
Those Dearest To Us

by Lux Rune

Chapter 1: Those Dearest To Us

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I started walking through town, trying to ask if anypony knew where Twilight was, even though my stuttering and nervousness I somehow directed me to the library, of course, where else would she be. After a few minutes of asking and searching, I finally came across the library. Walk up to the door, and just before I can knock, the door swings open and hit me in the face.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. SPIKE, why didn’t you tell me someone was at the door?”

“I didn’t know Twilight?”

She’s too busy talking to Spike, I had to interrupt. “So is this how you greet all your friends?” She went quiet as I stood up, and the second I stand up straight, I’m greeted with the biggest hug I’ve ever had.

“OH MY GOSH! Lux, what are you doing here, I thought you were still up in Canterlot?” Then she finally let go of me so I could breathe.

“Not any more I’m not.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m in the process of moving.”

“To where?”

“Come on Twi, I know you’re smarter than that. Where do you think I’m moving to?”

“OH MY GOSH! You’re going to live in Ponyville?”

“Took you long enough, but yeah, I’m going to live here now.”

“Well, come on come inside, and I can tell you all about Ponyville.” So I followed her into the library and we spent all afternoon and evening talking about how things had been for both of us since she left Canterlot. She told me of all the friends she’s made and about all the crazy things that have gone on.

I was starting do worry about how long it was going to be before she asked me the same question she always asks me. And of course, it wasn’t long before she did, “So, have you found a special somepony yet?” No matter how many times I tell her not to ask me this, she never listens.



“You know how I feel about that question, and how it makes me feel uncomfortable. And besides, you should already know the answer to that anyway.”

“Oh, come on. When I left Canterlot, you were being chased daily bay at least one pony.”


“OK, I’ll stop. I’m sorry, but someday, I will get an answer from you.”

“Yeah, yeah.” We talked some more, and I asked if I could just sleep here tonight, of course she said yes.

Shortly after she went off to bed and I got out my blanket and pillow, and just laid there on the floor, I couldn’t sleep. My mind started to wander, and I began to think about how my life had changed recently. Back in Canterlot Twilight was my only friend; no other pony really understood me. Sure I was chased daily by ponies that wanted to go out with me, but there’s no way I could, they just wouldn’t be able to understand me. When she left, I was alone, and scared, I was too shy and nervous to make other friends. I had no one to talk to, and all my studies seemed pointless, because no one else was there to enjoy it with me. I wonder what her new friends and all the other ponies with think of me, I’ll find out soon enough anyway. Yet, even with Twilight so close, I’m still scared.

Morning came, and I awoke to Twilight reading, as always, when there was a knock at the door. I didn’t know what to do, so I just kinda stood there awkwardly while she went into the other room to see who it was. When she returned, she had another pony with her, I assumed one of her friends, “Lux, this is Rarity, Rarity, this is my friend Lux from Canterlot.”

“H-hi, nice to meet you.” I could barely even speak; it was really the first time I had talked to anypony other than Twilight since she had left.

“Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Twilight’s told us about you before; she said that you’re almost as talented as her in magic. But she never mentioned what a handsome stallion you are, and your mane is just gorgeous, how do you keep it so white?”

“Um… thanks, and I don’t know, I-I never really think about it much.” I was starting to freeze up; I looked to Twilight for help.

She knew what to do, she turned to Rarity, “Let me help get that book on fashion history, and then Lux and I have some catching up to do, if you don’t mind.”

“Oh, but of course, I don’t want to intrude, and I should probably get back to work, I’m currently working on a new piece. Bye Lux, maybe I’ll see you in town some time.”

“O-okay, umm bye Rarity.” A couple of minutes passed, then Twilight returned, “Thanks for kinda helping me out there.”

“It’s okay Lux, I’m sorry about putting you in an uncomfortable situation after just arriving, I’ll try to avoid doing that again.”

“Thanks, I guess it’s going to take a while to get used to talking to people here, not that I did much back in Canterlot. Umm, do you know of anypony who can help me move in to my house?”

“Yeah, I know somepony who can help, just be prepared to do some talking. Applejack is a very talkative person when meeting new ponies, but trust me, she’s one of the nicest ponies you’ll ever meet.”

“Thanks for the heads up, I’ll be waiting outside my house for you.” I left the library, and pulled all my belongings to my house and waited for Twilight to walk up.

While I was waiting, a random pony walked up to me, “You must be new here, because I don’t know you, and I know everypony in Ponyville, and I mean everypony.”

“U-umm, yeah, I’m j-just moving in to my house today. M-my friend Twilight…”

“OOOOOO, you’re one of Twilight’s friends. She’s like one of my bestest friends in whole world, where is she by the way, it seems like she would be helping you move in.”

I was beginning to wonder the same thing; I have no idea what to do. “Umm, well actually…”

“Oh, there she is. HI TWILIGHT!” As she was waving her hooves frantically at Twilight, I started second guessing my decision to move down here.

“Hey Pinkie, I see you’ve met my friend Lux.”


Twilight walked up to me, “Are you okay? Pinkie Pie can be really outgoing sometime, well, actually all the time.”

“Yeah, I’m just glad you showed up when you did.”

“That’s good, anyway, let me introduce you to my friend Applejack.” I walked with her to say hi to her friend. “Applejack, this is my friend Lux, Lux, this is Applejack, her and her family run Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Howdy, it’s always nice to meet new people, and any friend of Twilight’s is a friend of mine. And that’s right; we grow the some of the best apples in all of Equestria”

“H-hi, and um thanks for coming over here to help me unload my stuff.”

“Now, don’t you worry about anything, I’ll gladly help anypony that needs it.” I smiled and somepony else walked up, “Oh, I almost forgot, Lux was it, this here’s my brother Big Macintosh.”



“Well, I supposed me and Big Macintosh better get to unloading, no sense in standing around while there’s work to be done. We can talk once we’re done though.”


“Helloooo. Did somepony forget about introducing me to their friend?”

“Oh, sorry Pinkie. Um Lux, you’ve met Pinkie Pie, kind of.”

“Yup, I was walking along, and I see him sitting there by himself, looking kinda sad, and I though, no pony should ever have to be sad so I came over and said hi. And of course, I…”

“Okay Pinkie, I think we get it.”

“Oh, okie dokie. Anyway, I gotta run, bye Twilight, bye Lux.”

“Bye.” I turned around to see Applejack and Big Macintosh unloading my trunk. “AAAAHHH, please, please be careful with that, I have very important stuff in there.”

“Okay, okay, calm down sugarcube, we’ll be extra careful.”

“Thank you so much.”

“Are you okay Lux?”

“Yeah, I guess I’m just a little stressed.”

“Okay fellas, we’ve finished unloading everything, and I aint never seen that many books outside a library Lux, you’re definitely a friend of Twilight.

“Hehe, thanks, I think. Nice meeting you guys, and thanks for your help Twi, but I think I’m going to just go inside and organize everything, then lay down for a bit.

“Okay partner, c’mon Big Mac, lets head on home.”

“Okay Lux, take care of what you need to do, and I want to introduce you to somepony tomorrow, she’s a lot like you, okay?”

“Okay Twi, and again thanks for all your help today.” I went inside, and started organizing everything, books on the shelf, plates and cups in the cabinet, potion ingredients and other miscellaneous supplies on the table, and I was finally done, except for my chest. I walked up to my chest and made sure it was locked, and put it in the closet, “It’s not that time yet.” I kept repeating it to myself, “It’s not time, it’s not time…” I finally decided to head upstairs and go to sleep, it’s been a long day, and Twilight wants me to meet somepony. Should I even go, I had enough trouble talking today; I think that was the most I’ve talked to anypony in a very long time. I hope Twilight knows what she’s doing.

Morning came, and so did the sun and the birds. I got out of bed and went outside, I didn’t bother with breakfast, and I’m not hungry anyway. I headed over to the library to meet up with Twilight, I was cautious when knocking this time. She answered the door, and this time, without hitting me, “Hi Twi, can we just get this over with?”

“Oh, come on Lux, it’s not going to be that bad, you’re over exaggerating. I think the both of you will get along great, she’s a lot like you.”



“Are you trying to set me up with somepony?”

“What, no no no no no. Lux, I’m just trying to find somepony that you can be able to talk to easily, the same you do with me.”

“Okay, okay, let’s just get it over with.”

“Just trust me Lux, you’ll be fine, and there’s no need to worry, I’ll be there with you.” We headed out, and immediately I started feeling uneasy, but I pushed through it, if not for me, then for Twilight.

After a few minutes of walking, I heard screaming, and then somepony crashed in front of us. I got scarred by the crash and hid behind Twilight, much like a child to its mother. Twilight ran forward, “Oh my gosh, Ranbowdash, are you okay?”

“Yeah twilight, don’t worry about, just trying out a new trick, that’s all.”

“Good, oh, Rainbow, have you met my friend Lux?”

“Nope.” She looked at me, and I could now see her rainbow mane, and how beautifully unique it looked. “Hi, how are you doing, I’m Rainbowdash, fastest flier in all of Equestria.”

“Oh, umm, cool, my name’s Lux.”

“Cool name. Sorry guys, but I gotta go; I need to keep practicing if I’m ever going to impress the Wonderbolts.”

“Okay Rainbow, we’ll catch up with you later.”

“U-umm, bye.”

“Hey, you okay Lux, are you okay?”

“Huh, oh, yeah, I’m fine.”

“Good, and sorry, I didn’t really expect to run into Rainbowdash on the way. Are you ready to keep going, we’re almost there?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

So, we started walking again and before long we came up to a small house with animals everywhere, and for the first time since being here, I started to feel at ease. As we got closer, we could hear a voice, “No, no, no, no, no, no, Angel, what are we going to do?”

“Come on Lux, let’s hurry up, I think something’s wrong.” So we ran up to the house and Twilight went up to her friend, “Fluttershy, is everything okay, what happened?”

“Oh, hi Twilight, and no, no everything’s not okay, Angel hurt his leg hopping around too much, and I don’t know what to do, she won’t let me help her.”

I looked past Twilight and I saw the most beautiful pony I’d ever seen, and that her friend was hurt. At this point, after seeing how beautiful she was, I was way too nervous to go up there, but from where I was I could still help. I gestured towards Twilight, and I concentrated, using my magical abilities to their fullest, I concentrated on the bunny, and within seconds, he was floating above the ground, and his leg healed. I set him down, and he hopped off. I could see the smile on both of their faces, and Twilight gestures for me to come over, but I couldn’t. My nerves had frozen me to where I was, I shook my head, and as much as I didn’t want to, I started walking home.

I heard Twilight tell her bye, and she came running up to me, “Lux, Lux, wait up for a second.” I stopped walking so she could catch up. “Lux, what’s wrong, why didn’t you come talk to her, she wanted to thank you for helping Angel.”

“I’m sorry Twi, but I just couldn’t. I don’t want to be rude or anything, but I just couldn’t go up to her, I hope you understand.”

“Lux, I don’t think I do.”

“I’m sorry, can you just tell Fluttershy that I’m sorry for me, I think I need to be alone for a while.”

I started wandering through town, and I couldn’t get Fluttershy out of my head. The sound of her voice was as soft as a cloud, and as sweet as sugar. Her eyes were as beautiful as the sky and the joy that usually fades with age, but hers has not. Her mane as pink and as light as cotton candy. Yet, her beauty is surpassed only by the kindness and generosity that can be seen within her. Long has it been since I ever thought of falling in love, and I’ve never thought that after such a short time that I would fall in love with somepony, I’ve never really thought that I would ever fall in love.

With thoughts of Fluttershy flying through my mind, I must take a moment to think of what I should to. For years I have kept a secret, one that I am not proud of having, and one I wish was not true. With each new dawn, my eternal night comes closer. I have studies the stars and they do not bode well for me. I’m sick, and I have been for a long time, my time is not soon, but I will be gone long before all the ones I know. For years I have searched for a cure, but to no avail. I have not sought friends other than Twilight, the one who was placed into my life, and not even she knows.

I now begin to wonder, should I not pursue love and not have anyone saddened when I am gone, or should I pursue love, spend all the time in the world with her? I want to be able to have somepony to love, and love me back, but I don’t want to have to put them through what I know will happen. I only wish I knew what to do.

Somehow I had wandered all day, and it was starting to get dark, so I thought I should probably head home. Even while returning home, my mind was still racing with thoughts as to what I should do, and all my thought led to my trunk. Should I really use such powerful magic, it can be dangerous, not just to me, but to others. I had always had those books and spells as comfort, but I had never really thought about using them. Perhaps I should look more in depth.

Once I returned home, I immediately opened up my trunk, and the first book I pulled out was Stars & Spirits by Starswirl The Bearded. I spent the next few hours reading ever single line carefully, examining ever little detail. After a few days of reading every single book and trying to understand every single spell, I had come to a conclusion, even though it might be dangerous to me, and harm me; I am willing to take the risk. I’m willing to put everything on the line to be happy for once in my life; my only problem is that I’m even more shy and timid than Fluttershy. I know how to prepare myself for when the time is right, but for now, I need to focus on her, and being able to actually talk to her.

Moment after my decision, there was a knock at the door, I went to open it, and of course, it was Twilight. She seemed worried, “Twi, is something wrong?”

“I haven’t seen you in a few days; I was beginning to worry about you, are you okay?”

“Yes Twilight, I’m fine, actually, I’m better than fine, I think this is the best I’ve felt in a long time.”

“Good, oh, and Rarity wanted me to ask you something.”

“Oh, what is it?”

“Oh, well she wanted me to ask if you’d be willing to help her with one of her new pieces, she said you’re about the same size as her client. I told her I’d ask; but to not get her hopes…”

“I’d love too, when does she need help?”

“Wait… WHAT?!”

“What’s wrong Twi?”

She shook her head, “Did you just say okay?”

“Yes Twi, I did, is there something wrong with that?”

“What, no, there’s nothing wrong with that, it just came as a shock that you said yes.”

She started poking me, “OW, what’s up with that?”

“I was checking to see if you were real. What in the world have you done the past few days to make you change so much?”

“Nothing, just thinking.”

“Riiiight, well we better head over there, it’s not polite to keep a lady waiting.”

While we were walking to Rarity’s boutique, Twilight kept asking me questions about what I’ve been doing, and of course I can’t tell her. I had to keep telling her that I was just adjusting to a new place, and I needed some time alone. Once she seemed to accept that the asked me about Fluttershy, and why I walked off, I can’t tell her, not yet. I just turned to her and said that she’ll understand soon enough, and before we knew it, we had arrived at Rarity’s. I knocked on the door, “R-Rarity, its Lux, you n-needed my help with something?” I was trying to talk more smoothly, but my shyness and nervousness were still getting the best of me.

“Oh my, yes, please, come in, come in. Twilight seemed to think you might not come, but I told her, that my charm and elegance would persuade you, didn’t I Twilight?”

“Yes Rarity, yes you did. But in all honesty, I was shocked and how quickly he agreed to do so.”

She looked at me, “Now, why would she be so shocked?”

“U-umm, well I-I’m sure you can tell that I’m not the most open or talkative pony out there, and back in Canterlot, well, umm,” I kinda lowered my head a bit, “Twilight was kinda my only friend.”

“Oh, I see. Well it’s fantastic to see you open up and come out some.”

“That’s why I was so shocked that he said yes, and why I told you to not get your hopes up.”

“Oh, Rarity…”

“Hmmm, yes Lux, what is it?”

“I-I just wanted to thank you for being a little sensitive towards me, it’s helping out a lot.”

“Oh, it’s no problem dear, we all have some problems when interacting with others, I’ll be glad to help you whenever you need, it, all you need to do is ask.”


“Now, why don’t we get to work shall we? Twilight, why don’t you have a seat over here, and Lux, why don’t you come stand over here.”

We spent the next few hours talking and laughing, and I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much in my whole life. Rarity’s helped me in more ways than the even realizes. Through here I’ve already changed so much. She’s so kind and generous; I can never thank her enough. She’s also got me thinking about helping other ponies, because it seems like a good way to become more comfortable, and maybe one day, I’ll be able to talk to Fluttershy. Oh how I look forward to that day, but I know that I still can’t do that, her beauty causes me to just freeze.

Once we were done, rarity thanked me for helping her, but I told her not to worry about it, because I’m the one who should be thanking her, and I did. “Rarity, I can never thank you enough, you’ve helped me so much in the past few hours, and if there’s anything else I can do for you in the future, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Be careful, I just might take you up on that offer.” We all laughed as we said our goodbyes.

Twilight and I started walking through town, and for the first time, I had no trouble saying hi to anypony, well, anypony except Fluttershy. I tried, but I just couldn’t after she passed, and hung my head in sadness, and thought to myself, one day, one day I will be able to talk to her. I was just wondering when that day would come.

As we neared the town square, we heard a bunch of cheering, and some explosions. We decided to check it out, and what we saw brought back some painful memories for me. It was Trixie, flaunting her magic again; Twilight had sent me a letter about last time. But all I could remember is the one time I ran into her in Canterlot, all she did was make fun of my shyness, and ended up making me cry. But that was the old me, and I felt like exacting a little revenge. I turned to Twilight and told her to watch.

I walked right up to her silly little stage, and immediately she recognized me, and in her arrogant tone she stated belittling me, “Well, well, well, who is this, what, you don’t thin k I remember you, Lux?”

I walked right on to her stage, “Oh no, I know you remember me, and I remember you very well, and what you did to me last time I saw you, and I’m here to prove that you can’t just go around flaunting your magic like it’s some kind of toy.”

“Oh, really, well, care to put your magic to the test then.”

“I’m not scared of you, so bring it.”

I stood there, waiting to see what she was going to do. Her horn began to glow, and still I stood there, just waiting. Perhaps I was acting arrogant, but it’s the only way she’d learn. Once her spell was fully prepared, she directed it at me, and without hesitation, I used a mirror spell, sending her own spell hack at her. Instantly she became furious has she turned into a frog, the crowd however went hysterical, and began cheering. She changed herself back into herself, and started throwing many different spells at me; however, this time instead of reflecting them back at her, I canceled them. Enraged with anger, she tried to put all her energy into one last spell, which failed on her. She seemed surprised, and kept asking herself how she lost.

I walked up to her, not arrogant, not prideful, but like a teacher would approach a student, “You lost because to you magic means nothing more than a way to show your superiority to others. But to people like me, magic is more than a few sparks, it’s an art form, something that is developed and honed to perfection. Until you are able to understand this, your magic will never develop, and your abilities will be equivalent to those who are only discovering their magical ability.” After I spoke, I simply turned around and walked away, triumphant, yet not boasting, victorious, but not gloating. No, I walked away successful in my task, and filled with the same sense of dignity that I had when I walked upon her little stage.

I walked up to Twilight, “Well, how’d I do?”

“Lux, you were amazing, but I must ask, why did you do it?”

“Sometime after you had left, she came to Canterlot, and I believe that it was before she came here, and she humiliated me, to the point where I ran way in tears. I just wanted to prove to her that she’s not better than me in any way like she think she is, in short, I only wanted to prove a point.”

“I see, well, honestly, I’m glad you did.”

“Really, why?”

“Do you not realize what you just did?”

“What, you mean stand up for myself and pretty much embarrass a somepony who can be a bully sometimes?”

“Not just that Lux, you we’re able to stand up in front of a large crowd and not get nervous.”

“Oh my gosh, Twilight, you’re right, I hadn’t thought about hat. YEAH! Oh, this is one of the greatest days of my life. Thanks Twi, none of this really wouldn’t have happened without you.”

“No problem Lux, it’s good to see you smile, I really haven’t seen you smile so much. And it makes me happy.”

We continued walking through town, saying hi to everypony we ran into, and we we’re having a great time. After a while, I kinda started to get hungry, I had spent so much time reading, that I don’t even remember the last time I ate. I turned to Twilight, “Hey, I’m getting a bit hungry, do you mind if we get something to eat?”

“Okay, hmmm, why don’t we head over to Sugarcube Corner, I’m sure Pinkie Pie will be able to help with that.”

So we made our way down to Sugarcube Corner and as we walked in I got hit in the head with a cake. I looked at Twilight, and we both fell over laughing. I looked up, and standing above me was Pinkie Pie laughing as well. I looked at her with a semi-serious face, “Did you have something to do with this?”

“What, uh, no. Why would I waste a perfectly good cake?”

Twilight helped me up and handed me a towel, “Okay, then who did throw the cake at me?”

“It was Pumpkin Cake, I swear, Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

“Who?” I looked to Twilight for information

“She’s one of Mr. and Mrs. Cake’s twins, a unicorn.” She looked towards Pinkie, “Is her magic acting up again?”

“Yes, and I have no idea how to control her and Pound Cake won’t stop flying around. I’m running out of ideas, and the flour trick doesn’t work anymore.”

“Where’s Mr. and Mrs. Cake?”

“They’re out of town, catering a party for a birthday.”

“Is there anything Lux and I can do to help?”

“Well it is almost their nap time, but they don’t want to nap, do you think you can help me get them to bed?”

“I don’t see any reason that we can’t.” I looked to Twilight, “Any ideas?”

“Well, I do have one...”

For the next few minutes we planned out how to get them into their room. Twilight has to somehow get Pound Cake down, and get him into their room. And Pinkie has to avoid Pumpkin’s magic, and do the same, easier said than done.

Twilight had run into a wall several times before finally getting Pound Cake, and bringing him to the room, now we just had to wait for Pinkie. When she walked in, Twilight and I couldn’t help but laugh. Instead of being pink like she always is, she was bright green. But we had Pumpkin Cake, and that’s what’s important.

Now that they were both in their room, I was able to use a sleeping spell to get them to all asleep. Once they were asleep, we quietly walked out, and into the main room, which was a mess. I looked at Pinkie, “Want some help cleaning up?”

“Yes please.”

We started cleaning up, there was food and toy everywhere, and some of it in places I didn’t even think they could get to. While cleaning up, I found and odd looking toy alligator, “Hey Pinkie, what’s up with this toy, it looks so real.”

“Oh, that’s not a toy, that’s my pet alligator, Gummy.”

I jumped higher than I ever thought possible, “THAT’S A REAL ALLIGATOR!! Isn’t that dangerous?”

“What, no silly, he’s got no teeth, he’s harmless.” She then started laughing, and I looked over at Twilight who was hysterical.

“Okay, okay, very funny, I know. Let’s just finish cleaning.” We spent the next hour cleaning, and having fun. We probably made the mess even bigger my goofing off, but I didn’t care, I was having fun. Soon we were finally finished, and my stomach started rumbling. I had almost forgotten why we came here in the first place, “Oh, Pinkie…”


“I’d almost forgotten, umm, do you have anything we can eat?”

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that, sorry Lux.”

“Don’t worry Twilight, but yeah, do you have anything Pinkie?”

“Well, duh, of course I do, I live in a bakery after all, lemme go grab something. I’ll be right back.” Pinkie Pie came back with a whole box of muffins, “Here ya go, we baked a few extra earlier.”

My mouth began to water, “Thank you so much Pinkie Pie.” I hugged her, and Twilight and I headed outside. We started walking towards the park so we could sit down under a tree and have a snack.

Once we got there, we opened the box, and the aroma was intoxicating, the more I smelled them, the hungrier I got. I couldn’t wait to take a bite. But before I could, we were interrupted. Out of nowhere, a pony crashed into me. I didn’t know who she was, but Twilight did, “Oh my gosh, Derpy, are you okay.”

“Yeah, I’m okay.” She seemed different than everypony else. Her eyes, not the same, but special in their own way, and her voice, different, but special all the same. She was unique, and she knew it.

“Oh, Lux, this is our town Mail-Mare, Derpy Hooves.”

“Oh, hi Derpy.”

“Hi,” I noticed that her nose twitched a little, “Do I smell muffins?”

“Oh, yeah, we were about to eat some, would you like to join us, you don’t mind do you Twi?”

“Oh, not at all Lux.”

“Well then, Derpy, would you like to join us?”

“Oh, thank you guys. Boy, I sure do love muffins.” We sat there under the tree for what seemed like forever, just talking, telling jokes, and laughing, we didn’t even notice how dark it was getting, nor did we care that we had run out of muffins.

It was getting late, and Derpy had to head home, so Twilight and I said our goodbyes, and we started wandering through town. And we eventually came across Fluttershy, I had really hoped that we wouldn’t, so I turned to Twilight, “Twi, I need to go, I have some things I need to take care of, see you tomorrow?”

“Oh, okay. Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I walked away, not happy that I had to. I just can’t talk to her, I want to, but my nerves are getting the best of me. Once again, I began wandering through town, on my own, with thoughts of Fluttershy flying throughout my head, unable to escape my train of thought. I couldn’t hear them talking, but I know what they were talking about, I wonder what they think about it, me not even being able to get hear her, I want to, more than anything else, but I can’t. I hope she doesn’t think I hate her, or that she hates me, I never want her to think that, ever. I love her, but I only wish I could tell her. Outside I’m fine, but inside, I’m a nervous wreck. I just need more time, but I don’t know how much time I have left, I hope I have enough.

Over the past few weeks I’ve become more social, and made many new friends in Ponyville. I became very good friends with Big Mac, he’s of few words, but more in depth than I thought the first time I met him, but not even he know how I feel about Fluttershy. Even though I’m friends with everypony, and almost as outgoing as Pinkie Pie, I still have not been able to even say hi to her. I see her almost every day, but my nerves still cause me to freeze up, and have to leave. I am clueless as to what to do, as if I was blind, trying to escape a maze of fear.

At night, I dream of just being able to talk to her and just being able to listen to her voice that’s sweeter than even the purest sugar. I dream of what could be if I could only speak to her as I do others. I dream of being able to look into her beautiful eyes, and see they joy that they hold. I dream of being able to lie next to her, under the night sky, and tell her that its beauty pales in comparison to her. I dream of just being able to be there for her. I dream of being able to tell her how I truly feel. But sadly, these are all just dreams, fantasies that fill my mind.

But even now, while trying to sleep, I am not distraught, for a dream is not worth having if it cannot come true. We must all work to achieve our dreams, even if they seem impossible. Even now, one of my dreams has come true, I have friends. Long have I dreamed of living with friends, but for the longest time, all I had was one, Twilight, and I will never be able to thank her enough?

But for the first time in a while, I cannot sleep, I feel as if there is something that I need to do, but I don’t know what it is. So, I decide to go with my gut feeling, and go for a walk, it helped before when I couldn’t sleep. I began wandering throughout town, not knowing what to do. I looked up at the night sky, and how beautiful it was, but all I could think about was how much I wish I could share it with her.

Before I even noticed, I had somehow wandered to Fluttershy’s house, I was about to turn back, but I heard something coming from the Everfree Forest. I’d only been in there once, but my curiosity was getting the best of me, but I wondered if somehow my mind knew about this.

As I ventured into the forest, the strange noise was getting louder and louder, and before I knew it, I was in a clearing. I noticed something small and white moving towards me, and as it got closer, I realized it was Angel. My heart dropped as I ran forward, because if Angel was here, Fluttershy must be too. Angel stopped in front of me, and then ran back in the direction he came, so I followed him.

As I ran forward, I soon noticed something lying on the ground, I had an idea as to what it was, but I didn’t want to think that way. As I neared, my fears came true, it was Fluttershy, on the ground not moving. I quickly ran to her faster than I’d ever run in my life, I feared the worst. When I got to her, I noticed she was still breathing, by Celestia I was happy. Now I needed to get her out of here, but as I was trying to figure out how, all manner of foul beasts began to surround us. I looked down at Fluttershy, and Angel held on tightly to her, and looked to me, wanting me to do something. I looked back, directly at the creatures of nightmares, and with all my strength tried to teleport the three of us back into town, but it failed. I looked back at Fluttershy and Angel, knowing that I need to keep them safe. I took a deep breath and looked at the beasts, and yelled, “YOU WILL NOT TAKE HER FROM ME!”

There was a bright flash and a loud crash, and the next thing I knew, we were back in Ponyville. Everypony came out of their house to see what caused the crash, and the next thing I knew everything went black and silent. I thought to myself, “Is this the end, is it time?” But then I said to myself, “No, this is not the end, by Celestia, I will get up, and tell her.”

Next thing I knew, I woke up in the hospital, surrounded by most of the town, I smiled and around for Fluttershy, she wasn’t there. Twilight came up to me, “Are you okay?”

I looked back at her and smiled, “Yeah, I think so. What happened by the way?”

“I don’t know, we all heard a crash and came outside to see what happened, and we saw you Fluttershy and Angel on the ground, and we immediately brought you and Fluttershy here, and took Angel to the vet, but he was fine, you’ve been out for about two days.”

“What about Fluttershy, is she okay?”

“We really don’t know, she’s still unconscious.”

“Where is she?”

“She’s in the next room, but…” I quickly got out of my bed, and ran into the next room, and there was Fluttershy, unconscious, but alive. I was so happy, I broke out in tears. I turned around and saw that everypony was leaving to give me some alone time with her, all but Twilight, “Lux, you like her don’t you?”

My eyes were full of tears, and my heart aching, all I could manage for a response was a choked, “Mhm.” She walked over to me, smiled, kissed me on my head, and left the room. I walked over to Fluttershy’s bed and I could barely contain myself, tears started falling off my face like raindrops. I kissed her head, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there sooner, and I don’t know if you can hear me, but I want you to know, I will not leave your side until you are better. I protected you once, and I’ll do it again.”

Over a week has passed, and I was told I could leave, but I didn’t. Other ponies came saying that I should head home to get some rest and that they’ll look after her, but I didn’t leave her side. Each day when I woke up, I kissed her head and begged for her to wake up, I begged and begged and begged, but nothing.

Yet another week passed, and still nothing, she still lies there, and I’m still waiting. I’ve barely eaten anything, but it doesn’t bother me, I just want her to wake up. I started crying again, begging once more, “Please, Fluttershy, Please just wake up. I feel so alone, even when surrounded my friends, I feel alone. Nothing’s the same with you here. I know I haven’t talked to you at all, but that’s because I was too nervous to do so. Every time I see you, I freeze up, and I’m unable to do anything but walk way. I hate myself for doing so, but I can’t help it, and when I walk away, the only thing on my mind is you. I’m afraid that you think I hate you, but I don’t, I-I love you Fluttershy. I saw you, I knew I did, and I always will. It’s only now while you’re sick that I’m able to talk to you, but I don’t want that, I want to be able to look into your beautiful eyes. This is how I’ve felt since the first time I saw you, so please, just wake up, wake up for the pony who loves you more than anything in the world, please, please, please…” I couldn’t talk anymore; I was choking on my tears. I continued crying for what seemed like forever, still begging for her to wake up. Still carrying I kissed her one more time, and her eyes opened.

I stopped crying enough to look into her eyes, and I began crying again. I hugged her and asked, “Fluttershy, are you okay.” Just then Twilight walked in to check on us, as she did every day, and in between my tears I managed to tell her, “Twilight, look who’s finally awake.”

She ran over and hugged her as I did, “Fluttershy, how are you feeling, are you okay?”

Fluttershy looked confused, “I-I don’t know,” and she looked at Twilight, “Can I talk to you for a second Twilight?”

“Oh, okay.” She looked at me, “Lux, can you give us a moment?” I wanted to stay, but reluctantly I stepped out into the hallway, but I could still hear them. “What is it Fluttershy?”

“What is he doing here; I thought he didn’t want to be near me. You’ve seen it, any time I’m near, he walks away, so why is he here?” I wanted to go in there and tell her, but I thought it would be best for Twilight to handle it.

“Fluttershy, why don’t I bring him back in here and let him explain, okay?”

“O-okay Twilight, just don’t leave, please.”

“I won’t. Lux, you can come back in now.”

I walked in, saddened because I knew that Fluttershy thought I hated her. “Hi Fluttershy, I’m sorry about the way I’ve acted around you.”

She looked away from me, “I-I thought you hated me, and that you didn’t even want to be near me.”

“What, no Fluttershy, no, I don’t hate you, I-I love you.”

“What, you do?” she kind of looked at me with her eyes, head still turned, of course she did, she’s like me.

“Of course, I love you more than anything else.”

“Th-Then why did you walk away whenever I came near you?”

“When I first saw you, all I could think of was how beautiful you were,” I could see her starting to blush. “I was too nervous to talk to you the first time, I froze up, and I couldn’t go any closer. I hated myself for walking away, but I had no choice, I couldn’t do anything else. Even as I grew more comfortable in town, and was friends with everypony, my nervousness got the best of me any time you were around.” She finally turned towards me, “Even when walking away from you, I couldn’t get you out of my mind. At night, I dreamed of being able to just tell you how I feel. For the past two weeks, I haven’t left your side, waiting to for you wake up, just so I could tell you how I feel, and now that you’re awake, it’s like a dream come true. I just don’t want you to think I hate you, because it’s not true, and it never was or will be.”

I could see a few tears begin to roll down her face, “Oh Lux, I’m sorry, I don’t know.”

I walked up to her, and kissed her forehead, “Don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault, it’s mine. It took me too long to be able to tell you, and I was afraid it was almost too late.”

Twilight looked at us, “I’m going to leave you guys alone, if you need anything, just ask.” Twilight left, and I spent the next hour telling Fluttershy how I truly felt. She told me she felt the same, and that was the happiest moment in my entire life.

She still had to stay in the hospital for a few more day, but I she was awake, and we could talk to each other. We spent hours upon hours talking and laughing. The thing we talked about most was out love for animals. I told her that back when I lived in Canterlot, when I had no friends other that Twilight, animals were the only ones who would keep me company, and who would not care about my shyness at the time. Now I am no longer shy, but my love of animals is still part of who I am.

After some time, she brought up the first time we saw each other, “Lux, I never really got to thank you for what you did with Angel, he can be so stubborn sometimes.”

“Don’t worry about it, sometimes a little surprise help is needed to help someone get better.”

“I know, but I still and to thank you.” She leaned forward, and kissed me, not as I had done to her earlier, but as one lover would to the other. I was so happy, I started to cry. She looked at me, “What’s wrong?”

I smiled at her, “Nothing, I’m just so happy. This time together is truly a dream come true, and I never want it to end.”

“Me neither.” She kissed me again, and said that she was tired, so we went to sleep.

The next day she was able to leave, we were so happy. As we walked through town, everypony asked us how we were doing, and we were doing great, and it wasn’t long before word spread about how we felt about each other. Everypony was happy for us, but probably the happiest was our closest friends. Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbowdash, and Twilight threw us a small congratulations on getting well, and being together party. We thought it was funny, and for the first time all seven of us were together, and we had a blast.

That night, we laid together under the stars, just as I had dreamed before. But this was not a dream, this was reality. Staring up at the beautiful night sky we held each other close. I turned to her, “This night, is like many nights I had dreamed of. The beauty of the stares and the moon, are nothing compared to you.”

She looked back at me, “Aww, thank you Lux. In my eyes, you’re more wonderful than any star, because you’re my star.” She rested her head upon me, and fell asleep. Not wanting to wake her, I conjured a blanket and covered her, and then I fell asleep against her.


A month has gone by, and we were nearly inseparable. We talked together, laughed together, played together, and loved together. We were the shining star in each other’s lives, and we were happy. I’d never dreamed that I would ever feel like this, and I never wanted it to end. Whenever I fell even the slightest bit sad, all I have to do is look at the pony next to me, and the joy overwhelms me. Though often times, I’m still bothered by my secret, I don’t know when, even if I’ll be able to tell her.


More time goes by, and winter has come. It’s too cold outside, so we stay inside, keeping each other company, and warm. We know just about everything about each other, yet somehow each day we learn something new.


It’s been almost a year and a half since we’ve been together, and hearts and hooves day was nearing, and I was beginning to think it was time, but I needed help. I turned to the pony in town who I knew could help me the most, Rarity. I went up to her boutique and knocked on her door, “Rarity, it’s Lux, can I talk to you about something?”

She opened the door, “Oh, but of course, come in, come in.” she looked a little confused.

“What is it?”

“Nothing, it’s just odd not seeing Fluttershy with you, is everything alright?”

“Oh, no, everything’s great,” I paused for a second. “That’s why I need to see you.”

“Oh, well, what is it that you need?”

“I need you to help me find a gem.”

“Oh, that doesn’t seem that hard.”

“I’m afraid you don’t quite understand yet, this gem needs to be perfect in every way imaginable. The color, the shape, the way light reflects off it, it all must be perfect.”

“Okay, that might be a tad bit more difficult, but nothing I can’t handle. But do you mind if I ask what exactly this perfect gem is for?”

I let out a slow breath to try and calm myself down, “I’m going to ask Fluttershy to marry me.”

I saw her face light up, “Oh my gosh, Lux, of course I’ll help, and I’ll make sure the gem exceeds your expectations. Just give me two days, and I’ll have it.”

“Thanks Rarity, but please don’t tell anyone.” She nodded, and I left, so she could do what she needs to do.

Hearts and hooves day was still a week away, and I still had no idea exactly how I was going to ask her. Then it hit me, I knew exactly what to do, she is my star, and I know how to show her. I quickly ran home and began searching through my spell books, looking for the right one. Then I found it, I knew it was the one, it seemed difficult, but for her, it would be worth it.

For the next couple of days I spent all my spare time, trying to work out every kink in the spell, so much time, I forgot to go back to Rarity, but luckily she was able to come see me. “I’ve done it. I found the perfect gem for you.”

“Really, oh, please let me see it.” She pulled out the post beautiful gem I had ever seen, “Oh my gosh.”

“It’s a flawless diamond, perfectly matching Fluttershy’s eyes. When I saw it, I knew it had to be this one. So, what do you think?”

I had to recover for a second, “Rarity, there’s this is the second most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, after Fluttershy of course. However did you find it?”

“A woman never reveals her secrets.”

“Okay, but once again, I can never thank you enough for your generosity towards me.”

“Don’t worry about it. Seeing the two of you happy is all that I need.”

“Thank you so much Rarity.” I knew Fluttershy would love it, but I had to get back to working on this spell, I only have two more days.

Hearts and hooves day is here, and I can’t wait until nightfall. I’m looking forwards to another day with Fluttershy, and hopefully after tonight, the rest of our lives.

We spent the whole day together. We laughed and played, and once night had come, we made our way to the park. I had everything planned, and I just needed to wait for the right time, and I didn’t have to wait long. Fluttershy looked deeply into my eyes, and I into hers, “Lux, I wish this day didn’t have to end.”

I kissed her, “It’s not over yet, I have a surprise for you.” She looked at me as I began the spell, I looked back at her and smiled, “Look up.” She did, as all the stars in sky began to swirl above us, and come together at one central point. I could hear everypony talking around, but I was focused on her, the sparkle in her eyes was all the strength I needed to complete the spell. All the stars collided at the center and they exploded, creating the most perfect image of her into the night. I heard her gasp of joy as it happened, and she looked back at me, and I said, “It’s not over yet.” She looked back up as one of the stars began to slowly descend upon us, but it was no star, it was the ring I made with the diamond Rarity found.

As it landed on the ground before her, I looked deeply into the eyes that gave me strength, “Fluttershy, you are the star of my life, and tonight I have shown this to be true.” I could see that she knew what was coming as I picked up the ring, “Fluttershy, will you make me the happiest pony in all of Equestria, will you marry me.”

I could see tears begin to run down her face, “Lux, of course I will.” She kissed me, and I could hear all the other ponies around us cheer, but I wasn’t focused on them, not in the slightest. The pony of my dreams said yes and soon she will be my wife.

The next day we began progress on the wedding plans, out first stop was to Twilight. We arrived at the library, and she greeted us with a smile, “Hey you guys, congratulations.” We both said thanks, and asked, “What do you guys need?”

I turned to Fluttershy, “Do you want to ask or should I?”

“I’ll go ahead and ask her,” She turned back to Twilight, “We were wondering if you would help us plan the wedding, that is if you’re not busy or anything.”

“Of course I’ll help; you guys are my best friends after all.”

I smiled, “Thanks Twi.”

“No problem.”

I turned to Fluttershy, “Do you mind if I talk to Twilight for a sec.”

She seemed kind of surprised, “Oh, okay. I’ll just wait outside.”

I smiled and kissed her, “Don’t worry, I’ll be out in a minute.” She left and I turned to Twilight, “Twi…”

“Yes Lux, what is it.”

“I just wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done.”

“What do you mean, I really haven’t done anything.”

“Yes, yes you have, if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be here asking you to help plan my wedding, MY wedding, ME, of all ponies.” I paused for a second, “Back in Canterlot, and even when I first got here, I never thought that any of this would ever happen. But you helped me, you introduced me to my best friends here, and if it wasn’t for you, I probably never would’ve met Fluttershy. But look at me now, I’m friends with everyone, I have no trouble talking, and now, I’m engaged to the most wonderful pony in all of Equestria, and none of this wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t there for me.”

“Lux, don’t worry about it, you’re one of my friends, and I couldn’t be happier for you. You don’t need to thank me.”

“Okay, well I’m going to anyway.”

“Okay, okay, but you should probably get going, I assume you have a lot more places to visit.”

“Yeah, we do, and again, thanks for helping us.” I hugged her and then headed outside, “Okay, honey, where to next.”

“I think we need to see Rainbowdash next.”

“Okay,” I paused, “Do you know where she is right now?” She shook her head, “Well then, let’s look around for her.” Almost immediately after I said that, she crashed in front of us, I laughed.

She looked at me, “What’s so funny? I’m trying out a new trick, crashing happens.”

“It seems that whenever need to find you, you always crash right in front of me. But that aside, we we’re just about to go looking for you.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah, Fluttershy and I were wondering if you would be able to help with our wedding?”

“Oh yeah, I’d heard about you guys planning one, congrats by the way.”

“Thanks Rainbow, but Lux and I were wondering if you could make sure the weather is perfect during the wedding?”

“Sure, wedding aren’t really my thing, but I can do that for you guys, no problem.”

“Thanks, when we decide on a day, we’ll tell you.”

“Okay see you guys later.”

Next we headed over to Sugarcube Corner to see Pinkie Pie, and luckily for us Applejack was there as well. “Hey guys, Fluttershy and I were just looking for you two.”

“Well, what do y’all need, and congratulations.”

“Yeah, what do you need?”

“Well, we were wondering if the two of you would plan and cater the reception for our wedding?”

“Well shucks, of course we’ll help, won’t we Pinkie?”

“Well, yeah, I love planning parties. There’ll be streamers, balloons, and hats and…”

“Calm down sugarcube, remember this is a wedding.”

“Oh right, sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it Pinkie, just try not to go overboard. Lux and I want all our friends involved in helping us.”

“Okie dokie.”

We smiled, and I turned to Applejack, “Just keep an eye on everything, okay.”

“Now, don’t y’all worry, everything’s going to be fine, we’ll get right to work.”

“Thanks so much you guys, but Lux and I still have one more stop to make today, and it’s starting to get late.”

“Y’all take care of what needs to be done, we’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, we got it.”

“Okay, bye guys.”

As we headed towards Rarity’s I started thinking about how happy I was, and how far I’ve come since I came here. I thought about how much I hated having to walk away from her, and how I never left her side for the two and a half weeks she was in the hospital. I thought about when I told her I love her, and when she told me she loved me back. I thought about the past year and a half, and how I’ve spent my time with her, and how I never want it to end. I thought about last night, when I literally changed the stars to make her happy and see her smile. I thought about our future together, and the family that we’ll make.

I then began to think about my secret, and how still nopony knows. When will I tell her, if I even do? How will she react when my time comes? Who and what will I leave behind? Will my spell work? Will I have that chance? A couple of tears started to fall down my face, I tried to get rid of them before she saw, but I couldn’t.

“Lux, what’s wrong?”

“Hmmm, what do you mean?”

“Lux, don’t try and hide it from me, I saw you wiping those tears from your eyes. Now tell me, what’s wrong?”

“Oh, that, it’s nothing. I’m crying because I’m happy. I’m so happy that I’m with you, and I’ve just been thinking about everything that’s happened since I came here.”

“Oh Lux, there’s no need to cry. As long as we’re together, we’ll both be happy, and nothing can take that away.”

She kissed me and I smiled, “Thanks, it’s just, for the longest time of my life, I never thought I would even be able to talk to other ponies, yet alone fall in love, I was always too shy. Even when I came here I was almost too afraid to talk, and if it wasn’t for Twilight, I never would’ve made friends, but more importantly, I might never have met you. And sometimes I think of how I almost lost you, and it starts to make me kind of sad.” I could see in her eyes that she knew exactly what I was saying. “But then I think what’s happened in the past year and a half, and it brings a smile to my face and a tear to my eye. But we can talk more about this later, we need to see Rarity before it gets loo late”

“Okay, but promise me we’ll talk later.”

“I promise, I would never give up a chance to talk to you, you know that.” We kissed and then continued to make our way towards Rarity’s.

When we got there, we were immediately greeted with hugs, “Oh, I’m so happy for you two. So, what bring you two here?”

“Well Rarity, Fluttershy and I were hoping that you would help with the wedding?”

“Oh, I’d love to. Please tell me what I can do for you.”

“Well, we’d like it if you could make my dress…”

“And my tuxedo. We wouldn’t want anypony else but you make it.”

“I would be honored to make them. Do you have any ideas, or…”

I looked at Fluttershy and she nodded, “We decided to give you complete creative freedom.”


“Yes, Lux and I think it would be the best idea, after all, you are one of the best designers in all of Equestria.”

“Oh, I promise not to disappoint you two. And luckily I already have measurements for both of you, so I can get right to work.”

“Thank you Rarity.”


Today is the day of our wedding, the first day of summer. The sky is clear and the sun is bright, and all throughout town everypony is getting ready to attend the wedding. I’m nervous as expected, but happy none the less. We invited all of Ponyville, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna, and a few other special guests and almost everyone was ready.

It was time.

I headed up to the altar where Princess Celestia was, and as the officiant, she was to marry us. I looked at Twilight and smiled, and she smiled back, she was happy for me and Fluttershy.

I stood there, anxious to see how beautiful she was today, and I look down the aisle, and there she was. She was more beautiful than she’s ever been. I could not take my eyes of her, nor did I want to, and once she reached the alter, I could fully appreciate her beauty, “Fluttershy, you look wonderful.”

“Thank you Lux, as do you.”

I wanted to kiss her then, but I knew I must wait. Luckily Celestia began immediately, “Fillies and gentlecolts, today we are gathered to witness the marriage of two wonderful ponies, Fluttershy and Lux Rune. The couple has written their own vows,” she looked to Fluttershy, and in a more gentle voice, “Go ahead.”

She took a deep breath, “Lux, you saved my life, and never left my side when I was in the hospital. Once I believed that you hated me, but it wasn’t long before I understood, and you told me how you felt, and I was able to tell you my feelings. I don’t have much to say, so I will say only this, I love you, I loved you then, I love you now, and I will love you in all the days to come.”

I could see some tears in the eyes of some of the ponies when Celestia told me it was my turn.

I looked into Fluttershy’s eyes and began, “When I came to Ponyville, I never dreamed I would fall in love, but I did. The first time I saw you, I instantly fell in love, but my nerves got the best of me, so I had no choice but to walk away. I did so for the few weeks following, and I hated it, but even when I walked away, thoughts of you were still flying through my mind, and into my dreams you went, but there you did not stay. On the night I saved your life I couldn’t sleep, so I wandered throughout town, somehow winding up at your house. It wasn’t until I woke up in the hospital in the room next to you did I realize that somehow I knew how to find you. And when I awoke I didn’t care about myself I was in pain, but despite that I was by your side. I had begged for you to wake up, and eventually you did, and my heart burst with joy. Once we left the hospital together, every day was a dream come true, because I was with you. You are the star of my life and a few months ago I showed you how much you meant to me. I moved the stars themselves, just to see you smile, and when the moment was right I asked you to be mine forever, and you said yes. Once again my heart burst with overwhelming joy, and all days since then have lead up to this moment and in this moment, you are more beautiful than you have ever been, and I am almost unable to contain my joy. The only thing more that I can say is that I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.”

I could no longer contain myself, and I began crying tears of joy, and I wasn’t the only one everypony else was crying, even the Princess. She continued on, “By my power as Princess of Equestria, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the…”

I couldn’t wait any longer, I kissed Fluttershy more passionately that I ever have. But now she’s more than just my special somepony, she’s my wife, now and forever.

The ceremony was over, but we still had a long night ahead of us.

Everyone began heading over to Sweet Apple Acres that Applejack kindly let us use for the reception. Everypony was congratulating us, and we thanked them, and eventually made our way towards Applejack, “This is amazing, we can never thank you enough Applejack for letting us use Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Aww shucks, don’t worry about it, I was happy to help you guys.”

“No Applejack, Lux and I are really grateful”

“Y’all gonna make me start blushing if you keep this up.”

“Okay, okay, but thank you.”

We continued to mingle around, talking to everypony, and the Princesses. Out of respect, we were about to bow, but Princess Celestia and Luna bowed to us instead, “There’s no need for that, because tonight’s all about you. It’s been so long since I’ve been to such a fun wedding, what about you Luna?”

“I’ve been gone for so long, but it feels so great to be here, and Lux, can I ask you something?”

“Oh, sure, go ahead.”

“You mentioned earlier that you moved the very stars to show how much you love her, did you not?”

“Yes, yes I did.”

“Were you referring to the night of hearts and hooves day?”

“Oh, that, yes, yes I was.”

“I didn’t think that anypony could do that other than me or my sister, how exactly did you do it?”

“Well, I have a personal collection of old spell books, and it was in one of them, and I knew it was perfect for the moment, and the perfect way to propose.”

“I see, but it was very powerful magic, how did you even manage to pull it off?”

“Honestly, the spell almost failed,” I looked at Fluttershy, “But I saw the sparkle in her eyes as the sky began to move for her, and that gave me enough strength to complete the spell.”

Fluttershy looked at me, “Really, I had no idea I did that.”

I kissed her, and o looked back at the Princesses, “In short, it was because of my beautiful new wife that I was able to complete the spell.” They smiled and did something I did not expect; together they began to rearrange the stars as I did. And when the shape was made, I recognized it immediately. They had created a large heart and in the center was Fluttershy and me. I looked back to them, “Thank you so much, we are very grateful.”

Celestia bowed to us, “There’s no need to thank us. We did it by request of one who is dear to both of us, I think you know who.”

“I do, and thank you both for coming, please enjoy the rest of the night.”

We began going throughout the crowd, and we saw Ranbowdash rather distant from everypony else. We went up to her, and Fluttershy asked her, “Hey Rainbowdash, why are you all the way over here?”

“Oh, hey guys. Eh, weddings just really aren’t my thing; you know what I’m saying.”

“Oh Rainbow, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it Fluttershy, it’s nothing against you guys, weddings just seem to frou frou’y to me.”

I took a step forward, “I think I know how to change that, I invited a couple of special friends I did a few favors for when I met them once.” I whistled and everypony could hear the whistling in the sky.

I saw the look on Rainbowdash’s face when she heard it, “OH…MY…GOSH! How did you get the Wonderbolts here?”

I smiled, “Like I said, I did them a few favors, mainly pyrotechnics for their performances, and we became friends, and being my friends, I invited them to the wedding.” I whistled again and they made their descent. And landed next to me, “Spitfire, I’m sure you guys met my friend Rainbowdash before.”

“Oh, yeah, I remember you.”

“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you guys are here.”

“Hey Spitfire, how are those pyrotechnics working for your shows?”

“Oh, they’re working great, but do you have anything, oh I don’t know, bigger?”

“I’ll see what I can do about that, but for now, why don’t you hang with Rainbowdash. Maybe she can teach you a thing or two.”

“Now what’s that supposed to mean”

“Nooothing.” We all laughed, “Anyway, we have some more ponies we need to say hi to, have fun.”

She gave me a semi-evil look, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

We all laughed again and Fluttershy and I headed back into the crowd of ponies and we ended up finding Twilight.

“Hey Twi, how are you doing?”

Oh, hey guys, I’m doing great, how are you guys doing?”

“Everything’s great, we’re surrounded by our best friends, and we’re together.”

“Thanks again for helping plan everything.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it Fluttershy, I’m just so happy for you two.”


“Yeah Lux?”

“Thanks for the gift.” I gestured upward towards the stars.

“Don’t worry about it Lux, it’s the least I could do for you.”

While we were talking, Rarity walked up, “Hi Twilight, and there’s the happy couple, how are you doing?”

“Oh, Rarity, my dress is just ever so wonderful, it fits perfectly, and flows very well, and the color choice is magnificent.”

“Thank you Fluttershy, personally I think it’s the best dress I’ve ever made. And what about you Lux, what do you think about you’re tuxedo.”

“Well, considering there’s not much that can be done to a tuxedo, I think it’s perfect, once again Rarity, you’ve outdone yourself.”

“Thank you, I’m so happy you both like them.”

We all talked for a bit then we realized it’s about time for the cake ceremony. Everypony took their seats and Pinkie Pie rolled out the most beautiful cake I’ve ever seen. I walked up to her, “Pinkie, this… this is absolutely the most amazing cake I’ve ever seen in my whole life.”

“Well of course it is, I made it for the wedding of two of my best friends in the whole world, that’s why I made sure it’s perfect. After all, cake making is serious business.”

We cut the cake, as a couple, and the night was coming to a close, but before everypony left, I felt like I needed to say a few things.

“Excuse me, everypony, can I have your attention. I just want to take this time and share a few things with you.” Everypony turned to me, “When I moved here almost two years ago, I could barely talk to anypony other than my friend Twilight. She tried to introduce me to some ponies, but I was really just too shy to talk to anypony. I spent most of my time at home, reading my books, much in the same way I did back in Canterlot, to me, it really felt as if nothing changed, and to be honest I really didn’t have an interest in trying to make friend, because I thought I was a lost cause. But one small event changed that, and that was the moment I saw Fluttershy, I couldn’t talk even though we were alike in many ways. After that I spent the about the next week alone in my home, not really wanting to leave anyway. But then I made a decision, a decision to change myself, to change myself in the way that I could be able to talk to others, and no sooner than I made that decision, I was given a chance to try to improve myself. The first pony who truly helped me crawl out of my shell was Rarity. She knew how nervous I was, and she was able to help me, and over the next few weeks, everyone out here was able to help me come more and more out of my shell, so I could be myself, and I just wanted to tell all of you, thank you. Without all of my friends, and the rest of you, this night would not have been possible, so once again, I just want to tell all of you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.” Everypony began stomping and cheering for me. They knew what I had just said was true, and none more so than Twilight. I thanked her personally again, and with that the night ended.

Everypony went home, but me, Fluttershy, and our best friends. I looked around to each of them and smiled, “Guys, I want to thank all of you again for making today perfect.”

“Lux, how many times do we have to tell you, don’t worry about it?”

“I know Twilight, but I can’t help it.”

“Okay, but it’s late, and we should all be heading home, and I think you two should finally get some time to yourselves.”

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” We all said our goodbyes, and Fluttershy and I headed home for the first time as husband and wife.

As we walked home we continued to look up into the sky, and see the gift from the Princesses and once again tears came to my eyes, but I didn’t care if she noticed this time.

She looked at me, “Lux…” I looked at her “Today was perfect, and I’m so happy to be with you.”

“Me too Fluttershy, me too.” I kissed her, “And I mean it when I say it, this is the happiest I’ve ever been in my life, and do you know why that is?”

“Because we’re together?”

“That’s right, as long as we’re together, I’ll always be happy.”


Three years have passed since we got married, and it’s been the best two years of my life. I often look back on how things have changed since I came here. The town has flourished, and so have all of those living here. Ponies from all over Equestria now come to see Rarity and her beautiful work, and she has help from her assistant spike, and I’ve heard rumor of a wedding. Applejack and Sweet Apple Acres have had more and more sales, and somehow she still finds time to help anypony who needs it. Pinkie has become one of the most desired bakers in all of Equestria, baking cakes and deserts for some of the richest ponies, and she’s still able to be the same crazy pony she always has been. Rainbowdash’s dream came true, and she’s now captain of the Wonderbolts. And Scootaloo, who still looks up to her finally got her cutie mark, as did Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, and thus ended the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but their friendship has not. As for Twilight, well, she’s been busy acting as the town new mayor, she’s perfect for the lob, and everything’s been running smoothly ever since she was appointed. As for me and Fluttershy, I make a good living helping people out, and I still make pyrotechnics for the Wonderbolts. Outside of the, we’ve opened up an animal hospital, next door, and we’ve help animals from hummingbirds up to a dragon. But the most special thing that’s happened is that we’re expecting a baby soon.

One day, shortly after the first fall leaves began to drop, we had to rush to the hospital, because it was time to add a new member to our family. I never left her side, and she gave birth to our beautiful daughter.

All our friends were there to congratulate us, and see her, but Fluttershy was tired, so we all stepped out into the hall, “Thanks for being here you guys.”

“Are you kidding, we wouldn’t miss this for the world, Sweet Apple Acres, can wait for right now.”

“Yeah, I would even give up eating cake for a whole week to be here.”

“I may be up to my neck in paperwork, but all that can wait.”

“This is the first practice I’ve ever missed, but it’s worth it.”

“I wouldn’t even dream of missing this.”

I smiled, “Thanks again you guys, do you want to see her?” They all nodded and we started walking down towards the nursery.

One we got there, Twilight asked me, “So Lux, what’s her name?”

“Her name’s Starlight Ember.”

“Aww,” they all said together.

“Give me a sec, and I’ll point her out to you.” I walked into the nursery and walked up to my daughter, with her majestic blue body, and golden mane. I spoke softly as to not wake her, “Here she is you guys, the newest member of our family.” I walked back out and was greeted with hugs, “Aww, thanks guys.”

It wasn’t long before Rarity asked, “So, is she a Unicorn?”

“Or is she a Pegasus pony, “Rainbowdash added.

They all leaned in, and I smiled, “She’s both.” They all had confused look on their faces. I chuckled a little, “She’s an Alicorn.” Their jaws dropped.

Twilight was the first to recover herself, “Lux, oh my gosh, that’s incredible.”

“Thanks Twi.”

They all congratulated me again, but I said that I should probably be getting back to Fluttershy. They all said goodbye, and for me to hell her bye and I walked back to her.

I walked in, “How are you feeling?”

“I’m doing fine, how’s she doing?”

“She’s fast asleep. What did the doctor say?”

“He said we should be able to leave tomorrow.”

“That’s great. How does it feel to finally be a mother?”

“It feels like the most wonderful thing in the world.”

“I feel the same, but you should probably get some rest so we can go home tomorrow.”

“Okay.” I kissed her and she went to sleep. I stayed next to her, and fell asleep soon after, it’s been a long day, and now with a daughter there will be many more to come.


The next year went by so fast; it seemed only like a few weeks. Starlight’s been a handful, and I remember when Twilight and I help Pinkie, but this was ten times more difficult, but I was happy.

Things have slowed down some, so now we have more time to spend as a family. And even thought years have passed since I first saw her, Fluttershy is still beautiful.

One day while I was lying down and daydreaming I looked into her eyes and chuckled. She looked back at me, “What, what’s so funny?”

“Oh, nothing, I’ve just been thinking about stuff.”

She came over next to me, “Yeah, what kind of stuff?”

I looked at her and smiled, “I was just thinking about how years have passed since I first met you, and how beautiful you were then. Then I looked over to you, and I realized, you were beautiful then, but now, you’re more beautiful than ever before.” She smiled, “Then I thought about our daughter, and how much she is like us both, and how much I love both of you.”

“She has your eyes Lux.”

“I know, but it’s your eyes that bring the most joy into my life.”

We lied there together and time seemed to stop. Everything was so quiet, but the silence was broken by a small voice in the house, “Mom?”

I jerked up, “Did you hear that?”

Fluttershy looked at me, “Hear what?”

“Just listen.”

We both went quiet, “Mom?” We looked at each other, and ran into the house, and into Starlight’s room, and she was sitting there, in her bed. She looked at Fluttershy, smiled, and reached out, “MOM!” We smiled, and hugged her, and Fluttershy picked her up. She had just said her first words, and I was on the verge of tears. She nestled again Fluttershy and fell back asleep.

Fluttershy set her back down and tucked her in. I kissed Starlight, and Fluttershy and I walked out. As we did I could see a tear in her eye, “Are you going to be ok?”

She wiped the tear away, “Yeah, I’m going to be fine.” I pulled her close and held her, and we both smiled, and kissed.


Five years have passed, and things began to pick up again, Starlight’s in school, and Fluttershy and I have some more times together. Not much has changed except Spike and Rarity are married, and have been happily so for the past three years, and are expecting a baby soon.

Every now and then, I start to think of what will happen when my time comes. I often review the books, and the preparations that I made years ago to feel better, but they do little to help, and as time goes on, I know the day grows near. But there are two things in this world that I know will always cheer me up, and that is Fluttershy and Starlight.

How I love them. I often think about them while lying upon the grass and just listening to nature, but today was not a time for that. While lying in my usual spot Starlight came up to me and I could see tears in her eyes. I got up and went to her, “Starlight, please tell me these are tears of joy,” I couldn’t stand to see her cry. She shook her head, buried her face in my chest and began pouring out tears. I pulled her face out of my chest, “Honey, what’s wrong?”

She looked at me, “Dad, am I a freak?”

I looked into her eyes and saw the same look that I once had, many years ago, “No, no you’re not, who told you that?”

In between her tears, she was able to tell me what happened, “Today in school, we were talking about the different types of ponies, Pegasus, Unicorn, and Earth ponies, but I asked what about me?” She paused only to wipe the tears of her face, “Then someone said I was a freak, and the whole class started laughing at me.” She stopped talking and buried her face in my chest again.

I held her tight for a moment so she could calm down, “Starlight, you’re not a freak, you an Alicorn, the most special type of ponies, and do you know who else is and Alicorn?” She looked at me and shook her head, “The princesses are Alicorns too, and do people call them freaks?”


“That’s right, because they’re not; they’re special, just like you.”

“O-okay dad.”

“So, other than this issue, how do you like school?”

“I like it, but it feels like it’s going too slow.”

“Oh, you think you can handle more interesting things?”

“I know I can.”

“Then, do you want me to teach you a few spells?”

“Do you think I’m ready?”

“I don’t know, do you think you’re ready?”

She thought for a second, “Yes, I’m ready.”

“Okay, just give me a minute to get one of my books.”

She smiled, “Okay dad.”

I smiled and went inside to get one of my old books that I started with, and as I was looking I began to cough. I covered my mouth, and when I looked at my hoof, I saw blood, “No, no, I’m not ready.” I kept coughing, but I continued to look for the right book, “I’m not going anywhere just yet.”

Outside, I could hear Starlight, “Dad, is everything alright?”

I had just found the book, “Yeah, I have the book. I’ll be out there in a sec.” I grabbed the book, and went back outside. I looked to her, “Okay this is one of the first spells I learned, and next time some you have the issue you had today, you can use this. But do you remember the first rule of magic?”

“Magic is an art form, and not to be use unwisely.”

“That’s my girl, now watch.” I created a small thundercloud, and it made a thundering crash, and a single lightning bolt. I turned to her, “Now, look in the book for the spell, then you try.”

She looked in the book for about five minutes, and then looked up, “I’m ready.” She tried the spell twice, but it failed.

I looked at her with a half-cocked smile, “Maybe you’re not ready yet.”

She stomped her hoof, “No, I am ready!” I could see her stain a bit, but this time, it worked. She began cheering and jumping around, I’m just glad she didn’t see me start coughing again. The came over to me, “See I told you I could do it dad.”

“I knew you could.”

She cocked her head at me, “Then why did you way I couldn’t?”

I chuckled, “Starlight, you’re my daughter, and you’re a lot like me. I told you that you couldn’t do it so you could prove me wrong, just as I did to others when I was young.”

She hugged me, “Oh, thanks dad, can we try another spell, maybe one a little harder?”

“Oh, I don’t know…”

“Please dad, please.”

I looked into her eyes, and saw the joy in them that I see in her mother, “Okay, okay, just let me go find the right book.”


She began jumping around ecstatically, and I went back inside. I was glad to go back inside, I wasn’t feeling well, and I felt as if the time for me to go was almost here, but I will not leave my daughter now, not now, not ever. I began coughing even harder, and I could see more and more blood, but I had to find that book. If I must go now, I will at least do this.

I found the book, and headed outside as it was beginning to get dark, which was perfect, “Okay Starlight, are you ready?”

“Yeah, I’m ready. What’s the spell?”

“Well it starting to get dark, so I think I have the perfect spell.” I began the process, “Look up into the sky.” She looked up with excitement as the shooting star began to spell out her name.

Her eyes widened with overwhelming joy, and she turned to me, “Dad that was amazing, are you going to show me how to do that?”

I smiled, “Of course I am.” I was feeling weak but I can’t stop now, “Starlight, the trick to this one is to think of something that makes you happy, and then concentrate to form a sphere of light, and with proper control you can move it across the sky, understand?”

“Yep.” She closed her eyes, and concentrated, she didn’t seem stressed, but relaxed. I looked up, and she had made the star, and I read the word as she spelled it, dad.

I smiled and laughed, “You did it Starlight, you did it.” She hugged me, and I felt complete. I looked into the eyes that had the same magical spirit as I do, “So, what was the thing that made you happy?”

She kissed me on the cheek, “You dad, I thought of you.”

“Aww.” I held her tightly to me. I felt faint, but happy. I looked to for one more time, and is a husked voice, “Starlight…”

“What dad?”

“You got your cutie mark.” She looked at herself, and notice that on her flank was a golden star with a white tail. I was happy for her, and I finally realized that it was almost time for me to go. While she was jumping around, all I could say was, “Starlight, I’m so proud of you.”

Everything started fading, and I began to collapse. I could still here, “Dad, are you okay? Dad?” I couldn’t respond, and she ran up to me, “Dad, come on, get up. Dad, please just get up.” I couldn’t move, I couldn’t talk, all I could see was a blurred outline of her, and her calling to me, but eventually she did what all children do in times of crisis, “MOOOOOOM!”

I don’t remember anything after that.

I felt like I was floating in a vast array of dark nothingness. But I wasn’t afraid now, not like I used to be. I’ve now accepted this as a reality, I did not fear for myself, but for my family and friends. How will they react to this? If only I had but one more hour I could take care of one more thing.

I awoke in the hospital, surrounded by all my friends, and Fluttershy and Starlight. I burst out into tears, and so did everyone else in the room. Once my tears stopped, I spoke to everyone, “Thanks for coming, but can I have a minute with Fluttershy alone?” Everypony nodded and left the room. I took a deep breath and looked to her, and immediately burst into tears, “I’m sorry Fluttershy, I’m so sorry to have to put you through this.”

She walked up and rested her head on me, “Don’t worry, you’ll get better, and we’ll be able to head home in no time.”

“I burst into tears again, “I’m sorry Fluttershy, but I won’t be going home with you.”

She looked at me with a tear in her eyes, “What do you mean you’re noting going to be coming home.”

“I knew this day was coming for the longest time, but I did not know when.” She was silent, “I’m dying Fluttershy, and I have been for a long time.”

“What, no, you can’t.”

I could see the tears start to pool in her eyes, “I’m sorry but I have to, it’s my time.”

“But why?” Tears began to flow down her face like rivers.

“I don’t know why, but I know it has to happen.” I looked deeply into her eyes, and told her, “Please don’t cry for me, be happy for the time we’ve spent together, and there’s something I must ask of you.”

“W-what is i-it?” she could barely talk between her sobs.

“I’ve made plans for this time, I’ve trained for some powerful spells that I’m about to use. I will die physically, but not spiritually. I promised to never leave you, and not even this will make me break my promise, do you understand me, I will never leave you.” She nodded, because she was too sad to speak. I smiled and chuckled to, only to prevent myself from crying, “Now, there’s one thing I need you to do.”

“Anything, please just tell me.”

“In my trunk, there’s a spell with instructions, written to Starlight.” She nodded, “On the day before her wedding, whenever it may be, I want you to give it to her, at that time, she’ll know what to do, okay?”

“Okay Lux, okay.”

She buried her head in my and continued crying. I lifted her head up and kissed her one last time, “Fluttershy, I’m going to perform a spell now, and once it’s complete, I’ll be dead.”

“No, please don’t there has to be another way.”

“Fluttershy, I’m afraid there’s not, but I need you to trust me. I’ll die, but remember, I will never leave your side. You may not see me or hear me, but just remember, I’m there for you, and I always will be. Tell Starlight I love her, and remember, you’re the star of my life, and I love you, now and forever.”

She nodded, and I began the spell. I put all my love for Fluttershy and Starlight into it, I wasn’t doing this for me, I was doing it for them.

There was a flash, and everything went white.

I opened my eyes, and I could see Fluttershy crying over me, but I wasn’t in my body, I was standing next to her.

I stood next to her as everypony rushed in, and Starlight rushed to her side and buried her face in her. Even though I knew those tears were for me, I still couldn’t stand to see her cry, “Mom…”

With tears in her eyes she turned to Starlight, “What is it?”

“Why’d dad have to go?” She could barely speak, and I wanted to hug her, but I couldn’t.

Fluttershy held her tight, “It was just his time to go honey.” She paused and looked at what used to be me, “Just remember, daddy loved you, and he always will, and he’ll never leave us, ever.” She stopped talking, she couldn’t anymore, and everypony was quiet. All that could be heard was the sound of crying and tears hitting the ground. I can’t believe how much I was loved by everyone, it almost doesn’t seem real.


All that was this morning, and it was night now, the whole town was in mourning. I never thought that I would attend my own funeral, but I made a promise never to leave their side, and that is a promise I will not break.

The stars were out in full shine, and the moon wore black for the occasion. My friends spoke of me, and the way I’ve changed since I met them, and my wife and daughter said only little.

At the end of the funeral, Starlight looked at me one last time, and her horn began to glow. Everypony looked at her, and then to the sky and they saw the brightest star begin to move. She spelled it out in the sky, and said it to me, “I love you daddy and I’ll miss you.” She kissed me for the final time, and walked back to Fluttershy, eyes swollen with tears.

Even though she couldn’t see me or feel me, I kissed her, and with eyes full of tears I told her, “I love you too.”


Fifteen years have passed since I left them physically, but there has not been a single day that I haven’t been with them. I’ve seen my beautiful wife age, but the years have been kind to her, and she has changed very little, but she is even more beautiful now than ever before. I’ve witness my daughter, still living wither her mother who she loves very much, transform from such a small little thing, into a beautiful young mare, who has magnificent abilities in magic, and is to be wed tomorrow.

Today is the day I’ve been waiting for so long.

Fluttershy walked in to Starlight’s room, and I was next to her, “Starlight, can we talk for a moment.”

“Sure mom, what is it?”

“It’s about your dad,” they sat down. “He left something for you that he wanted me to give you the day before your wedding.”

She handed her the envelope with the papers I had written all those years ago, “What is it?”

“I don’t know, but he told me you’d know what to do.” She smiled and started to leave the room, but I stayed right where I was, “Rest up Starlight, you’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

Starlight ripped open the envelope, and began to read:

“Starlight, if you’re reading this, then tomorrow’s your wedding day. I’m not sure how long I’ve been gone from you physically, but I’ve never left you spiritually. I used a spell to leave my physical body, and I’ve been with you and your mother since. I told you I would never leave you, and I can guarantee you that I’ve kept that promise. I can’t even bear the thought of ever leaving the two of you. I have attached to this a spell that I want you to use, I know I’m not there to help you, but I know you can do it. Just think of something that brings joy to your life and it will give all the strength you need. Remember, I love you and your mother, and I always will, now and forever.

Love, Dad.

She looked and the spell and letter, and I could see that she was reading them over and over again, and after an hour of re-reading, she began the spell. I could see her smile as she did it, and I could feel it working.

There was a bright flash, just like when I performed the spell fifteen years ago.

She looked at the paper, not knowing what to expect, and asked herself, “What was it supposed to do? Did it work?”

She hadn’t seen me yet. I smiled, “Yes honey, yes it worked.”

She turned around, “Dad, is that you?”

I laughed, “Of course it’s me Starlight, of course it’s me.”

I started to cry as she ran up and hugged me, “Oh daddy, I missed you so much.”

I could see tears in her eyes too, “I missed you too.”

“What… how… how are you even here?”

I chuckled, “I thought you were smarter than that Starlight. I saw you read my letter over thirty times, did you get nothing from reading that?” She stared at me, as if I was a dream, “When I was close to death, I cast a spell to make my spirit leave my body, nopony could see me, and nopony could hear me. I promised to never leave you two, and I haven’t. I’ve been with you and your mother through everything, and besides, nothing, and I mean nothing would keep me from missing your wedding, I love you too much to not be there.”

She wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled, “Thank you dad. I love you.”

“I love you too, but right now, you need to get some sleep, but don’t worry, I’m going anywhere.” I kissed her on her head, just as I did when she was young, “Goodnight.”

I walked into the bedroom, and I saw Fluttershy reading. I smiled, after fifteen long years, we cold be able to talk together again, “You’re more beautiful than ever Fluttershy.”

She looked up from her book and burst into tears, “Lux, is that you, or am I imagining things?”

“No, I’m actually here, just as I have been the past fifteen years.”

She stood up and ran over to me with tears in her eyes, “How are you even here?” I explained to her the same things I told Starlight, “So, that’s what the envelope was?”

“Yes, and it’s thanks to our talented daughter that I’m here right now.” My eyes shed more tears in this moment than they have any other time.

We spent hours talking about anything and everything. We didn’t care how much time we ad together, we only cared that we had that time. And once she became tire, she fell asleep against me, and it brought back so many memories and all the joy I had with them.

I woke to the sound of birds outside. I raised my head and looked around. I stood up and walked outside, and it felt good to feel the warmth of the sun on me, because I hadn’t for so long. I walked back inside and saw Fluttershy and Starlight, “Good morning.”

She smiled back, “Morning honey.”

“Morning Dad.”

I looked at Starlight and smiled, “So, todays the big day huh?”

She walked up and hugged me, “Yeah and I’m so glad you’re here”

We all worked together to get everything ready. Fluttershy and Starlight both looked so beautiful in their dresses it almost made me cry.

I was trying to figure out what I was going to wear when Fluttershy brought out my tuxedo from our wedding, “I think this should do perfectly.”

I kissed her, “I agree.” We spent the next few hours to finalize all the preparations, and by nightfall we were ready.

We rode the wedding together as a family.

Fluttershy got out first and took her place in the front row, and everypony was waiting in anticipation for the bride. The music began, and I stepped out first, and then helped out Starlight, I could hear everypony gasp as they saw me.

I walked my daughter down the aisle, and I could see everypony was in shock. When we got to the alter, I kissed her and took a seat next to Fluttershy and smiled. I sat with her through the while wedding with a tear in the corner of my eye, I was so happy.


When the wedding ended everypony headed over to Sweet Apple Acres, just as they did at mine and Fluttershy’s wedding. I saw all my old friends, who were all in shock, and the first ones I was able to meet was Rarity and Spike, “Hey guys, how have things been, how’s Gem?”

Rarity couldn’t stop staring, “Never mind us darling, but how in the world are you here?” I explained the whole story to them, “I see, well I guess that makes sense. And since you asked we’re doing great, and so is Gem.”

Spike took a step forward, “It’s good to see you again Lux, but I think Twilight’s looking for you.”

I nodded, “Okay, I’ll see if I can find her, it’s been good talking to you guys again.” They smiled and waved goodbye at me while I went in search of my other old friends.

After a few minutes of wandering I came across Pinkie Pie, “Hey Pinkie, how are you?”

Her jaw dropped when I asked her, “How am I, how am i?” She paused, “Lux, you need to get your priorities straight, how are you?”

I smiled, “I’m great Pinkie. I got to spend at least one more day with the one I love, and more importantly, I was able to attend Starlight’s wedding.”

“Well that’s great Lux, but I need to go take care of the cake, and I think Twilight’s looking for you.”

“I know she is Pinkie, it’s good seeing you again.” She waved goodbye, and I went wandering again.

After another bit of wandering, I bumped into Rainbowdash, “Hey Rainbow, how’ve you been, and before you ask, I’m great.”

“Oh, hey Lux, I’m doing great too, I retire from the Wonderbolts though.”

“Really, who took over as captain?”

“Scootaloo did.”

“Oh, she did?”

“Yep, and question exactly how are you here?” I explained it to her, “Soooo, magic?”

“Well, actually yes.”

“Cool. Anyway, I gotta go, but I think Twilight’s looking for you.”

“I know, I know, you’re the thirst person to tell me that.”

“Oh, well okay, bye.”

I waved bye to her and continued looking for Twilight, but I ended up finding Applejack first, “Hey Applejack, how’ve you and the farm been doing?”

“Oh, hey Lux, well, business has been the same, and not much has changed with me, and do you mind if I ask you something?”

“Is it about how I’m here, and now, well, you know?”

“Umm, well… yes.” Once again I explained everything, the letter, the spell, and everything in between. “Ah, well I guess that makes sense, I really don’t know much about all that magic stuff.”

I laughed, “Hehe, I guess not.”

She smiled, “It’s good to see you again sugarcube, but I think Twilight’s been trying to find you.”

“I know, anyway it’s good to see you again.”

“You too, bye.”

I waved, “Bye.”

I went on looking for Twilight, and eventually found her, “Hey Twi, I’ve heard you’ve been looking for me.”

She ran up and hugged me, “Yeah, and I’ve heard about the spell and whatnot.”

“You have?”

“Yeah, and I wish you told me about your sickness sooner,” I saw a tear start to form in her eye, “Maybe I could’ve helped or something. You know to just prevent it from happening.”

“Twi, it’s fine, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I didn’t want anypony to worry.”

“I understand, but I just wish there was something I could’ve done.” She kind of hung her head while saying it.”

“Twi, don’t worry about it, I’m grateful to have you as a friend.” I hugged her and said goodbye for probably the last time.

The party began to wind down and everypony began to head home. I walked up to Fluttershy, and she was talking to Starlight, “Are you sure you want to do that?”

Starlight smiled, “I’m sure mom.”

“Hey, what’s going on?”

Fluttershy turned to me, “Starlight’s going to stay with us one more night before moving out into her new home.”

“Oh, well, it’s okay with me.” I smiled.

We headed home and got ready for bed. We rolled out the old quilt we used to sleep on, and laid it down on the living room floor.

We all laid down and soon fell asleep, me and Fluttershy on the ends, and Starlight in the middle.


I awoke, but something felt a bit off, I felt kind of funny. I got up to move around to see if that changed, but it didn’t.

I felt the same as I did last night, but I shouldn’t. Starlight turned over and looked at me, “Dad, if you’re going to be up, can you at least be quieter?”

I spun around, “Wait, you can see me?”

She rubbed her eyes, “Yeah, I can see you, and I can hear you too, and it’s kind of hard to sleep.” I looked at my hooves, and immediately broke out into tears. I cried, and cried, and cried, this was incredible. Starlight looked at me weirdly, “Dad, are you okay?”

I stopped crying long enough to talk, “No, I’m not okay, I’m great.”

Fluttershy woke up, “What’s going on?”

“I’m not quite sure mom.”

I smiled, “Starlight, the spell you used the other day was supposed to make me visible for about a day, and it did.”

“Yeah, but what’s going on now?”

“I was supposed to go back into my spirit form over night, but I didn’t.” I looked at her, “I think your spell was strong enough to keep me here. Wait, what was the thought you thought of when using the spell?”

“I thought of the last moment you and I spent together, the time when I learned the spells and got my cutie mark.”

“That’s it.”

Fluttershy stared at me, “What’s it?”

“Starlight used a powerful memory, and she didn’t just bring me back for one night.” I quickly ran over to my bookcase and began looking through several books.

“So, what exactly does that mean?”

“It means that I won’t be going away anytime soon.”

I saw Fluttershy’s eyes sparkle with joy, “Please tell me you’re serious.”

I ran over to them, “I am serious.” I paused only to wipe a lonely tear from my eye, “We can be a family again.” I hugged them harder than I ever have before, and we all decided to head into town for breakfast, as a family once more. And I couldn’t be happier.

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