sorry that this took so long. I was busy fangirling over and playing with the Breezie 6 that I lost track of time completely. So, that happened. What would you like to see in the next chapter. Seeing as it's no longer going to focus around reveals and stuff. Let me know in the comments below what you would like to see me do with Spitfire, Soarin and Fleetfoot in the future, and as always, have a nice day.


Next Chapter: The First Of Many Years To Come Estimated time remaining: 28 Minutes
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