
The LUNA Project

by The Equestrian Gentlecolt

Chapter 6: Chapter 4 - Unlocking Secrets

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Queen Celestia tapped a hoof impatiently on the cold stone floor of her throne room. The metallic, bell-like ringing of her golden horseshoes echoed off the high ceilings and walls, sounding out the rhythm of her impatience in perfect time. She idly ran her mind over the world around her as she waited, appearing almost to doze as she re-checked ecological balances and planned the timing of the next major rainstorm that was preparing to cross over the Canterlot farmlands. It was close to perfect, just a tiny bit of an eastern wind this afternoon would be all she'd need to nudge it into place.

Her 285th hoof tap was followed, just a quarter of a beat before the 286th, by the muffled grinding of the huge throne room doors being pushed open. It continued until halfway through her 291st, and then a silver-haired human entered. He was old by human standards, but he had aged well, and carried himself with an air of modest confidence. Celestia stopped her tapping, the corners of her mouth rising to a smile and her eyes opening as the last of the ringing faded away.

"Celestia." The human bowed respectfully. "Your Majesty. It's good to see you again."

Celestia didn't respond immediately, but stepped down from her place in front of her throne and nuzzled the man's shoulder with gentle affection before speaking. "Doctor Montgomery. How has Equestria been treating you?"

Doctor Montgomery let out a chuckle. "You know that as well as anyone, don't you?"

The alicorn rolled her eyes. "Humor me, Doctor, I'm trying to make small talk."

"It's perfect," the human responded. "I'd always intended to keep a garden after I retired anyway. And the view... oh Celestia, with landscapes like these, even my clumsy old hands can't help but make a canvas shine."

Celestia settled onto the floor as the old scientist spoke, her smile fading into seriousness as she cast her eyes down. Doctor Montgomery noticed the change in her demeanor immediately, and knelt down to remain at her level.

"Celestia, what's bothering you? I know you didn't call me here just to listen to me ramble." He extended a hand to raise her chin. And in that moment he was no longer a man addressing a goddess, but merely a concerned father reaching out to his daughter.

The eyes that met his were shining, wet with the beginnings of tears. "Why didn't you tell me?" the alicorn asked plaintively. "Why didn't you tell me I had a sister?"

Luna remained sitting on her haunches, staring at the last article on the screen. She had read everything the computer had to offer, paltry as it was, and it had left her less satisfied than when she began. So the humans her old toy had taught her about were the creatures who had built these machines. That explained why they were in so many of its pictures.

Still, the articles had told her almost nothing about Project LUNA itself, other than that it apparently had to do with magic and putting it into humans. But how did that relate to her? She wasn't a human. She did have magic, though, she was sure that was what the power she'd called on was. It could make predators run away, and apparently it could turn on machines. What else could it do?

"I need to know more," she told the computer.

"Information outside of the Global Knowledge Database is classified and requires authentication," the machine droned.

"What is authentication?" Luna asked. She was determined to get more information, one way or another, and she was getting tired of having unfamiliar words thrown at her.

"Authentication requires a physical key or the entry of a password. Insert key or enter password now." The article was removed from the screen and replaced with a similar prompt, inside of a square.

Username: davidlee

Luna glared at the prompt. This was all that was between her and more information. But she had no idea what sort of word a human would use to protect their information. She decided to explore the other option first. "What is a physical key?"

"Physical keys, or hardware keys, are issued to all Project LUNA employees when they are hired. They are a convenient way to authenticate with the Project LUNA internal networks without having to retype your password at each terminal. It is important to remember that allowing another employee to use your hardware key is the same as revealing your password to them, and leaving one unattended is a severe breach in information security policy."

Luna chewed her bottom lip as she considered the information. "What does one look like?" she asked the machine.

The prompt on the screen vanished, and an image came into view. An image that Luna would recognize anywhere. A smooth white crescent inscribed with the word "LUNA" written down the side. Luna's eyes widened and her ears perked in excitement. That was her shiny!

"I have one of those!" she exclaimed aloud, shooting to her hooves. "I have a key! What do I do with it?"

"A physical key can be inserted into the interface port on the front panel of the computer," the machine droned, clearly not sharing in her excitement. Luna trotted over to it, and immediately recognized a crescent indentation that was just the right size to fit the shiny into. She lifted the chain from around her neck with trembling hooves, lined the crescents up, and pushed in. She was rewarded with a soft click.

"Now what?" she asked, turning back to the screen. But it had already changed, showing the word "Loading" on a dark blue background.

"Welcome, Doctor Montgomery. Network is unavailable. Resuming the previous user's session."

"I'm so sorry, Celestia," Doctor Montgomery said quietly. "She couldn't come with us. She was too young, too incomplete, she wasn't ready to be taken out of her tank yet."

The alicorn turned her head away at the words, shying away from the touch of the human before her. "But why didn't you tell me? Don't I deserve to know? She was my sister!"

"It would only have made you grieve." The human lowered his hand. "There was nothing any of us could have done. We needed to focus on building for the future, preserving what we had left, we couldn't afford to dwell on what we'd lost."

"But even now, three years later, why? Why didn't you say anything?" Celestia's expression hardened suddenly, becoming one of determination. "I need to go back."

"What?" The man looked at her sharply. "Celestia, you can't do that. It was a one way trip, we both know that."

"You guided me once," she pointed out, standing. Doctor Montgomery followed suit.

"And I could guide you again, yes," he admitted. "But the sheer amount of magic you had to expend to even transport yourself here to begin the preparations..."

"I have grown in power over three years' time, Doctor Montgomery."

"I understand that, Your Majesty, but still... to go there and return would be a huge expenditure of your energy. And this world is not ready to be without your guidance for any length of time. I can't in good conscience help you with this."

Celestia stamped a hoof, the clang of its shoe hitting the floor reverberating throughout the room. "Then I will find the way myself," she declared.

Next Chapter: Personal Email File - David Lee Estimated time remaining: 56 Minutes
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