

by Andrew Joshua Talon

Chapter 28: Twenty-Seven

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A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction

By Andrew J. Talon

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit fanbased work of prose. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro, and the reinvention of the lovely Lauren Faust. No copyright infringement is intended, please support the official release.

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Coming out of a dream as good as that one is really aggravating. I wasn't going to come out of it happy... Well, unless Fluttershy was willing to resume it out here. However, the fact I was suspended from the ceiling probably indicated that wasn't going to happen. I mean... Yet... Shut up.

"Huh?" I asked intelligently, and I immediately struggled. I was stuck in something which felt like a too small sleeping bag... Filled with goo. I looked down, and groaned. I was encased in a cocoon while Fluttershy and Twilight slept on the bed nearby. I then looked up to see Chrysalis, sitting on the floor and reading a book. She looked up and shrugged with her wings.

"Well, let's be honest. You wouldn't have let me do this while you were awake," she said plainly. She smirked. "Not unless I was Twilight or Fluttershy, of course."

"Cocoon? Really? Really?" I hissed. "That's your evil scheme? Leave me in a cocoon?"

"Evil scheme?" Chrysalis asked, confused. Her eyes then narrowed, and I felt like a jerk. "Oh. You mean heal you?" Her voice had gone cold. "Yes, truly I am diabolical if I'm expending precious energy to help you heal faster."

I blinked, and thinned my lips as I felt a bit of guilt.

"No, no, come on Chrysalis, I didn't mean it like that," I said quickly. "That-That was just an instinctive emotional response, really. You can sense it!"

"Yes," the alien queen said in a soft tone, looking at the nearby wall. "I can..."

"And come on. I'm just the... The human," I said with as much of a shrug as I could manage. "Ya know..."

Chrysalis stared at me for a long time. In silence. Clearly she was trying to make this as awkward as possible. I stared back, scowling in challenge.

"You said you'd forgive me," she said at last. "You and your precious God path you follow. Your own sense of right and wrong, all important to you, all signs and remnants of your humanity. A humanity I nearly destroyed, so don't think I don't understand the difficulty." She looked up at me with cold, hurt eyes. "After all... Here you are, a member of the race that wiped out mine. Entirely at my mercy, and I could end it all."

I stared back in silence, grim and thinking. I then sighed.

"Yeah... But you wouldn't," I said. Chrysalis stared back, her eyes darting to the side just for a split second.

"You know that?" She asked in a soft hiss.

"Well, it would be hard to explain, wouldn't it?" I asked. Chrysalis scowled at me, and in a burst of magic I was looking into my own face. I reared back a little as Chrysalis-Me walked up, glaring death at me.

"I could just disguise myself as you. I know your thoughts, your feelings, your mannerisms," she hissed. "I could find out everything else. I do know so much... Just so much..." She looked down. I waited. She sighed, and shook her head. Her shoulders sagged, like mine did when I was practicing an argument in the mirror.

"How ironic," she muttered. "I was the one closest to you apes, who knew you were dangerous. I kept insisting we strike quickly, end it in one blow. The rest of the hive queens preferred to cull our own numbers by making you expend all your weapons-We had trillions, so many to feed, what did they care? It had been so long, and we needed to feed. What could you puny monkeys do to us? We commanded the stars, you had barely begun to scrape at them." She looked up at me again, eyes now filled with... Sorrow? Black humor? Despite the fact she was wearing my face, it was like looking at a stranger.

"For me... It is just as much of a burden, as it is for you," she said softly. "To be the last one. To not know for sure if any one else survived."

I slowly nodded, working my jaw. "Yeah..."

"So," she said, wringing her hands. The action wasn't mine-I wondered if she'd done it as a human back on Earth. If she'd done it to blend in, and then it became real.

"So," I responded. She sighed. I waited. She looked up and shrugged.

"... Arrogance is what got me into this mess in the first place," she said quietly. "What got us all here."

"It doesn't have to be what keeps us going," I replied. She smiled.

"Such an idealist when it suits you," she sighed. "Your race blew mine up."

"Yeah, but we have a lot more than that going for us," I said. "So does yours. You don't just have to be the bad parts of your nature."

She looked at the sleeping Twilight and Fluttershy. She sighed, and rubbed her face. My face. Whatever.

"Would you still think the same thing? Without them here? If we were alone?" She asked. I bowed my head in shame, and I felt her smile. "I see..."

"It's the human condition," I said quickly. "Sometimes we're at our best alone... But we need people to remind us of it. We need contact, good things... Otherwise we just see the bad things. Or if we're in a group of bad, angry people..." I chuckled. "But you knew that."

"I did," she said softly. "I just like hearing you say it... And so you do. Such a bunch of blabbermouths, your race. A saying for every occasion."

"Oh?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "Such as?"

Chrysalis smiled at me.

"I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature," Chrysalis recited, as though in school. I stared at her, and she raised her brows. "Your 16th president's first inaugural address. Lincoln?"

"Yeah," I said with a nod. "I didn't know that's where that came from."

"I read your books," she said. "So many of them..." She eyed Twilight. "She'd probably go mad over it."

"Yeah, she would," I smiled lovingly at my unicorn. "She would..."

"The cocoon will dissolve in about an hour," she said. "You'll be completely healed." She turned to the door, and I frowned.

"Hey! Hang on a second, where are you going with my face and body?" I demanded. She looked over her shoulder and smiled.

"Well, I do need some love energy. And you do tend to promote it, don't you?" She said, her eyes glowing. "Besides, I've seen their fantasies about two of you," she said with a cock of her head back to my mares. She actually shuddered. "Not tonight, Josephine." She opened the door and headed out, shutting it tight behind her. I sighed.

"I just know this is gonna cost me..."

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Author's Notes:

Just a short epilogue to the house story arc, and now, back to one-shot chapters as I had originally intended! Because story arcs are exhausting.

Next Chapter: Twenty-Eight (Updated) Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 44 Minutes
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