
Pond of Wonders

by The Lunar Rebel

Chapter 1: There's Something About the Pond

You are still in your bed in a deep sleep recovering from the long and hard day of work at Sweet Apple Acres from the day before-- but that was a typical feeling a farmhand like you had like on a daily basis, but it felt wonderful at the sametime.

You kind of enjoyed the aches and cramps the muscles in your arms and legs got from either lifting or pulling heavy items like large hay bails for instance. The aches you got in your legs were from walking long distances into the apparently infinite appletree orchard that partially surrounded the outer borders of the entire farm to harvest any ripe apples you came across.

Most people would hate these kind of feelings after such a day of hard labor, but you were a very optimistic person so you didn't really let anything get you down, and you certainly didn't complain about anything as well. You were quite a carefree twenty year old guy.

One flaw about you through is that you were kind of a shy and self reserved person. You didn't like to be around a lot of people as if it was a dance or some kind of huge party or something. If you were with a friend or two, you felt a bit more comfortable.

Speaking of friends, one of them is the owner of Sweet Apple Acres by the name of Applejack. She was about the same age as you and a very hardworker as well. She had a laidback nature like you did which made you feel more comfortable around her because you kind of had a hard time talking to girls due to your introversion. Frankly you never had the nerve to ask a girl out on a date.

Despite your shyness, you admired Applejack's beautiful sparkling emerald green eyes along with her long shiny blonde hair that reached down to her waist in a loose ponytail. You also adored the cute freckles that she had on both of her cheeks. One thing you truly liked about her was her honesty. She never told one fib and was always widely opening herself to whoever she talked too. A funny fact is that most of her own friends gave her the nickname of Honest AJ.

You could say you had a bit of a crush on her as well, but was too scared to admit your true feelings for her because you weren't sure if she felt the same way about you; which is why you and her are in the normal friend zone--for now anyway. You thought it was best if she made the first move instead. Then you might consider opening yourself up to her.

For the time being, you pretty much liked just being normal friends. Who knows if that may change at all.

As the sun rose higher, its light poured into your bedroom and gently creeped across the floor towards your bed like a hungry predator stalking its prey in the wild.

When the light finally reached your still closed eyes, it caused you to flinch a bit and give out an irritated and tired groan. You then hid your head under your covers in hopes of shielding your still tired and crusty eyes from the blinding light.

You then realized you slept in late yet again and immediately bolted out of bed and toward the bathroom to wash your eyes out and use the toilet, also to brush your teeth. You don't bother to take a shower through because since your working on a farm, you get dirty rather easily and fast. You're sure Applejack and the other farmhands would do the exact same thing as well.

When you finish up in the bathroom, you head back to your bedroom to change out of your pajamas and into your farmhand clothes which consists of a plain white t-shirt, slightly worn out blue overalls, and brown work shoes with deep treads.

You then quickly head downstairs, grab a granola bar for breakfast for on-the-go, grab the keys to your car, then drive twenty minutes all the way out to Sweet Apple Acres. You want to rush, but you rather not risk getting pulled over by the police which would delay you even further.

Apparently you are a person who was born and raised in the city, and not in the country which helps explain your odd sleep/wake up schedule. You know that country folk wake up at dawn to get ahead start on their chores, and to stay ahead of the pests that threaten to eat their crop. You have yet to adapt to this rising time. You've thought about getting an alarm clock, but always seem to get sidetracked by other things, or you just don't have the time. Get it?

As much lively as city life is, you pretty much prefer the ways of the countryside because of how calm and beautiful it looks as it zooms by outside the windows of your car. Plus it's the kind of atmosphere you feel most content in. You really hate the hectic commutes and noises the city has.

You sometimes wish these country roads would eventually lead you to your own home out here. If you raised enough money one day, this dream might actually come true. Only time itself will tell.


When you finally arrive at Sweet Apple Acres, you quickly find a parking spot and lock up your car before checking in with Granny Smith who is head of everything that runs on the farm. Of course because of her age, she takes a long nap every now and then, but she still leads with a golden hand.

Since you spot her napping on a rocking chair that rests on the front porch of the farmhouse, you think you can sneak your way in without being noticed for being late. Unfortunately that's not really easy because Applejack's older brother, Big Macintosh is kind of like the second officer in command and will report any late employee to Granny Smith if he catches them. Same thing with Apple Bloom who is the little sister of both Applejack and Big Mac. She wasn't leader material through because she was very young, but everyone knows how little girls like to be tattletales.

Since there's all of these scenario's, your best bet is to just report to Granny Smith yourself, no matter what the situation. You didn't want to get in more trouble then you already were.

When you approach her, you do what you can to wake her up.

"Ahem," you say.

"What? What? Who's there?" she asks looking around frantically.

"Please calm yourself ma'am, it's just me," you reassure.

When Granny Smith calms down, she gives you a bit of a stern and annoyed look. It's not because you woke her up from her nap--yet that could be part of it. The main reason is that she already knew you were tardy.

"Slept in late again Ah see?"

"I'm terribly sorry ma'am. You see I'm...."

She raises a hand to silence you before you can even explain yourself.

"Yes yes, Ah already know you city folk get up at a later time then we do. Ah understand perfectly."

"You do?" you ask surprised, and a bit relieved.

"Yes, but don't you think Ah'm lettin' ya off the hook 'cause of that. Ah advise ya to find some way to wake up way earlier like we do, or risk becoming a shiftless farmhand who would be off the job before he knew it."

Your relieve fades. You realize now that you have to get more serious about considering the idea of getting an alarm clock. This job is the only one you have and you know it will be difficult to find a new one. What is worse is the fact that you may never see Applejack again. The only person that you've had as a very close friend.

You nod your head.

"Yes ma'am," is all you can say.

"You better; now please get to work on your chores. My granddaughter Applejack is plannin' somethin' special for the both of ya when you have completed all yer tasks."

You raise a brow in curiosity. You don't know it but a small blush is forming on your cheeks.

"Huh? What is it?" you ask.

Granny Smith raised a hand to her chin as she tried to remember what Applejack told her. It took quite a while through because her thought process wasn't as fast as it used to be.

Finally it came to her.

"Ah believe she's treatin' ya to a picnic at the pond which is located somewhere deep in the woods behind the farm," she replied. "Ah remember Ah took my husband there once when we were both close to your age. It was truly the most greatest moment of both of our lives."

Granny Smith seemed to now gaze in the sky with a dreamy and content look on her face. You could swear that a blush was forming on her own face.

"What did you guys do if you don't mind me asking?"

This caused her to chuckle.

"That's kind of my little secret dearie. Anyone can have a different experience at that pond. There's somethin' truly magical about that place I can tell ya that. Try not to think about too much through. Ah'm sure the two of you will have a wonderful time."

You wanted to ask another personnel question, but decided it was best not to prolong this conversation. You didn't want to be invasive, and that you had important work to do. You just nodded and began to head off; but before you did, you had one last question.

"Where will she meet me when I'm done?"

"At the horse stables," she replied.

Okay thanks," you say one final time before officially heading off.

"Yer welcome," Granny Smith replies before once again dosing off to sleep.

As you perform your routinely farm chores which mostly consists of plowing the fields, feeding the farm animals, or harvesting crop; you keep asking yourself the same type of questions.

Why does Applejack want to be alone with me in a secluded area?

Does she have a crush on me like I do with her, and is this her move?

Are we becoming more than just friends?

What if we're not really compatible for each other considering that we come from two different worlds?

You couldn't find a clear answer for any of these questions, but you weren't the type of person to jump to conclusions. You just decided to see what fate had in store for both of you.

When all of your chores are finally done, you head over to the horse stables to where you would meet up with Applejack.

'Showtime,' you think to yourself.

When you arrive at the stable, you look around for any sign of Applejack. Almost immediately you spot her tending to one of the horses which was an American painted breed. She appeared to be busy grooming its coat.

As usual, Applejack was wearing her signature brown Stetson cowgirl hat on her head with a dirty brown leather buttoned country shirt with its sleeves cuffed at her elbows. She wore skinny blue jeans that really brought out the curves of her muscular and attractive legs along with fancy cowgirl boots with the picture of three red apples stitched into them. A belt with a golden buckle held up the jeans. Her hair was still worn in its loose signature ponytail.

You calmly and shyly approach her.

"Hi Applejack," you say in your friendly and normal tone.

Applejack stops what she's doing and greets you with her lovely smile and southern country twang.

"Oh howdy (Your Name). How are ya doin' today?"

"Oh same old, same old," you reply casually with a shrug. "Apparently I ran late again this morning and I'm terribly sorry."

"Oh its okay sugarcube," she says smiling while trying to reassure you.

"Frankly, its not okay," you say sadly.

She gets concerned now.

"What? How come?"

"You grandmother said she would eventually fire me if I keep showing up late."

"Oh my, that's simply awful," she gasps.

"I promised myself I would get an alarm clock, but I always seem to forget."

"What in tarnation is an 'alarm clock'?" she asks a bit confused.

You mentally dope slap yourself for forgetting that her folks didn't use technology to alert them to wake up.

"It's a clock that has an alarm built into it that you can program to go off at a selected time. When it goes off, you wake up and can silence the alarm at the push of a button until it goes off again at the same designated time," you explain.

The look on her face told you she still didn't get it.

"It's like having a rooster in your room that you have the option to turn off at the bump on the head or back."

"Oh, that makes perfect sense. Thanks fer explaining that ta me," Applejack says with a content smile.

"Um..your welcome," you say blushing a bit and holding back an amused chuckle. It would be rude of you to laugh at her cluelessness. You are a way better person then that, and a wonderful friend. You don't want to do anything to hurt that.

You decide to get on the main topic with her.

"So, I hear you're planning a picnic for both of us at this pond in the woods?" you ask.

Her face brightens up.

"Yep, the supplies is right there," she says indicating to a medium sized picnic basket that rested on top of an empty stall door. "Right and ready fer eatin' on a beautiful day like this."

"What are we having?" you ask even through it was a rhetorical question considering the food contents would be what grew on the farm, but you were just trying to be a bit playful. You gave her the expression to hint that you were kidding around. She immediately caught on and kindly returned the mood.

"Ah can give ya three guesses if ya want me to."

"No, I like to be surprised," you say.

She gave you a tender smile that made you blush a bit. She then said, "Ah'm glad ya do,"

You then wondered what the source of transportation would be because you didn't know how long it would take to get to the pond. Since Granny Smith said it was deep in the woods, you had to estimate that it would take too long on foot. Both of you would be exhausted by the time you got there. What would be even worse is that the sun may have already set by then.

"How are we going to get there?" you ask.

"By these fellas here of course," Applejack replied indicating to the horse she was working on.

You felt a surge of slight uneasiness come over you because you didn't have much experience with horses, as a matter of fact riding them. But you didn't want to ruin this for Applejack, so you didn't protest. You knew she was doing this for the both of you.

When Applejack was done grooming her horse, she exited the stable she was in and grabbed a couple of saddles from a storage rack. You watched her as she expertly placed a saddle on two individual horses of the same breed and secured them.

When she completed this task, she grabbed the picnic basket and hopped up on her horse with a caramel and white with a dark brown mane and tail. Your horse had a tan and brown coat with a white mane and tail.

You took a deep breath and approached the horse cautiously from the front so you wouldn't startle it and get bucked. Then you kept reassuring it that it was okay as you gently climbed onto its back and sat down on the saddle and placed both of your feet in the proper stirrups.

"Alright, lets ride," Applejack stated and gave the saddle ropes a firm whip which caused the horse to break into a medium trot.

You were hesitant for a quick moment before you worked up the nerve to give the same whip like Applejack did. You immediately grabbed hold of the saddle stirrup with your hand to prevent you from falling off. Both of you were now on your way to the secluded pond for your picnic.

On the way there, you go back to asking yourself the same questions. You were both nervous and excited at the sametime to have the answers to those questions solved.


As you and Applejack rode through the forest, you admire its beautiful foliage that zips past you. Since it's the middle of Summer, all the trees glow a beautiful green color thanks to their healthy leaves.

Thank goodness your riding on a clean cut trail, or you might get knocked off by a tree branch when you're not paying attention to where you're going. Also it helps so you guys don't get lost on the way back to the farm.

As beautiful as this forest was, your eyes mainly focused on Applejack, even through you made sure not to stare at her for an inappropriate amount of time because you didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

Sometimes she looked back at you and smiled which you returned with grace. The reason being that she was either checking up on you to make sure that you didn't fall far behind, or that she was admiring you like you were doing to her. Of course you really couldn't be sure on that second one.

When you both finally arrive at the pond, you dismount your horses and secure them to trees close to the water's edge so they can have something to drink.

The pond was circular as most are, and appeared to be about fifty feet in diameter all the way across. The clear blue sky gave the water a stunning bluish glow to it. The lily pads floating on the water's surface added a nice touch to it as well.

There was a small wooden dock that connected the shore to where you and Applejack stopped your horses to the deeper depths of the pond.

The water looked inviting on a hot day like this, but unfortunately you didn't bring any swim trunks with you. It sucked, but you assumed this place was only gong to be used for a picnic. Surely you guys could come here for a swim another time if it was planned.

Your legs feel a bit wobbly for a moment because they have been split apart for quite a while now, but thankfully the feeling vanishes in several moments. You notice that Applejack isn't walking funny after getting off her own horse. This was probably because she has been riding ever since she was a child, so her legs could tolerate the stiffness after riding.

After both of you check to make sure your horses are secured properly, you help Applejack set up the picnic blanket, food, plates, drinking cups, and utensils.

The blanket was a typical red and white checkered pattern one as most picnic blankets are. The utensils and cups were made out of clear plastic to be made safe so no one would get hurt. As for the food--well it came as no surprise that they all would be apple-related, along with just plain apples.

Applejack took two of the plain apples from the basket and generously fed one to each of the horses you came here on.

They gobbled them up contently. Applejack then stroked both of their muzzles praising them for being good and that they deserved a reward.

When she returned, she sat down and joined you back on the picnic blanket where you were waiting for her. Being well-mannered, you didn't start eating without her, even through the food looked very tantalizing. You knew you were no jerk, and Applejack appreciated that greatly.

The first thing you guys started out with was pouring the beverage which was homemade apple cider freshly squeezed from the apples that grew back at the farm.

You offered to pour for both of you from the blue pitcher it was stored in. Applejack humbly accepted your offer and you could swear you could see a blush forming on her freckled cheeks, but you weren't really sure. You through felt one forming on your own cheeks, but decided not to make an episode about it.

Both of you then immediately got down to chowing down on your food which tasted incredible. Even Applejack seemed to be really liking it.

She pigged out like no one has ever seen before.

She enthusiastically wolfed down everything in sight without taking a quick moment to breath.

You worried that she might end up choking, but miraculously she didn't. She must've had strong and wide jaws.

You didn't want to look stuck up, so you decided to encourage her by doing the same thing she was doing. It's not everyday you meet a girl who eats like Applejack does so you might as well take advantage of this situation while you can; and also before she eats everything before you do. Both of you even engaged into a burping contest.

When everything finally had been eaten up, both of you lay sprawled on your backs on the picnic blanket rubbing your stomachs to ease the cramps you felt in them. You could say that both of you kind of over did it with eating up your food and treats, but it sure beat starving.

Both of you said nothing for a while because you both preferred to listen to the wonderful sounds of nature around you, which consisted of birds chirping, frogs croaking, and insects buzzing. It was like listening to a natural and well conducted symphony-- without a conductor through.

After a moment in taking in all of the sounds of nature, Applejack starts to sit up. Then she said, "Ah don't know about you, but this heat is killin' me. Ah think ah might take a quick dip ta cool off fer a bit."

Without even telling you to look away, she shamelessly started to undo the buttons on her shirt one by one until she slipped it off her shoulders to reveal a white undershirt that still covered her entire torso; but she didn't stop there, because then she crossed both of her arms in front of her stomach and grabbed the bottom ends of her shirt to pull it off over her head.

While her vision was obscured for a brief moment, you couldn't resist the urge to get a glance at her impressively sized and freckled D-Cup breasts that were pressed firmly together forming tight cleavage. Both of her boobs were held and supported by an orange-colored strapped swimsuit top that had a single front pouch.

Applejack then got on her feet to begin undoing the belt to her jeans.

You felt the heat on your cheeks and in your groin area increase as she cutely shaked her ass at you as she wormed out of her jeans to reveal her swimsuit bottoms that matched the color of her two-piece swimsuit top.

What really got your member to start throbbing is when she took off her Stetson, and used one hand to pull out the red elastic hairband that kept her ponytail intact.

Time seemed to slow down as she shaked her head from side to side letting her now loose locks of bombshell blonde hair to fall freely down her back, and all the way down too her waist.

She looked so incredibly stunning that you couldn't speak, move, or blink your eyes. You were completely overtaken by mesmerization of her beauty.

She then turned to you a gave you a friendly smile.

"You like what 'cha see, don't ya?" she asks in a gentle and suggestive tone.

Her question snaps you out of your trance. Your blush is extremely deep as you cover your eyes in shame.

"I...I'm s-sorry Applejack. I didn't m-mean to s-stare at you," you stutter nervously and completely humiliated by your own behavior.

You suddenly feel her warm hands gently prying your arms apart effortlessly because for some reason you don't have the strength to protest and close them back up again. One strength that your fighting is to glance up into her gorgeous sparkling green eyes that were simply alluring, but a part of you wanted to stare at her wonderful breasts.

"Hey it's perfectly alright sugarcube. We're both grown adults so Ah don't mind one bit."

"You really mean that?" you ask her uncertainly. You couldn't tell if she was being serious about all this or not.

"Ah'm very positive," she reassures you. "Now why don't ya loosen up a bit and join me."

She ran a hand down one of your arms as she said this which caused you to give a excited gulp while you started to sweat a bit.

It was either the heat from the sun, or from the way she stroked your arm.

As for your member, it felt like it could burst out of the front of your trousers at anytime--which could've been the most embarrassing moment of your life, especially when your best friend Applejack is in your very presence.

"I..I didn't bring my swimtrunks through," you excuse. "I thought this was just going to be a picnic."

"Whoops, Ah guess Ah forgot ta mention that we would swim afterward." she replied shrugging apologetically, but you could easily tell she wasn't being sincere with you, which was odd.

You now knew she was playing some kind of game with you, but you didn't know which kind.

"Ya know you can jus' swim in yer skivvies. Ah'm sure you have plenty of new ones back home," she suggested.

Now she was becoming even more personal with you.

You couldn't believe that she was now requesting that you strip down to your underwear in front of her. In truth, you would be returning a favor because she stripped in front of you, but your mind was overflowing with so many questions, and your heart was palpitating like crazy that you felt like you couldn't breathe.

You felt like you needed a paper bag to exhale and inhale, or vomit into for that matter. Thankfully things didn't get that extreme so you didn't have to do either, but you still felt very uneasy; even at the thought of Applejack getting a glimpse of your erected man-meat.

"Well....I...uh," you stutter.

"Take yer time sugarcube. Feel free ta join me whenever you feel like it. Ah feel like a sweaty prairie dog on the desert interstate right now and need ta get wet."

With that statement, she turned away from you and began making a break for the water.

You watched entranced at her athletic and extremely hot body of how it moved as she worked the muscles in it as she ran.

When she reached the end of the dock, she shot both of her arms in front of her as she took a diving formation. When she hit the water, she barely made a splash because her dive was smooth and flawless.

You waited for her to re-surface, but for some reason she didn't when she was supposed to.

Worried, you sprinted toward the edge of the dock and got down on your knees to closely scan the water for any sign of Applejack.

You call out her name several times and beg her to come up, but you don't receive any form of response.

Panic now overtaking you, you practically rip off your clothes leaving only your white t-shirt and grey boxer underwear on. That ought to make you light enough if you need to return to the surface.

When you get ready to jump in, you notice something rapidly approaching the surface with air bubbles starting to come from it.

The object wasn't very clear at first because the water was a bit murky, but it quickly took the form of a humanoid as it got closer and closer.

When it finally broke the surface, you were relieved to discover that it was Applejack safe and sound.

You placed a hand over to where your heart is as you try to regain your normal breath. This causes Applejack to give you a concerned look.

"(Your Name), what's wrong?" she asks.

"I was scared that you were in trouble," you explain. "When you didn't come up right away, I thought you might've hurt yourself or was caught on something that wouldn't allow you to return to the surface. I was about you jump in their and do anything I could to save you and your life."

You started to feel tears weld up in your eyes. You were so full of emotion, you didn't hold back one single thought. It didn't seem like your usual meek self anymore. Something about this pond, or your concern for Applejack was making you open up yourself fully to her. You wanted to fight these feeling back, but you just couldn't.

"If anything bad had happened to you, I would never forgive myself for it. I would gladly accept any punishment the world would give me in order to avenge you. I would rather have pain then to feel empty without you here. I truly care about you Applejack, just like your family does. You're their most precious treasure and I can imagine they will be completely devastated if they lost you. I would never be able to let go of my guilt. I would live with it for the rest of my life until it kills me. Even in death, it would still be with me for the rest of eternity. My main point is..."

You suck it up because your about to say the three words you never thought you would find the courage to say before.

"I love you Applejack, ever since the first day I started working on your farm. You are such a great person to be around, and I always admired you for your dedication to your family's business and for who you are individually. Your compassionate, understanding, and easy to get along with. You truly have something that the girls in the city don't. I can't quite pin-point it, but whatever it is, it's drawing me to you. I would do anything for you Applejack in order to make you feel safe and secure, and to keep you happy too."

When you finished your rant, tiny tears were streaming down your face while a massive blush practically covered it. You couldn't believe you just let out the true feeling you had for Applejack that you have been holding back for a long time. Who knew it would take just a tiny scare and anxiety to make you spill it all out.

When you looked at Applejack, she first looked very surprised and didn't say anything.

You worried that you have messed up everything and wanted to apologize, but your mind changed when you saw her transition into an expression of being flattered and pure joy. You could swear you could see a single tear escape from one of her eyes.

"Do ya really mean that (Your Name)?" she asks you.

After explaining yourself like that to her, you realized you have just crossed the point of no return. You can't mess anything up now.

"Yes, I do," you reply with a warm smile. "I mean it all the way."

"Well in that case then, Ah have a confession ta make too."

You look at her confused, but you're very intrigued as to what she has to say.

"What is it?" you ask.

"Apparently, Ah've fancied you ever since day one as well," she replied with an increased blush.

"You have?" you ask now flattered and surprised.

"Yes of course, but Ah was just too shy to tell ya how Ah felt. Ah jus' worried that you didn't feel the same way about me."

Her blush deepened even more.

What a crazy coincidence this was. You both really liked each other from the day you guys first met, but never had the nerve to confess your true feelings or one another, until today at this very place.

Could both of you be under the spell of the magic that Granny Smith mentioned earlier?

You just dismissed it as a phrase, but it did help explain as to why Applejack stripped down into her swimsuit without the need for privacy, also for the way she looked at and spoke to you. Maybe this place did have some magic to it. The magic of making two individuals fall in love with one another, or make them confess it. Better yet, non-verbally expressing it which Applejack did when she changed.

You blushed deeply and gave a cute and warm smile which Applejack mirrored.

After a brief silence, Applejack says, "Do ya still wanna come in an' join me. The water's fine? Plus you look like yer ready."

You look down at yourself and chuckle a bit. You didn't want Applejack to feel embarrassed and lonely.

You had to join her, you just had to.

Her eyes were practically glowing from the refraction of the sun's rays on the water. They were simply hypnotizing.

You also loved the way her soaked hair and bangs were slicked back and plastered suggestively behind her shoulders, while the rest of it gracefully bobbed and flowed behind and around her on the surface. It was truly a majestic; and arousing sight.

"Sure, why not?" you say shrugging you shoulders and grinning. "You may want to move over a bit through."

Applejack nodded and treaded off to the side to clear the way for you.

You positioned yourself, took a deep breath of air, then broke into a short run before you jumped into the air and landed in the water. You also made sure to plug your nose with one of your hands before you hit the water's surface.

You felt a cool and pleasurable feeling shoot through your entire body as the water enveloped you. Applejack was definitely right about it feeling nice alright.

It wasn't too cold nor too warm, just about the right climate needed in order to beat the heat.

When you emerged, you saw Applejack smiling at you expectantly.

"Well, what Ah'd tell ya? Does it feel amazin'?"

"More than amazing, it feels incredible!" you stated enthusiastically.

She chuckled.

"Ah couldn't agree more. The feelin' I got from bein' underwater prevented me from returnin' to the surface until Ah really needed it. It just felt so wonderful," Applejack explained. "That's why Ah didn't come up right away. Ah'm sorry if Ah worried ya."

"It's perfectly alright," you reassure her smiling warmly. "But how did you manage to hold your breath for so long?"

"Easy, Ah have a large lung capacity," she replied.

Both of you crack up at this.

"Let us just see about that," you say with a mischievous smile.

"Are ya challengin' me?" she asked raising a brow and returning the expression.

"I guess so."

"You're on city boy," she teased playfully.

Both of you took your places at the last poles at the end of the dock. One being each of your own.

When both of you were ready, you gave the signal to begin by counting down from three on your fingers. When you reached one, you both took a deep breath of air before submerging yourselves.

When you both were fully underwater, you guys held onto the poles to prevent yourselves from floating to the top. It would suck if this friendly competition ended before it even began.

The water didn't contain any harmful elements so it was safe for both of you to open your eyes and look at one another to see who would crack first, or who would be close to cracking. The water may have been a bit murky, but you two were close enough to each other to easily make out facial features.

At first you had no problem with holding your breath for the first fifteen seconds at least. But as more seconds ticked by, you slowly were loosing the ability to resist the urge to go to the surface for air.

Noticing this, Applejack gave you a bit of a cocky smile that provoked you to try harder and to not think about breathing any air. Unfortunately, that didn't help at all.

Applejack noticed that you're face was starting to turn unnatural colors.

Rolling her eyes, she moved over to you a little before using one hand to brush the entire mass of her floating hair into your face.

You flinched as her locks tickled your eyes and nose.

You tried not to laugh or sneeze, but it was becoming increasingly difficult, especially at the fact that air bubbles were escaping from your moth and nose more rapidly then they should've.

You couldn't take it anymore!

Faster than a torpedo, you shot straight for the surface where you took deep breaths of air to refill your lungs. Applejack popped up shortly afterward, and this time allowing her matted bangs to cutely cover up her right eye.

"What was that for Applejack?" you demanded.

You made sure not to raise your voice at her, but you still wished to express how unhappy you were with her cheating.

"Ah'm sorry sugarcube. It's jus' that you looked like you were goin' to explode if ya didn't get any air and fast. Ya know you shouldn't push yerself over the limit. It wasn't like you would earn a fancy prize fer beatin' me at ma own game or somethin' like that. This was only fer fun," Applejack explained the best way she could. You could tell by the look on her face and in her tone that she was sincere.

You wanted to protest, but you knew that it was no use starting an argument with your best friend, especially when you two just started to click in an intimate relationship, but you didn't know how intimate.

You also knew that she would never lie to you because that wasn't in her nature. She cared for you like you did for her, and she didn't want anything to happen to you. That coincidence for compassion for one another ignited a spark of true happiness between the two of you.

You couldn't let that spark die out after it just ignited. You just couldn't.

"It's okay Applejack," you say with a smile now on your face. "Perhaps it's my own fault for provoking you into doing this. Sometimes I get a little carried away for ways on having a good time."

Applejack smiled as well.

"No, it's not yer fault sugarcube. It's no one's fault. Perhaps we should just spend the rest of this afternoon havin' a wonderful swim don't 'cha think?" she asks you before running a hand over and behind her head while dunking it backwards to return her hair to its previous sexy slick.

"Yep, I agree," you say very contently.

All afternoon, you and Applejack played all sorts of fun aquatic games like Marco Polo, and engaged in fun splash fights.

You guys also dove down to the pond's floor to see if you could discover any interesting looking rocks or signs of life.

On a few occasions when you returned to the surface, you discovered that you or Applejack had a lily pad resting on top of your head which made you both crack up. It would be even more priceless if a frog happened to be on it!

When both of you finally reached a point of exhaustion, you guys decided just to gently tread water and listen to the sounds of nature around you. After about a few moments of silence, Applejack once again broke it by speaking up.

"Hey(Your Name)," she says.

You turn to look at her.

"Yes," you say.

"Ah just suddenly realized somethin'."


"Well it seems to me that we got so caught up in the fun of our games, that we completely forgot to express our feelings for one another. Ah mean what's the point of saying we like one another if we don't get a bit physical if ya know what Ah mean?"

It didn't take long to process what Applejack just said.

A blush began forming on your face once again. You knew now that things were really going to start heating up between the both of you.

You were nervous, but didn't choose to back out.

"Well...uh...where should we start?" you ask.

"We should start at findin' a private area first," she replied.

Applejack gazed around the perimeter of the pond looking for any areas of privacy.

She stopped when she spotted a medium sized patch of tall grass that grew up too at least six feet. It looked perfect to obstruct any angle of view, especially to where your horses were.

"Follow me," Applejack said and headed for the intended location.

You did as you were told without a moment of hesitation.

When both of you came ashore, you could only watch with awe as Applejack beautifully squeezed and wrung out the heavy water from her hair. She didn't stop until every last soaked lock was drained leaving only moderate dampness.

Then, both of you wandered into the tall grass carefully watching your step and looking out for any wild animals that could've been lurking around in there. The worst case scenario being poisonous snakes or spiders which you feared most.

When you two were in deep enough, Applejack stopped in her tracks.

"Perfect," she says.

"So...should I start this thing out? You know....because," you started before Applejack hushed you by gently putting a finger to your lips. She gazed into your eyes with seduction and a bit of mischief.

"How about you let me do all the work first. From there we'll see where this will go," Applejack said. "How about you start by lyin' on yer back fer me so Ah can take great care of ya."

You obey immediately by just nodding your head.

As you lay down, you feel the soft blades of the grass tickle the back of your legs and arms. Luckily it doesn't tickle you so much that you start giggling which would be to the confusion of the beautiful country girl who was about to seduce you in the wilderness.

Applejack then hovered over you by placing one hand on either side of your head while looking at you suggestively. This causes you to feel heat form over your face as you get the biggest and deepest blush ever.

Your heart begins to race and you feel your member starting to swell and throb as your sexual excitement kicks into full gear.

"Are ya ready sugacube?" she asks you in a seductive tone.

You could only nod for a response.

"Okay, here we go," she says and lowers herself onto you.

You let out a small moan as you feel the weight of Applejack slowly come down on you.

Seeing the opportunity, Applejack leans over and locks her lips with your open ones.

When she did that, you gasp in surprise which allows Applejack to slip her tongue past your teeth and allowed it to make contact with your own tongue.

Applejack was just that eager and enthusiastic.

You were lost in complete ecstasy as her tongue swirled and wrestled with yours. Not wanting to look bad, you eagerly returned the favor which earned a moan of approval from Applejack.

As if by instinct, you used one hand to pet and caress Applejack's moist hair which felt silky and smooth to the touch, while the other hand ran down the side of her waist all the way to her ass where you gave a firm but playful squeeze.

"Ahh!" she cried in surprise.

You immediately let go of her.

"Oh my god! Did I hurt you?" you ask frantically. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"Relax sugarcube, you didn't hurt me," Applejack reassured with a pleasant smile, "Ah jus' wasn't expectin' ya ta get feisty so early."

"Is that bad?" you ask worried.

"No, jus' make sure you keep some parts of ya under control. We don't want to finish this when it just began if ya know what Ah mean?"

You nodded understanding her concept, even through you didn't know how far this was going to go yet.

"That was wrong of me to do wasn't it?" you ask.

"No. As a matter of fact it felt incredible! Keep doin' it! Jus' make sure ya ease up a bit that's all," Applejack replied.

"Okay, I will," you say.

You and Applejack continue to make-out intensely for several moments before Applejack pulls away leaving you a bit surprised and confused. Also, there's a long strand of saliva that is connected between your mouths.

"What's wrong?" you ask.

"Ah was thinkin' we should turn this up a notch," she replies.

"How so?" you ask curiously.

"Well," she responds by sitting straight up and turning her back to you. "This bikini top is really startin' ta feel uncomfortable. Why don't' cha do this ol' cowgirl a favor, and take it off for her so she feels more relaxed."

You were taken aback a bit by her request to remove her bikini top and exposing her bare chest to the world, but you knew you had no other choice. You didn't want to disappoint her, or blow this opportunity that you were given just now. It's not everyday a girl asks you to strip her you know?

You took a deep breath before you reached both of your hands for the buckles holding the straps together. Then carefully, you squeezed the mechanism causing the two straps to break their connection.

When Applejack felt both of the connections break, she took the liberty upon herself to remove the top and place it on the ground next to her.

She then gave you another seductive grin as she slowly turned herself around to show you her most prized 'goods'.

You couldn't help but gawk at her perfectly round and moderately busty bosoms.

Just like on her cheeks and all over her body, they had freckles, but had three times as more than anywhere else on her body. Quite odd, but still attractive.

At the tip of both breasts were medium, but erected dark pink nipples that seemed to stare back at you. This sight made your member throb and pulsate harder under your underwear.

Enjoying the expression of your reaction, Applejack used both of her hands to hold each of her boobs in one hand and jiggle them at you.

"How do ya like them apples?" she asks teasingly.

"I...like them...very.....much," you draw out like you had been hypnotized by an expert hypnotist at a vaudeville show.

"Well in that case, Ah need somethin' from you in return,"

You immediately snap out of your trance.

"What?" you ask.

"Well Ah don't know about you, but Ah'm cravin some 'corn on the cob' right about now," she replied.

Being clueless as usual to her country flair, you made the most retarded remark ever, "But I didn't see any corn in the picnic basket."

Applejack could only laugh.

"Oh yer a funny one ya know that right? What Ah meant was Ah want this," she said and grabbed your cock with a bit of firmness that made you gasp in pleasure. "May Ah do the honors?"

"S...sure," you breath out in practically a whisper.

Getting your approval, Applejack places both of her hands on the elastic band of your underpants and slowly and surely starts to pull them down inch by inch showing off your privates. Feeling heat radiant off your chest, you remove your t-shirt to reveal your pretty well trimmed chest.

Her eyes get wider as more and more of your manhood is revealed before it shoots up at six in-a-half inches. The perfect length.

"Whoa nelly!" Applejack cried.

"It's not too much is it, or two little?" you ask worriedly.

"Little? No way! It's jus' what Ah need."

You smiled with relief.

'Thank god,' you thought to yourself.

Applejack gently caressed the tip of your member with her thumb and two fingers which made you softly moan and allow a couple of small drops of pre-cum to leak from your tip.

"Careful partner, don't blow yer gasket jus' yet. Ah haven't even gotten that far yet," Applejack warned. "But still," she continued and collected the drops on her first finger tip. "It's mighty nice of ya ta give me a sample."

With that, she hungrily licked the cum off her fingers.

"Wow, yer quite tasty," she stated. "Ah hope ya don't mind if Ah have some more do ya?"

"No, not at all," you reply. "Help yourself."

"Thanks; 'sugarcube',"

Applejack started off by planting small affectionate kisses at the head, and began slowly working her way down to the base from there. Every once in a while, she gave a small unexpected flick with her tongue which made you utter a small pleasured gasp. You knew she was teasing you, but you didn't mind. You wanted this to last as long as possible like she did.

When Applejack finally reached the base, she worked her way up again, but this time, she did full time licking strokes with her tongue.

Your moans increased in volume a bit which egged on Applejack even more to lick harder and longer. You did your best to hold back your cum that you felt building up inside of you, but it was becoming increasingly difficult by the minute. Applejack was just that good.

When you felt like you were about to burst early, Applejack thankfully stopped her licking which made it easier to hold back the pressure that was building up in your member. She could tell by the expression on your face that you were about to cum before she wanted it, which is probably the main reason why she stopped.

When you felt the pressure go down completely, you nodded to Applejack signaling that she was good to carry on.

Nodding, Applejack gently put your tip fully into her mouth and began sucking gently on it while giving it a flick with her tongue every once in a while which earned coos and moans of approval from you.

Staring at you with the eyes of desire, Applejack slowly started to bob her head up and down while steadily taking in more of your length deeper into her mouth.

Your moans grew more louder and constant as Applejack gave you the best, and first blowjob of your life. You loved how warm the inside of her mouth felt when she breathed on your dick.

You struggled to prevent yourself from bucking your hips up into her which would completely cut off her air circulation and choke her! It would completely ruin the moment.

As if by luck and taking her sweet time, Applejack managed to fit your entire member unto her mouth and partially down her throat. The sensation you got from it was electrifying, but it wasn't as good until Applejack brought her mouth all the way back to your tip before pushing herself back down to your base while slowly increasing her pace.

You felt an orgasm once again build up in your groin area. This time you knew Applejack wanted you to cum, but you still wanted to hold it off for as long as you could, but the burning in your testicles told you that you were going to cum very shortly.

"A...Applejack," you utter breathlessly.

Knowing that you were close, Applejack rapidly increased her pace and sucked way harder. As a bonus, she took her hand and stroked your member down when she brought her mouth up, and stroked up when she brought her mouth down. She was now performing a hand and a blowjob simultaneously which made a strong wave of euphoria course through your body, and practically turn your moans to screams of intense pleasure.

"Ohhh! Aaaah! Oh god! I'm gonna..." you scream before you finally release your first load down Applejack's gullet. Some of it escaped from her mouth and ran down her cheeks, but she didn't seem to mind.

Applejack kept stroking and sucking your dick hard until she milked every last string of cum from you. When you were done, she contently swallowed your load whole.

Applejack then took your member out of her mouth with a smooth plop when the head escaped from her lips. She then used both of her hands to wipe her face off.

"T-that was a-amazing," you say when your breathing has returned to normal.

"Happy to oblige, but now it's your turn to get me off," Applejack replies smiling before she kisses you.

It seemed strange to taste yourself from her mouth, but in a way it was still arousing.

Obeying Applejack's statement, you get up too trade places with her so now she's laying on her back while you position yourself above her.

"Where should I start?" you ask her.

"Anywhere you wish sugarcube. Ah want ya to explore ma body and get to know it," Applejack cooed gently.

You decided to first set your sights on Applejack's neck because you know there was a sensitive spot there that could easily arouse Applejack. You knew this because of the Sex-Ed classes you took back in middle school; same for highschool as well.

You planted your lips on the designated spot on Applejack's neck and began passionately kissing and sucking it.

Applejack shut her eyes and opened her mouth as she moaned in ecstasy.

"Oh yes sugarcube, yer doin' a good job!!" she cried.

Knowing you were successful at arousing her, you kept this up for a few more moments before slowly working your way down to her chest where her luscious breasts were waiting for some action.

When you finally reached her chest, you used your hands you gently spread her cleavage apart to give yourself access to her mid-chest where you attacked with your tongue and lips.

Her sweat that had formed in this area tasted like sweet apple cider, with a hint of sugar of course.

While you were licking and sucking her chest, you used fingers on both hands to fondle and gently flick each nipple on each breast. Doing this action made Applejack moan louder as she began to squirm a bit from the great pleasure you were giving her.

Not wanting to risk Applejack finishing off early, you eased up on the cleavage eating and nipple play and decided to start moving lower to her stomach region.

You loved how firm the muscle tone on her stomach was. Apparently she had small two pack abs that seemed to turn you on even more.

You gently placed a small kiss on each of her abs before going for the most prized possession of all; her pussy.

You had to admit to yourself that you've never tasted female cum before, or even considered indulging in pussy-eating, but you knew you had to return the favor of her drinking your juices. You just prayed it would taste good just like her sweat.

At least anal sex wasn't your forte, neither was hers. Probably because both of you knew that it was too vital to be penetrated. Also that's where the shit comes from. Disgusting.

Just like with her breasts, you gently spread the lips of her nethers apart with your hands and gazed into the tempting depths of her waiting and dripping sex.

You gazed at Applejack to see if she was ready for you. She just nodded her head.

Without a second of hesitation, you brought your face toward her pussy and began to gently lick the outer regions in a circular motion earning happy groans from Applejack.

The juices of her pre-cum tasted a bit salty, but still quite delicious. Just like you theorized, you could swear you could taste a hint of apple cider, or something else entirely.

It seemed kind of strange that her bodily fluids would taste apple related, but you assumed it was from all the apples that she eats daily.

Whenever you quickly flicked your tongue against her clit teasingly, she practically squealed at the top of her lungs.

You continued doing this for a few moments before Applejack finally spoke up.

"S-stop!" she cried.

You immediately did what you were told.

"What's the matter?" you ask confused. You thought Applejack was really enjoying this. What could the problem be?

"Please no more teasing! Ah can't take it!" she begged. "Ah need yer tongue fully inside me now!"

"Okay, okay," you say and follow her request even through it sounded like more of an order.

You set your focus on the center of Applejack's vagina and begin to firmly tongue-fuck her like she insisted.

"Oh yeeeaahhh! That's more like it!" she screamed. "Keep doin' that and don't stop!"

You immediately obliged and gave it your all. You knew you would get her off in no time.

You continued to push your tongue deeper and deeper into her pussy until you couldn't go any further. That's where you continued your licking while gradually increasing in speed and force of your tongue sliding back and fourth.

"Ahhh...ohhh...sugarcube...Ah'm gettin'...unghh.... close!" Applejack warned.

You could feel her vaginal walls begin to compress around your tongue practically sucking it in as her orgasm began building up.

You sucked and licked her pussy way harder than you had before while massaging her sides and breasts to stimulate and encourage her to cum in your mouth.

After about several seconds passed, Applejack finally reached the point of her climax.

"AAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as she bucked herself at your face flooding it and the inside of your mouth with her semen. Luckily you closed your eyes on time because it gushed all over your face.

Her juices didn't taste bad at all. Sure they we're a bit salty, but still scrumptious.

When her orgasm ended, you closed your mouth and drank down her fluids without choking or vomiting them back up. It was as easy as swallowing vanilla ice-cream if you wanted to put it that way.

Both of you then layed down next to each other to catch your breaths. You needed a break from the intense lovemaking for a little bit.

You and Applejack both layed their both completely naked in the tall grass watching the sky while cuddling up next to one another and giving eachother small and affectionate kisses.

You and Applejack had definitely fallen into summer love that seemed very strong and you both knew it. The ways you got one another off definitely proofed it.

After a few minutes of rest and relaxation had passed, you hear Applejack ask, "Ya ready fer round three?"

You turn to face her in confusion. You didn't know what round three was even through it should've been obvious.

"What's round three?" you ask.

"Ah want yer dick inside of me," Applejack replies staring at you hungrily.

You immediately catch on and you feel the blood rushing too your member once again erecting it from excitement, but then you suddenly remember a downfall. You then began to panic.

"Wait. What if I get you pregnant? Neither one of us brought condoms, and we're both too young and inexperienced for raising a child. Plus you have a farm to help your family run and will have no time for bonding with the baby. Worst of all, I may get fired or beat up by your brother if he found out that I stripped you of your virginity. Also what if one of us contacts an STD or STI?"

"Whoa relax sugarcube. It's alright. Ah believe Ah'm at the area of ma period where Ah can have sex without the risk of pregnancy. Don't worry about my brother. After he's finished with his chores, granny insists that he goes into town and try to find a date and to not worry about her or the farm. First he had a bit of trouble, but we all think he's hooked up with Fluttershy. She's a pretty thing with a heart of gold, but she's very quiet and insecure with herself kinda like Mac, but its thanks to their love of animals and nature that bought them together," Applejack explained. "Ah believe he took her to this pond as well."

You sighed with relief, but you still weren't a hundred percent sure.

"Okay," you finally say. "What position would you like?"

"Ah think Ah want to be on top again. This cowgirl needs a ride."

You blush and chuckle at her statement.

"Okay, let's go for it," was all you could say.

You layed your back on the ground once again as Applejack climbed on top of you.

She firmly grasped your penis in her hand and began stroking it to make sure you were hard enough. When your member was standing at full attention stiff as a statue, she stopped stroking it and smiled as she positioned her waiting pussy over it.

"Are ya ready sugarcube?" she asked with a confident and seduceful tone.

"Yes," you reply. At least you were talking instead of giving non-verbal cues.

After giving your response, Applejack began slowly lowering herself onto you.

Both of you gasped in pleasure when the head of your member made contact with her vaginal lips as it slipped inside of her.

You savored every pleasurable feel on your dick as it plunged deeper and deeper inside her womanhood. It was like you had just died and gone to heaven.

She felt so warm and soft that you felt like you would never want this experience to end. Well sure it would have to end eventually, but there will always be other times. At least you hoped so.

By good fortune yet again, your member fit all the way inside of Applejack. You then both gasped out a bit louder when your connection was finally complete.

Both of you held this position for a bit to get the feel of each other's privates connected as one. When that was satisfied, you felt Applejack's vaginal walls tighten around your cock as she prepared to begin humping you until you couldn't see straight.

Applejack slowly and steadily began to slide all the way up to the tip of your penis, and then come all the way back down to the base and testicles.

Quickly learning her rhythm, you began to push up as she came down on you, and retracted down when she moved up. This increased the euphoric shocks you were both experiencing, and it felt so good which made both of you slowly and steadily increase your rate of pumping into eachother.

Both of your moans turned into pained by pleasured screams of ecstasy as you guys continuously humped one another. You also began to fondle each other rather intensely to increase the pleasure levels to a maximum.

You sucked, kissed, squeezed, and playfully jiggled Applejack's bouncing breasts and nipples while Applejack roughly rubbed a part of your ass-cheek with one hand while using the other to gently squeeze a part of your testicle sack.

Both of you felt your orgasms approaching, and fast.

After about several more seconds of rather extreme and pleasurable sex, both of you reached your secondary climaxes as planned. You both screamed each other's names as both of your bodily fluids combined and mixed into a puddle where you guys held your connection.

When both of you were finally spent, you both collapsed onto the grass panting hard trying to get your wind back. Both of you didn't really know how rough sex could get when it got heated until now.

When you both could breathe properly again, you were the fist one to speak up.

"That was incredible Applejack. You were amazing."

"Aw thanks sugarcube. Ya weren't bad yerself," she replied smiling and giving you a peck on the lips. "This had ta be the best picnic ever."

"Say? Did you ever have a crazy hunch that we would eventually end up screwing each other during or after the picnic considering it only involved you and me?" you ask curiously.

Applejack shrugged and blushed.

"You could say that," she replied with a laugh.

You joined in with her.

"Well as they say, the universe works in mysterious ways. You just never know what it going to throw at you, or the coincidences that are going to occur in it. Apparently this morning when I was doing my chores before our picnic, I kept thinking that you and I would become more then just friends at this picnic. Looks like I was correct," you said.

Both of you cracked up.

"There's another thing through," you added.

"What is it?" Applejack asks.

"Your grandmother said something about this place having some kind of magic to it. Since she told me that she brought your grandfather here when they were close to our age. Do you think that they...."

Both of you then decided not to finish that thought on the fear of losing the ability to sleep properly again.

At mentioning her grandmother, Applejack suddenly sat up in alarm.

"Oh no!" she cried.

"What's wrong?" you ask suddenly surprised by her change in mood.

"Ah think we stayed out too long! Granny is probably worried sick about us!" she replied.

You gazed at where the sun was which was getting close to the horizon. You two have been here until close to sunset, or dusk as they would say out in the country.

Applejack and you dashed out of the tall grass still naked as you headed for your picnic area.

Both of you quickly got your clothes back on and packed up your picnic supplies before you hopped on your horses and quickly galloped away.


When both of you arrived back at Sweet Apple Acres, the horizon had already covered the bottom half of the sun.

Applejack practically flew through the open door with you behind her which startled Granny Smith and the rest of her family members.

"Ah'm so sorry we're late y'all! We didn't mean to stay out later then we should've!" Applejack apologized partially winded.

"Where's yer hairband AJ?" Granny Smith asked suspiciously catching Applejack off-guard.

When Applejack ran her fingers through her hair, she was shocked to find out that her hair was still hanging loose. She forgot to tie it back up in her signature ponytail!

"Oh...well you see. (Your Name) and Ah decided to take a little dip in the pond after our picnic because the hot weather was becomin' to much fer us. We got so caught up in our fun, we lost track of time," Applejack explained even through she left out part of the story which counted as a lie. Not her normal thing and you could tell she looked rather pained for committing such an act.

"Ummhmm," Granny Smith uttered crossing her arms as if she didn't believe what her normally honest granddaughter just told her. She even noticed a hickie on her neck.

Knowing that her grandmother could tell she wasn't telling the entire truth, Applejack crumbled emotionally and ran toward her grandmother and hugged her crying her eyes out.

"Ah didn't mean too granny, I swear! You can give me any punishment you want! Ah'm fine with goin' ta bed without supper tonight! (Your Name) had nothin' to do with this! Ah talked him into it!"

You couldn't believe Applejack was wrongly standing up for you. It seemed generous, but this didn't feel right at all to you. You had to step in.

"No Applejack, if anyone should be punished, its me. I know I can find another job somewhere around here. Who knows, maybe I'll run into you when you have set up market downtown.," you say with a smile.

Applejack turned to you in surprise with streams of tears still running down her cheeks. Her eyes were practically red from crying.

"(Your Name), don't," she whispered. Her voice hushed from emotion.

"I have to Applejack. You don't deserved to be punished at all. You're too perfect to let your reputation be ruined here. I'm willing to sacrifice my career to spare you of unnecessary discipline. That's how much care and compassion I have for you, and I wil never let it go."

You could see that Applejack was trying to smile, but it was kind of difficult because she struggled to choke back her sobs.

"I'll take my leave of you now," you say before to turned and began to head out the door.

When your about to fully shut the door behind you, you hear Granny Smith call you.

"Hold yer horses right there young man," you hear her say.

You immediately stop closing the door and open it back up a bit to peer back inside.

"What is it ma'am?" you ask curiously

"It seems ta me that you and my granddaughter have obviously have been put under that spell of the pond that Ah told ya about earlier," Granny Smith explained with a reassuring smile. "Apparently it makes two individuals who are too shy ta admit their true feelins' fer one another finally confess, and then express it. What triggers the need for confession varies. There's really is no direct point. I guess that's why Ah said you had to go there to experience it fer yerself."

You took a moment to process what you have just been told. The puzzle pieces quickly fit together in no time. Of course some of them already made themselves known from before.

You confessed your feeling for Applejack when you thought that her life was in trouble. Your concern for her safety made you express the emotions that you have been holding back for quite a long time. One thing you didn't know is what caused Applejack to confess her feelings afterward. Perhaps it was because she wanted you to admit your feelings first when you expected her to. Somehow a mysterious force broke the tie and made you the one to firstly fess up. Even through you could strongly tell Applejack was already flirting with you when she stripped down into her swimsuit.

"So, are you saying its okay that me and Applejack can be together, and that I can keep my job?" you ask cautiously.

Granny Smith didn't answer the question immediately, and it left you and Applejack in uneasy suspense.

Finally she spoke up with a warm smile.

"Yes," she said.

You and Applejack gasped in joy.

"Oh thank you granny!" Applejack cried with happy tears and held her grandmother in a tight but loving embrace. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Granny Smith hugged her granddaughter back.

"Yer welcome darlin', but there's also more,"

"More?" Applejack asked curiously.

"Ah've decided that this farm should have some quarters fer the farmhands here ta live in."

Granny Smith turned to you.

"Ya know yer not the only farmhand who has been late gettin' here."

"Really?" you ask.

"Yes of course, but don't worry, we didn't fire any of 'em. This farm is just way to big and we can't afford loosing any available help. Ah plan on gettin' this project started very soon."

Big Mac and Apple Bloom nodded in agreement without saying a word.

You were practically speechless.

You always wished to escape the bundling and noisy city life to the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of the country. You just couldn't believe your wishes were coming true, but they were!

This meant you didn't have to worry about arriving late for work anymore or buying an alarm clock, and you will be able to live with Applejack and her family. Sure this meant you had to see your old home in the city, but you didn't give a care whatsoever.

"Thank you so much ma'am!" you say enthusiastically with your own tears of joy running down your face.

"Don't mention it," Granny Smith said with a content smile.

You and Applejack affectionately hugged one another still crying tears of pure happiness. You both were glad that you could be together at last after all this time. The rest of the family seemed to agree to. Of course Apple Bloom was too young to be an adolescent, but her time would come in the future.

The friendship between you and Applejack has finally blossomed into something beautiful and pure, despite having opposing sides.

True un-judgmental love.

Who knew it would just take a simple body of water to make this happen?


Author's Notes:

* This is my second clop-fic during the Summer season when it's obviously the Winter months.
* I know I said the word 'bosoms' in here even through I'm American, and not from the UK. It's just a fun word to say and use that's all.

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Pond of Wonders

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