
Lifeless Sand

by Write Holiday

Chapter 6: Fight for Survival

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Fight for Survival

My eyes slowly open, seeing only red. I can see an outline of a Pegasus through the transparent red coloring that covers my eyes. The red seems as though it's water, dripping away from my sight. "Hello again Dashie."

"D-don't, c-c-call me, that." I struggle to say. For some reason, I am in immense pain. Too much to express in words.

"Awwwww, but I thought you liked me calling you that. Oh we-"

"What the hell is going on here Fluttershy?!" A deep voice booms through the room. "I told you to kill her!" An orange Pegasus walks into the room, it's a stallion.

"I know. But she's an old friend, I figured to have some fun with this."

"Oh an old friend. In that case, make her suffer." And the pony quickly scurries out of the room.

"Well, we are all alone again. Looks like it's time to repay some due debts." She takes a pair of scissors, and sticks them into my left wing. I never realized just how sensitive wings truly are.

"F-Fluttershy, why? I loved you..." She stops spinning the scissors, and looks at me.

"You know," She says, taking the scissors out, "there was a time when I loved you too RD. You were my world. But every time I would go and tell you, to ask you if you felt the same, you were busy. So I, tried to ignore that. To ignore the feelings. But I couldn't. So one day..." She drifts off, and sticks a wooden stick into my side. I want to let out a shrike, but I can't. I slowly realize that my innards were basically on the ground. No wonder I wouldn't make a sound, my body was already dying. "...So one day, I was visited by Celestia. She offered me a job, and I took it. Slowly I was spending more and more time with Jackie."

"And we lived happily ever after." Applejack says, trotting into the room.

"But why you AJ?" I ask weakly.

"Well, you see, I always hated you. You always thought you were better, always thought you were stronger, faster, more evasive. Well forget it. Now look at you. Pathetic. I almost feel bad for you. As for Fluttershy, I love her more than anything, and I will protect her with my life." Applejack kisses Fluttershy, and I watch. I force my eyes to close, it's too much for me too see. Just knowing I messed up my one chance with her, and now she is with AJ, they just might as well kill me there. I feel around with my hoof, and I find a mess-up in the brackets. As I get it undone without either of them knowing, I hear a voice.

"It's ok Rainbow, I still love love you." I recognize it. It's Velvet Rose. Suddenly I feel unstoppable. I break out of the hinges, my guts hanging out of my body. I just push them back in, and wobble towards Applejack.

"Well, looks like she's got some fight in her yet. Ok, let's get this over with." Applejack kicks me in the head, but it doesn't do anything. I grab her neck, and squeeze. I squeeze till my hearts desire. When I let go, her head is only connected by a few nerves and ripped muscles. Fluttershy looks at me, scared to death. I walk over to her.

"Feel the souls, of the innocent. And burn in hell, for your soul will be damned." I pick her up, and stare into her eyes. My hoof squeezes and squeezes, feeling her bones crack one by one. Finally, in an attempt to save herself, she says...

"B-but Dashie, I love you."

"I said, not to CALL ME THAT!" And with one final squeeze, she falls over dead. I fall over, thinking I'm about to be dead. But as my eyes close, I can see rescue ponies running in through the main entrance. I pass out.

Next Chapter: Unsung Evil Estimated time remaining: 9 Minutes
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