
The Way We Were

by Amethyst Wind


Chapter 1

The sudden rainstorm ended as quickly as it began, but the still-dark clouds in the sky and the falling sun convinced most Ponyville citizens to call it a day and head for home rather than risk a heavier downpour. Before long the streets were deserted and dark, the street lights not yet lit, what little illumination could be seen eminating from houses was hardly enough to beat the shadows back from gardens, let alone light the streets beyond.

Soon the wind picked up and a storm began to rattle windows and plaster wet leaves to the side of buildings. Most ponies simply burrowed deeper into their blankets in an attempt to shut out the noise, however one young unicorn, awake and alone, couldn't find sleep so easily. Tired as she was, her anxiety kept her from her bed as she pressed her face and horn against her window, sending silent hopes for a safe trip to her mother, while at the same time wishing she was there to hold her. Squinting at the gloom, the filly noticed that the street lights remained unlit. Glancing at the clock, the young pony wondered whether the storm was to blame for the absence of light, had the power gone down? Puzzled, she tried her own room lights...

...the sudden illumination sent them scurrying for cover, lest they be discovered too soon. However, when they looked again, they saw that the light wouldn't catch them outside of the house, doing their cause no harm, in-fact aiding it, as the violet-coated, blonde-maned filly now stood out clear as a winter's morn against the blues and blacks of the night outside. Their first target found, they stalked closer.

Prowling around the house's perimeter, the creatures saw that the target was alone. Excitement caught them as the hunt was on, all but the leaders showed greater activity, ecstatic to be so close to their goal. Easing open the latch, the first padded into the domicile, almost silent so as not to alert the filly to their presence. Sniffing the air as a final test for other occupants and finding none, the intruders mounted the first step......and their efforts to remain unnoticed went out the window as the seemingly deafening creak sounded, followed shortly after by the bedroom door flying open and a shout of "MOMMY!" came from the delighted filly, now thundering towards the top of the stairs, horn popping in and out of her blonde mane as she bounced along.

Frozen in shock, the pack did nothing as the filly skidded to a halt, staring in horror at the gathering at the foot of the stairs. It was only when a scream ripped from her throat that the monsters responded. With an unholy howl the leader sprang after the now-fleeing pony while the rest of the pack took up the call. As other houses lit up in response to the scream, the creatures burst from the front door, reducing it to splinters, and went about their own hunts, confident that their alpha would get its prize. Soon enough the night was filled with screams of terror and howls of triumph as demons hunted ponies.

It was only long after the wraiths had left and the ponies were sure that the danger had passed that the street lights flickered on, seemingly in tune with the first glimpse of sunrise on the horizon.


Hours later as the midday sun hung lazily in the sky, not far from Ponyville three equistrian figures meandered down the road.

"Sure ah cain't interest you in a glass o' cool apple juice afore you head home, Zecora? How about you, Fluttershy?"

"Oh I'd love some, thank you so much for offering."

"The sun is indeed strong on my back, but I'm afraid I can't stay, dear Applejack. These herbs I picked will make my brew strong, but if they dry out it could all go wrong."

"Well alright then. Remember we're always happy to have ye. Guess it's just you an' me Fluttershy......Fluttershy?......FLUTTERSHY!" Applejack finally yelled, breaking the cream-coloured pegasus from her thoughts.

"Oh, I'm sorry Applejack, I was just thinking how quiet it was. There are no birds in the sky at all."

"More than the birds are missing from this scene, there is also no sound where the midday chimes should have been."

"Hey, you're right Zecora, that old clock tower is never late. Something's up here." Their speculation was interrupted as a familiar voice sounded behind them.

"Howdy there, that you, AJ? You back from that big hullabaloo in Canterlot already?"

The three mares turned to see a muscular stallion towing a cart towards them from the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. He gave his sister an easy grin and nodded politely at the pegasus and zebra.

"Nice to see you miss Fluttershy, miss Zecora."

"Thank you, it's always nice to see you too."

"We do so rarely walk the same track, yet it is always time well spent, Big Mac."

"Howdy big brother. Yeah we're back. Zecora got the trade deal between Celestia and the zebras ironed out lickety-split. Fluttershy here even got to see a couple hedgehogs after we dropped off those gift apples."

"They were so lovely. It was adorable when they curl up into balls like that."

"Say now, what's all that you're draggin'? I didn't think we were doin' anything heavy in the fields this week." Big Macintosh glanced back at the contents of his cart before turning back to his sister.

"It ain't for the fields, we had a powerful storm blow in last night. Rainbow Dash and them weather ponies weren't expecting it and it did a whole heap o' damage before they got it under control. Ah'm headin' into town with all this gear to see if ah can do anythin' to help clean up the mess."

"That's very kind of you Big Macintosh, but don't you have to take care of Sweet Apple Acres first?" The stallion shook his head, flashing a happy, slightly proud, smile at the three.

"Naw, I just gave 'er the once-over. We're a little on the edge o' Ponyville and survived the worst. A couple o' the animals got spooked and a few branches broke but Applebloom 'n' Granny Smith're on top of it. She's pretty tough is good ol' Sweet Apple Acres."

"Such fortuitous news to lighten the gloom, that no harm befell Granny Smith, or sweet Applebloom."

"Well that settles it then. We'll head into town with you and see what we can do to help, right girls?"

"Absolutely, I want to make sure everyone is safe and sound, including the animals."

"I must drop off these herbs in the forest, but I will return after to give aid wherever a pony is stressed."

With that, the three mares plus a stallion headed on their way.


After reaching the town, Fluttershy and Applejack said goodbye to Zecora and Big Macintosh, heading for home and town hall respectively, and headed to the library. As they approached, a voice called from above them,

"HEADS UP!" The two girls jumped back just in time to avoid the heap of broken branches that smashed into splinters where they had been standing, drawing a squeeled "Eep!" from Fluttershy. Straightening her hat, Applejack looked up at the sheepishly grinning juvenile lizard on the balcony overhead.

'Watch it Spike! You almost dropped a whole lumbermill on our heads."

"Aw, sorry AJ, I didn't see you two at first. I'm just trying to get some of this debris cleared out before Twilight gets back. She's over at town hall with the Mayor trying to get all this sorted out."

Applejack and Fluttershy took a long look at the surrounding houses, rife with broken tiles, cracked (and in some cases shattered) windows, fences destroyed and gardens in disarray.

"Boy howdy. I sure wouldn't want to be in Rainbow Dash's shoes when it comes to explaining how they never caught a storm this big. Jes' look at that row o' houses over there. Dang near ruined. I hope none o' the families had anypony hurt."

"Uhh..." a look of confusion crossed Spike's face before he stammered out, "I dunno. I haven't heard of anyone hurt."

"Well that's a relief. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about so long as everypony's alright, don't you think so Applejack?"

"Absolutely Fluttershy. Now how's about we go do our part to get this place cleaned up? We'll talk to you later, Spike."

"Uh...yeah, okay." Spike waved for a moment as the ponies walked away, then picked up a broom and went back to dusting, still slightly worried by the earth pony's words.

"Why would Applejack be worried about ponies in those houses? She knows they've been empty for years. I don't get it."


Chapter 2

"The south side of town is clear of debris. What's next boss lady?"

"Well," began the bespectacled, grey-maned earth pony before she was cut off.

"Great job Rainbow Dash, can you send some flyers up- and down-river? We want to make sure there's nothing damning the flow. Get everybody else working on the north side with Cheerilee's team."

"On it!" The cyan pegasus zoomed off. Sighing, the Mayor turned to the interrupter.

"Well Twilight Sparkle, I'm glad we can rely on you during this difficult time. Is there anything that I can do to help?" Like run my town, maybe?. The purple unicorn smiled back, her attention half on the clipboard levitating in front of her.

"No thank you, Mayor. I think we have things in hoof here. Besides I'm sure you'll have plenty to do when we get your office cleaned up. There'll probably be a pile of paperwork taller than town hall!" Chuckling, Twilight turned to address another of her team leaders, leaving the Mayor to stalk off, fuming.

Hah. Hah. Hah. She thought bitterly, What 'fun'.


"Howdy Mayor, we're back from Canterlot. It all went great. Princess Celestia sends her thanks......uh, Mayor?"

"Rackum frackum lackum my town, not hers but nopony calls me boss lady rackum frackum." Completely oblivious to Applejack and Fluttershy, the Mayor's grumbling continuing until she vanished round a corner. Concerned, the cream-coated pegasus turned to her stetson-wearing friend.

"The Mayor seems down, do you think she's okay?"

"She's fine. Probably jus' tired and stressed from dealing with this all day. Best thing we can do is find Twilight and see what we can help with."

Soon enough the pair caught sight of their friend, working with two other unicorns to lift a runaway cart clear of the house it had crashed into. When the cart was safely removed, Applejack spoke up:

"Hey there sugarcube, nice work. Ah reckon it'd take me and Big Macintosh all day to shift that big mess and you took care of it jus' like that."

"Applejack! Fluttershy! Good to see you," she panted, wiping sweat from her eyes, "how did things go in Canterlot? Did you get to see the Princess? Hey, wasn't Zecora with you?"

"Everything went just fine Twilight, the Princess was very pleased. The zebras loved the gift apples Applejack brought and Zecora did a great job acting as interpreter. Princess Luna even made an appearance."

"Well that's good. We still don't see enough of her. Is she still TALKING LIKE THIS?" The three giggling at the memory.

"Naw, she's doin' fine. Actually it seems like she's takin' on a few more duties. Tryin' ta help her big sister I guess. Speaking of helping, anything we can do? We didn't rush back from Canterlot so we're still pretty fresh."

"Actually there was something you could do. Applejack, could you find your brother and get him working with the others on the east side of town? I sent him off a while ago and haven't heard back."

"Yeah sorry, we actually met up with him on the way back but he got sidetracked helpin' Pinkie at the edge o' town. He'll be along soon Ah'm sure."

"Helping Pinkie? What's she doing? I haven't seen her since she finished helping out at the hospital."

"She's just doing her part like everybody else. She said she 'n' Big Mac'll join Cheerilee just as soon as they're done."

Looking over her checklist, Twilight ticked off this new information, grimaced at what was left to do, then turned to Fluttershy.

"I dunno how to tell you this Fluttershy but...uh.....you know the storm came in from the Everfree Forest, right?"

"Yes? Is there a problem?" Twilight flinched at her friend's sincerity.

"Well......your cottage is right on the edge of the Forest." Twilight averted her eyes as the information sunk in. Pretty soon she and Applejack were diving for cover as Fluttershy rushed frantically about.

"Oh no oh no oh no! The animals! Are they okay? ARE THEY OKAY?"

"We-ll w-e do-n't kn-ow h-ow b-ad i-t i-s. Plea-se st-op shak-ing m-e!" Dropping Twilight as she was tackled by Applejack, Fluttershy still struggled to get free. Brushing herself down, Twilight continued,

"We don't know how bad it is yet. Rarity took the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Winona and Owluicious to try to round them all up. They could probably use both your help though. Why don't we head over that way? I need to check on Cheerilee's crew anyway."


"Okay now we'll just make a quick stop off to see Cheerilee then we'll go to your cottage."

"Oh please hurry Twilight, I need to make sure they're all okay. All the birdies, and the critters, I want to see them all."

"Calm down sugarcube, if something was wrong Owluicious would have told Twilight by now, or we'd have the Cutie Mark Crusader Message Deliverers bouncing around."

"I hope you're right Applejack, I couldn't forgive myself if something happened because I wasn't here to take care of them."

"Listen to Applejack, Fluttershy. you know she wouldn't l-"


All three ponies were dazed for a few moments, only dimly aware of the brawling pair that had just run them over. Applejack recovered first and dived into the fray, trying to separate the two. It wasn't until Twilight used her magic that they were able to pin down Cheerilee's attacker.

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK! HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT!" Flinching at the fire in her attacker's voice, as Fluttershy helped her to her feet, Cheerilee shakily responded:

"But Derpy, it's true. You don't have-"

"DON'T YOU DARE! IF YOU SAY IT AGAIN I'LL KILL YOU!" Still struggling, the cross-eyed pegasus was dragged off by two police stallions. Exchanging glances, the three fillies looked to Cheerilee:

"Don't look at me like that, I don't know either. All I know is we were working on cleaning up the town when Derpy drops out of the sky, barges her way into her home, which took a lot of damage by the looks of things, then comes out screaming for somebody called 'Dinky'."

"Oh no! Is she okay?" Confused, Cheerilee turned to Applejack.

"You know who that is?"

"O' course I do. She's a friend of Applebloom's. Ah'm disappointed in you Cheerilee."

"Me? Why?"

"Well ah thought you knew all them little foals you work with." Wincing at her sore ribs, Cheerilee now had a look of panic on her face.

"Applejack......I don't have any Dinkys in my classes. I told Derpy the same thing. Derpy said she was her daughter. I told her I didn't know she had a daughter, especially not one named Dinky. Next thing I know she's screaming and trying to buck my head in."

"I'm not surprised! She's..." Fluttershy coughed, interrupting Applejack's response. She looked Cheerilee in the eyes.

"Okay Cheerilee, can you follow my hoof with your eyes." Waving it back and forth, Fluttershy noted the reaction then had Twilight take the teacher to be looked over at the hospital. When they were safely away, the two began walking, Applejack soon breaking the silence.

"Now that's downright not good. Ah've never known Cheerilee to forget a student, ever."

"I know. From what I could see she could focus just fine so I don't think she's concussed. From what she said if sounded like she thought this way even before Derpy attacked her."

"But then what in the hay would make Cheerilee say that?"

"I'm not sure, maybe we should go ask Derpy for her side?" Tapping her chin, Applejack thought about it.

"Hmm....nah. At least not yet anyway. You saw the way she went off on Cheerilee. We should give her time to calm down.

We'll try tonight. In the meantime..." Fluttershy gasped, finally remembering where they were going.

"The animals!"


After making the Cutie Mark Crusaders swear to never again go near her chickens, Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack rendezvous'd with Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie at the library, Spike's snores floating down from the bedroom.

"How is miss Cheerilee faring, Twilight darling?"

"She's fine Rarity, a little shaken after what happened with Derpy but no lasting damage."

"Yeah, what was up with that anyway? I know she's a little loopy but I've never seen Derpy acting like that. You think you know a fellow pegasus, huh?

"Now hold on there, Rainbow. Derpy had a right to be upset! It ain't everyday someone you trust insults your family like that."

"What do you mean, Jackie? Who got insulted?"

"Pinkie, Cheerilee told Derpy that Dinky didn't exist. To her face! I don't think she meant to be hurtful but that's very cruel."

"Um, am I missing something here, Fluttershy? Who's Dinky?"

"Haven't you met her Twilight? I'm sure you had. Not even at Derpy's birthday last year?"

"Nooo, the name isn't ringing any bells. Who is she?"

"Yeah, tell us you two. I'll need to throw a new party if I've forgotten some pony."

Fluttershy and Applejack's eyes mirrored each other's. This wasn't some isolated incident, their friends wouldn't act this way unless something was seriously wrong. Unsure of what to do next, Fluttershy took a deep breath and turned to the four ponies.

"Girls, Dinky is Derpy's daughter."


Their friend's worried calls still echoing behind them, the brash earth pony and demure pegasus hurtled at full sprint through the village streets.

"Applejack, I'm scared."

"Me too Fluttershy, this is serious. The girls, heck even Applebloom and her friends don't remember Dinky. There's just no way this can happen without some serious trouble a-brewin'. How in the hay can they forget somepony like that?"

"What can we do? If nopony remembers her, how are we going to find her?" Fluttershy was now gliding to keep up with Applejack, who sported a determined look.

"The most important person remembers her, Fluttershy, and we know exactly where she is."


Soft sobbing was the only sound to be heard from the dark cell. A bundle of grey and gold lay huddled in the corner. Applejack, feeling the mood, let Fluttershy lead. The pegasus put on her kindest, most comforting smile and gently rapped a hoof on the bars.

"What do you want? Another pony going to tell me that my little filly was never born, that I'm not a mother, that my little muffin is all in my head and not out there, scared and alone? I don't want to hear it. Just......go away."

"No Derpy, I would never say that. I wouldn't hurt you like that, and Applejack wouldn't tell a lie either."

Having tensed, the bundle shifted enough to reveal a mismatched pair of eyes, red and tearful. Still smiling, Fluttershy continued:

"Derpy, we know about Dinky. We seem to be the only ones who do, just us three. We don't know why. We need your help. We have to find out the cause of this so we can find her." Lifting herself gingerly from the floor, the grey mailmare limped to the door, weakly grasping the outstretched hoof as hope crept into her eyes.

"You believe me? You remember my baby?" Desperate eyes focused on each pony separately as Applejack laid her hoof on top of the others.

"You betcha. We swear to Celestia we'll get your little girl back, safe and sound." Derpy collapsed, tears falling fresh from her eyes.

"Thank you! Oh Celestia, thank you!"

"Any time darlin', but we need your help. We gotta figure out why nopony else is speakin' the truth." Rubbing her eyes, the captured pegasus dragged herself to her feet.

"I...I don't know. I only arrived back in Ponyville a little while ago after a long distance run. After seeing the damage the first thing I did was head home to make sure that my little muffin was okay, but....but....I couldn't find her! The door was busted out and there was no sign!"

"Busted...out?" Warning bells sounded in Applejack's head, she opened her mouth to ask a question but Derpy continued:

"She wasn't anywhere! Her room was in shambles and the whole place was a mess. None of the neighbours had seen her leave, not even Carrot Top. I always told her to go to Carrot Top if she's worried and I'm not around. I tried asking around some more, then I ran into Cheerilee and..." Falling silent, the pegasus seemed to shrink in shame and despair. Fluttershy patted her hoof lovingly.

"We understand. You were worried sick and she told you that what you were worrying about wasn't real. You still shouldn't have attacked her but you can apologise later. Right now we need to find Dinky. She might not be the only pony missing either."

"Of that you can be sure. These beasts did not visit only your door." The zebra seems to appear out of thin air, her grey-on-grey providing the perfect camouflage within the shadows and slate.

"Zecora! Please tell me you've got some news."

"I bring a tale of beasts of the wild, I fear they are the ones who have taken your child."

"My Dinky! Who has her?"

"Devilish creatures born of the mist, they make their home in the Everfree Forest."

"Well what're we waitin' for? Let's go git 'er!"

Suddenly, two titanic sounds began to battle each other for dominance. The earth-shaking GONG of the clocktower matched might with the blood-chilling, demonic howling of unseen beasts.

Grimacing, Zecora bolted for the door, calling to those after her:

"Alas, I was too late. We must leave now or share Dinky's fate!"

"What about Derpy? We can't just leave her here. She can't get away!" Applejack tried to force the cage door, but the cell's occupant batted her hooves away.

"What happens to me doesn't matter right now. Applejack, you promised to get my daughter back, and I'm holding you to it. Now get out of here! I'll be okay so long as Dinky is safe."


"APPLEJACK! Haven't you heard the saying, 'mother knows best'?" The conviction of those roaming eyes, stronger than any steel, all but forced Applejack out of the door. Grimacing, the earth pony reluctantly nodded.

"I understand. Stay out of sight, sugarcube. We're not bringing that filly back to an empty house, ya hear?" With that she dashed out after Zecora and Fluttershy.

Swiftly catching the pair, the workhorse voiced her concerns. Zecora nodded sympathetically but didn't change her heading.

"I have methods in play that fool their senses but only my home has adequate defenses. For the moment you two must be my guests, then we shall we about the mother's requests."

The trio vanished into the Everfree Forest as chaos reigned in Ponyville.


A big crowd had gathered around by the time they got the cell door open. As it clanged to the floor, the grey pony within the box stood firm against the wraiths. With a cocky smile, she spread her wings as wide as she could.

"So you took my little girl did you? Don't you know not to get between a mother and her child?"

Still smiling as they closed in, Derpy Hooves charged.

Chapter 3

Slamming the door shut, the three equines stood without speaking, only their ragged breathing held back the silence. Finally the hut's owner spoke up:

"My home is safe and free of this blight. Still, I think it best that you remain tonight." However the two ponies were shaking their heads.

"Ah ain't just gonna sit here while Ponyville is in danger! We have to go back and help everyone."

"And I'd like to...um...make sure the animals are okay. Elizabeak has been very sensitive since she saw the cockatrice. Angel and Hummingway have been fighting too."

"Your pets do not have what these beasts seek, their bonds with others are simply too weak."

"What are you blabberin' about Zecora? You seem to know somethin' about these critters and it's about time you shared."

"Of course you are right, my friend. To do anything less could bring our end. Our assailants are leaches who crave what we forge, to them it is a most generous meal on which they gorge."

"I still don't understand, Zecora. Neither of us are forgers, nor is Derpy's daughter Dinky. There's only one blacksmith in Ponyville, wouldn't they go after him?"

"They want what we all shape, not iron nor steel. What feeds these creatures is how we feel."

"How we feel? Gosh dangit Zecora we all feel lousy, we've been feeling lousy all day. Will you quit beatin' around the bush and tell us what these things are and how we can stop them an' get our friends back?"

"I understand how you feel, Applejack and you are right. I tell you this to show it will be a hard fight. These creatures want not your flesh but deeper, in your tongue you might call them a History Reaper."

"History Reaper?" Chorused Applejack and Fluttershy.

"Yes. As a pony grows and makes friends life-long, the Reapers crave these ties to grow strong."

"Uhh......ah'm still not following."

"An example then, dear Applejack. Do you care for your siblings, Applebloom and Big Mac?"

"What kinda question is that? There ain't nothing I wouldn't do for mah family!"

"Precisely my point, that strength of conviction. For that feeling is the Reapers' addiction. They need neither food nor water to thrive. They use the bonds between ponies as a means to survive."

"That's awful! They feast on our feelings?"

"What happens to those ponies they take? How do they steal their feelings?"

"They look for a pony with a strong zeal. It is these poor victims that show the most appeal. The beasts will move in and spirit them away, then a change will begin within a day. The behaviour of friends will soon alter, so too you'll find their memories will falter. To find a pony unchanged will be a feat most rare, most will act like the taken..." Zecora paused for a moment,

regarding the two,

"...was never there." After a brief bout of headscratching, the bit dropped. Fluttershy spoke up first.

"You mean their friends won't remember them at all?"

"that's jus' terrible. How can they call themselves friends if they forget a pony?"

"it is not their fault. In their memories is a space, their minds create something to take its place. Any pony who knew them will be affected, their minds make sure that their sanity is protected. The pony will become a stranger to the rest, no one will care as the Reapers harvest."

"Harvest? Are you sayin' them Reapers will eat them up? 'til there's nothin' left?"

'They will not touch body but will feast on the soul, all the way back to the days as a foal."

"But if they still alive somewhere, can we rescue them?"

"We can try but the damage may be done. No pony has been found once it has begun."

"We'll we've gotta try. We're the only ones who remember. Come to think of it, why do we remember? We all knew about Derpy 'n' Dinky."

"I am afraid a guess is all I've got, that we were within Celestia's influence, safe in Canterlot."

"Well then it's up to us. We've gotta undo all these lies!"

"A fine choice of words, good Earth Pony, for I believe the key lies with your Element of Harmony."

"Of course! Honesty! Oh Applejack, you're definitely the pony we need."

"Well, I dunno what I can do but I'll give all the help ah can. First we gotta git back to Ponyville and fetch mah Element though."

"Um...is that such a good idea? What if those things are still around?"

"Do not fear, kind Fluttershy, they will not appear without the moon in the sky."

"Oh. Alright then."

"Ah reckon we should get some sleep then until the sun comes up."


"Be careful, Applejack!" Fluttershy called after the sprinting pony.

"While Applejack is at her farm, we must see if any pony has come to harm."

"Actually Zecora, do you think we could visit Derpy again? I want to make sure she's doing okay?"

"It may not be as easy at that, we may face problems right off the bat."

"What do you mean?" Instead of answering, Zecora nodded her head at the surrounding ponies, all of which were giving them a wide berth.

"I don't understand. They're acting like they, err....we, used to when we saw you. You haven't been affected by the Reapers though, so they should still know you."

"That would be true in most cases, but something is causing them to make those faces."

"Let's......let's just try to ignore it until we can meet up with Applejack and the others." Again, Zecora said nothing as the two continued on. Soon they reached the police station and entered the lobby. The moment they stopped through the doors all sound stopped. Fluttershy approached the desk of the visibly shaking receptionist. Zecora didn't move from her place at the door. Fluttershy coughed, lightly at first, then more insistently, finally drawing the greeter's attention.

"Oh, I...yes. How can I help you?" Her eyes never leaving the unmoving zebra.

"Hello. Could I please speak with one of the ponies in your holding cells? I promise it won't take very long." As the receptionist stammered out a response, a burly stallion stomped forward menacingly.

"Of course you can, miss Fluttershy..." he gruffed,

"...but she can't."

"I don't think that's very fair. Zecora hasn't done anything wrong."

"She's scaring my staff!"

"Um...that is...she's just standing there."

Just then the doors opened Daisy bustled in, almost rear-ending Zecora, she began to apologise, froze then ran screaming out of the door. The stallion fixed Fluttershy with a glare.

"You see? Now she's causing trouble for good, honest ponies. I got half a mind to throw her in the cells myself." The constable smirked at his officers. They didn't mirror his expression. Confused, the stallion looked back and wished he hadn't.

"Let me tell you something, big guy." Later he would marvel at just how terrifying that low tone was, "Zecora here is my friend, more than that, she is a wonderful, courageous person who has aided myself and others countless times without asking for reward or favour. She is a far better person than you AND YOU WILL TREAT HER WITH RESPECT! Do you understand me?"

"C-certainly ma'am. Whatever you say." before the ticked-off Pegasus could continue,

"Fluttershy. We should make this quick." The Stare vanished at her friend's words. Silently, Fluttershy headed for the cells, the officers taking this moment to drag their frozen comrade away to lie down. Moments later she returned. Looking at Zecora, she tilted her head towards the door.

As they continued towards the library, Fluttershy cast worried glances at her compatriot, who hadn't spoken since leaving the station. Finally, several streets later,

"We were too late?" It wasn't really a question.

"Yes. I looked in every cell and asked the guards. They said nopony was using that cell until they fixed the door, and the rest were all full. There wasn't anything on their records about Derpy's fight with Cheerilee either."

"We will have to hope for better luck with Applejack's help." The zebra's eyes remained downcast.

"Zecora, I-"

"We are here." Surprised, Fluttershy saw they were indeed at the library. Knocking on the door, she was relieved to see Applejack open it.

"Howdy you two, I was wondering when you'd get here. I got the......whole gang here."

"We will be with you in a moment, dear Applejack." Shocked, the earth pony looked at Fluttershy, who shook her head in a let-it-go manner.

"Well...alright then. You just take a moment. We'll be waiting inside." Leaving it unlocked, she shut the door. The pegasus turned to her friend.

"Zecora..." She stopped as the forest-dweller help up a hoof.

"Please, I don't want a mistake," halting, she concentrated,

"first impressions are hard to break." Seemingly satisfied, she pushed open the door as Fluttershy followed.


It wasn't often you experienced complete silence twice in one day. Bottle that up and you could make a fortune, Fluttershy mused. This wasn't going well at all. Zecora looked miserable, no doubt due to the expressions on the faces of Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Spike. Applejack and Fluttershy glanced desparately from face to face, completely lost as to what to say.

"Uh...you guys remember Zecora? She's been helpin' us out since the storm hit."

"Oh yes," Fluttershy jumped in, "her help has been just wonderful. Why I'd say we'd be lost without her, wouldn't you Applejack?"

"Oh yeah. Why ah ain't never seen a more helpful filly in all mah days."

"I......thank you  Zecora," social protocol forced the prim unicorn's words, "we are most grateful for your assistance to our friends. Is...is there anything we can do to repay you?"

"Yeah," Spike agreed, though this wasn't unusual if Rarity was involved, "can I get you anything, Zecora, a drink? Maybe a snack?"

"How about some hay, huh!?"

"Pinkie! I eat hay. You eat hay. We all eat hay!"

"Oh yeah. Heeheehee."

"Thank you Spike but I am full, though perhaps you all can help us with some trouble?"

"Trouble? Are you causing problems for my friends, Stripes?"

"Rainbow! Leave 'er alone! Zecora ain't the trouble, fer the las' time she's tryin' ta help!"

"Hmph. Fiiine."

"A moment please, while we have this lull. Tell me Spike, where is Twilight Sparkle?"

"Uhh......fiction or reference? Did I have that on back-order? Lemme check the new arrivals."

"Thank you Spike but there is no need, just the name is what we must heed."


"Hold in strong in your minds, bright and clear. Now then, dear Applejack, take it from here." Nodding, the Earth Pony dug into her pack and brought out her golden necklace.

"An Element of Harmony? We haven't used those since the Summer Sun Celebration. Such a shame too, they are so stylish."

"Boy that was a crazy night. Us five stopping Nightmare Moon by creating the 6th element within Princess Luna until she busted right out of Nightmare Moon!"

"I know, right? She was all like 'Darkness forever!' and we were like 'By our powers combined!'"

"Well, y'see Pinkie, that's not exactly how it happened?"

"Whaddaya mean?"

"We'll tell you later, Pinkie, now focus on Applejack. Rarity, Rainbow, Spike, all of you too please. Remember to keep that name, 'Twilight Sparkle', in your mind."

"Everybody ready? Alright then, close your eyes and hold onto your horseshoes. Ah don't know exactly what's gonna happen here, but let's find out. Twilight Sparkle here we come!"


Gathering the four around her, Applejack turned her attention to her Element necklace. Thinking back on Zecora's words, she tried to visualise all the bonds she'd make with these ponies. Starting small and safe she worked on memories that didn't involve any of the missing ponies; racing with Rainbow, baking with Pinkie Pie, talking with Rarity as they watched over Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, Spike sending one of her letters to Princess Celestia. She sent these memories out to each friend she shared them with until she felt them respond. Encouraged, she moved on, finding memories that involved 2 of the four, then 3, finally moving onto memories they all shared. She pictured a huge lassoo in her mind, comprised of all these shared experiences. As she had done so many times with her hooves, she aimed the lassoo to wrap around all of them, herself included. Her aim was true, she felt the snag from each pony as the lassoo reached them, not only her own memories of these events but theirs feeding back along the connection too.

Once the five-fold circuit was stable, she readied herself for the final task. Willing openness to her friends, Applejack sent out the memory she had decided was the msot fitting for the occasion: Their battle with Nightmare Moon, the first time they wielded the Elements or Harmony together and brought about Twilight's 6th Element, the Magic that came to the Canterlot unicorn when she finally accepted the five as her friends. Confusion flowed back along the connection as their minds rejected this version of events. The worst of it came from Spike, the only one not there at the time. The young dragon was confused, almost painfully so, yet there was something else there too, buried beneath the wave of shared emotion. Maintaining her connection to the others, Applejack sought it out, gently, as one would coax a bunny from its den. Rolling with this metaphor, Applejack widened the lassoo a little further, just enough slack to wrap around Fluttershy too. As the sixth voice was added to the stream, she willed the gentle pegasus to calm the others, share her kind soul with them to keep them calm and the connection stable.

As this was going on, Zecora was making her own preparations. She was holding an illustrious jewel, so pure that Rarity would turn her coat black digging for it, around it were woven designs of wood and twine, adorned with feathers and beads. She could not see what was going on within the minds of the 6, yet she could feel the energy in the air. Waiting for her time, she silently sent out her hope to aid Applejack.

With Fluttershy's help, Applejack had drawn Spike out of his shell. Memories of Canterlot swirled within him, yet a veil seemed to have been drawn over them, distorting them. The memories seemed to jar every now and then, and each time they did a shadow would appear in them. Applejack seized upon this, sending the image into the minds of all the ponies and their memories, showing that shadow where she knew her friend should be. She knew she couldn't rush this, it would need to be subtle, to do too much could risk it all, or worse yet damage their minds in some way.

She poured her thoughts into the shadow, giving it form, first a basic pony shape, all the while circulating the mantra of 'Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Sparkle'. After the shape she added details, the length of the tail, the cut of the mane, the identifying horn of a unicorn, then she stopped. This was not just her memory after all. She reached out to the others, mantra ongoing, and asked a simple question:

What do you see?

A stab of uncertainty ran through the connection, she and Fluttershy sending out soothing thoughts and memories to counter it. All of them, not just Spike could feel it now. Something  was there, under their memories, yet it slipped away as they looked for it, like a reflection in a stream. Only for an instant, flashes began to appear in the minds of the six. The shadow would change, just for a moment, showing amethyst eyes. From others in the circle came a violet coat, a two-tone mane, a six-point star. These traits flickered on and off, never all at once.

It's okay, Applejack willed,

we're all okay, we're so close now. Just a little further!. She felt them all, scared but willing, ready for the final push. They needed a guide, something to show them the way, to know that they were on the right track.

Lucky for us she's standing right over there.

Withdrawing from the bond for just a moment, Applejack's opening eyes met Zecora's. Beckoning her over, she pressed her forehead to the zebra's, drawing them both back up into the mix. The others, save Fluttershy, reacted to this intrusion, though they quickly calmed as Applejack's sense of purpose washed over them. Zecora, sensing Applejack's intent, opened herself and her memories up to the others. For the moment, Applejack stepped back and let the zebra plot their course.

Image after image of time spent in Ponyville, sharing tea in her home in the Everfree Forest, dazzling the children on Nightmare Night, every seemingly insignificant display of friendship between herself and village. Within their conference of souls, Applejack and Fluttershy flanked Zecora, encouraging her to show what was in her heart.

I'm here./She's here.

I'm real./She ain't no lie.

Twilight Sparkle.

All this is our past.

Twilight Sparkle.

You need to remember.

Twilight Sparkle.

Y'all shared this with us

Twilight Sparkle.

Please don't hatefearrun fromhide fromavoid me.

The seven creatures, all unique; Earth ponies, Pegasus', Unicorn, Dragon, Zebra. All were swept up in the wave of shared memory and emotion. Zecora's stone was shining brighter than the sun and stars, drinking in the magic around it. As their song built to a crescendo, one plea from seven beings rose above all the others.

Please.........don't forget me.

Chapter 4

"...pleja......Applejack? Are you alright?"

Swimming back to consciousness, the earth pony cracked open an eyelid.

"Oh, you're awake! Thank goodness, I was worried."

"Ah'm......ah'm okay, sugarcube. That sure takes it outta a pony though." Blinking the last of the sleep from her eyes, Applejack glanced around the library for signs of life.

"Where is everypony? Oh no! Them monsters didn't get 'em while I was under did they?! How long was I out?" Frantically, Fluttershy shushed her, then another welcome voice joined the discussion.

"Our friends are fine, though in need of rest. We will have to await the results of our test."

"You mean we don't even know if it worked or not? They didn't say anythin' afore they fell asleep?"

"No. Zecora and I woke up and everybody else was out like a light, we just finished carrying them all upstairs. Pinkie, Rainbow and Rarity are on Twilight's bed, though it looks like Spike's been using it. We put Spike in his basket, after we took the jewels out that is."

"So now what? We just wait until they wake up to find out if it worked or not?"

"That is not a choice we wish to make. Soon the Reapers will return, looking to take."

"I'm afraid Zecora is right, we only have a few hours until sundown, after that we'll all be in trouble."

"Be at ease dear friends, they won't bother us tonight, I have hidden this library from their sight."

"How? Some sorta zebra potion?"

"More of a herb if we're being specific, to these creatures it smells horrific. They won't approach such a bad smell, which will linger long after the dawn bell."

"Well that buys us some time at least, though we cain't just sit here and wait until all of Ponyville's taken, we have to do something!" Applejack tried putting her hoof down to drive this statement home, however she unbalanced herself in the process, hitting the floor with a painful thud. Fluttershy and Zecora helped her into a sitting position.

"You are still weak from your role as proctor. Were it safe we would summon a doctor."

"Ah'm fine! I don't wanna just sit here if there's somethin' ah can do to help."

"There is still danger even with my aid, until the others awake I'd prefer you stayed."

"She's right Applejack, Zecora and I will go do what we can and you keep an eye on the others, we have to make sure there weren't any adverse effects of...whatever happened before. I'd never forgive myself if they were hurt in some way."

"Grr....alright, alright. I'll stay here until they wake up, just don't be too long y'hear?"

Nodding, the pegasus and zebra left the treehouse.


"I must be honest with you, Fluttershy, they didn't remember me and I think i know why."

"I thought it was very strange. You hadn't been abducted so they shouldn't have forgotten. Although they didn't forget completely, they knew who you were just not that they knew you."

"Yes, a troubling thought but I have my suspicions. Tell me, back then what changed your positions?"

"You mean why did we stop being afraid of you?" A flash or hurt crossed Zecora's eyes and Fluttershy felt a crushing shame for reminding her, only now realising just how long they'd known Zecora was in the forest but never approached her.

"Sorry. Actually it was Twilight who did it. We didn't even know you were a zebra. We didn't even know what a zebra was! We just thought you were strange and...scary. Twilight told us we were being silly and hateful for no reason. Little Applebloom went after you and we went after her, thinking you'd hurt her."

"Y-es," a tiny hitch in her voice but Fluttershy still caught it,

"...you followed my trail and accused me of magic, thinking I'd cursed you in a way most tragic." Fluttershy didn't know how to respond and a thoughtful silence descended. Eventually she couldn't keep quiet.

"Zecora, I just want to say how so, so sorry we all are for how we treated you. You must have been lonely in the forest and we ran from you whenever you came to town. Even now you're doing your best to help us after what we did. Can you ever forgive us?"

"It is true it was hard to see those bright lights, only to have ponies flee from my sights. The forest is wonderful and there's lots to see but there were some times I would wish for company," a mewling sound interrupted her reverie and she glanced over to see the genteel pegasus tearing up. With a kind smile, she continued:

"But it was not malice that kept you at bay, when the chance arose you did not turn away. Your good hearts allowed you to overcome this little blip," She stopped and, closing her eyes, rested her forehead against Fluttershy's,

"I truly am glad to have your friendship." Fluttershy was openly weeping now, shame and delight whirling within her. What foals they had all been! She thought back to all her first meetings. With Twilight Sparkle she had been shy but hadn't hid, with Spike she had ran headlong towards him, even with the manticore she'd been unafraid yet she'd treated this wonderful filly so badly for so long? Unacceptable. There wasn't enough she, and the others, could do to make it up to Zecora but she'd spend her life trying.

She felt something being gently draped around her neck, looking down she noticed a simple necklace with a green gem. Zecora fixed Fluttershy with a firm stare.

"Do not remove this, whatever you do. If all else fails, I hope it protects you."

"it's lovely, but what is it?"

"Ancient magic, almost lost, no longer common because of the cost."

"Cost? What cost? Did something happen to you?"

"Not to me or anyone since, this was created after the last Reaper instance."

"What does it do?"

"For now that must remain a surprise, please promise me it will stay before your eyes."

"Of course but-"

"Not now Fluttershy, we have more to talk about, I need to finish my words before time runs out."

"O-of course. I'm sorry. Go ahead, I'm listening."

"Twilight Sparkle is gone from our friends' sense, their behaviour since then is from her influence."

"Her influence? But Twilight would never help the History Reapers!"

"Not knowlingly, of course she would not, but her magic is strong and it changes the plot. Not only is she out of mind, but to the changes she wrought they are also blind."

"You mean it's because of Twilight's magic that they're acting this way?"

"Her magic spreads the blight throughout her will, to all here it is as if only Spike came to Ponyville. They do not know zebras, they do not know royalty, soon her magic will affect generosity, laughter and loyalty." The ramifications blindsided Fluttershy.

"You mean that Twilight's explosion that we all saw on the day we got our Cutie Marks won't happen, we won't form the bond that allows us to wield the Elements of Harmony?"

"It is awful but true, your good fights won't be won. Everything you've accomplished may yet be undone. I hope I am wrong but this is a unique trial, I really don't know if this will end with a smile." Zecora paused to martial her thoughts but soon became aware that Fluttershy's attention wasn't on her.

The pegasus was shaking. No, scratch that, she was fuming, her Stare was so intense even the grass was trying to get out of the way. Zecora could honest-to-Celestia see straight through to a clearing in the direction she was looking.

"How dare they? How DARE THEY? Those wicked creatures think they can take our friends, then use our friends to make us forget about our OTHER FRIENDS?! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! They've kidnapped little ponies, perverted Twilight's gift and now they're trying to destroy the few memories they haven't touched? No. More."

Bodily tossing the not-a-little-worried zebra onto her back, Fluttershy rocketed into the sky in the direction of the forest. Zecora, holding on for dear life, could do little except hope they landed soon. Fortunately Fluttershy soon realised she had no idea where to start looking and landed at Zecora's woodland hut.

"Thank....urgh....thank you Fluttershy for descending so light, I worried about a rougher landing for my first flight."

"I'm sorry for that Zecora but I'm still so angry at what is happening."

"I share your frustration and agree with your call. It is time to end this, once and for all. The Reapers are aether beings by design, they will make their home in an appropriate shrine."

"The castle of the Royal Pony Sisters!"

"Yes, a fearful place where nopony goes, their presence will be hidden by the magical echoes."

"Let's go then, I know the way."

"Hold a moment before you forfeit your health. It would be best if we accomplished our task through stealth. The sun is still up and the Reapers are at rest. Our friends must be freed before they leave their nest."

"I agree. I don't want to fight either, I just want our friends back."


Creeping amongst the ruined stone at the spot of Nightmare Moon's resurrection, the two fillies couldn't help but be aware of the (what felt to them) rapidly dropping sun. They soon found, however, that the castle seemed deserted. There was no sign of any being, pony or no, within the walls. They had split up to explore the far corners of the complex but again found no luck, eventually Fluttershy returned to the main courtyard where Zecora was waiting.

"I don't understand Zecora, where are they? Could they have moved? is there an underground to this place that we don't know about?"

"I am not sure. However we must not become stuck, we must find our friends soon or else we will be out of......oh, buck."

Following her gaze, Fluttershy noted the shadow moving lazily across the floor. Casting a quick glance up she saw the slow-drifting cloud obscuring the sun. The shadow that the cloud cast rolled over the two, showing what the sun's light hid.

The Reapers were everywhere.

There were groups of slumbering fiends everywhere, it was a miracle that they hadn't been disturbed up until this point.

"No wonder any rescuers could not find their prize, when not on the hunt the Reapers are gone from our eyes."

"What do we do? What do we do? They're all over the place Zecora. There's too many of them, what if they wake up?"

"Relax Fluttershy, we still have some time. They will not rouse until after the last ray of sunshine. We must use this cloud and its revealing shade to locate our friends and finish this raid." Keeping quiet and moving carefully, Fluttershy padded over to Zecora and then the two began moving with the cloud, never leaving its cover. As they searched the sun dropped and the shadow lengthened, aiding their search but never letting them forget that their time was running out.

Eventually, just as the sun was reaching the treetops, the two found themselves in the throne room, scene of the climactic battles between Nightmare Moon and the Element bearers. To say that either of the two were surprised would be....well, a complete and utter lie. Destiny has a flair for the dramatic afterall. The two stared at their prize, both shocked and mesmerised by what they saw.

A vast sphere, easily 10 meters across, hovered over the pedestal. Inside the swirling vortex of magic there floated ponies. Pegasus, unicorns and earth ponies alike had been taken, many more than they expected, all drifting around a central point. Horrified, the two didn't move for several minutes until hope found a way back into their hearts:

Wings wrapped around her filly in a warm embrace, Derpy and Dinky Hooves floated by and out of sight. Fluttershy and Zecora shared a thankful smile.

"Even now, there are some things that they can't take from us." Nodding at Fluttershy's words, Zecora went back to scanning for their target, the bearer of the Element of Magic. Finally the sea of pony bodies shifted enough to reveal Twilight Sparkle, floating right at the centre of the sphere.

"What do we do? How can we get her out?" Zecora wanted to reply but really had no answer herself. Nobody had made it this far and returned, even in zebra legend. She decided she'd feel pride later, if they survived and got Twilight and the others back safely.

The two searched all around the sphere for any hint or opening that would allow them to get the captives out, panic rose in their bellies as the light grew fainter and fainter.

Finally the golden rays vanished below the trees and the castle was plunged into darkness. Not daring to speak, the two simply faced each other, uncertain of the future. Finally Zecora made a decision. Turning to her comrade, she spoke quickly and quietly.

"I did not want it to come to this, but this is our final shot and we cannot miss. You must take Twilight Sparkle and flee, unite with her and the Elements or Harmony. The stone you wear shall guide your hoof, it will act as your memory's proof."

"What are you saying Zecora? Why are you talking like you're not coming with us?"

The zebra could only look away, not trusting herself to remain strong in the face of such concern.

"ZECORA!" Fluttershy instantly regretted those words, as mere seconds later came that otherworldly howl. Fearfully, Fluttershy looked back towards the stairs, hoping for some miracle to stop the beasts finding them.

A sound like a splash came from the sphere.


The zebra was inside now, dragging herself up and over and around ponies, climbing towards the center, towards Twilight Sparkle. Fluttershy flitted around the perimeter anxiously, wishing there was something she could do. Zecora reached Twililght Sparkle just as the doors burst open and the Reapers surged into the room, countless dozens of them, looking less like individual beings and more like one rolling, surging tide of energy. The spread out over the floor and began to climb the walls, several of them leaping and trying to snare Fluttershy from the air.

Zecora, wishing there was a better way, gave Twilight Sparkle and all-mighty kick that sent her flying form the sphere and straight into the pegasus' arms. Desparingly, Fluttershy motioned for Zecora to come too, but the zebra shook her head, instead pointing a hoof at the moon, shining in from a hole in the ceiling. Tears flowing down her cheeks, Fluttershy nodded and took flight.

Satisfied, Zecora's eyes closed and she began to drift like the others, a smile still upon her face.


Chapter 5

With the sky wearing the moon for a pendant, a pegasus and a unicorn flew over a forest of fear.

Emotionally and physically drained, Fluttershy willed herself to keep going. They were almost to Ponyville now, she had to get Twilight back safely, she owed that much (and so much more) to Zecora. This was their only chance for a happy ending to the story. Ahead she could see warm lights staining the clouds.

Just a little further. Have to get back, it's the only acceptable outcome.

Tired wings flapping, she struggled on.


"No no no. This ain't right! Why didn't it do what it was supposed t'do?!"

"What do you mean AJ? It worked didn't it? I mean, we all remember Twilight again right?"

"Well yeah, but.."

"Honestly Applejack, this has been a very stressful time for all of us and it might be getting the better of you. It went off without a hitch, we remember Twilight, our good friend, and the princesses and everything else."

"No! Not everything! Y'all forgot the most important person, the one who helped you all remember Twilight in the firs' place!"

'Who's that Jackie?" Looking from face to face, all wearing worried but impatient expressions, Applejack didn't know whether to cry or rage, so she decided to do both. Tears burst from her eyes as she drew in a huge breath, not noticing the door opening behind her.

"YOU FORGOT ZECORA!!!" Momentarily as stunned as the others were by the outburst, Fluttershy soon became aware of how heavy Twilight was becoming. Finally her front leg gave out and she clattered to the floor, the unconscious unicorn still atop her. Having been startled into action by the sound, the other four ponies soon had them supported and barraged with questions.

"You're back! Are you alright?"

"You got Twilight back, that's great!"

"I can't believe you went all the way into the Everfree Forest by yourself, are you nuts?"

"Is she alright? C'mon y'all, let's get her up to bed."

After putting Twilight to bed (with Rarity still fussing over tucking her in neatly) the other ponies reunited downstairs.

"Now then you two, it's about dang time you filled the rest of us in."

"Yeah Dashie's right, something big's going on and you're keeping us in the dark."

Sharing a glance, Applejack and Fluttershy tried to decide what to say.

"Weeell..." Applejack began,

"You can start with what those dreadful creatures are that are taking our friends." Rarity now joined them, after rearranging Spike's covers too, naturally.

"You're right, all of you. We didn't mean to keep this from you until now, except we didn't really know what to do when we remembered things and you didn't, and Zecora thought.."

"Yeah, who is this 'Zecora' anyway? Applejack keeps talking about her like she's the daughter of Celestia or something."

"Totally. If she's that important to all this then we need to know who she is. Is she nice? What's her favourite colour? Did I throw a welcome party for her? Is she a unicorn, an earth pony or a p-umphgumphsumph!"

"Give them a chance to answer Pinkie, just the important details though, we can work out the party details later." Having withdrawn her hoof, Rarity used her magic to levitate a cloth to wipe Pinkie's saliva off.

"As I was sayin', we'll tell ya. You gotta take our word for it though, ah don't think I'm quite up to another meetin' o' the minds just yet."

"Not to mention that we don't have much time. The creatures, they're called History Reapers by the way, come out at night and we already....um.....woke them up when we rescued Twilight," here Fluttershy's head dropped,

"...and left Zecora there."

"Right, so we'll give you the basics and fill in the gaps later. Here's what we know. Some nasty critters from the Everfree Forest, History Reapers, came into town a few days ago and took Dinky Hooves, who nobody could then remember, which got Derpy, her momma, all in a tizzy and she had herself a rumble with Cheerilee,"

"Who won?" Four pairs of eyes glared the cyan pegasus into silence.

"Anywho, we went and paid Derpy a visit in the police station and that's when Zecora showed up, told us about what was happening, so we promised Derpy we'd get her little girl back," Applejack sighed, turning to Fluttershy,

"How're we doin' on that by the way?"

"They're okay for now. Derpy was taken too, but even inside that thing the Reapers are keeping them in, she still found Dinky."

"Awww. That's so sweet."

"Ah ain't surprised, that mare'd fight Celestia AND Luna for her little filly."

"Speaking of Celestia, we think that because we were in Canterlot when it happened, the Princess' magic protected us from the effects, so we kept our memories when everyone in Ponyville lost theirs."

"So these...Reapers was it? Right, these Reapers snuck in when that big storm went down?"

"Not quite Rainbow, really there was no storm. All the damage was done by the Reapers when they were on the hunt. However, when your memories were taken, your mind couldn't just leave a blank space so it invented a believable scenario to take their place. There was a lot of damage caused to Ponyville that nobody remembered so it became a big storm that everyone somehow slept through."

"I did think it was a little weird that not one weather pegasus reported anything until the next day."

"That's good then, Rainbow. Meant that even after your memories got fiddled with you still could pick up on somethin' being wrong. Maybe part of Element of Harmony magic bleeding through?"

"Can we please stay on track? You said these things come out at night and it's night right now!"

"Yes, you're right. Where were we? Ah yes, while we were visiting Derpy, the Reapers came back, so Zecora, Applejack and I went to Zecora's hut, where she had set up some defenses. The next day we came back to Ponyville and we found Twilight had been taken."

"Now here's where it gets a li'l tricky. See 'cause Twilight's such a powerful magic pony an' all, when they took her, it wasn't just our memories of her that disappeared. Somehow, Twilight's unicorn magic got all mixed in with...whatever the Reapers do and it started to wipe out the changes Twilight's presence caused too. Suddenly you didn't know who Zecora was or what a zebra is, then it even reached the point that Twilight didn't represent the Element of Magic no more. Heck, we all thought Spike came to Ponyville all by hisself. He didn't even remember Twilight and she's been with him since he was born!"

"You gotta be kidding me!"

"That's awful!"

"Poor Spike, Twilight's practically his mom and he couldn't remember her?"

"I know, it is terrible. Which is why Zecora, our zebra friend, had us try to use Applejack's Element of Honesty to break through the lies. It seems to have worked, you guys all remember Twilight again at least, but not Derpy or Dinky."

"If it worked then why don't they remember Zecora?" Again Fluttershy had to look away.

"Because.." She began, hating herself more with every word,

"...because she sacrificed herself to get Twilight out. She jumped right into the cage, not afraid for one second and took Twilight's place..." Fluttershy didn't think she had any more tears to cry after all that'd happened. She wasn't entirely unhappy to find out she was wrong. Not caring what her friends thought, she raised her head and fixed them all with a stare.

"...and we forgot her. Twice."

Nopony had anything to say to that.


A dragon did.

"Uh...hey guys. What are you all doing here? I know you're worried about Twilight after overdid her magic when that second storm rolled in but give me a little credit why don't ya? I am her number one assistant after all, I got this."

"Storm?" Applejack and Fluttershy whispered in unison, their fragile hope shattering.

"Yeah, you're right Spike. You got this. Besides I gotta get up early. I'm on cloud duty." Stifling a yawn, Rainbow headed for the door.

"But but but..." Stammered Applejack.

"I gotta get some sleep too. I'm watching the babies tomorrow."

"Umm, Pinkie?"

"Hold on a sec, would ya?"

"Please girls, it's late. Can't this wait until tomorrow? Twilight is clearly fine with Spike here. I'm sure it can wait until later."

"No no NO! NOT AGAIN!"

"Guys, c'mon keep it down. You'll disturb Twilight!"

"GOOD! We need a little disturbance here. If we don't get a little disturbance now then we'll get a HUGE disturbance later."

Just then, Pinkie and Rainbow reentered the library, carrying dirty clumps in their mouths. Laying hers down, Pinkie bounced up to Spike.

"Hey Spikey, do you know what this stuff is? It was scattered all around this place."

"Yeah, there was a full circle all the way around. It was almost like somebody put it there." Applejack looked over at Fluttershy.

"You don't think?"

"Zecora's barrier!"

Right on cue, the howls reached their ears.

"*Sigh* Of course." The two chorused, their feelings of unfairness momentarily overwhelming their terror.


They were angry. This was no mere forage. This time was a blood hunt. It had been taken from them, such a rich meal. They had gorged themselves and still more was there. It was unlike anything they'd ever had before. The latest prey, the one that had entered their den and taken their feast, it too had a unique flavour but it paled in comparison to what had been taken. Already this new food was running out, a luxury item, very tasty but ultimately unfulfilling. They wanted their real nourishment, it would feed them until they grew strong enough to stalk the only things that outmatched it. The two scents, too far to reach before the sun rose again, soon even that wouldn't be an obstacle. That is, if it hadn't been taken. Already the scent was there. it would lead them to their prize.

And they would take it back.


"C'mon y'all. We've got a few minutes at most. We need to get out of here."

"Why, what's going on?"

"Another 'storm' is gonna hit Ponyville and ah ain't talking about weather neither. That junk..." she indicated the piles of herbs,

"...was supposed to keep us hidden from these things that're comin'. What do you think'll happen when they see a big ol' target that wasn't there a second ago?"

"They'll head straight for us!"

"Exactly. Now c'mon. We gotta get Twilight outta here and you girls are comin' too!"

"But, sweetie.." Quick as a flash the Stare was employed.

"No buts! Rarity, you and Pinkie go with Applejack and Spike and head for Sweet Apple Acres. Take the Elements of Harmony with you. Rainbow and I will handle Twilight."

"Wow Fluttershy! That was pretty hardco-"




Dashing through the streets, the three ponies (and one dragon riding on Applejack's back) breathed a little easier when they heard the howls dying off.

"Well, we ain't out of the woods yet but at least we got some time before they start looking for us."

"Well Applejack, what exactly is the plan here? Do we just keep running or is there something we can do?"

"Honestly I don't know, we just need a safe place to hide out for a little while so we can get our bearings. We've already been through the facts once tonight and I'm kinda sick of repeating myself."

"Well that doesn't help much."

"I know Pinkie but it's the best I can do right now. We just gotta hope that Zecora figured out some kinda plan before they took her."

"Are you guys sure we should have left Twilight with Fluttershy? She wasn't acting normal."

"Would you care to argue with her right now, Spike?" The diminutive dragon looked like he wanted to say something but thought better of it, instead opting for a shrug that nearly dislodged him from his seat.


Hovering high above the treehouse, the two pegasi watched the Reapers break in the door.

"I...I don't want to watch this anymore."



"Yeah sure, let's go."

Speeding among the clouds, careful not to injure their passenger, the ponies rushed towards their friends.


The scent! So strong but the prey was gone! Where was it?  The pack leader snapped at its followers, spurring them to quicker action. They had torn this place apart but found nothing. It was maddening, being in that place, awash with that tantalising aroma but teased by the lack of a body. Letting out a furious howl, the alpha strained all its senses.

Suddenly, the wind shifted and every Reaper's head shot up. There! The stolen feast, not alone though, also a hint of the new luxury, mixed together......moving.

The sentries, prowling outside, found it first. Bearing their fangs, they set off in chase, soon joined by the rest of the hunters. They could feel it at their cores, the chase was on!


"Whoa whoa whoa!"

"What's wrong, Spike?"

"It's the Elements of Harmony, they've got minds of their own! They're flying away! Hey, get back here you!"

"Swell, we just lost 3 of them, what've we got left?"

"Uh...Honesty, Laughter and Generosity." A moment of silence passed between the four.




"A little too convenient to be a coincidence, surely."

"Ah reckon so."

"Still, maybe we should go back and get the others just in case. Where did they land Spike?"

'They didn't."

"What now?"

"When I said they flew away, they didn't come back down."

"Then where could they possibly be going?"

"Uh guys, I think we have a more pressing concern."

"They found us already?!"

"Yeah, what are we gonna do?"

"We won't make the farm at this rate, nuthin' else around for miles either. No real choice since none of us can fly. We'll have to make our stand here."

"But how do we fight these things?"

"Any way we can."


"Hey, what's that?"

"What's what?"

"There! coming towards us."

"I dunno but we've got bigger problems. look down there!"

Following Rainbow's pointing hoof, Fluttershy saw a terrible scene. Surrounded on all sides, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Spike and Applejack were trapped by the Reapers, the three earthbound ponies all wore their Elements of Harmony.

"We gotta help them!"

"What should we do?"

"Maybe they can help?" The approaching objects were close enough to make out, two necklaces and a big crown thingy, floating towards them. Soon they met in midair, the Elements settling into place without assistance.

"I'm not complaining but what now?"

Fluttershy wasn't listening, instead focusing on a new sensation, a tugging around her neck. Looking down she saw the stone that Zecora had entrusted her with straining against the chain. Hesitantly, she reached up and unlatched it. The moment she did so it shot downwards before coming to a stop directly between the earth and sky trios. Though nothing held it, it remained rooted in the air, glowing brighter with each passing second, even drawing the attention of the Reapers on the ground.


"Hey! What in tarnation?" The two ponies and one dragon whipped their heads around as their friend, in every way having her feet firmly on the ground, was having a hard time staying that way. Dragged by her Element, Applejack floated ever closer to the increasingly radiant gem.

Up in the sky, the pegasi had their own problems.

"Twilight, knock it off, quit squirming! Hey, can you hear me Twilight?" Looking over the situation, Fluttershy thought about the zebra who'd given her the gem and what she'd said. Making a decision, she turned to the other pegasus.

"Rainbow, let her go!"

"Are you nuts, look at her, she's not even awake yet!"

"Trust me, this'll work out."

"But..." Rainbow was torn in three directions; she was worried about her unconscious friend in her arms, she still didn't know what was really going on and she really, really wanted to believe the kind pony beside her. Finally, her loyal nature won out.

"You better be right about this, Fluttershy." As she let go of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash hearn Fluttershy yelling to those below.

"Applejack, get ready!"

Below, over the roaring of the beasts, Applejack called up her agreement.

"Ah'm all set. C'mon Zecora, show us some of that zebra magic one more time!"

Moving faster and faster, the representatives of Honesty and Magic approached the zebra jewel, the other four Elements; Laughter, Generosity, Kindness and Loyalty began to glow bright just as the the two ponies met in midair. The tip of Twilight Sparkle's horn and Applejack's necklace contacted opposite ends of the gem in a feather touch. The glowing stone, already so bright, now erupted with blinding light, enough to beat back the night itself.

That moment, four sets of eyes opened. One belonged to the lavender unicorn at ground zero, the other three were far away from the event but still felt the warm light on their faces. The pegasus with roaming eyes, the tiny blonde unicorn and the brave zebra, all still smiling, greeted the end of the long night.


Dear Princesses Celestia and Luna,

Firstly, thank you Princess Luna for taking steps to make sure nothing like this ever happens again. We really appreciate it. We also hope to see you in Ponyville again soon, in a less urgent meeting.

Princess Celestia, over the last few days we've had to answer a question that has been asked for all time: If you could go back, what would you do differently?

It's really fun to play around if you already know what's going to happen,

but in the end it's totally not as cool as the first time,

nothing could ever compare to the first possible choice,

even if you think that you could undo your previous mistakes,

it just ain't fair to throw away that time you've spent with others,

growing up, starting a family, raising your children, protecting them,

learning from and loving your parent,

hindsight is easy if you wish to repent though it's better to make sure that your time is well spent.


your loyal subjects.

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