
My Little Fanfic: Celestia Takes the Cake

by Lux

Chapter 1: The Whole Thing

My Little Fanfic – Celestia Takes the Cake

By Lux

It was a sunny day in Ponyville and all the ponies were going about their daily business. Suddenly in the skies overhead a familiar figure appeared, circling the town for a good place to land. As this pony made her final descent, it was clear that this was none other than Princess Celestia. The town was used to the Princess of the Sun making her sometimes impromptu visits to Ponyville, especially since Princess Twilight Sparkle lived there. The Princess, however, had another reason for her visits. Ponyville was a nice friendly town and a great place to get away from the daily routine in Canterlot, like a mini vacation. It was close enough that she could easily travel to the town and also near Canterlot if the Princess needed to return in case of an emergency.

As the Princess made her way through town, pausing to acknowledge the ponies bowing her presence, she caught sight of a certain building that looked more like an oversized gingerbread house than a store. She knew this place well, this Sugar Cube Corner, as she spent a couple of times meeting Twilight Sparkle and the other Elements of Harmony there. It was a happy place, filled with a myriad of baked goods and candies for ponies to enjoy. She was fond of Mr. and Mrs. Cake who lovingly showed their passion for baking. And of course who could forget the pastel pink party planning pony and bearer of the Element of Laughter Pinkie Pie. The earth pony always was quick to put a smile on Celestia’s face with her antics or a quick joke. There was no doubt that Twilight was lucky to have Pinkie as a friend.

“I suppose I have the time to pay this place a visit,” the Princess said as she made her way up to the door and stepped in. For it being during the day the place was silent, not a single pony patron in the store. Immediately the Princess was overwhelmed by the sweet aroma of the baked goods around her. A bead of sweat formed as she stood there at the intoxicating scent, as an all too familiar feeling began to fill her. “Control yourself,” her conscious said, “You are a Princess.”

The Princess quickly shook off the feeling, regaining her composure as she walked further into the store.

“Hello, is there anypony here?” Princess Celestia called as she looked around for any signs of life. There was no answer, just her voice echoing through the baked goods wonderland. It was then that the Princess of the Sun saw on the counter a note written in pink ink. Levitating the note closer to her Princess Celestia examined it which it said:


If you’re reading this note (which I’m sure you are unless somepony else told you this that you’re in my mind somehow which would be really weird), I’m not here right now. The Cakes are on vacation and I’ve gone on a super-secret mission, which even telling you about now makes it not a secret so I guess I can tell you that I’m just delivering a super-awesome five tiered wedding cake! This thing took like fooorrrevvverrr to make and the bride and groom are going to be over the moon happy about it!

Anyway, since I’m here and not there where you’re reading this (can’t be two places at once now can I?) it means I can sell you any candies or pastries right now. I will be back in about an hour or so, so if you want to come back or wait here until I return, that’s fine. Oh, feel free to have one of my super-delicious rainbow cupcakes, inspired by my friend Rainbow Dash (of course they’re not totally inspired by her as that would mean they are made from ponies, and last I checked cannibalism is frowned upon in Equestria. Plus I’d never hurt my friend like that, as that would be super mean and something that some silly pony may write about in some creepy fanfic!)

Hope to see you soon!

Pinkie Pie

Princess Celestia stared at the note, looking half perplexed about certain things like what exactly a fanfic was or why it would relate to cannibalism. She could only hope that something as grim and dark wasn’t mainstream. Her attention was then directed towards a plate of cupcakes, some chocolate and others vanilla, each with a swirl of rainbow icing on top. There were a few missing, ones selected by ponies before the Princess entered the store. Celestia stared at those perfect creations that Pinkie set out for the waiting guests as that desire inside her grew again. Her mouth began to water as a tiny droplet of drool hung very unroyally from corner of the Princess’s mouth until falling onto the counter.

The little of voice spoke again saying, “You know what happens when you see baked goods. Remember the cake you had made especially for Princess Luna only to be half devoured by you before it got to your sister? Remember you took all that candy from the Nightmare Moon statue during Nightmare Night? Remember when you almost attacked a Filly Scout for her cookies? So have one cupcake and get out of here.”

“Well, I suppose I can have just one,” Celestia said as she levitated a chocolate cupcake from its plate and ate it. The taste of sugar and chocolate felt good running down her throat as she removed the icing from her mouth. She turned away from the tempting tray of cupcakes and was about to leave the place of temptation when she heard another voice in her mind.
“Oh Celestia, why are you trying to fight what you know you love? Don’t you want to have more of those sweet treats? You are a Princess, you deserve to indulge sometimes.”

“I do don’t I,” Celestia said as she turned back to look at the bakery area, “Especially with all this heavenly food around me… no! I can’t eat everything that Pinkie pie and the Cakes spent their time preparing. I can’t deny the other ponies their breads, cookies, and cakes. I… I…”

Without giving it a second though the Princess darted towards the plate of cupcakes and devoured it, all restraint gone from her mind. She then turned around and looked at the rest of the bakery with a ravenous stare, as if the pastries were mocking her. She ran to a nearby shelf full of cakes and one by one began to consume them, her eyes bigger than her stomach as she was lost in the pleasure of the sweet taste.

As the Princess moved to another wooden shelf of baked goods eager to devour what was there, a filly walked into the store unaware of the carnage taking place. She caught of a glimpse of the back of a tall white pony seated on the floor, her once pristine pinkish white coat and pastel rainbow mane and tail now marred by cake crumbs and icing.

“Um… Princess Celestia,” the filly said softly, unsure what was happening. Celestia paused when she heard the filly’s voice and turned slowly around towards the other pony, her eyes staring hungrily while her mouth was stained red from a velvet cake.

“Ahhh…” the filly screamed as she turned and ran out of the bakery. Celestia, unfazed by the intruder continued to devour the baked goods. With all the shelves cleared, the Princess turned to the last place untouched, the glass counter where she first found the note and the cupcake tray. Without giving it a second thought, Celestia dove over the counter and began to grab anything she could get her hooves on, devouring the cookies, cupcakes and fudge, all while smile in pure ecstasy.

Outside Pinkie Pie was returning to the bakery, humming a happy tune, when she saw a filly suddenly burst from the bakery screaming, “Monster!”

“Monster? Why would there be a monster in the bakery? Oh no, unless there’s a monster with a sweet tooth, a cookie monster!”

Pinkie quickly darted into the bakery to see what was going on.

“Hello? Anypony home? I … oh my!”

Pinkie Pie stood her eyes wide and jaw almost hitting the floor as she saw the carnage in the bakery. Everything, floors, walls and ceiling, were covered in bits of cake and icing. Cakes and other baked goods were on the floor in various states of being eaten. Everything she made was gone, completely and utterly destroyed! It was then she heard a noise coming from behind the counter indicating that somepony or something was still in the store!

“H…hello? Cookie monster?” Pinkie said not watching where she was going as her hoof stepped on some icing. The mare slipped and slid face first into the counter!

“Ugh,” Pinkie said shaking her head as she tried to stand up straight. It was then that she came face to face with none other than Princess Celesita. At first she didn’t recognize the Alicorn as the Princess of the Sun, as her coat, mane and tail were coated in crumbs and icing, a further reminder of what were once whole baked goods.

“Oh hello there Pinkie Pie,” the Princess said unaware of the fact that she just decimated Sugar Cube Corner, “I must say you have wonderful baked goods here. I’m sorry that I cannot stay any longer to sample more of your treats as I have to meet with Twilight.”

Pinkie stood there, for the first time in her life unable to say or do anything as Celestia passed by her blissfully unaware. The Alicorn paused, shaking off what remained of the evidence from her ravenous romp, causing Pinkie to be hit by some of the remnants.

“Oh,” Princess Celestia said just before leaving, “Perhaps next time I can come back here for more of your sweet baked goods.” With that the Princess gave a coy smile before turning and exiting the bakery, leaving Pinkie Pie curled up and shaking in a fetal position on the bakery floor as she began to mumble something about Celestia and cake.

“Thank you for visiting me,” Twilight Sparkle said to the Princess.

“Oh you are quite welcome. I was in the neighborhood and decided to pay you a visit.”

“Um… Princess, why is there icing on your face, and on your coat, and your mane and tail?”

The End... for now!

Author's Notes:

This story was something that popped into my mind about a week ago. Thought I'd make into a fun little tale.

Enjoy this short fic!

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