
Lifeless Sand

by Write Holiday

Chapter 8: The End

Previous Chapter
The End

I open my eyes quickly, my breathing fast and erratic. I look around the room, panicked. I'm not even sure why I'm panicked, to me it's just another moment of waking up. But then I remember what I just went through. I look around my room, and see a picture. I walk over to it, and slow down. I stand there, staring at it. It's me and Fluttershy at her house, helping Angle with his food.


I up from the picture, "Come in."

"Hey Rainbow."

"Oh, hey Twilight." My voice is quiet and slow.

"Listen, I know your sad about-"

"Fluttershy and AJ? Yea, I am. But you wouldn't understand. I don't deserve the things I have. Everything from friends, to everyday items. I deserve to die, that's what I deserve." Twilight is silent for a couple of minutes.

"Rainbow, don't talk like that. It's not your fault they died."

"YES IT IS! DAMMIT, dammit yes it is. I killed them. They were going to kill me, but I killed them. And now I'm a murderer. I SHOULD HAVE LET THEM KILL ME! THEY WERE ONLY DOING THEIR JOB! But no! No I had to be the one to fight back, to be able to kill them. And I did. I did. Dammit Twilight this is why you wouldn't understand. I did kill them, but they were going to kill me. It wasn't intended, it was just instinctive." The room is silent. "If you want to stop being my friend, then I agree with you. I deserve to to in a jail."

"You, killed them?" There is a long awkward silence.

"I think it'd be best if you just leave Twilight."

"You killed them." She keeps muttering to herself as she walks out. I realize she must have done that spell thing for her to be able to walk on clouds. "Why? Why me? This always happens to me. First Velvet Rose, then AJ, and then Fluttershy, I just kill anypony I go near. I should just stay in my house forever, stop all of the death.

"Excuse me?"

"Who's there?" I ask, feeling tears in my eyes.


"Where are you?"

"Down here. My I come up on your bed?"

"...ok." She jumps up.

"Hi Rainbow."

"V-Velvet? But, oh, your a ghost."

"Yea, I am. Listen, I don't know if you believe in ghosts or things like that, but-"

"Before you continue, I do." I interrupt.

"Ok. Well, I'm here to tell you that Applejack isn't in heaven, she still thinks that you shouldn't have done what you did. But Fluttershy isn't there either."

"I'm right here." I look up.

"Fluttershy!" I jump down and run over to her hugging her. I don't care about how I'm able to hug a ghost, I just care that I'm hugging Fluttershy.

"I'll be up there Fluttershy, call me when you need me." And Velvet Rose disappeared.

"Listen Rainbow, don't blame yourself. Don't think you deserve any of what you said. It was my fault. I am the one who changed for Celestia, I'm the one who told Applejack to join me, I'm the one who-" she stops. "I'm the one lured you to the forest and tried to kill you. It's my fault all of that happened. Don't blame yourself, blame me."

"Flutters, listen, I don't care. I don't care you wanted me dead, I don't care you tried to kill me, I care that now, we are where we should be. Together."

"Dashie, oh, sorry, you don't like-"

"It's fine Flutters, you can call me that."

"O, ok, well, I always loved you. I even loved you when I was with Jackie, I wanted to be with you. But I thought that there was no way that you felt the same, so I told AJ I loved her and she said she loved me back. Then I felt obligated to go along with it. But I still loved you, and I still do. I just-" I break her talking by kissing her on the lips. She begins glowing, and I can actually feel her as if she was real. We continue, and she begins to get her color back. Suddenly there is a giant white light, and I close my eyes, and fall. "Dashie? Dashie?!"

"Ugh, what? What happened?" I look up. "Fluttershy, your, your back."

"What?" She looks at herself, confused. "I, I don't understand. I thought this only happens when two ponies will die for eachother."

"Wait, you know about this?"

"Yea, BlueSpark explained it to me when I died, but I didn't think it was real. I just thought it was something for me to think about and calm my mind."

"Fluttershy, I can't believe your here." She begins crying, and runs at me, hugging me.

"Dashie, I'm alive. I'm alive Dashie, I'm alive." We stand there for what must have been a few minutes, just embracing eachother.

"It just still bothers me that I killed AJ."

"Dashie, don't let it bother you. She deserved it. Come on, let's go tell everypony that I'm back... and that we're together." We kiss.

Have you ever done something so drastic, so horrible, so terrifying that it was the right thing to do? When all else fails, and the only thing left to do is the thing that takes away who you are? Because I have. And now I am just a shell of the mare I used to be. This isn't a story of sacrificing for the greater good, or death that saved you and the people around you, this is a story of reality. Of being who we are, and having that corrupt our true selves. My name is Rainbow Dash, and although this was my story, this was also what made me who I am. What saved me, and taught me things I've never forgotten. This was my story, and the story of how I became who I am.

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