
Illegal Heritage

by ZhaoZoharEX

Chapter 3: File 03

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File 03





Sorry it took so long to arrange another meeting. With the preparations and hosting of the Grand Galloping Gala, my schedule has been quite hectic.

“From what I understand, the Gala didn’t go so well this year.”

Well, the Gala is always quite mundane, nobility notwithstanding, but this year it was a disaster. While it was admittedly quite hilarious, the unexpected antics of the Elements of Harmony disrupted last night’s event and caused us to shut things down early for repairs. Thankfully, nopony was injured during the event, but the whole ordeal was still disappointing; for me at least. Anyway, what’s on today’s agenda?

“Yes, alright. Does the Grand Galloping Gala have anything to do with the order?”

Yes and no. While it is hosted by the heads of the Cardinal Clan, it really serves no purpose other than a get together among invited nobility and star guest. It was created with the intention of analyzing certain nobles and rooting out the corrupted or those hostile to the order. With the royal family taking over the events though, that idea was eventually dumped out.

“Do you ever attend? As in, invited?”

I was an agent. I was required to go. We may have discarded the original intention, but we still monitored the event. That, and some of our agents are high profile authority figures which make the idea of the event more attractive; who wouldn’t want to meet a celebrity after all? Me; I never liked the events. They were always so boring to me and, not to sound like a broken record, but I just wasn’t a social pony to begin with. However, for how much I complain about them, the first time I went was very memorable for a couple reasons.

Aperture always talked about going ever since she received a ticket for the event. Actually, let me rephrase that: she always talked about finding a date for the event. Of course, I was encouraged to go by Mentor and was given a ticket by the Cardinal Head Mistress’s son. For this interview, let’s refer to him as Spotlight. Spotlight himself was also the date that Aperture eventually went with. I ended up going with no date, but I did have an escort: my guard pony friend. Unfortunately, he had to be on active duty for the event so I was alone until I met up with some other agents, one of them being Aperture. Among them were Spotlight, a rising figure in media - we’ll call her Serenade - and a young couple from Ponyville, who I will be referring to as the Edens.

“Eden? Why does that name sound familiar?”

Don’t interrupt me when I’m in the middle of talking, or I’ll end this interview right now and confiscate your tapes.

“Uh! Sorry. Please continue.”

Now then, I said the event was memorable for a few reasons. First off, this was the first time I’d been to such an event which, even though I didn’t care for social gatherings, was something new. The experience was neat at the time, but it lost its charm with repeated attendance as the years went by. Secondly, this is where I met some close friends that I still hold dear to the present day. But most importantly, this is where I met the stallion who would later become my husband. And I can almost guarantee you, if not for that stallion, none of my accomplishments would have been possible and we would not be sitting here talking about them today. For the record, I will be referring to him as “my future husband” during these interviews; even though you already know his name, I don’t want him to be mentioned in these tapes.

And yet despite our future engagement, despite the bond we now share, would you believe that I did not like him when we first met?

“Is that so? What made you change your mind?”

I really couldn’t tell you why I disliked him in the first place. I guess I was just prejudging him like I did the other nobles there; once you’ve seen one stuffy or pompous noble, you assume all are like that. Anyway, I was approached by Aperture after an hour of wanting to bang my head on the nearest wall out of sheer boredom listening to stuck up nobles; from what I could gather, Unicorn supremacy was common, much to the chagrin of the Princess and a few other “normal” nobles. But I digress.

“Hey Pandora dear? I have somepony I’d like you to meet,” she said with a hint of glee.


She escorted me to the gardens where I saw a suave stallion alone.

“Good evening again, Aperture, is this the friend you were talking about?” the stallion said.

“The one and only. We call her Pandora.”

“And how are you today, milady?”

“...Okay I guess.”

“I have to say, you’re every bit as beautiful as your friend said. Such an elegant curly mane. It really compliments your white coat.”

“Oh, uh… thank you.”

Admittedly, my face went from white to red at that comment. I was still skeptical about the stallion though. I have been approached by many others who have tried to sweet talk me off my hooves. I’m not sure if their intentions were pure or if they were really interested in me, but regardless I never gave them a second glance. There were many other things I’d rather be doing than to be cuddling with a stallion. But this one seemed different. He seemed… genuine. There was something about the way he talked that made me feel at ease. Even now, I couldn’t really tell you what it was.

Then there was his appearance. He was refined just like many other nobles at the party, dressed in a custom tailored suit and a top hat. He carried himself with such… dignity? I’m not sure that’s the right word for it, but whatever the word I’m looking for is, what made him stand out from the rest was his willingness to bump elbows with any social class. He didn’t care if you were a commoner or another noble, if you showed him respect, he would show you the same.

I’m not sure what Aperture’s intention was when she introduced us to each other, but in the present day I find myself constantly thanking her. However at that time…

“What were you thinking App? What if he finds out about our identities?” I spoke in a hushed whisper.

“So I’m guessing you like him then?”

“You do know we have a mission to uphold right?”

“Yes, but you didn’t answer the question.”

“Please concentrate.”

“I take that’s a yes?”

“Look would you just-! Even if I did, which I’m not saying I am, we are going to leave the city after we find what we’re looking for.”

“Oh, uh about that…”

That last bit caught my attention. She sounded devoid of her usual enthusiasm. Instead it was replaced with a grim tone as she spoke.

“Okay, what’s up Aperture?”

“Well… the Head Mistress spoke with me this morning in her office and she told me to give you this message. What I’m about to tell you… won’t be easy for you to hear. But we need to go somewhere private.”

We made our way to a secluded part of the castle gardens. If I wasn’t so worried about my friend’s message, I would have taken the time to admire it. True to her word, what she told me wasn’t easy to hear.

“You mean… Grandmaster [NAME CLASSIFIED], my mentor, is… terminally ill?”

“I’m sorry Pandora. I know I should have told you this before we came to the Gala. I just didn’t want to dump this on you on a night that was supposed to be fun. I was going to wait until we got home to break the news to you.”

“I… I understand. I don’t blame you for trying to lighten things. But Mentor… Zebras are usually strong and he was very healthy.”

There was a long drawn out silence. Aperture understood my situation and allowed me to take the information in. The more I thought about Mentor, the more I had to fight back tears. Due to the circumstances surrounding my birth, I was kept away from my parents as much as possible. I eventually fell into the care of Mentor and he was the closest thing to a father I knew. For seventeen years, I learned from him, looked up to him, and studied under him and sought his guidance whenever I needed it. It was with his help that I earned my cutie mark and learned of my special talents. In his teachings, he would always tell me that information learned is more valuable than information given, that significance comes not from a single act, but from the context in which it is performed, from the consequences borne of it.

I stood there for awhile, trying to think of what to do. I was understandably conflicted. I wanted so much to see Mentor before he dies but at the same time, he gave me a mission which I wanted to see through to the end. But with Mentor gone, what will happen when I leave Canterlot once the mission is done? I didn’t want to stay here, but I would have nothing to return to. I was brought out of my deep thoughts when Aperture suddenly hugged me.

“So what do you plan to do now?”

“I don’t know yet. Part of me wants to see him during his last days on the planet, but I know I have to complete the mission he gave me.”

“I understand if you want to see him. Just go ahead with it already.”

“But the mission-”

“Will be handled by myself and the others until you get back. Please Pandora, he needs to see you one last time. You need to let him know how much he means to you.”

“Aperture… Could I possibly have some privacy? I need to think.”

“Of course. Take as much time as you need dear.”

At that point, any attempt to not break down and cry was pointless. As stoic as I like to be, I was helpless to the power of emotion.

“What did you do after that?”

What do you think? I made plans to visit Mentor. After my breakdown, I decided it was best for me to go home and go to bed; I had a long day and I thought some sleep would do me well. Aperture stayed behind to inform the Head Mistress of my next action and well, she liked Spotlight. No surprise that later they became partners in more ways than one.

“What about the other agents?”

What about the other agents? If you’re talking about Serenade and the Edens, I didn’t get to know them until later in my life. As for everypony else? I refer to my broken record statement. I know that’s getting old to keep hearing that. I will try to cut back on using that excuse. No promises though. Anyway, they really had no reason to think me any different than them, had no reason to think Mentor was anything more than a supervisor to me. So why bother with them?

When I woke up the next morning and went through my morning rituals, I packed some things that I would need for a few days and bought a train ticket to the Frozen North.

“The Frozen North? I thought you lived in Manehatten.”

No, I said I was from Manehatten. I told my guard pony friend that because at the time, I didn’t know he was a fellow agent. Either way, I wasn’t quite lying. I WAS born in Manehatten, but I wasn’t raised there. I’ve said before I was kept from my parents as much as possible and taken in by Mentor. Well, he owns a property up in the North where he both lived and worked. It has since been abandoned, but that’s besides the point.

Anyway, as I was saying, I bought a ticket up to that point. It took about two, maybe two and a half days to travel up there, but when I finally arrived, I was greeted by Mentor’s servants. They escorted me to his room and there I saw him for the first time in almost a year. He was very sick, though I suppose when you’re as old as him, it’s to be expected. He was in bed and I could tell he didn’t have much energy as he just barely pivoted his head and spoke weakly.

“Hey Pandora, you are looking well.”

“I wish I could say the same to you.”

“Aha, yes I suppose I’m not in the best of shape. How has your task gone?”

“We haven’t made much progress in all honesty. We know the Lion is located in Canterlot, but we just don’t know where. We’re working on a hunch it’s within the mountain itself, possibly underground.”

“I see. Not to worry. I trust in you and your friends.”


“Friends. I’ve heard about Aperture and the others from other agents.”

“You’ve… heard about my antisocial tendencies then?”

“Pandora, I have the utmost confidence in you and I trust you most to do the mission I gave you. But I also want you to make some friends. You have been doing just that, but I feel you are putting your certain priorities before others.”

"I'm sorry."

“Don’t be, my child. I applaud you for being so dedicated. But please, I want you to learn to be a mare at times. Trust me, dedicating all your time to work will lead to a lonely lifestyle. You’ve learned from me how to do many things. I have set an example for you in what to be. Now, I want you to learn from me what NOT to be. Please, I don’t want to see a beautiful young mare like you waste your potential. I know you will make some good friends, both within and outside the Order, and I also know that one day, you will make one lucky stallion very happy.”


“I applied my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly. I have also perceived that this was also but a chasing of the wind. For in much wisdom is much grief. And he who increaseth knowledge, increaseth sorrow.”

His words really got to me that day. As much as I didn’t want to meet new friends, I knew he was right. He had a point. I’ve known him to throw himself into his work and often spend several days back to back trying to get things done. I would see him go without sleep just to provide help to me or other agents that needed his assistance. When I was learning magic, he showed me much patience. When I got into trouble, he showed me discipline. When I was lost, he showed me guidance. And above all, he showed me love. He… He was smart. He knew I would want to follow in his footsteps and take after him. But he also knew that would mean becoming solitary and bitter later in my life. He didn't want me to be like he was when he was young. To forego pleasures and relationships, sacrificing them to lead a worldwide organization.

“Are you okay, miss? You’re starting to cry?”

I’m sorry… It’s just painful to talk about him. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of how much I loved him. He was so proud of me, not just as a final apprentice. I was his child essentially. Without him, I would not be where I am today.

Anyway, over the course of the week I was there, I tried to make the final moments with Mentor last as much as possible. We reminisced the days we met and began my lessons, the days I spent with him, when I got in trouble, and when I got my cutie mark and started my magic training. Looking back on those days, it seemed like he was conditioning me for something. It turns out I was correct but that is for later. Then there came the day before his passing. I came into his room when one of his maids informed me that he wanted to talk to me.

“Pandora. Dear,” he said in between coughing fits.

“Yes Mentor?”

“I… I remembered something I wanted to give you before I leave this world. Something that only you should know.”

He mustered as much strength as he could to lift his hoof up. In it was a small white velvet box.

“Since I took you in, I… knew you would do many great things. Your talent for magic and guile has confirmed it. I want you to take this… It’s a family heirloom that I want to pass on to you. However, you have to promise me this: I want you to wait until your twenty-first birthday before you open… this box. Can you do that? Wait four years?”

“...Yes Mentor, but why?”

“It has been a tradition in my family to pass on what’s in this box to our next of kin. Once you see what is inside, you will understand.”

“I’m your next of kin?”

“Why of course. You are family. In fact, I want you to know that in all my ninety-eight years, I have never quite met a pony that I’ve grown more attached to than you. You… are like a daughter to me. No… You ARE my daughter.”

“I… I don’t know what to say.”

“You have to understand though. I have high expectations for you in the future. Can I trust you to live up to them?”

“I promise I will… dad.”

“That is the first time I’ve heard you call me that. I can die happy knowing how proud I am to hear it. I… Have no regrets.”

Those were the last words I heard from him. The next morning, he was announced deceased. The news spread quickly among the order and his funeral was held three days after his passing as he was buried in a cemetery within Vanhoover, the nearest city to his manor. Agents from across the globe mourned his loss and many showed up to his funeral, the Head Masters among them. I still had the box he gave me and I intended to keep the promise. I would not open it until my twenty-first birthday. I did not know why he wanted me to wait, but he gave me one last decree and I wanted to honor it. I wanted to make him proud.

“Goodbye dad. I’m going to miss you.”

Hey uh listen. I’m getting too emotional to continue today. Let’s end this here. I have a lot of work I need to tend to later tonight and I don’t want to be tearful during so.

“Okay. I understand. Thank you again for agreeing to do this.”





Evening that night…

“Enter. Photo Finish? I didn’t expect you tonight. How are you, my dear friend?”

“Not bad at all. Mine vork took some time to complete vut I can now say the repairs are done. Und I even brought mien liebchan.”

“Miss Finish, must you really use that accent when we are in private? I can understand your need to be fancy but both Pandora and myself know who you really are.”

“Aw, vut I thought you liked mine sexy voice, Spotlight.”

“I never said I didn’t.”

“Alright you two. What’s up?”

“Ve have been vatching over that boy you told us about. You know, the one conducting the interviews? It vud seem he is vorking for someone else and not alone.”

“We don’t know who he is working for yet though. From what we could gather, it is apparently someone with deep pockets.”

“I see. If he is working for another, we will have to be careful with how we handle this. If word gets out to them, it would make our quest much more difficult than necessary. We have seen what that kind of danger can do to ponies.”

“Jess. And ve don’t vant another accident like vat happened to the Edens. I fear the rest of their family in the Sweet Apple Acres will never quite recover from it.”

“That reminds me. Spotlight, could you have someone deliver payment to Miss Granny Smith for her contribution? I would do it myself, but today has been insane. First the repair work and then the interview; one deteriorated me physically and the other emotionally.”

“Yes, I’ll get someone on that after this.”

“Oh and before you go, I want to congratulate you two on your new fashion lineup. I’m glad to see a close friend of the family contributing to it.”

“Ah Miss Rarity yes? I had my doubts about her at first, but her talents prove to be a marvelous success! I see great things in store for her in the future.”

“Jess if only that idiot Blueblood could understand. Did you see how he treated her at the Gala. Bah! Such disrespect! If I were her, I vould destroy him just like he destroyed her vonderful dress.”

“From what I heard, you didn’t exactly pay much attention to her when you took her friend as a model.”

“Vell… I’m not as you say, focused as much on clothing as you are. We split our career teamvork you know: you find the clothes and I find the models to wear them.”

“In any case, I will make sure that Blueblood learns his lesson. In the meantime, I want you two to carry on with your task. Spotlight, I want you to go on with the payment like I asked, then inform the other agents to be on a look out for this journalist if you haven’t already. Tell them to be ready for my command.”

“Right away.”

“And Photo? When you get the chance, tell our ‘brilliant’ Prince to meet me here the next time immediately.”

“Ugh. You better give him the scolding of his life.”

“I will do so and more. By the way Finish, it was great talking to you and your husband again after awhile of work. You seem to know how to keep Spotlight in line at the Gala, heh heh.”

“Jess vell, he doesn’t really like the name Spotlight so much after I called him that so much, especially during vork. He just prefers the name Hoity Toity. Quite fits him really!”

“I can hear both of you talking about me, you know!”

“Hahaha, ah. Well, I shouldn’t keep either of you from your work. We should really catch up tomorrow over lunch. Until then, I will be waiting for that Prince.”

Next Chapter: File 04 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 57 Minutes
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