

by Andrew Joshua Talon

Chapter 45: Forty

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A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction

By Andrew J. Talon

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit fanbased work of prose. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro, and the reinvention of the lovely Lauren Faust. No copyright infringement is intended, please support the official release.

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The eager, happy ruler of the digital space had led us off to a smaller chamber in the top floor of the tower-Though small was relative. The ceilings were high, and the pattern of lines running up them seemed to make them go on forever into the darkness above. There were several couches and chairs, all dark in color and all looking very comfortable. When Celestia, Molly, the Earth pony and I entered the room, she turned back and waved her hand. The large doors slid shut, the guards taking up positions on either side of the entrance. Molly turned back to us, beaming so hard it was like her face might split. The Earth Pony was still dutifully studying her holograms, something Celestia was paying a great deal of attention to.

"My dear... Are there no other humans or ponies in here with you?" Celestia asked. Molly shook her head, again closing the distance between us. She reached up to touch my cheek, and I smiled back at her.

"No... It's just me. All of these... Well, they're programs," she said. "Just recreations." She pointed back to the Earth Pony. "Bow Tie here is my sub-admin. I based her off a pony I knew in the... In the old Metropolis." She shook her head, and tapped my chest plate. In a moment, the armor I'd been wearing seemed to shrink and fold away, letting me go until it was nothing more than a solid disk in her hand. Molly hummed and examined the armor.

"This is Mollossus armor. Very old-From just before the fall of the city," she said. She looked up at me curiously. "How did you find it?"

"An archaeological expedition to the Badlands," Celestia explained, pushing in closer. Molly turned her attention to her, and again, violated her personal space. She pressed a hand against Celestia's chest. The solar diarch actually blushed, raising an eyebrow but her gentle smile remained the same. Molly looked up at her, in awe.

"Then... There's still a human kingdom out there?" She asked. Celestia took a deep breath... Which naturally got my eyes locked onto her chest. I looked away, blushing.

"I'm afraid that the human kingdom is long gone," she said gently, reaching up to grasp Molly's hand. The blonde blinked, her smile a bit brittle.

"Gone...? But you said-"

"She's the Princess of the sun, of... Equestria," I explained quickly. "She took this form to help me investigate. We didn't know what this place was... We wanted to know-"

"Oh. So... So Equestria survived," Molly said, her smile a bit disconnected. "That's good." She shook her head. "Hang on." Her fingers lit up, glowing bright like miniature suns. And beams shot out of them, all over my body! I yelped.

"ACK! Hey, what are you-?!"

The beams ceased... And my clothing fell apart into nothing but a pile of scraps. I covered my crotch, my cheeks bright red.

"HEY! They HAD zippers-!"

She gripped my shoulder and spun me around like a female action movie hero: Manhandling a 200 pound man like it was nothing. She then held out her hand, and Bow Tie produced a round, black ring. She then pressed it up against my back, and turned it 180 degrees. I felt an electric surge jump through my body, and I stood up straight.


"Oh my," Celestia laughed softly. "So forward."

"Just examining things," Molly explained. "As a fellow monarch, you understand investment in the future." She smiled rather lewdly, and slapped my bottom. I yelped again, and jumped. The disc stuck to my back, like it was part of me. Then, a black skintight material spread from the disc, forming a light armor top and jumpsuit, as well as boots and gloves. Glowing lines appeared all over my body, and my eyes seemed to surge. Molly then pulled the disc off my back with a click, and I turned around. Molly held the disc up, and her eyes glowed. The edge of the disc glowed as well, and spun like a CD in the player. She then held her hand over the disc, and a holographic image of several numbers and wave graphs flashed before us. Molly's smile turned into an all out grin.

"Of course!" She said happily. "You're not from here at all! You were displaced from Earth-my Earth-by chaos magic!"

My jaw dropped, as did Celestia's. Molly held the disc out to me, pride in her eyes and smile.

"This is an identity disc. It scanned your memories and your physiology, as well as your quantum wave signature. You're from my Earth!" She looked over at Celestia. "Was Discord released recently?"

"I-Yes," Celestia admitted. "You could tell that? My own examination of him hinted at a connection, but nothing firm-"

Molly waved her hand gently, like the solar diarch was just a bit slow. "It's all right. I've had thousands upon thousands of cycles to refine this technology."

"Hey, when you say my memories," I began, Molly patted me on the chest in that same, way too familiar way.

"Just a general outline, nothing too deep. Just enough to get a sense of you. After all, I can't be too careful with shapeshifters around," she said, glancing over at Celestia pointedly. The sun princess smiled, and nodded kindly.

"Touche," she replied. She looked rather impressed. "Lady Molly-"

"Just Molly, please," Molly said, still intent on my disc. Celestia nodded.

"It is astonishing you have survived on your own all this time here," she said. "Your magic and technology are very impressive. As Princess of Equestria, I would like to formally open diplomatic relations. At one time, your people were developing gating technology to go back to Earth-Do you think you could repair that technology? The Earth has suffered greatly, and could use your help."

Molly hummed, several diagrams of DNA flashing before her. She blinked, and then nodded.

"What? Oh, of course! You see, it's been so long since I saw anyone... Anyone real, I'm-I'm not sure where to begin!" Molly giggled. She beamed up at me. "You've survived so much... And been through so much... But it's okay. Everything's fine now." She squeezed my hands, and then handed over my disc. I took it, feeling a little creeped out. It was bad enough Chrysalis could poke through my emotions, but someone just scanning my brain was more than a little disturbing.

Then again, being isolated in a simulation for a thousand years would probably degrade my social skills a little. Molly beamed at me.

"It can be used as a weapon, too. Just squeeze it," she said. I squeezed the disc, and the edges lit up, burning white hot. It even hummed, almost like...

"Is that the Lightsaber sound effect?" I asked. Molly squealed happily.

"YES! It is! Oh my God, you have no idea how long-Hey, what year are you from, anyway?"

"2012 or so," I said. "And you?"

"1986," she said. She tilted her head. "So, people are still fans of Star Wars in the... Future? Past?"

"Definitely," I said. "Even after the prequels, but that's a long story."

Molly took my hand and squeezed it. She was lit up like the sun. "I look forward to hearing it," she said. "Maybe we can-"

"Admin," Bow Tie interrupted, getting a sour expression from Molly, "tonight's games need attending to."

"Can't you handle it?" Molly asked in annoyance. Bow Tie shook her head.

"It is a matter requiring Administrative Clearance Level Zero," she said. Molly sighed, pouting a bit. She beamed up at me.

"Well, I have to go. Feel free to relax, the dispenser can give you anything you like," she said, pointing to a replicator-like alcove. "And tonight, we have the Games to look forward to!"

"Er, games?" I asked, a bit wary. It had been a while since I'd seen the movie, but... "These aren't gladiatorial duels to the death, are they?"

"Please," Molly huffed, "nothing so barbaric. Besides, there's no better way to celebrate meeting another human and making contact with the outside world than a big event!" She beamed at me, and then touched my disc. "Attach it to your back!"

I obeyed, sliding the disc back between my shoulder blades. In an instant, I gained a long jacket, glowing bright yellow. The same colors as her markings.

"That's much better," Molly said. "Don't worry, I'll be back." She nodded to Celestia, and the solar diarch nodded back. Molly turned and strode out, Bow Tie lingering only a moment before she turned and trotted after her. The doors slid shut. I looked over at Celestia.

"So... She's, uh-"

"Very taken with you," Celestia observed. Her amused air vanished, replaced by concern. "Too taken."

"Well, I mean," I said, "she's been alone for so long. It's only natural..." I shook my head. "I'm not going to do anything with her, if that's what you're thinking!"

"She may not take that well," Celestia pointed out, raising an elegant eyebrow. I nodded.

"I know. Good thing I have an expert diplomat with me," I said, smiling at her. Celestia smiled back.

"True." She hesitated. "There was something else."

"Hm? What?" I asked. The princess hummed.

"My magical senses have been thrown off in this place," she explained, "but that pony... Those other ponies? I sensed something. Something that can't be mistaken for anything else. But it's supposed to be impossible, for mindless drones."

I blinked. "What?"

"Magic. The magic... Of a cutie mark," she said.

Author's Notes:

Sorry for the shorter chapter. This is a holiday week, after all. Longer chapter will be coming next time though.

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